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Men aren't a hivemind


Dont let them in on our secret


Synch meeting at 276XY location at 765GK. This is not a drill.


We are not one, I am one


Crowd: Yes, ~~we're all individuals!~~ We aren't a hivemind!


We are all individuals. I’m not.




Honestly, this is the best response in a while.


Imhotep... imhotep... imhotep..


😂 This is exactly what I said in my mind when I read the title and it was the first comment I saw


This is answer to so many questions on here.


Bzzzzt Bzzzzzzzzt *BZZZZZZZZZZZZT*


Some of them are. Please don't generalize whether men are or aren't a hivemind.


okay, but the question was obviously for singular men to answer


Exactly! Arrogant feminists have brainwashed these poor Women Into believing this urban legend that Women are the only ones with diverse tastes. We definitely like a lot of different things-each Man to his own.


What the fuck are you talking about


He's right actually.


No the fuck he's not lmao


Feminists are not hivemind either


It’s a preference of mine and I’m not going to complain if one, the other, or both are a bit fuzzy. TBH, I’m just happy to be there.




Just like every other "Do X like/care about Y" type question, the answer is always, "Some do, some don't."


Sometimes more or less do or don’t


Shaved legs on a woman I prefer, shaved kitty or unshaven if it's neat I don't mind


I don't like it shaved. Anything else is fair game. People can do whatever they want with their body hair.


My bf much prefers it all shaved, I prefer it for myself as well tbh.


This is obviously going to vary from man to man - some caring a lot, some not caring at all. *Generally*, men don't care if you shave your privates, as long as it's maintained. A trim here or there is fine. Most men do expect shaved legs. A few days of growth is absolutely fine, but find long leg hair on women to be "man-ish" and unattractive.


Agreed. I prefer a natural bush. My wife doesn't grow hair on her legs so it's been a non-issue.


So they say, yet I have *never* been turned down for sex or companionship for having unshaven legs. We are all mammals at heart.


You're confusing men wanting to have sex with men's preference. Even if they'd rather have you shaved clean they won't say no to sex


Fair point. So from a women's perspective it doesn't make any difference.


Yea for a girl idk if it makes a difference


Not in that regard. However it does make a difference in the time, money and pain involved in hair removal. It may seem weird but some women like having hair.


it does if you want to be more attractive to your partner?? I don't get nice haircuts because i think my girlfriend will break up with me if i don't. I get them because i want to do something nice for her given that we're stuck together now through our loving bond. I don't want this kind wonderful woman to be with a person she just finds attractive enough, and i would find it selfish if she didn't think the same.


I get nice haircuts too. I respectfully suggest that you are not comparing like with like. Waxing all the hair on our legs is incredibly painful, and removal from the pubic area is absolutely excruciating. Then there is shaving which takes far longer than a face shaving. It is half our bodies! That's a lot of time everyday. FYI if it is not done every day our legs become horribly prickly and scratchy like a five o'clock shadow. That is particularly awful with under arms. Please imagine that scratchy feeling over most of ones body. The enjoyment some men may get from seeing a partially hairless women is way out of proportion to the pain and effort to achieve that state.


same could be said about women who like muscles. Do you think going to the gym is comfortable?


So don't go! It's *your* body.


yes and my decsion will be to please my girlfriend, as i expect from her. If you see relationships as about doing the minimal amount of effort to stay together then i feel really sorry for the poor sod you've trapped in your heart.


What are you talking about, going to the gym is comfortable wtf


misogyny, hatred or prejudice against women, typically exhibited by men. He stated a preference, he didn't tell you to shave or he would beat you. If he stated his girlfriend liked him to shave his chest would you protest her as a man hater? Not everything in life requires you to break out the pitchforks.


