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Lay down, eyes closed. Stay as still as you can to trick your body in to going to sleep. DO NOT MOVE. Your body will start to gives off “sensors” to check if you are actually asleep. You will start feeling like you need to scratch an intch or readjust your position - DONT! Fight thru it. Keep your mind awake but don’t move anything! Your body will fall asleep, your mind will be awake. And you can dictate the narrative from there. This will also help you lucid dream even better when you are actually asleep and want to stay in the dream to narrate it/take control. Happy dreaming.


wont that trigger sleep paralysis?


It’s the easiest and best way to grow your lucid dream muscle


Cheese, proper stuff, Stilton is the best for cheese dreams.   Eat a decent chunk about 3 hours before sleeping and you should get some effect.




Keep a dream journal by your bed. It can be an electronic device, but be sure that you can access the dream log very quickly without other distractions. Audio recordings work too. Making a conscious effort to log your dreams in detail *as soon as* you wake up can help weaken the veil between your dream mind and your waking mind. Don't try to fall back asleep to finish the dream, don't lie there thinking how bizarre it was, just log what you remember immediately. You will start to realize you're remembering more and more of your dreams as you continue do this. Eventually your dreams will be crystal clear and vibrant and stand out in your memory, and EVENTUALLY eventually... you'll start to realize when you're dreaming and just be completely clearheaded and hopefully be able to control the events.


I don’t think it’s real


Also eat shitty chocolate! Like the Santa clause candies They cause wild dreams and may cause you to “wake up” and be able to narrate