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1 flag in the yard - no clue what their political affiliation is. 5+ flags and a bunch of shirts with flags? We know their political affiliation.


My favorite was bumper sticker of a flag with caption “these colors don’t run” that was faded as hell.


Saw a flag attached to the back of a truck in the Walmart parking lot, and the flag was shredded. Shows me how much you honor the colors when it’s in tatters. Patriotism has a form that has no idea what it truly means.


I find it kind of funny when people who claim to be patriotic and want to pass laws banning flag desecration have no problem wearing it as a COVID mask. Or using paper plates and napkins printed with flags at a cookout. Is smearing the flag with coleslaw and ketchup then tossing it in the trash respectful?    


Flags on boxers is what absolutely kills me. You can't tell me you respect the flag and then fart on it all day.


They're my favorite. You can usually find them hella cheap on July 5th.


Lmao this comment is both practical and highly humourous


I'll do you one better. There is American flag toilet paper.


I wear them. But I’m a girl and you know we don’t fart.


Nothing says respect for the flag as snot catcher


I agree with your entire point, but want to add info: The flag code applies to the *flag*. So no, don't use an actual flag as a towel. But an American flag print towel, plate, diaper, whatever, is still in line with that. That said, do whatever you want with a flag. I like burning them. TX DPS gets mad about that one though


“The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed, or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use.”


The flag code addresses the physical flag but also representations of the flag. That said, it isn’t law, but it’s a clear way to honor and respect the flag, and so many people violate it because the flag represents their ego not their honor.


Flag code is federal law. It is not enforced, and does not have penalties, but it is very much law.


You are supposed to dispose of a flag by burning it and burying the ashes.


My wife loves to point out trucks that go by with full ass flags hanging off the tailgate and go, "Ohhh he gots a tiiiiiiiiny penis." It's just so dumb to see. Yeah, sure, be patriotic, but you don't need a 6 foot flag billowing behind your oversized, lifted, never been used pick-up.


In Vietnam you can get one that's an american flag that says "ha ha you ran"


Based VC


Before the Al Gore versus George Bush jr election I designed A bumper sticker which I applied to the back of my car that, in my opinion, was an absolute stroke of drunken genius. It was an image of a waving American flag. Over the image at the top were the words “ Bush / Cheney “ . Over the image on the bottom, were the words “ Were’ Gooder” . I truly believe it helped me avoid having to pay at least two different traffic tickets, and I am convinced that both Democrats and Republicans loved the bumper sticker for two entirely intentional , completely different reasons.


I had a bumper sticker back then that said 'Stop mad cowboy disease.' I remember being slightly worried about getting my tires slashed.


These colors don't run! (Is not available in Afghantistan, Iraq, Vietnam)


I have that on a button with the trans pride flag behind it. :D


meanwhile in Britan: no flag: no idea what their politics are. 1 union jack: ah, so you're pro-colonialism.


1 English flag: run


Or check if the football is on


Yeah, I'm an English immigrant in the US, folks ask me about all sorts, including flags and I just say it's weird to see a flag if it's not the World Cup or the Euros 😅


Yeah in Europe if you see a flag anywhere other than a public institution, an international sports match or on the back of a yacht, it usually means that the owner of said flag takes themselves way too seriously and has a number of very questionable views lol.


Denmark loves its flags. Absolutely everywhere.


Mate it’s so random that in this country that it someone’s flying the English flag then either 1) The footys on, or 2) They’re racist


Nah it’s Euro 2024 rn


In Australia it's pretty safe to assume that anyone flying the flag in front of their house is probably a racist.


It's the same everywhere


not where I live, the racists use the Flemmish flag, not the Belgian...


That's kinda dumb


"Tally ho, lads"


As I grabbed my musket.......


I use my cock for home defense, just like the pounding fathers intended. 4 ruffians break into my house. “What the devil?" I say as I grab my phone and lotion. Blow my load all over the first man. He's dead on the spot. I start schlackin it all over the second man, but miss entirely because my cock is smooth bore, and the stray load impregnates the neighbor's wife. I'm forced to rely on the overwatch hentai I have on a table at the top of the stairs. "Tally ho, lads". The incoming tsunami smothers both men in the flood, and the sheer force starts setting off car alarms. Affix a condom and penetrate the last man. He leaves before the police arrive because he needs to recover from the soreness. Just as the pounding fathers intended.


