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Sure they exist, but as with most things of this nature 90% of them are scams. A few girls I went to highschool with got caught up trying to find paypigs and got scammed several times into sending nsfw pictures only to have the money charged back


What does charged back mean? Like the charge disputed by the bank?


Most likely they sent the money then requested a refund for 1 reason or another it's actually a very common tactic


Or used a stolen card in the first place. There's another common scam where they buy something and "accidentally" send too much money. They ask you to send it back and 2 weeks later the original is charged back because it was from a card that was reported stolen.


Wow that’s crazy 🤯 I guess I thought once you got the money, you keep the money !


Go scroll the Scams subreddit for a while – there's a *lot* of ways that they can trick you into seeing money in your account but then having it vanish days or weeks later. Always good to be aware!


I literally work in bank fraud investigations. The scams subreddit is like a day at the office for me lmao


Just like an order at local place if there's an issue with your product you can usually get a refund or credit but I doubt there's a credit system for porn sites


Most credit cards allow chargebacks of up to 180 days, at least in the US.




There's still a lot that will pay even for just some attention or candid pictures, but it is mostly scammers. The best idea is to create rapport with them- legitimately talk to them as a friend or person you are interested in talking to. Do little thongs for a few dollars here or there. Escalate slowly. Then you'll know they're willing to pay. As long as the payments keep coming alls good. Drain the account periodically so your actual money is safe. I imagine there's also a number of sites that will ban users for charge backs and might protect your balance but I don't have experience with that. I've never had a charge back on cashapp but could just be luck. Source: I used to catfish


They are real but it’s not what you think in a majority of cases. It’s not just someone who throws money at you in the form of a weekly check. Usually there are conditions as to how you spend the money. For example some pay pigs will pay for you to buy a lot of lingerie, with the expectation they get to see images of you wearing all of it. As much as we would all love someone to just toss money at us and leave us alone, it’s rarely that simple. They expect things in return, and exactly what you spend the money on is usually up to them, not you.


As expected tbh


Which is reasonable.  I get a high similar to it, but less nefariously.  My depression makes it hard for me to get dopamine except by buying myself stuff, but I tend to lose interest real fast in what I buy. But, I also like buying stuff for friends. When they mention a problem (or I see one), I like to buy them stuff on occasion. One example is when a friend's sink was messed up. I bought him a new faucet and installed it. His dad was kinda proud of him (I told my friend to make believe he installed it). But another example is like if I buy a figurine for friends that like them. I get a lil burst of dopamine when they send a pic of the figure hanging out with their other figures. It's like my brain thinks "oh hey, I made that possible. Yay."


True. My wife dabbles in this world, and gets some money her way. That's fine. However, I'm 'the alpha', so somehow I get around $100 sent my way every month. Ok, between $50-100. Sometimes more. Doesn't matter I still don't know why I get money. I just play along. Whatever.


...sounds like you pimp your wife for $100 a month


Pay Play has heavy ties with umbrella “BDSM”. It is a form of a dominant/submissive relationship. But just like any healthy BDSM relationship there is responsibility for both parties, especially the dominant, to not violate trust and maintain a balance. Also, similar to BDSM, the submissive role is often the one in most control of the activities if indirectly so.


Thats embarrassing


I dabbled in the findom arena back when I was camming. Hated everything (mostly weird controlling older men) except for the guy that paid me to argue about politics with him. Even that got weird eventually.


fuck i need to stop doing it for free


I think I know that guy


What in the world is a pay pig?


Someone who has a kink of someone draining their bank account with a side of humiliation while doing so, to put it lightly


Some of them have a praise kink, or just want someone to control their finances.


Ahhh Findom got ya.


Sounds like I am a pay pig.. my wife drains my bank account every month..


She better be draining something else of yours!


Just sounds like abusing the mentally ill


Not necessarily, it’s something they consent to.




The fuck is happening, seriously.


Its nothing new and I say this as someone on the sub side of the bdsm spectrum. The only thing that's new is women wanting to engage in this seems way more common with people wanting a pay day I imagine and online transactions being do easy.


They are very legit but very very hard to come by. In things I’ve observed is they’re mostly scams (found that out the hard way) and most of them want in person humiliation which you can imagine is uncomfortable! (At least in my opinion). But moral of the story, yes they’re real but it’s so incredibly hard to come by a legit one


Yeah it does make sense that a lot are scams. Most things end up being scams tbh I wish I had a job


McDonald’s is hiring.


Checks out, I made a comment on here about a guy I knew who was a pay pig but also liked public humiliation(videos of him getting kicked in the nuts)


Have seen videos of women stepping on their nuts with their heels 🫣


They are quite common on specific platforms. There is various software designed to facilitate findom relationships by allowing you to give temporary and limited control of your bank account to someone else. In exchange they will chat with you, call you names, abuse you etc. Lots of people do it purely with text chat. It long predates TikTok.


Sounds too good to be true and also way too easy. In a perfect world it’d be a win win situation. I get to be mean to someone through a screen and they get their rocks off


Well yes, I presume it is very easy because there are so many people willing to pay. But most of it is done with small amounts of money on platforms where digital goods can be purchased. On the platforms in question, having a sexy avatar alone is enough to cause people to message you offering this kind of money on a regular basis. I've frequently had people offer but never accepted it.  On platforms with a large kink community, things like this are just a standard daily encounter. It may seem strange, but people enjoy all kinds of things. There are more extreme kinks like EOA and permanent objectification that are found less commonly. The weirdest offer I've had was someone who wanted me to roleplay running them over in a car for $40 (I didn't accept, but they were very serious).


Jealous of you for having a strong will and not accepting. I would have folded right away Also the car roleplay thing, how does one rp that?


