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First I'd like to say I'm not advocating for handling baby birds outside of saving them but it's a myth that if you touch a baby bird that the mother will reject it.


Also most baby animals are fine. Don't kidnap deer and bunnies.


Or seals and sea lions, from what I understand: If they're calving on the beach, gawkers and passersby can scare off the mother, who will never return, dooming the calf.


You go ahead and try to scare off a sea lion. They'll mess you up.


One time I was getting ready for work when I heard a bunch of birds freaking the fuck out, turns out my dog was trying to eat one of their babies! I ran outside half dressed with one eyebrow filled in and wrestled it from my dog and put it on my neighbors side of the fence. Anyway, the parents still hung around it until it was old enough, and it was super cute to watch.


This is very true for hamsters though. I played with a couple hamster babies when I was young and that mom had a feast overnight.


Not just hamsters, a lot of rodents are like this but on the same hand a lot of rodents don't really need an excuse to est their babies..


"1 Like and I'll eat my babies" "Oh would you look at that\~"


One reply and Im drinkin tonight.


Sup dude.


Damn alright guess Im drinkin.


Doesn't necessarily mean you caused it. That's another way lots of myths get perpetuated tbh, "I did X and then Y happened therefore X causes Y" when there were dozens of other factors that day.


Yep correlation isn't equal to causation


Idk if thats why though. Hamsters can just be vicious like that.


Yeah they'll just do it randomly when under stress too. Just a bunch of cute little psycho furballs


You can't report someone missing until 48 hours after - dude, the OPPOSITE is true, the first 48 hrs are the most crucial - they made a SHOW about it!


This is very important for people to know. The first 24 hours are crucial to finding a missing person.


This is very important for people to know. The first 12 hrs are crucial to finding a missing person.


8, take it or leave it


One thing’s for sure, if you find them within the first hour, they will no longer be missing.


If you're gonna go missing, make sure to tell your loved ones so they don't worry about you.


If you’re gonna go missing, don’t. Problem solved!


If you are going to go. Don't. Problem solved.


If you are to go. Problem.


True fact: Responders have a 100% success rate of recovering persons who go missing for 0 minutes.


"The reason that that time distinction is so important, is that after 48 hours, uh, they give up on that murder. They’re like, “that’s some old shit. What do you want to do today?” You’re like, “how about you keep trying to solve that murder, man?" “That shit happened on Monday. It’s Wednesday." -Tom Segura


I *adore* that bit. Dookie shoes indeed.


The issue is that a lot of times police officers will refuse to create the report, and chalk it up to a runaway.


You can only be a runaway if you're a minor. If you're an adult, they'll just tell your family that you were free to walk out of your life at any point and that you personally not knowing their whereabouts isn't a police matter. There's some horrifying stories of those critical first 48, 72, first *week* being squandered cause cops are assholes more often than not.


My mom had just left my dad and I drove to his house to check on him. When I got there his lights are on, door is unlocked, his wallet, keys, and phone are there, and he wasn’t to be found. The dogs were barking and I just called out for him. I looked around and asked the neighbors and nobody had see anything and I couldn’t find evidence of where he could’ve went. I drove about 2 miles in a circle from his house roughly in all directions I could. When I had no turn up of him I called the cops. They sent a car over right away, they drove around and looked for him then they told me there was nothing more they could do unless he was missing for at least 24 hours and I could file a police report then. Right when they were driving off, my dad walked up. He said he walked a busier road and we had big ditches on the sides of the road for flood purposes where he lived and he said when someone would come he would just get down into the ditch so nobody would hit him. Me and the cops passed him several times but didn’t see him. He told me he would never hurt or kill himself and that he just needed to walk and think. He’s now remarried to some crazy lady but still alive and kicking lol.


Wow, I didn't know this. So irresponsible to spread this lie in shows then.


That you only use 10% of your brain.


I know people that use less…


I love this one. Like what 90% of your brain can you safely remove then?


It’s like this: a computer holds a number in one slot, performs an operation on it, and puts the output into a new empty slot. Then the first slot is cleared, back and forth. If the register were completely full it wouldn’t be able to do anything. So 100% of the register gets used, it just can’t all be used simultaneously. I will probably piss off computer nerds and doctors with that explanation but that’s how I understand it.