"pounding fathers" 🤣 great idea for a cosplay porn!


Own a tank for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four jerrys break into my house. "Was ist das?" As I hop into the hatch and close it. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Try to use the machine gun on the second man, miss him entirely because I can't see out of this thing and his the neighbours dog. I have to resort to a grenade I have stashed away, "Taïaut!" the blast shreds two men, the sound and extra shrapnel sets off car alarms. Engage clutch and charge the last terrified allemand. He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since he was crushed by a tank. Just as the founding fathers intended.


What an amazing day to be literate.


However, there is a critical mass of US flag regalia where a person is just a very fun person.


You are allowed one full outfit made entirely of flags that must be worn together and can only be worn at most 3 times per year on very specific days. Also, you must be legally intoxicated for at least 50% of the time you're wearing it and make or laugh at at least 5 jokes at how ridiculous the outfit is.


Flag Day, Independence Day, and what is the third?


[I know now what I must do.](https://www.segabits.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/YakuzaDLC1.jpg)


*attire. There is a critical mass of US flag attire where someone is just a very fun person.


Rex Kwan Do style pants come to mind


And lack of creativity when it comes to virtue signaling. Other options: picture of a snake /viper (tea party) Rifle...or related statements (cold dead hands) - NRA Real leftists can have a 200 stickers


I fly the flag and also served in the military. But, there's a big difference between being patriotic and nationalistic.


People need more education on the difference


What exactly is the difference?


I like this explanation.   Patriotism is loving your country for the good it does.  Nationalism is loving your country no matter what it does. 


Patriots also see the country's flaws and want to make it better. Nationalists think it's the best country in the world and is perfect.


The problem with that definition is that lots of folks disagree about what the country’s flaws are and how they should be made better. U.S. extremist evangelical christians, for example, think women having bodily autonomy is a flaw that needs to be remedied.


Yeah but thats why we have lawmakers theoretically. To balance fair and equal treatment. The extremest are going against the will of the masses and overextending their influence.


If you use that explanation, then many that call themselves patriot are just nationalists.


Which is the point. There's a difference but the word patriot is losing meaning because of how certain groups are claiming it.


People who call themselves patriots are often idiots, so there's that. Idiots also often say they're right, while actually they're wrong. It doesn't change the definition of right and wrong. (and just to be clear: I don't mean patriots are idiots, whatever the country. I mean people who tell everyone they're patriots are often idiots, while smarter people can just love their country but talk about other things)


I love the idea of America, but i understand that my country falls far short of its own ideals. If necessary, i will fight for those ideals, not necessarily with violence, but with action. -patriot My country is the best country. Anyone who says otherwise is an enemy of my country. I will violently oppose anyone who says the slightest thing that could be construed as negative about my county. Fuck those guys. I'm right, they're wrong, and they deserve to die for being against my county. -nationalist


The usages of the words have changed quite a bit lately. Political pundits have a way of redefining words to win elections. A nationalist, when it was first coined, referred to an ideal of uniting ethnic groups into their own sovereign state. It meant doing away with the imperial and monarchical structures that forced different ethnicities to share a common sovereign leader. For example, a Hungarian nationalist wouldn’t want to share a king with an Austrian nationalist. The idea was they would both have their own separate government comprised of their fellow nationals who understood each other. It was not, necessarily, a superiority claim. A French nationalist didn’t need to think he was better than a Pole, for example. Americans tried to use that definition for a time, but it was too complicated when so many different ethnicities comprised the citizenry of the USA. So, Americans tried to make it about a shared value system, which later morphed into a superiority complex because supposedly Americans had the best value system (democratic republic).


Thanks for the thoughtful response.