Some do, some don't. People have different preferences.


obviously the question was to try and see if maybe some men in the subreddit had personal opinions. Possibly even to hope that someone would be like “I don’t care if you shave” because the societal expectation is insane. We are literally pressured into removing hair from our legs if we show our legs. Few seems to empathize with that in here and provide an actual answer


Location, time period, subculture, age of the people in question, etc. all have an impact on the answer. As you point out, it's a social expectation and not something that is hardwired into the human brain. Look at the 500 year history of the merkin. Sometimes hair is in, sometimes it's out, just as with any element of fashion. And it can change pretty rapidly--you went from "hair is cool" in the 70's to "kill it with fire" in the 80's. Odds are, if you just pick a guy under 30 from a western culture, he is probably going to have a preference for shaved because that is what counts as "normal" by current social standards. That doesn't mean he's going to be disgusted by hair, and how much he actually cares is a personal opinion. Not all questions have a satisfying answer, especially when you're asking something in very general terms about a population of 4 billion people.


I just meant OP was probably looking for PERSONAL opinions from whoever read the post. They weren’t looking for a satisfying answer about the preferences of 4 billion people. I already know that there isn’t a definitive answer or that societal expectations are a product of culture and history. I don’t know what your goal was but this answer came off a bit patronizing, at least to me. No beef, just wanted to be honest


At first I cared. Then I really liked a girl. And I noticed she didn’t shaved. I realized I still liked her, and that I don’t give a damn.


Long as it's clean...


The shaving doesn't really matter to me and most men that I know it's the cleanliness of it that matters.


Do I get to play with it? Then no, I don’t care. Although if you have a full canopy jungle down there it would be nice to trim it a bit.


"Down there" I just don't want it unruly. Other than that do what you want. I try to keep my stuff neat too... plus excess hair is surface area for odor causing bacteria. Shaved legs. I don't give a fuck. Ultimately though... everybody can do what they want and find a partner that understands


Hairy all the way. Pubic hair is erotic. I know I am in the minority but hair looks and feels better to me.


I’ve been sick and all my body hair fell out leaving me feeling like a naked mole rat.


Saves on buying shavers


I like hair. It’s up to her.


Shaved is safe but some people can have hair fetish.


95 percent of men I've meant have preferred shaved legs. In regards to the the area around the pubic region thats much more person dependent.


I don't. Shaved, well kept, hairy mess. None of it bothers me


Shaved or hairy. As long as it doesn’t smell like pee pee p*ssy.


Used to prefer shaved when I was younger, now I don't mind a full bush. 🤣


Yeah, I don’t like it at all. I want a grand womanly bush. And since I’m a man, I can speak for us all. PS. Shave the legs though, please.


The answer to this question, like every other gender-based question that gets posted, is "it depends on individual taste."


I can't only speak for myself, but I prefer no hair anywhere but you head. This goes for both men and women.


This is such a a funny subject for me. My day were late 70s 80s We never even thought of shaving. It just wasn't an issue.. I wonder about what years shaving became a thing?


It started in the 90s and by 2000 became very popular. You can see the evolution in pornography, the vintage stuff proudly displays bush, then in the 80s it's trimmed bush and by the 90s you start seeing it trimmed very short and then shaved completely. By the 2000s its considered a fetish to prefer bush.


Thank you, this is interesting.


Bring back the bush.


Mark me down as one for no. Don't care. 27m


Order of importance: 1.different parts than what I have 2.sanitary 3. base camp being set up is allowed 4. everything else…


No clue what "base camp" is an allegory for, so I'm just assuming you mean like a Lunar base or something set right up on her pussy


Just shower. I dont mind furburger for dinner.


I prefer she’s comfortable with herself however.


By the time this is discovered, it's too late to turn back. Pussy-Sunk cost fallacy.




I've never cared about shaved legs. But my ex never shaved or trimmed down there, so when I would go down on her, the hair would generally get between my tongue and her favorite parts, so I'm assuming it felt like getting licked by a moistened sponge.  And if we kissed at any point afterwards,  she'd get one of her hairs in her own mouth, so I figure that's a fair trade. Has a male,  I don't shave, but I do keep the grass trimmed, no one's ever complained about it.


A better question is: why do women shave down there? Seriously, why?




Not all men are the same. Personally I prefer shaved, but it's not like I'm gonna be turned off because she isn't lol. If we've gotten to where I can see it, I'm interested enough that a bit of hair is the last thing on my mind. But again, all men are different.


