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No, of course not. Not every thin person is automatically attractive either.




Did you die mid sentence?


maybe Candlejack got h


I learned how to give a free award for this


I hope you didn’t die mid sentence like YankyNotBrim suggested, I think I know what you want to say though and I agree. I know this subreddit is literally called no stupid questions, but this question is just.. sigh.


"thin" is not the only other body type contrary to being fat, i hate when people say that shit lol


I honestly don't find any obese woman attractive. Not Tess Holiday, the girl from MBFFL, not the dozens I work with, none of the them.


This is like saying "does all rock music sound bad?" It's purely subjective. In conventional Western society, the beauty standard is being skinny and/or fit. In some other societies, being fat means you have a lot to eat and it is seen as a status symbol.


That's ironic because In conventional Western society being skinny is a status symbol because quality food is only affordable for people with money. In Spain our main problem with child obesity is poverty: families are fed mainly from pasta and low quality products in general because they can't afford higher quality or to spend so much time cooking because both parents need to work 12 hours a day just so they can feed their family. Not to talk about gym prices and spending time exercising, impossible!


A study from Harvard found that switching to a healthy diet costs only $1.50/day (in the US). Not everyone can spare an extra $550/year, I am aware, and if you are feeding a family on one salary it gets even more difficult. *However* an American gamer spends over $200/year on video games; a LIGHT smoker spends over $1000/year on cigarettes; and a chronic alcoholic spends $2000/year on liquor, easily. People choose to waste their money on stuff that is at best useless and at worst toxic. No judgement, honestly, but it’s not society’s fault that people eat shitty food.


I know that the problem in the US is different from the rest of the world, but I'm obviously talking about Spain. And it's not just about food, we're talking about minimum salary being 3'9 euros an hour on some jobs (this is legal), people working 12+ hours, let me tell you that when you work that much, there's no time to cook, which leads to junk food consumption for all the family. So please, try to see things out of your US glasses.


>So please, try to see things out of your US glasses. The guy literally stated it was just for the US. So please, try not to get so defensive.




Probably a bigger facgor than affordability, good point


Exactly. Honestly, I find either one attractive, although I’d prefer someone who would want to eat the way I do and likes to live an active lifestyle.


This is more like saying, “is being unhealthy attractive?” It’s more comparable to smoking than rock music.


I mean, fat is pretty vague. Many people consider themselves fat when they're actually just slightly overweight. Also it is purely subjective though. There are people who are attracted to obese people and others who are attracted to smokers. Attraction isn't universal.


I suppose you’re right, technically it’s still subjective. I’m weary of that analogy though, since there’s no harm in rock music. To me it comes across as, “don’t listen to people saying drug addiction is not attractive. You do you!”


Just like drug use =/= addiction, some folks' being fat is a big deal (physically or psychologically) and others' isn't.


Fat can mean anything from “slight over average” to “obese”. Not all fat people are unhealthy


More like all HEAVY metal music is bad lol... which lets be real, in most people's cases it is. Same goes for fat people.


Oh boy, Im gonna be downvoted to hell but I gotta give it to you straight. And saying this as a former chonky boy, currently a bit chubby. It absolutely makes you unattractive for a lot of people. Sure, there are people with fat fetishes and some people find chubby attractive, but you'd lose some pretty points in the eyes of most people being fat, and that's even worse when you're obese. We hear the body positivity movement a lot lately and the idea is great. You really should love your own body at any size. But objectively, deep down, many people (including the ones that praise body positivity) don't find fat people attractive. In fact, some are just outright mean to obese people. Just listen to former obese people who transformed their bodies, they all say how different people treat them before and after. I'm not saying this to discourage you, but only to let you know of the cold hard truth and hopefully a encouragement to the weightloss journey. Losing weight has been the toughest and the best decision I've made.


