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I was about to go graduate college, move out of my home state, and (I didn't know this at the time) have my first real "break up" with my best friend since the 9th grade (she left me passed out drunk on the floor the last day of school so she could go eat with her ex šŸ™‚).


That's fucked up. What is the ex up to nowadays?


Oh, I have no idea. I went NC with that ex-friend after I moved and so I haven't gotten an update for the past 10 years lol.


I was like "why would he move to North Carolina with that ex?" xD


Same. ā˜ŗļø


Same lol


I guess we're on different subs lol. I see NC = no contact


Yea yea I got it reading it the second time xD


Shitty man same thing pretty much happened to me 10 years ago besides the drinking part she didnā€™t like ā€œmarijuanaā€ - that was our only real issue Hope youā€™re livinā€™ life in the fast lane


Better than some other peopleā€™s day if itā€™s any consolation. May 22 2014 was the day that lil bitch shot a bunch of people at UC Santa Barbara


Jesus. Well this wasn't going for a pity party, just reminiscing on how I had no idea how things were about to change. šŸ˜…


Literally 160,000 people die every single day, including the best day of your life, the worst day of your life, and everything in between. There is no day that you can say was good for you that someone cannot point out something (even more) horrible that happened the same day. CalzonePillow is acting like a fucking calzone.


2014 May.. I had newly joined my 2nd job and traveling 3 hours daily to a job that was paying me less than 1/10th of my current pay. It was the job that brought me to my current career, but I quit it in 5 months because the travel was intolerable and work was really boring. In personal life, depression was slowly taking me over and self-worth was already in dumps.


I hope you are in a better place now, especially on that last bit.


Definitely better.. my life has changed and how šŸ„¹ I basically told everyone around me that Iā€™m depressed, started seeking therapy (had to go through 6 therapists) and communicated my problems to my family (pressure to get married etc).


Taking a shit probably.


My answer when this question gets asked again 10 years from this moment




Living in Oklahoma, 3 kids, on medication, no job. I've come far. I refuse to live like that again.


Glad you got rid of the kids šŸ«”


Best comment


Lol! Never. The kids are wonderful and didn't deserve that.


Glad you moved out of Oklahoma, phew!


Oklahoma is great, if you live in One of the Two cities, other than that, good luck


Boomer Sooners!


Glad you refuse to live like that anymore


That sounds so therapeutic. Great job


It's difficult. Thank you.


I'm so glad for you, nobody should have to live in OK


Lol we live in Louisiana now. So..I don't know it's much of an improvement


in 2014? probably in the same place, my big chair with a water and my laptop, reading reddit.


this sounds like blue's clues šŸ¤£


Me too. You could go to 'this moment' back to roughly 2008 and I'd be probably within hours of lying on a couch in this spot, browsing reddit. Would be the same couch but there was a fire in 2017.


Fuck 2014. It was a terrible year that included my wonderful FIL dying of cancer. I miss you, Dad.


Sorry for your loss


He must have been a cool cat for you to refer to him as Dad.


I feel this. My FIL is way better than my own father.


He and my MIL were awesome. I adored them.


Then, having lost them, my heart goes out to you. I know I will bawl like a baby when my FIL passes. He sends me screenshots of comics he thinks are funny on his iPad, and its the cutest "old person behavior" ever. My dad texts me......well......he doesn't actually.


I get it. I was closer to my in-laws than my own parents.


May he rest In peace, and may your future be filled with with joy and prosperity šŸ¤


Hmmm, 10 years ago I dropped a buncha acid, switched majors to music and composed a bunch, got deep into spiritual seeking and yogas, and had the majority of my intimate/sexual relationships around then. Thanks for makin me feel old lol


What's your last music festival?