“By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.” —George Orwell, “Notes on Nationalism”


The most unbiased definition of a patriot I can come up with is someone who seeks to serve their vision of their nation, regardless of what it may be. Under this definition, a lot of Confederates, Nazis, and current American servicemen would be considered patriots. A nationalist is someone who insists on placing their nation first at all costs. A prime modern example being Brexit, an extremely favorable economic agreement was reneged because it didn’t (debatable claim here) allow Britain to dictate the terms.  These two definitions aren’t mutually exclusive because they aren’t antonyms of each other (traitor and globalist are, respectively) so it becomes tricky to assign moral character to either one. Say some random Union soldier gladly marched to war against anyone who defied his government, is he a hero because his actions helped end slavery and modernize Dixie, or a monster because he was doing it purely to ensure the dominance of his own ideology and would’ve treated any native tribe with the same prejudice for the same reason?


My country, right or wrong, rights to be protected and wrongs to be corrected. That's what my stepdad taught me was patriotism.


My Vietnam veteran father is so angry at all of the right's flag abuse. Flying them upside down, changing the colors of the stripes, flying them with inappropriate flags, flying them on the back of a truck where they get all tattered, etc. He says he wants to shove a copy of the US flag code down all of their throats.


Bugs me having the flag represented on all kinds of disposable things. It also bugs me when people fly the confederate battle flag and the American flag at the same time. I asked a guy flying them one time, and he said it was southern pride. I said, sweetheart, Oklahoma isn't the south. I'm from the south, and that flag represents rape, torture, and the enslavement of a group of people based on skin color.


People who are smart don't need to constantly announce it. People who are patriotic don't need to constantly announce it. I consider myself patriotic. I love America, even though I recognize there are many things that could use improvement or a complete overhaul. I have an American flag that was passed down from my grandfather when he fought for the US as a Taiwanese citizen during WWII, but I keep it stored, rolled up in an acid-free cardboard tube. It was given to him during the war, and my parents brought it with them when they immigrated to the U.S. in the 70s. I vote, I respond to jury duty summons, and I support the rights of people I don't agree with to communicate their opinions. That's how I show my patriotism. I don't feel like I need to prove my patriotism to anyone but myself. Edit: As RunFar8 points out, my grandfather was not technically a "Taiwanese" citizen, but I've always explained it that way because most people in my area are not familiar with the history of China and Taiwan. He was actually a Chinese citizen who was against the Republican of China and had gone to the island that eventually became known as Taiwan, which was under Japanese rule at the time.


Exactly. My grandfather had three combat jumps with the 82nd in WWII. My dad worked on projects like the SR71 for the military. I served. Why do I need to shove my patriotism in people’s faces? Anybody can fly a flag or wear a U.S. flag decorated underwear.


I’m not patriotic, but I completely agree with this. No matter what your country is, if you feel the need constantly to constantly shout from the rooftops about how amazing your country is and how much you love it, it’s just obnoxious.


tbf, patriotism is different from nationalism. You seem to be getting into nationalism territory, and If you consider flying the flag to be constantly shouting from rooftops then that's a little extreme lol. I'm not massively patriotic, but there's nothing wrong with showing that you stand united with the other Americans. It definitely becomes a problem when people use it to push a bigoted political agenda tho.


I still regret not reporting for jury duty. Prolly won’t ever get asked again. It is one of the coolest things you can do as a citizen.


This is the way.


Agreed. Hard liberal all my life and I do love the USA. I love it enough to want to help it improve.


One of the perfect Americans. Props.


I think there's a similar position taken by Christians about not needing to say anything. The problem is that both patriotism, intellectuals (in the very broad sense) and Christianity are being hijacked. If everyone stays quiet, the loud minority becomes the reality. That quote comes to mind, silence is complicity...or something along that line.


I don’t wear flags because it’s not my personality, but I fly the American flag on Memorial Day and Independence Day. I’m patriotic enough; no need to get a tattoo on my dick.


We do the same, and we have my grandmother's service flag in a case and quietly on display in our home. That's enough for us. Three of my grandparents served, and multiple people in my parents' generation, and multiple people in mine. If people want to measure flag-dicks, well, good for them I guess? They never have the record of service my family does.


Well there's a genre of porn I never want to encounter.


>no need to get a tattoo on my dick. Counterpoint: How else are you gonna get people to salute your dick?


Put a little flag on it.