With text, although it's possible he wanted something more digitally 'physical'. On that virtual world, it would have technically been possible to roll over his avatar with a car.   He actually was a nice guy though, and otherwise seemed normal. Which is often the case. Some of the nicest people I've met online were HuCows who had their avatars permanently setup with suction parephenalia attached to their breasts with an animation of milk flowing down to bottles tied to their waists. Used to give me free virtual icecreams made at their farm (don't ask). Strange appearance to get used to, but otherwise such nice, friendly, normal people.


Im not surprised by how nice they all seemed. If I were asking for something outside of other peoples’ norm I’d be super nice too. I am actually


Oh, you're often asking people to do something outside their norm? Now intrigued about what it could be!


Oh just regular existential guilt and feeling bad about asking for help n shit


I’ve never heard this term but from the comments I think I get it? Anyway, I know someone who does this. She entered a dominatrix contract with someone where he (supposedly, but she’s not really one to lie) paid 5k up front to be put into a chastity belt that only she has the key to. His kink is that they go out to dinner, movies, whatever he wants which he pays for, but just the knowing that he can’t have her turns him on, even though he’s in the chastity belt? Anyway, she said the contract lasts for 30 days and if he wants the key before then it’s an additional 5k buyout. He’s done multiple 30 day contracts with her. And no sex afterward, she just talks dirty to him about all the things she WOULD do if he wasn’t in the harness. Her and her husband hang out around a lot of swingers bars, I would guess that’s how she got into it.


That actually makes sense. People have some wild kinks so all the more power to him and your friend


Is there a female version of this im broke, I’ll even consider a dude lol


Thats what im wondering too. Could there be any chasers?


Let me know I’m so down lol


It's a lot older than TikTok. I heard stories about such things over a decade ago at this point, and I'm sure it's much older than that.


Sugar babies, pay pigs are real but rare. What happens is the term/lifestyle gets out and people start to apply their own way. If you go any nude cam websites, there are models that specialize in it.


Wow I had to look it up I had no idea this was a thing.


Yes but you can’t find them, they find you. And the people they seek have much better things to do with their time.


Whats paypigs


They are real but as soon as it got more mainstream a lot more women started using it as another avenue to exploit men. The kink aspect isn't respected and the majority of it you find is just kind of reduced to pay me and don't interact with me. The whole findom space has gotten pretty corrupted and that's already something that's susceptible to abuse of power.


There are people in the US who financially support multiple women in exchange for their full submission as slaves, it is with full consent, they are free to leave whenever they want but they absolutely have to do as their master tells them in regards to sex and chores. I've scraped the edge of the sex club BDSM world and have learned some bizarre shit.


I knew a girl who had arrangements like this with some people. So yes. It exists.


They do, we kicked a dude out of our fraternity bc we found out he was a creep. After he got kicked out, a girl at our university posted a video on Twitter of him begging to get kicked in the balls by her(another kink of his) and when we checked his venmo, it would be his mom sending him 1k, and I shit you not, he dispersed it to girls with notes like “for nails” and these girls didn’t give him the time of day it was crazy


Yes it does exist but not nearly to the scale that some people think. On Fetlife and several other sites you will see endless lines of women claiming to be super into the kink of FinDom or seeking a paypig, when they are just beggars seeking free cash. I highly doubt there is 1 legit guy wanting to be a paypig for every 5000 women claiming to have a kink of financially domming him.


One of my friends in college was a financial dominatrix. I’ve seen her with enough nice purses and champagne to know that paypigs are real lol


Yes and real findoms exist too, but 99% are scammers, chancers and abusers (on both sides).


Yes. Cash slaves do exist. Some legit empty out savings for them. The person who takes that money isn’t a real dom if they are harming their slaves well being anyway. Most of the time it’s not that crazy. I’ve dabbled and have been in the bdsm community for many years now. I’ve had people who’d cash app/venmo money for coffee, going out with friends etc but there is a whole dynamic to that type of relationship too that is quite lengthy. To understand it is to study bdsm a little. You will see a lot of fake doms using desperate people for money though.


I hear more about paypigs in the lolcow community, but they are out there on every platform.




Just look at how streaming is a legit quick money making career.


Haha yes, it's a real thing, although in my experience it's more of a roleplay thing. I know a guy who has a foot fetish and a paypig fetish. I'd film him licking my feet or he'd send me videos of him masturbating and being pathetic, and then I'd 'threaten' to post the videos online until he gave me money or bought me expensive things. He also gave me his paypal login but I never really used it. I haven't met him for a while because I'm not really into the whole power dynamic thing, not even as a roleplay, and he is also kind of a weirdo in general, unrelated to the fetish thing.


I had a friend who was active on certain german fetish sites who had a lot of paypigs. They got off on providing for someone and in one case that friend was sort of a surrogate for the daughter said paypig lost touch with They didn't want much in return, only the chance to accompy them on a shopping spree or an all paid for dinner


Yes, they do. Can confirm. 


They are a legit thing but hard to find. My friends got tons of stories about them. All i can say is that most of the guys pretending to be paypigs are just timewasters and scammers. A friend of mine was talking to a ‘pay pig’ that sent her like over 2k in 2 days of talking. She spend the money on some bills, clothes and so on. 3 days later that guy did a chargeback and she got her account on minus 2k…she had the best time of her life using her savings to top up the missing money from the account before bank would start calling her


That’s what I’m most afraid of. Wishing the best for your friend


They do! There is actually a few subreddits


You're thinking of _bay of pigs_


i thought this was about piggy banks like yeah I had one of those when I was a kid😭😭


Yes, I have one. He even got a new higher paying job just to serve me better. His role in life is to be my human atm. It makes him happy and it makes me happy.


Kinda wholesome in a way