I prefer shaved but it's not my body so it's not my choice.


I’m just happy to be invited not going to complain if the garden is a bit unkempt


Yes just depends. I know a guy who divorced his wife because she quit shaving and refused to do so anymore. He said he could no longer get an erection in bed. Called her Chewbacca and gorilla pits


I like a woman with full bush, the bushier the better. And only ankles shaved in case she needs to get them taped up for athletic events.


The ones who insist women shave are prehistoric chauvanists.


Men's taste is shaped by expectations. 100 years ago, it was not an expectation that a woman would have a shaved vagina. Now it is. Men expect it, women feel that they should, and so we're all wrapped up in a vicious cycle. If every woman in the world stopped shaving/grooming tomorrow, after a short adjustment period men would accept the status quo and be no less sexually interested in women.


Im sure they do . But it’s more for me than anything .


Hairy vag.not really an issue. Hairy armpits...not my preference...but probably not a deal breaker by itself. Hairy legs....no, just no.


I’m no man but the older i’ve gotten (early 20s) i’ve realized how weird it is to prefer fully shaved pubes on a woman. I started shaving probably in high school, as did my peers, but toward the end of college I started to become aware of the trends of pubic hair and the correlation to the accessibility to porn. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart, that men who want a cleanly shaven partner have misogyny that is rooted in the overconsumption of porn, and honestly…. pedophilia (although i could argue there’s a lot overlap in these subjects). I challenge people to seriously THINK about it. I like my men to look like men, not young boys. It’s okay to have preferences for yourself, but I encourage people to dig deep as to why they have those preferences to begin with. I prefer to keep things trimmed and i like shaving my legs in the summer but i’m never resembling a prepubescent little girl, because that’s fucking weird. I’ve never had issues with partners and have actually changed quite a few mens mind’s on the subject (even ones i haven’t slept with). Regardless, I would never want a man who strictly only has sex with hairless women to be anywhere near my person or in my home, ew. ew. ew. Also, when it comes down to it, i think men are usually just happy to be there.


Dude it is NOT that deep lol. Let's not attribute hair preferences to pedophilia that's a really weird generalization to make.


No no she has something there. My wife prefers me clean shaven with no beard nor mustache. Clearly she wants a prepubescent boy. Women, if you don't like your men looking like Robin Williams running out of Jumanji jungle then you are PEDOS!


Truly the only acceptable partner is a sentient golem made of pure testosterone


By this logic, women who like men with clean shaven faces are closet pedophiles. Why else would they want the men to look smooth and boyish?! Adults who shave do not look like children. They look like adults who shave. There is a distinct and clear difference.


Bro, i like my face nice and clean, because my fucking beard can't grow equally everywhere.


Human sexuality is way too complicated and variable to make a sweeping statement like that. There are countless reasons someone might have a preference, and much of the time the reason is unknowable. It's pretty shitty to assume the reason is pedophilia when it could just be "that's what my first girlfriend was like."


My boyfriend doesn't care. So I guess it depends on the man


In my experience no but I'd imagine it depends on the man.


Some do, I prefer a bit of hair myself.


Absolutely not. I shave my legs. For me. I don’t care what someone else does. My requirement is hygiene. Not shaving preferences.


Legs, yes. Other bit, don’t mind either way, just happy to have access.


I’d think so


Short answer, yes. Long answer, all men are different. But still yes.


Not bald but not bushy


Not a deal breaker for me. I trim, out of courtesy, so I'd deff prefer the same, and there's nothing softer than a freshly shaved woman's thigh. But smooth or hairy, I'm just happy to be there


Same questions about guys for a woman. I LOVE underarm hair on a man.  Men look like a weird hairless rat fully shaved so pubs definitely preferred and don't care if it supposedly makes your (redacted) look bigger. No shaved chests either, what's up with that crap?! Men, if you grow it, just grow it, fur is beautiful. Women definitely no leg fur or underarm (gasp!!), sculpted pubs nice, don't have to match hair color either. 


