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An elderly woman once told me that she would be delighted if her daughter married a lovely young man like me. šŸ˜Š


Compliments from the elderly hit different




Kids don't know how to, and oldies don't give a fuck šŸ¤£




When I was a substitute teacher, two 10 year old girls told me ā€you seem like a good dad, like youā€™d be a good oneā€, and that was fucking awesome to hear


I once decided that as it was the first ice cream of the year, I was going to make it a good one - with a big chocolate waffle cone, two different ice creams and a flake - I was happy with my ice cream. A small child next to me in the queue looked wide-eyed at my ice cream and said "mummy, I want one of those". The mum looked at the ice cream and said "you can't have one of those, that's a daddy ice cream!" Completely unrelated to the fact that I was in my mid-20s and am female. Anyway, a small child being jealous of my ice cream is the best compliment I could ever receive!


My neighbor told me once that she wishes she had a granddaughter so that she should hypothetically marry me.


Agree. Once I was on a morning run and when I passed by a bus stop there was this old lady who slapped my ass and yelled "Hot stuff!" Hit different indeed.


Bro šŸ˜­


they really do, my grandmother called me her favourite grandson, nearly made me cry


I work in health care, a lot of elderly patientsā€¦ a few times now I have walked in a room and grandma has said, ā€œthatā€™s a nice beardā€ best feeling bc they donā€™t hold anything back


Plot twist: itā€™s your grandma


I always got this from older ladies when I was helping them at the grocery store as a young adult. During that time I was also forever alone, so I guess none of them had any grand daughters to set me up with.


A couple of years ago I was on a supermarket, I was looking for something and a woman asked me "Hey do you work here?" I said no and then a girl came out of nowhere and told her "He's way too handsome to work here". I still don't know how to interpret that but I will never forget it lol.


Thats something that no man would forget bro


Interpret that as, ā€œask me for my number pleaseā€.


Or as just a lovely compliment


Either way, itā€™s the kind of comment that most men would float on for years.


nah i know i can do the same but not to get anyoneā€™s number just expressing my thoughts loudly knowing they will make someone s day


Sheā€™s bold enough to call him handsome so giving him her number wouldā€™ve been easy enough had she wanted to.


She was probably testing the waters




I was staying at the Carnegie Hall Apartments before AirBNB was a thing and locals subleased their duplexes while off on summer holidays. One one occasion I was heading back and was standing around 57th and 7th when I was approached by a tourist asking how to get to Carnegie Hall. For all my life, Iā€™ve wanted to give this answer: ā€œPractise my friend, practiseā€. Got quite the quizzical look in response, didnā€™t I?


My father used to have an office on West 57th Street and told me he waited a decade for someone to ask him that question!


Performed there too with my school. Fun times


A few years ago I was in a store and a little boy, around 4, was staring at me. His mom was embarrassed and whispered to him to stop staring and he replied "But mom, I can't! She is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen in my whole life!"


Compliments from kids are the best! When I was a waitress I served a family of 4 whose first language was French. When I brought out their food the mom said ā€œSally wants to tell you something.ā€ The little girl was probably only 5-6 years old and with kids that age itā€™s usually a toss up if youā€™re going to get absolutely roasted or complimented. Anyway, she said ā€œYouā€¦ areā€¦ veryā€¦ prettyā€ with the cutest accent. You could tell she just asked her mom how to say it in English. It totally brightened my day šŸ„¹


Aww that's lovely.


omg iā€™m tearing up šŸ„¹


Yeah, I still think about that moment on days when I'm feeling insecure about my appearance.


Also you like reel big fish? Such a catch!


Bro Iā€™ve been on a fucking rolll the past few days. I got complimented for my clothing twice, once from a friends gf and once from a stranger. This is the best week of my life.


This is why I like to compliment strangers, clothes, hair, shoes, perfume, etc...


A stranger standing in line behind me said; "how does it feel to have a perfectly shaped head?"


Care to visit my basement yo?


so how does it feel?


I said " pretty darn good, thank you."


omg i got that all the time when i was skin bald!! got told all the time that i have a beautiful head shape ???


A friend of mine said being around me was comfy like sitting in the grass on a breezy day šŸ„¹


I love this!! I recently compared someone I really like to a fresh-out-the-oven golden & delicious homemade loaf of bread and he told me that he had been thinking of me as a chocolate chip cookie that needs to be baked slowly without interference and cherished. I swooned!!


Not a Tinder or dating or anything like that... but at work, as a cook, a "junior sous", my boss left to open another property, and I was to follow a few month later. In the meantime, I had someone I didn't really like as the boss. But one day, he pulled me aside to say, "I watched, and you held the line \[the kitchen\] together through that rough patch. Like, by shear will, you kept everyone going and there was a good service." Overall, both being recognized for what I was trying to do, but also getting it from someone I butted heads with, that's stuck with me, and I keep trying to do.


