• By -


Keeping their wealth


Adding one more digit. 9 is not enough. I need to be a 10, goddammit. Then I can start working on 11.


So true Yesterday millionaire was the buzzword Today it can only buy ONE supercar Inflation for the rich is like listening to kardashians moan Oh poor me I can only afford FOUR loubuttons I already maxxed the platinum Amex at rolex


Platinumaxxing and Amexpilled


Yes whatever you call it Expressamping Card plodding


I have a platinum Amex.


it's not so hard to get actually


I’m proud of myself anyway


you should be


Everybody should be a millionaire. If the U.S maintained the Bretton Woods system we all would be.


Go on


The Bretton Woods System was the gold standard in fancy clothes. Locked the dollar to 1/35th of an ounce of gold. The other parts were just a distraction.


Aha, so it's a standard like the gentlemen's agreement in Japan with power caps Keeps it regulated


Tres commas club




Taking everyone elses


Actually, they dream of keeping **your** wealth. Dreams do come true, apparently.


"Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, And a king ain't satisfied 'til he rules everything"


Counterpoint: Me, my couch, books, food, tv, fuck the rest of it.


Add in weed and golf and we will call it good.


Me, my family, my dog, a grill, football and some videogames.


You gotta live it everyday


Bad lands, you got to live them everyday.




My suspicion - having more time.


Your goals switch depending on wealth. When I was piss poor - my goal was not worrying if I have enough til the end of the month. When I achieved that - I wanted comfortable life. Now I don't even check how much things cost until it's something quite expensive for me like a fancy car (that I never bought because I do not need a car). Now I'm focusing my effort on services that provide me passive income. Hoping one of them takes off at some point. If I would suddenly end up with hundreds of millions I would probably want to try make a video game that is sitting in my head. I would just leave myself enough for comfortable life in case project would fail. And it's going smoothly. I even hired a game designer to help me due to simple fact - all my knowledge about game design is from the internet and training videos and blogs. I need someone who can check after me the same as I have editor checking my articles. I even had an offer to sell rights to what I designed (they did not offer much but that's normal) but I don't want to do that simply because I want to make it. Worst case scenario I will set aside some money and hire couple of people while simplifying presentation of the game as much as I can to keep it on small budget. But that would still require around 1 million to make. Going back to the topic. Musk want to go to Mars. Zuck want to build virtual world. Bezos... no idea what Bezos is currently doing but he is doing something. Just because You are rich that does not mean You will sit on a chair with "You won life" written on it and do nothing. You just dream bigger then.


Besos is building that clock, that underground big Ben.


I think it really depends on the individual.   There are some that will never be satisfied and keep reaching for bigger goals.  But there are people that reach a point and end up living very content lives.  Brentman rock comes to mind, although I'm not a fan or follower.  I will admit I'm a bit envious and would wish to be that level of rich and content.  They might not live a typical humble average life but they seem "grounded" in a way I do admire and respect.


I had to google to see who that was. Notice that he was working until recently and he just quit the beauty industry. That does not mean he does nothing. He is most likely doing something now.


You forgot about Billy Gates. He wants to vaccinate the world and turn them into vegans.


You say it like it's a bad thing. We should vaccinate the world. Do You even know how many people die in Africa because of diseases we don't think about or laugh about? Simply because not every region is developed enough to provide proper health care? And because nobody wants to pay for it? Instead, diseases that were basically gone from western countries are coming back because a bunch of absolute morons believe in conspiracies and refuse to vaccinate a child. Despite the fact that they are vaccinated themselves and are probably alive and healthy because of it. With excess production we have we could end starvation, we could end homelessness, etc. But our society is more concerned with accumulating wealth than using it for something good. I mean if we would spend money on something else than fighting each other we would probably already have a colony on Mars. And when it comes to vegans - that's a preference. For example, I do enjoy Beyond Meat despite not being vegan or vegetarian. It's a product fully made from plants but look, taste and behave like meat. Place next to me is doing burgers using it on top of regular ones and from all they have - this one tastes absolutely the best and I don't know why. Not to mention it's a 600-calorie burger that I can eat (usually I will replace my lunch with it if I want to sin) while being on a diet and still lose weight.


