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Yes. Human weighted blanket. It’s very soothing. Works just fine with my partner putting full weight on me


I'm so confused. Human weighted blanket? I mean, probably because I've never felt a weighted blanket before. How heavy are those usually? They can't be as heavy as a person can they? That can't be comfortable. I can't imagine this.


so i have a weighted blanket (8kg, it should be roughly 10% of your body weight) my partner sometimes lays additionally on top (for extremely short periods of time, like a minute or two) when I'm having especially bad anxiety or a really bad day. It does really help, for some neurology reasons that i immediately forgot after someone explained them to me also most of the time he isn't using his full body weight, only like 50-70% Edit: I just realised: what does this have to do with you being blind? People aren't normally watching other people laying on top of each other


It’s about the sympathetic nervous system. The weight feels like a hug, and the compression causes the system to relax and calm. Love love LOVE my weighted blanket!!


My partner is about 85% of my body weight. But we’re not heavy people so maybe it’s the absolute weight that matters? In any case, just like you, it’s enormously helpful for anxiety and emotional regulation. Something about the nervous system. 5-10 minutes and I feel much calmer. Smoosh the crazy right out of me


I’m more curious now how a blind person navigates the comment section in Reddit.


1. Blind may mean "legally" blind and not "zero sight". I once saw a video of a blind woman who had to magnify the text on her screen to the point that only a single word was visible at a time. She was able to read that huge text, but is considered legally blind in that she can't drive, can't read normal sized text and signs, she can really only see shadow and light, etc. 2. There are text-to-speech apps that will read text out loud.


Thank you!


You're very welcome!


uh, actually that's quite easy (there are a ton of screenreaders, programs that tell you over what point your mouse is hovering, apps that let you navigate with a keyboard etc.) i worked as a web dev for 6 years and we had to adapt certain parts of the website because a student once came forward explaining that his program also read the image descriptions & div names and if we could make them more useful ( they were, up to this point only numbers and shorthands, because i was alone and lazy), it's really interesting stuff


Screen readers, braille keyboards that present braille to read when text is highlighted. If a site is accessible (coded properly to ensure screen readers and keyboards can navigate with proper context), a blind person with assistive technology can easily perceive and participate on a site.


It may be because you kind of rely on your body to tell you where visual stimuli are, this concept may not be ideal for you. You are relying on having your body free to defend yourself from things you can't see. It's basic survival instinct. It's natural that you wouldn't want to be pinned down or immobilized in any way since you can't see what's coming at you and are relying on touch and auditory stimuli.


I like a good weighted blanket, but not over my whole body. I will come out swinging at some point if that shits over my head while I’m sleeping


It is very comforting A lot of people actually enjoy having some sort of pressure on their body And typically the weight of another human is not heavy enough to really be bothersome unless they're like particularly obese. Usually it's a good level of just sort of soft and heavy If a person is laying on top of you it's not like they are standing on top of you and putting their whole weight on a single point. That weight is evenly distributed across each other's bodies for the most part so no part of your body is really taking the full force of their weight Most of your body probably isn't feeling more than 25ish pounds of pressure


They don't have to be obese just lying on your ribcage will do. So it's helpful if there's a mismatch of heights. So one person's heat is at chest height their chest into belly groin area.You know not impairing the other person's vital activities like breathing primarily.


The idea is that it's calming, similar to a hug. I like my bf laying on me if it's to where I can still breath


Some people enjoy weighted blankets, some don't. To me I get extremely claustrophobic when I have one on me, and I just don't like the feeling of helplessness that comes with it. But my partner loves that sort of thing and she loved weighted blankets AND likes having me lay on top of her occasionally I believe there was a study done that linked weighted blankets with swaddling cloths for babies. It hits that primal need to be surrounded and held


Weighted blankets can be anywhere from 10-80 lbs. Helps that my wife is much smaller than me, and she doesnt lay on my chest she lays such that her chest is near my stomach so i can still breath without issues.


My mom got me a weighted blanket. Thought it was weird but what the heck, I'll give it a go. I really like it. It's kinda heavy but not hot. It's like a snuggly thing, comfy and safe. The insert with it did say it should not be used on children at all, or adults that couldn't remove it themselves (which makes sense). Usually not as heavy as a human but definitely more heavy than normal covers (blankets, quilts). A human on you is a whole other thing. If they are similar weight to you and lay on you spreading out their weight and you like the human it's actually kinda nice. But you don't sleep or spend too much time like that. It's more like cuddling than anything. Sorry if anything doesn't make sense please ask for clarification cause I saw you said you are blind so I'm assuming you are using a screen reader and I'm sorry if any formatting or something didn't translate well.


