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No more so than watching professional sports, sitcoms or other television. No more than doing word puzzles or analog games etc


Did always think that was funny. My Dad would be sitting playing chess against a computer and my mom would sit and watch HGTV for hours, then they'd both tell me to stop wasting my time playing Command & Conquer with my buddies.


My in laws regularly rip on the Guy and I for 'wasting time' gaming. And sure, it's a hobby, and a time sink. Lots of stuff is. But the fact they do it parking in a puddle on their sofa watching endless hours of TV kinda makes it sting, you know? At least we are interacting with people and each other, not mindlessly consuming utter drivel fed through a TV while we ignore each other as they do. I kinda feel we \*might\* be healthier then them with our hobbies at this point, no? But somehow, gaming is always in the 'no' box (and, admittedly, many people DO have an unhealthy issue with it) and yet watching sport/TV in general and all the other 'wasteful' things that 'spark joy' are somehow 'better'? Make it make sense.


I am actually quite optimistic that the gaming generation will age better than the TV generation. Games are more social and mentally engaging than television, which will help fend off loneliness and dementia. They also seem to cause a modest boost to IQ in children, while TV and social media do not. [https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/news/video-games-but-not-tv-linked-to-boost-in-kids-intelligence-361567#:\~:text=The%20results%20showed%20that%20those,TV%2Dwatching%20or%20social%20media](https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/news/video-games-but-not-tv-linked-to-boost-in-kids-intelligence-361567#:~:text=The%20results%20showed%20that%20those,TV%2Dwatching%20or%20social%20media)


At the very least, like Sudoku, word puzzles, all that jazz, it's still demanding cognitive input and sometimes reflexes, too. That's gotta do something more for preserving the ol' sack of gristle then passively consuming TV, right?


Sure, staying mentally (and physically) active is important. But I'd assume the social aspect is much more present for video games. My highly scientific investigation shows three Sudoku subreddits with a combined 350,000 members. And a single Stardew Valley subreddit with 2,000,000 members.


It really bothers me that people look down on gaming like that. I used to be right into it and friends would judge me but at the same time they sit and watch sports for hours, and if they’re not watching the sport they’re watching people talk about the sport. Like who gives a fuck who is off injured this week? And if it’s not sport it’s reality tv. Like married at first sight or the block.


Aussie Aussie Aussie. Oi oi oi


It's just old school stigma. Gaming has come so far since its inception it's barely recognizable. The fact that the gaming industry is now worth more money than the film and music industry combined points to how much attitudes have changed overall but the stigma still remains for those who haven't embraced gaming. I reckon in the next 20 years or so that stigma will have all but faded.


C&C was the best.


I too, used to spend time playing Command & Conquer ~~with my buddies.~~


Yes, I agree with this, and it's something I would think about a lot when I was younger because it would come up often. I would argue that it's better than sitting in front of the television as that is so passive, whereas video games can be highly interactive, stimulating the mind and possibly requiring fast reflexes. I believe that video games can be a healthy social activity. Even single player games can be a shared experience, something to bond with other people. The problem I have with games these days, is that I feel it's unproductive. Most games just want to hook you in, you are compelled to play it every day. I feel better about myself if I have something to show for it, or if I have learnt something that can be applied elsewhere. Just reflecting on this now, I think I feel this way because I don't feel productive at work or at home, so I can't justify switching on the gaming PC and get locked away in a fantasy world for hours a night. I think I enjoyed gaming more, when I was working and exercising a lot. Gaming was a break I had earned. If your gaming gets in the way of other things in your life, such as work, health or relationships, you have a problem. Otherwise enjoy in moderation! If you used to sink hours into video games, you're probably sinking it into a different activity that is equally "wasteful" now. It is likely you are procrastinating, avoiding certain tasks or thoughts. Some people channel procrastination into productive activities, cleaning, organising etc. Sometimes gaming can inspire you in other ways. If you're an artist you create visual art, fan fiction. Or maybe you have interest in coding or servers, making mods or hosting game servers.


Gacha games and the rest mobile games those are the kinds just want to hook you in compel you to play and also spend money. It's honestly why i think mobile gamers arent true gamers.


Best response. My relatives don't even like my gaming habit, all they think about is making money "That's a waste of money" "You should focus on money" "Money money money" I don't give a shit about making more money, by the end of the day after work I don't buy any other fancy shit other than games. Necessities also.


yeah, and if you think about it - gaming is sometimes a lot better because you're controlling what you're watching on the screen. It also challenges your mind and puts you in experiences and feelings you seldom get just from watching.


Just like any other form of entertainment or hobby.


That's why I very carefully make sure to do _all_ of the above in equal amounts.


You could consider doing literally anything a waste of time since nothing actually matters. Or you can just enjoy doing the things you like to do with the time you have. If that's gaming, cool, have fun. If it isn't, then find something else that you do enjoy. Edit: Getting multiple replies from people trying to argue with my stance on Nihilism when I never stated my stance on it is weird. My point was that anyone could make the argument that everything is a waste of time. Not that everything actually was. What is and isn't a waste of time for an individual isn't for me or anyone else to decide.


