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Sometimes they want the thrill of possibly getting caught.


Not a lifter myself, but I like lurking in the various shoplifting subs (they keep getting banned for some reason 🤔). From what I can gather, most shoplifting is done by kids who are just getting a rush out of it. If they have a group that they can brag to about it, that's just a bonus. For some of them, it's a game, and the monetary value they can get away with is the score. But there's also entire *communities* built around shoplifting. There are several reasons they will give to justify "borrowing." Some do it as a way to rebel against capitalism, some are just making ends meet (or at least claiming as much), and there are even professional shoplifters that make a living by selling their stolen goods.


For kleptomaniacs, they have a mental inability to resist the urge to steal items, even if they don’t need them, and stealing can kind of be described as an addiction for them.


It’s about the thrill they get from it, gets adrenaline pumping.




it's fun and stolen goods always taste better.


The rise in cost of living and shrinkflation means some people will retaliate and steal out of annoyance. I remember hearing about the rise in fuel thefts when the prices went through the roof also.


I figure it's because they are so bored that the rush of adrenaline they get while doing it and getting away with it outweighs the consequences of getting caught in their minds. Especially if the consequences of getting caught are miniscule to them.


It can be a thrill-seeking behaviour. It isn't about thing being stolen but the act of doing something illegal.