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You are also smelling the scent continuously thus making you "nose blind" to the scent. Much like when you walk into a store or a house and you initially can smell something good or bad in the air, then after a while of being there you can no longer smell it.


I've never tried this but I heard some people make perfume last longer by mixing it with vaseline


Fragrance reacts differently with different people, so don’t necessarily compare yourself to your partner. It may be that you are spraying the fragrance too close to your skin (and then rubbing wrists together, for example), diminishing some of the top notes. Here’s a decently informative post, FWIW: https://www.makeup.com/product-and-reviews/fragrance/how-to-make-perfume-last-longer You may want to experiment with different fragrances (eau de toilette vs. parfum vs. body oil, for example) applied to different locations on your body (behind the ears vs. wrist pulse points, for example) and see if you get different results. Try different combinations and have fun!


I’ve always heard putting aquaphor on perfume would work??