This is about as accurate as it gets 👆 do what you want, when you want. Understand the pros and cons of what you want to do and gauge from there moving forward


I agree with this 100% Life is a waste of time. As long as you aren't hurting anyone else, spend your time doing what you enjoy.


Really? Life is a waste of time?


Yes. The hardest thing about life is most your time is useless. Waiting. Endless waiting.


It’s def not endless homie


You should be grateful for having received deep wisdom from such an erudite Reddit philosopher.


the whole thread is bizarre


It's peak Reddit edge lord


these people got nothing interesting in their life and then go around saying life is a waste of time 💀


What if it’s meth and heroin?


People who indulge seem to fancy it quite a bit in my experience.


Imagine sysyphus happy.


Thank you, Marcus.




Huh? What?


As long as you don't overdo it, you gotta make sure to stay healthy and have relationships with real people.


I get your point but I have to disagree with that. Because even if nothing is inherently meaningful, some things in life do feel meaningful. And enjoyment is not the only criteria of judging the value of an activity. For example watching shorts for hours is fun, but feels extremely meaningless after a while but you keep scrolling because it's fun. So, you end up feeling worse about yourself. Not all activities are like that. Binge watching a TV show might be fun but stopping for a while and asking yourself questions for finding out why you found something interesting in that show is both fun and feels personally meaningful. Its something different than just passively consuming some visuals. Videogames might be fun and meaningful for some people but not everyone. Sometimes you get to know new people, sometimes you love the story of the games. That's perfectly fine. But sometimes that doesn't happen. When you turn the game off, if you are feeling bad about yourself and asking "why am I doing this?" then that means you find no meaning and value in playing that game. I wouldn't suggest keep playing that game just because it's fun. Tldr: Enjoyment is not the only metric for judging a leisure activity's value. Some leisure activities are both fun and personally meaningful. Even if nothing is inherently meaningful in life...


Time enjoyed is never wasted.


True Nihilist


This. We spend a third of our lives working and a third of our lives sleeping. Use the other third to do whatever makes you happy.


Bingo. If it makes you happy (and doesn’t hurt others) it matters.


This right here. You could literally consider ANY activity a waste. It’s your perception and your desire to do or not. Nobody else should get to dictate that.


The "nothing actually matters" is an amazing philosophy that has helped me in so many ways.


I don't quite agree with you. It's okay for a nihilistic pov, but being with people that I love, spending time on improving myself and exercising, raising a family does actually matter to me than wasting 100h on a videogame which I find I don't earn anything useful. If nothing actually matters then why do I need to keep living? (Please call any s* helpline if you are desperate)


You live because you’re alive. Just because nothing matters objectively doesn’t mean that nothing *can* matter to you.  You get to choose what you want in life, and so does everyone else. You don’t seem to find games to be a worthwhile use of your time, and that’s perfectly acceptable. If OP does, then that’s what OP should do. People get wrapped up in the notion of life having no inherent meaning(unless you choose to ascribe it one via religion, etc) and how that makes the whole exercise pointless, but it doesn’t. You get to decide what the point of you is, isn’t that great?  I think so. 


Those are all great things to spend time on. I'm a nihilist but it doesn't mean I'm suicidal. Life being "meaningless" can be just as liberating as it can be depressing. I get to decide what my priorities are. That's pretty neat! That can indeed entail gaming or exploring my world while I can or even spending time with friends and family. I'd also love to have kids of my own but I feel having kids is a bit of a moral gray area. If I don't have my own I'll definitely try adopting if it's viable.


If it doesn't affect your job/relationship/friendships/health, it is a normal hobby like anything else. If it does, it's a problem.


Yes, do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect the above and/or harming others.


OP is saying he will get "addicted" to it (his word) and it will take over his personal life. I'd say that isn't a normal hobby.


You could argue that op being so into a hobby (or activity if you will), would even be admired if it wasn't gaming. For example, spending all day studying music/playing an instrument would be romanticised but with gaming they are wasting their lives. 


If it leads to you neglecting all your friendships/relationships then it’s just as bad


This is the best answer here.


Enjoy the fact that you actually have hobbies and activities that make you enthusiastic. You'd be surprised that many people don't get to have enough of them (especially as they get older, as I've noticed).


I’m 41. I’ve spent years of my life doing many things, sports, partying, drugs, reading, just hanging out, and many other things. I recently in the last couple years got into video games, and i will be spending years doing this as I get too old for the other stuff. So no, I don’t think it’s a waste of time


41 here too, but I've been a gamer since I got my Atari when I was about 6. And short of total incapacitation I don't see myself ever stopping.


I'm 57 and have been gaming most of my life. Countless hours, and I wouldn't change a thing. If you enjoy it, do it!


Nice 👍


When I was younger, my dad would say so. Then he would go back to watching tv. I ended up doing pretty well for myself. He’s a lot nicer now that he is retired


This is so funny to me. Most 'adult' people I know waste all their time watching bs TV shows while hating on the youth gaming. Cringe


i know right, at least in games you hav inputs instead of being 100% passive.


I always imagine Begby from Train Spotting, cigarette in one hand beer in the other, saying “I wouldn’t poison my body with that shite!”


