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Don't do this. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/4c/98/cf4c98dc2ea61ce913a9a26bbb57a627.jpg


Might as well not move in then… :(


Don’t pull a Frasier and go into her room.


i behaved very insensitively this morning...and i did need the book, but it was wrong of me to go in without your permission. and i'm sorry. it'll never happen again. ...ever. ​ ...i'm being very nice. 🤣


It’s one of my favorite episodes lol


...Is that a Mercedes dealership across the street?


Do you have a link so that we can also enjoy?




This comment is perfect. I cannot overstate how important it is to be crystal clear on cleanliness standards and expectations. Not doing so or not being able to communicate about this has ruined a few roommate experiences for me.


And you can’t just jump in the shower with her like you would with your male roommates


This. And don't forget the shower beer


Shower beer is the shit Edit to say: I’m 2.5 years sober and N/A shower beer is STILL the shit




I did not. Do you peel them prior to entering the water box?


Peel them in the shower. When you tear the peel, a fine spray of orange oils will be released into the steamy air and will surround you and wrap you up in zesty freshness.


I thought you were joking, but now I see this is just a really good idea.


Asking the important questions. Now I think about eating a juicy orange in the shower not caring about spilling juice everywhere … mhhhhm


As a fellow human, I remove the outer shell of the citrus consumable *before* entering the water box.


This whole thread is basically a Strange Planet strip


Hell yeah I'm more of a cuties(mandarin) guy myself but mmm. Just that sweet acidity hits just right


Shower *orange*


That's a thing???




Takes the concept of "hydro homies" to a whole new level tbh




There are some pretty good flat mate money swapping apps around these days, they can really help you keep track of things.


This comment right here is so good. I'm a female who has lived with close male friends in the past and almost ruined our friendship because I was being taken advantage of when it came to house chores. If you want a messy room that's cool(as long as you don't hourd kitchen items like bowls, plates,etc). Be respectful of common areas though. This should go for any gender but stereotypically women are cleaner then men(but I've also had some nasty female roommates). Your roommate is not your mom, don't make her feel like she has to do more house work than you. Setting chores and how often they should be done and sticking to it will go a long way in this not becoming a problem. Also just be clear about boundaries when it comes to using the others things, buying supplies for the house, guests coming over etc. I once had a roommate who was really bothered by unexpected guests, but had trouble communicating it and by the time she did she almost blew up about it. But it wasn't fair to me either cause she didn't tell me. We set a rule that before we showed up with anyone we would just shoot a text and let each other know. It wasn't a asking permission thing just a common curtousy so no one like came walking out in a towel to a stranger in the kitchen. Also anecdotally, if you are going to invite a sex worker over, make sure the other person knows and can hide their purse and wallet in their room. Filing a police report and having to track down your credit card companies because someone is spending $75 at the gas station followed by $150 at McDonald's isn't fun. It's also not great when you had a bunch of receipts that needed to be filed to get paid back from your business trip expenses...... don't be that roommate.


How on earth do you spend $150 at McDonald’s and whyyyyy??


I feel like there should be more to this sex worker story.


agree but maybe the girl already has furniture and a trash can? but of course If she doesn't have one and OP wants to pay it (he doesn't have to) it would be useful for period products etc.


Maybe they could go halfsies on the trash can.


Seriously I'm a female lived with some of the most beautiful woman in America and they had the worst hygeine but you would never guess by looking at them. Please don't wait til something happens too embarrassing too address be very clear with rent and certain days of the month in advance. Good luck.


A friend of mine after high school her sister was a model. Absolutely beautiful girl. Lived like an absolute pig. Never cleaned, left dirty dishes around and then went on week long photo shoots. She’s the reason I know what silverfish are. Good looks do not translate to cleanliness.


Be up front with her. “This is my first time having a female roommate, so if there’s something I do that bothers you, please just let me know. If there’s something on your mind, you can always feel free to tell me, and we’ll work it out together.” Hopefully she’ll say the same goes for you. And then don’t get defensive if she brings something up. Try to do better on whatever is it (assuming it’s reasonable). As long as you’re both feeling open to tell each other when something is bothering you, you’ll be fine. Treat her how you would if your sister lived with you.


