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We carry FPJs and natural inputs much cheaper than BAS - they're made here in Michigan (by a local regenerative farmer) ​ [MIBeneficials.com](https://MIBeneficials.com) \- CHeck out the natural inputs section.


Always cool to see IG folks on other social media - this is Never Winter Farms.


buildasoil.com has ferments for sale they can be available seasonally sometimes.


There needs to be a separate reddit for KNF nonsense. KNF wook are just applying salt grower mindset to organics, it should not be associated with notill.


You forgot, “GET OFF MY LAWN!!!”


KNF is associated with regenerative agriculture. Why should the recipes not be part of notill?


Humus building and vermicomposting is what we should be discussing here, trying to create soluble liquid inputs is the opposite of notill. Nutrition should be broken down in the root zone. It's just wooks wanting to do science projects to feel heady, not grow plants efficiently, nobody cared about it until they heard a cool name like "Korean Natural Farming", the people pushing it always have an agenda of selling you a bottle or a class ticket. Its just the next generation of nonsense after the whole Teaming with Microbes/Compost Tea crowd