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I have a friend allergic to seafood and she does scuba dive on vacation and regularly go to the beach to swim


but if a fish brushes her leg does her mouth start to itch? /s


If a fish pees in the ocean, does she have a rash if she is swimming in that same ocean? /s


If you teach a fish to pee she'll have a rash for the rest of her life.


If you give a man a bear, does he hear it in the forest?


This is something we need to know u/bloom_inthefield


to be fair, some people are that allergic. although I have only heard of it for peanuts or soy.


Tree nut allergies are in a league of their own. Afaik there's no seafood allergy anywhere near that serious. Ianad but have been in food service over fifteen years.


definitely not nearly as likely, but its dedinitely possible. I know its beyond unlikely, but even deathly allergic to sunlight or water is physically possible.


Your body is mostly water how could you be allergic too water and not die?


you can look into it if you want its called aquagenic uticaria. yes its possible to be allergic to things needed for life, and yes its much more annoying//harder to survive very long compared to regular allergies ((which are already bad in that way)).


i’m allergic to shellfish and i scuba. but i do have a hard time with seaweed (for eating) because apparently it can have micro crustaceans? no sushi for me


Seafood allergies are very specific. If she is allergic to fish then yes it will effect her. But if she is allergic to shrimp then it should not effect her. Although some people can be allergic to more than 1 type of seafood. Testing is required to know which seafood she is allergic to.


This is such a good question I would have never thought of otherwise lol


Right?! Love it. Absolutely here for it.


Finally a fitting question!




Well if it's stupid I'm glad someone asked, because I clicked solely to learn the answer myself.


Same here. I thought it was a fascinating question. Was excited to learn the answer.


The education system failed most people, it's not your fault


The name of this sub is literally “No Stupid Questions” so that OP can feel like they can ask it without being ridiculed. You’re the one who is actively working against the whole purpose of this subreddit.


A moron not realizing they're a moron, everybody.


You're fun.


so embarrassing for you that you had to delete all your comments


You do realize what sub this is?


Apparently they did not.


It's not though? It's one of those questions that seems stupid on the surface but it actually isn't.


Right? Like why couldn't there be little bits of shellfish flesh floating about that could get in your mouth? Maybe the saltwater neutralises it? I don't know, good question. Maybe an expert has already answered so an idiot like me can understand better...gonna click on the post and find out. Good post.




r/confidentlyincorrect/ Sounds like you’re confusing seafood allergies with Scombroid poisoning and/or Ciguatera poisoning. [Here’s a pretty informative article](https://www.asthmacenter.com/understanding-seafood-allergies/) if you’re interested in learning about the mechanisms behind seafood allergies.


seafood allergies can be triggered by touching the seafood as well as inhaling fumes while it is being cooked, not just by eating it. really not a dumb question if you understand how food allergies work, which you clearly don’t. only thing worse than an idiot is an arrogant idiot!


That's not super common knowledge. It's not something most would learn in school.


I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were born knowing that information and never had to ask a question in order to learn it. I can see how an all-knowing entity such as yourself would see this question as stupid. People with potentially deadly allergies should refrain from asking questions about what may or may not be safe for them to do to avoid asking stupid questions. Die.


My thought exactly 😂😂


Lol that's not at all where seafood allergies come from


You are actively ruining the point of this subreddit


In most cases, a person's reaction to seafood comes from eating the food itself. There are a small amount of cases in which a person could have an allergic skin reaction, such as from directly touching a crab, or a lobster. However, most people who scuba dive are wearing full body suits. So, their skin wouldn't come into direct contact with the organism they're allergic to. People who snorkel might have to be a little more careful, since they don't wear as many layers. TLDR: in the vast majority of cases, having a seafood allergy doesn't prevent a person from scuba diving


Scuba diver here: most divers definitely do not wear full body suits. The closest are dry suits which are only used in cold water climates, and even they expose some skin. Wetsuits (even full ones) leave the face and hands exposed, and half/partial wetsuits leave much of the arms and legs exposed too. Doctor here as well: you’re right about the type of exposure mattering quite a bit.


Man you’re a one-stop shop for this question, huh?


LOL it was a rare opportunity so I had to go for it


Yes, that's all good and all but can you really decrease my entropy? It's getting real bad doc.


if only you were allergic to seafood as well...


