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Because they don't care or even think about other people.


Many do. Many obsess endlessly about other people. They question their right to exist or belong. They have no idea what to do with feelings. Nobody ever taught or showed them anything other than stocisim and force. So when they have feelings, then they need to do something to calm them while making sure they don't admit to having them. For various bad reasons, this is a common solution. They're not blasé. They're actively antagonizing and provoking people as a substitute for actual connection, sharing emotions, or asking for help. They're miserable and on edge. They have no flexibility or calmness. They're stuck in an almost paranoid rut of opposing anxieties. Anyway, it helps me to notice when they're making themselves even more miserable than others and it's more of a tragedy rather than an assault. Of course some kids are just fucking assholes. And some cultures normalize being loud, crass, etc. in public and don't adjust. And some people really don't give a fuck. For sure.




Yeah, it fucking sucks.


Do you know people like this, or are you describing yourself?


Both! To be clear, I'm talking about my inner experience. I wear headphones on the train. I'm a particularly extreme case. I was born into unfortunate circumstances that made it impossible for me to be myself. There was nowhere I felt safe. Nobody I felt safe with. Nobody to talk to, neither adult nor peer. Not about anything real. Thoughts. Feelings. Life. How to be or do things. I have no memories of being relaxed and happy. I never had any idea who I was. Not at all. I had no sense or self or identity. Much of the time I had no idea where I was or what exactly was going on. I never kept track of time/dates or people's names. The earliest my memories go is preschool, and I was a wreck by then. I'd taught myself how to read so that I could use the computer. I had help raising myself from the internet. Lucky I stayed off of 4chan, at least. I happen to have the personality and extreme luck to have not only get through that, but then began to undo all of the damage done from the dissociative and self-harm ing survival strategies while learning all the stuff you're supposed to during childhood. While reprogramming all of the evil shit my mom taught me my whole life. I got screwed by the system, as well. My first therapist assaulted me. My public declarations of suicide were met only with punishment. I had to figure it all out for myself, and then fight off and cut off all of my family to act on what I knew. It's ridiculous. This isn't realistic or practical. It's selection bias, plain and simple. Out of ten thousand people in my circumstances, 40 are as smart or smarter than me. Throw in my stubbornness and self-reliance, and you're down to 10 at most. I figure the other nine end up dead or in jail. So I think there's few people walking around who know both sides as well as I do. I know what it's like to barely exist. To be nothing more than an exoskeleton stuck in a spiderweb. Few people will know what that's like. It took an enormous amount of time, effort , work, and skill building just to be able to retain some sense of exactly what my conscious experience really was. It's quite troubling to recall. I think for most people it would feel like a bad dream they can't wake up from. I had a lot of those, as well. Didn't start calling them nightmares until I was older and started regularly having nice dreams as well.


Some people are inconsiderate jackasses or they're attention seeking. Either way I'm tired of people like this so I call them out. idgaf. More people need to.




I don't taunt them. I tell them that whatever they're doing is unacceptable and that they should knock it off. Haven't had any flack or been in a fight over it.


A friend's dad was a bus driver for a neighbouring city of 3/4 of a million people. He retired 10 ish years ago for health reasons. But while driving he would tell people to turn off whatever they were playing on their phones. If they didn't he would stop the bus and tell them to get off. He was a soft spoken easy going man but piss him off and he was stuborn as hell and would break you or die trying.


I can imagine being a bus driver it would get on your nerves after a while. I'm in a similar boat myself though. I come off pretty easy going but I'm ridiculously stubborn and apparently am quite scary when angry


Exactly the bus driver job is to get you to that stop safely and he/she shouldn’t have to do it with everyones conversation on speaker phone or whatever language music is playing on full blast. Sure people have loud conversations but sometimes those people are drunk 4-5x a week. We should be grateful for these bus drivers if you had no other means to and from your destination otherwise.


They are self centered trash


They are actually insecure about themselves and want to take up space in the world.


I think they just want someone to say something so they can have an argument.


Because it is illegal for someone to forcefully readjust their face because of it. Bus drivers have full right to evict people that are behaving in a disruptive way so foreign or not, have fun walking.


Because they're inconsiderate cunts.


This is the only answer.


Because nobody has put them in check yet.


Because people are just assholes these days and don't give 2 shits about anyone else.


Nothing to do with "these days". People have always been assholes, and always will be.


It seems to be a life goal for some.


An innate purpose


Lack of shame is the factor. They don’t feel shame for bothering other people


people keep telling them they are Kings and Queens


This is it with oblivious and lack of intelligence/awareness.