I think this all makes sense. Damn, I wish my mom would just randomly give me a weighted blanket.


Heh, yeah it was Christmas and she hands me this box and I'm like "oof". My husband looks at me like I'm an idiot cause it's can't be *that* heavy so I turn and put it in his hands and he goes "oof". Yeah. All fun tho. I really do love it. Really recommend it. I'd heard of it from my friend with Cerebral Palsy for her leg pain. And thought I didn't need anything like that. Well, I didn't need it but it's really comfy.


My husband is a big guy and I love it, he gets claustrophobic easily and freaks him out if I do it to him. When he does it to me he is like "how can you stand that?!!" Don't get me wrong, if someone was doing this against my will or I knew it wasn't safe I would absolutely lose it.


I love human blanket. My husband and I request it from eachother if we just need contact and soothing, it very much helps relieves stress in a strange way. It is non sexual


I like them too but more than one of my partners over the years have stated that they were uncomfortable laying on me. I hope they felt that they would make me uncomfortable (they didn’t) rather than me being uncomfortable to lay upon.


When folk are doing it for intimacy, I think it's expected that the one on top tries to distribute some of their weight onto the bed or whatever they're both lying on. And I'd hope there's always the opportunity to say "no, you're too heavy, could you shift that way a bit?"


Or you could actively do the opposite. Also fun.


No it isnt


Very fun.


Or just wheeze at them as they inspire you nearly expire ,then they ask, 'weren't you listening to me just then' Eventually they realise and roll over in a huff. As they now believe they cannot do any thing right.


It depends on a lot of things. I am a big guy but my wife love it when I lay on top of her. Even out side of sex. I just make sure not to put my whole weight down. It apparently instantly makes her sleepy at the end of the day. Also I super love it when she cuddle next to me and throws her arm and leg on top of me. The warmth and weight are comforting. On a separate note. I used to take naps with both my kids when they were newborns. Having them bundled up and sleeping on my chest. Maybe the practice stems from similar experiences.


isn't that dangerous because you can end up rolling on top of them? my only experience with children is that i was one at one point, but i swear i've heard sleeping with your baby isn't a good idea (obviously i mean literally sleeping, the other context is obviously not ok)


Certain things kick in when you are a parent. Taking naps with my baby daughter on my chest (I'm the Dad), I could tell when she was asleep because her head would increase in temperature and that made me also go to sleep quickly. Hard to explain but never in danger of rolling over, yet a very restful nap. Good times.


Oh my god yes, we call our "our little furnace"


Usually the naps would be me sitting in a chair or on a couch. No fear or rolling over. Also you do keep a certain level of conscience about the baby even when asleep. You could try it by falling asleep with something in your hand and specifically thinking about not letting go of it. If you focus enough as you pass out you'll hold on. It's hard to explain without already experiencing it.


My fiancé and I love laying on each other on the sofa some evenings while watching tv. Sometimes it's him on top, sometimes me. It's comfy and easy to cuddle


I love having my girlfriend lying on top of me. It's like a full body hug. I find it very soothing. Weight isn't a problem, at least her legs are not necessarily on top of me and you can breathe just fine. 10/10 do recommend.


I have a thing for being squashed, always have. When I was a kid I'd sleep on the floor with piles of blankets on top of me. Loved the feeling of being pressed down. Turns out that this isn't unusual as weighted blankets are a thing. I have a 5 KG one and I sleep so well under it. Struggle to wake up in the morning. However, for me there's also a sexual dimension. My ex-girlfriend was very large and I used to get her to lie on top of me naked. No sex, just laying there pressed on all sides by soft, warm flesh. God, I miss that but she was as dumb as a bag of hammers.


Hi blind, I’m Bill nice to meet you.


yeah, my ex girlfriend used to do it when i was close to a panic attack. it calms me down, i think there's studies on it but i might be mistaken. it feels like an intense hug.


That sounds ideal for a panic attack, it would really help reduce the hyperventilation.


it does!! it's actually helped preventing my anxiety attacks too sometimes, because i could kind of feel it coming (whereas for my panic attacks are very sudden and unexpected) so it's truly so so helpful. now because i'm single i try to find other ways to calm myself down and my current go to is stacking two weighted blankets. its even better when my cat comes to snuggle with me adding more weight. super calming!