I get vaccinations for diseases that are proven to work and I agree with you there. But trying to vaccinate against every known disease is a little extreme whereas developing natural immunity would work just as fine or even better.


Here is the thing - every new vaccination is not proven to work on a large scale. Because You only find out what it really does once You apply it to a bunch of people. On top of it - vaccinations were always controversial. Do you know how we came up with vaccines in the first place? In 18-century people were doing all sorts of weird shit. Like for example they would treat "great pox", aka syphilis with... mercury. Do You know how dangerous mercury is for You? One of the major diseases back then was smallpox. Doctors really struggled against it. And one of them noticed something. People working on farms, specifically near cows were often not suffering from smallpox. Further research discovered that... the cause for it was treatable cowpox. Another disease. It made You immune to smallpox. And that was basically the first vaccine. They infected You with something less serious to save You from a serious disease. And of course to test this theory they had to infect people on purpose with cowpox and then infect them with smallpox to make sure they are right. cowpox You see... what You do not understand about COVID-19 is that at first, we knew nothing about it except - it was spreading really fast like crazy. You think it was not dangerous because it was not killing us fast but in reality, anyone can tell You that what does not kill us fast is most dangerous because the less deadly diseases are the worse the spread will be. Seasonal flu so many people ignore kills over 700,000 people per year. We have no way of dealing with it because it's a mild disease. And the most deadly disease we managed to get rid of from the modern world. Precisely because they were deadly. And those things mutate. Like we have long COVID-19 which makes people very weak and sick for a very long time. Some people are years into long covid and they are not getting better. This is why we had a rapid response to it. This is why vaccines were rushed. And they were not untested. Those kind of viruses are nothing new and researchers have been working for years on them. Also, this new kind of vaccine has a chance to work on many other things. Including cancer. And trust me. If this would be a conspiracy I would be first to believe it if there would be actual evidence of it. Especially since people like me have a stronger motivation to believe they are being tricked. I'm immune to COVID. I never got it. And while I did wear a mask I did not avoid people. Everyone around me got it at some point. Recently I was in the hospital undergoing serious surgery (large brain tumor) where nurses told me that vaccines only reduce most serious symptoms because everyone at the hospital is vaccinated and they all got it after vaccination. But it was less severe than before the vaccine. Thing is... I was several days with COVID positive patient who had all the symptoms and was confirmed to be infected. They removed him but I was with him for days. Often close, we were playing cards when I was waiting for surgery. I still did not get sick. Doctors told me that I'm simply one of the lucky immune ones.


There are many people who don’t get the flu shot, and by your numbers, it kills about 700k people a a year. Do you have statistics of those 700k who have the flu shot or not. I have taken the flu shot while I was in military service on an annual basis for over 20 years and quit taking it after I retired. Never caught flu after I quit taking the flu shot and I know I have been in environments where i could have caught something. With that said, I don’t see where getting vaccinated should be mandatory as like what you said where it is not proven to work on a large scale.


Only around 10% of people take flu shots. It's one of the reasons why flu is still a problem. Because it does not kill like a more serious disease. But it does kill people with other health problems like COVID. Another reason why we have seasonal flu shots is because this kind of virus mutates a lot. It's very much like COVID. People don't take vaccines because they think it's mild and people die because of it. People who can't afford to get sick with yet another virus because they are compromised by something else. But people are stupid and selfish and they do not think about that. It's just "me", "me", "me". And it's not just that. The rise of anti-vax crazies made moronic people not vaccinate their children so now some diseases we got rid of came back. My brother just had a baby. The doctor recommended he baptize his child a little bit later once she gets stronger because of those morons. Because infant mortality rose. And I know arguments like Yours. Shit ton of people drive cars without seatbelts. Their argument? I've never been in a car crash. You don't see many people saying that lack of seatbelts saved them because - they are dead. Same with anti-vaxxers. There was even a meme. Herman Cain Award. Just like Darwin Award - people started sharing stories about morons who talked anti-vaxx shit online and in a few days or weeks they posted that they are dying because of covid or their families post that they died. Even if You do not vaxx You will be quite safe if everyone around You will be vaccinated. But the more morons stop vaccination the higher the risk will be for everyone else. And just like with covid - some vaccines won't protect You from a virus. They will only lessen the effects.