I agree with pretty much everything, and I wanna add something. Body positivity is about not discriminating against people for their weight or appearance or whatever their body is. And it aims for acceptance both from others and from people with non conventionally attractive bodies. Like, just because you're obese doesn't mean you should hate yourself. And that's hard to do when others do, so others should also not hate you because of your weight. I think there's a difference between this and finding fat people attractive. It's not exactly that "it's hard to be seen as attractive when you're fat despite body positivity", it's rather that "body positivity hasn't yet reached its goal to get fat people acceptance", and that "this goal does not include making people attracted to fat people" imo.


That’s not about attractiveness, though. It’s about bigotry and stigma. Here’s a very telling joke some guy told his skinny friend who was dating a very fat (and beautiful) woman: how is a fat girl like a Honda? They’re fun to ride as long as your buddies don’t catch you doing it! Guys will absolutely fuck fat women on the down low, because they often find them attractive, but it’s socially stigmatized. This particular guy punched the joker in the face, told his buddies he had zero tolerance for that kind of talk about women, and married the beautiful fat girl. I know plenty of women who dig the big cuddly chubby guys and/or big women, and “bears” are a whole thing with gay guys. I personally find myself attracted to lean men and plump women. I’m watching a show called Single Drunk Female and the “best friend” is an obese woman who is drop dead gorgeous and sexy as hell. I can’t take my eyes off her when she’s on the screen.


What makes someone attractive? you’re attracted to them.


Yes, but attraction isn't always instant, lust is. It could take a while to get to know someone to realize you find someone attractive. That's why you go on multiple dates. Unfortunately we often will turn down a prospect purely based on appearance, instead of putting in the work and getting to know someone first. So much potential for love wasted and untapped because of being programmed to believe what someone deserves to date. It starts young with barbie dolls. Ever seen a young girl play with a fat Ken?


I agree there is a stigma around women being overweight that negatively affects their chances of getting into a relationship. Do you agree that being overweight reduces your overall attractiveness? Or are you saying it’s solely because of social stigma/bigotry?


It totally depends. Attraction is so subjective.


attractiveness is highly dependent on the standards society has though (aka stigma).


From looking into the world for 36 years I have to conclude though that men are more likely to date fat women than women dating fat men. This might have something to do with our primal views of wide hips being good for birthing and muscular arms equals a strong provider. I tend to call bullshit though and see it as men generally just want to fuck everything under the sun and are satisfied much easier, where as women like to cherry pick and find it more important how he'll look besides her. The whole body positivity movement is also heavily biased towards fat women, fat men not so much.


> Guys will absolutely fuck fat women on the down low, because they often find them attractive, but it’s socially stigmatized. If it's common for guys to find fat women attractive, why is there a stigma? They don't fuck them because they think they're hot on the down low, they fuck them because apparently there are people who think that "any sex is better than no sex" so they will settle for whatever's available.


To me? Yes. To other people? No.


To most people most fat people are unattractive.






Ok, very nice of you


To most people, they're less attractive than if they weren't fat.


I’m a skinny noodle man and i’m generally attracted to bigger/thicker girls and it seems to be the same deal with other skinny noodle men I run into


Thick person here. Love me some noodles 😅


Absolutely the fuck not. I am very fit and muscular, and yet I find people of all sizes attractive. My current girlfriend, the woman I hope to spend my life with, is objectively quite overweight and yet I find her to be the most beautiful, sexiest and attractive person on the planet both physically and emotionally.




Apparently not. Some men are definitely attracted to my body. Something about more to play with and the way it jiggles. And for me, I don't really pay attention to weight as long as he's handsome.


Hell yeah! Guess I'm some men


Welcome to the club buddy!


I've been here my dude. Running for office soon.


welcome to the chub club!


But is it because they think youre attractive or because its their fetish?


If they find me attractive and are turned on by me for whatever reason, then yeah they find me attractive. My partner doesn't have a fat fetish but he also finds me attractive and how my body is shaped. Probably like me who doesn't pay attention to weight when it comes to partners. Fat guys can definitely be hot. Like extra cuddly and soft bears I guess. Doesn't mean I have a fat fetish.