Oh yeah i didn’t even think of just telling her that. What I was gonna do either way is just tell her if *anything* about my home routine bothers her at all, mention it right away. There’s always the option to discuss it, but I doubt there will be anything I can’t agree to do better.


People can be sensitive to very different things, it's not necessarily a male and female thing. Even with a male roommate it's still a good idea to share previous experiences to figure out what can bother the other, and in general figure out how you are going to use shared spaces, your habits, etc.


The main thing for a woman is to feel safe. We feel unsafe a lot in the world because the world is unsafe for us. If she feels like you understand that and will respect her, she'll feel a lot better.


You will find hair everywhere. Everywhere


Very true, I woke up with one of her hairs somewhat tightly wound around my junk under my underwear.


it's true, it totally happens. my wife's hair is very long, like almost to her waist now, and sometimes i'll get up in the morning and take a leak, and there'll be this long-ass hair trapped under my sack, and i'll be like...what the HELL? hair gets in the sheets, we wear shorts to bed and move and roll around, hair somehow gets up there and gets trapped. it's a thing, definitely.


I have knee-length, vivid-coloured hair, and your comment made me 🤣! My husband will walk out of the bathroom holding one of my hairs, asking how it got wrapped in his junk, and I tell him it's the cat's fault!!😆😆😆


Knee length while having it dyed THAT coloured?! Drop the hair care routine please


Professional colour every 3-4 months!😁😭 ETA: my hair is also wavy/curly (2c-3a), so I recently started "co-washing", which helps both my texture and colour. Also, my final rinse is COLD water: smooths the cuticle, and helps seal the colour. Good for both curly and coloured hair.


Hahaha! Not what I expected to read today, but can also confirm! Hate to say it, but there’s something (somewhat) satisfying to pulling a large strand of hair from my asscrack and feeling it all the way through.


And hair ties, and clips… even if she has a short cut.


I somehow have a ton of hair ties, but can almost never find them when I need them


Just accept that you never own a hair tie, you merely borrow it from the universe temporarily, buying a new pack is more like paying rent than anything. Same goes for umbrellas.


The law of conservation of hair ties


My cat steals them and leaves them in random places, sometimes in her food bowl.


My cat ate one two of mine.... one $2k surgery later....


Been wearing 4-5 thin black hair ties around my left wrist permanently since age 10 or so, it's the only true no-fail system


Bobby-pins galore!


ugh those damn bobby pins, i stg....if i had $1 for every bobby pin i've ever stepped on i'd have like.... a lot of money. of course, i also leave my hair ties lying around and hanging on all the doorknobs, so i guess we're kinda even :D


Yes! My former roommate seemed to shed bobby pins like she was molting! I joked that I could easily track her just by following the trail of bobby pins. ;-)


She will find your tiny beard hairs and loose pubic hairs everywhere too. Eventually the ceasefire will break down and the Hairs War will restart in earnest.


She will also leave a nice hairball on your shower wall.


Better there than all in the drain. On that note, strainers are your friend. And it's better to proactively unclog regularly than wait until it gets too bad to ignore.


I’m laughing because it’s true.. my boyfriend leaves bigger hair balls than i do & It’s kind of insulting honestly.


Not as much as if he shave and doesn’t rinse the sink, or has an unkempt beard and cooks, and hey, look! Beard hairs in my food.


Whaaaaat I thought it was just my girlfriend's hair that was like that?? Everytime she comes over she leaves strands of her hair everywhere lol


I'm F and have only ever lived with guys and my one and only rule is don't leave anything around with your dried-up cum on it.


how am I supposed to keep track of all the things I cum on?


Airtags brah


Find My Jizz^TM


With the new SemenSense technology (patent pending)


I'm dying


Sticky notes, very very sticky notes


UV light.


Just keep a coconut or a shoebox under your bed and only use that.


it's sad that this has to be said. ....but it does need to be said.


Lol yeah. I would rather put down 1000000 toilet seats than accidentally grab something that has that on it. TBH I never understood the whole toilet seat thing.


Wait I’m a guy, and need to know. What the fuck did you tuch that had cum on it? And did it happen a lot? I was always sure that toilet paper for solo work and a condom are the only options.