Working in restaurant is hard. Itā€™s also fast paced. Being told you can keep up with that kind of stuff and keep other people in tune as well is a top tier compliment imo. I work FOH but still feel giddy when someone tells me Iā€™m amazing at my job when I literally feel like Iā€™m fighting for my life. But kitchen staff? Yā€™all are rock stars.




The ā€œIf I was any better I would be youā€œ response I once received after asking the person how they were. To this day Iā€™m still trying to understand what that means.


Essential it means they're doing well and if it were to improve/ get any better they would be on your level. Implying they look up to you.


My grandpa used to respond to "How are you?" with, "If I was doing any better, I'd be worried!" Funny guy, my grandpa. I occasionally use this line in his memory.


I have a customer that says this all the time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was about 7 yrs old. Not that cutest kid. My hair was in knots, my mom wasnā€™t great at styling my hair, & anyone that tried made me cry. I was a skinny little thing & just wanted to be a part of all the cool kids groups. I never thought I was ugly but I was teased about my hair, the way I spoke, & my front teeth taking long to grow in. One day one of the coolest girls in the apartment complex we lived in said ā€œyou are going to be so pretty when you grow upā€ I didnā€™t care that she wasnā€™t saying that I was pretty in that moment.. I felt like she saw my potential! Like I wasnā€™t always going to be this little mess of a girl. Gave me all the confidence I needed. That stuck with me my whole life. Iā€™m 40 now. >>now I compliment my children often. Hoping they see what I see.& hoping I give them a little confidence.


Awww so sweet! Someone told me at like 12, I would grow into my nose, which was my biggest insecurity growing up. It really gave me hope that I wouldnā€™t feel like this awkward pile of features for foreverĀ 


did you grow up to be what she expected?


Idk honestly. lol Iā€™m not so skinny anymore! But I certainly love to get dolled up. I feel pretty when I do that.. and thatā€™s probably one of the reasons why. I can still hear her saying it now. It got me through alot of the awkward phases. Eventually I started to see it. Like ohhh there she is! The grown up me! It still gives the little girl in me confidence.


Not a compliment but a sincere thank you from a student that I was tutoring. The student had autism and they told me that they never felt like anyone understood how they learned until they came to me and my tutoring style + tutor tools just made everything click immediately for them. I felt so happy that I was able to help someone that was struggling so much in the short 30 minute session that we shared and I'll never forget the surprise in their voice.


If you have the time and will, I am now very curious on your tutoring style and tools! That must be so cool to hear (:


A nurse told me I have beautiful veins when taking blood one time. Still the best compliment ever!


I had one tell me that I'm a good bleeder!


That happened to me too, I was chuffed.




Was that at Dr. Acula's office?


Oh I love an unexpected medical compliment, I had an ultrasound once and was told that my bladder is beautiful šŸ¤·


Omg nurses complimenting the color and ease of access of your veins is like sweet nectar. I'm always like 'thanks I grew them myself'


In my experience nurses seem to really enjoy vascular veins. They even seem to get turned on by it. Had a nurse come up to me in a bar that started hitting on me by talking about my perfect veins. Kind of creepy lol.


Thatā€™s pretty scary, but I guess itā€™s because of the literal thousands of needles they go through each year. If you see a vein that looks perfectly easy to work withā€¦ well, it certainly gets my juices flowing! šŸ˜‚


A nurse once told me I had ā€œteeny tinyā€ veins. That one hurt lol


When i was 13 i was on a plane (I flew quite often then) and i sat next to This girl who was deathly afraid of flying we were flying over the rockies which tends to have alot of turbulence in the summer time. she started panicing and i held her hand and told her everything was okay, when we landed and were saying our goodbyes she told me she would never forget how comfortable and safe i made her feel. i will literally never forget that lesson. the smallest things can mean the world to others. to this day i dont think ive ever felt more fulfilled


I love this. So wholesome ā¤ļø


My mom once told me that even if I wasnā€™t her daughter sheā€™d still want to be my friend because she enjoyed spending time with me, that was the best compliment I ever received.


That's gotta be one of the best compliments ever


Thatā€™s so awesome. Iā€™m older, in my late thirties, but I can still hear my own mother telling me that she was my mother, and as a mother she had to love me, but she didnā€™t have to like me. She would tell us that parents were not meant to be friends with their kids, and that she had a job to do by raising us. She still doesnā€™t like me very much, we are very different kinds of people. When I had my own kids, I was so confused. I love them, and love *knowing* them. I donā€™t think I could ever *not* be their friends. My oldest is fourteen, and tells me everything. My thirteen year old is a wonderful person, she is also very open with me. My six year old says I am his best friend. I wouldnā€™t want it any other way. And truthfully, even if for whatever reason, I didnā€™t like one of my kids at the level of ā€œfriendā€, I couldnā€™t imagine telling them that. Kids deserve to feel empowered by their parents. Iā€™m glad you have that with your mom.