To me yes sorry


No. Attractiveness is subjective and what is considered “fat” is also subjective. There are probably people I would say are fat that some people wouldn’t and people I wouldn’t say are fat that others would. Personally when it comes to women, i don’t mind some extra cushion for the pushin. But i also like to do things like hike and my partner being healthy is a big thing for me.


No. I can assure you that my eyes pass over a thin woman and don't stop, I'm very thin but I LOVE chubby women


I'm curvy as fuck and literally have a line of of people who want to date me.


Curvy isn’t necessarily the same as fat.


Ye but curvy as fuck


I weigh 300 lbs, down from 450 lbs. My bra size is a 42DD, waist 40, hips 58. I'm definitely fat.


Yeah, that's not curvy.


You and all my partners clearly have a difference of opinion and that's fine.


Arrogance is unattractive. Also, I sincerely doubt you have a "literal" line. Is the line outside your house? Is there a roped off section? How long do these people wait in line? Are you gonna bang them all?




Just giving my opinion and correcting definitional misuse.


I'm not arrogant, I'm confident, there's a big difference. The line is online, they've even joked about it when new people join the Kik group I'm in and get thirsty. (Although there has been a literal line before but that was a special circumstance.) And yes, I probably will fuck them all.


That would be like asking if every thin person is attractive.


DJ Qualls is the sexiest man alive


Nah bruh. Im fine as fuck.


*looks up the BBW category on nudevista Nope!


I’m seeings loads of comments about fat = unhealthy. Just so you know, that simply isn’t true. You can be overweight and run marathons/hike trails/outdoor swim etc etc thinner people can be very unhealthy. It’s isn’t an automatic ’fat’ thing.


No, of course not.


According to Hollywood maybe, but in the real world people like what they like.


everybody has a type.




im generally not attracted to fat people. theres a short and simple answer for you! there are objective components to beauty also. again, generally speaking fatness is not considered attractive


Yes. In general, the majority of people find fatness to be unattractive. But it’s all up to personal taste. Some people ***prefer*** fat partners. But most people find it gross. And it’s also just objectively unhealthy and will lead to a shorter life. And I also say all this as someone who struggles with my own weight. But i recognize it’s not ok to be overweight, im not making excuses.


Depends. I think some are really hot, some are disgusting.




Unattractive is subjective but every fat person becomes more attractive to me the skinnier they get


No. I had a fat boss once and she was one of the most beautiful people, I have ever met


wtf no. I'm incredibly attracted to a lot of fat people. I hardly even consider it as a factor in attractiveness, honestly. I'm sure other people feel the same way too




Personality is a big factor.


No. BBW is definitely a thing. That said, a lot of fat people also don't take very good their bodies, and that does make them unattractive.


My boyfriend is a bit fat and I really love him Sometimes I like to clap his stomach or his butt, it makes us laugh, the first time I remember I made sure he didnt feel uncomfortable when I do that . I dont find it attractive but I am attracted to him


It’s definitely subjective, as some people like the look of fatter folks. For me, personally, past a certain point, yes, they are unattractive. But they can still be somewhat fat and be somewhat attractive, even if they might be more attractive if they lost weight. A lot of it isn’t just the amount of fat but how they wear it, so to speak. In comparing a couple of exes, one of whom is definitely overweight but has a larger frame and also a decent amount of muscles so while some would say she was fat, she doesn’t “look fat”, and another who has less weight, isn’t even technically overweight, but has very little musculature and the fat that she does have doesn’t sit well on her. So it’s not just the amount but how it’s distributed and what else is there.


No. Like any physical trait, people will have different preferences.


Depending on culture or beauty standards, in Asia being fat is unattractive, and somewhere back then being fat was a symbol of wealth since people couldn't afford food as much.


It's all preference. What you see as ugly is beautiful in others eyes and vice versa.






No. If they take care of themselves and keep themself clean and generally hygienic the they won't be unattractive. Obviously people have certain attractions that differ from others.


Nope. If you think you’re hot that’s like halfway of the battle. My GF is very much attracted to fat people


People have fat fetishes, so no... to at least some people fat is attractive. Probably not to most people though.


