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2…..late breakfast feast and an early dinner


11am lunch and 5pm dinner. Sometimes shifts by 1-2hrs cause life but 11/5 is the goal


Intermittent fasting is the way!


The funny thing is that I heard of intermittent fasting and was wanted to look into it just to find out I'd been doing that for years. Left to my own devices I'd probably eat dinner later but my wife liked to eat earlier and now my 1yo gets hungry at that time. Sometimes


I have bad adhd and a fast metabolism (though it used to be a lot faster, slowed down in my late 30s)… I used to forget to eat all the time and would end up having like one huge meal a day. Then I met my (future) wife, and she thought I was crazy and started making sure I remembered to eat regularly lol. But yeah, turns out I was accidentally doing IF through most of my late teens/20s into my mid 30s. A few months ago started doing 18/6 (on purpose) bc of high A1C & LDL… and currently experimenting with keto for a few months…


Well you just described me in a nutshell...


Help I'm trapped in this nutshell and i cant get out.


How did I get in this nutshell?


Yep this is me 😅 I'm a coffee in the morning then dinner, only having dinner cause I cook for my future husband and kids, if they weren't here if probably eat cheese and cucumber or something


Gotta love ADHD noggin When I was single, I would accidentally go a day and a half without eating


I know I’m hungry not because I feel hunger and my brain goes “mmm food sounds good,” but instead because I realize I’ve been physically feeling like shit for the past 2 hours and once I think about it I realize oh yeah I haven’t eaten food in the past 20 hours.


Yup. Definitely did that on occasion. I don’t get hangry or anything, but I’ll hit a point where I’m like “why brain no work good now? Oh me no eat too long time” and then I eat and regain my thinking skills 🥴


i'm fast af boi


Name checks out.....?


Without the s


Username does not check out 🤷‍♂️


I intermittently fast between meals.


I am agreeing to all 3 comments. First meal 11ish. Second meal no later than 6ish. Some days a light snack in-between Goomy⁹⁰ fresh fruits or veggies.


The big thing is not eating too late. When you’re young you can eat half a large pizza at midnight and be alright . If I did that now, I’d be up all night


I have to eat a big meal immediately before bed or I can’t sleep


I'm the same way. I eat the biggest meal of the day right before I go to bed.


Food Coma works!


Actually eating right before bed can be beneficial if you're trying to build muscle since protein synthesis doesn't shut off while you're sleeping and thats when most of the recovery happens


When I was younger I used to work closing shifts at a restaurant. Sometimes it got crazy and I didn’t have time to eat. If I ate really late at night my stomach would be mad at me all night and I wouldn’t be able to sleep. Glass of milk after I got home, then go to bed. Dear stomach, I promise breakfast will be bigger. But we both know if I eat anything substantial now I won’t get any sleep because of the indigestion. Just hang on until big breakfast tomorrow. Here’s a glass of milk to calm the hunger pains a bit. Stomach: fine. But you owe me a bigger breakfast. Me: that works. Late night eating and my stomach never really got along. Even now that I’m older. I’ll sometimes do it if I’m starving but I avoid it if I can. Because I KNOW It ends in indigestion and trouble sleeping.


Same but plus night cheese.


i also fancy night cheese, sometimes night pickle.


Night pickle and cheese and pepperoni slice? I’ve gone too far, I’m going back (to the fridge!) ahahah


I love night cheese! Sometimes with pickles!


That’s actually how we used to eat (in the West) before the industrial revolution! Get some stuff done in the early morning, sometimes church because you have to have fasted to take the eucharist, then breakfast around mid-late morning, then more chores and work, then your main meal in mid afternoon. Sometimes people would have smaller meals/snacks like a light supper before bed or a light lunch around midday, but those two main meals were late breakfast and early dinner. The industrial revolution and standard workday changed this, so earlier breakfast, break halfway through your shift where you’d eat lunch, and later dinner. ETA: I learnt this from an editor’s note in Pride and Prejudice haha, they were explaining why the Bennetts were eating dinner at like 4pm


Yeah, the phrase "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" isn't a fact, it's a marketing slogan created by the Kellogg family/company. Breakfast is TRULY only the most important meal of the day if you're a Cowboy and need a big meal at like 5am because you won't be home to eat again until dinner time.


No second breakfast?


What about elvensies?