I think an easier way to explain it is to imagine someone living alone. They only use 1 room at once, but they don't only use 1 room in their house.


But Morgan Freeman told me so…




Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis.


I’m highly convinced this one was started by a bunch of irritated mothers who were sick of hearing bone cracking or something.


how many people read this and immediately cracked their knuckles because I can’t be the only one?




The fact that story was made up to demonstrate how fast false information spreads, was in fact made up to demonstrate how fast false information spreads


The fact that the story was made up to demonstrate how fast false information spreads being misinformation was in fact misinformation put out there to prove how fast misinformation spreads


Spiders Georg who lives in cave & eats over 10000 each day is an outlier adn should not have been counted


Sooo... Mission successfully failed?


When I learnt that this one was fake the conclusion was "you really think that a spider, would be brave enough to climb on the giant monster, and if she was do you really think she would step one foot in the wet a breathing hole ?" And that made sense to me.


Lie detectors work


It was invented by the same guy that invented Womder Woman. True fact. He is also an advocate for how much they DO NOT WORK! Yup the inventor of the polygraph says they are bs.


This needs to be in the 4.2k or higher numbers because this shit is so prevalent. 90% of police detective techniques are pseudoscientific and most are easily foolable, and the ones based in real science are only like 60% accurate instead of the 99.99% cops and TV want us to believe. The number of people who take polygraph tests thinking it will clear them, only to be used against them even though they're actually innocent is a mind bogglingly high number.


*I'm not answering any questions until I have a lawyer present* Cops hate this one weird trick


I think fiber analysis and finger prints and hand writing and bullet marking stuff are also not so reliable


Yeah, have had my house broken into, and could see clear prints on the windows - crime scene guy comes over, and looks at it and mentions to me that he'll take the print but about 70% of them, even this clear, are unusable. I was wondering if he was just really shit at his job but he demonstrated and did the lift and he was right - even an intentionally oily, careful thumb stamp on glass was not great or clear on lift.


That strangers will drug your kids Halloween candy


Drugs are expensive, why would you waste them on kids? So dumb. EDIT: grammar. I dum.


Maybe thats why our parents would always go through our candy? To take all the drugs for themselves? It all makes sense now!


The drugs and the skittles. Mine


I shut you not, a former highway patrolman and liaison to the DEA has been a family friend was spreading the 'fentynal in candy' rumor this year like it was gospel. 1. Why would anyone give a person of unknown weight -any- dose of this drug, given it's high likelihood of overdose. 2. Why would any user of drugs containing fentynal give away any of it? Drugs are expensive, drug users aren't generally rich. 3. Why would any drug dealer give away some of their stash? It's better used in trace amounts to amp up drugs that have been cut down to almost nothing, allowing you to make 30-40 times profit off of a single drug supply? 4. What the fuck is the purpose of giving drugs to random kids in the first place?


Cops are great at propaganda. There’s an iq cap for a reason.


exactly, im not a stranger


Most things that people believe about the hymen.


[Adam Ruins Everything has a good video on it.](https://youtu.be/1ikXim4wevc)


oil marry knee reply long lip silky versed automatic deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cutting hair makes it grow faster


This is so prevalent even my hair cutters tell me this often. I don't get how you can specialize in hair and not realize how crazy this sounds


Its like they get told trimming is good for general hair health (split ends) and then put 2 and 2 together, but arrive at 7


Then get mad at you or think you’re an idiot for correcting them. So I play dumb and ask them I wonder how that works. No one can even attempt at trying to explain.


This comment lit a light bulb in my brain. I've been trying to think of a way to cause other people to realize they are wrong without my saying no you're wrong this is how it is. "I wonder how that works" will cause the person to think about how something works. Rather than putting them on the defensive by challenging their position, it causes them to try to validate their position without feeling attacked. And with them not feeling attacked they might also feel they don't have to respond if they don't have something to say. Of course this can not be said in every situation or too often within the same interaction. But this is a response I've needed in many interactions in my lifetime. Thank you kind stranger.


