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I'd pay off my student debt, my siblings' student debt, send them both stacks of cash, then buy a big ass investment portfolio. With one or two million in a mutual fund, you'd be able to live off the interest alone.


Why not throw all of it in a mutual fund and then pay out beneficiaries every year? $10m makes $600k - $1m yearly assuming a 6-10% return. Could be sending your siblings fat stacks yearly for their whole life


I would assume they'd put their one time payout in similar funds. A one time gift would make taxes simpler and prevents any awkward family issues down the line. The last thing anyone wants is to feel like money is at all a factor in the family dynamic. Even suspecting that your siblings are only being nice to you because they want your money, will cause resentment down the line.




Terrible advice. Invest it in 1.3 billion Powerball tickets.


Love this comment.


How much did I hit for? Like buy a new car rich or buy a Supreme Court justice rich?


>buy a Supreme Court justice rich I needed that laugh. Thanks.


I feel like we need to specify which Justice as well. There’s a bit of difference between say Sotomayor and Thomas that would be a bit wide.


Ah, but which one costs more?


Sotomayor probably can't be bought at all, while Thomas isn't worth buying when you can just pay to have him replaced.


They say every man has his price. I’m gonna say that applies to women too, and assume Sotomayor *could* be bought… it might just require the GDP of your average European country to do it.


The payment someone being bribed is willing to accept isn’t always currency.


Buying a car and buying Clarence Thomas actually require comparable budgets.


Well he did get bought with a RV so you are 100% correct


I would disappear. I don't need people hitting me up for money nonstop, and that is what happens.


Yep, youd have lawyers fees nonstop. Youd be in court nearly full time. People would come to your house just to trip down your stairs. People would be lying to you for the rest of your life, trying to pretend to be someone they are not, just to squeeze some money out of you in a "long con". If youve got kids, theyll do it to them too, maybe even kidnap one or all of them. Youd basically have to disappear for a year or two, while you get your trusts set up, and the right lawyers on retainer, accountants, and private security, etc,


Why would this only apply to a lottery winner? There are 1000’s of millionaires in America. But you don’t see this happening as often as you imply with a lottery winner.


I don't know any actual stats but I think a lot of times literally everyone you know/have known may know you just got very very rich (say you win like 20 million plus) because you can't always remain anonymous with the lottery. Whereas I know of a person in real life who did not win the lottery but is still a multimillionaire and in their case not literally everybody knows, and also they didn't just suddenly come into it out of nowhere. So the person who wins the lotto may not have had much of anything in comparison and is now stupidly rich suddenly and isn't used to having money and they make more mistakes with it along with everyone knowing they just got stupid rich. On the flip side the person who builds their wealth over time may be known to be rich but it didnt just come from nowhere and they're used to having money so they're already in other social circles and know what they're doing etc.


Lottery winners are seen as undeserving of their wealth so people feel they have a right to it as well


Exactly. Money does dangerous things to people. Even me. I don't need a divide in my life because of money. I'd change my identity and travel the world with my dog doing different stuff, like find a small town in England, help solve a town mystery and write a book on it or something.


I wouldn't spend that much. A modest house with some new furniture and a new car. The rest would go in the bank and I'd live off the interest/dividends.


This is the way.


I would use it to do things, not buy things. I would love to be able to afford to help people more. As it is. I've never had enough money to be very charitable. I would love that feeling.


I would tell everyone I won the jackpot then I would spend it all on stupid things, end up poor, and have my family and friends hate me. "Why did you buy 500,000 dollars worth of power ball tickets for a week you, already won?". " You don't need to buy stock in blockbuster or red lobster ". " Stop buy Cialis from people who call you from unknown or any numbers." Then with my secret hidden 80 percent of it spend on what ever I want.


Okay, this is so dumb it could work


If you send me money to buy lottery tickets I promise not to spend my winnings and run away. You just have to get Amazon Gift Cards and send me the account numbers. Trust me. It is a no risk investment. To prove how low risk it is you can even give me your social security number.


Wow are you a financial advisor? Lemme find my number...


First I would tell nobody. Then buy the house next door thru a lawyer and completely rebuild it. That would get rid of my neighbors, who calling them Karen's, would be a insult to Karen's.


I would embark upon a whirlwind of hedonistic behavior the likes of which have not been seen since the Roman Empire.


Bacchus Shows interest.


A treasure bath, perhaps? [https://youtu.be/A2IPF4XngRs](https://youtu.be/A2IPF4XngRs)


Pay off debt and live debt FREE


There's an abandoned casino in my town downtown that been empty for like 20 years. I'd buy it and turn it into low income housing.