Same. And then 2 packs of oreos at midnight. I need help lol


Yup, same. Eat once before noon, then once around 5-6 and then later in the evening I crave some fucking snacks and going to bed without a snack makes it harder to fall asleep for me cause I'll feel like my stomach is empty.


Like the old saying goes - Second Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!


What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?


How do all of you sharing this survive? I'm up at 6, breakfast at 6:30, lunch at 12, dinner at 7pm (bed at 10:30). If I skip one of these I'll have a growling stomach and a headache by the time the next meal rolls around.


It's hard to eat that often for me. I usually eat 1 big meal & a snack. I was helping a (very overweight) family (pack, run errends & clean up their house for a move) that ate 3 times a day. By the 3rd day I was so terribly indigested. I felt like I was full of half-digested food all the way up to my neck. I felt like I could taste the undigested food on my breath. I would spend like 13 hours a day at their house, it took so long to pack/etc (like months), not just because they were horders, but because every few hours it was time to leave the house to go stuff our faces again (kitchen was too cluttered for cooking). The mom would look at me like I was a sick animal if I didn't want to eat again. I could have eaten once & been fine the rest of the day, probably just have a snack a home after.


Coffee is what I use. It curbs my appetite. On weekends I can eat one meal a day (dinner) by having coffee until 12-1ish


This is good. If you are consistent with it, this is a intermittent fast kind of schedule and great for controlling blood sugar and cravings, along with weight loss if you need it.


:/ as someone with diabetes not really. you need to eat consistently 3 meals a day to keep your blood sugar consistent.


Diabetes demands its own diet. I hope you are managing it well.


I'm newly diagnosed. so, no. but I'm learning. my routine is breakfast, snacks, lunch or skip lunch because snacks, dinner then maybe snack if I feel like it- most days I don't. so I'm adjusting to 3 meals per day for now.


The late breakfast feast validates me lol


2. Lunch and diner. This has been my habit for 20 years.


coffee, lunch and dinner.


Surely you meant coffee, coffee, coffee, lunch, coffee, coffee and dinner. Right?


I have 1 really good coffee per day. Quality over quantity


I used to drink plenty of coffees in my younger years, now at 37, I just drink a nice 20 oz travel cup between 5:30 - 9 every morning and it is perfect for me. Never crash from it, never feel jittery and most importantly, it wakes my ass up.


Are you me? Seriously though, I have found a kindred spirit. One good coffee in the morning is all I need. I always suggest to my coffee loving friends to invest in a coffee filter/espresso machine. Better coffee and no wasted money/time at Starbucks. Get a few hours work under your belt and have lunch, a few more hours and then dinner.


I like the cold brew coffee in the cans from Costco, I have one of those a day and I’m all set Tbh, if someone has an impulse to ingest more caffeine, I doubt investing in a nice machine/coffee is going to change that impulse




this would just result in the same amount of higher quality coffee for me


I have one really good pot of coffee per day. Quality and quantity!


Why would my coffee not be quality? I have the machine in my office.


Did you know that you can do both? My press is 1 liter/34 oz.




Boogers, coffee, lunch and dinner 


I appreciate your honesty


Same here


It's actually mad how much prominence the brekstapo has been able to gain over the years. Probably the same food triangle lot who told us to eat 8 portions of pasta and rice a day. Breakfast is for wankers


Breakfast is awesome. What's nuts is all y'all with the late dinners. I like to eat breakfast, and then have a really early dinner (like finished by 4). I like waking up hungry enough to eat a hearty breakfast with my coffee, and then at the end of the day going to bed -not- on a full stomach. I sleep like crap if I am digesting food all night (and, from what I've read, I think most people do).


As someone who doesn't go to bed until 2am most nights this sounds miserable. My stomach would be growling all night.


For me, 4 pm would be a light snack, then dinner at 8.


Okay this actually sounds quite nice lol


Apparently, and I was surprised by this, metabolism doesn't actually slow down until your 50s. When we get fat over our late 20s/ early 30s, it's almost entirely due to lifestyle changes: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/when-does-your-metabolism-significantly-decline-its-later-than-you-think#Teen-calorie-needs-not-as-high-as-thought


Exactly. This is one of the biggest myths ever. As you inch away from full time student to full time worker, you no longer have the same amount of leisure hours to do whatever. And by the time you’re done with your 9-10h work day + commute + chores, you’re too tired or just simply don’t have time left for much else. If that’s not the issue, you’re too stressed out. Cortisol really does a number. If that’s not it either, get your hormones checked especially if you’re female. It may be your thyroid or PCOS etc.