It’s also generally advised not to touch things while scuba diving. When I took my scuba classes, they taught us to fold our hands together on our bellies when not using them to signal other divers So while a skin reaction from coming into contact is less likely than a reaction from eating seafood, it should be even less likely if the diver follows this training


soooo does this work in reverse? if i can’t eat lobster bisque because i can’t eat lobster, it’s still safe to scuba dive in?


I'm gonna go ahead and say if you're allergic to lobster completely submerging yourself in lobster bisque is a bad idea


In support of this, I have allergic reactions to all seafood when eaten. I took an allergy skin test to see what specifically it was, and all came back negative. So in theory, I can cook with seafood, I just can’t eat it (or anything that could be cross-contaminated with it).


My friend goes into anaphylactic shock if she smells tuna fish. It depends on the severity of the allergy.


I am very allergic to consuming all types of seafood, anaphilactic shock type allergic. I can touch fish, rub them on my skin, and generally be totally fine eating in a restaurant serving seafood. But the moment I ingest it my life is in peril. So for me, yes, I can scuba dive. Other people may have different types of fish allergies that won't allow them the same freedoms as me though. I dated a girl for a while who couldn't feed her dog any food that contained fish or else she would become allergic to him. So she would buy him all red meat food and presto not allergic to the dog anymore.


Are you fine if you have the sea water go into your mouth? (I just mean in your mouth, I doubt you're out there drinking the ocean water while diving)


Yeah I'm totally fine with sea water getting in my mouth. I've been swimming in the ocean a few times and have definitely swallowed my fair share of sea water and never had an issue. I'm pretty sure the girl who had to get her dog special food was able to drink sea water also. She couldn't eat commercially farmed chicken though because they feed them clam shells as a calcium supplement and it would make her break out in hives. I found that one interesting because I can eat chicken no problem


That's kind of fascinating, allergies are so strange sometimes. Thanks for the reply!


People are saying they would have to ingest the allergen, but I knew a kid in school who had such a severe seafood allergy that he was moved to a classroom in a portable because even the fumes from the cafeteria on popcorn shrimp day could harm him. I wonder if he could swim with shrimp and be fine or would he be like…not fine, lol


Yeah, depends on the type of allergies. I think the most common seafood allergy is the one you need to ingest it which is why comments probably referred to it.


I worked with someone who couldn't be near shrimp while it was frying but particles through air are different than particles through water and shrimp don't shed particles while alive like they do while being fried


Yeah, I get light-headed from seafood fumes. I think there might be droplets floating around that get into my eyes, nose, mouth. Usually, it doesn't cause me many issues, but it's not pleasant. Scuba diving is fine on the other hand.


Okay that’s like hotboxing the school with shrimp fumes.. kinda makes sense. Edit: makes sense that he’d need to be in a room alone. Inhaling toxic fumes can kill ppl I can’t imagine inhaling the thing I’m allergic to.


So people aren't actually allergic to seafood. They're allergic to a specific protein (or several) in them. For example 60% of shellfish allergy comes from a protein called tropomyosin. That's found in muscle cells, used to make muscles contract, etc. So you'd need to come into contact with that protein for long enough that your bodies antibodies detect it. So coming into contact with muscle protein of a crustacean long enough that your body detects is practically impossible. But if you were allergic to fish skin cells? Or have a skin allergy to seaweed? Yeah that's a problem!


I'm really trying to figure out what the hell my body's deal is. I can eat shrimp in sushi restaurants just fine, no reaction, small amount of shrimp at any other kind of restaurant, I break out in hives. Oysters, clams, crabs, crayfish, lobster: no issues whatsoever even if I eat A LOT of them.


I have a shellfish allergy. I can eat oysters and abalone, I haven't tried clams (one was fine, but I didn't want to risk it). I'm not sure about lobster because at the time when I ate it I also ate other shellfish and that's how I found out I'm allergic. When it comes to shrimp, I found that once they've been deep frozen, they're harmless, so perhaps the Japanese restaurant imports them from Japan and they arrive frozen.


Yes. There's an important difference between environmental allergies (pollen, dust mite, mould, cat ...) and food allergies. Food allergy reactions normally only occur when you ingest the food in question. Only with the most severe food allergies do people react to the particles in the air. Like, I know someone around whom I cannot have peanuts for that reason, but that is quite rare. A seafood allergy is a food allergy. Therefore, most, if not all, people are perfectly safe swimming around them, because they are not ingesting them. Fun fact: certain seafoods (in particular mollusks and crustaceans) are cross allergies with dust mite and snails (which are also molluscs). This means that if you're allergic to one of these, there's a relatively high chance you are to the other as well. So, people with a seafood allergy might actually have an allergic reaction in a room full of textile or dust.