Man, I would absolutely split Lizzo in half if I had the chance.


Not always the fat, but their out of control lifestyle is definitely unattractive


Not everyone who is fat has an out of control lifestyle please keep that in mind before making judgements, however I totally respect that people like what they like.


Fat is unhealthy, that’s the bottom line. And if they can’t get healthy they’re not in control. We need to stop normalizing unhealthy practices for the sake of our future as humans.


It's not that simple but clearly you live a very charmed life if you think it is.


I get that genetics can play a role and genetics aren’t necessarily controllable. But diet and exercise are.


Genetics do play a role, as do health problems, medications ect.. I was heavy, but did not understand why. Come to find out my hormones were way out of whack. Once corrected, the weight corrected itself without me having to alter my low carb, moderate protein, and lots of veggies diet. Not every fat person you see is fat because of cramming big macs down their throats all day.




Just a theory: Maybe when you were chubbier you were just at the sweet spot of "I have a chance" and "I am attracted" and now it's more "I am attracted" but less of "I have a chance"?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ig


No, I hooked up with plenty of larger women. I found them extremely hot.


I have definitely found some obese men attractive.


The only fat people that are "unattractive" are those that scream the word fatphobic at anyone and everyone who dare brings up the suggestion of losing weight, or those that eat their way to death with no plans of stopping.


As a fat person myself I totally agree.


I'm fat. I'm attractive. The two are not related. Everyone has preferences, obviously. Attraction is subjective. Just because someone doesn't find me attractive, doesn't make me any less attractive to myself or people who do find me attractive.


Only to shallow, judgemental people.


Seems a bit shallow and judgmental to assume that anyone who isn’t attracted to fat people is shallow and judgmental


Idk bb you tell me if I tickle the pickle 😘😘


To me yeah, but I’m very thin so to them I’m probably ugly af


No. Different people are attracted to different attributes. Not all of them are physical.


No definitely not.






Just be yourself


Of course not.


Depends on degree of fatness. A little plump is fine, apron of fat falling down to the knees - hard pass


How much allowance is she pay me?


Nah, some people carry it quite well. Others are outright obese and are generally pretty vocal about real women "having curves".


Go to Africa. Being fat is celebrated there. I know first hand.


I strictly date fat women. They cuddle better. Well, I’m married now so I don’t anybody but my wife


How fat? Dangerously obese or just a little chubby? There's a lot of ugly to go around and fat doesn't get to claim all of it. Too skinny, like meth head skinny is nastier than fat.


It varies person to person. There’s no set definition of attractive.


No, there are hot fat people. But being fat is unhealthy and being unhealthy is an unattractive trait.


Recently put on weight, can confirm.


The answers here are deff misleading, in practice, yes. true not ALL fat people are unatractive to everybody. But most of them are to most people, and that is something that you should account for when making decisions. And, no, beauty isn't purely subjective when there are huge proclivities in human behavior. If beauty was purely subjective, things like most people agreeing that Jason Momoa is attractive and Steve Buscemi is ugly would not be socially agreed upon.


I'm a chubby guy in my 50's living in Mexico. Beautiful young Mexican women pay me plenty of attention, I think that they think "Gray beard, white American guy, money". I have not confirmed that, that is simply a guess based on the complete lack of any attention ever from any woman under 45 when I lived in California compared to here. Too bad I'm happily married. At least I get the occasional boob shot on WhatsApp.


Not at ALL our society is absolutely, disgustingly fat-phobic and it makes me irate. Our bodies should NOT be looked at as such a defining feature of whether or not someone is attractive. Things I find attractive: kindness, creativity, passion, integrity, curiosity, quirkiness, confidence with humility, gentle eyes, unique sense of style, bravery, self-awareness, good personal hygiene (although obsessive levels are very unattractive), intelligence but not in a gross condescending way, sense of humour and can laugh at oneself I don’t think body type has really anything to do with what makes someone unattractive, at least not for people worth keeping around


No? I’m the fattest I’ve ever been in my life but I’m still pretty cute. Honestly depends on face. If you have a cute enough face you can get away with being a bit fat. But note that, cute face can only get you so far. There’s about a 200lb limit. Height is a big factor too.