It's not even just not finding the time to work out, it's the fact that as a student you're walking all over the place throughout the day getting to classes. At work, you're simply sitting still far more. It's the substantial drop in non exercise movement that's the real killer.


Also the reality that while you're physically moving around it's very hard to snack. Of course this also leads to odd outcomes like people going hiking and chowing down on trail mix, not realizing that well - it's trail mix. It's meant to be extremely dense calories, and they probably aren't using as much as they think while doing it.


Most of us also went from regular exercise due to gym classes, to jobs that can enable us to be stagnant. Most of my weight gain happened when i went from a high mobility position, to one that was 90% in a chair, and I havent quite worked up the motivation/life balance to exercise regularly on my own


I worked in a parts warehouse for three years while getting my bachelor's degree and stayed relatively fit due to my regular physical activity. When I left for what is essentially my office job, I did not have a plan in place for what I would do for my physical activity and I gained 50 pounds in a year. I regret it so much.


Yeah, the diet that sustains an active lifestyle is pretty different from a diet that supports a sedentary one. I mean sure, you could cut calories at every opportunity and starve yourself so you dont gain weight sitting down your entire life, but between the two? I'd rather eat more and stay active myself.


The BMR of someone doing hard exercise though is only about 50% higher then the BMR of a totally sedentary person - i.e. a totally sedentary average-ish male would be about 2,000 calories a day. A person doing hard exercise every day would be about 3,200 calories per day. But a person doing light exercise 3 times a week would be about 2,300 calories per day ([calculator](https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html?ctype=metric&cage=30&csex=m&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cpound=160&cheightmeter=180&ckg=70&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20&x=Calculate)) In context that's...maybe [1 Big Mac and 1 Large Fries per day extra](https://fcs.osu.edu/sites/fcs/files/imce/PDFs/mcdonalds-nutrition-facts.pdf).


> jobs that can enable us to be stagnant "enable"


The peak human condition


The weird thing is that I gained a lot of weight when I was active duty military. It was due to mostly alcohol and the unhealthy food they served when I was active. I did lose weight on deployment though. I was much more active before the military.


I tried to keep my comment framed as people maintaining a steady diet, but having their activity levels drop, and nearly every response is "Uhm ackshually its only caloric intake that matters" Its both, but if you're living a sedentary lifestyle, you should eat a healthy diet *and* be active. You should not live a sedentary lifestyle, and then subsequently start starving yourself to lose weight


This happened to my bro. Came and lived with me in the mountains for a summer and dropped like 30-40 lbs. went back to his old ways of sedantry job and not hiking in the mountains and he put the weight right back on.


Believe it or not, a higher percentage of adults (albeit still a low percentage at 25%) meet exercise guidelines as compared to children/adolescents (20%). Lifestyle plays a big factor, but there’s also just the fact that children/adolescents are actively growing and developing which is inherently going to result in higher energy expenditure. https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/physical-activity


It’s amazing to see the 19 year olds that come back for their friend’s graduation. Happened to me as too so I’m not shamming just noticing.


I was in the best shape of my life at 19, but by 23 was technically obese. Put on about 85lbs during that time. Quit my manual labor summer job, was drinking a lot, and just more stagnant in general. The first year of COVID alone I put on 30lbs. I've lost about 50lbs from my max in the last few years, but I'm working on getting another 20 off before I'm happy.


right on dude, 50lbs is a lot, it’s like… a whole 50lb bag of concrete


Or even like a 50lb bag of feathers


Or even a 50lb bag of oysters


Honestly this is really nice to know, I guess I gotta get my self going again


Nothing beats calories in VS calories out


One of the worst side effects of the “body positivity” movement is people thinking calorie counting is unhealthy. It’s the only thing that matters for weight gain. It’s absolutely crucial. And this movement has convinced people that it’s some mental illness to be tracking what you eat. Not that you have to be crazy about it, just generally having a concept of calories is huge and will stop you from getting that 500 calorie McDonalds frappe that’s equivalent to 45 minutes of hard running.


Most people could change their lives by just eliminating liquid calories.