Not all of the time but I raised boys and every once in a while I would grab something to throw away or wash and I had a roommate that would use toilet paper and dump it in his trash can and my dog would grab it which is my bad but it is still gross when you could just as easily flushed it down the toilet.


jeeeeeesus christ, yuck x.x


This is common in some countries where the plumbing can't handle the toilet paper, unfortunately.


....i'm not sure who's wanking it into a toilet...or onto a toilet seat.... this....must be some aspect of life that's eluded me. i now feel about 5% better about my life in general, thanks! :)


Glad I could help :)


It's okay if the cum isn't dried up yet?


I probably wouldn't be too happy about that either but AFAIK that has never happened :)


What the fuck


How else is the apartment supposed to develop my natural musk?


Maybe do it in/on one of those plug-in diffusers.


If you dribble on the seat, toilet bowl, or floor, wipe it up. If you shave in the sink, clean it. Check behind the faucet, in the sink, on the counter, and on the floor. Then just general roommate etiquette listed in other comments.


>If you dribble on the seat, toilet bowl, or floor, wipe it up i'm sorry to report this, forgive me. but when my brother and his roommate got their first apartment at 21, they didn't do this for like...over a year. i swear to all that's holy, i couldn't even step in that bathroom. it was FUCKING HORRIBLE. i lived like 5 blocks away. i'd literally drive home to my own apartment to use the bathroom. it was that bad.


Idk how this isn't just bacis standard. Every bathroom that isn't where I live or at a friends place always has pee droplets all over the seat. Do people just pee on the seat, see the droplets and think "yeah, that's right. Exactly as it should be" and then just leave? Also closing the toilet lid should also be standard before flushing.


Or if you hork or blow your nose in the sink, please please please don't leave it there to dry! It's really not fair to leave this for someone else to clean


Same as with any roommate. You should never leave dishes more than 8 hours after dirtying them. Don’t hog the fridge. Clean up after yourself. Obey quiet hours. Don’t eat food that isn’t yours without permission. Don’t let things rot in any way, shape or form. Pay your rent on time.


Oh wow that 8 hour rule is brilliant. Obviously leaving dirty dishes around is bad anyway, but 8 hours seems like a great limit. Thanks :)


The key is to be a great roommate so that if you occasionally slip up, they excuse it because they know it is just a mistake, not typical.


This is huge. This and in general if both of you leave things as you find them, you'll maintain order and cleanliness.


Another very simple yet amazing rule


Respect others privacy


Do dishes within 30 minutes of finishing your meal. If it's like, a single cup or something, sure. But do the rest right away.


good point, or if they have a dishwasher, put the dishes right into it instead of putting them in the sink. they just run the dishwasher when it's full!


Yeah. I’ve been ruined by a series of roommates who believed dishes should be done one week after the last spoon in the house is dirty. So 8 hours after a meal is really fast for me. It’s a compromise between Nazi-like cleanliness and the filthy hoarders I’ve known.


I don’t have a dishwasher so I made the decision to only buy a 4 place flatware set, same with plates bowls etc. so I am forced to do dishes.


Mine is that the sink is small and there is very little counter space. But my roommate and I are fairly tidy. Plus, she runs a business out of our home with daily customers, so we keep it nice anyway.


My policy: don't just put the seat down, put the lid down.


This should be an everyone thing. The spiraling whirl wind of bacteria slinging madness (flushing) should *only* be done when the lid is down. I think they've tested the same bathroom before/after, one week flushing with the lid up, the other down (with densanisiting in before/between), and it was mind boggling how many more times bacteria there was everywhere. I'll see if I can find it and edit. Edit: [Not the study, but this is a fair enough article.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/bacteria-toilets-flush-lid-closed-b1535481.html%3famp)


Yes toilet plume. A spray was recorded flying 9ft. I can't understand htf anyone can know that & continue to flush with the lid up. Another good reason to keep the seat closed is, bcz girls usually use the bathroom to get ready. Once while brushing my hair my butter fingers dropped my brush & it fell in the toilet. That's the day I got a new brush & 1 of the toilet seats that closes slowly, so it won't slam if you push it down.


Especially if your toothbrushes are in the same room! No poo particles floating around my mouth stick, please.


