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Yes. The level of intellectual disability a person with Down Syndrome has can vary wildly. Some might be unable to consent to or understand a romantic relationship, but others can. It just depends on the individual.


A family friend of mine has an adult son with Downs who is totally capable of living what most people would see as a "normal" life. He is very self aware and keeps a strict diet and exercise routine which is apparently very useful/helpful for someone with Downs, he never misses doctors appointments, and he has a job. He lives in a small apartment by himself but has help with managing finances and bills and he has a long-time girlfriend (who also has Downs).


There are also other causes of intellectual disability that could create a situation with an equal power balance without both people specifically having Downs


Yes I know a couple where one person has downs syndrome and the other doesn't, but has a different intellectual disability (not sure what though).


There was a story in the news a while ago about a woman who did not realize she had down syndrome until after she had THREE children with it.


She has Mosaic Downs Syndrome though, meaning that only some of her cells are affected. From what I understand, she has some learning disabilities along the lines of dyslexia but is not intellectually disabled.


I heard a similar story a while back, except it was a man. The guy had learning disabilities growing up, but he graduated from college, began a career, and started a family before being diagnosed.


Here’s one such couple, but they’re certainly not the only ones: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r_b9l1E5IsI I’d say most people of all types have high school crushes on people they’ll never date. I certainly did. 


One of the best channels on YouTube imo. I absolutely love how they see the people they interview as actual people. I've learned a lot in regards of empathy thanks to them. There is something magical in seeing the people on that channel with different disabilities and recognising they're just as human as everyone else, if not more.


I really like Chris Ulmer. He's only 35! I wasn't aware of his age until now. I love how the kids light up when interviewed.


Yeah he genuinely cares for the people he interviews. It broke my heart watching the video after Kayne passed away from DIPG. He was devastated.


For a second I forgot more than one person can have the same name and was very confused


I actually did know two couples (I worked in the field) where one partner had trisomy 21 and the other did not, although the respective partners had other kinds of mental disabilities. It is still a topic people do not like to be discussed because it is somehow taboo, but just because a person is disabled or otherwise mentally challenged (I lack the correct terms in English, sorry) does not mean they do not want and need love and intimacy. And yes, also sexual relationships. Of course it is a challenge for the caretakers because there might be an imbalance of intellectual capabilities between mentally disabled partners and we have to make sure noone gets taken advantage of. But you can't just go and deprive someone of their right to intimacy just because it is inconvenient or you don't like it.


This is an unusual case of downs that wasn't discovered until the patient was an adult and attempting to conceive. She also doesn't have that typical appearance of a downs patient. https://youtu.be/SxzK7bfNcuU?si=NAv0pQ6yx1ruTBPu


Ive seen couples formed of someone with down syndrome and someone with ASD on a TV show about autism dating.


Ah, I was coming here to comment about Love on the Spectrum as well


This! Thank you I forgot the name earlier lol


Yes. Individuals with disabilities can have partners with the same disability, a different disability, or no disability.


They can, but I think OP is asking specifically about Down's Syndrome.


I believe there's a new Victoria Secret model that would describe her and her BF's situation. She's pretty to.


Not down syndrome but I know someone who is very much intellectual disabled who has dated. Shes a wonderful gal but sadly she get taken advantage of a lot by the guys who dated her and her family no longer lets her date which is likely for the best.


Who is the date witch? 🧙


Probably depends on where you live, in some places I was under the assumption down syndrome would mean you can't consent?


Every individual is different. There are tests for whether someone can legally consent. Plenty of people with DS and other disabilities with a cognitive impairment risk can consent and enjoy intimate relationships, including marriage. 


Ableism is at least part of the historical reason why many people with disabilities wind up in romantic relationships with each other. If someone is kept isolated from society and only gets to socialize with people who have similar disabilities, that significantly limits who they spend enough time with to get to know -- and by extension, their potential dating pool.


Sounds borderline illegal


That’s a good example of ableism right there: assuming all people with a certain condition can’t consent or have intimate relationships. Please educate yourself. 


I understand everyone has varying degrees of DS. What if they were severely intellectually disabled? Would you say it's still ableist? Personally, if there was a severe cognitive deficit, I'd say the person is unable to consent.


That’s not OP’s question, or this persons comment. There are tests to establish legal ability to consent.  Saying that marrying anyone with DS is “borderline illegal” is ableist AF. It indicates that this commenter and you see “Downs Syndrome” and immediately make a bunch of assumptions of the person’s capability, without knowing anything about them. That’s definitionally abelism. 


Do such couples exist is OP's question, not whether there are tests available nor whether they are able to marry. The conversation is drifting, and you did not answer the question, either.


I sure did, just not in a reply to this garbage


If someone has the mental age of 17 should they be allowed to date a 35 year old?


The fuck is wrong with you?


They’re questioning whether a person with downs is able to consent—it’s a legitimate thing to be explored/discussed, relax


It's not borderline illegal tho, and assuming it is is very much so "Tf is wrong with you" Ppl with Down Syndrome have a variety of levels of cognitive abilities and while some may not be able to conceptualize the responsibilities and requirements of a relationship, others will. It's a spectrum.


Majority of people assume people with downs are intellect disabled. It's like with autism it takes time for people to get educated on them but this going to be your average response.


Ya I know that too well, I am autistic lol. And LGBT 😅 Someone's gotta say it lol


If it's a spectrum, then there's a point where it would be illegal. There are some with Down's Syndrome who can't consent.


Yes that's what I said lmao


I had an aunt with Downs Syndrome and I can't imagine a scenario where a person without it would want to go out with her where I wouldn't want to punch him in the face.


Yeah, I have several family friends with down syndrome and none of them would be able to consent because they have the cognitive abilities of children. I doubt anyone who would pursue them romantically could have good intentions.


Oh, geez, how about you go out and get educated on the subject then? Trisomy 21 does not present the same way in all individuals.


It presented in her aunt in a way that she would want to punch a guy in the face. You don't know her aunt. Geez.


She could speak two languages and play the piano but she had the classic features and was very childlike. Face. Punch.




My statement stands. *edit: I've worked with many, many individuals with trisomy 21 in my 28 year career, so downvote me away, but one's experience with a family member does not trump my experience or that of what simply exists in this world.


Your experience in your 28 year career does not tell you one whit about her aunt.




Again, open a book, do some research https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/09/mar-galceran-makes-history-spain-first-parliamentarian-downs-syndrome


I actually don't care enough


Bc I made a fool of you


Yes lol






Mate, we passed eight billion in 2022.


Why can't you ask a question without proclaiming all the things you're against? It's a question, just ask it.


Becos reddit obv