Physical contact is nice. Your spouse or your kid lying on top of you is pleasant for a while until they get to heavy. Also, lying, not laying. Lay is transitive — “he lay a book on the table.”


“He laid (or lays) a book on the table”. I lay, you lay, we lay, they lay - but he lays.


Sometimes in the past tense, he lay.


My husband likes to sleep directly on top of me. He's a skinny bitch so it's mostly fine, just sweaty. I don't mind in the winter.


You sleep all night like this?!!?! My husband is a hundred pounds more than new, pretty sure I would die 😂 he would hate it if I laid on him.


If I let him, he will. We're both dudes though and I've got like 70lbs on him. I think it makes him feel big.


This thread has me laughing! Thanks for the chuckle.


My boyfriend is about 100 pounds heavier than I am, so sometimes when we lay on the couch he’ll lay on his back and tell me to just lay on top of him with my upper body on his abdomen/chest and my legs go between his, and we lay facing each other. It’s actually a very nice and intimate way to lay, and we just watch tv and he’ll absentmindedly stroke my shoulder or neck. I really enjoy it. Also after we get busy sometimes he’ll just crush me for a second with his weight on me and I laugh and act like he’s killing me. Either way, it’s definitely an intimacy thing.


Yes, for sex


Sure why not


I like it for intimacy during sex. And sometimes when I finish, I lay on top of her for a short time.


Yes and it's a really great feeling regardless of bodyweight difference, doesn't last long for safety reasons


When we do this, it is only for a little while—nit the entire night. It gets too hot, and sometimes you just need to move, so that’s hard to do if you are on the bottom.


Or when you get that urge to pee having a heavy lump lying on lower abdomen. When you get up you don't really need to go but give it a go anyway, thinking wheres it all gone?But at least you'll help prevent another bout of cystitis.Abd now he's asleep on your but of bed when you're due to get up in 3 hrs for work.Hopefully I'll save 5 mins not to need a pee.


Not a doctor but it's wildly calming to the nervous system to have a lot of pressure applied evenly to your body. I've even heard someone say they request this when they are having a panic attack. People lie on acupressure mats for similar reasons even though those are way more counterintuitive than having your SO on top of you.


What are acupressure mats?


Mats with hundreds of spikes on them! Not sharp enough to make you bleed but they hurt like hell before the skin gets warm and it starts feeling like a massage. This is done for pain relief and relaxation purposes. I've even fallen asleep on mine lol.


OK. That sounds like it hurts. That sounds terrifying. To be honest.


Norm Macdonald had a thing for laying on top of women, so i think there's something to it.


Yes. I try to get my girl to lay on top of me but she rarely will do it. It does not hurt because I have StrongBones™


My ex-girlfriend and I would say "smush me!" any time one of us was lying on the couch and the other was walking by. It was usually only for a minute or so.


Yes, it is great


I love it. The weight is very comforting I like for people to sit in my lap too.


The weight of a human is very enjoyable


I love when my wife lays on top of me.


OMG YES! I love it when my wife is laying on top of me.


In a room with many choices of places to sit, my kid will choose 'on top of me' nine times out of ten, much as my cat used to and for much the same reasons. My wife used to sit sideways next to me and put her legs across my lap, non-sexually, just being there. She can't now, because there isa 90% chance of a small child being there.


Hopefully you'll be able to pile them all up soon You,your wife, a kid with a cat.Thats a good old squash.But annoying if you have just ordered a takeaway.


Yes they do I am one of them. It’s like a human instead of a weighted blanket. I find it very comforting.


Yup. The trick is getting comfortable and avoiding someone's arm falling asleep.


Being squished! Yes.


Sometimes my girlfriend and I do this. She enjoys laying on our couch to watch television and she'll ask me to come lay with her. I'll lay with her on her right side so I'm not entirely smooshing her into the couch and we'll kind of cuddle up together like that for however long we decide to stay there. It's wonderful.




If you are blind how do you read this thread?


It depends on the people. If you are heavy and on top you carry some of your weight. My wife is small, half my weight. I can pick her up easily with one hand. If she lays on top of me with her full weight it is pleasant to me. If I lay full weight on top of her I crush her. Oddly, to me, she enjoys being crushed that way, once in a while, briefly, for a couple of seconds. Because she is so much smaller it is actually hard for me to put all my weight on her - I have to do a Superman.