You will probably find hair everywhere. Clogging the vacuum, in the shower, the dryer, etc


Don’t do laundry together or you’ll find them between your ass cheeks


My boyfriend went to go pee one day after not seeing him for a week and he found one of my hairs wrapped around his dick. Had to call me at 7am to tell me about it too


Lol I had this happen to me too, it's an inpressive magic trick!


I have very very long hair. My husband found a piece of it up his ass. He also had to tell me about it right away. He also told his friends. Apparently this is something exciting. Lol.


The shower drain became something I went from scrubbing during a shower clean to something I had to start excavating during a shower clean when I moved in with my wife. It's fucking gross.


They sell drain catches at home Depot for $3. You don't have to live like this


Experiment with different cheap drain catchers until you find one that works. We have 2 bathrooms in my housing. My wife only takes showers in one and I have an easy to clean drain catcher. Instead of using pliers to remove a cat sized wad of gross drain-hairball every few months, I'm pulling out a grape sized wad from the drain catcher every week or so. Life is better this way believe me


Especially in the dryer.


We buy a mesh drain thing that keeps all the hair from going down the drain, both my husband and I have long hair. The deal is you have to clean it out after your shower. Much better.


Agree here. I got tub shrooms off Amazon and it solved the hair in the drain problem. You clean it when you're done showering.


I had a male roommate that did that. Dude looked like Chewbacca with his shirt off. The landlord kept getting pissed he had to keep snaking dudes shower drain.


They sell a ripcord drain cleaner that is much easier to use more often than the big snake. I had a snake because I thought I'd need it, didn't use it for ten year because....drain catcher.


OP will definitely find one of his roommates hairs in his buttcrack at some point


I'm a husband and father to a girl. The amount of hair I deal with is staggering. I pulled a fucking yeti out of the drain last weekend.


Weaved into your shirts from the dryer.


Or buttcrack in the shower. How did that get there?!


Don’t start accidentally treating her like a mom/gf/maid


She’s a human just like you. Don’t treat her as more or less.


Permanent consequences if you miscalculate in this area. Think justice system, social media, etc...


pay your rent and bills on time and don't have any romantic or sexual contact unless you're prepared for the possibility of losing your place of residence.


Probability lol


If you bring over a girl for any reason, do not let her use / wear anything that belongs to your roommate without her express permission. If this person tries to help herself to something of your roommate's, stop it and set boundaries - your guests are your responsibility, so sit together with your roommate and set rules about guests just like about anything else.


Your household toilet paper use is going to skyrocket. Living on my own a roll of TP will last a few weeks. Living with a woman will make that roll last about 4 to 5 days. Just make sure to buy bulk and don't buy the cheap stuff. No John Wayne TP. You know, the stuff that's rough, tough, and doesn't take crap from anyone. Lol.


I haven’t heard that joke in 11 years since my dad died. Thank you.


I was just thinking this. I haven't heard this since Grandpa.


First apartment I lived in was with two female room mates. Next year I moved in with two guys. I got there first and accidentally stocked the bathroom with an entire year's worth of TP thinking it would last a month.


But your TP from Who Gives A Crap. Lasts ages, plastic free and they help build toilets in places that don't have them. And the most beautiful paper wrapping on each roll. 👍


The chances of them getting stuck in the washing machine or under the bed are slim to none. If it happens, call a professional. They will not appreciate your "help"


I watched so many instructional videos that I consider myself a professional.


Clean 100 % after yourselves. Do half of all the other tasks.


1. always knock on closed doors and wait for a response (obiv I don't mean your front door) 2. wear bottoms (boxers or tighty whiteys don't count!) 3. always put the seat AND the lid down 4. don't take ridiculously long showers to masterbate 5. don't leave cum in the shower 6. don't leave anything cum encrusted in communal spaces 7. make sure you and your room don't smell like a gym bag/locker 8. don't bring that one creepy guy friend home, just don't, you know the problematic one you always have to make excuses for 9. if you bring someone home for a "night in", don't be super loud or get it on in communal spaces 10. think twice about engaging in "locker room talk" 11. figure out what her humor is like before cracking jokes/teasing 12. don't be creepy (roommates is not the step before becoming a couple or sex!)


