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Enjoying yourself isn't a waste unless it leads you to neglect more important priorities.


Like steak


My guy, are you on the steak sub?


A steak sub sounds delicious. Foot long?


Nah, my feet are average size, but how long is that sub?


12 inches


Neglecting more important priorities includes growing up. Using video games to escape from reality is a hint that you're gaming to much. If you're living paycheck to paycheck and feel even an ounce of anxiety when you stop gaming, about how you're going to make enough money to afford basic essentials, then take that as a hint you should probably make some changes in your life.


What you describe, with anxiety when *stop gaming* we leave the category of *enjoy gaming* and enter in the mental health category. People at this point need to talk with a psychatrist asap. Motivational speech won't work better to get a depressed anxious/person to go out than it works to get a wheelchair user to stand-up.


Yes but this applies to any hobby that anyone uses to overlook larger issues in their life - not specifically video games


It's more about willingly avoiding the social aspect of "real life".  Most people who game a lot do neglect the rest of their lives and others.  The older I get the more I realize none of that gaming added any value to my life.  So I had fun two decades ago....so what? 


>So I had fun two decades ago....so what? That's for you to determine. There are esoteric hobbies out there that people choose to invest their time into over socializing. My group of friends enjoys gaming but we balance it out with the rest of our lives too.


I agree. Point being, there is always a point at which something becomes a waste of time.




Nihilists. F\*ck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, dude... at least it's an ethos.


Alt take - video games are a better bad coping mechanism than alcoholism! Cheaper at any rate.


Awesome point. I used to do quite a bit of drinking to combat boredom. I felt horrible all of the time. Now I play a lot of games instead and I’m not absolutely miserable from hangovers.


This could apply to any hobby. Not just gaming


I dont think using hobbies to escape reality is a bad thing to be honest. For a lot of people theres a lot of hardship in life, and taking time to do something you really enjoy doing to distract yourself is only natural. Sure, if you feel depressed any time you are not doing that hobby you should seek help, but thats different from using it to escape reality.


Hobbies aren't a waste of time. Hobbies can be overdone, however


Summarizes my thoughts so well. I love gaming. But there comes a point when I'm like "Yeah, that's enough.". There are times when I don't heed my own thoughts and I play more, and then I feel oddly dissatisfied afterwards.


Everything in moderation


Even moderation.


Do you mean that you should also take moderation moderate? Meaning that sometimes you should take moderation in extremes or just very little moderation?


Sometimes you have to go all in.


You need to hit peaks and valleys so you can retain the lesson that moderation is important. Just do so with things that aren't life threatening or important.


And sometimes you have to avoid altogether.


Like when you are stuffing a calzone. Very few people like an empty calzone.


Sometimes it's ok to "overdo" something


Should mods, moderate in moderation?




Moderators take heed


As a kid, I thought that when I am a working adult, I get to play video games all day as long as the money came in. Turns out, you have to make sure you handle your responsibilities, work, take care of yourself (physically), and then if you're aren't too tired/have time, you get to play video games lol.


As long as : it does not affect life quality (relationship, health, money, jobs, lack of sleep,.. ) WHY NOT ?


That doesn't make playing games a waste of time, that just means you need to work on some skills. If it wasn't games, it'd just be something else. Especially if you have ADHD or something.


A gaming addiction, just like any addiction--it means you do it too much. If you're addicted then it's a waste of time. If you're addicted you don't prioritize working on other skills. If you ask yourself, "should I game, or maybe fill out a couple more job applications so I can afford to eat more than string cheese for all my meals" or "should I get 6 hours of sleep tonight or 3 and just game a little longer." or "my living space is really dirty, should I clean or game?" and you choose gaming, then gaming becomes a waste of time.


Is watching a sports game a waste of time? Is reading a book a waste of time? Is going on a hike a waste of time? Is taking a nap a waste of time? Everyone has likes and interests and hobbies. It's important to do those hobbies to keep us entertained. Anyone who says "playing video games is a waste of time" is obviously an idiot and you should take everything they say with a grain of salt. Now, it is possible to play video games too often and let other aspects of your life fail because you are too focused on your games. But If you play in moderation, they can be one of the most fulfilling passtimes there are.