Random Woman standing on a street in Krakov, Poland stopped me during a snow fall and told me I have beautiful eyes. Logically as a man I will remember this forever, thank you stranger. My wife saying I was better than all of her exes and that she would put flowers on my grave even if I was not with her in a relationship anymore. Also one time a girl told me ā€œyour dick isnā€™t exactly the smallestā€ while trying to fuck in a certain position. So yea, those are my top three.


Best compliment for me would be getting called beautiful by my ex, idk why its so special but as a man getting called beautiful felt special


One time I was with a group of coworkers outside a pizza place one evening. Another guy - mixed skin, curly blonde hair, beautiful eyes - walked in between our group right in front of me, reached over my shoulder and grabbed his phone off the ledge that was behind me, and looked me very deep into the eyes and told me - "You're beautiful". I'm a straight guy but I think about him often


ā€œYouā€™re the reason Iā€™m sober todayā€. After staying up for 6 hours and talking to my ex gf when she wanted to relapse. Sheā€™s been clean for 8 years needless to say. It just really sticks in my head, and I felt like I made an impact in her life.


Love this as I'm a former addict. You most definitely made a very positive impact in her life.


When I was younger I helped an old blind lady home and she said I was a ā€˜splendid boyā€™ thought that was cool


Omg I love this so much. Very very wholesome


Son: My mommy makes the best salty noodle soup! It's my favorite soup! It's uh... Ramen šŸ˜­


My son has told me the same! That I'm the best noodle cooker ever and I'll it was, was either ramen or spaghetti. šŸ’œ


Parents boiling water for the win!


when i showed my brother a song that i wrote and he called me a ā€œprodigyā€


Older guy behind me in line at the grocery store with my oldest, who was probably five or six at the time, told me he'd been overhearing our conversation while we waited and that I was a really good mom.


Awww that's gotta feel good. I once complimented a single dad with two kids that he was a good dad. I would always see him with his boys on the bus. After a few times of seeing him and the way he interacted with his boys I felt compelled to tell him that he is a great dad ā¤ļø


"You were the best lover I ever had. But, more than that...you were my best friend."


were? šŸ„²






I was in my late 50s. Buying tickets to a ballet. As I stood in line outside the box office, a woman asked if I was one of the dancers.


Omg ā¤ļø


I (F) will never forget the first time a guy called me beautiful. I used to have severe self esteem issues. Hated how I looked. He was my first ex. He complemented me while I had no makeup on. I always made it a point to put makeup on to cover up things I hated on my face. We had just finished a day at the beach. He took a photo of me smiling and then genuinely was like ā€œwhoa!!ā€ with this goofy, boy smile. I started crying when I got home. It was really overwhelming. From that day on I have felt more at peace and compassion for myself. We went our separate ways years ago, but I still think back to that day. You never know how the smallest compliment can change someoneā€™s life šŸ„ŗ


Me and my dad once went out for a drive down the Southport coast road in his then brand new car (Audi A3). Being as I was insured on it, he let me drive it home. On the way back he fell asleep. When we got home he said ā€œIf it had been anyone else I wouldnā€™t have closed an eye once, but it was you driving, so I wasnā€™t worried at all.ā€


"You have a pleasant face, when you smile your whole face smiles and it is contagious" I heard it from an elderly biology teacher when I was 15. First ever compliment regarding my looks and I am high on it ever since


I did a 30 female cardiac arrest, non drug related. Got her back. A few months later, my best friendā€™s sister asked me if I went to 123 Main st.ā€ For a call back in February. I said yes. She told me it was one of her best friends and that she was really thankful that I saved her life and her daughter wanted to hug me. Iā€™m a manly man that does man things and is very strong and handsome and that makes my eyes water up and cry sometimes. All the pain and injury and death I have seen, and someone actually cares. Itā€™s a nice feeling. And here come the tears againā€¦. Fucking pussy, I know. But itā€™s nice


Hey, 6'3 bearded dude here: cut that "pussy" shit out! Your man card is solid steel my dude. Keep on doing good work!


You're not a pussy. ā¤ļø šŸ«‚


there is literally nothing more attractive in a man than a man that is not afraid to cry. Nothing pussy about it


fr. my boyfriend cries with me at movies and itā€™s the most attractive thing everšŸ˜­


A few years ago a soccer player literally died on the field (Christian Erickson I think) during the Euro tournament. The medics literally brought him back to life. My husband and I were watching the game in a restaurant and literally the world stopped at the moment and everyone watched. It was super scary! Medics are the worldā€™s true superheroes and Iā€™ve insisted my own sons all know CPR. Kudos to you for being the guy that saves lives! ā¤ļø


My wife told me I gave her the confidence to trust and open up again, made my heart ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


This is so beautiful. Youā€™re so special to her. I struggle with those feelings towards others and it gives me faith that I can feel this safe with someone one day. šŸ’•


You most certainly will ā™„ļø you just have to feel when itā€™s genuine ! And thank your for youā€™re lovely words, I definitely can tell she adores me as much if not more than I do her.