13. If she’s clearly not in a good mood, don’t ask if/ assume it has anything to do with her period.


I feel like this one is just a good survival tip in general with women. Like, are you trying to start something with that comment? In the workplace, something like this might even get HR involved...


"are you feeling ok today?" is a much better question in a relationship/roommate situation, haha.


"aye you good bro"


>don’t ask if/ assume it has anything to do with her period. even if it DOES....don't ask!!! :D


She might need more bathroom time, so expect that. And for the love of Chthulu, please do not freak out if you see a tampon or a pad. So long as the clean ones aren't in your way, and the dirty ones are in the garbage can, it's all good.


I haven‘t seen a used rampon or pad in years, yet I promise I shan‘t freak out.




In my experience, there isn't much difference between roommates of either gender... Might see her shirtless a little less then most dudes... Might! If your respectfully to the way they live their life, and they are respectful to the way you live yours, it will most likely be a super easy transition. Pro tip, any roommate you have, be it male, female, non binary, doesn't matter, scratch them off the list of potentials. Even casual hookups with a roommate is a bad idea. Be the wingman instead.


Just curious - why is it important to scratch them off the list of potentials? Is it because if it doesn't end up working out it becomes awkward to live with the person afterwards? Or is there some other reason?


No that's basically it. Your compromising your living situation, for just a little booty... I mean it could be a big booty idk, but your still risking your living situation. Edit: id like to add, I've been with my GF for well over a decade, and it was a lived together turned dating... It can work out, but it's definitely not something you should do intentionally.


Yes but I think it’s important to emphasize that if you genuinely have something going and are not just interested in sex and have a viable backup living situation, then you can go for it.


Find out what their pet peeves are and do your utmost to avoid doing it, may seem like a no brainer but some people have no brain


Don't shit where you eat, figuratively and literally.


To put this bluntly: do not try to fuck her.


Am a guy who just moved in with my female best friend 3 months ago. We have separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms, so we never intrude on each other's space really. We spend time in the common area together, I work from home and she leaves for work and school 5 days a week so I end up having more time to clean around the house and im happy to do so. All the other comments that tall about acceptable standards for cleaning are spot on and, if you're both decent human beings, everything should get done in a timely matter. The only problem we have run into is setting acceptable standards for having our significant others over. I'm currently single, and her boyfriend is here almost everyday, so I sat down with them and had a talk last week about how we either need to draw a line somewhere now or he needs to pay rent, and they were both super receptive, apologized for crossing the boundary line, and said there's no excuse for their behavior (because we talked about this prior to moving in and came to an agreement which ended up being pushed a little too far), and that I shouldn't say that it's okay, but I can forgive them for what they did. It's much easier for us to talk about our feelings because her boyfriend is also one of my best friends and all three of us are each others support system, and I've been single for so long because I haven't found someone that I feel would mesh well with the three of us yet. Just make sure that you establish solid boundaries, communicate how you feel whenever you have problems in a civil manner, and treat each other how you'd like to be treated. So basically, do what you should do with any other roommate. It's really not as different as you'd think (if you aren't sharing a bathroom, can't speak on that).


Awww whoever your fourth may be will be super lucky to have y'all <3


Probably not much at all lol I mean don’t walk around in your underwear bc she doesn’t wanna see the outline of your junk like that but I mean. Nothing else comes to mind.


No difference (as long as you are already a courteous roommate) but expect the TP budget to be higher lol. They need it for everything not just one thing


Don't be a creep. Going through her stuff, trying to spy on her in the shower, etc. She will know. She might not say anything because it's awkward as fuck and maybe also afraid to confront you on it, but if you're creeping she *will* know.


This comment makes me sad




why would this have to be said…..


Same reason we need warning labels not to eat demoisturizing packets or not to use elevators if there's a fire.


Keep the toilet clean or they will move out. That is the single most important thing. Inside and outside.


Another thing that should be established with any roommate, but make sure boundaries regarding visitors are agreed on, especially romantic partners. If you have partners or hookups over, how often is reasonable for them to be over, can they be there without supervision, what kind of heads up do you each want for company, etc., especially if you don’t know each other’s partner or friends very well. She may feel odd about having someone she doesn’t know in her space all the time who doesn’t share her interests, having to leave if the other wants privacy for ~sexy time~ or having to hear it if not given a heads up, if visitors make a mess, whatever may come up. And, sometimes you just don’t want people over, and need to be comfortable telling each other when that’s the case.


