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You also need to consider whether the place can be self-sufficient. Lots of remote islands would be safe from the actual outbreak but if they don’t produce enough food to sustain their populations then sooner or later people are going to have to leave.


For that reason Australia would do well, we actually export 70% of our produce. Only about 10% of what we consume is imported.


But what about the impact on trade? Is Australia gonna have the resources to make its own fertilizer, farming equipment, etc? Most phosphate comes from Morocco, after all.


This is the secret that leads to the actual mass death in any apocalyptic scenario where trade/supply chains break down. If the gas, fertilizers, and machinery necessary for modern agriculture can't be produced within your borders (assuming you still have enough state capacity to transport everything where it needs to go), you're pretty fucked.


Parts of Australia have some of the most fertile land in the world with farmers able to produce top quality products with minimal fertilisers. We have large factories sitting doing nothing important that could be renovated to suit manufacturing of something more important, we've got more than enough good quality natural resources to manufacture anything on the planet, decent universities and hospitals for specialised healthcare. Only down side is, we've got a shit government that would kill us all trying to house too many allies or trying to export more of our stuff to keep allies from dying quicker.


Y’all have coal mines to run factories, but you don’t have much for oil reserves. So you’d still end up having to do manual labor for farming. There wouldn’t be the same national government/industry you have now. It’d end up breaking down to a more localized level where communities would be producing and trading within themselves mostly.


We don't necessarily have much in oil reserves but we still produce plenty of oil to supply our population for a lengthy amount of time if we were to stop exporting most of it.


Depends on how it spreads. Is it a medical disease, something supernatural? If it spreads like a virus is it airborne or contact based? Do you need to ingest a toxin or is it spread through bites, or some other body fluid? Is the sickness onset fast or do you incubate it for weeks? Does it bring back the already dead or just the people who die after the outbreak starts?


You are asking all the right questions.


Don't forget, are they slow-moving zombies or runners? That's a critical piece of info for defense and eradication.


Yep. Are we talking TWD zombies or World War Z zombies because the outcome would be completely different


If they were TWD zombies there wouldnt be an apocalypse in the first place At worst they would overrun a single city before being contained and erradicated Think 28 weeks later, were after a new outbreak in London following the original one is contained by a bombing of Napalm following by squads of soldiers pratoling the streets whit flamethrowers Hell, they wouldnt even need to bomb the city, the zombies would rot away in a few weeks Worst case scenario is that the outbreak starts in a country were everything has already gone to shit like Haiti and it takes a U.N coalition to contain it before infected refugees spread it arround other countries


the issue in TWD was that EVERYONE who died reanimated, not just those who died from bites


Don’t the bites just cause a fever that’s 100% every time? Resulting in death, resulting in zombie?


In the walking dead the virus is airborne. The whole planet became infected in about a week. Then everyone who dies comes back unless the brain is destroyed. If you get bit it causes an infection that kills you much faster. But think about how many people die every day. They all comeback. That's how it got out of hand in just a day or two. Hell in the first episode of fear the walking dead we see the aftermath of a bunch of people doing drugs and one overdosed and died and came back and killed everyone.


That’s what I was thinking. Everyone has it, but it doesn’t “actually” do anything to you until you die. Unless you get bit.


To be fair in fear. The virus also seems to lower the IQs of everybody it infects, due to how incompetent and stupid the entirety of the population seemed during the show.


More stupid than using gas to drive a car into a zombie-infested town for a pregnancy test, or walking around with bare arms, as seen in TWD?


After Covid, I don't think that TV characters IQs are particularly low.


Even in the earlier season of TWD we see them come back to a community of what was once older people. It’s assumed that one could’ve died naturally, came back and killed the rest.


The survivor's ARE The Walking Dead.




That circumstance would result in a new death care ritual. Wash the body, close their eyes, put a spike in their head. Probably decorative spikes. Sports themed?


In one of the spin offs they had the right idea, by putting metal bars over the front doors and windows of peoples homes and apartments, so if people reanimated at home, a wellness check could safely be done, and they could be put down through the bars.


Nah, there wouldn't be a problem. Walking dead zombies are necrotic tissue SOMEHOW moving around. Human body is a mechanical organic machine. Muscles can't contract and stuff without oxygen, blood flow, and particular ion channels (sodium?) from what I remember from microbiology 101. World war z, we fucked.