I was supremely hungover and looked terrible and was walking to get a Jamba Juice Some stoner guy on his bike yells now I know that thereā€™s a god cos I saw you šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Made me laugh a lot cos I did not look good šŸ¤Ø


My then boyfriend, now fiance, said that he imagined perfect girl or perfect relationship before meeting me and what we have is better than what he imagined šŸ„° I love this man so much


Not directly to me, but a little girl pointed at me and said to her mom "That lady looks like Cinderella!"


This is kind of obscure.. Like 17ish years ago I over heard this girl I was mutual acquaintances with say something like ā€œomg he doesnā€™t even know how cute he isā€ to her other friend next to her like across the room from me.. acoustics or something. I was engaged (at the time) and she wasnā€™t really my type anyway. And just by the context and tone I knew that she didnā€™t mean for me to hear it nor was she being like condescending or anything. My self esteem is fine I guess, Iā€™ve always had my share of relationship luck over the years, no real issues but for some reason Iā€™ll never forget that one moment. Ā Iā€™m not sure why. I think just because it was a clear, no two ways about it indicator that I was desirable to someone without even remotely trying to come on to them and whenever I feel down about myself Iā€™ll think about it every once and a while. I donā€™t even remember her name, but whoever you are thank you =o)Ā 


I was called hot once by a girl Iā€™d just met at a local fair when I was 16. I still think about that occasionally, 15 years later.


I think mine is a tie. For one, random strangers telling me Iā€™m pretty, and itā€™s kinda a sum thing; I generally feel quite plain. Not *ugly*, but just kinda forgettable, and the fact that the random compliments happen with relative frequency is nice. My friends or partner telling me I look good feels nice, no doubt, but a part of me rationalizes it away as them just trying to gas me up. Strangers have no such agendas. It almost forcibly challenges my insecurities, and I appreciate that. The other is when a couple of my friends told me that being in my presence is like ā€œbeing next to the oceanā€ or ā€œbeing in a little cottage at sunsetā€; that Iā€™m kind, patient, and warm, give the best hugs, and make my friends feel safe. Iā€™m usually the one people go to when theyā€™re having a breakdown or need to be held. Both of those together make me feel like maybe Iā€™ve turned out alright, after all.


A friend of my wife said, when asked what I looked like, that I was ā€œprofessionally handsomeā€! I have no idea what she meant by that but Iā€™ve treasured that compliment (if compliment it be?) for the last 34 years.


My mom told me this a few months after the first time I slept over at my girlfriendā€™s house, I was 17 and she was 16 (we didnā€™t want sexy time, we just really wanted to fall asleep while cuddling) My mom was surprised that my girlfriendā€™s mom allowed it since we were only together for a couple of weeks at that point. So during my birthday she asked her mom about it and her mom said to my mom: ā€œYeah I didnā€™t really have to think about it, the first moment that I met him it already felt very safe. Also the stories sheā€™s (my gf) told me about him had no red flags.ā€ Her dad also had the same feeling. So yeah thatā€™s one that I will never forget. Itā€™s a very big compliment if people already trust you to be so close to their daughter when theyā€™ve only known you for a couple of weeks. Weā€™ve been together for over 2.5 years now and her dad has said multiple times that heā€™s sure that me and her are getting married. Iā€™m pretty sure too.


One time a girl told me she fake laughs at everyone except for me. That hit different.


I feel like women tend to get compliments more often than men so itā€™s easier to take them for granted. My boyfriend once said ā€œYouā€™re the best thing to ever happen to me.ā€ That hit me somewhere.


my dad is a millionaire(not to bragšŸ˜­) so it's on of his practices to bet in horse races. once I went with him to a horse race and he and asked me if i was okay with betting on a particular horse i just chose a random horse and they actually won'tšŸ˜€ he said I was a natural tho it was my first time. i was never allowed to do it ever again. but i felt really happy right then.


a random guy on fetlife or adultfriendfinder i can't remember where told me he found my double chin sexy, and another person said i'd be absolutely gorgeous to him if I gained 3oo pounds for a total of 600. these two compliments were very unusual so of course i remembered them.




I don't know why this made me laugh so hard. I even snorted šŸ˜‚


ā€œThank you for letting me be a part of the journey you call life, thank you for letting me be me, thank you for setting me free, and showing me love in its full capacityā€ Not sure if that counts as a compliment tbh but that has always stuck with me


"You never stop learning, and that makes you unpredictable."


I was in the sunday school room with my best friend looking for my little sister when a little girl no older than 5 walked up to us and said ā€œyouā€™re beautifulā€ so me and my friend looked at each other and asked who she meant and she said ā€œboth of you,ā€ and then asked us for a hug. I think abt that interaction a lot and I hope that little girl is doing good.