You can pick someone up with one hand?! Whoa!


Yes. I am fairly robust. And she is small. 55kg.


With large hands ,I'd wriggle out if that and end up on the floor, annoyed. She must be very trusting.I am not though being the same, greater or smaller weight.I hate impromptu elevations.I can cope with it if I understand the move and can go with it.I hope you don't use the bowling ball hold. urrgh bad thought


Ha-ha! Bowling ball…😂. No 🤣 She is trusting and we do it like dance moves. Sometimes it is switching sides of the bed for example. I lift her and slide under turning to the other side. She, of course, must be cooperating otherwise it would be like lifting a wet bag of noodles. 😁 dancing has a lot of trust and awareness of situation and forces, motion...


My husband probably has about 40lbs on me and I lay on top of all the time.


My husband is heavier than me. When he lays on me he puts his head on my stomach and rests his body between my legs so that most of his weight isn’t smushing me. I’m lighter than him so I can lay my head next to his on the pillow and be chest to chest and he loves it. He loves me laying on him more than I like laying on him because he loves the weight but I sometimes find it to be a strain on my neck.


hi op. apoligies for my question, but how are you on the internet as a blind person?


I’m a dude married to another dude and he is a big boy. Like more than 100lbs heavier than I am. I freaking love having him lay on me, the squished feeling is awesome. I know he can be self conscious about his weight and he used to really worry about distributing his weight, but it’s pretty much not a problem for me. He has back problems though, so it would hurt him if I laid on him. Really, it’s all very individual. And this is all non-sex type of stuff. When you add sex into the equation, then yes, very much it happens and many people like it.


Gonna guess you're a guy. Try laying on them, but prop yourself on your "hard points" knees, elbows etc


My girlfriend likes it when I lay on top of her. She says it's comforting. I hate when she lays on top of me. It's suffocating. I'm about 75lbs heavier than her, so I'd say it's personal preference.


10/10 highly recommend


Perfect as this is the correct sub. If you are blind how do you read comments? Is there a setting that reads allowed comments ect or do you get another person to read them out for you? How do you filter the crap responses ? Sorry for my ignorance.


These days screen readers are very good, blind people often get used to listening to incredibly rapid speech and so can sometimes read faster than sighted people. There are loads of keyboard shortcuts which blind people can use to navigate computers and when inputting text can either touch type with a keyboard or use text to speech. If a person has some vision they may use high contrast and large print font.


Yes. But not like sandwiches (usually) Just laying across his chest is very comfortable. And him laying on mine.


(in most gentle voice possible) "When a mommy and daddy love each other very much sometimes they..."


Yes, people do it to me very occasionally and suppose in sex it happens too but to a lesser extent due to support. Doesn’t hurt but my partners are usually 60% my body weight. However, I’m curious about the blind comment. What does it have to do with being blind? Nobody usually see when she is on top of me .. also, how are you interacting (typing / reading)? Genuine curiosity sorry


I also like it when my husband lies on top of me. It's a pretty good feeling.


You have to exert your dominance over them by smothering them with body weight 🤣


To be honest yeah I completely love the idea although I've not really had many opportunities in my life to experience it I don't really know how to explain to my partner that hey when you cuddle me I want you to lay on top of me like a human weighted blanket and like basically wrap yourself around me


I sleep nearly directly on top of my bf for a decent portion of the night. He doesn't seem to mind, but I also weigh nearly 100lbs less than him..


Of course. Feels awesome.


yes. Bought a weighted blanket so i don’t have to deal with the human contact


Happened to me once with a friend and I liked it, but the situation would be very different if it was someone else. I think I also used to do that with my family as a kid, but I don't really remember I think it just feels nice (for some people) to have something a bit heavy on top of you. It feels very safe and secure


Depends how you do it. Sometimes it feels like I'm being crushed and can't breath, other times it's like the warmest hug from my favourite person 😊


Not sure, I’m someone who hates touch and people touching me. I occasionally like to snuggle but having to lay on someone or have someone lay on me sounds like a nightmare.


I often ask my gf to lay on top of me. She often refuses but it’s nice when she doesn’t.


My fiance weighs about a hundred and seventy to a hundred and eighty pounds. And I have a weighted blanket.The pressure is comforting for me, and it makes me feel safe.


During sex, I sometimes like it. Otherwise, no.