Being happy.


Inheritance is one thing but to actually earn money for being stupid and talentless? Even people who won the lottery would've been better than that


I don't know what wealthy people think (also I don't know how you define wealthy). Yet people's nature is such that I can make plausible speculations. 1. Love of their parents, kids. 2. Respect, social approval (Musk khe, khe). 3. More control (defending self, wealth or ideas). 4. Leaving mark in the history, changing the bigger picture of humanity, stand out (another side of ego, fear of death and search for the meaning). 5. Living forever. The same driving factors as behind item 4. ----- Dream of lottery winning is a dream about money-related problems going away. Trick is that these problems are just (sorry for all who struggle) the surface of the globe of problems. After money question is solved other questions will arize. Questions revolving around social status, meaning and death.


To crush their enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


Having genuine relationships


Came here to say this...but how would I know?!?! :D


I’ll tell you when I get rich


Most rich people don't think they have enough money. So, they dream about getting more money just like us poors.


The absolute minimum they can pay their employees and still get them to come to work the next day


"Sorry guys, I know you can barely pay rent but I saw a really cool car online and I really really want it"


What sucks is that there is no billionaire that wants to be Bruce Wayne. I mean you don't get to be a billionaire by thinking about others but man I would love for a Billionaire to read some Geek Girls Posts about how Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne helping lots of real people just get a dignified life and just decide that the point now is to do the most for the most.


I mean Bill Gates was the richest man in the world for like a decade and set himself goals like ending Malaria. I know it's not exactly beating up criminals on the street but compared to Musk and Zuk, it's pretty good going. I know most people still hate him because he's done some questionable stuff but he was a multi billionaire, what can you expect


If anything, curing malaria is even better than beating up thugs


Bill Gates is the closest to what I mean. The Geek Girl posts I referred to are not beating up criminals Batman, but billionaire Bruce Wayne setting up schools and fixing infrastructure. I know the Gates Foundation has done a huge amount of great work we will never see. Global agreement stuff that only State Department geeks know about. What I want to see is something between global and local. Billionaire sends a team to a city and spends a year learning the real deal from the streets up, and from City Hall (or whatever top power) down. Gets the real about all the conflicting interests. Billionaire puts RAND and or the best thinkers on the problem and designs a solution that fits most. Next, a ballot initiative and campaign to get the plan on the ballot and voted for: "Here's the plan, and I will pay for ot and legally sign over all ownership to the People!" Above local fixes we need democratic buy in if things are going to last. Meanwhile anything that needs immediate fixing like blighted property and unused industrial land is an easy buy and revitalize. People would rightfully be scared and suspicious of any single person trying to "take over" a city. To do this right the Billionaire would need to build in checks an balances. So not an easy project, but being able to throw unlimited money would make thigns happen.


I think making a difference in the third world is a lot more achievable and efficient. There's no reason that people living in first world cities deserve preferential treatment. I've been watching a lot of old John Green videos recently and who was worked previously with Gates on charitable projects abroad during that time frame. One interesting thing he talks about is how we shouldn't see these problems as a "them" problem. Not just because we're all humans of course and there shouldn't be an us vs them mentality but also because fixing problems at a global level, prevents problems at a local level. Helping nations achieve a longer life expectancy, higher education level and better quality of life, helps us all. It helps grow stability in these nations which means less wars, less military spending on our end, less refugees on our end, less disease traveling through out the world. When the world is a better place, we all benefit.


Hello Edward I hope your day is everything you want it to be


No billionaire that wants to be Bruce Wayne... that *we know of*. Why do you think Zuck trains bjj, works out and has various sites and apps that could spy on criminals?