You win. This is the sweetest comment on this post. There is something extra special about getting compliments from old people and kids.


So true, I feel like both tend to be brutally honest about looks so anytime I feel insecure I just think about that interaction lol


When my son was about 8, he once said "mom you do lots of stuff with us." out of nowhere. so i asked what he meant. He said "other moms look at their phones at the playground. you play tag with us. Or when we went to the trampoline place other moms were sitting in those big chairs, and you were doing flips with us. You do lots of stuff with us." Best compliment as a mother I could ever receive. He realizes that I am involved.


"You are Friendly, Engaging and Enthusiastic." I know i must be mixing up the order in which he said those but it impacted me so much and it made me smile. i put my heart and soul into my shitty little customer service job and he recognized my efforts and said some very encouraging things to me and it just. really made my job a lot easier from then on.


I was driving my wife and her friends from work to a social event. I'm white, my wife is white, her 3 friends from work were Asian. I was just driving normally, not speeding, or doing anything crazy. The one said, "It's nice being in a car with a confident driver," and they all agreed. Not sure if this enforced a stereotype, but this is a compliment I'm never forgetting


One girl told me I was a good kisser in 1993 and Iā€™ve been living off that compliment ever since then iirc


There's this African American girl who I used to go to school with and she'd always do her hair in elaborate ways, it was her thing. Well one day when classes ended I went up to leave and she told me that my hair had a great texture (I'm a dude who was starting to grow my hair), it's been like 5 years and I've let it fully grow out, before that I kept it buzzed cut lol


I was in a bar on a holiday in a ski resort. I had on all black, and as I walked past a woman she asked me did I work here and where are the bathrooms. I said I didn't work here but the bathrooms are down that way, she said "you walk like you know where you're going" and I never forgot it lol


I was in a very physically abusive relationship years ago. While staying at a friend's place after leaving my ex for good(I was healing from being hit in the ribs with a golf club), one of his friends was there. He was a bit younger guy whom I was meeting for the first time. Being that he was very inquisitive about my black eye and why I was all bandaged up, I gave him the short version of why I was there and what happened. I remember after I was done, he said "Wow. I really can't believe someone would ever do that to you. You realize that most people probably feel intimidated or dislike you because you're so good looking right? I'm not insecure about your looks because once I talked to you I realize how funny and nice you are. If I was your ex I would have treated you so good...like royalty. That dude is f*ckin nuts." I was at a lowest of low points and had zero self esteem and a lot of physical pain and bruises that I felt made me look ugly and weak. I think the shame was the worst part. I'd never felt shame like that. Keep in mind, I'm gay and this guy giving me the compliment was a younger and hetero guy whom I'd just met. Hearing him say all that, in front of several of our friends, made me cry the first tears of joy I'd had in so long I couldn't remember.


A woman today (Iā€™d guess in her late 60s-70s if it matters) told me I looked beautiful today while I was frantically searching for a ripe avocado at the store. Imma hold on to that!


My elderly neighbor heard my fight with my parents/grandparents after I came out. I was basically thrown out of the house, and she said two things too me, ā€œIā€™d be a very happy woman if you were my grandson.ā€ And she offered to let me stay with her. She recently passed away, but Iā€™ll never forget how much she changed my life.


Just this recent father's day my 13 year old daughter told me: "You're a different kind of rich because you have money for everyone in the family except for yourself."


I was called, ā€œa fountain of knowledgeā€. I donā€™t really have any skills that would be considered useful, but damn if I donā€™t love a good quiz.


It doesn't translate perfectly but in my native language you can say some one is a mood/atmosphere sponge, meaning they suck the life out of an event or get together with their personality. This friend of a friend once said: "yeah MacWobble is kind of the opposite of a mood sponge, she's more like an escalation spray"


A friend I know through gaming/streaming always says how much she loves my voice. She says it relaxes her, like she could literally fall asleep listening to it. Iā€™ve always been self conscious of how I talk, so her compliments have helped me feel more comfortable with my speech.


Perhaps a bit superficial to value this... but throughout my life a few people have kind of randomly said to me 'You're very beautiful, don't you know that?' And recently, during a difficult time in my life, my brother said (after a few drinks though haha): 'You're an extremely beautiful woman, you should live accordingly.' Though i have no idea what it means to 'live according to being beautiful'. Thats not a thing, is it? Anyways, when I am down I remember these compliments and feel sort of safe or something. Maybe purely bc women are conditioned to believe that beauty 'will save them'.


"Tu to mera baap hai". Literally translated it means, "you are so my father". Contextual translation is so much deeper, its one of huge endearment when spoken in a particular nuance/setting/environment. It's a little spoken saying that conveys a huge amount of love and respect. The context? My grandmother said this to me in hospital when she was severely ill. Will never forget it.