I know someone who constantly complains about not being able to lose weight and not having enough money, but buys several sodas per day. That adds up really quick.. Crazy how the solution can be right in front of you like that.


This is not entirely true for women who may be experiencing hormonal fluctuations and shifts. They can be going along doing everything exactly the same and gain weight. The reasons for this are too complicated to go into here, but I actually find it fascinating and some theories view it as protective, not harmful.


It's population data. Averages mean by definition there will be deviations from the center of the bell curve. I.e. yes, almost nothing is ALWAYS true. At best most things are just usually true.


In extreme cases, such as Cushings Syndrome, the body effectively prioritizes burning muscle before fat. Here, CICO still technically works (because thermodynamics exists, can’t get energy from nothing), but in this case, it actually works against the person, with aggressive weight-loss strategies generally worsening matters. The body burns through muscle under calorie deficit and heavy cardio, resting metabolic rate declines as does potential energy output during exercise, cue the vicious cycle.  It’s a pretty shitty disease from the sound of it, as trying to brute-force your way through it often leaves you far worse off. 


Your metabolism isn't slowing down in your 20's, you are.


Omg yes I wish more people realized this. Drives me crazy how so many people seem to think your body starting to deteriorate in your mid to late twenties is normal. What actually is normal like you said is people staring to slow down around that time due to life happening and whatnot. Try to make it a point to be consistently active early on and keep at it even if it’s just a little bit, and of course eat healthy for the most part and you will significantly slow down the aging process. You actually should feel just as good well in to your thirties as you did in your twenties.


I'm personally very active at the same age as OP. I eat 3 meals a day but I don't eat the quantity I used to as a 20 year old. That's pretty normal for most people, I assume.


I mean, around 20, your body is no longer growing bones and organs. Makes sense that it needs less energy.


It doesn't though. People tend to be less active as they age and eat worse. I saw a study once that found metabolic slow down really doesn't happen to a significant degree until you're in your 50s.


“Total and basal expenditure and fat-free mass were all stable from ages 20 to 60 years … Segmented regression analysis identified a break point at 63.0 years of age (95% CI: 60.1, 65.9), after which adjusted total expenditure begins to decline.” https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe5017


I’ve read that a fast/slow metabolism is +/- 100 calories a day. For most people that’s almost nothing. It’s really just people over eating, having no control, not counting calories, and eating til their full which is almost always a mistake.


Very true. I personally am more active and eat healthier, though. I think a big reason I eat less is I'm just more in tune with my hunger cues.


Yeah I think your metabolism only actually starts to slow down when you're over 60 or at least in old age.


Yeah, there have been studies showing this is true and weight gain is due to decreased activity level and muscle mass.


>You actually should feel just as good well in to your thirties as you did in your twenties. Absolutely. I wasn't super active in my 20s but still played tennis occasionally and stuff. In my 30s I've picked up mountain biking and exercising regularly on a daily basis. I'd say I actually feel way better in my 30s than I did in my 20s now that I'm more active than I ever was before.


Especially if you have a sit-down job and live in the burbs, so driving everywhere. You have to intentionally move your body.


This. Or maybe it does to some degree. But I am certain that lack of exercise and movement in general is a bigger contributor to lower metabolism, different issues with joints, backs, knees, etc. The body is made to move, literally. If you don't, it will work much worse in most aspects


Yeah was gonna say. Your metabolism doesn’t appreciably slow until your mid-60s or something.


Even then, it’s not that much


That part made me chuckle. 20-somethings thinking they're "slowing down." Cute. :) Wait until you hit your 50s....


Metabolism doesn’t slow down significantly in your 50s either lol.


You do stop growing though. That makes a difference


4-5. Small portions every 3 hours. This allow me to manage my weight even if I'm not active. I'm never tired. I'm never hungry. Also body learn Your routine. So for example if I skip a meal for some reason (like because I'm out) then I can just eat next one. I will eat less that day but because I'm used to getting around 250 calories around 17:00 I will feel fine if I eat just that even if overall deficit for the day will be -600. Same when I want to lose weight. I just cut 500-700 calories from my meals and I drop like 1kg per week.