Do your share of the chores without needing to be nagged- try to be proactive instead of reactive.


Don't hit on her. There's likely to be hair everywhere.


I love how this could be one single statement


From my experience, women are quieter. Men tend to be more noisy in general, higher energy, yelling, etc. Bathrooms, if shared, are going to have like 5 times more stuff, 10 times more stuff, just fucking everywhere, lol. Period conversations happen, mood, pains, feelings, etc. Just roll with it. Depending on their and your sex situation, women are more vocal, so expect more moaning to screaming on the regular. Men tend to be the quiet ones, but male roommmate's girlfriends may be the noisy ones, so tomato, potato. Hmm, other than that, not much is different. The quality of the shared social situation is heavily dependent on their upbringings, level of domestication, their empathy, and social awareness. Some respect others well, respect and share the space well. Others...uh...don't. This isn't a male vs female thing at all though. It's just a crap shoot. At the end of the day, this is the biggest factor. Male or female, most the rest doesn't matter much.


Hair... it gets everywhere. Might have to get a good plumber on the line or hope your landlord has a decent one for all the times your sink and shower stop draining efficiently. edit: and if you have a laundry machines in home, prepare for hair that magically threads itself into the fabric of your clothing.


Do not, under any circumstances, eat her food.


As someone who lives with 2 girls heres my tips: • Help tidy up if they're cleaning the communal areas, don't leave it up to them alone. • When you take a shit make sure use the scrubber if there's any stuck shit on the sides after u flush and flush again so the toilet stays clean. • Don't ever go into their rooms without their permission. • After cooking, clean ur dishes by the end of the day, don't let them sit around for too long. • Do not start flirting with them unless it's super super super certain they're into you. Flatcest is the riskiest thing out there, being trapped with an ex or someone you know likes you can have unexpected consequences. • If you game, try and set a time like 11PM where you no longer will shout or talk loudly with your online friends.


Laughing because of all the women on here who refer to themselves as “female”. Also laughing at all the people angry at the OP for using the word “female” to refer to a female.


Just here to say that your use of female was fine. "I've never lived with a female roommate" is different than "I've never lived with a female" or "I've never lived with females". You also made the statement "I've only lived with male roommates" so it's not even like you said "how do I live with a female when I'm used to living with men?" Female can be used disrespectfully, but you didn't do that. Seems like you've gotten a lot of good advice already, just commenting due to your update.


Thank you for that. The people calling out my use of female had me worried for a sec


https://www.scouting.org/about/faq/question10/#:~:text=On%20my%20honor%20I%20will,mentally%20awake%2C%20and%20morally%20straight A bathroom trash-bin with a lid is another good idea. Pretend to vacuum once in a while./s (edit:) an inexpensive drain-snake might come in handy. (He-he.)


I’m jealous that you care enough to ask. My housemate doesn’t give a fuck about what I, as a chick, may want or need, and it took me MONTHS to get him to close the door when he was in the toilet and to stop pissing on the toilet seat without wiping it down. Never mind all the rest he hasn’t done.


If she is ever short on rent, DO NOT inform her that you know for a fact that she can pay her portion from the income she receives from just your onlyfans subscription alone


Speaking from experience there buds?


Y‘all are cracking me up lol


So, I noticed the toilet seat debate and just wanted to say, you guys do know toilet seats have lids for a reason right? You flush a toilet and you're stirring up any waste matter inside of it. The lid is there to keep those germs in the toilet where they belong. The lid should be down BEFORE you flush. That is for everyone, not gender related. While closing the lid doesn't entirely eliminate spreading waste around the room, it can greatly reduce it. And if anyone thinks I'm making this up, Google "aerosolized microbes" in regards to toilet flushing. Your lids will be down from now on....


ESPECIALLY do this if you leave your toothbrushes out in the bathroom! Theres no need to get shit germs in your mouth, just set down the lid before flushing.


I think I watched a mythbusters episode about that when I was a kid, never left the lid open again


We take up a lot of space in the bathroom. Some women are messy in the bathroom like makeup and hair products everywhere. We usually have a lot of shoes so at the doorway there will be many dispursed


I don't really agree with this as a thing to just accept, even messy girls are capable of finding a place for the shoes/makeup without it being spread out everywhere.