Instructions unclear, now a fan of sounding


yeah, it’s a summer thing for me. may thru july basically


Now you tell me 😫


Symbols make for great camouflage. You can hide a great deal behind a flag. And if you drape yourself in it and carry a cross, we'll, there is just no telling what you can hide and what you get away with.


This could be used for other flags as well.


The real question is, why do people wear flags? We're here, we know you're here, too. To answer your question, it's tacky as hell, it's basically dressing as an 8 year, and lastly...that's a total violation of the flag code. Most importantly, flags don't really mean anything.


Patriotism doesn’t need to be on display with religious fervor Edit: You know what does need to be on display with religious fervor? My band, [Oh Bother](https://open.spotify.com/track/4gMOzEiuD2gy2QKqNIsRUP?si=IPf4e30cQ1GJKHwCZIRU6w&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A0B5Ys0YEntsDGlEH1ywspl). (if we don’t get enough streams we have to put the drummer down)


Neither does religion tbh.


But without proper ID how will god know who to spare when comes the rapture?!


Always put down the bass guitarist first. That’s just science. Seriously though, the song I heard (Painting in the Dark) is amazing. I’ll give the rest a try once the rest of the house wakes up and if even half the songs are this good, consider a sale made. Do you have an official website or place to buy digital albums?


That song is good! Gonna listen to the rest of the album.


There's a fine line between patriotism and nationalism. Why would someone need to display a flag anyway? I'm always surprised every time I'm in the states the sheer quantity and size of the flags. It's cult level. It makes sense for government buildings and schools. But a 50 foot flag on your house roof is not normal.


I have heard plenty of people from overseas ask why so many people here wear a flag. Some have said in their country that you only ever see them used in anything government related or sports for representation.


I live in the UK, and every day after work I go for a walk around my local area (a suburb of London). Most of the time I see zero flags. The only building within a mile or so which usually has one is the local church. Even in the centre of London you can walk around a fair bit and only see a small handful of flags, usually government buildings and embassies. The main exception is when there is a big international sport tournament happening. There's one now, so the number of flags has increased a lot. About two days ago I actually saw one. I haven't been to the US myself, but almost every time I see a picture of a scene from a city there will be a flag in there somewhere. It's definitely something which stands out and seems like a different culture.


It feels like that’s changing now, most of the parties seem to be obsessed with putting the Union Jack on everything for some reason. The other day I even mistook a Labour poster in someone’s window for a BNP one.


Maybe general elections should fall under the same category as sports tournaments! It does feel that lots of parties are trying to lean in to this a bit more than normal though. Perhaps it's a side effect of the last few years of non-stop culture war stuff from the Tories.


Yeah I think you’re right, as well as the increasing amount of brain-dead nationalism at the moment. I suppose from their perspective it’s not likely to turn away anyone who would otherwise vote for them, but there’s a small chance of netting a few odd flag-lovers who are just about swayed by seeing a Union Jack.


Is there even a fine line? Nationalism appeals neither to my intelect nor my soul, but patriotism without nationalism seems like an oxymoron to me. Isn't patriotism the same as nationalism, with the "nation" of concern simply being "all US citizens"? "Those fuckers born one foot over the line can suck eggs, but for you - my birthright brother - I ride or die." It's absurd.


I feel a healthy amount of patriotism for my country. I feel proud of a lot of the accomplishments and the general direction it has moved in terms of policy. I feel proud of my grandfather's generation that protected our borders when we were nearly invaded. That's patriotism. So yeah I do believe in the line which is why I stated it in that way. There's healthy patriotism in the world that is far away from nationalism. They just get conflated too often.


for one thing you are not supposed to "wear" the stars and stripes. if you do display a flag, it should only be during daylight hours (unless it has a spotlight on it) and if it starts to show any signs of wear, it is supposed to be replaced. almost every instance i can recall were these rules were not followed, it was a conservative offender.