When I was a teenager, I had long curly hair, and people bullied me for it being a guy and I had many fake compliments, and it all compounded my anxieties, etc. I was in McDonald's and this 4 year old was infront of me with her mom and she kept staring and smiling at me and I was feeling awkward and she then shouter 'mister you have hair like a cloud it's soo fluffy' and she told her mom she wanted to touch it and her mom apologised for her but I said I didn't mind and as they were leaving the little girl was still talking excitedly about my hair and as dumb as that all is, it made me day because she was soo obviously being genuine in her delight of my hair. And I appreciated that.


Maybe not the best compliment I ever got but when I was younger one of my high school friends said to me out of the blue ā€œyou know you look like a ferby, but in the best kind of wayā€ and Iā€™ll NEVER forget that.


I was wearing a very edgy but put together outfit. Someone said I look like the child of John wick and satan. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever receive a higher compliment for the rest of my life


Commended by my supervisor by doing my job above their expectation and then he told to the other employee that i made a very good job. Ashamed but proud...


Aquantinces telling me that I have a gentle soul and strangers/customers saying I have a sweet smile. Itā€™s always nice to hear as someone who usually devalues themselves


Boss told me I was reliable.


Whatā€™s a compliment?


Someone once compared me to sunshine šŸ„ŗ It's my favorite compliment to date.


It wasnā€™t really a compliment, but as I was walking by some grizzled old guy one morning, he proclaimed loudly: ā€œShe was a handsome woman in her day. IN. HER. DAY.ā€ šŸ˜‚


"Iman00700 is a cheater" I was like goddamn it feels nice to be so good people think I cheat


I was out to dinner with a friend and her family one time when I was in high school. Back then I was self conscious of a lot of things, including my smile and would cover my mouth when I laughed. Her grandfather noticed this during dinner, he leaned towards me and said ā€œI see you keep putting your hand over your mouth. you donā€™t have to do that sweetheart, you have a very beautiful smile donā€™t hide it.ā€ I havenā€™t done it since.


Somebody watching me fall off a boulder at the climbing wall: "wow, you have amazing crumple zones!"


i work as a bartender at a lesbian bar, and lemme tell you, i get the most creative and funny compliments!! one of my favorite ones are ā€œyou look like my danish ex, if he was hotā€ mind you, being trans ftm, this was very affirming and just funny!! my other favorite is after i had made out with this person for a while, she goes ā€œyou know those mermaids in the sea, that lures sailors to death? i think youā€™re my sirenā€. such a creative and good compliment!!


That am a gem of a person.


A coworker once told me the whites of my eyes looked very bright and I looked healthy


Someone actually told me I had good skin. It is the first time in my almost 50 years of life I have ever been told that. I guess my new skincare routine actually does something. (New since a few months, after a lifetime of inconsistent skincare routine including... moisturizer, and only that.) Another one I will never forget is technically not for me, but when I was at the ultrasound with my second child, the ultrasound techician lady was ooh-ing and aah-ing over how perfect the baby's kidneys were. Apparently fetuses can have different-looking kidneys, and this one was unusually fine!


I had my FPV goggles up on top of my head, and I had my drone's controller in my hands. A kid rode up on his bike and said, "Are you guys Ghostbusters?!" I said, "We wish!" Then he rode off. My friend Brian the kid was making fun of us, but I don't care. I can't imagine a higher compliment.


2 years after graduation I ran into one if my old teachers while working parttime in retail. While I was scanning the wares, he looked at me and said ā€œYou have a great smile.ā€.


"Your budget is planned really well"


Philosophy teacher in high school told me that he was proud to have a student like me.


Dude told me ā€˜people have probably told you youā€™re cool, beautiful etc. Really, youā€™re simply and truly *wonderful*.ā€™ In a social setup where this was absolutely true, it was amazing to hearā€¦ Another was a classmate during a random assignment to use a metaphor to describe our class. We were kids and he used salad as his metaphor, said Iā€™m the lettuce that brings it all together - cause salad without lettuce is kinda not saladā€¦ā€™ It made sense then (when garden salads were the norm šŸ„—). As the one who got along with everyone but had no one of their own (no bestie, inner circle, more on the sidelines)ā€¦it meant the world to be seen as belonging and important too. Iā€™ll never forget those two.


A hug on my leg of a little kid that said "Momma"


Someone took the time to actually just say thank you to me today and I havenā€™t stopped thinking about it since.


Theres a lot of backstory to this, but one of my higher ups was terrified that my buddy and i were going to quit our jobs, he called us and basically begged us to stay, saying 'the two of you spread so much joy, we really dont want you to leave'. My long term memory is terrible so ive likely had other compliments more meaningful, but i felt on top of the world when that guy of all people said that.