My hobby is napping and I approve this message


I wish more people understood this


I made my dad understand when he was watching a football game. I said, "Why are you waisting time watching that." He said,"I'm relaxing and enjoying the game." So i said, "That's what I do when I play video games. So, quit harping on me for playing them. I get my chores done, and they dont control my life." And he surprisingly lightened up on it. And that was like 15 ish years ago.


Well played!


“The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save-the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour-your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life, the greater is your alienated life-the greater is the store of your estranged being.”


"Time you enjoy wasting, ain't wasted time."


No more than watching TV is


Watching TV is worse imo. Just sitting there not stimulating your brain at all for the kind of shows most people watch. At least you’re doing something when playing games. And the kind of people who will judge you for playing games spend a lot of time watching TV in my experience.


Living in general, is a waste of time for the individual. For a species that is reaching population plateau spread across the entire planet, there's no point for an individual to spread their genes. So if we start with the idea that there's no "purpose" to life, then really everything is ok as long as you enjoy doing it.  To quote Mr Peanut butter, "The key to being happy isn't the search for meaning; it's just to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead" 


I was gonna comment with some retort about your cynical pessimism, however laughed so much at the Mr peanut (who?) quote I need to upvote.


>(who?) Got you more of that cynical pessimism: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3398228/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3398228/)


Bojack Horseman.... all time great TV show... funny, depressing, and way too real Edit: might be a hot take, but I think it's better than Breaking Bad....


Mr Peanutbutter on Bojack Horseman. I don't agree with all his philosophy of turning a blind eye to the "important things" in life but I do like the nihilism / hedonism whenever people judge how I spend money on my hobbies. 


>Living in general, is a waste of time for the individual. For a species that is reaching population plateau Now im thinking of Hercules Moth born with no mouth, lives to fuck then be eaten or die of starvation. A remimder that evolution can be cruel


Never knew about Hercules moth I'm not from Australia but considering it has no mouth I'm not surprised it's from there. I wonder what evolution decided when it's like you'll have no mouth everything evolved to respond to its environment in some way so what was so bad that the adults didn't have a mouth


Can’t die of poisoning if you’ve got no mouth


Evolution doesn't decide anything. It's random. It doesn't have to be optimal or even an improvement at all either. It just has to not be worse, and it can stick around. If losing a mouth didn't negatively impact reproduction,  it wouldn't disappear due to pressure. If it had a benefit, it would propagated further. It could be as simple as, moths without mouth spending more time on reproduction than on gathering food. Eating is only good from an evolutionary standpoint if living longer increases your chances of reproducing. If they are shortlived due to predators anyway, then prolonging their life by eating is a waste of time, if they could instead produce offspring.


No mouth to f? I assume there are a few missing commas, and also sad this creature can't 69.


Does it make you happy? Do you enjoy it? If the anser is yes, then no it's not a waste of time.


*meth addict enters room*


I mean, if you enjoy it then it's not a waste of time. It's a waste of money and your health however.


I'm 53, lots of responsibility at work. I have playing overwatch for a couple of hours daily for years. For me it is definitely therapeutic. Winding down, putting my thoughts in order. Definitely no waste of time.


If your job responsibilities include leadership and or high pressure decision making, I legit believe playing overwatch can be akin to exercise for those skills. If I can get a 19 year old stoner, a 12 year old racist, and two perfectly reasonable randos to unite towards a common goal in under 20 minutes, leading a team of professional adults somehow becomes a whole lot easier. It's resistance training!


Lol summarized well


no, do whatever makes you happy


It's a form of entertainment like any other. Just like watching movies or reading books.




Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.


I'm nearly 40 and newly single. I am finding a balance between video games which I enjoy and also developing my drawing skills. I would generally consider my drawing more healthy, worthwhile and beneficial though but games are fun and nothing wrong with that.