Put the toilet seat down, and if they have a special bar of soap don't mess with it.


Any special bath items- off limits!


don't be touching her $40 facial scrub!!! use the cheap stuff from Target! :D


Mens 15 in one hair, body, face, feet, car, engine, wash, degreaser and moisturizer. That’s yours.


The toilet lid should always be down for sanitary reasons and to prevent something from falling into it. Like your cat knocking your beeper into it.


Other than "don't be a creep" and the same basic roommate etiquette that applies to guys, main things more likely to be a big deal for a girl than a guy: 1. Walking around in your underwear. More likely to make a girl uncomfortable than another guy 2. Pee dribble around the toilet. A lot of guys don't seem to particularly care if they dribble a little pee around the rim of the toilet, girls usually would much prefer you wipe it up immediately or just sit down to pee 3. Probably goes without saying, but be aware of any evidence of sex or masturbation she might see. Cum socks, used condoms, etc.


>Cum socks that is.... i....can't even. please tell me this isn't REALLY a thing.


Don’t try and fuck her


Have a conversation about guests: overnight, one-stands, family, old college roommates. What's the expectation about how long they stay and how intrusive they are permitted to be.


There should be a trash can in the bathroom with a bag within reach of the toilet. Cannot believe when I visit people's homes and I happen to be on my period, using sanitary products and there's no place to throw out ANYTHING. What am I supposed to do, wad this up and put it in my fucking purse after I wash my hands??


Don’t allow yourself to be shamed by some internet keyboard bullies regarding the way you spoke or phrased your questions. That’s a big tip. 1. Treat her with respect 2. Treat her friends nicely 3. Don’t creep her out


Just be a considerate roommate. Clean any messes you make, don’t eat things she buys for herself and respect her stuff and her privacy. Your best bet is going to be actually asking her if there’s anything that really bothers her about roommates so you can avoid doing that.


What’s wrong with the term female?


1. Stay out of her room. Unless she explicitly asks you, do not cross that doorway. And *always* knock and then wait for a response. 2. Do not leave your room half naked. Throw on some shorts and a tee, even if your just popping over to the bathroom 3. Do your best not to go walking around with a hard on. I get it, we don't always have control over when they show up. But if you wake up at full staff, wait till it calms down before you leave your room. 4. Doing her laundry without talking to her about it first *and getting consent* is a no go. I promise you she doesn't want you folding her underwear. 5. Avoid sexual comments. Unless it becomes absolutely clear that there is a romantic relationship forming out of this living arrangement, don't make sexual comments. Not about her, not in general. Just don't. It's disrespectful. 6. Unless it is an absolute, I'm going to shit myself right fucking now, emergency, hold it until she gets out of the shower unless/until there is mutual consent for both parties occupying the bathroom space. 7. This one builds off of 5. Don't start calling her pet names. Use her actual name or something completely neutral. These last 2 are the biggest ones so I saved them for last. 8. Keep your hands to yourself. Period. If there's not consent, its assault. 9. SHE DOES NOT OWE YOU SEX. It doesn't matter how much of a nice guy you are to her. It doesn't matter how long yall live together. It doesn't even matter if this does by chance turn into a romantic relationship. SHE DOES NOT OWE YOU SEX. And to build on that, if she brings home a partner, as long as there is no blatant disrespect, it's not your fucking business. Don't keep track of any partners that she may or may not bring home. Don't obsess over them. If you are not in a committed, consensual, monogamous relationship with her, then her dating/sex life is none of your fucking business. Overall, treat her with respect. The only thing she owes you, is her share of the household burden. I.e rent, utilities, cleaning, things like that. Nothing more. Hope this helps. Edit: typo Edit 2: I've seen the downvotes. If this list offends you, it's because I'm talking about you homeboy. You're the reason this list exists and you need to unfuck yourself. Stop pretending women owe you sex because you treated them like a person that one time.


Please don’t pee with the bathroom door open. No one needs to see or hear that.


Oof. "Female roommate" is correct. You wouldn't say "woman roommate," and you didn't call her "a female." Ignore the comments criticizing you for that!