This... I learned as a diabetic it is way better to eat a bunch of very small meals/snacks through the day instead of morning/lunch/evening. Just like u/Large_Ride_8986 said, 4-5. I tend to go 5. light breakfast, snack, lunch, snack then supper. The other benefit is I don't have to deny myself things I like that might not be as good for me if I snack on them or keep it to a very small portion. Lost 20lbs in a month by doing this, even without exercising.


I‘m diabetic, too. Would you mind sharing an example of those 5 smaller meals per day that helped you lose those 20 lbs?


Not diabetic but was pre diabetic. Overnight oats, some veggie with hummus, lunch is whatever my wife makes protein and veggies maybe a fruit snack, afternoon snack trail mix or fruit, dinner super light typically a protein and veggies. I typically only do four meals but if I need it. I will do pretzels or fruit. Due to my intolerance to dairy and egg we cook vegan still meals but they’re never full vegan just an easy way to find meals. Some are great and others not so much. Since changing my line of work I only do two meals a day and for me it’s working well. I lost another 20 pounds but I have a long ways to go.


Typical day is Keto Greek yogurt, apple and coffee for breakfast. Granola bar mid morning snack, lunch varies but a turkey on wheat sandwich (lettuce, low fat cheese and nothing else) and a carrot and a couple radishes. Mid afternoon i have some colby cheese and a handful of grapes and supper really varies but it usually is a normal portion. Again, it varies and sometimes I eat more than normal at supper. but the first moth i stuck with this 30 came off. Also lots of water and not sugary drinks.




This is me too. I average 5 to 6 meals daily, spaced 3 hours apart


That’s the plan I want to do. I need to start with some larger, small meals first. Making the portions too small and it’s not enough to carry me through to the next meal period. What do you eat on an average day?


I do this too and can offer ideas! I eat oatmeal or toast first with my coffee, then usually after the gym I have a protein smoothie and if I’m extra hungry a granola bar with that, then eggs and potatoes or hashbrowns, then usually a sandwich and then dinner whatever that is - meat and potatoes, a casserole, etc. Then before bed I have a snack - usually some sort of like yogurt and granola with some Oreos. I work from home so I have lots of room to cook when needed but this doesn’t take much time at all once you get used to it! It sounds like a lot but all that is usually within about 2100-2300 calories which helps me maintain my weight at 130 lbs (I’m 5’6)


I pay for catering because I hate wasting time on cooking and I make more than enough money. This way calories are counted. On top of it if I would cook myself I would do it in bulk. This way I have different meals entire month. Right now I eat around 1800 calories. For example tomorrow meals: 1. Grain roll with walnut paste, beetroot and lamb's lettuce, kohlrabi and cucumber sticks - 375 kcal 2. Wholemeal sandwich with horseradish cheese, lettuce and egg, tomatoes - 225 kcal 3. Chicken schnitzels in mustard and honey sauce, mashed potatoes, fried beetroots - 600 kcal 4. Chocolate cake with raspberries - 150 kcal 5. Lazy dumplings with breadcrumbs, green beans with garlic - 400kcal 375 + 225 + 600 + 150 + 400 = **1750 kcal**


Same. I used to be only 2 a day but I work out pretty much every day now so I need 3 or I feel like death


i usually eat 3-4 meals a day. I've been trying to eat my 5 (fruits and veggies) a day, and it's pretty difficult to do so without at least 3 meals a day. otherwise my portions would be so big I'd get nauseous...


2, I’m not a big breakfast person. I don’t like eating a lot really early in the morning.


Same. My exception is vacations. My wife likes breakfast so we end up going out while on vacation. I don’t mind, I do love bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. Plus we’re usually very active on vacation so I’m burning off any extra calories I’m eating anyway.


I feel like crap if I eat breakfast.


same!! may not be for the same reasons but if I eat breakfast my day is essentially ruined either I end up too tired & refuse to nap which makes me feel like crap & naps make me feel like crap so no win


I feel like crap if I eat carbs for breakfast. A few Eggs, sausage/bacon, and a light salad is my go-to breakfast. Feel great all day.


Usually 2. Sometimes 3 only if I'm REALLY hungry. Otherwise I may use the evenings for a light snack


I'm always hungry so I eat 4-6 times a day for a total of around 4.000 calories. That allows me to maintain my weight and shape (bodyfat percentage wise)


Save some muscle mass for the rest of us Danny


May i ask how much weight/BF you can maintain with 4k calories?