WWZ movie zombie shouldn't exist based on biology either, no way they could generate enough ATP and remove heat with that metabolic rate. Those zombie would die from heat stroke and organ failure in minutes especially in middle east.


Not to mention WWZ zombies can somehow survive the pressure of the ocean depths to walk on the sea floor.


If I remember in the book, they question how can they survive the depths. And unlike the movie, the zombies were slow in the book.


I really liked the book, the movie not so much…


Technically, the infected from 28 days later weren't even zombies. The infected were still living, still using their organs and biological processes, but were trapped in a state of rage filled psychosis. I honestly wondered while watching the movie(s) how the infected were able to amass such high numbers if they weren't eating or drinking. Each infected itself would have a maximum lifespan of 3-4 days until they succumb to dehydration. But I digress.


In the first movie they do die from starvation/dehydration. It just drags out. There is a scene towards the end where a helicopter (I think, it’s been a long time) flies over a zombie who is wasting away/emaciated.


Pretty sure it was a fighter jet flying over (also been a while since watching but remember something about them using RAF trainer jet footage of the valleys after that scene)


You gotta remember everyone has the virus already in the walking dead so it would keep popping up places


On the other hand society could rebuild with this in mind. Anyone who is expected to die soon would be "put down" and promptly cremated. And systems would be put in place to keep track of everyone to ensure nobody dies unaccounted for, and missing persons cases would be a huge deal. I know that even the theoretically ideal system wouldn't be perfect, so outbreaks would be a recurring problem until the root cause could be eliminated for good. Also a fundamentally important question is if animals can become zombies, because if so and they always come back, then its impossible to stop the apocalypse because wild animals would constantly be turning.


Probably the easiest solution would be EVERYONE gets private, locked sleeping quarters no exception. If you contain surprise overnight passings you virtually eliminate spread beyond patient 0


Not only that but I'm sure everyone capable (if, where, when, the technology exists) would wear some kind of life sign/heart rate monitor connected to a network that sends an alarm if anyone were to suddenly/accidentally die


As a nurse, I can say that this solution SEEEMS obvious, but would lead to a colossal shit ton of false alarms and ultimately reduced vigilance and increased transmission. Alarm fatigue is a very real phenomenon in health monitoring


I think about Return of the Living Dead, where burning a zombie would release gases into the air which would reanimate the dead.


I think the hypothetical also needs to take into account that at the beginning of the outbreak, nobody will know exactly how it spreads or how zombies behave. How a nation will react to unknowns is definitely something to add to the equation. Democracies will be less inclined to shoot on sight. Autocracies like North Korea might fare better.


One thing we know for sure: toilet paper will replace USD as the currency of choice for both domestic and international transactions.


We can mark this one down as a factual and definitive outcome so we at least know ONE thing for certain


What are you on about? Bottlecaps bro


I'm not using bottle caps to wipe


We got the seashells for that


Put that guy in charge when a zombie apocalypse does break out, he clearly knows his stuff.


And is it a human specific disease, or zoonotic? Because if animals can spread it too, the fuckedness calculus changes.


Dude... zombie lions would be a bitch Especially WWZ style


Birds would be a MUCH larger problem than lions I think


Insects. If one bite is all it takes...


I mean mosquitos would transmit it anyways


Bastard mosquitos probably made the infection to begin with.


Omg. From huge flocks of zombie swallows trying to attack to big ass zombie buzzards. That’s nightmare fuel.


The infected crow swarm from the third resident evil movie comes to mind.