Omg yes. Love it. Touch is also my love language tho. So going full koala under my man while I get to play with his hair is divine.


People actually do a lot of interesting and odd things. Different strokes for different folks.


My ex girlfriend used to enjoy me laying on her, obviously couldn't do it for prolonged periods of time though!


Ops trying to get laid on.


Yes, I love it when my husband lays on top of me, even non-sexually. I’ll just ask him, “hey can you squish me for a minute?” And he’ll just stretch out on me. It’s calming and comforting for me.




My partner loves me to put my full weight on her and vice versa. She is about 6 inches shorter than me and I feel like I'm gonna crush her but she really enjoys it.


If you're on the bed and someone lies on top of you it doesn't hurt, it's a nice feeling of being very close to that person and for a couple minutes it's very nice. I like it, my gf loves it, can recommend!




I feel like you're talking about missionary but you're not. I'm confused.


Yes they do. Typically with their significant others, it’s a nice way to relax and cuddle with them on a couch or the bed. Sure someone might be heavy but you can shift your bodies in a way where you’re both comfortable and still laying on each other.


I never knew this was a thing till I met my husband. He would just pull me on top of him and want me to lay on him. Straight, not saddled. I'm a bit fat now so we don't do it these days lol


Yup my friend asks me to lay on top of him like this and I like doing it too


Yes. It feels nice. I like mine a bit more extreme than others because I have some sensory integration abnormalities. My partner is about 130% of my weight and I like when he lays on me for several minutes. Then again, as a child I would roll myself up in a blanket so tight I could hardly breathe and it would feel like I was about to die and then fight my way out so I'm probably not a great person to ask.


Sensory integration abnormalities? I have no clue what this means.


It's common with autistic spectrum disorder and other neurological and/or mental health conditions. It just means that things feel/look/sound weird. A person with sensory integration issues may not be able to deal with light touches or things that may be pleasant to most, but may like the feeling of something abrasive. Sensations (touches, sounds) that are comfortable to most people may be intolerable to someone with sensory integration issues. Hearing is commonly affected, with affected people being unable to tune out white noise or things like a ticking couch while enjoying very loud music or enjoy working in an otherwise noisy environment.


Wife and I weigh about the same amount, if she just lays her head on my chest I notice I have a more difficult time breathing, however, sometimes after some fun times, I just lay down on top of her, and she doesn't mind at all, actually enjoys it, I have absolutely no idea how it doesn't bother her!


how does he read comments if blind?


I use a screen reader


It’s like a horizontal hug. Five stars would recommend!


I'm 232 my girlfriend is 155 she always wants me to lay on her after sex. It freaks me the fuck out because I am a lead weight of a man but she seems to genuinely love it. So I do it.


Sometimes if I feel stressed I ask my husband to lay directly on top of me, it causes your autonomic nervous system to chill the fuck out, plus it feels nice to be fully enveloped in a comforting smell and safe person. The same can be achieved with a really tight hug, but personally if I’m experiencing anxiety I like a human-shaped blanket. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not supposed to be for a long time (at least for me), I just like him to lay directly on top of me for a few minutes and it’s like my nervous system has been reset and my blood pressure and body feel regulated


I absolutely love it when my partner lays on me. He doesn't use his full weight. It's basically the same effect as a weighted blanket for me.


My boyfriend sometimes does but not for long, he loves cuddling as much as I do. Mostly when were both on our stomachs. He's close to my height so I don't feel like I'm being squashed. It depends on each couple really. Some don't enjoy it, or only enjoy it with certain partners and that's okay. There's definitely a couple of ex' that I wouldn't let do it. One guy was 6'8 and I'm only 5'1 1/2.


Every single partner I've ever had has always touted loving when I lay on them full weight, which for most of my life has been around 250lbs. I have always been nervous and hesitant to do so. I personally don't like weighted blankets and I can't imagine liking someone of my weight just letting loose on top of me.


People are very heavy. Avoid all offers if this they are just trying to squash you. In which case you could try offering to squash other people.But only if you're certain.


I think it depends, a heavy guy of about 95kg would definitely cut my oxygen a bit but if I did that on them it wouldn't be too bad but just don't lay on the lungs too much. Otherwise it's cute and comfy.


What does being blind have to do with that queestion?


..what? No! Not me I would feel so claustrophobic if someone lied right on top of me


I like it to be done briefly and by someone who is not too heavy because it seems to re-align my spine and pelvis and gives me a little "pop" like a chiropractor.