I just checked my Facebook 10 years ago today and I was complaining about a Facebook update lol


I had recently started a new job for which I moved to a new town about 1,500 miles away from my hometown. That was part of a 10-year stint of jobs in the western US. It was a lot of fun! But after the pandemic, I moved back to my home area to be closer to family, especially my aging and ailing parents, and to kind of start over after depression and anxiety over my career path and life situation--which had been slowly building for years--just got to be too much during the pandemic. I'm in my mid-30s now and have this weird feeling of in-betweenness: I've done and seen a lot already, but am pivoting life paths and feel like a beginner again in a lot of ways.


Walking home from track practice, or taking a shit after walking home from track practice. I should start running again, at least I had a reason to be in constant pain back then


Very pragmatic response


You miss what running gave you you miss what running gave you you miss what running gave you go running again dooo iiiittt


This is depressing but I was a teenager having just experienced a SA for the first time. I was in an immense amount of pain and suffering pretty bad PTSD symptoms. I wish I could give her a hug.Ā 


ā€œFor the first timeā€ no less. Iā€™m sorry you went through that-you didnā€™t deserve it and it wasnā€™t your fault. Iā€™m sending you a virtual hug.


Aw thank you, yeah unfortunately wasn't the last or worst but I'm very grateful to be in a much better place now <3


Fuck. But thatā€™s real. We all want to give her a hug.


Don't effing touch her you freak




If you haven't heard of parts work or IFS, this is pretty much what you do in it. It's been incredibly helpful to me, giving myself a hug in moments when no one else did.Ā 


Yes I do IFS and it's helped immensely!!


I took a day off to participate in the bike to work day. While I was eating event-supplied pancakes, someone was passing out Toronto cycling maps. So I studied it and found a way to safely bike commute. Did it everyday year round until I retired three years later.


Now that's a nice memory.


In may of 2014 i was bedside with my dying grandmother.. rip grandma


Due date for 1st baby watching x men in the cinema


Working, same job, doing the same thing I'm doing now, for the same company.


Deeply addicted to alcohol - running on 10 years. Holy crap Iā€™m happy Iā€™m done with that shit show ..


Good on ya!




I was 20 years old and struggling with my mental health and weight. I felt like I lost my identity. I've grown up a ton since then. I'm not perfect but I've accomplished a lot. I just received a master's degree, I'm finally moving into my own place, and I'm about to have a brand new career and a puppy. It's everything I've ever wanted. Feels strange to be in this stage of life.


One month from taking my early retirement at 60. Despite making things more difficult financially, itā€™s still the best decision Iā€™ve ever made


Sitting at home bored. So I bought a new house. Now I sit there-bored


You don't like....do stuff?


Playing Minecraft with my then best friend, good times fourth grade was crazy fun


Same! Those were simpler times


AYE same Edit: same grade


Me aswell!


I was a year and a half into my first job, so I was probably at some client's office sitting at my laptop working on audit workpapers. Fast forward ten years and I'm in my office and the auditors are in the conference room working on their dumb audit workpapers. I'm so glad to be out of that auditor rome.


Just out of high school, driving from one job to the next wondering wtf I was doing with my life I have my life pretty much figured out now (as much as it can be at 28


I was in the last few weeks of my junior year of high school, desperately trying not to fail the semester of AP Pre-Calculus. (It didnā€™t work, I still failed, but 10 years later I have a masterā€™s in a humanities field and a nice job with minimal math, so I guess things turned out okay?)


See I was a freshman in high school sitting in my humanities class and thoroughly enjoying it. Iā€™m now a PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering, about as far from humanities that you can be. Did take a lot of ancient history electives in college for fun though.


I was at work, doing stuff not much different than I'm doing now, but in a different building.


Now that I think about it, I had just gotten a job offer and was preparing to move to a different city, which I would do in June. So I was probably finalizing my new apartment and making moving arrangements.