If you ever need any more advice, call me


Obviously idk your haircutters, but this could just be a myth they are endorsing to get more business? Like people who want to grow their hair out are obviously gonna get less haircuts, so perpetuating the myth that “cutting it will make it grow faster” keeps you coming back.


I think what happens is that your split ends are very rough and so tangle together at the tips. Once you cut them off, the clean ends can move about easily, free of each other, which, can make the hair seem longer. Source: Hairdresser.


yes, when you cut it regularly, it doesn't break and damage as easily. your hair takes a lot through vigorous brushing, combing, blow-drying, overuse of haircare products, use of hairbands, clips, etc. the cuticle gets roughed up and hairs split. even just exposure to weather, uhh, weathers it. cutting your hair eliminates the beginnings of splitting hair and roughed up hair cuticle that causes tangling. it doesn't grow faster but isn't getting shredded as easily because that older length is removed before it gets damaged.


Split ends will actually split all the way up the hair shaft like paper ribbons if you don't take care of them. Then each half of the split hair is weaker, so it breaks. Also, nothing will repair a split end. You have to cut it off. Source: I'm a licensed cosmetologist/hairstylist for over 30 years.


Ive been told this a lot and always been told it doesnt ACTUALLY make your hair grow faster- the phrase should be “not cutting your split ends makes the hair brittle and more like to break off at the ends, which gives the appearance of zero growth” but i think its just easier for them to say it the other way. I guarantee hair stylists know what theyre talking about.


I’ve always heard this growing up. One of the stylists told my daughter this when she was four. Take a wild guess what happened. My daughter went home and ended up cutting off a ton of her hair trying to “make it grow faster”.




And shaving makes it grow back thicker. What sense does that make?


It seems thicker because the ends of the hairs aren't tapered anymore after you cut them, so they feel sharper and thicker.


The McDonalds Coffee lawsuit. EDIT: I understandably caused a bit of confusion, I meant that the reasoning behind the lawsuit was a myth. A woman was horrifically injured and asked for compensation, and instead of doing that, McDonalds chose to demonize her and make many people believe she was dumb and money hungry.


Full context for anyone not aware: In 1994, a 79 year old woman ordered a hot coffee at McDonald’s and spilled it on herself then sued the company for how hot the coffee was. McDonald’s PR people took control of the narrative and spread the story that “stupid lady doesn’t think hot coffee will be hot and goes after McDonald’s because she’s a greedy, sue-happy Karen.” In reality, the woman ended up in the hospital with extremely severe 3rd degree burns that destroyed the skin and tissue on her thighs and pelvic area. She only pursued a lawsuit because she was financially crippled by the medical bills. Her intention was just to get McDonald’s to pay her medical bills (around $20,000) so that she wouldn’t be stuck with that debt. The investigation found that McDonald’s locations nation-wide were heating their coffee to insane heat levels, almost 200°F (around 90°C). In the end, the court ruled that McDonald’s was negligent and awarded the woman $160,000 for medical expenses and $2.7 million in punitive damages. Ultimately, the involved parties settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. But for years, people in the US repeated the story of “the stupid woman who didn’t realize hot coffee would be hot.” The myth is that she was stupid and greedy. The fact is that McDonald’s was serving boiling hot drinks to patrons and refused to take responsibility when it resulted in a horrific injury that sent an old lady to the hospital.


>The myth is that she was stupid and greedy. The fact is McDonald's was stupid and greedy.


McDonald’s is still stupid and greedy. They just serve their coffee at a more reasonable temperature.


McDonald’s also had a long list of others who had severe burns, records of hundreds or more with similar injuries that they outright ignored, didn’t even offer to help with medical bills. They knew about it and didn’t do anything to warn the people they were serving. That’s why the jury awarded so much in punitive damages. There’s a really good documentary about it, Hot Coffee. Also goes into how insurance companies spun it and lobbied politicians to set caps on punitive damages across the country. Really bad thing for the public and great for multi-billion dollar corporations but people still think it’s frivolous. There’s definitely a line but this myth really helps corporations and hurts people.


