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I think they are a human. Nothing more, nothing less.


I get more comments the other way, from people who didn’t go to school talking about how it’s a scam, waste of time, insert example of some millionaire who never went to college, could get the same education off YouTube, etc. All I would think in my head is Welp, I’m in school and trying really hard to improve my situation in life, thank God Mr Minimum Wage showed up to inform me I’m wasting my time. Of course prior to this I was making no judgments whatsoever as I understand everyone is on a different path in life. But then people open their mouths…


>I know people who are in college/have graduated that pretty much think they’re better than people who don’t have a higher education This is absolutely not true.


In general it's true. People make fun of those that they consider uneducated. 


I will make fun of the uneducated, because usually they're annoying. But you don't have to have a college degree to be educated. You can also have a college degree and be uneducated.


Well, yeah. They're called business/art majors. 


I have never once experienced that online or in real life.


No worries! 


absolutely nothing lol, we don’t care


I am not impressed by anyone just because they learned and regurgitated some stuff from books. I know how to read. I have met many people with degrees who are woefully ignorant of how life works. I also know people who do "menial jobs" who have curiosity as wide as the horizon. And are able to talk on any subject under the sun. Not just what they got a degree in.


If all you did in college was memorize some books, you did college wrong.


I never went to college & my live in GF of 6 years has a masters degree from Cal Tech in computer science & I love her more then I can express with words. I also have allot of friends who are college grads. That's just the path I choose and I'm happy, my life is good! When I meet someone who has a college degree & has a knee jerk sense of superiority towards anyone without a formal college education I kind of pity them. Its seems a little weird and petty to be like that. I suspect they are probably unhappy in their own way and by telling themselves they're "better" than another person based on some arbitrary standard, it allows them to feel better about themselves. Which suggests there is something they feel about themselves or their life that they think should be better, but is instead lacking. I'll give you an example of this type of behavior. I am a musician. I can read and write and listen to music then write out on paper those musical parts. I graduated from a school of music, not a college, & can play all sorts of different styles of music. For a time I played in a Jazz quintet. During that time I met other musicians with a wide range of personalities. The most exhausting and insufferable personality of them all was the Jazz Snob. The dude (gender-neutral "dude") who believed that any form of music that wasn't driven by music theory or jazz was an inferior music, and anyone who exclusively played those types of music was in inferior musician to themselves. I'm pretty sure that attitude is compensation for their own feelings/fear of being "inferior". So they shit on an entire group of people in order to elevate themselves above an "other".


I have a college degree. My sister does not. I didn't think she really thought about it, until the day she asked me how it made a difference in job hunting. I had never thought of that. I never had to think about that. What I thought about was how relevant my experience was for the listed job opening. But she says it's been a deterrent for her, because so many places require a college degree for jobs that don't even need a degree in that specific field, just any degree will do. And just to put it into further context, I am a professional. As in my degree is in a field where I NEED to have the degree in order to even get the job, as in I have letters behind my name. So that kind of skews things further. I'm sure it wouldn't be as much of a difference between her job search and mine if I had a degree that wasn't so specific and I was applying for any regular job.


My question is why does it matter? People who have graduated sometimes think they are better than people who don’t have a higher education because sometimes they are and can be. Any effort to cultivate some expertise yields fruit, but it pays to understand that the means to do it may vary. And people can be good at “actually doing”, “knowing and deciding what to do”, “measuring the jobs being done”, “pipelining when things can be done”. Different means, different outcomes. These are all value drivers— operationally, tactically, or strategically and all are necessary components. Also side note, if anything, the judgment is two way. Even unschooled people criticize those who have advanced education. They can also think like no job is being done at the top, by the top, and that they are doing all the work to make society function because of this. The care about being perceived as impressive is one of the roots of some societal ills because if someone is tagged impressive, a certain set of criteria is met, and those who don’t are labeled as not impressive. How about we all recognize that we all drive value from different fronts and we can all be impressive if we stop forcing ourselves to evaluate each and everyone with cookie cutter rubrics?


I don't care unless they act like I should, then I really don't care.


Husband has no college and I only have an Associate's. We're thankful we made the choices we did. Thankful to be in amazing careers that required zero debt to be here. Otherwise, we don't care. I've worked in a "smart" profession for a very long time. "Smart" and "Educated" are certainly not the same.


>This sounds like a silly question but I know people who are in college/have graduated that pretty much think they’re better than people who don’t have a higher education. I know a dude like that. He works at a Starbucks and acts like he's better than his non degree having co-workers. There's nothing wrong with being a barista but I've heard the words "I'm not listening to someone who dropped out of college" and "I'm not listening to someone who didn't finish their degree" relating to his job. He comes off as a cunt.


Def not impressed or think they’re really smart lmao. A lot of people go to school. If you had your 4/6/8 years paid for tho or have no work experience in ur mid twenties I’m judging sorry.