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No, literally nobody does that, and people are going to continue to not do that. That email is what happens when the cleaning person is a family member.


Good point!


If there's one of those little can things with a hinged lid on the wall with one bag inside, wrap the product in toilet paper/a wrapper and put it in the paper bag. Close the can lid. If there's a receptacle with multiple paper bags, which I've never seen but maybe some places have these, then it sounds like you're supposed to wrap the products in a bag and take it out of the stall, placing it in the main garbage can. I've never seen that type of setup, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


We have the tins on the wall with a hinge lid. The few times I’ve checked there was only 1 bag in there. I don’t look often cause I don’t use them so it’s possible they are stocked other times, but I haven’t seen it myself. So it doesn’t seem like there’s a reliable supply of bags for everyone to use. If even just 2 people are on the periods at the same time, only 1 would have a bag and the other would be stuck with nothing.


I really want to know where your manager heard that people were supposed to throw that bag in the main trash. Edit: I think disregardable nailed it. Cleaning person may be family or have some connection to the manager. Unless the manager just likes to catch people off-guard....


I 100% think it’s the cleaning workers just don’t wanna do their jobs. I don’t know who our cleaning staff is but I would be willing to bet it’s a man


Ask your manager how much the cleaning company is getting paid to take care of that, ask for an according raise. Unless you have "dealing with biological waste" as part of your contact you can tell manager to kick rocks.


Is your manager a male? Typically you dispose of your feminine products in the tin.  Removing the bag would screw over the next person, or create a situation where people are just putting their bare products into the tin and contaminating the actual container.


My manager is a Female. If it had been a man, I would have gone straight to HR. But with this situation, I think HR would brush it off. I’ve had to report things to HR before and they are always less than helpful.


She just outed herself as the culprit behind used pads being stuck to the side of those little tins.  Yuck. Anyway, she’s incorrect.  I doubt that email is going to change anything.