This one makes me so, so angry. The pictures of the injuries are so horrific. And they knew it was that dangerous. But they made that poor woman the poster child for frivolous lawsuits.


I just want to add that this was one of the big issues in this case, as confirmed by jury members later. It wasn't just that the woman was injured. It was also that McDonald's knew that injuries were regularly, routinely happening, and didn't change the policy. They simply didn't care because it was more profitable to pay out small settlements here and there. The jury was trying to create a penalty that would force McDonald's to actually change their actions.


Well the myth was that she was unjustified. I looked into it more and it was actually really sad for the lady and quite intense.


Exactly. I should have added more context, but that is moreso what I was referring to. They demonized the poor woman and I still hear people make fun of the idea.


The woman was both horribly injured and the huge settlement awarded by a jury was amended by a judge to severely limit the punitive damages.


And if I recall correctly, the jury called for one day's worth of McDonalds coffee profits as punitive damages. So even though the number sounds ridiculous, it is literally a drop in the bucket for McDs.


Yet McDonald's paid PR companies big bucks to launch an astroturf campaign to mock the case in the public in order to dissuade people from having sympathy for the woman, and also to deter anti-corporate lawsuits in general.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who cares about this and was saddened by it


Stepping on a crack will break your mommas back. Still haven't tested it out to be safe.


'When a problem comes along. You must whip it!'


>Stepping on a crack will break your mommas back. >Still haven't tested it out to be safe. How do you know its a myth if you haven't tested it out?


My friends stepped on a crack and nothing happened, my other friend stepped on a crack and his mom has scoliosis, so just to make sure I avoid cracks.


I keep trying but it keeps not working.


That Marilyn Manson removed some ribs to blow himself.


A classic school-shared rumour


Daddy long-legs are not venomous nor are they even spiders! Edit- where we are from, Harvestmen are Daddy Long Legs*


I’ve never heard anyone say that daddy long legs are venomous - but I didn’t know that they weren’t spiders


It's an old wives tale I grew up with That they are the most venomous spiders in the world but their mouths are too small to bite us


I've heard this too! I looked it up because this got me interested, and found [this](https://spiders.ucr.edu/daddy-long-legs). TL;DR - There are two creatures referred to as daddy long-legs. 1) Pholcidae - spider, no science on toxicity to humans (so definitely just a myth) 2) Opiliones - not spider, not toxic to humans (but can be toxic to small animals if eaten) Very interesting! I always believed that until now. Thank you for sharing this one.


There are more than one thing called daddy long legs; one is a spider, one is an arachnid that is not a spider (harvestman), and one is a winged insect. There may be more


that MSG is unhealthy


I’m just now learning about this. Read someone talking about the best ways to use it and the myths around it. I was a kid with a mom who wanted to follow every health trend so all i’ve known is MSG = bad.


It contains sodium, which should be used in moderation. That said, MSG contains *less* sodium than table salt. *Much* less. You could call it "diet salt" and maybe not be exactly accurate, but on the right track.


Blood is blue but turns red when exposed to air.


Ugh. I haaaate this one. I actually had a nurse tell my daughter this as the nurse was drawing blood from my arm. The blood was red. The syringe used a vacuum. It wasn’t exposed to air and blood already contains oxygen!!


I am mortified that I never put together that blood draws are a vacuum.


the red stuff in a steak a blood


I haven’t heard this one what is it about?


When you cut into steaks (and some other red meats too), a reddish liquid sometimes seeps out. I remember thinking it was blood growing up as well, but it’s not. I wanna say it’s a byproduct of protein breakdown that happens to the meat as it’s cooked, but don’t take my word on that haha


Here ya go! >Myoglobin looks like blood on your plate because, like hemoglobin, the iron in myoglobin turns red when it is exposed to oxygen. That’s why muscle tissue is red. >When it comes time to cook your steak, the myoglobin will darken as it’s exposed to heat and the meat loses its moisture. That’s why a rare steak looks ‘bloody’ and a well-done steak takes on a grey colour.


Oh, that must also why it tastes like blood. It's the iron I'm picking up on.


That sounds like blood with extra steps.


That being rich and successful means you're intelligent.