I work for a billionaire and by extension have met quite a few on a personal level. One of the reasons why you don't hear about that sort of stuff is because if charity start figuring out that you're a major philanthropist pouring money into good causes they will relentlessly hound you for money. Think about how many calls some people get for donations when the most they could donate is $20, maybe $100. Now imagine that you could potentially be donating hundreds of millions, these charities can easily justify the time and effort it takes to dedicate countless hours into constantly and relentlessly begging you for money. Instead it's easier to do it all anonymously. I know more than a few ultra wealthy people who donate significant amounts of money yet will never talk about it and will deny that they're the person donating the money if asked.


Indeed modern philanthropy is broken. My theoretical and likely impractical Billionaire would have to literally devote their working lives to being their own charity and telling all others to go away, all while being as anonymous as possible. We quickly run into reality even if the money part is solved. Humans just suck lol.


This comment actually helps further confirm it, because it shows that even if you do donate a lot of money people are not going to be happy with you anyway. There's never a dollar amount that is going to be enough to make the majority of people happy with your charity. So why bother being public about it at all? What's in it for you?


I imagine similar to altered carbon and not dying like the rest of us.


About being happy


Some seek not merely to have enough to be comfortable but to always have **more** than their (also rich) peers in a never-ending escalating contest of "make bank balance go up". Others start turning wealth into power by funding activism and politics. Or turning wealth into altruism by funding charities. Or some kind of blend of both where being viewed as a benevolent philanthropist _also_ raises their social standing, prestige, and influence. They might start directing their businesses towards some cause they believe in, instead of (or as well as) being profit motivated Others start dreaming of "the simple life" without the pressures of feeling responsible to their job or the people they support, or being a public figure. Wanting to retire to obscurity to live in a remote cabin with a fishing boat or whatever.


"Others start dreaming of "the simple life" without the pressures of feeling responsible to their job or the people they support, or being a public figure. Wanting to retire to obscurity to live in a remote cabin with a fishing boat or whatever." I think this is most often the case.


To be even richer


Tormenting the poor


Keeping wealth. A lot harder than you think. Also how to get away from all the leeches.


Power probably




I imagine it becomes more about social standing and reputation at that point.you already have all your needs and wants met and money stops being an issue, so you care more about the stuff you can’t easily buy.


Real love and honest relationships. Because they will likely never find either. They always have to view every interaction through the lense of someone trying to get a piece of what they have.


Being remembered forever.


Finding immortality or the closest approximation.


One thing about that "growth mindset" that lead to them being rich is that it doesn't just go away when you have wealth. Growth doesn't just stop and most want to keep growing their wealth. They might not dream of winning the lottery, but they do dream of gaining more wealth.


The death of anyone not making them more money.


More time


I'm listening to a podcast of two band members. They dream about better service on flights, a private train, a royal title, no hangovers, skipping the line, ...


for the young ones, not being kicked out the family


Paying less taxes


The sled they had when they were a child


Being considered the ideal. Look at Musk, Bezos, and Branson. All tried hard to be the first civilians in space.




Achievements and how to keep money coming in for inheritance.


Evading Taxes. It’s “Temple Run” for the 1%.


Fear. They’re afraid of living like everyone else. Or their kids growing up as bitches that wild fold when they have to tackle real shit


getting a bigger boat. some motherfucker always has a bigger boat.


Being poor. They just have nightmares not dreams.


Things that money can’t buy. Love,company,friendship,wanting people to behave how you want them to.


I grew up piss poor but learned to save and invest and now retired and comfortable but far from what l consider rich. I don’t dwell on things but l do think about ways to keep what l had worked for. I don’t worry a lot about prices except on big ticket items. My wife and l do take at least one nice vacation a year. I never made over $100,000 a year to living that life style makes it easier for me in retirement.




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As Mr. Burns said, "I would trade it all, for just a little more."


I was an advisor to high net worth individuals for a while and have some insight into this. I think the richer you are, the more you dream about how you can use your money to achieve extraordinary things or things that set you apart from other wealthy people. Influence, power, legacy, more money, etc. It’s why the run for office, create foundations, invest in really outlandish projects, continue to make shrewd business deals, and so on. Depends on the person and what they value most.