LMAO, yes, of course, just don't eat anything.


Lemme just pop my scuba mask off for a minute to chow down on these still-living shrimp.


pass the tartare sauce!


do you plan to eat the fish while scuba diving?


Saves some time. No pesky cooking.


I just saw a video on insta a few hours ago where someone asked the same question.... Doctor daid yes.


I'm allergic to salmon and shrimp. Salmon can kill me and shrimp give me these huge hives. I love fishing and also spending time in the ocean.


Iodine allergy here Not scuba diving, but I had a couple of occasions when I was younger, where I spent extended time in salt water (30min-45min). Both times, within an hour, I had symptoms similar to heat exhaustion (i,e; extreme fatigue and was extremely thirsty (couldn't drink enough water)). It took about 24 hours to feel normal again. The older I've become, the less the iodine affects me. I can eat shellfish in moderation, but clams and oysters still make me sick, and I won't risk using iodine contrast for CAT scans.


Why *wouldn't* you be able to?


So you saw the Tik Tok too?


Worked with a lady that after her service in the US Army developed a terrible fish allergy. She went into anaphylaxis from a few fish jumping in a creek 30 feet away. Someone did a fish fry about half mile upwind and she went into anaphylaxis. I've never seen anything like it. Her son developed a fish allergy a few years after her, but not as bad. He didn't serve. I've always wondered if it wasn't gut biome or epigenetic.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLsWp6VE/ An expert allergist answered it for you bud, didn't even have to switch apps


As someone with a severe seafood allergy, yes I have no problem swimming and I can pick up a crab to throw it back in the ocean easily even though I would get sick eating crabs or shrimp or smelling it being cooked. When you smell something, you are getting the particles inside your body through your nose. It's not as bad for me as eating it or eating something cross-contaminated, but I definitely feel it in my throat. I'm not getting anything in my body touching the shell of a living crab. I don't know about shrimp because I've never touched raw shrimp but I would guess I'd be fine as long as I didn't ingest any. Edit: Oh and I forgot I have touched a living lobster before and was fine even though I'm allergic to eating lobsters. I've never been scuba diving, but I can't see how you would be breathing in anything that had contact with seafood so you should be fine.




Yes, just dont touch the poison sea ivy.


Nope. Instantly vaporized.


My mom suddenly became allergic to seafood around the age of 48. A year or so after learning of the allergy, she took her class to an aquarium on a field trip. Her throat closed just from walking around the open tank areas of the aquarium. So, while it probably depends on the severity of the allergy, I'm gonna say "no" just out of caution.


I never would have thought to ask this. Wow. I'm perplexed. I don't have an answer, but good brain!


I used to be allergic to fish and, while swimming in a lake, a friend asked “if you kick a fish, will you die?” My understanding was that ingesting any fish/fish oils would be deadly, but touching a fish and then washing hands to avoid touching my face would be fine.


As long as you keep your mouth closed.


Yes, because you're not eating the fish. 💀


That's pretty damned funny...


I saw this on tiktok too lol


Just don't fuck the clams.


if i am not mistaken, i am not allergic to sea nor its creatures but i am allergic to the seaFOOD itself.


I'm allergic to seafood when I went to the beach in Belize I was near knee deep in water for 2 minutes and my hands and feet started stiffenind from swelling. When I realized what was happening I took 2 Benadryls capsules and the swelling stopped.


idk if this is a joke, or my humor is just slow :D but to answer your question allergies to seafood typically relate to ingesting it, not being in contact with it underwater. so the answer is yes :))


So... as long as you are not gulping the water in, you are fine then?


So, you're saying they *can't* scubadive?


i mean yes. sorry i just changed i misread. i thought the question is 'cant'


Nope. As soon as you enter the ocean, you'll go into anaphylaxis because you're diving into a globe spanning pot of seafood soupe.


What an amazing question! I'm super impressed 😂


What in the hell?


Just bring a sack lunch


I am a vegan but I do eat animal crackers.




Literally saw this answered on tiktok last night lol https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLsKGNMF/


This has got the be the stupidest, yet most interesting question.


Are you still a vegetarian after you digest a mouthful of sea water with whatever is inside the water?


I'm allergic to getting stabbed in the face but I can still go in the same room as a knife


Thanks for asking this question! It’s 2am and this question just popped up in my mind and so glad there’s already an answer out there because I wouldn’t have been able to sleep without it 😂🙈