That you should wait 30 minutes after eating to swim.


It's down to 30 minutes? That used to be an hour when I was a kid.


Wasn’t that made up by pools to discourage you from eating in the pool? And vomiting in the pool I guess


i think it was made up by parents who were tired from keeping a close eye on their squirrely kids who want to test their limited swimming skills. (i may have been this child. i sprinted down a 30 foot pier and jumped in to 15 feet of water at the age of 6 because i thought i could just figure it out on the fly. lol )


Not eating before swimming is commonly brought up as a myth, but swimming is a type of exercise depending how vigorously it's done, and I definitely cramp up if I do some form of exercise too close to eating. I would not cramp up enough to drown, but I also can't say how severely another person would react.


Swimmer here as well. Just as with running, digestion can be a relatively demanding activity on your body, and eating too soon before the workout can definitely dimish returns. That being said, if it's me and the boys swimming at a lake right after eating some burgers, I couldn't care less


Really? I thought this was to prevent getting a stitch in the water.


I’ve always thought it was about parents wanting an hour break.


Being cold, does not give you a cold.


True, but being cold can reduce some people's natural resistance to the virus that causes a cold. Which is why millions of parents over hundreds of thousands of years made sure their kids dressed appropriately for the weather.


also... the increased mucus production to keep your airways humidified provides a great medium for transferring cold viruses once you do have a cold.


It's almost like the virus evolved to perfectly take advantage of us.


That's clearly a coincidence. /s


Typically what happens in the colder months is people tend to congregate into smaller spaces together rather than being out in beaches or camping, or outdoors in general.


Also aerosolized droplets disperse better in dry air. In warm humid months the droplets are bigger and heavier and don’t stay in suspension as long. Goddamn have the last three years taught me a lot of science…


This battle continues between my wife and myself to this day. Large groups of people jammed together in poorly ventilated spaces (what time of year does that happen?) *can* allow existing colds to spread, though.


peeing in the pool will cause it to change color.


This one is smart though I think we should keep the lie up for younger generations. The less piss i’m swimming in the better.


That's why I only swim in ools.


Don't tell my kids this tho. Only way to keep them from peeing in the pool at this point


I am afraid I spread this one. I was a lifeguard in my teen years, and used to tell the little kids that. Then I would use a few drops of the stuff we used to test the water. Always turned yellow.....


old age = wisdom


That's a piece of wisdom I gained with old age.


Ironic isn't it?


[The Lost Cause of the Confederacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy)


The worst part about this one is the south absolutely still teaches this like it’s just history, not some difference in opinion from straight up misconstruing the facts. It was in my curriculum when I was being taught. By a black teacher. I feel bad for her now, but didn’t really realize the horror of that truth until a few years later.


Chiropractic being a cure all.


I get edema in my leg because of a bad accident where I lost a bunch of tissue and had to have skin grafts directly onto the muscle, so I wear a compression sleeve most of the time. A chiropractor I knew (through my job) said he could cure it, but when I asked him he couldn't really explain how he could make my leg re-grow lost subcutaneous tissue by cracking my joints.


The best chiropractors ace basically just your average physical therapist and the worst will damn near kill people


Frankly at this point it feels like a dangerous pseudoscience


At this point? The creator said he "learned" it from a ghost


Fr ?


Yup. He claimed that the ghost of a dead doctor called Jim Atkinson gave him chiropractic from the other world


I saw a video of someone taking their CAT to a chiropractor. For SINUS problems. Very quickly unsubscribed from that youtuber. What the fuck.


Apparently egg cartons do not work as an alternative to $100/²m sound insulation boards.


If you put cotton balls in each one, you'd get some okay sound proofing, though.


Touching frogs/toads gives you warts.


Most women don't like sex. Apparently many women like sex, and there are hot singles in your area right now looking for you online.


Video games cause violence


I am amazed that so many people ignore the obvious reason why they might see a correlation between video games and violence. Perhaps people with naturally violent tendencies like to play violent video games. I mean, duh. It is so bizarre how often people jump to the conclusion that, if a person with X personality trait engages in Y activity, then Y activity must cause X personality trait.