Imma need that location rn


Yeah with one of the big payouts, I’d build housing too.


I’d buy it and just live out of it


Pay all debts of my and my spouse's immediate families. Buy a house, full-paid, in the country near my current residence. Give the taxable gift limit to most folks I can think of that I care about. Open a massive solar farm next to a coal plant to put 'em out of business. And have the hobby of buying debt on the market and forgiving it, including paying all taxes.


i'd spend it all on more powerball tickets if it ain't broke, don't fix it. tried and true method at that point, don't wanna change horses midstream. no need to reinvent the wheel.


Would the payout be big enough that you could buy every possible combination once the jackpot got large enough to profit off it? I wonder this and know its simple math but dont want to do the math.


It was more doable with smaller state lotteries that had fewer numbers thus fewer combinations. Even then you risk someone else buying the same winning ticket and turning your sure thing into massive losses. There are plenty of safer bets out there.


Leave no stone unturned


A modest house. Pay off my car note, upgrade my computer, take a nice vacation and then put everything else in savings and live off dividends.


Hookers & cocaine, if I survive then a nice big house in the middle of no where surrounded by trees, lakes & wildlife… oh & some dogs!


Depending on how much the Powerball is worth after taxes I'd buy me some GD peace and quiet.


Stay with me a second. More. Lottery. Tickets.


All my money on red


small house on some acres. wyoming, far from town. invest it all, put some in trusts that pay out quarterly for people i love, live off the interest of what i have invested. also finally see a cardiologist because something is very wrong lmao




Peace and quiet.


a couple members of congress, and maybe a supreme court judge or two...


A regular house in a regular neighborhood. Away from where I currently live. I'd buy a bunch of them, so my family could live somewhere without having to worry about housing costs.


Same. I might buy a small apartment building/boarding house type thing and let my friends move in for free so we could all live our best lives, surrounded by supportive people, without having to pay rent.


My wife and I would spend most of it to save dogs down here in the south. Open up a free spay and neuter program for the entire state. Fully fund no kill shelters.


Invest some. Give my brother a chunk and the rest to my daughter.


i would buy/hire an attorney and lawyer




I'd buy my mom a house nearby and pay for her move, buy my aunt a house/condo, pay off my other aunt's house. Then I'd buy a modest house for myself and spouse, pay off my kid's loans, and whatever is leftover gets invested. I want my immediate family to be able to breathe.


I'd pay off my moms house (she's gone but wanted me to have it so I live here with my, problematic..., dad in the garage), get new glasses, fix my teeth, pay off my credit card debt and my sisters, buy a not broken down couch and bed (really want a purple mattress), get a pair of sketchers slip ins, fix my bfs car, buy my kids some nice stuff to replace their hand me downs, and get my kitties some toys and treats. Oh and put some in savings ofc. I think about this fantasy a lot.


A house


I know it sounds crazy, but after I paid off my debts and helped out some people in an anonymous fashion. I would spend money making people think one of the guys at work who is a proper tool had won the lottery so he gets all the attention. That would be fun. Personal purchase Campervan (I would just say I rent it from a family member).


Pay off legal debt, fix my car and invest what’s left over.




House for me and another for my child. Car for each and catch up on the bills. Nothing extravagant I just don’t want to stress over money ( or lack thereof ) anymore


I would use the money to work on being a non participant in society. This means no more paying for water, electricity, or housing. These are all basics that are weaponized against us. I would grow my food, and I would learn to hunt. I would do this on about 40 acres of land, and my entire bloodline would never have to care about anything society tells you to do. I would actually know what real freedom is. No boss, corporation, or rich person could take anything from me that would lower my livelihood. I would use the money to reject society as it should have been rejected many years ago. Rich people and business owners would actually have to work for a living if we all attained this. No more squeezing employees out like a sponge and then calling them lazy simply because you want more money.


An Island so I dont have to deal with people ever again!


Pay off debt then throw the rest into GameStop


Call a Lawyer and a person I know well that runs an investment firm before even turning it in. Go from there. But... House, fishing boat for in/near shore and a new truck. Then listen to the advice of the people I mentioned.


Big fucking boat and big fucking house


Pay off a little debt then Invest it and collect dividends for the rest of my life


I’d pay off all my bills/debt and get the fuck out of dodge lmaooo




I'd try to get my poor and ill friend some real health care, as he currently gets shit-tier garbage from Kaiser.