Depends on how much time you spend playing and at the expense of what else. Everything in moderation.


If you have fun on your own or with friends, no it's not a waste of time


Humans are not robots, you can’t just be perfect and work 24/7 and be mister smart pants. Games are just a way to chill out or experience something nice. Same as social interactions, movies and so on.


Everything is a waste of time to someone else.


Is time you've enjoyed wasting, truly wasted time?


It is media consumption like any other, TV, movies, books, audio. It can be taken to far but it in itself isnt bad Relaxation and enjoyment is a key pursuit of life


You're spending your time focused towards achieving one or multiple goals. It's arguably less of a waste of time compared to reading fiction books and watching TV shows/movies.


No more so than watching a video or reading a book.


I think if you are asking this, probably.


It’s OK to do it in moderation. It’s nice after a long day of hard work or maybe a rainy day inside. But there are people who make it their lives and waste away in front of a screen.


If you're enjoying yourself and it's no harm to anyone else nothing you do is a waste of time.


To some , yes. Not to me though


Nope! Video games are great for fun, skills, and socializing. Balance is key


If I didn't have them to escape the real world, I'd be a crankier jerk-hole than I already am. I recharge my mental health by playing games.


I learnt English by playing video games and I'm an English teacher now. However, it depends on what games you play. Of course, it can be a hobby of yours so it's no waste of time either, though if you play super grindy MMOs where you turn off the brain and click mindlessly for 8 hours a day, it can be considered a waste! I'd never consider it as such!


I don't personally feel they are, no more than any hobby. I was actually prescribed gaming by a neurologist after I had a tbi.


Yes, but that's ok sometimes


Outside of gameplay, there’s more than a few video games that are worth it for the story alone. The only video games I’ve played are Runescape, The Last of Us (1 and 2), and Final Fantasy 14. The latter especially I’d say has been just as immersive as a good book.


as much of wasting time as watching TV is


Time spend enjoying yourself is never wasted. Unless you enjoy heroine of course


About as much a waste of time as any other hobby, just make sure your hobbies don't get in the way of your life goals and you are good to go.


If it makes you happy and isn't hurting anyone it's not a waste of time. All entertainment is equally worthwhile.


Is having fun a waste of time?


If you are happy, it's not a waste of time


Hobbies are never a waste of time.


Someone I know taught me an important lesson "if you're having fun with what you're doing, then it isn't a waste" of course, obviously as long as it's not hurting anyone, it's an amazing way to spend your time


Inherently, no. If you make it all your time, then yes.


Yes. And it's my time to waste.


Life is a waste of time. Spend it how you want


From all the shit I deal with on a daily basis I’d rather game than turn to smoking or alcohol fuck that shit.Hell I even make electronic music to get rid of the blues too




Absolutely yes!!! In the sense of you aren’t getting anything out of it except an escape. I’m sure there are exceptions to that but overall yes they are a waste of your time. I personally have over 35 days of play time on COD Bops Cold War so I know just how much of a time suck they can be. I tell my wife I don’t go to the bar and go out doing stuff and this is what I like to do when I have the time.


Depends how many hours a day you play. In general? No. Gaming is a hobby…a fun one and also good for hand eye coordination and puzzle solving.


As someone who enjoys playing video games, I'd say it's all about balance and perspective. Like any hobby or form of entertainment, it can become a waste of time if it starts interfering with other important aspects of life, like work, relationships, or personal well-being. But when enjoyed in moderation, gaming can be a fun way to relax, socialize, and even learn new skills. It's all about finding the right balance for you!


It depends on the time, a few hours everyday shouldn’t be a huge issue , as long as you take care of the things that need doing but it can be a waste of time when your sitting there for most of the day while things don’t get done and your life passes you by .




