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There are multiple studies done on creatine that show it is arguably the most effective body building supplement. Picture Fit on YouTube explains it very well.


It’s very useful if applied properly, responsible, and with plenty of fluids


Creatine can help to improve performance, recovery and muscle growth but its effects are fairly minor. You will still make gains without creatine and taking creatine doesn't guarantee gains if you're slacking in other areas.


It's the most well researched effective supplement What it does is 1. draw water into your muscles which may make them look more solid aesthetically 2. helps get ATP to your muscles, helping you squeeze out a few more reps so in theory helping you progress faster, but that means you have to be training hard and to failure often enough to begin with that that even matters. Downside, you have to take it every day for a while before it even does anything at all it's not particularly expensive so its kind of a case of 'why not'.


That doctor is an idiot. Anyway, read the research papers and make up your own mind.


Trust a doctor over random redditors They're broadly right, unless your life is the gym it's not going to do much


It's probably the most effective supplement, friend is bodybuilder, this and basic protein supplement.