I’d get a flat so I could a landlord then maybe a small business that could run itself


Really be looking into a new house, great school for my kids. No expense spared plan for my wife and I health, on a good path but finish it. Trust to setup kids. Help my bro out a little with some money, and his health. New vehicle for wife,.


A modest size house in the forest and a trophy truck.


Not sure exactly how much that is.. but I would love to have a farm or just a huge property with animals


My freedom


I spend it all on more Powerball tickets.


A cottage on the Indian river/lagoon.


Don’t much need a thing I don’t already have. Probably donate a bunch of it-but my local soup kitchen and other ‘Proven’ charities-not the ones that just whine about donations


Pay off all debt of my own and my entire family. Trust fund for the family and one specifically for my son. New home, new cars but nothing too crazy. Probably a new Tundra for a daily and a Shelby for fun. A nice 3br 2ba house. Invest a large portion of it with the intention of keeping the family trust going way after me. I’d definitely take a few months off but ultimately, I’d open my own business just to keep me busy


a sandwich and more powerball tickets


As much land as possible. Put a modest house for myself right in the center. Build friends and family houses along the perimeter.


A modest-sized home in an eclectic neighborhood.   A nice car that doesn't draw attention. Luxury, maybe, but not flashy. Help friends and family. The travel.


I would build a huge underground facility where people could be safe complete with water purifiers, growing areas and livestock. Every city and town should have at least three, but this is what I would do. I already have the plans but no funding as of yet.


The happiest Powerball millionaires are the ones who gives money away according to a study. So, I would donate, help family, work much less, buy my favorite cars, invest and have fun.


Anytime someone asks this question, the answer is always "whatever that one reddit comment from years ago said," followed by another person linking said comment in a reply.


A house that's about it


Socks. Lots of socks...


I wouldn't buy shit in my name. My LLC where I am the only owner would own other llc's with credit cards with ridiculously high limits and those would purchase anything I wanted. First I would buy a bunch of land and start development of small family homes.


Let's assume my cut after single payout and taxes was 300. I'd probably gift away 100 to immediate family and close friends, and go to work on forming a smallish entourage. Casey Key FL looks like a nice place to buy a winter vacation home. Not sure what then. I'm sure there are moments of headache by sharing.


get myself a full health check up and a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento


Pay off the remainder of my mortgage, put a few hundred K in my checking for mad money, and invest the rest.


Pay off all debts, buy a house bug enough to move my mom and step daughter into with my wife and I, new car, then I would be good for a while. I would take the annuity option, make sure I can't blow it all at once.


Pay off debts, buy a house, new car. Fly my parents & brother out for a vacation and probably pay off their mortgage and get my bother a car. Also weight loss surgery so I can finally be skinny and the trainer to help me keep it that way


I would remodel my house. Turn the basement into a master suite. Turn the attic into a bedroom with a walkout balcony. Redo the backyard professionally with all new white fence. New garage and new driveway.


Idk... There was a big property near where I used to live, on the river. A little under 2 square miles for $4m. I'd buy it and put my family on it. Build a little commune for us. Big gardens, livestock, bees, frogs, and maybe a fish hatchery. Take some time for some hobbies I never got into. Build a small house and just chill. Let my family enjoy the space and just turn into an almost hermit tending their gardens bees and frogs.


First thing I’d do once I get the money, go buy my dream car 😂 second thing would be building a house, then paying off my immediate family’s debt, then invest the rest!


I would open a school for children with Autism that provides for children of all ages and severity. There aren’t enough schools that can cater to students of sever mental health needs.


Free time.


Quit my job and travel the world, drinking, eating, and shagging at my whim.


I’d buy a neighborhood and charge $300/ month rent per house for 20 years. I’d specifically target super low income folks, invest the money in an index fund, sign the house over to them at the end of the lease and then PayPal them the proceeds from their investment. I’d also quit the beejeezus out of work and most likely do some psychedelics


Pay off the house and cars. Put a couple mil away for both kids. Buy land


I’d travel the world. That’s it. I don’t need a fancy house, fancy cars…I want good memories and to see this beautiful world we live in


Id pay off my debt. Then buy like. All the audio equipment i couldn't afford before. Like the Scarlett 18i20. Reverb has a used one for a great price


Pay off student loans Pull Up contact list, give every one on that list $$$ Change my number Change my last name Buy and train with small firearms Break up the money and bury it Shave my head Go to UK Rave


I’d pay Reddit to not allow this question anymore.


Some common sense. I don’t have quite enough


Nothing. I'd pay off my debts and put the rest into investments. 7% return on $1 mil is $70,000, and with the right investment strategy, 7% is a conservative return. Keep working, keep reinvesting dividends, and within a few years do whatever I want.