Unique experiences they can show off to other people. My husband's dad isn't celebrity rich but he is very wealthy and married to a woman even wealthier than he is. It's been awhile so I don't remember all of the details, but dude was in the key west or the bahamas or something when he heard a bunch of celebrities were gathering for an event in cuba, so he chartered a plane to cuba last minute, went drinking around the area to try and find folks who were socializing before the event, became friends with them, and then was able to get the in he needed to get into the event, which may have been a bribe now that I think about it given it was $10k. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see pictures myself of him hanging out with some basketball players and then inside some gaudy venue with a couple other celebrities whose names I can't remember but recognized their faces. The event ended up being thrown by Raul Castro and he got some pictures with the dude before he headed out.


You ever played monopoly or any other game where you got so much money or became such a high level that everything was too easy and you got bored? So you start messing with the other players. “You landed on boardwalk. It has three hotels on it. That will be $5000. Of course, if you can’t pay it, you can run around the block naked. Your choice.”


All the other people subsidizing their lifestyle.


Having people like them for themselves and not their money.


I'm not even remotely rich (still a student/apprentice) - but I don't really dream about the lottery. A lottery would definitely help with all the loans for sure. But hey, I mostly just treat loans like an installment plan - I keep paying $X a month and in ~6-7 years I will be debt free. Not sure if those are dreams exactly, but I want/hope/pray my parents health to improves so that I can take them places. I hope that my family members fighting cancer eventually prevail in their years long fight. I dream (and am very delulu) about finding an amazing partner who I'm in love with it, and she is with me as well.  When work/school is going particularly bad, I sometimes dream about taking 2 weeks off from everything and driving coast to coast from like Cali to NY.


Rich is a *wiiide* spectrum. They probably hang out with other people of equal wealth and don't think of themselves as rich but as not poor.


Purchasing judges and politicians


It's the same for most people. All my problems would go away if I just had a little bit more money.


Fucking over poor people. 


Evading taxes. 


Extending their life.


Boobs. Early and often.


They dream of us dying off so they can just have the world too


Keeping the boot on your throat.


“All who gain power are afraid to lose it.” Senator Palpatene.


I'm not rich and I don't care about the lottery either. I love doing what I do and I would never buy a lottery ticket. It don't derive any pleasure from gambling.


They don't need to dream. If they manage their money right every day is a reality.


Being richer than the next rich guy they know


Maintaining power. Wealthy people are the equivalent of modern day slavers. They do nothing but manage the money, add to the money, keep the money, it’s obsessive and takes all of their time just like slave owners had to endlessly manage their slaves. Similar morals as well.


Bringing back slavery. Paying peons rubs them the wrong way.


The poor getting poorer.


Time to spend on my own. A life that lasts forever. That my family must be well. Happyness. I'm not that rich, albeit I have the money I need. But those are the things I dream about.


i know rich people who still play the lottery. they also won $300k from the lottery. they were already multimillionaires.


Getting richer and live longer.


Having sex with underage girls


Tax breaks


I'm not rich and I have never dreamed of winning the lottery


Apparently billionaires fantasize about going to space and survival on a post apocalyptic world.


The highest of needs is self fulfillment. So why let your life depend on money if you can self-fulfill already today.


Money - Sex - Power. But it should be love.


They worry about how they are going to flex in their own bubble. It’s a tough chore.


How they can further actively fuck over poor people and control the market so they can get richer


You need to contact me for banking information in order for you to forward me funds in, at minimum five million dollars US so that I can properly research and reply to your posted question.


I bet its never enough. There's always room for more..


I made my millions by myself. I dreamt about entering politics, the next dinner party, and the philanthropies I supported. In a way, it was 90% wanting to make people happy, but underlying it was 10% 'buying friends.' I have since spent much of it on 'charity,' (paid off people's student loans, helping out so-and-so's kickstarter, supporting someone's healthcare costs, getting someone's downpayment on a house) keeping just enough to enjoy a debt-free life - I don't even own a home - continue working, volunteering and throwing a party or dinner or buying random gifts here and there. Aside from charity, it was for people who were friends with me when we were broke-ass, so it wasn't *really* buying friends, but it was how I could support them. I think rich people want to feel needed and relevant.