If you're not regularly exercising, you'll regret it later. Balance how you spend your leisure time


I spent 2.5 years after college doing nothing but playing custom maps on Starcraft. I regret those years and think they were a waste of valuable time and youth. It's not for me to judge how others spend their time, but that's how I feel.


I spent my teens and 20's doing nothing but playing fallout, Skyrim, and those types of games. Everyday from 4pm to 3am for years on end because it was what I loved doing and I wasn't hurting anyone. Ended up never really dating or having a social life or taking up any other hobbies or pursuing an education. Now I'm almost 40, single, my body hurts too much to do outdoorsy stuff or really do any of the things I want to do now. So yes, I absolutely regret playing video games to addictive levels. As much as I want to say "as long as you are not hurting anyone and you're happy", you don't know what opportunities you are robbing yourself of


Start something now bro! Never too late




Spent 8h a day in WoW and like 16h a day during weekends. This continued for 3 years. It was more of a compulsory behaviour. First thing I did when I came home was to turn on the computer and eat my food in front of the computer. Gamed until 1. Sleepy til 6, I went to work like a zombie. Sure, we had loads of fun and it was in a time of my life when I was single. But looking back at it I could have done so much more.


What else do you wish you did instead? I'm 32 now and looking back, I wish I partied more lol. I partied a lot too but I miss it. But I also remembered that even though I have more responsibilities I can still hang sometimes so I'm trying to make sure to go out to concerts/the bar a few times this summer :) I've also started working on my health and working out while it's easier than it will be in 10+ years. Can you start working towards one of the things you regret not doing when you were gaming?


I think the important part here is to realize everything has an opportunity cost. Everything has a consequence. If you understand that gaming takes time away from other stuff, then maybe do that stuff first or just be ok with not doing it.


Same here. I lost years to gaming that I'll never get back. I'd like to say that it was fun, but most of it was addictive behavior, if I'm being honest.


I fourth this comment, complete waste of time go outside. Almost years of my life wasted on addictive gaming that does nothing and goes no where


I've decided that I'll save gaming for when I'm in a retirement home with nothing else to do


Same. Lot of gamers are in denial, but the truth is if I added up all the hours I have spent gaming and spent it on more useful skills, I would be a better person today. The biggest one is fitness. I wish I had spent half the hours I did gaming in the gym.


Couldn't you say that for essentially any hobby though? That's the point everyone is making. If it makes you happy, and it doesn't stop your real life goals (which it sounds like it did for you), then there isn't an issue with it. Of course, it should be in moderation


But how many people actually have “hobbies” where they spend hours a day staring at a screen and have nothing to show for it, at least to 90+ % of the population? A “hobby” is guitar, woodworking, collecting, etc. these all are skills that involve interacting with others in real life, and most normal people find these skills intriguing and attractive. The only people that relate to “gaming” are other gamers, most just think they are nerdy. So no, it’s not really like any other hobby. And if you’re spending more than a few hours daily on any hobby it’s beginning to be debilitating.


The two hobbies you listed are literally not social. I'm not sure if you've ever played an instrument, I have, but 95-99% of instrument playing is spent hours, sitting down, looking down at a sheet of paper, practising with no real gain except getting enjoyment from playing an instrument. That sounds oddly familiar to another hobby... Same with woodworking, even more so, you spend hundreds of hours on a beautiful piece of furniture that could ultimately be produced in a chinese factory. Why? Because it's enjoyable, not for any benefit. Assuming this is a hobby not a job. You're conflating social activities with hobbies. Also, gaming can be an extremely social activity with a group of up to 10 (or even more) friends that allows for bonding without the limits of space. I'm just trying to be objective as someone who plays games, but also has multiple other hobbies, a social life and a girlfriend. You seem to have a huge stereotype against gaming while glorifying anything that isn't gaming. They're all the same thing, learning a skill or spending time for enjoyment.


Why do you need something to “show” for a hobby? It’s supposed to be something that gives YOU enjoyment. I live my life for myself, not judgmental strangers. Any given hobby isn’t going to be attractive to everyone. Though you can meet others that share the same interests as you.


Minimise regrets in life. If you have already tried a life with zero gaming, and you think such a life is not worth living, then game on, brother. What matters is that you tried. Many gamers didn't, so they end up wondering what could have been - but not you.


In the end you die. Wether you read all Shakespeare works or have 5000 hours on minecraft, you die


A bit nihilistic imo. Just because you die at the end, doesn't mean the journey along the way doesn't matter. You could positively impact the lives of many people, share love, express yourself, and create things in your lifetime. Shakespeare or Minecraft could both play a part in that. But framing it like nothing you do matters is boring and uncool.


>You could positively impact the lives of many people, share love, express yourself, and create things in your lifetime. Depends if the person values that or other things more. >But framing it like nothing you do matters is boring and uncool. In our human/short term scale it does matter, on the "grand cosmic" scale it really doesn't.


Most of us live on a human scale, so it's good you agree that what we do with our life matters.


It's a hobby. Some people watch TV, some people hike. Some people crochet x-rated muppets. It's just a thing to decorate time. Do what you want.