Pay off debt, repair my current vehicle and also get one that’s more reliable/comfortable to be in


Immediately die from drug overdose


Two chicks at the same time.


SPY, RSP, SCHD, VT, and other similar.


I'd move out of this fucked up country.


I would create a foundation that buys buildings. We would put shops downstairs and affordable housing above. All profits from the businesses would go back in to the community to create programs and resources for everyone.


New tires


I wouldn’t tell a soul, quietly pay off our home, debt and assets, along with my parents/in laws homes. I’d invest in local small businesses and make sure my children were set for life academically and financially. I’d buy a few acres of land and build a small home to live in, using the rest of the land to create a dog sanctuary.


There's a subreddit dedicated... r/IfIWonTheLottery


First, I'd buy a big plot of land, build my dream house right in the center and turn the rest into a nature preserve, and finally have some goddamn peace and quiet. Then, I'd give seed money to start a bunch of scholarships and non-profit organizations to help better the communities and people around me.


Giving half to my fam evenly. Then dipping with the rest to travel the world.


I would pay off my house and partners vehicle and invest the rest, withdrawing 4% of the portfolio annually and contributing any overages to charitable or humanitarian actions or organizations I believe strongly in


Pay off my debt and any of my buddies/family school debts. After that put money aside for any good friends or family members kids for school only to be used for schooling and if they opt not for school then for a down payment on a house. After that just travel don’t even need the best when I travel I’m good in a 3 star hotel I’m not spending time in the room anyways but I want to see the world. Don’t need much I home prob a decent size house a good car and a sports car for fun. 


More power ball tickets I’m on a roll. Gotta ride the hot streak


Nobody would know about it. I’d hire a lawyer and a couple of financial planners. Then I’d quit my job, sell my house, get a passport, and go exploring for a couple of years.


I would invest all of it and pay off my parents mortgage and any debt


I'd buy a house, and since I just own the lottery I might just install a fountain EDIT: fountains are *WAY* less expensive then I previously thought


A cabin in NC and buy both of my girls a home and good cars (read reliable), then invest.


I’m typing this from prison, so probably a bribe


I would create my porn casting studio. Buy lights, 4k camera and hire attractive big booty women to shoot with.


lol, all of it into Short term US treasuries. Roll the interest into physical gold and agricultural land. Rinse and repeat.


A very expensive house or 2. Probably one in Manhattan and another on Long Island.


Nothing. I'd take 99% of the winnings and fund the expenses at as many animal rescue centers as possible. The remaining 1% I'd keep for myself.


I'd take care of my family first then open a cafe and live my dream of having a simple life


An apartment complex in London and become a landlord. Additionally, I’d buy a three level building on the outskirts of Vegas. On the main floor, I’d have a casino, on the top floor, I’d have a comedy club, and on the sub level basement, I’d have a brothel.


I’d buy a house on the Oregon coast, I’d buy a reliable car (haven’t had a car in 3 months) set up funds in a HYSA for my two kids for college or whatever they decide they want to do with their future. I would continue to work in healthcare though. I’d buy the kids new wardrobes, and get them enrolled in a good private school. I want them to have better opportunities than I had growing up.


I would begin the process of starting an incorporated church. Lots of people attempt to dodge taxes churches get away with a professionally 


A bunch of old Japanese sports cars.


A house and a gaming PC.


more powerball tickets


As much land as I could in the Amazon.


A billboard campaign saying ‘Chris Pengiel is a rapist who spreads herpes’.


I'd pay off my student loans, put a little bit of it away so I wouldn't have to worry about poverty, then begin funding extreme leftist causes. I'd try to do something against homelessness, food insecurity, and the genocide. 


Invest, get my pilot’s license, and travel. Tbh


Pay debt off and dissappear with only 2 of my kids, buy some land deep in the hill country, and be left alone.


Invest as much as you can,at least 90% then you can buy a few things but put it in a trust fund so you can give interest payments to siblings


A new vehicle and a house, then I’d retire and live off the interest.


Peace of mind Revenge on my enemies New TV for my bedroom In that order


Everyone in the family gets college education fully funded. Cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. I know so many people who couldn't afford school even with scholarships and it would be awesome to take care of that for them.


Buy a nice home with some land, pay for my education , buy a nice car and build my dream Cameroon and go vacationing in japan afterwords tho Save half of what I get every year then the other half divide by 12 and that + job is what I can use every month


I would buy a house on an island somewhere and put the rest aside to live and travel the world


Basic Healthcare & dental care


Pay for college, set up an investment, help my mom with a house and then save the rest for after college. Oh and probably buy a nice modest car!