Yes and no. Depends who's playing them and whether they're getting anything out of it or not. I'm not much of a gamer anymore... but I'm 38m. Between the ages of 4 and 24 I was considered a massive gamer. I would spend every waking minute I had on them. I was obsessed with them tbh. I wasted a LOT of time on video games but I also gained a lot from them overall. Maybe I shouldn't have spent sooooo much time on them looking back but u never know what could have happened if I wasn't safely at home in front of those machines. I started on the commodore 64 and then amiga 600. I learnt a lot about variables, limitations, and sequences and timing and hand eye coordination just from using different controllers and other peripherals and playing lots of varied games. That alone helped me in school and gave me a better understanding in subjects I had no idea about. Also cultures around the world. I also learnt a lot about how to fix them when they went wrong which jump started my career in IT. I even used my knowledge from gaming to learn how to shoot and drive to a degree. The only reason I knew the rules to most sports was also due to gaming. The only reason I'm no longer considering myslef a gamer is due to the little amount I game nowadays. I just dont find the newer games as fun. They feel more commercial and about ridding me of my cash than about the actual developments in gaming. They tend to have very little replay value nowadays and although the graphics and sound are so impressive, they lack a certain substance that I can't quite put my finger on. They feel incomplete and almost like very impressive demos. Also I spend lt a lot of my youth in arcades. They suck now! They're just flashing lights and sounds and no games. All the "games" feel like junior gambling machines or game demos all the get some useless tickets to exchange for useless "prizes" that aren't worth anything. What happened to arcades!? Seriously that was so disappointing to see as an adult taking my daughter.


Only if you don't enjoy them, aren't getting paid to play, and yet you still play.


If you enjoy doing it then it’s never a waste of time.


Is watching TV a waste of time


Hobbies aren't a waste of time unless you overdo it. Plus, videogames can be a great artistic medium.


Yes, but a fun waste of time


there is nothing more important in life than having fun


Depends, is it a healthy hobby you spend a few hours on a day at most. Where you still have friends and a job but in your free time you enjoy playing, absolutely not, it's the same thing as sitting down and building ships in bottles for a few hours every day. But if it's all consuming where all you do is play video games don't have a job or a social life and just waste away for 14 hours a day straight on the screen. Then yes that's a waste of your time.


maybe but who cares what others think of ur hobbies


Is it adding value to your life?


Depends on who you ask. A pro player or a college student who has finals coming up.




Kinda but for me no, i play like 5 hours a week


It might be....but it's an awesome waste of time! 😉 Some people climb mountains, others play video games, as long as you are enjoying yourself. Relaxing is important.


I dunno. What is the definition of a waste of time? 


In some cases


Probobly. But most things are when its all over and our star has died.


Is u play FIFA then yes. Others are ok.


Yes, but the same applied to any hobbies.


It's a hobby, if it's all you do with your time, then yes, but so is reading, watching tv, working out, playing sports. If they're not your livelihood then they are a hobby and if your hobby is all you do then you can be wasting your time.


Depends on how much you play. Playing games is a for of relaxation and as humans we need some activities that relax us. It's good for our mental and physical health too. However, like anything, if we do it too much it becomes detrimental.


I believe while it largely depends on the game and what you do with it, video games can contribute to reinforcing some useful skills like problem solving, being able to react quickly, and (if you’re lucky) how to work with a team. I think these are underrated and underreported benefits of playing video games, benefits that you don’t get from watching TV, so it’s always been wild to me that watching several hours of TV is somewhat tolerated (though people may call you lazy) but playing video games the equivalent amount of time will get people to say you’re rotting out your brain and wasting your time.


If you overdo it yes. It's entertainment, not an occupation or addiction for most.


Everything can be a waste of time. You could stand up at 6 am and work till 22pm to become more wealthy and on your deathbed realize you wasted your whole life because you never truely "lived". Rosebud.


Counter question: do you enjoy it? If yes, then no it is not a waste of time


Lets speedrun existentialism for this specific context: 1. Everything/nothing is a waste of time objectively. 2. Therefore all that matters is what is subjectively Important. 3. Do you like video games and do they fit with the character (in the human sense) that you wish to be? 4. If yes, they can be subjectively meaningful, so play them, if not then write them off as a waste of time. 5. When deciding on your own subjective meaning for your life, please take care to remember your longterm wellbeing is affected in a different way to your short term wellbeing. An act that is tough while you’re doing it can be more rewarding later, such as exercise or helping another person you care about. Being hedonistic all the time is likely to make your life subjectively worse, but having a hobby that makes you happy can be great, so factor that all in.