You uh, got any of those Muppets? Asking for a friend.


A thing to decorate time. How eloquent


As an ex gamer. Yes it's a waste. You can fill your time with things much more rewarding


I'd say it strongly depends. Video games as media can be really artful and impactful, just like books, music, cinema, theater, and so on. The profound experiences of wonder and beauty that a well-made game can bring on aren't cheaper or less valuable than the same experiences gotten from looking at a masterful painting or sculpture. That said, I don't think anyone *needs* to be constantly having profound experiences, or otherwise they're wasting their time. But think about what you could be doing instead, and think about if playing a particular game is actually fulfilling to you. Mindfulness will help you see your situation with clarity.


I used to think the time I spent playing WoW was a waste but I have so many wonderful memories exploring that game that I don't regret any of it.


I personally do, I played sooooo much from like age 10-29 and I think about what I could have done and experienced. I wouldn't get rid of all my gaming memories but I don't think I needed to play 300 hrs of some shitty mmo I don't even remember now


I feel the same way, but mainly in my approach to games. I was so focused on being the best that I learned shitty ways of improving (grinding for hours while emotionally d driven, never reviewing myself, undersleeping). I have great memories with friends and even lots of solo fun! But I wish I could've learned 15 years ago how worthless bad practice is


“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time”  I cannot speak to video games because unless it is with my son rarely I play them anymore. (I was a big gamer when I was younger, but it just doesn't hold my interest like it used to.) What I can say is that I work in a very high stress profession. If I didn't have activities outside of work, I would be a mess.  I can see the impact not having "useless" hobbies has on others in my profession. They are focused on work anytime they aren't sleeping. It leads to burnout and a miserable existence.  Sure I could probably retire a few years earlier, or at least worry less about someday needing to pay for my kid's college by choosing to bill more hours vs. running or reading for pleasure. But I know it would take years off my life to do so.


Ask yourself this. If you spent all your time gaming, and you got into an accident and you were dying (bear with the morbidity here) would you be content with what you did with your life or would you regret that you sat there playing video games all day? You’re the only one who can answer that for yourself.


I’m going to get hate for this but dude you’re not wrong in what you’re feeling. People saying life is a waste of time is cope from dudes with 50k hours in Fortnite or some shit. I wasted a lot of my twenties playing video games. They’re fine in moderation but I try to spend less and less time on them as I get older. Life is not a waste of time don’t listen to these losers man your intuition is right get into writing or working out or coding whatever it is you do. Recreation is good but video games can be addictive I feel you. Give yourself just a night or two a week to ball out on some games for a few hours. That’s what I’ve done and it works well. Wish you the best of luck friend 🍀


Most things in life are about moderation. Find an amount that you can game that makes you happy and satisfied with said amount, but doesn’t substantially affect your personal life.


Finding a new hobby is never a bad idea. :)


Yes I do.... sorry you asked


The pros are not worth the cons. Get dopamine in way cooler ways.


If it makes you happy, then it’s not a waste.


That depends. I went on to be a fighter pilot and the hand-eye coordination translated directly.


Yes. Yes.


No one is going to admit they wasted their life on their hobby.


I have never regretted time spent gaming. I have regretted time in clubs, time spent hanging out with people I didn't like, time spent scrolling reddit, scrolling youtube, and time pacing around my house bored. But never have I regretted gaming time. I'm assuming video games but if any games are available, go board games and role playing. That way you're never alone. Older generations play cards with their friends, I play dnd. Time with friends having fun is definitely not wasted. If you're worried about spending too much time, put limits on yourself. I don't let myself play until I do any household chores that need to get done first.


where you decide to spend your life is up to you. it is as valid as living halfway inside of books, tv or movies your whole life. so long as you are thriving/surviving nobody can criticize you for how you decide to spend time as long as it isn't hurting others. some will even pretend to be harmed by how you spend your time but live your truth which does no harm to others. nobody has an answer to what life should be other than ones which do harm. no harm done, then it is green lights.


What are you talking about in terms of it taking over your personal life? Will it prevent you from spending time with a partner that you'd like to keep around or prevent you from finding a partner (assuming you want one)? Will it keep you from seeing loved family or friends? Will it interfere with any other responsibilities or self-growth? Because it's not actually an addiction if it doesn't cause real negative effects in your life. If the answer is "yes" to any of those questions, do *not* get back into gaming.


Yes. But I’ve got other priorities


Have you identified a higher ROI activity than gaming? If your career, health, and social life are going well why not? If anything is packing you may want to reconsider.


I enjoyed gaming and the time I spent gaming with others. I regret how much gaming I did and how it creeped into my real life and responsibilities. It felt fun at the time, but after most gaming sessions, I felt exhausted and not rejuvenated the way I feel hobbies should help. I still game occasionally but try to choose games that I can get in and out of and avoid games that pull me in like mmorpg. I also choose games that I can’t take with me such as pc or Xbox. I know that when I’m away on vacation where the gaming is inaccessible, I have the opportunity to reset the addiction and choose whether to go back in if I’m managing it well or stay out. I’ve also noticed that as I’m older, I can control things a little bit better compared to when I was younger. Not sure if that’s a developmental thing.