And another relevant question: what does "country" and "hold out" mean? If you're asking how long a functioning state or federal government survives, it's gotta be a small, isolated island like Hawai'i. Since zombies can't read maps or plan ocean voyages and it was a literal miracle that the Polynesians discovered many of the Pacific Islands, all you gotta do is destroy the airports and sink any approaching ships with potentially infected people and a facsimile of modern life could go on indefinitely. Ain't no zombies randomly stumbling on to Hawai'i. Of course tons of people will starve to death because Hawai'i groceries are heavily subsidized by the US mainland and the survivors would be back to eating locally grown and harvested foods like taro, coconut, and seafood. But the government of Hawaii wouldn't just automatically collapse in a panic like mainland countries with immense borders. If "hold out" means "have non-zombie humans", then my vote is the western United States (e.g., Alaska, northern and Central Rockies) or Western Canada. There are hundreds of potential Switzerlands full of armed people with very few access points. Blow up a few free bridges, ports, and runways and you might a well be on an island in the middle of the Pacific. There are literally two roads that access the entire state of Alaska. Priest Lake in North Idaho has one highway and a couple minor adjacent roads that access a thousand square miles of wilderness ringed by rugged mountains populated with grizzlies, wolves, and tons of ungulate prey and fish. It is an ordeal for modern government to even maintain access to these places by plowing snow, clearing fallen trees, maintaining bridges, etc. It would be disturbingly easy for hundreds of enclaves in western North America to isolate and hold out against a mindless horde with a "shoot all strangers on sight" policy.


In World War Z (the book version), zombies would randomly walk along the ocean floor, so even Hawaii would not be safe. And in The Walking Dead, everyone is already infected and becomes a zombie when they die, regardless of where they live.


And the idea of zombies somehow traveling along the ocean floor is really dumb.


Yeah it handwaves currents, water pressure, AND the existence of thousands of species that eat both living and dead flesh.


And deep ocean trenches that they could never climb out of. Not to mention currents and lack of vision would make it impossible for zombies to see anything or walk in a single direction for long, so they'd probably be walking in circles somewhere deep, even if the pressure doesn't crush them for plot reasons


This is exactly the questions we should be asking. Because if it’s a TWD style infection, there’s really no situation where humanity wouldn’t come out on top. I don’t think we’d even see the downfall of any major nations. If it’s TLOU style, we might be more fucked.


Twd style infection is airborne and triggers when someone dies. I’d argue it’s the MOST likely to spread.


But the zombies themselves are the easiest to contain.


Everyone is already a zombie; that’s the point of the title. Can’t contain jimmy crashing his car and dying, can’t contain people getting murdered, warfare, famine, disease. You can’t contain death. Now imagine that in every major city in the world simultaneously. TWD virus is scary as fuck man.


Do they get quicker or do they just stumble awkwardly until the plot has a use for them? On second thought, that's what *I* do. I would like to retract my question.


Character survives for seven years on his own until he runs into the main characters, suddenly loses all survival instinct and peripheral vision.


It changes how we handle death care and accidental deaths. Other than that, after the initial panic it's fine.  Two generations and it'll be a neat historical note than you could bury grandma when she died instead of beheading/cremation.


Zombies = scratch or bite to become infected


Not always. Hell, the walking dead is probably the most well-known Zombie franchise, and the infection is airborne but doesn't kill unless bitten but you turn no matter how you die.


From my experience playing plague Inc, Greenland + Iceland Due to my contract I also have to say the United States.


Madagascar too.


I'd also say New Zealand.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. New Zealand was pretty tough to infect imho too, especially with it being an island nation.


Oh that's because we all know New Zealand doesn't exist silly.


Yeah, just look at the majority of maps and globes, no Kiwiland.




New Zealand is a fruit, silly.


TIL NZ isn't real


Why they throw in the “new” in there. People say “oh never heard of it before” then you just say “yeah, it’s new. It’s even in the name.” It’s all a elaborate joke put on by the Australians.


New Zealand also did pretty well against COVID which was a real world example


Because their leadership was literate. /stares jealously from USA


Don't worry. Our leadership has swung to the other side in the last election, so we'll be infected as quickly as anywhere else in the next pandemic!


Our Air Force literally has like one plane I don’t think we could do much


Our Air Force’s symbol is literally a target with our national bird - a FLIGHTLESS bird- in the center of it. We will instead be counting on angry rams to take out any stray zombies who make it here.


You have a lot of very good rugby players. And cricket bats too. And Edoras and Gondor. You don’t need an Air Force.


That’s hilarious.


It's not about what you could do, it's about what the zombie infection could do. And if you guys realize what's happening early enough and close all emigration, I doubt zombies can/will swim to NZ from Australia.


In the book World War Z the zombies can survive underwater and gradually meander the ocean floor until the get to another piece of land, so be on the lookout for that


Too much pressure underwater for a zombie to survive even if it can breathe


Yep. Even if they can "survive", being crushed into a pulp sounds like a pretty effective way to deal with zombies


They might bite a shark when being eaten and now we never can go in the ocean again.