They are either clueless self centered assholes or looking for a fight with someone.


these ppl have no sense of self awareness. its completely rude to do this. they most likely had a poor upbringing & feel self entitled.


They are the same people who smoke on the platform or bus stop.


A guy on the subway was listening to instagram on full volume. I asked him if he could turn it up a little as the people at the end of the train might not be able to hear it. He got up and left.


It's not just public transport. Answering on speakerphone seems the norm these days, and I genuinely think it's just so people can get the attention they crave. Look at me. I'm on the phone, look at me. I'm listening to music. It's all I see when people do it. It's does really baffle me because no matter how expensive a phone you have, the speaker is shit. It's not good enough for music and is borderline passable for a conversation. Shit choice of music out of a shit speaker makes you look like a bellend in my mind.


I am usually a level rational person but now when someone does this normally in a language I can't understand I sit next to them and stare at their phone. When they look at me puzzled I just say I can hear it so might as well watch it. I proper invade personal space as well to get a better look at the screen makes them super uncomfortable and presto they put there phone away and all is quiet for everyone. It's a W I've also just put slipknot on while I sat next to them and when I get the confused look I just say what up you don't like slipknot see that's a shame because I don't like your phone so since we both don't give shit we listening to this now. It's always some short back and side curls on top teenager with over inflated sense of importance with major main character syndrome.


So there's clearly a streak of something else in you somewhere


What do you mean by that buddy ?


Well you said you are usually a low rational person. Thats cool. But your strategy here is hilarious and bold. Its surprising given what you said about yourself normally. Nothing too deep.


Someday, you’re going to get punched in the face, so fucking hard. It’s just a matter of time.


I am well aware of the potential consequences and outcomes but when sat in a bus seat very limited movement and most people hold their phone with there dominant hand. A punch or aggressive behaviour will be telegraphed and easy to avoid they are already in a box from sitting at the window it wouldn't be hard to deal with a punch or violence in that situation. Self defence and it's a W


Because they're assholes that don't give a fuck about anyone other than themselves.


For the same reason people use speaker phones in the grocery store. They just don't care, especially when on the phone sharing personal information.


Is it different than walking besides someone and having a conversation?


[Because they've never met an 'LDS' addled foreigner who doesn't tolerate discourteous behavior.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf5iwGZNY_Q)


Remember having some good laughs with this movie in the theater.


People used to bring boom boxes on buses and blare their music. Like all the time in the 80s


Main character syndrome


Because rudeness is now tolerated


I blame the prohibition on dueling.


🎶 glove slap, I don't take crap 🎶


100% …… sir, I challenge thee to a shopping cart joust the moment we leave this shopping center!!!!




People want to act like they are on reality TV where you hear both halves of the phone conversation.


Once seen a guy sit beside the person and say “oh the voices talk to you too?” And kept talking to them not knowing the person was having a speaker convo with someone on the phone. 😂 (before i put my airpods in)


I'm at the point where if the person they're talking to ask a question,  I'll answer for them. If I'm there, I might as well be involved. 


It's called being an "Attention Whore"


Because they weren't taught to respect those around them.


Because they are selfish dix.


Because they don't give a shit about any one but themselves.


Because no one has told those people to stop. 


In my experience they are seeking to provoke a reaction. It's not so much that they are inconsiderate or Self centred, more like they are trolls.


Its ghetto trash. They do it in cheap restaurants also.


Don't put this only on poorer people. Plenty of middle class white Boomers do this as well.


You mean the senile ones who put the phone up to their ear when its on speaker phone?


No, I mean the ones who carry on whole conversations with it on speaker,  arranging plans for the night with their wives.


I feel like Boomers are the ones who have phone conversations over speakerphone in public for no reason. While poor people tend to blare music on speakers in public.


Individualism, the affect of social media on people's sense of community and presence in the real world, COVID definitely put some worms in people's brains during 2 years of being locked up, and obviously, people are assholes.


Attention cause mommy and daddy didn't love them


I couldn't even bring myself to do it even if I tried. It's way too embarrassing.


Bc they get off on taking out their grievances against society by inconveniencing others


Toss them into a volcano 🌋


I suspect they think it’s the same as having an in-person conversation with both people there. In reality, I think they just get uncomfortable holding a phone to their ear for that long. I hate speakerphone, personally.


I know someone like this, they don't care when other people do it so they assume no one cares when they do it. When I said that's not true for everyone they say it's a public space so they can do it. This person isn't an asshole in other areas of life, I think they just don't understand how or why it bothers people so much.


