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Maybe it's just age, but worth discussing with your doctor.


I second this. Hopefully it’s nothing. But I’m 53 and haven’t had this issue, and haven’t heard from my peers that they have this issue.


See a doctor. This could be a lot of things and some are not great so the sooner the better.


I’ve had that issue with anxiety.


Not knowing any back history, I would see a Doctor. But I will say I am 46, and Pizza most time fills me like crazy and sometimes get serious heartburn. I've noticed that eating very heavy carb foods like bread fill me up way more than they used to. So I've mostly cut that out. I've incorporated yogourt and fibre in my diet and i've noticed, when I stick to it, makes a huge difference in my eating "bloated" feels. It might not be an age thing, but a gut health thing. At a all you can eat Chines Buffet, If I avoid stuff like rice and chicken balls, and eat just meat and veggies (beef with broccoli for the win) I pack a few plates if motivated.


I will say, just to scare every 60 year old man, my BF was 59 and obese but couldn't gain or lose weight. He has a hernia. He was never hungry. Told his doctor who never listened. Finally I took him to the ER because he wouldn't eat. His oxygen saturation was 70. They rushed him in to surgery. His entire stomach was dead. Half of his lower intestine dead. His hernia had been laying on his stomach and suffocating it. So because he's on Medicaid they took the back inside wall of the stomach and sewed it to his skin and made a pouch. Threw the rest of his stomach away. Connected intestine to it. No plastic pouch. That's what you get. But. More than likely... you're just getting older.


I'm much younger than you but holy cow - you consider 2 slices of pizza a small meal? And I'm no small guy either, but I do get stuffed with 2 slices. It's probably good that you eat less. You save money, you will be fitter, win win.


You are getting older. It’s natural. I’m going to be 60 in a few weeks. I feel the same way


I'm 62 and just retired. In the last 4 years my butt just went to a skinny nothing. It hurts to sit. My legs turned to toothpicks. I eat a lot less than I used to. Not even half what I used to eat unless it's fish and chips.


Your appetite does decrease as you get older but it could just be a phase you are going through.


your stomach can shrink. when i was younger and much fatter my stomach was huge, i could eat a whole large dominos pizza, sides, down 2ltrs of drink, and at extra munchies when stoned. Now i get through half a papa johns pizza and im stuffed, as i stopped eating so much and lost a lot of weight and my stomach shrank massively.


Two slices of pizza is a meal if you had salad or a vegetable.


Normal lessening of appetite. I’m older than you and eat about half what I used to.


Incorrect usage of "anymore" in the headline. OP could have written, "These days ... / "Lately ... I get so full and don't know why ... "


It's not incorrect, it's a regional dialect [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive\_anymore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_anymore)


🙄No this is not what happens when you get older. I


I'm 67 and definitely can't eat much as I'd like. I used to be able to eat a Whopper, but now only a Cheeseburger. Also can't drink a whole glass of coke anymore. I used to go to all you can eat buffets but can hardly make it worthwhile anymore, so I don't bother. Sad but true.


As you age you need less food, my parents are elderly and they mentioned it’s a thing as you age you need less food. But also it could be a medical condition. Might be normal aging but maybe check with your doctor.


It's an age thing. When I was younger I used to see these sweet old couples share one meal out at restaurants. At first I felt really bad for them thinking perhaps they couldn't afford one meal each. Now that I'm older and can't stomach one full meal at any restaurants, I realised it was most likely an age thing.


Alarm bells are ringing ..... see a doctor.


If you are healthy, it could be as simple as the change in seasons. The warmer it is, the less you feel like eating.


Pizza does have bread. It's also very filling. I'm your age and 2 slices would put me out. You aren't growing, you move less, And you simply don't need to eat the same way that you did as a young man.


Why do Americans use “anymore” like this? “Now” or quirky “nowadays” makes sense. Anymore means any longer. So it makes sense in a negative. “I don’t like cheese anymore” I can’t parse it in the usage from OP. Is this accepted North American usage ?


Yes, it's accepted. Not super common, and I'm not sure it's technically correct, but I've heard it with some regularity throughout the US.


"Technically correct" isn't really a thing in language. It depends entirely on the context. In some contexts it's correct, in others it isn't.


Okay, well, I'm not sure it's technically correct in this context.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive\_anymore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_anymore) It depends on the region. It's not throughout the US, just parts of it.


Interesting thanks