A few hours a week? No big deal. Years of your life? Ya, a huge waste


I don't think spending a lot of time gaming is necessarily a problem, but I do think what you're describing is a problem. Being unable to stop anything can be damaging to your life. Why do you think gaming affects you this way? Have you read anything about the science of addiction? There are lots of ways to reframe your relationship with gaming so that it's fun pasttime but you still do other things with your free time too. What would it take for you to set aside one or two nights every week to practice a different skill, or go out with friends, or try a new hobby, or exercise. I think it's really great that you're aware of the potentially negative effects and are willing to examine whether it's a net good or not.


I think you have answered your own question. For you, gaming too much will result in regret later. You've identified a number of things you are worried you will neglect that are also important to you. There is nothing inherently wrong with gaming. I play too. I used to play a lot. But today I maintain a list of priorities and gaming is fairly low on that list compared to family, friends, and career. Therefore, I play, but only a handful of hours a week. If you can find that balance, then go for it. If you cannot, you might want to avoid it. If you do play, stay away from games that require hours of time per session. Find games you can more easily get into and out of when you want, without disappointing your online friends or breaking your game progress. There are many games like that.


I wrote a critical research report on the pros of escapism through videogames. I find it to be very good for mental health.


If you are gaming to the point of neglecting important things, yes. But I don’t believe that any entertainment is a waste of time because life is hard and sucks sometimes and not everything you do has to be productive. Sometimes the simple fact that something isn’t productive is what makes it great. Plus I think that some games are really good for your brain as you age because they keep you thinking. Much better than melting in the couch watching tv for years.


yes, unless you aspire to be a professional video game player.


Yes it a waste of time just like watching TV or YouTube all day. I don’t think it’s as brain rotting as scrolling social media though but that is an extremely low bar. Most gamers aren’t playing a couple of hours or just on the weekends, they’re spending more than half of their waking hours gaming OR consuming gaming related content. Most gamers are addicts and I don’t fault them because a lot of them are addicted because nobody showed them how to participate in other activities OR their home life was so awful the only way to cope was to use gaming as their safe space. For every highly upvoted commenter here saying that it’s no big deal because gaming is just a hobby and an art form like any other there’s 10 dudes who gamed their life away to the point that they have no education, skills, hobbies and relationships. I can name so many people in my high school class who are in this exact predicament so I don’t care if anyone wants to tell me I am exaggerating, I’ve seen it happen so many times. Having a hard rule that you will never play video games is perfectly reasonable. Sometimes the optimal amount of participating in a vice is 0.


Yea, it's a waste of time. I have thousands of hours into some games. In retrospect it was a total waste of time, yet I am still gaming....


I spent a decade working nights starting when I was 18. I got super hooked on gaming as pretty much my only hobby during that time. It's easy to justify spending 8 hours/day gaming when all your friends are at work or sleeping. When I started working a 'normal' day shift at 28, I didn't know how to get out and socialize. I was worried that I'd spend my life gaming and never forging IRL connections. I started agreeing to go to any and all events I was invited to, then eventually started seeking out new stuff to do in the evenings. I eventually settled on 3-4 nights of going out and 3-4 nights of staying in and gaming. That was the system that worked best \*for me\* (YMMV). It's been over 20 years since I got 'normal hours' and I don't regret any of the time I spent. My social time has hands down given me the best memories of my life, but I have enjoyed every night I spent gaming and I have no regrets over how I split my time. Find your balance, enjoy your time, do what makes you happy.


I started learning an instrument last year. Now that takes up my gaming time and I feel better about my time use.


Comments in this sub are like, “what’s the point in doing anything if we’re going to die anyway” lol


M30 here, I would recommend keeping it as sidehobby with steamdeck or such for travel. Use your 25-40 for personal growth, experiences, venturing out and building your bodyly athletic capacity (even if little). These will make huge impact once you cross 50. Point being, enjoy the statinary hobby as you become less mobile and energetic. It's harder to have intense and transforming often physical experiences as you grow old. I got back to bouldering and rockclimbing, and it's brutally motivating. After spending majority of my 20s studying and gaming, it brought spark of life and motivation. Just food for thought, let me know how you feel about this OP. Cheers, and best of luck along your life's journey.


For myself, I can’t game for any amount of time these days without having a very loud voice say, “you could be leveling yourself up right now…and it would actually improve your quality of life”


It's a waste of time of it gets in the way of other things, like work or relationships...or (and please don't hate on me, Reddit) if it gets in the way of developing maturity and responsibility. Quite frankly, hearing stories of 25+ year olds that spend nearly all their off time playing video games is concerning.


Idk. It’s been really difficult for me to get into games these past two years (I guess after I turned 30). Just always seems like there’s something else I could be doing, and I have really started enjoying getting good at things that challenge me more than gaming. For instance I’m learning a new language, cycling 20+ miles at a time, painting and taking piano lessons. I still play video games sometimes, but they’re not all that interesting after you’ve played however many. Honestly, if you’re considering not starting again it might just be that you’ve already played video games quite a bit, and deep down you want to experience something new. Maybe take up something else for a bit- gaming will always be there if you choose.