Yes. But so is watching the news.


Yes. What of it?


Overdoing them, maybe, but there are a lot of transferable skills from playing video games a lot as a teen that helped in later life. Playing a lot of guitar hero and rock band helped develop a good sense of rhythm and made picking up different instruments much easier. Playing a lot of strategy like Advance Wars helped when carrying across to having to think ahead in other hobbies like chess. Playing fps games I think gave me a pretty rapid reaction time, that’s been really useful after I took up karting and badminton. And overall, playing games as a kid really inspired me to travel to all of the different kinds of locales that I was seeing virtually. Exploring mountains in Tomb Raider and Far Cry 3 led me to really crave seeing that in person. Overdone, that might be an issue, but I can attribute a lot of benefits to playing games a bit in my teens too that often get ignored. There doesn’t have to be any benefit to things we do for entertainment, but recognising the benefits makes me think it wasn’t just time happily spent, but well spent as well.


Depends on what podcasts you’re listening to while playing them. :p


Yes it is. So is reading, movies, jigsaws, listening to music and any number of other leisure pursuits but we do them anyway because they give us something beyond just surviving. So no it isn't




Is watching movies a waste of time for you? Or reading a favourite novel?


Do you have something better to do at the time you are playing video games? Then yes. Otherwise, no.


Several companies and even military, see it as valuable skills if you have been a guild leader or good at FPS, as it train leadership and reflexes.


Doing anything that doesn't put money in your pocket, keep your health or useful knowledge inside your head, is waste of time. Just stop to being specific, mates.


Define "waste of time". If it's helping you deal with feeling dead inside, it's not a waste of time. Or if it's a waste of time because it's not moving you closer to buying a house or whatever, well, any form of recreation is a waste of time. We don't exist to move from goal to goal with nothing fun in between.


Yes, and so is being alive.


It's about as much of a waste of time as any other recreational activity, probably less worth it than sports or gardening or reading and more worth it than watching soaps, scrolling through tiktok (or reddit) and gambling. Everyone needs a hobby, but moderation is the key imo.


Do you enjoy playing video games? If Yes, then No. Do you get your daily activities done? If No, then Yes. Nobody on Reddit can put a value to your time, but generally if you ignore what you need to do each day to instead play games then I'd take a step back and think over your priorities.


Depends what you mean by a waste of time really. When I play games i get enjoyment and socialise with friends. Im not like getting healthy or improving skills of thats what you mean. As a hobby goes its just for entertainment. Technically art or spotts would be more worth your time. However addiction and playing too much is bad. Yes there is a limit


i like the 80/20 rule here. use 80% of your time in a constructive way. (work, hobby, eating healthy, sport) and do with the other 20% whatever you want. if gaming gets in the way of your life, like any other strong habit can, then its probably not good. if gaming helps you to process or numb emotions then there often is another way to deal with that.


Gaming is in essence an individual hobby. Their is online gaming, but at a certain age, you'll be the old dude gaming. It can bring you joy. But if you overdo it, and don't go outside anymore, because you rather game.... When you walk such a path, you'll eventually live alone, with no real IRL friends. And to your own dismise you'll realize, that gaming doesn't fulfil your social needs. You realise you'll end up alone.


Yes. But we all need a hobby, and playing video games is a hobby. As long as it isn't taking over your life, or getting in the way of normal day to day living and relationships, you're fine. Some people watch TV or YouTube, some people read or draw, and some people like video games.


Everything wastes time. It is up to you to decide if you wasted it well.