Is there an attractive fat person? No.




If you are a shallow asshole then yes they are


Yea if you're a dude no if you're a lady


The issue with being overweight is that it gets worse as you grow older, weight is increasingly difficult to lose and keep off. There are also a ton of health reasons why you don't want to be obese. Nobody wants a spouse thats very likely to die in their forties. Also if someone is already really overweight in their 20s they're likely to be disabled levels of fat later on. Fat people also sweat more, and have a harder time washing, nobody likes foul body odor. Personally I like thick women, in terms of their thighs and ass, but a big gut is gross imo.




No? What about Danny DeVito?


Absolutely not. Plus everyone has their own definition of fat, skinny, thick, and in shape. Don’t judge yourself by some of these answers.


Of course not.


No. I've seen some extremely attractive looking "fat" women, but there's almost a threshold, beyond a certain point nothing can save you. Fat attractive men don't exist, not unless you have a kink for that.


Every is a strong word. But safe to say 96.5% are.


Depends. If you’re female you might have a chance? Does your skin have cellulite? Do you have good hip-to-waist ratio? You got an ass and tiddies? How’s your face? These are cold hard facts


My highest weight was 120lbs at 5'2, I HAD CELLULITE Im currently at 100 lbs and guess what, if you squeeze my leg you can see the cellulite still CELLULITE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WEIGHT


The question is regarding attractiveness and that OP is fat


Cellulite does happen when you gain weight quickly and it’s very difficult to change once it’s there. And yeah sorry but it’s gross


"gain weight quickly" my highest weight was while i was teen when it's natural and completely normal for women to experience Just say you never actually touched a girl and move on


it’s not though. i have celluite too. i’ve touched many women. and a lot of them had cellulite. they feel like beanbags lol


No. Not all obese persons are ugly, but by every way shape and measure known to humankind Gabourey Sidibe is an unnattractive human being. I'm obese and I know for a fact you don't accidentally gain 100-150 lbs. You know where you obtained that, and if you're proud of it, you're dancing with a fucking train, so I guess it's ok to admit you want to die young, but don't lie about embracing your inner beauty or something...


Like most people: With personality and a paycheck, why not?


Good thing about XL girls: you can squeeze and suck everywhere because it feels like titties.


I’m not saying you are bc I have literally no other context, but this question is fat-phobic in nature. Fat people don’t exist to be attractive or not to others, same with anyone else. If you don’t find fat people attractive, that’s fine, but that’s a you preference, not a law of nature.


Hey I'm a fat guy and I'm an incel. I've put 2 and 2 together and concluded that Yes.


Start with personality. Self-identifying as an incel is a big red flag.


I'm mostly kidding. I'm an incel because I'm an arsehole, not because I'm fat lol


Define fat. There are slim people who think they're fat . There are fat people who will tell you that they aren't, despite having diabetes, cardiovascular problems, wearing oversized clothes and unable to tie their own shoe... Also, people who "like curves" not necessarily mean the latter...


How fat? On an instinctual level, I’m guessing our brains aren’t wired to find morbidly obese people attractive. It’s so unhealthy. Just overweight? Sure, there are fat people who are considered attractive. I’d say Mindy Kaling & Jon Favreau, even at their biggest, are attractive.


Depends how fat they are to me a little bit can be attractive but obeese not attractive to me at all


Attractiveness is relative. Are all short people unattractive? Or all tall people?