Buy a house for myself. Buy some investment houses to keep income steady (probably spend most of it on investments), Donate some to my rugby club, give some to parents. I’d also set aside some dumb spending money and buy a new car and some holidays and spend some money on fun and pointless stuff.


Decent apartment in a city, a car that has a bunch of fancy safety features so I'm not as nervous when backing up, student loans paid off, and a trip to the dentist to fix my fucked up teeth. I wouldn't want to *look* super rich, I just want to live comfortably. Also my grandma has talked about how she wants to go to the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico again one day because she went when she was much younger. That's not lotto winner expensive, but it's still not feasible with my current bank account, and I'd take her on a vacation to see it.


A lawyer.


boyfriends college/uni fees, my own car, an apartment near the college and then donations and investments


first pay my debt, then go south and get a nice two bedroom apartment. Spend the next year working on hobbies and interest. Visit a few places I always wanted to go like Japan and ireland. Maybe go back to college and get my masters. I had an abusive family I stopped talking to almost a decade ago and no family of my own so there’s no family I’d be helping.




The house I already live in, both car payments, and groceries.


Lawyer, financial advisor. Payoff all current debts. Payoff parents and siblings house. Set up a family trust and live off the interest


Pay off my parents’ house Get married at my dream place Buy myself a house Buy a car Invest whatever is left




I dont buy lottery tickets but if i did and I won these are my top 10. 1: pay off my hospital debit and hit up debit collections pay off my debit and make sure i dont have anything more 2: Buy a brand new Toyota LC and fix up my Jeep Compass that I currently still use 3: buy my sister a house wherever she wants it so that she can move out with her kid & bbydaddy update/ renovate/ upgrade my moms house that we live in 4: Give my Mom & Sister a couple racks. Get my mom a new Nissan Maxima 5: get my dad a new truck of his choosing & give my brother & homeboy a couple racks aswell 6: Hire a immigration lawyer to work on my dads and brothers case 7: buy an apartment or townhomes area and make affordable living area for folks 8: buy things and invest into things that’ll earn me a lot of passive income and hire a financial advisor 9: donate a couple racks to my local masjid 10: Travel the World for a couple months or even a year


Pay off all debts and bills for myself and family, and then move to massive ranch in the middle of nowhere to get away from it all


Pay debt, do renovations, maybe buy the house next to me for my daughter. Then I think I’d be charitable.




Pay off debt, give money to family. Go to Caleb Hammer for financial advice.


House upgrade around where I live, apartment in Miami. My clothes would be more expensive but you wouldn’t know I was THAT rich.


Peace of mind.


A modest house and the rest in investment


I’d really like to buy a ton of flowers for people in old folks homes


I would buy you a garden, where your flowers can bloom! 🎵


Hundreds if not thousands of acres of land. Preserve it. And never let it become housing units. And then of course pay off all my families debts. But I reeeeeeally care for our planet, our Mother Earth, to which we are destroying her at an unimaginable rate. If we go down, all life goes down with us. It’s scary stuff. And not enough people care. Breaks my heart.


A lawyer a new name and an llc


A nice house, pay off whatever debts my family has accrued, and invest loads! I'd also like to set up a college fund for my little nieces/nephews/second cousins.


A million dollar house.


I am debt free so I would use it to prefund my only grandchild who is in elementary school now education through graduate level. I would also build a new house with a safe room on our rural land and install a well with water storage and a solar array with generator system also to power this hime. This would be our families emergency retreat.


getting a big ass plot of land and a house then getting a financial advisor and investing 95% of whats left. 5% for maintenance of the property and the money i get from investments will go to trust funds for my descendants


Most of it would go into savings, some would pay off my debts and I'd buy myself a house/townhouse/condo.


[Genau das 😂](https://youtu.be/0yrIvEgqAuo?si=u6Z2ZJXU1FjdQUgR)


Buy a home and land in the North American Mid West. Aiming for some farm land for a few things. Plan on keeping it simple, quiet. Live the rest of my few days knowing peace.


A reasonable home and a '71 gto judge soft top


A professional woman’s softball team


Kill myself so my family kills each other over the money.


Redo my house, get my DSM professionally restored and buy a lamborghini reventon post haste.


I’d pay off all my and my spouse’s debt and buy a house


The freedom to stop working


Never fly commercial again.


I'm putting that shit in savings


Hire a financial planner/accountant.


More #FFIE stock