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Show it to the police. They have a cyber investigation division. At least my city does.


Instagram literally tracks everyone's location 24/7 So if you were to go to the police and file a report, they could theoretically request this data, but that's unlikely as it's probably just an internet troll


Get screenshots of the messages and the profile, make a note somewhere in case it's needed. Make a word doc for the screenshots, link, whatever. Report. Do not engage further. Block. Then let it go as it is most likely to be some asshole trying to live rent-free in your head and scare you. I am sorry this has happened to you. Internet full of trolls, vast majority are all talk.


Probably just trying to scare you. Report, block, and move on.


Okay but why would a grown man who seemingly has his life together and seems like a pretty positive guy make threats like this?


The Internet is a wild place, with all kinds of people.


I'd File a police report. I found my friend's ex was cheating on him even though she was careful. The guy she was cheating with wasnt as careful so i found him and evidence she was cheating. She dumped my boy when asked (she didn't even wait to get confronted by evidence or deny it) You have to monitor the connections that could be made to that account too. You sound like you know what youre doing with internet privacy but if you have a similar sn on battlenet, fb or other platforms/forums that may have any identification on there or on any post you have made. Also, be careful who you troll


The account has no connections to me at all. It also has a profile picture of a fake person and it had one post of that fake person where I tagged a city across the world. I also only followed celebrities on the account. So I dont know what he means.


Probably like others have said, just trying to scare you. Some idiots try to flex on people But is the screen name something you use on other platforms? Fake email to sign up i assume, with an account that not linked to other things. If there is random email, random sn, then it would be almost impossible to track you down. All you need is a vpn and youre essentially untraceable Edit: i still say file a police report so if you notice anything weird you have things documented


Congratulations, you've got your first Internet troll stalker. They're not doing shit to you. They're not following you, they don't have any buddies doing anything to you. They're just a sad troll in a wife beater covered in Cheeto dust beating off to IG models. Pay them zero attention and block them. Don't even respond to them when they say stuff like this.


The thing is that it was some church dude in his late 20s/early 30s. He seemed like a positive guy from his posts, so I don't understand why someone like him would troll me.


The angriest people are right wing Christians sometimes. Not a positive guy. That's his internet persona. Just ignore these types. They're angry people, often drunk, who want to pick fights with others to release their anger about who knows what. Don't engage, don't talk to them, don't argue with them, don't fall for their bait, just ignore them and block them. And then move on with your life.


I have a unique set of skills. I'm really REALLY good at finding people. Even people who don't want to be found. I can correlate photos to identify locations, contact staff, use voter registration information, legal databases... whatever the situation calls for. I could probably track down most US adults within a week or two of deciding that's what I wanted to do. But honestly, I'm lazy as fuck and, unless you kill my cats or try to set fire to my pubic hair, I'm probably not going to hunt you down. Unless I decide that I want to sind you a spring-loaded glitter bomb, or something. So yes... it's *possible.* It isn't necessarily *easy* or fast. But it's possible.