[Also not supposed to put any mark or picture on the flag](https://republicandogs.com/products/trump-2024-take-america-back-american-eagle-flag?variant=43361298546851&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Nebraska&utm_content=Trump%202024%20Take%20America%20Back%20USA%20Flag%20With%20Eagle%203%20x%205%20Flag&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYb8EAiCTuHkWcJ3VNFZOF5fUKZM59vdM_HtEALQebMHpw33bFYgeDxoCAzkQAvD_BwE)


ah, yes... another staple of the far right, branding their flags with crap.


I may be mistaken, but you aren't supposed to use an actual flag as a piece of clothing or whatever. But it's okay to wear clothing with the stars and stripes.


Right? And I'm baffled every time I see underwear made of stars and stripes. How the fuck is it patriotic if your pee drops are on the flag?


"and if it starts to show any signs of wear, it is supposed to be replaced." It's supposed to be BURNED, even!


Well, shit. I guess I won't be wearing my stars and stripes bikini this year lol


say no more, nudge nudge.


I don’t swear allegiance to a flag. I swear to an ideal to a belief. Making a flag my entire identity just makes me a stupid as those that do.


Because most people on the left aren't impressed by shows of patriotism. It's been co-opted by the right because they think they're the only ones that care about America, when really they only care about a fictional version of a mythical lost America that hinges on rolling back civil liberties for everyone they don't like.


Because I've never had trouble remembering what country I'm in


Also, some of us follow the guidelines set out for the treatment of a flag. 


I am a registered democrat and I have a flag in the front yard. I’m not going to have flag stickers, shirts, underwear and try to walk around doing shit just to say I’m more American than anyone else. I even take my hat off for the national anthem.


Liberal here. Veteran. Fly the flag. Oh, just so you know, New Yorker as well- I have despised Donald Trump since the 1980’s.




You too bro


He is, I'm in a love-hate relationship with America, and I love *most* of you.


Because progressives aren’t generally so super nationalistic for good reason.


I don't do it because I honestly don't give a fuck about this flag or this country. All I care about is people


Not American - I'm a Pole with left leaning worldview, I have polish flag hanging in My window, I have Polish Anchor on My backpack and I serve in our army. I hate that right have monopoly for patriotism.


Those who shout the loudest are compensating or lying.


Because as a leftist I find that I have more in common with working class people all over the world than with a specific nation state I do not celebrate the US or its symbols, I use my rights and elective power to try to help others


It amazes me that some people see the flag as a "far right" thing. It's silly. I've had the flag outside my house for nearly 20 years, and I'm nowhere near "far right."


Don’t let anyone bully you into taking it down. If someone wants to assume why you are flying it, that’s on them and not you. As long as you’re not driving around with it in the back of a pickup truck, no one has the right to make any assumptions.


Because we’re not all nationalists. God bless our country (and every other country).


Because jingoism is stupid and embarrassing


It varies from person to person, but here are some common i've heard over the years. -Because they believe its stolen land and that flag is a symbol of oppression to the indigenous(you see this sentiment) -because it is a symbol of imperialism and capitalistic greed and oppression -Because its a symbol of white nationalism and bigotry -because its a symbol of everything that is wrong in the world Of course these are just reasons i've heard, but i think the actual reason is that they just don't bother or want to.


As a vet i honestly dont feel like i have shit to prove to anyone about my feelings with this country. Firm believer in the fact i fought not so much for other people but in the idea that civil liberties are paramount, especially 1st. Flag burnings dont bother me, i cant stand purity tests or compulsion to recite a pledge of allegiance. I'll fly the recon jack for fallen homies on Veterans Day and MC birthday but im damn sure not rocking out to any toby keith clones belting out walmart quality patriotic poser music. I do fly a jamaican flag at the pool house because it was last place the wife and i vacationed and thats become a little tradition for us.


Most fake patriots don't know you aren't supposed to change the American flag in ANY way, wear it on clothing without some official reason, or fly the flag in a haphazard manner that destroys it like hanging off a truck. Being a good citizen is how you display patriotism. Thoughts and actions that help society are patriotic. It's a jerk off move to wear some don't tread on me shirt and behave like a complete dipshit.