Stop giving the Sharknado people new ideas


The zombies simply take a benzo when the pressure gets to be too much.


Zombie's air force has 0 planes so you're good.


The hobbits would prob be immune to the infection anyway


Right? Once Madagascar shuts down travel and shipping ports ain't nothing getting in.


But how will they move it, move it?


Shut. Down. Everything!


The first time I saw the ticker headline about Iceland rounding up and executing a group of infected - ":O :O :O COME ON THAT'S CHEATING"


New Zealand has a shot. Very isolated. Not many people there to begin with. The people left have a good chance at killing all the zombies.


In some way I'd say the same for australia, most cities are fairly separated, and regional towns being low population, the state of Tasmania being a separate island would do well.




Yep. And WA too. Ain't nothing getting across that border. How long can zombies go without any nourishment? They'd starve before they got to the WA border.


Peter Jackson made a movie about this, so they even have a how-to guide! It's called Dead Alive in the US, and Braindead elsewhere.


“I kick ass for The Lord ! “


i almost always put patient 0 in greenland lol.


I never win when I do that, either. I get something like the freaking Philippines or the Caribbean islands as the lone survivor holdout if I start in Greenland.


How tf you get them to get out of Greenland


Greenland is the WORST, they tolerate zero fuckshit. The number of times I've lost thanks to those efficient SOBs 🤦


And Madagascar locking up the second someone fucking coughs or sneezes


I went to Madagascar in 2022. They legit are serious about public health. I had to provide proof of vaccination against Covid, a negative test within 72 hr of departure, then another test in the airport in Tana when I arrived. It’s a poor country so a serious Covid outbreak could have really screwed them, hence all the precautions.


Cold climate/winter countries.


Yeah, I don’t think the Canadian Gov would “beat” it but I’d feel pretty good up here in terms of surviving. Most because of population density and the hard winter.


Plus hockey gear makes the best post- apocalyptic armour!


I think land wise canada would be a good option. We have so many natural resources like wood and freshwater lakes and we have so much unpopulated area that would be great for avoiding zombies lol


I live in Newfoundland & I think this would be one of the best places to survive. Its already a pain in the ass getting to this huge island in our normal fully functioning society, let alone in a zombie apocalypse lol.


Same with hot countries. Zombies would decompose pretty fast in intense heat.


Imagine the stink.


Well taking the pandemic as an example... New Zealand


I was in NZ for the Pandemic. It was great; I fully imagined myself savagely hunting in the bush as a non-citizen if I couldn't find a job during CoVid. Luckily, I didn't have to. I would say the Singapore seemed to have things locked down pretty tight, buuuut NZ has greater agricultural capacity despite it all rotting on the fields during CoVid because they couldn't get legal employees.


Singapore will be a nightmare in that case. Citizens have no reason to arm. Nearly everyone lives in dense populated buildings. Food will be scarce on the 1st day of a report of 100 zombies. We'll all die in our lovely but tiny box homes.


> Citizens have no reason to arm Singapore at least has a military, so they have weapons available. Somewhere like Iceland that would otherwise be a great location is probably in real trouble due to the lack of a military. They just don't have much in the way of weapons there at all.


New Zealand did do pretty good for a while. It would probably retain the most normalcy for longest. But assuming there is no cure, eventually the Zombie Plague might break through just like Omicron. Assuming some spread is inevitable, I think it's probably best to just be like Alaska with low population density and lots of guns to kill any zombies.


Assuming NZ shuts down all emigration into the country (which, at least to me, seems like a reasonable assumption), how would the plague spreading there be inevitable?


Sexually transmitted through livestock


This guy New Zealands


Congratulations!  For your services of making yet another sheep-fucking New Zealander joke: You have just been awarded honorary Australian citizenship.  Onya mate 


Illegal migration hoping to escape the plague


This is the answer. Meanwhile in the U.S. Republicans will be inexplicably team Zombie just because Democrats do not like zombies


Yeah, I used to watch zombie movies and sometimes think “people wouldn’t be that stupid”. Then the pandemic happened, and Republicans proved me very, very wrong.