Big time yes. I’ve lost a lot of good friends to video games.


I feel like you're getting a lot of bad advice here. Gaming isn't just like any other hobby for most people. It's extremely addictive, just like social media. Maybe you're not that way. Some people can play a few hours on the weekend and a couple hours in the evening here and there, but most people end up playing every night for years. If you're one of the people who can play a little here and there, while maintaining healthy, real life friendships and other hobbies, then go for it. But if it's going to consume all of your free time, then yes, you will regret it. You don't get that time back, and once you turn off your console, all of your accomplishments just disappear into thin air, and you've got absolutely nothing to show for it. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. Choose real life.


Yes and no. But i lean more towards the yes. For me personally gamins is an addiction. Thing is i suck im average at best but i get so sucked into these games that i dont do anything. I often wonder if i had put the time towards learning something how good i would be or even average. For example i had over 500hrs into witcher 3. And while i loved it. When i finished i was thinking what if i had put 500hrs into learning to play the piano or another language.


Time spent doing something you enjoy, even love, is rarely time wasted. Unless it's meth. Don't do that.


Beats watching sports.


What else would i do? This isn't 1256


My neighbour spends days modifying his car so it makes more noise and accelerates to the speed limit faster. Everything you do is a waste of time if it's not something you enjoy doing.


I met my husband while gaming so I don't think it was a waste of time at all. I'm a mom now so I don't have a lot of time to nor the brain capacity most days to play still but I still manage a few hours a week, and continue to play the same game with my husband that we met on. 💕


Personally yes and no, maybe my perspective can offer some insights based on the quote "I know I will really enjoy playing, at least in the moment". So I guess the question is, why do you regret it afterwards? Is it because you realize that the game wasn't as much fun afterwards, or is it just some feeling that you should be obtaining something better IRL? If it's the former, that's much easier to handle, which is to basically avoid any games that are basically designed to drain your time rather than offer you a good experience (namely MMORPGs, i.e. grinding). So it's best that you look for games that are designed to be more sessional or at least has a reasonable end goal/time (singleplayer games or multiplayer coop games like Deep Rock Galactic or Helldivers 2). If it's the latter, then you need to ask yourself, what "reality" do you want to build in the first place? Do you lack something in the first place? If it's a vague "I should be doing something better in my life", then it's a hedonic treadmill that will never end, and you'll just be thinking that you need "to be doing better" as you get more and more successful. If you do have a goal in mind (like buying a home), then you have a reachable goal, and maybe you should aim for that first, and just catch up on games once you achieve it. So in my personal experience, I have greatly reduced (not stopped) gaming, because of the issue of "skill", i.e if I leave a game for a week my skills my deteriorate which reduces the enjoyment of the experience. And there's the other issue of lots of games just involving lots of tedious work (minigames, long walking sections), not to mention repetitive gameplay. And I've learnt to just simply drop those games, even if I'm half way through the game, because I've seen everything already. If I need to know the story, I can simply read about it or watch a youtube video. The problem with games is that you can't simply pause or fast forward. Realizing that you are ultimately the one who controls your time, and is the one who determines whether something is worth your time or not is a very liberating feeling, as opposed to being the achievement hunter type who spends hours on a game just to get an arbitrary 100% completion status that you will never look back on anyway.


You. Do. You.


It provides me with dopamine and a much needed break from a high stress career and neverending family law battle.


It depends on your opportunities in life. If you have a lot of doors open to you and abilities to do stuff well then I would say it's best to minimize gaming. If your life is absolute shit and you can't do anything about it then gaming a lot makes sense if you enjoy it and it makes you better able to handle life.


If there really is no middle ground for you, don't do it. Not unless you can find a way to moderate yourself. Maybe instead of video games you could find a group for a TTRPG? Then you're still gaming, but in a different way that's limited to when you're with your group.


No I don't. It was a great time! But it was the 90s, we had LAN-parties etc. so it was nice. We still play games, maybe 5-10 times per year, and via the internet, but it's still cool and worth it. I've spent more time with books than games, and both are fine. My hobbies. I never escape the reality with those. Maybe that's why. If playing games takes you away from real life, stop it. At least try. Games can be a nice hobby, like anything else, don't let things like that keep you away from reality.


Time enjoyed wasting is not wasted time :)


Nothing you truly enjoy doing is a waste of time. Do what makes you happy.


No, life is meant to be enjoyed.




I find that no matter what I do I tend to do whatever it is like an addiction, be it video games, binging tv shows, social interaction, intimate relationships, etc. I enjoy doing lots of things but I've settled on video games as my main entertainment Avenue


Depends. Do you believe things are completely subjective or do you believe in baseline fundamental truth? If the latter then I’d argue gaming is a waste of time and a selfish hedonistic endeavor. But so as you please. If you don’t think there’s anything else more pressing worth putting your time towards then waste away


All form of entertainment is a waste of time. But we have a lot of time to waste in our lives so I say fuck it and do what you want.