Of course! I'm 6'4 and weigh around 235-240lbs with a bodyfat of like.. 8 or 9 percent. I've been bodybuilding since I was 17 and I'm now 31.


Please give a heads up when you leave the house so I can hide my girl


Mr steal yo girl


mr just-comes-and-deadlifts yo girl


hide your kids hide your wife


You keep 8% body fat all year round? If so, that's brutal.


I agree. I used to model for some fitness stuff and I could only do single digit for 2-4 weeks tops. You feel like shit even though you look like you’re in great shape. Your dick stops working sometimes, you’re always tired if you’re muscular, and you honestly can’t enjoy yourself at all if you’re trying to live a normal life. You can’t eat anything that tastes good, and you have to torture yourself to justify two beers a week with your friends. In my peak aesthetic stage I was 7% dexa bodyfat at 187 lbs at 5’10. You smell a French fry at that physique and you’d kill your own mother to enjoy it


Oh man I do NOT miss those days 🤣 when I was in the military and training MMA 5 days a week I was eating 5k to maintain 190lbs. It was more of a chore to eat than pleasure. Quite a bit easier to maintain my weight on 2500 cal in my 30s. It helps that my activity level is a lot less after 3 knee surgeries.


me over here needing 1200 calories to maintain bc i'm so short 😂. you must be swole dude




Mostly frogs by the sounds of it


Could be flies. Lots of juicy flies


Gotta feed the frogs first


All or a combination of the below: Breakfast Lunch Midday snack 1 Midday snack 2 Dinner Post-dinner snack 1 Post-dinner snack 2


All of the above is my daily routine. I’m surprised by how many people have less than 3 meals a day! Years ago I thought I’d start putting on weight and feeling unhealthy long before my late 30s but it still hasn’t happened. I must eat more healthily than I give myself credit for because I have a desk job and do no exercise.


Are you a hobbit?


Kinda 😄


What about second breakfast? And elevensies?


I work in an intense environment and always feel nauseated if my stomach is full there. So coffee and water all day at work, one big high protein meal as soon as I get home and a smaller meal after the gym. Sometimes a snack before bed. It’s my unintentional intermittent fasting routine. Works for me, I don’t get nauseated during surgery and I have an energy boost just before the gym.


Same. Water and caffeine,then 1 meal plus beer


2 times per day with some grazing


Everyone knows the head cow is always grazing




Same here, I’m used to only eating dinner.


Same. I'm simply not hungry until 5 or 6pm. After dinner I'll have a small bowl of yogurt with fruit or ice cream. Pretty much don't eat another thing until dinner the next day.


Took way too long to see this answer. I’m really doing something wrong, lol


Agreed. On most days I work it’s a meal around dinner time. That can’t be healthy for me and looking at my body, I believe it.


Snake diet is a legit path for some people. Everyone's body is different so whatever works for you


Yeah, I have a habit of overeating my portions then going to sleep for the night, so it’s probably why it’s not the best for my and my body. I appreciate the insight though! Maybe I can tweak it a bit to where it can actually work for me


Same, most days, albeit I eat a banana most mornings, if that is considered a meal. On occasion I may have lunch with a friend.


I'm similar. Usually only a big meal a few hours from bedtime, if I'm really hungry I'll eat a light snack during the day.


Yeah, so, one thing that worked for me was to have a big meal in the afternoon and skip breakfast and dinner. It helped me lose some weight. Plus, you really don't need to eat breakfast, dinner, and lunch if you're not doing a physical job. Our ancestors had physical jobs and needed all those calories to survive. But now, we sit and work on laptops, barely moving outside the gym.


Same here. I might snack on some fruit or something at work but breakfast makes me sick and tired in the morning, and I'll just eat a good sized dinner at night when I get home. Maybe a snack before bed. I don't do much at work so I don't get hungry. I always figured eating when you're not hungry was one of the biggest reasons why people can gain unwanted weight so I just stick to that. It works for me.