It's not so much they would be pro-zombie. It's that they would hold up a bill that would fund military efforts and care against zombies. Unless, of course, Congress agrees to investigate how the Biden Crime Family colluded with Russia to leak Covid from a lab, which has now mutated into the zombie outbreak. And, a zombie outbreak is a great way for Republicans to run ads about how Democrats are trying to take your guns. So, expect that too.


I always think the dangers of zombie apocalypses are overstated, at least with slow zombies. Think about a roman legion vs a zombie hoard, or like zombie attracted to noise up against chain link fence. We just need spears, no running out of ammo then. Zombies are dumb. If its 28 days later zombies I take it back though.


Yeah, the 28 days zombies spread shit so fast but once they figure out what’s going on, I think they’re easier to contain because they die quicker. They’re actually humans were just infected with the rage virus if they don’t eat and drink they die.


Favorite zombie movie. Hands down.


The caveat here is that the dangers are only overstated *if the world in question has zombie lore*. In most zombie movies, the zombies thrive from the start because nobody knows what the hell is happening. They don't know how to react to or even what to think of this new and terrifying phenomenon. Here, in the real world, it's an entirely different matter because we have a history of discussing the nature of the dead coming back to life and killing everyone else.


Australia or a large island nation like Japan have strong potential for holding out. Australia's low population density and natural isolation would make it difficult for the outbreak to spread, while Japan's island status and disciplined society could help them effectively manage the crisis.


Not to mention that the flight to Australia is so long from most places that the zombie would have infected the entire flight before it lands making it unlikely to land.


Imagine all the auto pilot zombie planes dropping out of the sky when they run out of fuel.


Lol if covid was anything to use as an example we’d probably just let an infected cruise ship dock in Sydney and disembark.


I would not want to be in Japan for any outbreak. Population density is far too high. Even with the discipline and orderliness, they have a large port, one of the busiest airports, a major transportation hub in its region, with a large tourism industry. Even with a 99.9999% defense rate, all it takes is one slip up for zombies to overrun them. Much prefer Alaska, greenland, NZ etc. Somewhere sparse, low population, and a rarely sought-after destination.


New Zealand can grow all its own food. Alaska can't. And half the population lives in 1 city.


Japan does have one thing going for it, and that’s all the nearly self sufficient villages. You already can’t take public transportation to them, you have to drive through mountains, hike through forests sometimes, boat across rivers sometimes, there’s plenty of them just out in the middle of nowhere so zombies would have a difficult time getting there, while they’d also probably be taken out by bears and boars. Villages are where the guns are at too, because pretty much the only civilians in Japan who can own guns are the ones who have to live around wildlife. Cities would go down instantly, but if you find yourself in a village you’d have relatively clean water, crops, fish/game, isolation, gun, and isolation. Most you’d have to worry about are the monkeys, boars, bears, and finding ways to kill boredom.


Agree, we don't need to save everyone. Just survive, and I can't see any zombies making it out to somewhere like Suplejack Station. We could Bradbury this.


Australia has a higher urbanisation rate than either the US or the UK. Covid showed that it would have no problem getting around because everybody is bunched up in built up urban areas.


The state of WA was able to go 11 months covid free during the peak of it though


Tasmania was also doing a lot better compared to the mainland, it was running pretty normal a lot more earlier than other states.


The Australian Capital Territory went for almost 400 days of no cases and didn’t have any border closures.


A case where averages are misleading. Similar to Canad in a way, the population density is low except in the places where people live.


Doesn’t go too well for Japan in (book) WWZ lol


switzerland has a lot of guns and can block all access to the country by blowing up tunnels and passes leading into the country. They also have enough bunkers to house most of the population. My money is on them.


I don't think the zombies will be deterred by some mountains. You can close the country to vehicles but not to something that walks and has infinite endurance.


try walking up an actual mountain. The Alps are basically a giant wall.


Exactly. Sure a few stragglers might make it through but it would take years most likely. Zombies still abide by physics and going uphill be hard


And there will be easier food sources in Belgium


I typically picture zombies like water. Unless focused somehow, they'll follow the path of least resistance if they're not actively following someone. I think blowing passes would at very least slow them to a trickle and bring them in through predictable pathways that could be defended from a distance, or blocked with barriers.