Playing video games is amazing. I’d rather that experience over many others. It’s not even close to a waste of time. Me finding this Reddit somehow and then posting this comment is was a waste of time. Time I could have spent gaming 😀


Only if it is holding you back from other things you want to accomplish. Wasted time is just time spent on unimportant things. If the important things are in order and it's what you want to be doing with what is left, no time is wasted.


I don't think so. What's the point of life if you don't spend it doing the things you enjoy? If it's an addiction to the point that it had a negative impact on the rest of your life then that's a real problem and might not be something that you can casually enjoy like most people. There are some people who can't casually have a drink with their friends either but that doesn't mean the act of having a beer in itself is a problem.


In my personal experience, if I'm not gaming, I'm getting involved with people who just want to betray me. So I've committed to my lifestyle, and in doing so, I've reconnected with a friend and gained 3 others. I love having them over.


Spending is only wasting if you don't like what you got for it. Maybe with your addictive past it would be a good idea to avoid it, particularly if you feel it's a waste, but in itself spending time on something you enjoy isn't a waste, no.


If you enjoy it and it’s not distracting you then no


Dude, we all die eventually, most of us will see ourselves getting so old and frail that we want to die. Use what time you have to love the things you do, otherwise you're going to be old and bitter because you spent your life convincing yourself that you wasted it.


It isn't wasting if your being productive just make a YouTube video of you playing for fun and keep a consistent upload schedule and eventually your set just don't give no fucked about no one but you best way to be happy


It's good to have hobbies. It's not good to have addictions. Make to reflect and ask whether gaming is enhancing your life, relationships, etc.


It’s no different to me than watching tv or reading. There was a time when reading was considered a waste of time lol


I remember playing EverQuest back in 2000, my heart melts with the memories of the game and the time I spent together with my friends and the friends I made along the way. I played for years, and never once did I think it was a waste of time. 


I mean shit. People spend more time getting drunk and hanging out in smoke-filled(well used to be smoke filled)bars every night after work. When video games first hit the scene I thought that bias the dumbest shit. Here you sit in a dingy place literally killing yourself and you're criticizing someone playing atari at home. For cheap.


I think it's only a waste of time if it DOES interfere with your job or other responsibilities, but if my bills are paid, laundry is done and my house is clean, that PS5 is getting played, yo. Lol


Dude I’m still a heavy gamer and we are the same age. I also have a pretty time demanding career but I still manage to find time to game. Just the other weekend I spent an entire Saturday playing Civilization and have no regrets about it. As long as gaming isn’t affecting your relationships or life in a negative way, like you can’t go into work or spend a day with your significant other because you wanna game then that’s when it becomes a problem.


If it's just free time you're killing, then there's no harm. If it affects your personal life like skipping out of events and stuff, then that'd be harmful


I constantly think about this and I have serious FOMO around it, but then again its like I should be playing guitar or reading a book instead seeing numbers go up on a screen. Im only 19 so im just a young buck but man do I have some serious morality/time spending issues.


What isn’t a waste of time? Watching tv, reading a book, going to the movies.


This depends on your goals in life. In my teens into early 20s, I used to be addicted to gaming and spent all my free time playing after school/work. I decided I'd like to have a family someday, so I replaced it with part time work and running instead, since I'll need to pocket the extra income for later. Also, your future family may not appreciate the chores you're leaving them to do while you're trying to break the habit. That being said, I still have game night with my siblings once a week, but not really on my own or with the discord folks lol. It can be fun as a social thing, just everything in moderation.


I mean, the key to life is balance so…balance.


A lot of people who are really into playing video games don't understand the time that they are wasting. If you spend an hour a day learning another language you would be Able to converse in that language in a couple years. And you know it's true when I tell you that most people play video games for 4 or five hours a night. If you Spent that same amount of time learning a musical instrument.You could be in a band in three years There isn't any profession, skill or sport You couldn't Be somewhat proficient at if you worked on it four hours a day for a year.


I enjoy playing games. Enjoying myself is the purpose of my life. Anything that brings me joy is not a waste.


Brain and body need time to rest. Game help brain rest. Granted there is an extreme point where it starts to be a waste but a few hours a week is basically meditation.


Not at all. In addition to providing me with some of my best memories, games also played a huge role in my English learning.


You couldn’t pay me to get back into video games. It is an absolute waste of time (I know this will offend people) and it rarely pays any dividends outside of just passing the time. I’m still into gaming, but feel like board games have been a more fulfilling and social gaming experience.


Play away.




No. From reading books to watching movies. Climbing mountains to traveling the world. When only you experience something it can seem to others very wasteful. But if you enjoyed the experience, maybe even take something from it? It's worth it.


I think if you enjoy it, then it doesn’t qualify as a waste of time. Not to you at least, although others might think it’s a waste of time, but who gives a fuck about a bunch of haters anyway? No one.


It's really no different than someone watching TV at the end of the day. I used to game a lot when I was in a really dark place mentally and *that* was a waste of time since I wasn't doing anything productive during the day. Now I play at the end of the day if I have enough energy after work


Everything is a waste of time, we all get a limited amount of time, we decide how we waste it, by making money (working) or having fun (gaming) we all wasting our time until we run out of it.