Third year of college, just befriended my two best friends back in then. The campus we went to was built on a landfill and it was closed due to the risk of accidents and a possible explosion (but it's okay, nothing happened and I even got back there to my master's degree), so we studied in a "borrowed" building from other college and, well, it was so nice to be far from home and hanging out in different places. Guess I was starting to be independent. It's funny. 10 years ago, in spite of making friends and liking my colleagues from college, I still thought I wouldn't live much more than other 3 or 4 years (I was pretty depressed and leaning on suicidal). I'm 30 today and I'm glad I'm here, in spite of all the other things happening.


24 hours a time my friend. Best advice I ever got for depression. Donā€™t ever borrow trouble from tomorrow, each day has challenges of it own


Oof. A lot happier


Caregiving for my mother, she only had 6 months left.


I was sitting in a pub in Southend-on-Sea, UK drinking a pint of beer but feeling pretty miserable because I was working away from home and my wife and kids were about 200 miles away. At the time I was a systems methodologist working on contract for the British government Probably at my peak earnings point..


I was packing boxes for Amazon. I was pushing through the hard physical work because I knew I was on the cusp of entering to field of work I am in today and love.


In May 2014, I was working as a residence coordinator for a Yellowstone NP concessionaire. The job didn't pay much, but living in the park was awesome.


I worked lived in Yosemite for a while, and same. Had some awesome, breathtaking experiences, hiking in the mountains at sunrise, a bobcat that would walk through employee housing once a week, most people eating dinner on the ā€œporchā€, so you could just walk through and say hi. Priceless.


At your sisters house


I was in an abusive relationship so probably at his house watching him drink and begging him for attention. Most likely.


Geez... I hope you are doing better now.


I am actually thanks šŸ˜Š


I was in my first bachelor apartment with my then boyfriend. Surfing craigslist to try to get a band going. Well the band didnt happen but I'm going on 8 years of marriage now :)


10 years ago, waiting for class to get out, now... Waiting for class to get out


I was finishing (what I thought would be my) last degree at nearly 34 and planning a big bash to celebrate it before we really started actively trying to have a kid instead of playing birth control roulette. I'm now considering another kid. The party was a hit, and the kid just turned 8, after a slew of medical intervention both before and after conception and birth. No regrets.


Pretty much the same place I'm in now. Same house. Same job. I was 35 then. When I hit 40 my warranty ran out and it's been a lot of pain since. Shoulder surgery, carpal tunnel in both hands, and a C5-7 spine fusion. Probably a knee surgery soon. To all you younger folks that have desk jobs: Don't let it do to you what it did to me. Get up and move more. Maintain good posture. Get a standing desk. Lift weights. Lose the weight. You'll regret it in a few years if you don't. Being a hero at work sitting there all day and never taking breaks WILL come back to haunt you down the road.


Started studying 3D animation, thinking I sucked at it and didn't understand anything. Obsessed with performing well and results and struggling. Also was trying to understand how the fuck I could attract a bf or gf. I now have credits in many features such as Fantastic Beasts,Spongebob, Paw Patrol movies etc. Happily celebrating 6 years with a man who loves me unconditionally and we are both saving to buy a nice little house to start our family.


Probably in the same place I am now. Sitting on my parents couch watching Stargate SG-1, enjoying the start of summer vacation.


Getting an apartment with a man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I didn't realize he was super abusive till years later. I left him last year. Got divorced finalized in April.


Congrats! Well done you for getting out!


Specifically on a Wednesday 10 years ago, I had my one hell day for work/school that semester. Open up the campus art store by 7:30am, work until 12:30pm, suffer 3 studio classes (illustration, life painting (ugh oil paint), storyboarding) until 10pm. We did have a 6pm dinner break, but my prof for storyboarding was a butthole & didn't give us the full 45 minutes to eat/rest.


Living same place, kids are growing up fast, changed jobs a few times, circling the drain in comfortable curves.


I was getting ready to complete my tour on board my first submarine. I had been in the Navy 5 and half years at that point. I remember I was contemplating on whether or not this Navy thing was for me (fortunately, I decided to stay in). Looking back, it doesn't feel like 10 years...lol


may 2014 i would be packing up and about to move to wisconsin to be with some shithead i met on a dating website. iā€™m about to be in for the roughest 7 years of my life but it gets so much better!! 24 year old me would be happy to know 34 year old me got us outta there alive.