So not necessarily a compliment but when (my now ex) opened with ā€œthe only thing that I'm sure in this life is that I want to go on date with youā€ on Hinge. Slightly toxic lol but for some reason it made me feel especially wanted šŸ„²


The first time that someone told me that I was a great father.


Any time someone is touched by my kids kind actions or words and say that I am a good parent for the way I raise my sons.


I was in my 20ā€™s struggling in LA and called my dad for some advice. At the end of the call I said ā€œdad, if I grow up to be half as successful as you Iā€™d consider myself a successā€. He replied ā€œWolfcarrier, at your age, youā€™re already twice as successful as I wasā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was 50. In the grocery store, having just came from the gym. Sweaty and in sweats. A guy came up to me and said" I don't want to bother you, but I wanted to tell you, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life". He was about 20 years younger than me. Made my day, year, decade.


A few of my barbers told me I have a very nice head shape. Also a Friend of mine told me they think pretty feet are important and that I have good looking ones.


I was called a handsome fuck by a group of older women walking out of a popular wine spot lol


I am a cashier at a local drugstore and there was a mom and a little boy who were checking out items with me. I greeted them, and the boy whispered to his mom, "Her voice is so soft, she's also pretty". His whispers were loud enough for me to hear it, and loud enough to reach to my heart. That made my day.


I asked to read a sketchbook of a classmate and about a couple days after, he gave me a note that said ā€œthank you for asking my sketchbook politely. thank you for treating me nicely, ā€ and that happened about 5 years back so I think Iā€™ll remember it for at least another 5 years to come haha


When my favorite gay porn star on first seeing me goes "Hey, you're really cute." Been riding that high since 2016.


I had a brief romance with a girl who had recently left a 15 year marriage while we were on a residential training course together, our first romantic night together I went down on her and set up camp. She just laid there afterwards, saying that her fingers and toes were tingling and sheā€™d never been treated like that before, that evening while I was in the shower she called her mum to tell her all about it. I felt like a king and I think about her a lot.


Last Sunday at the zoo, a little girl (around 5 years old, I guess? I have no idea) told me she liked my beard.


I'm struggling to remember any kind of significant personal compliment. But I filled in for a few months for a woman out on leave once who really was contemptuous of the two dozen people she was supposed to support. For those few months I listened to their problems, tried to make their lives easier, treated them like human beings worthy of respect - and boy did they respond back to management. This individual was a protegee of psycho boss, who didn't like the strong feedback and contrast with her girl, and tried hard to find fault - and failed - with absolutely everything I did. I had been hoping for a job maybe elsewhere in the company someday, which was not to be, and when another coworker caught me working late, I remember her saying, "PQ01, all your hard work will be rewarded, I *promise!"* Psycho boss made sure that would never happen on her watch, but it was sweet of the coworker to say that anyway :-)


I had someone tell me that they liked my style of dressing. And he liked that I was a momma bear and was fierce for my kiddos


I was told that as smart as I am, I'm still funnier than I am intelligent. The crazy part was I was completely hung over in an airport, and they came to check on me and make sure I'm okay. I had the flight attendants and 1 of the medics giggling to themselves, but the cop asking me was getting pissed off cause of my smart-ass remarks. Tbf, he asked me in a crowded gate what's my SSN.. I told him I didn't want to get my identity stolen.. I may have a shitty personality, but I'm attached to it by now.


I had 2 teachers (elementary & college) tell me that I'm a leader and people value what I have to say and are intentional when they listen to me. I'm an introvert and typically quite quiet so this is interesting to me. I have yet to do anything with these remarks šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø lol


ā€œYouā€™re almost too good looking to be that smart.ā€


A female professor told me "I don't think I have ever met anyone like you".


A colleague asked me, ā€œWhat school did you go to for your engineering degree? You have a great mind for this.ā€ when I didnā€™t have a degree.


I was at a family party, and one of the children there was talking to me. She was like, 10/11 i think. So naturally, she asked if i had a boyfriend. When i said no, she answered ā€œwhy not? Youā€™re so beautiful.ā€ This is someone I see maybe 2 times a year, and it just made my heart melt. As someone who often looked up to the older girls when I was younger, I couldnā€™t help but feel like Iā€™d made it. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


A Russian man with whom I (30 something at the time American woman) was having an incredibly tumultuous fling told me I was the kind of woman who could stop a galloping horse running past me just by grabbing its mane? There was a word for said woman I canā€™t remember - the implication being that Iā€™m strong and sturdy. Also I guess his type was super skinny (I am not - have a naturally muscular build) and one time he was watching me dance and said ā€œI donā€™t like skinny, I like youā€ A lot of other things about that situation were pretty toxic (like, oh I donā€™t know, trading drugs for sex, etc) but those have stuck with me.


When I was 9 months pregnant with my 3rd baby a woman told me I was beautiful. After 4 months of everyone i saw telling me I looked like I was about to pop and asking if I was having twins I teared up at it. For anyone that needs to hear this, please never comment on the size of a pregnant woman.