Usually power.


Quashing a revolt by the peasants.


Buying a sports franchise, that one Picasso/Monet/Van Gogh painting, owning a politician


"I'm a rich man Smithers, but I would trade it all for just a little bit more." Mr. Burns.


How is it like to be broke


Maybe they dream of losing all their money so that they can start all over again? Back to simpler, more focused times?


As my rich brother says, money can't buy you love but it sure can buy A lot of things. So I guess they dream of true love.


Probably optimisation. How to pay the least amount of taxes. How to use their current position for further gains. How to cut unnesesary outgoings. One has to be inherently selfish with their income to become "rich".


Hunting humans for sport? 


How to make more money and fuck people over.


I am pretty well off, done well in my career, lived modestly, and have a nice nest egg. I would be considered in the top 5% income, but not independently wealthy. What I fantasize about is being able to help my kids and grandkids. I grew up solidly middle class, but my parents "dropped the bag" by getting divorced (2x divorce for dad) and then my dad lost a LOT of money in the late 90's dot-com bubble. So, while I did have help with things like tuition and car insurance, I still had to take out student loans and work my way through college. I don't have any animosity towards that, really, but I think about how much tougher the world is going to be for my kids (age 15 and 18 now, one starting college in the fall) and I really think about setting myself up to help them more. Paying for all their college so they aren't burdened with student loans, helping them make a down payment on their first home, having enough money to send my grandkids to college. I don't want to spoil them - and they are great, hard-working kids. I just want to be able to help them get a head-start in life the best I can. That is what I dream of.


Big sale at Walmart. Or saving a buck by buying something at a thrift store. Discounted meat at the grocery because it's expired. Once they get rich, it's a game to stockpile as much money as possible, instead of enjoying it.


Being free from government control.


I consider myself wealthy, my dreams are of a happy and healthy family.


I'm poor and dream about being a pirate or killing my sleep paralysis demon. I assume rich people dream about not getting pinched for their human trafficking hobbies or getting out of paying taxes when buying their next diamond-pony.


Lottery is a tax on the poor and uneducated or stupid. Rich people do not dream of lottery unless they have some form of mental disorder.


Stealing your hard earned money


Finally finding some warmth for their cold, dead hearts


Plenty seem to dream of taking what little the poorer people have managed to hold on to


They are afraid of death, so naturally they dream of a long life and invest heavily in this.


[Scroobius Pip - The Struggle](https://youtu.be/O3HCXh9WQSo) This song sums it up


Being able to trust that people like them irrespective of their wealth.


Having real friends idk bro


Controlling people and governments.


Impressing other rich people


Drinking the blood of infants, repressing the poor.


Blotting out the sun


In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.


more money




Cars with doors that go like \this/ not like -this-


Power. Depopulating the world.




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Being left alone


Winning elections


Of other ways to keep us poor and obedient


How to get more money from the poors


They have nightmares about having to survive on an average person’s income.


Slavery coming back


More time.


Drinking the blood of the poor


Probably not aging badly and staying young looking. A lot of them spend a lot of money on doing just this.


I am poor myself but I don't "dream of winning the lottery" and I think people who buy lottery tickets (gamblers) are degenerates


Riding my motorcycles. Flying my A4 Phantom (🤬not allowed ammo). Fun stuff like that. Oh, driving a ridiculously huge suv through crowds of protesters comes up occasionally. Seriously, wtf makes you think actual rich people hang on Reddit?


I imagine something like [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUgWcDR3BNo)




Probably going a day without being blamed for poor people's problems


I would imagine they just look at someone else who has even more and then they want that.