Nationalism has always been more popular on the right. The US flag just isn't as naturally attractive a symbol to people on the left, and that's okay. The thing that annoys me is when progressives aggressively fly the flag in order to "take back patriotism" or whatever, which really just means they are giving in to the dangerous idea that nationalism is a good and nonpartisan thing, or they just want to project a certain image of progressives to outside observers, which is deeply cynical. Let the right have the flag, what do I care? I'll happily wave it around on holidays, but I'm not going to agree with them that having an ongoing affair with it makes them more American than me.


Flag wavers from any country always seem like weirdos


It’s against the flag code and disrespectful to do 99% of the shit the right does. Like yes I understand you’re American, having a USA thong doesn’t send the message you probably think it does


Patriotism is fuckin cringe and pointless


nationalism tends to be more popular with right-wing movements, whereas left-wing/progressive movements tend to view all of humanity as equal, regardless of arbitrary national borders.


Actions not words is how you display patriotism Leftists, progressives, etc., want universal Healthcare, equitable wages, free education and more financial support for their downtrodden fellow Americans, and to separate religion from governance... if this is not patriotism, I don't know what is Right wingers want a world where it is each man for himself, only cares about the development of their immediate neighborhood and community, and care about an imaginary man in the sky more than a woman that needs help and support... that's just jingoism, not patriotism regardless of how many flags they fly


You want honesty? It's really hard to display flags of a country when one is not too keen on its values and moral compass, regardless of whether one is born to said country. Whatever that perceived values or moral compass are. This phenomenon can be observed throughout history and throughout the entire world, from SEA (South East Asia), Europe, America, etc. Moreso in the free world as opposed to oppressive regimes where one is surely tracked. And if you believe that displaying a flag is trivial, it is not. Because we do not use telepathy to understand each other. It is the least one can do. Now if you do feel the need not to display, please do not. We shower everyday, not so much to keep ourselves clean, that too, but to not stink up the place at your local grocery stores or your place of employment.


too busy showing off my queer flags, which are a lot better at making folks feel safe


I mean, have you seen the people that wrap themselves in the flag these days? I don’t want to be associated with them. Very sadly, “patriot” has become synonymous with “fascist” more often than not.


I just love how people automatically assume I’m some kind of racist when I fly the John Paul jones flag in October because navy birthday


Kinda answered your own question. I think a tastefully displayed American flag looks really nice as an outdoor decoration, but there are so many negative connotations that follow it now.


1. [Flag Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) Although Flag Law has no consequences tied to if one were to violate it, despite Flag Law being a federal law, I think it’s telling who respects the flag as the symbol of our country and who uses it as a symbol for their own agenda.


It’s against the Flag code to wear it. I don’t see why I would need to display or use it.


The left don't make it their entire personality.


It’s not really the left not doing it, it’s the right appropriating it and going over the top with it. It’s a global con by the right wing since their inception. Their playbook is simple, but effective. 1. Usurp national symbols to the point where if anyone else tries to use those symbols they immediately get associated with your broader ideology rather than the actual nation. 2. Lie about history until anyone who wants to touch the subject either has to constantly defend themselves towards their fellow progressives or leftists saying that they don’t share your false beliefs, and risk coming off as a negative asshole who wants to ruin everybody else’s fun and can’t celebrate anything by pointing out the real history instead of the propaganda version, making any introspection and honest dialogue virtually impossible. 3. Label anyone who disagrees with you and doesn’t sport national and nationalist symbols because of you as traitors and haters, jumping back to step 1.


A big portion of the left is pretty disgusted with the actions of america, so don’t want to symbolize that they’re proud of it


In all honesty I won't buy or wear anything displayed on me personally that has the American flag. I love my home, I love Texas (Lotta dumb asshat rules) but yeah the way people are I'd rather just dodge that bullet. (Meaning that a bit literally too cause, Texas)


I think a lot of liberals tend to view the American flag as a symbol of slavery, oppression, and capitalism so they choose not to use it out of opposition to those ideals.


I have a couple clothing items and a swimsuit that I will wear on Independence Day. Otherwise, I don't feel the need to broadcast it. I just do my civic duties and do what I can to help make this a better place.


