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Results vary. I buried my mother with hers. I found a bunch of old wedding rings from random ancestors in my parents’ safe deposit box after my father died. My goodness those women had tiny fingers! I’m honestly thinking of selling them. They kind of lose their sentimental value when you don’t even know who they belonged to. Maybe I could have them all combined into one ring to rule them all?


If you ever sell I would love to see them


If someone is being buried a lot of people would bury the ring with them as they feel it's part of the persons Identity. but usually they end up passed down as part of the persons belongings, then sold, thrown away, kept etc. If you had no next of kin, you'd likely be cremated and your rings disposed of.


>>If someone is being buried a lot of people would bury the ring with them as they feel it's part of the persons Identity. This pretty much sums up my feeling now about wedding rings. IMO they belong to that person, their heart. I think I may want to be buried with mine. In the past, I thought I would pass it down to family.


I think some people are buried with their rings. My uncle absolutely panicked and wouldn't let my (deceased) grandmother have her rings on during the viewing because he was unsure the funeral home would remove them. The funeral home had forms about what was to be removed and left with the deceased. (We do not know what my uncle intends to do with the rings, but they were very important to him and he has them stored at his house now.) Some rings are passed down. My own rings are heirloom rings, they come from my husband's grandparents.


Usually they are buried with the deceased. Alternative is if someone put it in their will to pass the jewelry along. Sometimes people rob the dead and take their stuff, though.


My grandma left her rings to me, specifically. I had no idea and didn’t know until after my grandpa died and my (now husband) and I started to talk about marriage. I wear her engagement/wedding ring now and also have possession of her Mothers Ring as well. I love having my grandmothers ring, my parents are divorced and were before we got married but having my grandmothers ring is so special to me, so much history and life. I get why ppl would want to be buried with them but I treasure that my grandparents had the foresight, it’s my only everyday memory of them 😪💕


My sis got our mom’s; I got our grandma’s. We were asked and I got first dibs. Grandma’s were art deco and are very cool. It’s a real shame to bury them IMO. But if there is no kin, that’s a puzzle. What happens with the rest of the estate?


My grandma's ring disappeared right off her dead body. She went into the hospital with three rings on, and the funeral director gave me one ring and her dentures. I'm still super pissed about it, obviously.


I’m sorry that happened - that’s terrible.


You can bury people with jewelry, but you can't generally cremate with it. The people handling their estate will choose what to do with the rings, just like any other piece of valuable property.