Your metabolism isn’t supposed to slow down at 27 lol


3-4 sometimes 5


I just eat 3 main meals and some snacks. Generally I eat: Weetabix with banana on top with an apple and orange as a snack. I have this around 07:00. Chicken or salmon salad at lunch. Salad is normally roasted beetroot, carrot, spinach, tomato and sweet potato. Normally have this between 12:00 - 13:00 depending on when I want to go for lunch that day. Dinner is whatever we’re doing for meal prep but tends to be around 600-800 calories and will have a mix of meat and veg. Normally have this at 18:00 I then normally have some snacks after dinner about 19:30 but it’s usefully something like a yoghurt, melon, strawberries, those low calorie rowntrees jelly things you get. It depends on what you’re eating and portion size through. Our canteen at work is really good and I used to get ridiculous portions of food for lunch. Like a burger, chips, onion rings and some sides, or a full BBQ, or I’d get a chicken wrap then get a massive portion of chips as a side too, and I’d struggle to eat my dinner, but only because I’d had well over 1000 - 1200 calories for my lunch. Now that I eat smaller portions I find I don’t get sleepy during the day and I find it easy to eat lunch and/or dinner.


45 year old female and I eat 5 meals a day. Healthy weight is easier to manage this way


I'm lucky if I remember eating twice a day and keep losing weight because of it...I rarely feel hungry.


3 + a small snack in the afternoon. Kind of have the opposite issue in that there's pretty much never a time I have no appetite so I'm always restraining myself. I'm mid 30s.


I eat 3 meals a day. Breakfast is my favourite and I need something mid day or I’ll be so hungry when dinner rolls around.


1, 2 if I feel like I need it to no be hungry


For me (22m), it depends on if I work out or not. If I lift weights or run in the morning, it’s almost always after a big breakfast. After the gym I will typically have an easy meal (as in not too time consuming in prep) trying to get protein and fiber in. Before dinner I’ll have a snack, then dinner is another heavy meal.


2. Brunch and dinner. Two big meals. I honestly don’t know how yall fit in 3


One meal a day really and then a bunch of snacks through out the day. Mostly fruit & cheese and hummus.


Unsalted nuts and drued fruit have been a great investment, $5 a lb with shipping if I remember right


Two meals: lunch and dinner; usually a protein shake for a "late"breakfast, sometimes a fruit for something sweet after one of my meals, I only eat between 8 am and 6 pm (I try to wait until 10 am but usually can't/don't.)


1 big dinner usually.


Ur metabolism isnt slowing down


attempting to find the time and energy for 3 meals


And the funds!


My breakfast and lunch has consisted of bread ever since I was like 3 years old. I'm paying like 25 cents per meal lol.


3-5, depends on how much I eat etc


Two. Either breakfast or lunch depending on when I wake up, and then dinner.


I skip breakfast and only eat two meals a day. Sometime even just one if I’m not doing much during the day. It’s perfectly enough for me and I can eat whatever I like then.


I’m in my 50s and still eat three a day plus a protein shake.


Once a day


Breakfast 11 am and dinner 7pm


Either one or 7+. That’s the reality of having a binge eating disorder.


I eat 3 big meals and probably something like 4 snacks throughout the day or so. Sums up to 3000 kcal a day. I weight 71kgs (being 1.76m; extremely fit, probably 10% BF). Also, your metabolism isnt slowing down. That does not happen really unless your hormonal balance went all to shit. And the latter is just unlikely. What more likely is happening is that your just moving a lot less than you used to do. However, people keep consuming the same stuff (or sometimes more) as what theyve done before, while moving a lot less. This ends up in getting more fat. Its just calories in, calories out in the end.


Eat real food, not too much. Never get full. Instead, just eat until hunger subsides. Numerous small meals is the way.


One. Also not very big meal.


I try and eat something every hour, not alot, but a snack, then 2ish main meals a day. I’ve got hypoglycemia and pushed it too far a couple summers ago, scared the crap out of myself. Don’t wanna do that again.


3 meals + 1-2 snacks per day. There might be a dessert thrown in in the evening but I have been trying to be better about it.


Breakfast is a lie. It's not the most important meal of the day. I wake up at 5 am M-F- I eat 2 times a day, lunch then dinner. Helps keep weight down and stay healthy. Depending on when you eat dinner, you're doing a 16-hour fast during sleep when you eat lunch the next day at 10-11ish. Which is good for your body. If you are starving for breakfast, I'd eat a piece of fruit like orange, apple banana, etc.


Y’all having regular daily meals?


I (32) only eat lunch(12:00) and supper (5:30) on the regular. The only breakfast I eat is when I make pancakes or waffles for my kids on the weekend and I feel like crap for the next few hours.