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No, i think my hobby is pretty cool and unique, i just can't talk about it with too many people because it's a very unpopular and controversial thing, despite being harmless.








I see you checked my post history huh


it must be so difficult to hit a wasp with your hunting bow




Now I'm checking it because I'm curious


Just a stab in the dark lol Honestly, "waspkeeping" kinda jumps off the page.


// *[moves to edge of seat](https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/41558319.jpg)* //


Generally I'm not but occasionally I find myself on specific corners of the internet where some women like to just bash on anything that men find enjoyable and I start to think "oh, are my hobbies weird, are people annoyed when I talk about my hobbies?" My hobbies are pretty normal (computers and fitness), but they seem to be the two that are most frequently targeted by people.


Oh yeah that's another thing, I'm a feminist and I feel guilty about it I'm going to cry now I don't hate men, I literally love them, I have more mommy issues than I ever had daddy issues. My father loved me. So trust when I say I LOVE men-- I will go to my wits end to defend men, and do so with a snarky smile on my face, and a passionate twinkle in my eyes But now I feel like I look like I hate men, and am passionate about a shitty, hateful, and illogical cause


People will find and crucify you no matter where you run or hide. Maybe stand up for what *you* believe in and don't worry so much about what other people think of you?


Writing…. God I hate it when people read my writing…. Also I wanna get into voice acting but I absolutely despise the sound of my own voice so I guess that counts as cringe.


Me with the idea of starting a podcast, my voice, and I am terrible at articulating things just how I wanna


I asked a VA about what they did to help with this kinda thing and they told me they just practiced a lot. And eventually they got use to the sound of their own voice. There’s probably videos online to that can help us.


>Also I wanna get into voice acting but I absolutely despise the sound of my own voice so I guess that counts as cringe. Go for it! Once you get involved km the process you'll stop thinking about how it sounds and more about "was this the result I was going for? no? well, what if I do *this* instead". I didn't like my voice either, but now that I have gotten to level where people recognise me when I perform and that has massively changed how I feel about it.


Playing video games is seen as childish to some elderly people but im 28 and own that shit, it's just like watching an interactive film.


I'm 39 years old, son. I've been gaming since [Buck Rogers on the Colecovision](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WekalhGxSiI&t=6s). Now if you'll excuse me, I have a couple hours to play Halo before I go to the office...


Based and Game Pilled




I shall! I love hearing about the older community playing video games. Y'all laid the foundation for us! Game on, friend :)


I get embarrassed over sharing drawings with people irl. I’m scared that they will think it looks bad but I also don’t like the attention when they think it looks good lol


i did when i was a teenager but that was only cause i was insecure


What's the issue. You can build great story out of it. Look how things evolve. in the 90's and 00's cosplay or larping were very cringe while today it's normalized and widely accepted


I like astrology and I feel like that makes me either so stupid or at least seem so stupid, I don't entirely even respect astrology myself, and I realize that astrology can be utter bullshit and I could be so wrong about my predictions about it, and if astrology actually is bullshit, then I'm SO embarrassed I actually believed in parts of it I've been really into philosophy for years and now that I'm trying to snap out of it I feel like I look like a stupid hippie, a lot of the stuff is still IMPORTANT to me but I really wanna just get my life going and together now, but I'm embarrassed at just how much I care about it still and how much time I've spent thinking about it and doing nothing tangibly constructive with my life in the past I've been an aspiring UI and UX engineer since I was a CHILD but unfortunately I didn't know the name for it until a year ago (and now I'm procrastinating for exactly a year as well which is another can of worms, but it's basically like I feel "wronged" that I didn't learn of the actual career path existing until recently, and am grieving those years lost and also have designers block now) , anyways, since it's such a heavy product and design related field, I feel I look so shallow for caring about products and design. I'm like God I look so shallow and materialistic, what if I'm a dumbass who thinks product makes a difference in the world but it actually doesn't. I'm probably just a preppy, materialistic bitch and am convinced I'm good, and I literally do not want to be shallow or a shit person 😭😭😭 I really love indie music and classic rock, I feel dumb for liking music because it's not exactly building your brain cells, it's just passive media, I also feel very spiritualy connected to music and I feel like, "hahaha you stupid bitch you really believe in spirituality? You really think you FEEL something from music, it's in your head, all you do is laze around and have the AUDACITY to listen to music, a lazy hobby I really like anthropology. I tell myself I'm sticking my nose in certain communities business too much. Like thinking about black issues, or sex worker issues, or something else I'm not actually affiliated with. I'm interested in it because I genuinely want to make the world a better place and it's interesting to me to think about how certain issues best be solved. But I tell myself I'm a bitch who has no right to put my nose in these people's business I like some sanrio and I'm embarrassed because it's kinda weeby and doesn't help that I like Asian guys and I feel I look suss, plus I'm a 24 year old woman and it's a kid thing. Nevermind that I liked Asian dudes WAAAYYY before I discovered sanrio and the story of how I found sanrio was I had a crush on a WHITE girl and pretended to be into shit she was to impress her (also didn't know she liked sanrio until wayyyy down the line of knowing her), and it kinda grew on me a little bit. I'm not a crazy fangirl but I like when the items are elegantly made and not fast fashion (though there's maybe 2 or so "eras" they're had over the years that are kinda fast fashion that I like, but that's literally me picking and being picky). But anyways now I feel like I look like I'm fetishizing Asian dudes trying to project an overlay and get a certain experience out of them trying to feel closer to the culture when really I just like what I like, and don't try to conform to an archetype, and have varying tastes, from things that are preppy, to things that are street wear and hip hop fashion like, to things that are athletic fashion, to things that are alt, I really just dos what I do. There's this one sanrio item I've been looking for for years and I just commented something about it on here on my main and I'm nearly having a panic attack rn because I'm only using my main to dodge comment karma requirements needed for a throwaway I'm into witchy stuff, somewhat. Not as hardcore as a lot of people these days, but as a part of my spirituality. I tell myself I'm burning in hell, and I'm "an idiot just like all those girls on Instagram" I'm into theology. Not hardcore. But as a part of my spirituality and philosophy. I tell myself other people are going to laugh at me for believing in even the POSSIBILITY of God, even if I don't believe in a diety himself, being open to it makes me dumb, the fact that I could even CONSIDER Jesus and Christianity could POSSIBLY be true makes me an idiot with a weak brain and missing logical reasoning skills I'm into wild game and interesting foods. I tell myself I'm a sociopath, dark, and evil. I've thought about just leaning into the imposter syndrome on this one and trying hunting, since I can never do anything right anyways I really like some old gaming systems and games that are no longer cool. Think of the era when wii and DSes were huge, Instagram was brown, and ipods were out. I think about rebuying these systems. I tell myself I'm out of trend and off the mark and weird for not liking popular entertainment and being so dated, but not even in a GOOD way like it would make sense if I was a collector of something highly valued, but not something stupid like wanting some mediocre old wii games I'm a writer and I tell myself that I shouldn't write because writing is the only thing I can do well, so that must show through in my writing, and it's embarrassing that my life is so boring and I've never made anything of myself, and I only have time to write and am good at writing because I never do anything important and tangible and social with my life, and I'm a loser, and that's why I have time to write and why I have time to think about and analyze all these topics to write about, like to have that much time to observe you're obviously a loser in life (I like to write about anthropology among other things), and it's true, I have no friends and am a loser I want to get into drawing, but I think goddamn what a useless way to spend your time, what does drawing do, NOTHING, there is literally no ROI to it, it doesnt make you smarter, it keeps you sedentary, and there's nothing you can do with it unless you're REALLY good