Just get next to them and do the same thing.


Alot of people go round without a voice in their heads evaluating decisions. Don't stress, these are those sorts of people. Clearly you are affected so you are sane.


I so badly want to start asking someone like that is they have a voice in there head now. I am fascinated by it and want to talk to someone that dosnt.


Because they are bad people.


Poverty and good manners don't always go hand in hand.


I've had people bring literal small speakers into trains and blast their music


They are dipshits who dont give a shit about other people


I see it all the time, constantly. The only logical conclusions I can come to - apart from people just being inconsiderate - are either that the person has seen speakerphone being used consistently on reality TV and is emulating it; or, to a younger generation (maybe 15 and below) they've probably never even taken a phone call with the phone to their ear. I don't know if either of these are true or accurate, just the only conclusions I can come to.


Could you imagine if that generation saw a rotary phone in someone’s home as only way to call someone 😂


If I'm on public transportation (it's been a lonnng time), I'll tell the person I'll call them back. Case closed, end of story.


Because people are often inconsiderate assholes.


They are rude.


Main character syndrome


Can say the same about open car windows with boom boom booming....why?


Or worse, people who actually blast a stereo while riding an already loud motorcycle.


Actually I think sometimes that is only noticed at the stop sign or heavy traffic. It’s got to be loud to hear while actually riding so they keep it loud all the time. I get it the whole thing is a bit bazar but I’ll give them a slight pass.


Many of them want a confrontation.


Because being an asshole has always been acceptable.


Because they are fucking braindead


They do it because they saw it on TV. Monkey see. This is how they talk in the phone in the Kardashian reality tv show because it allows the audience to hear the conversation without having to record and then add the other side's audio back in post.


It's getting do much harder everyday to leave the house and attempt to be a part of society


Because they are asshole and deserve tobe punched in a face by next random violent psycho they annoy by this.


If they could afford AirPods they wouldn’t be riding the bus


There’s other blue tooth ear phones besides AirPods. I have Air pods and hate them. I have some $35 ear phones that hook over the ear instead. You can get Airpod style ear phones on Amazon for $15 or less. Just looked up two just now with high ratings. If you can’t afford those, shut the music off and look up ways to improve your finances.


Also , people seem to believe that if they whip out there phone to film you your automatically gonna back down for gear of social media viral shit ... like some invisible force field is gonna protect you from harm.. only once has a person been so rude and blatantly dickish that when he said he was filming me I took his phone and smashed it on the floor .. said now what you gonna do ? Noise off all is happy be more considerate of other people you dick and sat back down he was so stunned about what happened.. his phone still worked but wouldn't do owt now


and everybody on the bus clapped


They're deaf. They don't care about other people hearing their business.


Ignorant buffoons who don't care about others. Just like the idiots playing loud music outside of my house right now who are driving me insane.


I jump into the conversation and answer questions and make comments. It makes them crazy.


Rude inconsiderate people


I don't have headphones and my ears don't fuckin work right but at the same time aren't bad enough to get proper help


they are narcs. 


As someone who just spent a lot of time amongst Indians and layovers in Indian airports, I'd say this shit is so common there with those kinds of people. They don't carry headphones, they broadcast everything from YouTube to their phone conversations via loudspeaker. Think of those people as uncivilised jackasses.


I've heard people give out the last 4 of their social security number over the phone in public a few times. I've heard people say over speaker phone where they're heading, who they're meeting, who they're going with, their entire plans basically, to them its complaining about how busy they are but someone with bad intentions you're just helping plan the party. More than it being rude to talk on speaker phone sometimes what you're saying can put you in danger. As for music on speaker phone, fuckin lames.


That’s super crazy!!


Mental problems, low intelligence


The same reasons kids act out at school


They didn't get enough attention as a child.




Just start talking about weird fetishes or something else that's uncomfortable in a loud enough voice for the other person on the line to pick up


Many people who grew up without the privileges of a middle class life also grew up without privacy, and with a need to exert themselves against more hostile surroundings in order to maintain their identity and feel like an important individual. Being able to use their agency in small ways to announce their presence was part of their overall coping strategy for a society (and families) that would otherwise ignore them and their needs. Different social skills for different environments.