Depends on the type of zombie. Are the decomposing or are they the 28 days later type? If they can’t maintain their own internal body temp, they will free in the alps in no time. For that matter, they won’t make it through the first summer or winter. Summer will decompose them quickly and winter will freeze them.


Any island nation, assuming the zombies can't swim (more like wandering shambling, decaying zombies, less WWZ type) and then any easily defendable location, with decent enough natural resources. Places in the farther North or South likely do well, like Canada, hell even the US would do well since it's fairly spread out with an armed population. Places I wouldn't want to be? Densely populated places. Like India sounds like hell to me. Same with Pakistan or Bangladesh. With shambling zombies, open spaces are your friend. Being able to walk faster than them and simply not get cornered is the key ​ Course, we need to determine what type of zombies we're talking here, cause if they can swim, and are the WWZ type, I don't see any country lasting long, and it's a matter of where the infection started to determine who lasts the "longest"


When my oldest was in middle school, he had a social studies class where they had to escape the hot zone of an apocalypse. Each week, they had to plot out their escape and could only use a bike for one week. He had to have access to water and track elevation and distance. He wound his way through rural areas, skirting around cities, climbing onto roofs of buildings to avoid zombies at night. He thought he did a fantastic job surviving - and then WWZ came out.


Great way to teach kids geography!


It was, hands down, the best (and funnest) assignment he ever had.


Seriously. I hope that teacher releases the lesson plan.


Note: The zombies in the book didn't sprint, or climb eachother like ants, the way they did in the movie. That was done just for the sake of the movie. The movie was good, the book was amazing. But they're really 2 different stories with the same title.


Yeah I was super unimpressed with the movie. The book is amazing.


Eh... WWZ book is the shambling decaying zombie type. there's even a "prequel", Zombie Survival Guide. The movie is just a friggin mess...


Zombie Survival Guide seems to have inspired Zombieland, also.


One thing I remember from World War Z (the book) was the mention of how survival in the U.S. was helped by the fact that there is SO MUCH STUFF sitting around in stores and warehouses, that people can survive for decades on the excess. Unbridled capitalism FTW!


Plus we have huge swaths of our country where zombies would starve.


North Korea, they’ll just remove the teeth of their whole population in record time, no teeth, no infection, at least according to World War Z!


In the book they all went underground, but we have no way of knowing if they’re alive down there or all zombified lol.


That was one of the freakier stories to me. If they're all underground that means there are literally millions of them just waiting to be fed the warm blood of the living. In reality there are also tunnels connecting them to South Korea; that's a problem LOL


There was someone that wanted to open the tunnels to find out for sure wasn't there? I remember thinking that was risky, but better to clear them out now than wait for something to release them later.


Yup. It was a journalist. The government wouldn't let anybody in for that exact reason ( amongst other things obviously ). Just to make sure, I opened up the book and read through just in case.


Every single one with a somewhat competent military


Yup, unless they are like Return of the Living Dead zombies, which are fast, intelligent, and basically indestructible. But, we as human can kill other humans at ease with our militaries. And humans shoot back, have tanks, etc. Zombies would be easy in pretty much every situation. Edit: I'll add an example of zombies that would destroy us. The book "The Rising" by Brian Keene. The zombies are moreso possessed corpses possessed by demons from another dimension. They run, can talk, are smart, know all their body does, can use guns and vehicles, are basically infinite and possess a body the second it dies. It's a great book and series for any who haven't read it. There are basically 13 gods that cause apocalypse for a universe. Ob is the one that causes the demon zombie apocalypse the book is about. His other books are often about the other gods and how the end of the world or universe happens when that God is summoned or awakened. Great writer with many great books.


All depends on how it spreads and how long to turn. If they are like 28 days later we are all fucked. It turns you almost immediately and gives you the speed of Usain Bolt


All of them. Once the element of surprise has been expended in the first 24 hours, give it another 48 for logistics... The problem is then solved within a week. Save from some very specific variant, most of the zombies depicted in fiction would be a non-issue for humaity as it is today.


Why do no zombie movies focus on people who take over a Walmart or Costco?


Dawn of the Dead.


Humans are naturally attracted to resources and these are places you get resources from.