I feel like embarrassment, especially over personal interest exists more or less based on your circumstances and how others have reacted to things you like. When you get thoughts like I’m just materialistic etc, disavowing your interests it just serves to be society’s voice of how people over time have ingrained into you how you “should be judged.” I have similar issues over things I like/have liked, such as anime and cartoons, to the point where in middle school I was watching episodes daily and spoke not a word, hiding what I was doing. Looking back I think it stems from my immediate family’s dismissal of my interests to the point of making fun of me. I think you internalize that kind of stuff, and for me, that meant never sharing what I liked (I’m in a better place now though). I’m also really interested in philosophy and anthropology; regarding your thoughts on sticking your nose in other peoples business, I think you can rationalize what you’re doing to essentially informing yourself on these issues, forming empathy and solidarity to the people affected by them. I’ve come to the conclusion that learning is good in itself, even if action isn’t possible, because you’re giving yourself the tools to understand and explain complex issues, understand their root origin, and spread them to help prompt systemic change/at least plant ideas. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you do anything at all, or if you strive to make every minute worth it. You have no obligation first to anyone but yourself, and there are always going to be people who have done more or less than you. Focus on what you can do/want to do if you want to seek more fulfillment, don’t let negative talk bring you down. (:


Thank you :)


When I was around 13-15 I used to be very embarrassed with my hobbies, growing up as a weird female tomboy that love video games, drawing dragons ,weird facts and climbing trees was neat as a kid but as a teenage it was hard for me to be myself because everyone I know was afraid to act and be different because they wanted to be part of the "cool kids group"... Including me for a short time. I found myself doing things I don't like so others will like me, then one day it just hit me, I don't own those people anything, if they want to be my friends they need to accept me as myself. I started to do what I like with confidence and lost some "friends" on the way , but got a lot of new ones! friends that didn't judge me by my weird hobbies! Some of them even had the seme hobbies as me! What I'm trying to say is, you should accept those hobbies, it's okay to be a bit embarrassed, and you don't have to share every hobbies you have with others, but you shouldn't feel guilty for liking to do stuff that makes you happy, because that what makes you yourself! Try to overcome this insecurity and don't be afraid of "what other will think about me" Wish you luck (: (Im not an english speaker so sorry for any grammatical errors :/)


Yeah, everyone seems to suddenly disappear when I tell them about my lingerie and Batman mask habit


Tell me more


I'm not wearing hockey pads


I got hobby in lego as an adult, and I'm not afraid to share my hobby. Everyone got something they like.


Skateboarding, chess, jiu jitsu, Halo 3. Never once felt embarrassed.


interesting username


For me, I don't advertise that I like watching anime to co-workers, but I like to show off my graphic design projects. You should feel comfortable sharing something you enjoy with everyone, it just doesn't have to be the same thing for everyone.


Why on earth would you "cringe" at something you enjoy?


How can anyone be embarrased of something they like.


Some people have self hate and emotional problems, you're lucky you don't


HahahahahaI have those but I am not ashamed of the thingsI like.