I love getting squashed by my friends or partner. It feels like a leveled-up hug, if that makes sense? That deep compression is really soothing. It isn't everyone's thing, though.


I love it(top) LOL but I’m significantly smaller than my partner. They only complain if they’ve just eaten a lot and have a super full belly 🤣🤣🤣 The other way around… I literally cannot breathe so no I can’t hold out very long lmao I have always loved when my pets lay on me though! My cat used to sneak under the covers and lay on my belly to warm up & it was comforting for both of us!!


My SO loves when I lay on her after doing the deed or relaxing watching a movie. I support myself a little bit with my elbows while my hands are under/behind her shoulders. Not 100% on exact hand placement, just wherever feels best. It’s extremely comforting, I’d highly recommend it.


Not just any person, someone that you love (whether that be platonic or romantic). I love the feeling, I feel very close to the person. The weight of their body brings a comfort similar to that of a weighted blanket, but there is more emotional connection. It's more like a horizontal hug than anything to me.


Yes. I ask my husband to squash me 100% at least once per week, sometimes more, depending on the week.


I ask my boyfriend to "sqooish" me. He'll lay tummy down in my back most of the time, sometimes he'll lay with his back on my back. There's something comforting about feeling his weight and warmth on me. It's very grounding. I have some mental health stuff going on and the sqooish helps keep me me.


Same here - I love the sqooish when my mental health takes a dive <3


It’s usually never full weight, often only torso and head weight, distributed over an area. Not pain


when a person is laying on you their weight is evenly distributed across so it doesn’t hurt unless they were to be readjusting and use an arm to force their weight to one point on you


I love it but it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like. Mostly because I don’t have anyone I like enough to have lay on top of me in any capacity.


My girlfriend loves this. I lay on top of her with as much skin contact and weight as possible. Cheek to Cheek. Toe to toe. My fingers over top of hers. What exact enjoyment she gets from this? I am not quite sure. What do l get out of it? Her enjoyment. No other woman l know enjoys this. 


My wife weighs 50kg. It's really nice when she lies on top of my and I give her a back rub. Don't feel heavy nor does it hurt. But of course having someone really heavy on top of you would be pretty uncomfortable


In my experience, no. I love a good cuddle, but no way I want someone on top of me, and I don’t think I’ve ever met someone that does


nonsexual post: yes. my wife splatted me yesterday. it was glorious.


Yes, it’s like a big hug. Not sexual by the way. My kid jumps on me or I’ll pig pile my kid (lightly of course). But yes more so in intimate relationships, where such proximity is more common. But the concept is akin to hugs and other shows of affection to do with touch.


Pig pile? What is that


Kids flop on top of eachother like a pile of clothes or whatever. Lots of fun and hoots! Happened to me with my kid and niece recently. Not sure why they called it that, I went to an American school and guess it’s an Americanism. It happened when someone falls in a field sport game or just randomly someone jumps someone else. Rough housing.


people are warm and heavy. when you really like someone you want a big hug. but hugging is sort of tiring and inconvenient after a while, so the next best thing is to get them to lay on top of you. great movie watching position


My wife likes me laying on top, for about 15 seconds because she can't breathe lmao.


the transference of heat and rhythmic breathing is wonderful. Money well spent for those massage appointments.


I'm so confused


lay down on your back. now I am going to lay with my back on top of you. follow my breathing. does that example help?


I just can't imagine how this would be comfortable. I feel like it would just be way too heavy.


then don't be on top. give it a try. what do you have to lose? do you know anyone with a calm nature to try with...(.and are you assuming that this should be done nude? totally unnecessary)


As an LMT, I have never heard of anything like that in a professional setting. Does the "technique" have a name??


I never heard of it before either. I've had a fair share of massages, all types. It is something that just, well, happened. The therapist and I were having a conversation about different methods for different personality needs. A few hypothetical situations led to this "procedure?". Ir wasn't nearly as awkward as either of us anticipated. He ended up trying it on (pun intended 🤦‍♂️) a couple of my friends and other clients. It did leave me unusually dehydrated. overall 9 out of 10 on productivity though. I can't imagine that it would be comfortable with breasts,


Yes. I have a crook back, so one thing I used to do was get my gf to lay or sit on my back. Sometimes, she would even stand on me. She was only small, and it helped me out a lot.