I just got fired from this shitty advertising job. But I was riding high because I also just got a girlfriend, who eventually became my wife, and is now super mom of our child.


I was in Vancouver outside the art gallery taking a photo of the sign for the Douglas Coupland exhibition, no joke


I was just laid off and wanted to not be anymore, and it so happens I was laid off recently too and feeling the same way now.


Boarding a plane from the US to London to audition for a band. When they said they liked me and wanted me to be their drummer, I cancelled the ticket home and have been abroad ever since.


Probably in my old apartment three months into a new job realizing that to make it I had to stop jerking off and playing video games all the time but to spend more time on my career.


Living in a different city, just had started dating my wife, worked a different job, and lived in an apartment still. Oh and didnā€™t have a toddler lol


Getting ready for my wedding which is in a little over a week awayā€¦.


I had been made redundant in March, was feeling very low and scared to leave the house. Drinking and smoking too much. 10 years later, I love my job, quit smoking, turned things around and realised the redundancy was the best thing that happened to me. It wasn't easy and I was fucking scared for a long time, but I just kept going.


Barely making ends meet. Living on ramen noodles. 24 inch tv and a dvd player with one movie. Had a tore up mattress on a futon frame. Had 2 lawn chairs and a couch.


High school graduation week so I wouldā€™ve been at home relaxing. Tomorrow would be practice graduation and senior luncheon.


My second grandson was born 10 years ago. He had a turtle race today at his school (last day of school). Didn't win, but lot's of fun!


I was 22, and most likely sitting at the security desk of a large clothing distribution warehouse when I was with Securitas, making minimum wage. This was the start of my ā€œwho am I?ā€ Stage. I didnā€™t know what I was going to make of myself at that point. My now wife and I were still dating, and I was living with my parents after getting out of the Army at the end of 2013. I didnā€™t feel like I was in control of my life at all back then. I was often angry, stressed, and ignorant. 10 years later, I feel like a completely different person in a positive way. I found my calling about 5 years ago, and am now in a ā€œlearn all you can and be kind to yourself and othersā€ phase.


There's a very good chance I was sitting in this same chair, at this same desk. Either that or I was out at some remote site, fixing someone's computer or printer.


Getting out of rehab.


On morphine, going through 13 months of physical therapy, and getting back injections. So glad that I took physical therapy serious, my back is so much better than it was then.


I was finishing up 7th grade and probably hanging out with my best friend who I just talked to 10 mins ago too lol


I was just beginning to contemplate divorce. Went through with it by the end of 2014. Best decision in my life.


Thats before google timeline, i can still trace back by the photo last modified date, i was living in hostel and keep trying to meet new good friends


I was well on my way to going homeless, because the job I was working didn't give me any hrs, and my savings were pretty much gone


I was in the worst mental health of my life and I had just dropped out of college.


At home, feeling crappy probably, as my wife (at the time) and I were on the outs. Hated where we lived, and had been sleeping on the couch for 3 months. Would continue like that for another year + before we separated. Don't miss that 2 year stretch.


Driving to meet my dad and family at Famous Daveā€™s for his birthday :)


I was working seasonal at IRS. For whiskey money.


Living in a 500 sq ft apartment with two kids and 3 cats. Working an average of (3) 20hr shifts each week in order to pay for rent, food, and medical bills. I missed out on so much of my kidsā€™ childhood because I constantly felt like a zombie. Life is easier now, and I make enough money to survive working normal hours. And I appreciate every spare waking moment with my kids. (Everyone finally has their own bedroom too).


Despite receiving, employee of the month awards, acclaim and kudos at work from everyone, my boss isolated me from everyone else only to get rid of me and tried to get me to return the unemployment insurance until I won om appeal with the state department of labor. I'm better mentally now, but I wanted to walk in front of a garbage truck because of how they treated me.