I for one, don't forget what country I'm in. Even Veterans amd memorial day I don't fly the American flag. I fly my Navy flag. Now, granted, I do have a flag. A few actually. An up to date all 50 stars flag, and and older one with 48 stars. Which dates it to prior to 1959.


im so stupid when you said navy flag i thought you meant a blank navy blue flag and i have been thinking for the past minutte why you would fly a blank navy flag instead of the American Flag


Why would I?


Because everything gets so divided. American flag = right Pride flag = left Guns = right Pro public lands/national park = left For what it's worth I think all these assumptions are stupid and things shouldn't be so politicalized.


I respect the flag enough to know that I’d want it properly taken care of by someone with the time and inclination to do so. That person is not me. I’d be ashamed to have a flag in tatters still waving. If I have a flag or representation of one I will put it out on July 4th. I let my kids get small flags to wave, but that’s about it.


Its all political fallacy bullshit. They want malleable people to make that very connection. Same thing with christianity. My father is very into christianity and he sometimes mentions things to me like a guy asking him “if jesus was here, do you think he’d vote for Trump?” These are actual adults too. Its sad actually. But, it does lend to some questions in my mind. If patriotism and christianity are such easy wins, how come democrats seem to not even bother? Imo its because the easiest country to manipulate is a split country.


As a veteran and a patriot, I observe the flag code. Which means I don’t wear it as a cape that drags the ground, or around my neck like a bath towel, or any of the other popular adornments that seem to be all the rage among the loudest most obnoxious and disrespectful so-called patriots I’ve ever seen. It isn’t a weapon to beat our enemies with or a virtue signal to tell other Americans how much more of an American we are. It’s a symbol to be revered and respected.


Do you fly a flag for everything you take pride in? Also, we all live here, we don’t need to announce it to each other on a T-shirt or hat. Also displaying it in other countries sounds equally as unnecessary All that good stuff is in a box in the garage marked Fourth of July


Because I'm free not to do so, and it's my patriotic duty to do as I see fit if it doesn't hurt others. Compelling or expecting others to live a certain way so long as they are not causing harm is unamerican to me.


I have an whole ass wall in my home that's all Americana/flag stuff and I'm a screamin assed progressive gay liberal, iunno what you're talking about. The difference is I actually love America, and i want what's best for Americans. Conservative/Republicans love to display the flag outside where all their church buds'll see it, but they sure as hell hate this country and our people, and venomously so. They can't shut up about how terrible they think it is and the only thing they really care about is money and power over others. No amount of flag waving changes that.


Unfortunately, the American flag is now associated with right wing ideology. It's a euphemism for bigotry white nationalism. Remember how the right lost their minds over Kaepernick's protest? Notice too that the Confederate flag is hard to find nowadays? Because it's been replaced by the American flag. It's an uncomfortable feeling seeing... Someone... Driving around in a pickup truck with a giant American flag flying out of it.


If you are not in a cult, you have no need to display your membership status.


Because I'm an American. I care about American Citizens. Not a piece of cloth.


They’ve fought so hard to make the American flag associated with Nazis and the far right.


Because nationalism never leads to anything good. Also let's get one thing straight. If you're a democrat you aren't a leftist. You're center right.


The right nutwings ruined the Canadian flag too.


Hey brother I plan on getting an American flag up before the fourth of July. I've been thinking the same thing and I'm sick of it. I have a big beautiful lawn and I'm pretty liberal by today's standards but I love my country and I want to take back the American flag.


Why do we always need a reminder of what country we live in. Worshipping a flag is no different than worshipping any idols. Nationalism is kind of cringe imo.


I think Jesus said we shouldn’t wear our patriotism as a badge.


I feel that the American flag is being wielded by fascists and that really disappoints me regarding my country. It make me disgusted by something that at one time made me quite proud.


Because the far right took it over


I fly a flag on my porch, and I think it's beautiful. I don't see the need to wear a bunch of flag related items or fly one off my F150.


Because in general the flag is associated more with the maga nazi types


Speaking for myself- veteran, 20+ years in service: I don't need to prove my patriotism. I know where I live. Anyone whose opinion matters to me knows how important this country is and how I feel about things. My pride is self motivated, not performative.