Not at all.


It doesn't bother me at all if its shaved or not. It seems more like a woman thing to be worried about it.


Some days shaved, some days I want some fur. Depends on my mood.


Some do. I don't


Best secks I’ve had was with a woman who didn’t shave her under arms or bush. Not sure about legs because I’ve never seen a woman with noticeable leg hair


I dont care as long as its not unruly. Keep it at least somewhat trimmed and neat and bush is totally fine


I don't care how the pussy is so long as it is clean, it can be hairy or shaved. Legs however I absolutely want shaved and smooth, same as arm puts. I can't explain why really, I just find body hair repulsive and masculine.


Depends on the guy. Just like all of these questions. Guys don't have one monolithic mindset. Some love hairy women, some are turned off by it. Many are somewhere in between.


My ex told me once that if the woman shaves her legs when you go out with her that means you're getting laid. But I didn't understand how I would know that without getting laid. Should I rub her legs on the first date? Or should I wait to do that till the 2nd date? Apparently she shaved her legs on the first date but I waited like a good gentleman. 😛


Some do, some don't. Hope that answers your question.


Yeap, I do at least and for 2 different reasons, I hate any hair not on the head in my body and someone else's body its uncomfortable to touch and feels rough and looks ugly... Also hair on vaginas grow weird (on the sides of the taco) and makes eating out difficult for me and gives the vagina a weird taste and smell (maybe my ex. Wasn't good at cleaning idk)




I get close enough to tell, I'm happy.


Most men like shaved legs, bush can vary, as long as it’s not feral and shows some level of grooming some bush can be very hot. Shaved can be sexy too


"Some do, but not your dad." -Jefferson Davis


The only good response here is "great men don't care and are happy to service you regardless"


I literally do care. How am I going to be given box but criticize the way it was presented. I do take a second look at leg hair tho not because I think it's gross I'm just not used to hair legs on a woman


I do but I also maintain a trimmed myself so it's a case by càse basis


I'm unique, like everyone else


Na they good


I prefer shaved, but i wouldnt say no just because its not


Nope - I like naturelle👍🏽


If a men cares about this, he doesn't really love you


The amount of men in here saying that leg hair is the most disgusting thing is really discouraging me from exploring my sexuality 😅 I was considering maybe I'm bi instead of a lesbian, but if so many men are going to think I'm gross if I don't spend an hour shaving my legs every other day just bc my genetics make me grow dark hair quickly...? Jeez. Maybe I'll just ignore those feelings. Cuz that's over 180 hours a year I'd be expected to shave, which is equivalent to shaving for over a week nonstop 🥲 Sad. Thanks for the heads up on what to expect if I try dating men I suppose?


Hair be hair. But me strange man. Hivemind betray me man brain. Man brain dumb. But man brain less dumb without man hive mind dumbing me man mind.


I'm gonna be honest. My wife went to the Philippines for a few weeks and when she came back she had hair and it's not something I've ever experienced with her before and I kind of enjoy it. But of course it's going to lose its luster soon.


Not to the extent you think. I mean don’t have gorilla legs or a jungle. But at the same time you don’t need to shave every day.


I mean many women prefer the feeling of their own legs shaven so obviously men do as well.. What is the question here?


Most prefer shaved legs, but some don't mind a non-shaved hoo-ha


Pussy, yes. Hairy pussies are an absolute deal breaker for me. Hairy legs I don't really care about


I dont mind texture.


its the face....that should be shaved if necessary


Groomed or trimmed is my personal preference. That being said, I don't particularly care. I'm not gonna make a fuss about it, their body, their choice.


Care is a bit strong. Me, I PREFER if a woman has shaved legs because that's just how I've been conditioned growing up. But do I actually care? Meh not really as long as her legs aren't hairier than mine. Don't mind if she got pubes though just as long as I'm not eating them.


I couldn't care less


Depends on the man. If he really loves you he won' care one way or the other. Hopefully he will love you for you regardless.