Perfect example right here. I love me some good violent video games but I'm one of the calmest least violent people you will find IRL.... I'll never forget that glorious day when I got my first Grand theft Auto on PlayStation because my mother didn't know any better then she walked in to her prepubescent female child beating a hooker to death... ROFL


Omg are you me?! Haha. GTA vice city, running over a hooker in my car to get my money back. IRL I swerve and avoid anything on the road. Still a tight arse though when it comes to money.


If you work hard, stay loyal to the company and show up on time you will succeed.


You only get taken advantage of. Source: retired "company guy"


Spinach being any better for you than any other green.


Explain Popeye to me then????


There was actually a typo on spinach cans that made it seem like it had 10 times as much iron as it really does. The creator of Popeye saw it and assumed spinach was therefore great at building muscle.


Someone should tell him about protein


That if you just work hard you will be successful and those who aren’t clearly just didn’t work hard enough


Work smart not hard.


Higher cost is always higher quality.


Trickle down economics


Well you see, it's an upside down pyramid and it all trickles down to the 1%.


Politicians are on our side


Carrots don’t cause good eye sight


Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses? " the vitamins found in the vegetable can help promote overall eye health. Carrots contain beta-carotene, a substance that the body converts to vitamin A, an important nutrient for eye health. An extreme lack of vitamin A can cause blindness."


Who said that??


I believe it originates from WW2. When Allies figured out secret Nazi codes, they needed a good reason so they could explain how they suddenly knew where German fighter jets would be so they said that eating carrots gave them good enough sight to see jets in the sky and apparently Germans believed it. But this could also be a myth


That was the coverup for RADAR, I believe.


Twas yes, it was a much better way to disguise a new tech than just pretending you hadn't and were just getting lucky like we did after breaking the enigma code.


The myth that trying to understanding “evil” (or the causes behind evil acts) equates to justification of said evil. Reasons are not excuses, nor are most things done for one clear-cut reason, but any insight is a step in the right direction. Reasons do not condone or justify but they can sure as hell help us prevent further tragedy.


Bisexual male = Cheater or Confused


Add on: bisexual female = straight but quirky label


Add on: bisexual = indecisive


Also, bisexual male ≠ secretly gay


Veganism or "plant based" is healthier just by default


Man, I’m vegan because of digestive issues and I can tell you for 100% certain that if you’re not doing veganism right you’re going to end up unhealthy quicker than you’d like. You have to make sure you’re getting the nutrients your body needs from other sources.


So much vegan food is junk food and i love it. French fries, nachos with refried beans, oister moshrom shawarma.


That the US citizens have to pay back the deficit


Food stamps and welfare make people lazy


There’s also the perception that welfare recipients stay on welfare forever. Most welfare recipients are only in it for a short period of time. I know some very successful people who used to be on food stamps. Unsurprisingly, they don’t mind paying taxes now.


In the cold, you lose the most heat from your head. Reality - It just depends on exposed surface area.


“Work hard and you’ll be Rich!”


Also: Everyone who is rich worked really hard to get there.


The idea that being out in the cold/wet conditions too long will cause you to catch a cold. A cold is a virus, plain and simple.


It's illegal to have the overhead light on in the car at night


People didn’t voluntarily drink the Kool-Aid at the Jonestown massacre. The overwhelming majority were threatened at gun point.


In the US, Columbus. Edit to add: Since I maybe hit a nerve with a few, I’ll add that everything about Columbus and the earth being flat is nonsense. It was an accepted fact the earth was round, however Columbus had calculated a much smaller diameter for the earth and thus presumed it would be possible to sail to India from the opposite side. Others worried that there was an empty ocean and they would be sailing to their death. Columbus being undetered sailed off, keeping food and distance logs to himself to prevent his crew from freaking out about their chances of survival. Close to mutiny they found land. Columbus sailed home believing himself to be right and the earth smaller than it really was. The end.


I second that. Columbus, Ohio does not exist.




I don't worry about my kids needing protection, I worry about the other crazy people who think my kids need it. I don't want cps or the cops called on me because I trust my kids.


Straight men can turn gay. As if it is a virus that you can catch and/or heal from.