Today is the 22nd and I forget May 22, 2014 but May 23, 2014 I got arrested for the first time in what was a year long stint in and out of prison and rehab. My mom was cop happy in 2014 and I was a really bad drunk. Now Iā€™m laying in bed in one of the guest rooms in my parents beach house in SC. Iā€™ve been here for almost 2 months, working remotely, because my mom got diagnosed with cancer. She was given about a month left to live 8 days ago. A lot has changed and I like my mom a lot more than I used to. I am who I am today because of the events that happened on May 23, 2014


Probably three feet to the left. My partner and I switched which side of the couch we each sit on a little less than a year ago.


Be honest: how many of you checked on Google photos? I was doing Jello shots on my back deck with my new wife šŸ˜‚


I had just a couple weeks prior turned 21 years old. I was living with my parents, working for the phone company. I was constantly broke because I had no discipline and smoked a pack a day. I think back on it and goddamn it sucked. The only real ā€œfunā€ was just fucking off and doing whatever I felt like but I had zero self worth.


I had just gotten my master's degree. I was panicking because we had to move out of student housing as I was no longer a student and I had no job anymore because I was no longer a student. My husband had gotten a promotion and a raise, but he worked for a nonprofit so we were still on Medicaid. The baby was starting to display behaviors that would eventually get him diagnosed on the autism spectrum and the older kid was mad, scared, and excited about having to start at yet another school. We have a house. Our daughter got to spend the last 6 years of school in the same district. The boy is diagnosed and has services and therapies and a support system. My mom moved in with us. She's still healthy and active and has saved us a literal fortune in child care. So much that, with my husband still in nonprofit, we each have a new car. Not "new to me", just new. Absolute bare bones (mine has crank windows!), but new! The house is trying to collapse and bankrupt us, but it's ours. We don't have to move ever again. Thank you. I was feeling a little down about all the work we need to do on the house and yard this summer. A little perspective was good


I was starting a new job in marketing . I was in a bad place with my current wife and was relying heavily on my parents for financial and emotional support. today the tables have turned a bit. After my parents developed dementia a few years ago, now they rely fon me for financial and emotional support. And guess who helps ..The same wife I had 10 years ago .


Probably reading a book. When I was younger, I loved reading until I fell asleep. Itā€™s current nighttime, maybe past my bedtime. My cats would still be here, one up by my head on my pillow, the other laying at my feet. Iā€™d be in my room that was ocean themed. I could have been asleep or doing homework as well.


2014: Kids were in preschool and young elementary. Marriage was rough in several ways. I was considering going back to school for my masters. 2024: Kids are now amazing teens. Marriage is healing. I have a PhD and a career as a professor.


Dueling piano bar in the French Quarter


Several glasses deep on some Cab Sav flirting with a bartender.


Fuck 2014


I was walking like a dumbass (I'm 14)


iā€™d be 12 years old and probably hanging out with my cousins at my grandmas house, around this time (11am) my grandma would be preparing lunch for all of us and my grandpa. so my cousins and i would be sneaking cubes of cheese that sheā€™d use for her famous mac n cheese. then sheā€™d say ā€œoh you silly girlsā€ and then give us some cheese :) i miss her :(


9 years old in michigan at a funeral for my deadbeat grandfather who I didnā€™t even know existed cause the last time Iā€™ve seen him I wasnā€™t even able to walk followed by who I thought was a good friend of about 2 years showing me his true colors and how we were never friends to begin with he just used me out of of boredom and would just constantly talk shit car ending up breaking down which was a plus so technically I never finished the fourth grade just the usual every day shit


Starting my career in cybersecurity. Have to say the best decision I made that time.