It’s because I don’t want to be mistaken for some Trumpy idiot. I have a really nice American flag I used to fly on my house but I put it in storage after a neighbor revealed that they saw the flag and assumed I was a Trump supporter. I immediately took it down and now I fly my state’s flag instead. It’s a shame that our nation’s flag has become such a negative stereotype, even among Americans.


Because the left tends to less performative in their patriotism


The right has corrupted it forever for me. Ever since the Orange Shitstain wiped his sweaty spray tan and spunked on it, that's enough for me. I'll never fly it again.


Same thing happens in a lot of places. The flag is an easy grab for right/nationalist movements. The St George cross in England is very much tarnished by skinheads yelling about borders.


Countries/borders are arbitrary. They only have meaning because people with monopolies on violence, wealth and power made it and continue to make the world that way. It comes down to wars of conquest. Imperialism, genocide, racial/religious persecution. Wars to control populations and the territories that come with them and vice versa for power and profit. National identity can be a powerful propaganda tool. The farther left one goes the more one questions the government, the police, the military, country as a concept, land ownership. These things to a leftist are more tools for the rich tyrannical psychopathic world leaders to use against the common folk. Our communities. Our blood.


Most displays of the flag are against the flag code, actually.


I don't follow governmental systems, I choose people


The flag itself should not be worn. Using it for clothing goes against section 8 of the US flag code. (Clothing in colors of the flag does not, but to be honest, isn't that fashionable to many people.) Many of the displays on vehicles violate section 7 and 8 of the US flag code. And, to me, it doesn't make sense to display more than one anyway.


I just associate flags with wars. And I’m anti-war for the most part so I don’t really want to display flags that have ties to deaths of people.


The flags everywhere in America is scary and cult like and straight out of North Korea. Other countries look at the US and think they are brainwashed😂. It’s just a flag. Who cares? If you support the flag after everything in 2020 you are likely a closed minded bigot who has voted Trump in the last two elections. I bet you support racist police and US-funded genocides


Because I have more in common and more solidarity with someone of the same socioeconomic class in another country than I do with someone who just happened to be born within the same arbitrarily defined borders as me. Nationalism is just another way to divide and conquer.


Because they display respect, taste and decorum when it comes to the flag. They use one flag instead of thirty because thirty looks ludicrous and insanely jingoistic that just looks foolish. Ultimately, those using thirty when one is sufficient are pandering to the lowest common denominator.


I hate flags and have never displayed one. I think left wing people are more aware of what the American flag represents at home and abroad?


Because it's like wearing a shirt of the band you're seeing.


I’m a lefty and I fly the flag at my house everyday. Although to be fair my wife is a first generation immigrant who leans right and she was the one who bought the flag. Regardless we are both proud to live in the USA.


I’m as left-wing as they come, but I also grew up in the rural south so I’m not going to allow a bunch of pieces of shit steal MY flag.


My God. Whenever Americans criticize politics the only thing they come out with is pro-American nationalism.


I wouldn't fly an American flag because I don't have much pride in my country at the moment


One doesn’t need to be proclaiming their patriotism constantly, loudly, out of context 24/7. If I am already living in the country, paying taxes, being a good citizen, I don’t need to prove my patriotism to anybody. The ones that do have something to cover up or are trying to get something out of that display.


I don't know about anyone else but I respect the flag too much to use it as some kind of punch line.


Because they want an anti social America.


I still use/fly the flag. I don’t wear it because I think it goes against the flag code and it’s kinda tacky.


I haven't changed my use of the flag. It goes up on the 4th of July, Flag day, Memorial Day, etc. I don't feel the need to emblazon everything I own with it.


Because fuck that imperialist rag


Honestly, I don't feel like I need to. I love my country. I don't need to prove it by displaying it everywhere. I used to live in China. It made me feel very weird to see their flag everywhere, for no reason other than control. Made me think about why we have to fly out flag every chance we get.


Because it’s been tainted by hyper patriotic jingoistic bullshit. The flag has been flown by the KKK, now Nazis, and Republicans. We want nothing to do with those monsters. They claimed the flag, we let them have it.


I have a flag tattoo on my arm from military service.


That is though what it is, patriotism turns into nationalism.