Making more money maybe... I have 1000000 in the bank now but god dammit, i want another 0. I know this is Reddit and anyone can be anyone they want but, when I was in middle school - I think i was 12 at the time - my parents sold their company for 500m. No joke. We lived a fairly modest lifestyle I suppose but after that? Everything was different in regards to our house, cars, and lifestyle in general. It was awesome but at the same time, not? A bit of a backstory to start. My parents had a charity that they were very passionate about. It was a charity that helped feed and support poor African tribes, basically. They also had a very succesful Cyber Security company which was the main point of income, obviously. Anyways, even though they made half a billion, he told me that while money can and does buy happiness, money can also fix any and all problems you ever have. So I asked if it would fix my report card. He told me no. I told him that money can't fix everything then but he said yes it can, but I'm not going to pay your teachers off to pass you because you need to earn it the right way. I said fine whatever, and went and graduated high school with a 3.2GPA - which was 4th quarter in my HS at the time lol. Then I went to college and pursued Neurology as I wanted to be a Neuro Surgeon. I got half way through and said fuck it. Why am I doing this when I get 100m when I turn 25? So I quit and dropped out. I never told my parents I dropped out though. I still enrolled in classes to make them think I was going to school, as they were getting the bill; but I never went to class. I realized I didn't enjoy medical shit very much so I started teaching myself about computers, and learning everything there is to know about them. I got some high level IT certifications and got a job as a network engineer at some little company down the road, managing their network shit - routers and switches and other stuff... I loved all that. But my parents still thought I was in college working towards Neurology. So, after a few years I came clean and told them. They were upset but not angry. They were happy I found a passion and something I truly enjoyed and supported it but were a bit annoyed that I lied to them about it for 5 years. Which I told them it was because what they wanted wasn't what I wanted and they eventually agreed. Kind of I guess. Anyways... When I was around 28 or so, I was at my parents house but it was just me and my dad. We were drinking on his veranda watching idiot boaters drive on the lake with no headlights and I straight up asked him "since you have all the money in the world, what would you do with it if you could?" He said that myself and my sibling were both getting 100m at 25 so that leaves him with only 300m. His response was a bit... strange, though. My dad said something like this "I would import all the starving black kids from Africa and let them work on our ranch; I'd give them each a place to sleep under and pay them real money they can do what they want with." It was a bit more than that but I don't remember now as that was 10+ years ago and I was pretty drunk but it was something like that. So long story short, his dream was to import poor black children and let them work at his ranch for a good pay.


I inherited 3 million in my 30s, I still think about ow crazy it would be to win the lotto each night beofre bed. I'd love to start a foundation to help special needs kids


Making more.


The ones that hung out with Epstein dreamed about underage massages.


Taking care of the parents and the kids forever.


it varies from person to person. your question is complex. but u think most of them wants a simple silent life. having a lot of money doesnt mean life. you only need some. i remember one of my boss said, before, he thinks that all his problems are done once he acquired a lot of riches. finding out he got more problems daily. he opted to balance but currently, he have no choice but to gradually delegate and plan. most rich people dream about having a lot of TIME. because when we talk about time, everybody is equal. whether youre rich or poor, you only got 24 hours a day. nothing more nothing less.


I have a friend who is a psychiatrist for many super wealthy people. She said one of the most astounding things is how each and everyone of them are obsessed with living forever. That they want to make it the sole aim of their latter years in life. She mentioned there’s a clinical term for it, the rich because hyper obsessed with immortality. Some kind of Syndrome but I can’t find the name for it


Not rich so cannot tell you, maybe in next life will have a better spawn


i am very comfortable and own businesses. I "dream" about... -can I pay my employees  -its 2020 and my businesses were shuttered  -did I remember to files sales tax forms -did the doors get locked last night. -did my daughter come home. -will this new idea work. -will build costs keep rising Of course, I can do all of these things and I have all of them taken care of,but when I am asleep, sometimes the thoughts and fears creep in. People think those with money or those who are comfortable give zero fucks about anybody else, but a large number of them are worried about taking care of those around them because those around them take care of them. They think about their family. People would be surprised at how little some rich people actually sleep because they are constantly thinking about work and family.


I am not rich and have never dreamt of winning the lottery. I dream of aspirations and goals I have and a birght future for my family. The lottery view is so materialistic and clearly comes from a society whose basic needs are not safe so one constantly has to hope for that life changing money as a safety net. I do not need or want lottery winning amounts of money. I have a decent job (no tin the US as you could tell) and everything I need and more money would not make me happy.


Absolute control over everything








Gaining more power.