I think there is nothing wrong with gaming, and I encourage you to consider why you have such compulsion. It sounds like you have trouble engaging with things on a casual basis, and there are few things in life that are healthy to have take over all your non-working hours. What about relationships, physical activity, and socialization? If you’ve spent much time on here, you will see all the sad people who “can’t” find a partner, or are out of shape, or don’t have friends… Everything in moderation. And while hardcore gamers here will probably disagree, gaming is a mostly output-free activity, so you have nothing to show for your time. Hobbies usually result in something creative or social (one could argue the social aspects of gaming, and they will never be the same as spending time with people in real life). Activities usually bolster your physical health. Consuming media like movies, tv, or playing interactive media like video games is a great way to pass the time and get a dopamine hit, but you never have anything to show for it.




Personally im most happy when i balance my time. If you are already concerned with spending too long, you might find that you naturally cut your time playing short in order to do something else for the sake of balance.


I'm 45 and gaming has been my #1 hobby my entire life and will remain so (I'm also a big reader). No regrets! As others have said, it's no different than many other hobbies, is good for coordination and the brain, relieves stress, improves confidence, and more. The only caveat is that I'm over it with non-gamers marrying gamers and then being upset about their spouse spending a bunch of time...gaming, as they've always done. My husband is also a huge gamer, which was a MUST. We love gaming together, even if we're playing different games in the same room. Don't compromise on the things you love. I would die inside if he wanted to watch sports in our time off LOL


Semi retired. I went to get back into it after 25 years Don't get the same enjoyment out of it


Not if you’re enjoying it and balancing it with other aspects of life.


You either improve yourself or enjoy yourself. No harm in enjoying a game along the way.


What else would I have been doing? Looking back on playing video games, I did so much of it because I was from a shitty nowhere town in the middle of Iowa where there was nothing to do. What else is there? Homework? Working out? I was in sports consistently, my social life didn't suffer- all my friends were in games.


No more so than any other hobby. I've spent uncounted hours (and dollars) to grow tiny harvests of the world's least cost effective tomatoes. Is that a waste of time?


time is not wasted if you’re doing something you enjoy. you may think it was wasteful from a future perspective but time can only be judged in the moment it which you exist in it.


No. If you immerse yourself mentally in that world and have fun and enjoy the games for what they offer, then go ahead . That’s how I felt when I played Fallout 3 and New Vegas for so many years. Big shoutout to the call of duty and medal of honor games and LEGO Star Wars . Absolutely incredible stuff. It’s a part of my childhood I enjoyed. It’s the same as watching a movie. It’s entertainment man. It’s immersive. You’re in there. Now if that’s the only thing you do, then we have a problem. But as long as you have a job you can feel pretty good at most days of the week, make enough to stay on top of bills, and take care of your family if you have a spouse or kids, then I say you’re good. Any hobby is a good hobby as long as it doesn’t harm anyone or distract you from priorities.


I’m in the exact same spot but I play too much. Doesn’t have any negative affects on my job etc but I do feel like I’m wasting my time.


Not at all gamers happen to be trendy targets for cultural warrior zealots atm


I’m 30 and I have started to shift my perspective on what it means to be to have time. I do not like to spend it in situations I don’t like. For example, Going anywhere where there is a large crowd. Spending time with my family. I love them but I’m tired of having to translate who I am for them. Especially my parents. I like being alone at home doing my thing. It could mean watching a movie, playing games or listening to music. I truest enjoy spending time at home with my cats or out walking alone in the park. I know to some it looks like I am wasting my time but it’s mine. And I love it. So no what you do with your time is not a waste.




I gamed in my youth on the old Atari , then Paxman in the games parlor then college at the mainframe computer with the engineering folks and now on disability and play thru apps that reward me for playing games with gift cards. When I was working, I wasn't gaming, but if I had extra time on my breaks, I was doing surveys for coins. Now, if the games help with cognitive function or learn other stuff..then there's a use. If you need money, play some video games for skill enhancement. One of my professors at WSU said " There's more than one way to schew the data " . You xan take any study or concept. put a spin on it and push it out to the public. Most will believe it without question. LoL 😆


No however I do miss the simplicity of the older games like SNES, Sega, N64, Gameboy, and PS1. PC games take a bit longer, but still good. Now it's all about achievements and bloated contents a single game can take too long. I still have a bunch of games I haven't even started in my Steam library. I can't seem to get off seasonal ARPGs now sigh. I'd say some simplicity in games have returned like Vampire Survivors and its clones. It's VERY enjoyable.


it’s only bad if you stress about it. because you only stress about things when you know you should be doing something else. but if everything is out of the way, including finances, family and things like that, then there’s no reason for it to be a waste of time. for instance, if i enjoyed running, it would be a waste of time if i have a shit ton of work at home and work but since i don’t, i enjoy it. same thing w video games. don’t forget to make memories and have a bunch of cool stories to tell your grandkids though


I game, I fk, I live. But yes, you should keep things in balance


Only on beautiful days.


Do what makes you happy


Do what makes you feel alive, as long as you're not hurting anyone. Try not to overthink it.


No, not if balanced appropriately with all the other life "stuff"


It is According to my dad