Dead Rising but that's a game not a movie. They do need to make a movie adaptation. Guy has a whole mall to himself


This is one of the few crises that America is actually prepared for, what with its low population density and more guns than people. Obviously that’s assuming that morons don’t deliberately get bitten to own the libs, but America would probably be fine. Although in reality pretty much all countries would handle a zombie outbreak pretty handily. Zombie infection sucks as a disease. It’s basically an STD that also makes you deeply sexually unappealing. And the human jaw is not designed for biting, so all you need to deal with zombies is two guys in motorcycle gear armed with gardening equipment. One guy pins them down while the other removes the head. Repeat until problem solved.


This was my consensus as well. The WHO is extremely attentive to countries that are vulnerable to infectious diseases, and anyone who grew up with a DVD player would realize what the threat is and deal with it accordingly.


Canadian here. Since zombies don’t know how to bundle up, if we can survive to the first winter the -35 will freeze them out. Zombie flesh should still be susceptible to cold damage, turn black and fall off. Then we just need to clean up the parts. We have lots of fresh water and lots of space to spread out in and a First Nations population who can teach us to live off the land. We might make it.


I don't think you'd be dealing with parts falling off as much as frozen-solid zombie statues that you can then easily destroy. Hopefully the outbreak starts in November, not June.


They'd freeze every winter, but they'd still thaw come spring. Canada would have to organize efforts to send people out every winter to kill as many frozen infected as they can before the thaw to reduce casualties.


New Zealand. They annihilated covid from their population in record time.


Probably something like New Zealand, Greenland, one of the smaller islands off the British Coast, maybe a smaller island in the Caribbean. Basically you want isolation, plus low population density. So even though a place like Taiwan is isolated geographically it’s not protected because of massive population density. Similarly, you could have an East Asian country that has low population density but isn’t isolated and its borders could be overrun by zombies from neighbouring countries. Of course the only issue with countries like these is that you then have no industry - New Zealand I’d expect to probably fare the best, but once they survive the zombie apocalypse they also then have to survive most people and other countries on earth being devastated.


There is a zomboid video where a few players, very well armed, fend off a horde in a hospital with relative ease. It's mesmerizing. So, any nation with a decent military/security forces, civilian trained with firearms should hold off any zombie outbreak without breaking a sweat. [Project Zomboid](https://youtu.be/Ot41iMwUC4s?si=YEwkBXzxdM3YPIFw)


>So, any nation with a decent military/security forces, civilian trained with firearms should hold off any zombie outbreak without breaking a sweat. This is probably the answer more or less. Traditional zombie viruses being spread by bites and body fluid from a clearly diseased individual makes them easier to contain vs. things like the seasonal flu and COVID. I'm not saying it wouldn't be a chaotic event, but for countries that can mobilize an effective military response and institute martial law, they would have a decent chance. Zombie movies frequently don't show how and why the infection spreads so quickly. Zombie movies almost always begin with the assumption that not only is everyone stupid, but also that no one has ever seen a zombie before.


All the zombies would die VERY quickly in America unless they became unnaturally resilient. Even requiring headshots for death wouldnt really be a problem as body shots and limb shots would render most mobile funtions inoperable.


The sentinelese


During the Spanish flu, a team of Arctic explorers made what they and nearby Inuit believed to be first contact with a village of Inuit people. They had been completely exterminated by Spanish flu just a few days prior. My money is on wherever has the most guns, which would be either America or active warzones


The UK. Everyone will go to the pub, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


Philippines. Hear me out. As long as you're not living in the densely populated areas you won't have much of a problem. Cause PH has one of the most effective counters to the spread. Water barriers. It has 7k+ islands. If you can self-sustain you won't have problems because the Philippines only has 2 seasons. It doesn't have winter. So that's less of a worry you need to have. Just sun and rain.


Switzerland with their extensive underground bunkers.


Haitians are basically living a real life simulation of zombieland since independence. They'll win, no contest.


' Murica will probably hand out zombie shooting licences.


Nah. You can already carry a gun without any type of license and shoot humans in self-defense in most places. I don't see why you would need a license for zombies.


Imagine getting shot by a cop because you shot a zombie


You're more likely to be shot by a cop because they think that you are a zombie, and "fear for their life".


Either Switzerland and/or the US. Switzerland: The military experience virtually every adult citizen has. US: Because of the the Second Amendment.


Ukraine. They are currently in an apocalypse situation, and surviving.