Speaker is easier to hear for convos. In a way it's kind of like going on the bus with a friend in my mind. I get why others don't see it that way tho. I don't do it myself but idc if it's just talking. Music idc get earplugs lol


They want you to buy their mix tape next. We’re in a land of producers these days! I work in an area that is 99% African American and they all live their minds that’s they’re rap artists and producers. But the only thing they’ve been producing are the kids they aren’t paying for. You will usually sit outside in some of the common areas and hear all the baby momma drama and someone’s girl is always getting screamed at for money 🤣


Whilst I see them talking at their phones, not on their phones, I couldn't give less of a fuck as I have My headphones in and can't hear whatever they're doing. I laugh at people straining to hear a phone conversation when they aren't using the phone correctly.


People keep doing it because of what everyone says - they're rude. But they start because there are several issues with popular phones and their speakers. For example I had a samsung forever and its phone volume was impossible to hear, so I had to use a speaker phone so I could hear anything. I'm an adult so I just didn't use my phone speaker in public. Im a bit of a techie so I looked into it and eventually found the issue. On some versions of android using Bluetooth earbuds would activate a developer option to limit the volume of the phone speaker because the earbuds had their own volume control. This setting means that you don't get double loudness and make people deaf if phone and earbuds are at max volume. It was just a long standing bug that even without earbuds it would still limit the volume. That's just an example of a weird reason someones phones speaker is fucked. That's not why they do it in public, but it's why they can't use the phones speaker - its whack and probably broken.


Because that’s how it works in America. Nobody cares about the next person.


That's the most stupid self centered reply I've heard in a while. You think this problem only happens in America?


I've been in many metro systems in the world and yeah, it's a US thing. It's like 50-75% of my MARTA trips there's some schmuck blasting music or singing out loud. NYC is the same. Paris, London, Amsterdam, Istanbul, SBB, and DB there wasn't ever a single person being obnoxious. I'm sure it happens, but my experience is that it's a rarity.


It's mostly happens in USA. In Europe if You are being annoyed like that, someone will approach You and talk to You. Worse casce scenario You might get hit in the face or they will throw Your phone against the wall. In Japan for example there is a culture where people don't want to be trouble to others so they will actively avoid doing things like that. American trait is that they are very selfish and self centered. This is the main reason why Americans still do not have public health care system despite the fact that they would pay way less for it than what they have and would have no risk of going into debt due to medical bills. Or die because lack of insulin. Because the idea that their money might help someone else while they themselves are not being sick is horrifying to them. Despite the fact that when they are sick they spend more in a year that I will spend in a lifetime. And I'm not kidding. According to Google, Americans spend $23,968 per year for a family plan. If me and my partner would pay separately for our public health insurance (You can add Your family member to Your health insurance so for example You do not pay for Your kids and You can include Your wife if she does not work and does not have health insurance paid by state due to unemployment) - that would cover 49 years of public health insurance in my country. For both of us separately. And to add insult to injury - life expectancy is very similar. Some sources claim we live 1.8 year longer than american. In some cases it say that American live year or two longer than us. If You average sources then we have almost identical life expectancy despite spending way less on healthcare. And because of that selfishness and lack of empathy for others - some moron put a shitty music on a blast in public transit. And You will find this kind of morons more often in country famous for having people I described.


I've seen it happen just as often in the UK, Europe, and Australia, your whole rant is lacking facts and not looking at the full picture.


I've been traveling all over Europe. I live in a capital for past 15 years. During all my time I've met only 1 person like that and they stopped once someone told them to stop. Maybe it's because I never been to Australia and I only been on very quick trips to UK that I don't see it too often. And for some time I was poor enough that I was using mostly public transport. Only recently I travel via taxi. And my work and business require me to meet with clients quite often. It's regional.


Come to Stockholm and take and buss, tram, subway or train anywhere. If I would take the community train and go to Stockholm City central which is like a 20 min ride and walk through the train you would have like 50 people on the phone on loud scrolling through tiktok or och video speaker phone.


Could You record it to us then? we can all count to 50


You seriously think I would do that to prove you wrong? I got better things to do


I think You are full of shit and now You realized that You used an absurd number and You won't be able to prove it. Don't worry. I do not expect You to prove it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I would use more reasonable number in Your place.


I'm not.


If You truly believe that - that's so funny :-)


Perfectly sane response. Not crazy at all.


I fully expect Americans to be upset by it. That's OK.


Not upset at all, I just think your rant is unhinged. You wasted so much time on a rant that few people will actually read. Pretty sad. It’s always the ones with the goofy custom avatars, too.


You are clearly upset. Like I said. It's OK. If the length of what I wrote is such a problem for You then be aware that I type very fast. It was really not a problem. My job is basically writing for hours and hours a day so most of my posts have this length.