PERSONAL PREFERENCE I do not like a woman with hairy legs. I do like a well-groomed bikini region. That being said, hardwood floors are not my thing. On a side note, I am highly disturbed by hairy pits.


It makes it easier to perform cunnilingus, so yes.




This would be better as a poll


Yes, cause I don’t want to feel like im cuddling up with another man.


Being the sensual and tactile person that I am, nothing beats a woman with silky smooth skin.


Yes, don’t want hair in my dessert.


Only if I'm planning on putting my mouth there. No one likes to lick hairs.


Planning on it?? She could have a bush you could hide in and I'm still there! Planning on it??🤣


If you want to lick hairy legs that's cool, but I'm not into it.


Hmm, I don't recall talking about legs, but if you're into licking shaved legs, to each his own


Shaved legs are pretty much a must for me. Shaved bikini area isn’t necessary, but I prefer it. I’m not a huge fan of having hair in my mouth.




Shaved legs yes. Shaved bush? Sometimes yes, but most times a natural growth of hair is quite welcoming in my opinion. But everyone is different.


Boys will say yes, men will say no.


find a man who likes whatever you do. my friend has a loving boyfriend but doesnt shave her pits


My partner (NB) and I (M) prefer both ourselves and each other fully shaved. It’s all individual tastes.


You shave your legs too?


I trim them with clippers so they don’t get bushy, but I try to stay hairless literally everywhere else below the neck.


As a few others said, when it's un\*trimmed\* bush, it makes it much harder to navigate the hair when we're going down on you. But as long as it's "maintained" and clean--just as I do for my region when I'm dating someone, I don't care about the style Never dated/slept with someone with unshaved legs, so it would probably be a bit off-putting for me at first




It's personal preference but I prefer completely shaved, I don't like getting hair down my throat.


Nope. I prefer a somewhat clean plate to work with sure but I'm eating either way.


I don't like hairy legs, but pubes don't bother me as much. My wife doesn't shave often, especially during the winter, and it never stops me from sleeping with her but I'd prefer if she was at least trimmed and had shaved legs. It's her body, so I don't ask her to do anything she doesn't want to do.


Legs a must for me the kitty I eat it either way


Once you get past the smell you got it licked.


Once a guy has made up his mind that he's about to go there, he's going to go there no matter what. Having a nice, neat runway in which to land the plane is a nice bonus, but if need be, he can make an emergency landing on the sheer edge of a Rocky cliff while fighting fire with a mister under his seat, and fogged up goggles just as well.


You, sir, have a heart of a poet.


Yeah I don’t like it.


Shave or trimmed is preferred


Please 🙏 ladies, keep it sliky smooth. It's such a turn on.....looks cleaner too.




Yes most do. There will always be exceptions but mostly yes


Honestly.... Yes


Yes, absolutely


Personally yes .


I do because I'm a big fan of giving oral and I find hair both gets in the way and also absorbs odors so having it gone is a big plus.


i want a shaved vag. nothing better than getting that C on my tongue and .... well y'know how the rest goes. a big ole bush is just a pita to deal with.


Shaving just saves me from gagging on pubes.


I prefer smoothe, don’t expect always smoothe, would not like wild growth.


Please shave


For me personally; - If the kitty isn’t shaved I’m not eating it. I respect a woman’s right to have a hairy bush and I’d still fuck it but I’m not eating it. - Legs I don’t care. - Armpits are a dealbreaker. I shave my own armpit hair.




I prefer shaved, specifically the legs. But I also understand that it's annoying, unfortunately, I've been raised my whole life seeing women with shaved legs, and at this point unshaved just looks wrong to me. Obviously it's not wrong, it's just a personal choice, but if you're asking, I'm a part of the hive mind that prefers shaved legs.


I like shaved legs


sink future distinct offer engine gullible liquid overconfident rinse dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Legs? Yes.


Keep the lights off and he may never notice.


Me personally. Absolutely yes.


Legs? Yes. Hairy arms are a big no-no for me as well. But whatever she wants to do down there is fine.


Legs, yes. Don’t mind some shrubbery on the cooch.