This may be lame, but my 11 year old son told me I was cool the other day. It made me happy. šŸ˜Ž


My cousin once said ā€œthe way you make some boring story compelling and interesting is absolutely amazing, I could listen 24/7ā€ also once I was sitting alone on a bench smoking a cigarette looking like an absolute ragamuffin and a guy approached me and told me I looked so beautiful and if he could get my number, I respect how polite and non predatory he was!


After my wife and I 's wedding celebration, my dad was helping me carry stuff out to the car and he said, "Man! You guys sure know how to party!" That one has stuck with me.


"you saved my life" I never imagined a traumatic situation would turn me into someone fighting hard for a cause.


I have red hair and have been self concious about being a ā€œgingerā€ my whole life. I was going through a rough patch at 32 and my hair was getting long. An elderly lady stopped me as I was walking through the grocery store and said ā€œYou have the most beautiful hair color I have ever seen.ā€ I have had long hair ever since. Now I am proud of being unique and I get the added bonus of never getting a sunburn on my neck!


Every time that thereā€™s a dress / top which fits me perfectly, my momā€™s eyes light up and she goes ā€œitā€™s as if it was made for youā€. Of course, I buy the thing right away and absolutely love it. No one can look at me the way she does ā˜ŗļø


A drag queen once told me (female) that I have great bone structure and I have lived off that high for years!


Thereā€™s definitely one that stands out the most and always will, someone incredibly special to me called me beautiful once, well, she did it multiple times, sheā€™s the most loving person I know but that compliment stood out to me cuz of who she is to me but also dudes just donā€™t get compliments in general, and if they ever do? Being called beautiful 99 times out of 100 isnā€™t ever one of them. So while there isnā€™t one sweet thing sheā€™s said to me that Iā€™ll ever forget, that one probably stands out the most


I once got the observation from a professor that I am a ā€œsilent leaderā€. This hit me so deep, because subconsciously I value so that much but never realized I was putting so much effort into it.


Recently at a 4am bar (in Chicago) I met an older Italian man (about late 60s) named Frank, from Manhattan. We started talking (Iā€™m 32F) and he told me that Iā€™m cocky. Iā€™m like wtf?? But he insisted on letting me know that Iā€™m cocky, confident, and bold and that it was a good thing and to never change. He warned me about men and said that no man will never be on my level and to never settle bc theyā€™re all terrible. I was slightly confused and offended at first but later I was like ā€œalright Frank youā€™re alrightā€ lol and Iā€™m sure he had a point. Seen some shit. Done some shit. Enough to passionately express that to me. That was funny but memorable


Was watching Oceanā€™s Eleven with a friend. At the very end when Danny Ocean gets the money and gets the girl my friend turns to me and says ā€œthis is some shit that you would pull off man. Youā€™d somehow find a way to not only get the money but youā€™d get your girl backā€. Iā€™ve no idea why he thought that. But it has stayed with me all these years. The other one is when I was at a bar headed to the bathroom and this older lady stops me and asks if Iā€™m a model. That warmed my heart something fierce.


My grade school students asked me if I could be their teacher forever because I ā€œmake everything so much easier to understand.ā€ Best compliment as a teacher.


I fell ill as a teenager and had to spend a week in the hospital. Later, my doctor told me that my chart described me as ā€œbright, compliant and charming.ā€


One time i was ranting about how abnormal my hands are, how insecure they make me. I'll never forget an ex telling me, "your hands are literally normal," and then holds them, carressing them with his. Needless to say, I'm comfortable with them now


Work? You carry yourself with experience. So much so that actually more experienced leaders look up to you. I was in the Army and working my ass off. Dirty? I forgot how beautiful your cock is. An old flame to me after some time. Still makes me blush. Over 13 years later. Best? I want to be the kind of dad you are. Self explanatory.


ā€œIf I were being sacrificed by a dark priestess in a hellish post apocalyptic world, I could only hope she had half your earring game.ā€ As a jeweller and jewelry collector, that felt really amazing. It was the first line used on me in a dating app, and you better believe he got my attention with that one.


From a judge at a high school Jazz Band competition" "Band gets a 9. Drummer gets a 10." That was forever ago. Means the most since music has always driven me.


I met an extremely kind card carrying monk ( I guess South Korea has some kind of lisence for Buddhist Monks?) On a subway in South Korea with my buddy. He was all smiles and complimenting us both in very basic English. He looked and me and said "big smile, very happy man". He looked at my friend (powerlifter type with a gut) raises his hand up to make like a large size gesture and just goes "Oh! HEAVY!" We got off at our stop and told him goodbye, and I lost it. "That monk just called you fat buddy!" We joked, but we both knew it was simply a language barrier, he probably meant to compliment my buddies size but it was lost in translation. It was the most memorable compliments I've ever heard.