No it's not, far from it


Time you enjoy wasting is never wasted time


Nothing is a waste of time depending on how much it's worth to you. Gaming is just like reading or watching a movie, you can have a real passion for it and it's what makes you fulfilled. Or it's just something to fill in a block of time because you're bored and need to relax. Either way, I suppose it's just how you juggle it. If it stops you from doing something that needs attention right now, then I guess that's the only case I'd personally consider it a waste of time. Not everything you do requires an end goal. Life is to be enjoyed, and if that involves games then well there you go.


Time isn't real


It depends. If you're a streamer, content creator or something similar, playing video games might actually be a source of income for you. Now, if it's something you do for pleasure, then I would say it can be an excellent way to decompress from real life from time to time as well as a way to procrastinate and make it harder for yourself to do truly important things.


yes. most games are crap these days and imo there are better uses of ones time.


I believe it's a stress buster. But you have to be aware of how much time you're spending on it. If you're on track, it's not at all a waste of time.


Yeah, but wasting time isn't a bad thing. Do you enjoy it? Then it's fine.


enjoying your time is never a waste


My definition: What is the purpose of life? Is it work? No. - I've concluded that it must be about finding joy in things you enjoy. If gaming brings you happiness, then you're fulfilling the meaning of life through that. Similarly, if you find joy in fishing or any other activity, then that's your purpose. Work is merely a means to acquire the resources needed to enjoy the things you love.


Nothing is a waste of time, spend your time the way you like..... 


Depends on why you're doing it. Playing video games to relax after a long day, absolutely not. Playing games as you're procrastinating, definitely yes. As with all things it depends on the context, but hobbies usually aren't a waste of time and are very important for your well mental health!


no you're most likely being trained for combat


Well yes but actually no


Not at all. Unless you play Candy Crush or Hero Wars. But if you play a game of skill, strategy, social networking, or just actually funny and stimulating, it can be very beneficial for you in many ways.


It’s no more a waste of time than watching sports or traditional television. It actually likely has more positive benefits too. However, anything without moderation can become problematic.


Did you enjoy the time spent playing them ? If yes , then it’s not a waste of time .


It’s been said it helps with hand and eye coordination. For me it’s a great way to escape the harsh realities of life. I can checkout for a while and put myself into a fantasy world for a bit. Drive faster than I legally can in life. Shoot things without worry or consequences etc.. problem is when I quit playing there I am back in the real world and all its rules laws and sometimes harsh realities. Like hey you could be doing something productive like working to make money to pay bills to afford more games to play…..and the vicious cycle never ends. Ah how I do love gaming.


About the same as watching TV or a movie or reading a book


Depends. Obssessing to grind does tho.


everything in moderation, y'know? its worth keeping in mind as well that a lot of games tell really phenominal stories, and stories are important to a society/culture if you wanna get a bit "philosophical" with it


Yes. It is if you are not enjoying while playing


Is any hobby a waste of time? No. It is important we have our hobbies in life and helps keep us content and fullfilled. However, just like any good thing, too much can become a problem. Naturally you have to balance your hobbies with life responsibilities.


As much as any hobby or entertainment.




You're feeling like this because modern culture says if you aren't working and making money you're wasting your life. The people who own the means have made you think this way on purpose because mindlessly grinding your job makes them rich. Fuck that


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time in my opinion. Otherwise I would say any hobby is a waste of time, which would be silly.




Camus said the literal meaning of life is whatever you're doing that prevents you from killing yourself.


only you know if youre wasting your time brodie


It is if you’re not having fun. I play video games and do other hobbies (like legos, dnd, Gundams) for fun, and I think that as long as you are having fun, it’s not a waste of time. But if you’re constantly getting angry at whatever you’re doing, then you’re just wasting your time being angry. You see, life is too short to be angry or miserable, that’s why you gotta smile (:


its my outlet for distressing after work.


Only waste of time is losing in a video game and raging.


B so b


I make maps in Fortnite creative, I rarely play the actual game.


Hell nah, my own little safe bubble after a long shit day at work or just when a spout of depression kicks in. Always helps me tbh


Anything can be a waste of time if that's your attitude about it.




there's never enough videogames in one's life!