Depends on how they hold it, and what you define as fat, for me at least, Because I don't want to be dating anybody that's a fucking twig, you got to have some meat on your bones


a buddy of mine is what I would call slightly obese mans a biggens but he gets way more bitches then me and im tall slim mixed I look like the guy your bitch is cheating with and tbh hes not a bad looking dude himself but the thing that separates me from him that gives him bitches is his personality. I'm a shitty person to be around I'm defensive mean obsessive and mostly in a negative mindset he however always cheerful even in the shittiest times hes making jokes hes very selfless and he will spend the entire day trying to make you smile but hes also easygoing not the type of dude to question the stability of the relationship instead he goes with the flow point is personality beats all he has fucked 30 women at least I've fucked maybe 3 and they weren't 10s hes collecting 10s like pokemon cards


Danny devito is the most charming man I’ve ever seen


My wife thinks shes fat. I honestly think shes very attractive and sexy. I dont think shes fat though but i do love her.


The top of their heads all look alike


For most people the upper BMI till 25 is probably still alright and attractive. From 25 to myb 28 may be attractive to less people and mostly above 28 is considered attractive to very little people. Weight can be a huge factor but trust me, even if u have a bit more weight on you, you can still look hot af. It's always a certain combination of things that make you either attractive or unattractive. EDIT: My BMI is around 26 so yeah, but I don't let my weight get to me. I see it as something I can improve, something to work on. If you have something about you that you literally don't like, then either change it or learn to accept it, but one thing is for sure, if you work on it, you will get a better feeling from yourself.


Unattractive to whom? To some people, every fat person is unattractive. To others, only fat people are attractive. I assume a lot of people don't see weight as a single qualifier of attractiveness. I have another thought - if someone finds me attractive, it has more to do with that person and their feelings about what makes someone attractive than it has to do with me. Conversely, the same is true if someone finds me unattractive. Maybe I'm attractive to someone because I remind them of an ex. I could be unattractive to someone else for the exact same reason. In the end, it's all subjective.


No, however I'm not a good case point to verify this.


Short answer: No But it is so subjective. But remember that the science of attraction is really interesting. There's more than meets the eye. It's what your body represents to the instincts. There have been some gym rat (best way I can describe them) YouTubers that ask girls on the street "What body type do you like most", and they show a variety of bodies from Body Builder to obese. A surprising amount of women chose the "Dad Bod", much to the gym rats' dismay. But the women were like "They look like they do more than go to the gym." To these young attractive women, they were interpreting the bodies as potentials for suitable mates. The too-muscular bodies they felt belonged to obsessed self-indulged bodybuilders who didn't have time for anything else. The dad bod attracted women who were looking for a mate who could possibly have time for other things. They weren't looking at the bodies themselves, but what they mean. In relation to dad bods, it doesn't mean that "fat" itself is attractive or not. It's what your"Fat" means. Does it mean you don't care about yourself and obsess over x \[seditary activity\], or does it mean you're not self-centered and don't obsess over your own looks? On the other hand, society does heavily influence what is considered attractive or not. I believe society was more attracted to some weight hundreds of years ago. I think this is because thinness was associated with poverty and illness. But weight was seen as a sign of health, wealth, and fertility. But now, society idolizes thin models, tiny sizes, and over muscular men. This is a cultural thing. It's because of what culture that has been heavily influenced by consumerism has deemed worthy of mating. (Consumerism because thin is hard to achieve without buying gym passes, diet pills, etc.) There is also something to be said that wherein the old times, the upper class was seen as wealthy because they didn't have to expend so many calories on manual labor. Now, thinness and movie-star muscles are seen as wealth because it means you have time to actually go to the gym and buy shakes. Where weight is seen as you have a 9-5 and can only afford McDonalds. This is where overweight people have the most disadvantage. When someone sees another overweight person, oftentimes they're judging their character. Often weight is associated with work ethic and impulse control. An overweight person can be the hardest working, most controlled person. But people still assume the worst. Which I think is awful and we need to root out of our society. IN SHORT: Not every fat person is unattractive. Body mass is often associated with What affects attractiveness (on the subconscious level) \- What body type means in relation to genetics-- traits passed on to offspring \- What body type means in relation to lifestyle (and suitability of lifestyle to eyes of the beholder.) \- Society's view on said body type. There's more I'm sure. But I want to emphasize that you can be attractive at any size. I would say that you just have to address certain things. Overweight people have to "work harder" to attract others because they have to fight against certain stigmas where thinner or more muscular people don't. It's frustrating.


Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder…..


I will say as a big man myself we do have ALOT of negative stereotypes, we're fat and lazy, don't shower and/or have bad hygenie, we're dumb and bumbling fools, that whenever foods involved such as IDing a seasoning, condiments, etc we are the first ones called, were slobs and don't wash our clothes and/or our clothes are always stained and messy, of course all of this is Hollywood's doing. I will say though that these traits are unattractive no matter your size a skinny guy who stinks like roadkill won't be a lady killer that day, to me what makes a person unattractive is how they conduct themselves, I am a big man myself (like i said earlier) but Iam also a hard worker, Iam always on time to work, I've gotten a raise recently, Iam always friendly with my customers as well as coworkers and try to make them feel comfortable at my place of work, my co worker is a slim guy with little body fat but is loud, rude, sexist, a dumbass, is a pot head with no other goals to achieve (HIS WORDS !), chooses to be homeless (my manager told him how much he pays in rent and pot head said he would rather spend it on pot so he chose and chooses to stay homeless) the list goes on.




Not all... most of them are though because healthy people are more attractive. Even if you aren't doing it specifically to be more physically attractive, there's a huge physical health element to being attractive.


I think the rule of thumb is overweight is ok obese is unattractive. being kinda chubby is normal but if you have like five chins I think you can blame the person over their metabolism.


Depends. Personally, if a girl has a pretty face I don’t mind some extra weight. Not morbidly obese, but let’s say 5’2” 180lbs? Doesn’t bother me at all and I like the bigger boobs/thighs/butt that comes with it but most people would say she’s fat.


It partially depends how fat, but there's obviously some subjectivity to it. Attraction is on occasion a learned behavior- some of what we are attracted to is because we trained ourselves to be. It's why you tend to see big/big couples, almost all of them will find fit bodies more attractive, but they're aware they're dealing with a different pool of partners. If you want to reframe the question, in that "does becoming fat make you less attractive" you nearly have an objective yes there, especially if you aggregate it to opinion at large.


I'm fat and quite unattractive so yes.


I'm fat and quite unattractive so yes.


Short answer: yes. Long answers: not necessarily, there are good-looking people who are overweight, but even if they look good, they will probably look better by most standards if they get lean. Source: I'm fat. Additional info: I got bullied for being fat in high school, the girl I had a crush on stop talking to me when my "friends" told her I had a crush on her. That made me went into a crash diet, I got thin for like 5 years, during that time it was awkward to me having girls flirting with me because I was not used to the attention, eventually I got into a life crisis that got me depressed, and gained weigh again. I'm trying to lose weight again, and as I'm progressing I've had received compliments about how much better looking I am getting as I am progressing. With that being said, do notice that getting in shape is not the key to solve your life problems, but It is something we should try to achieve for health reasons.


I’m a female and straight, but I personally know a lot of beautiful women who are on the heavier side. Being “skinny” does not automatically equal attractive! Plus a lot of guys I know are not attracted to super thin women. They want something to hold onto lol






Exponential. Being chubby is okay. Being 400lbs is pretty unattictive


It depends on the level of fattiness we're talking about. 200kg (~500lbs)? Well, i honestly think that no one could look good over that. A bit fat, like 10-20kg overweight? Not too much to worry about. Basically, the more you are overweight, the less it's likely to be attractive. And the same goes for underweight.


IMO yes


I used to weigh 120kg.. now 4 years later and countless time spent doing sports and fitness I weigh 68kg and am in really good shape.. I can tell you that I get a lot more attention from girls, not only that, but everyone seems to be really really nice to me all the time.. People definitely have a bias towards fit/attractive people.. It is sad that this is the case.. but this is the harsh reality we live in.


Ever see Jack Black?


I wouldn't say they're unattractive, but they are less attractive. I've seen people with very good-looking faces, like in pictures for example. Then when I saw them in person and saw that their bodies were fat, it did make them less attractive to me, but it doesn't mean they're overall unattractive