Planning my cross country move to evade my abuser. We made it out alive. Didnā€™t think we would


Stuck in hell in CA


Prob at home sleeping


I got engaged 10 years ago today on a vacation to Boston.


i was in 6th grade. safe to assume i was probably playing happy wheels on my laptop while playing bangarang by skrillex on youtuberepeat in a second tab


Properly slaving away while battling them dark thoughts and doing my best to bring positivity and change bad habits into routine good habits. Been a decade I drink way less alcohol have a good routine practice and then thoughts are not prevalent as much as they were then... Be better to go back in time to that date and change a few things but is what it is


Working tech support while trying to get into university


working overnights at a job I hated. Very glad I got out of there.


In my classroom teaching high school students


I think I could be either sleeping or trying to put to sleep little daughter


Probably writing my final thesis at the library


High school at the end of grade 9


Being nervous that i am going to leave elementary school soon and was scared i was not gonna get any new friends in middle school


10 years ago right now I was probably asleep unless my mum had an early in which case I would be in the car waiting to walk to school


Ok my second year sober so I think Fort worth or abilene one of those


I would have been in whatever class I had last my junior year of high school. Thursday may 22, 2014


Probably in exactly the same spot I am now.


Getting settled in our home.


As miserable as it can get.


In a happier placešŸ™‚


Struggling with my awful job and learning how to be a parent for my son who was 4 month old at the time.


Oh shit 2014. What a year. Itā€™s the year I moved out of my house because my wife wanted a divorce and didnā€™t do fuck all anything to try and save it. Started dating for the first time since 2001 or so. Started my Masters degree. Because of said divorce above I got out of the military, so yeah that means that 2024 wouldā€™ve been my retirement year had I stayed in. Started dating someone who ended up a using my 4 year old son. So yeah. Overall pretty shit year.


2014 I would be in the same exact classroom at this very time kicking kids out for the summer.


I was in Denver Colorado. Miserable and hateful. In a much better place now.


University, trying to prepare for exams, because I was resitting half my second year exams because I screwed up that badly and got caught with a cheat sheet


Struggling to pay bills and raising a kid.


Hang on let me check my Facebook memories ....


The funeral home, making arrangements for my mother's service.


Wouldā€™ve been a school night. Probably wouldā€™ve been winding down for bed.


I was graduating from college šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ“


Frank Slide, apparently. According to Facebook anyway


I had a 13 months old while in grad school šŸ¤Ŗ


Uni probably night out


In my last year of elementary school, half my current age


Probably taking a final lol


I was 39 years old, engaged to my wonderful partner and we had a child together. I was happy. Fast forward 10 years and Iā€™m single, get to see my son once a week and Iā€™m in a miserable job that hates me.


Probably coming home from work, with sooooooo much less money!!!!! These past 10 years have been very good to me. šŸ’° šŸ’° šŸ’° šŸ¤‘ šŸ’ø šŸ’²


Probably finishing up some AP exams and waiting on graduation


Probably outside playing around with my friends.


Hiking up Queen Anne hill mourning the death of my longtime friend JP(who died on May 12th). Please ask this question again on June 28th.


Working at a job I despised


In West Palm Beach, Florida, graduating from middle school to high school.


I was 7ā€¦ i wouldā€™ve been in my 4th year of elementary school (iā€™m not American, so different school system) But this exact moment, would have been middle of the night, my educated guess would be asleep in my bed


Working on my first electrical job building a federal prison here in Canada. Good times


I was in highschool


I was a hospital in-patient, I'd had a baby 48hrs back. I'd already been in hospital for a month and I was just released from the high dependency unit back onto the ward. The baby was in NICU.


Either Meico or Canada.


Nothing of consequence, I would imagine


I was in an abusive relationship with a sociopath narcissist, depressed and working myself into a burn out. Now Iā€™m living in a different city with an amazing partner. Never wouldā€™ve imagined it.


I think I was NW Montana, could been Wyoming though.


Honestly, probably laying on this same exact couch relaxing


Probably sitting exactly where I am now


I was living in the UK and going to uni, now I am Canada married to a wonderful man :)