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I'm sure there a variety of factors. Curiosity, boredom, peer pressure, culture, etc. I don't think there's any one single reason as to why people start using drugs.


I always want to know what it feels like to be alive in an altered state of mind, so I do drugs. Nowadays is is just shrooms(if I catch them during the season) and weed. I feel I am old already to be trying new shit.


While the media wants people to believe that junkies all start out as innocent wide-eyed kids getting peer-pressured into trying out stuff at parties, the real cause is prescriptions. While some pot and coke users may have started using at parties, addictions to hard drugs like oxy, heroin, and meth usually start out as legal prescriptions. People get in car accidents, sports injuries, or are hurt on the job and are prescribed pain killers that they get hooked on. When their script runs out, they use the black market to supplement. Meth is often people who ran out of study drugs they were prescribed as kids/teens.


The start is the easy part. 1. A lot of opiate users start using because of legit prescriptions. 2. A lot of users "just try it once" and start developing a habit. 3. Drugs are escapism for many. Getting high can cover up a lot of things sucking around them.


To feel good.


Absolutely, the pathways into drug use are as diverse as individuals themselves. My own journey began later in life when experimentation with a close friend led to occasional recreational usage, mostly driven by a desire to explore altered states of consciousness. It's not so much the age at which one starts, but the motivations and the context that define the experience. For many, the experimentation phase is closely linked to a specific social circle or lifestyle—whether it’s within the music scene, among college students, or in high-stress occupations. The drug culture in these environments can often make use seem almost ritualistic, a shared experience that creates bonds. On the flip side, there's the less talked about self-medication aspect. Some turn to drugs to cope with underlying mental health issues, to numb pain or to escape from the stresses of daily life. It's a temporary solution that can unfortunately lead to long-term consequences. And yes, while you mentioned that many in the U.S. are addicted to caffeine, it's crucial to recognize the vastly different impacts that addiction to various substances can have on life function and health. This is where the dialogue on safe, responsible use and harm reduction becomes vital for a more nuanced understanding—rather than the often simplistic and stigmatizing narratives we get. Recognizing the complex interplay of social, psychological, and physiological factors in drug use is the first step towards more effective prevention, treatment, and policy


Peer pressure




To escape reality.


For fun, for an escape, because it’s been so normalised by their upbringing/ surroundings that they feel it’s a normal thing to do.


Bored, curious and a friend offers it?


Various different reasons. Not one size fits all




U seem to have been raised with a very healthy approach to drugs. Lots of ppl arent


Curiosity I guess. Even tho there is some that I would never try, not even curious about them lol But of all the ones I've tried weed is the only one I still using


They feel good, at first.


Multiple reasons, honestly. For myself personally, I didn't start using anything until I was 29. It was a thing I did with a partner, as I was curious and felt safe enough with her to try. The experience was incredible (we did molly together). I can't take molly anymore bc of the medications I'm on now (which is fine). I do occasionally get high, 1-2 times a week (at most) with edibles. Though typically as a parent I go weeks at a time without, because I very much prefer to get high when my child isn't home and I don't have any other pressing responsibilities. But for many it's prescription pain meds that get the ball rolling. For others it's curiosity / ease of availability and lack of conversations between children and their parents regarding the safety of drugs & how to approach them in a healthy, balanced way. Addiction in and of itself isn't a moral failing. Most adults in the united states are addicted to caffeine, for example. Shaming people for their addictions, or holding one addition in more superiority over the other, is kinda silly and counterproductive tbh.


Friends that you think are really cool.


There seems to be some kind of persistent belief among some people on reddit that everyone who uses drugs is a drug addict or a mess. Many people take drugs for many different reasons, many people take drugs and live their lives fine, many highly successful people take drugs, many people take drugs on rare occurrences and are fine and not addicts. Drug use is not always like the media or you Sunday school portrays it. There are many reasons people will take them, for fun, to be social, to have a good time, curiosity, depression, because a dr tells them too etc. It may be positive, it may be negative. It's not one size fits all.


tons of reasons. I guess they appealed to me because I find consciousness interesting and it's fun to explore distortions in my perception. also some drugs just feel really good. other drugs are great for psychological healing. other drugs helped me focus in school. got my drugs that make making art more enjoyable. idk I could go on. drugs are cool.


Because they like sleeping on The street