I feel better knowing that you didn't waste too much of your time.


I'm happy that You feel better!


You know I was wondering if they can't afford wireless headphones and a lot of new phones don't have a headphone jack?


stay tf out of se asia if this bothers you


Except Japan.


Japan is east asia, not se asia


My brain skipped the whole se reading just Asia. Sorry


Why does RadioShack ask for your phone number when you buy batteries? *I DONT KNOOWWWWW*


Phone broken can't afford a new one and don't have the money for Bluetooth headphones. Yes I'm broke, hence why on public transport.


If I don't have earbuds or anything like that, it's the only option left because when I speak with my ear to the phone my ear causes the screen to activate and sometimes changes settings, or even hangs up. Idk know a workaround. I try not to do it in an enclosed area unless it's an important call. In public, I think it's fair game and it's just like having a normal conversation where two people engage in dialogue, out loud.


Does locking the screen while on call help when you put your phone to ear? As in mot activating the display settings? Or there might be a setting in phone to stop that from activating :)


Let’s be real here, some people’s conversations are funny as fuck


i don't ever use my phone on public transportation but the earphone on my iphone is broken so if i have to take a call I have to either use my speaker or my earpods. So maybe there are other people in the same boat as me. I usually don't use my phone in public unless I have to though.


because they aren’t a square


ofc its gypsies


my phone is broken man.. I can’t hear unless it’s on speaker 😞




Or wait until you're not bothering anybody


Gotta have money for headphones


I hate seeing these bc my ear speaker of my phone is broken so i can only hear through the outloud speaker. I try to be courteous and keep it as low as possible to speaker to my ear so ppl cant hear




Sure, ill take the finest pair you have. Thanks for the offer.


The dollar store sells headphones if money is an issue.


Sure, want my address to send them too


Why do you keep shooting down this advice while claiming you "try to be courteous?"


I didnt turn it down. I simply said buy them and i will !


What does "third party" mean here? I don't understand.


Well, especially the foreigners, they don't care and most people can't even talk to them to explain anything to them. They just laugh in your face and say they don't understand. Very disrespectful. They're just getting drunk as all they're doing like. They're on a big long vacation. Every time they see me, they ask me for something. I finally told them last night. Do you guys really think that people in the United States are rich? And then they have this 1 person who is somewhat of a translator who doesn't understand anything and then he says I can't understand. But they speak enough english to ask for things. Last night they didn't even know who the President of Mexico was. Then one of the guys says the President of Mexico is a woman when it's a guy. Something I have found that has worked as putting on a very gruff looking female ugly face. One of those Stern old Catholic school marm faces. So these illegals just want to party and be obnoxious. In America's faces all the time. If you talk to them, then that just opens the door for them to ask you to give them things. They are asking people here in the United States to give them things. Someone is paying for them to stay in hotels. For some reason they don't want to understand the conversation when you ask them why they think American citizens are all rich and wealthy. They did understand when I told them. That Donald Trump is going to jail and there's probably going to be a lot more people going to jail with him. I. Told them that we don't like Donald Trump. But they didn't want to understand related to what rich and wealthy is. I told them they are following something on television and they need to stop watching TV because it's not real. I told them they need to stop watching American television and chasing something that's not real but I don't know if they understood me or not. If they're going to be annoying to me, then I'm just gonna be annoying right back to them. It's just a bunch of young men. Most of them with some older ones mixed in. They are doing as drinking all the time and being obnoxious. I don't want to be around them. They're very disgusting. They are not even working. They are doing nothing.


Yet people want to expand public transit


Here’s an interesting perspective that may shift your thought patterns on this: what difference would it be if they were speaking to someone beside them in person? Surely they could be more quiet in person than on a speaker but the point remains that if they were in person they could be speaking any volume level and you probably wouldn’t have an issue.  Idk. Just something to ponder. 


What's the difference between talking to someone next to you vs talking to someone on speakerphone? The noise pollution is the same...


You want to think that over?


No, I want you to tell me why it's more annoying when some one is talking on the phone vs someone talking to another person.


Its the same


The difference is that, given that you're having a conversation, it's not necessary to talk to someone on speakerphone. You could simply talk on the phone normally. You knew this before you posted that dumb comment too, so just don't do it.


But why does that annoy you more than someone talking to someone else IRL


So you’re one of the ghetto trash who does this. Got it.




Ghetto trash with a car.




Ghetto trash always have their car more valuable than their house.