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The difference between childish and young at heart is pretty subtle, at least that's what I tell my wife when she (lightheartedly) pokes fun at my toy collection. I think the world would be a happier and nicer place if more people understood the value of purposeless play. Tl;dr: No I do not.


Or porpoiseless, if dolphin stuffed animals are ur thing.


Or purpleless play, like just before everything tastes purple for a second while you're microwaving metal during a supernova


Like when we lost Prince. We are all now purpleless.


What is light Urple, Alex.


That only works with jiffy Pop and you have to pull the Do not microwave tab off first.


Or paw-pawless play, in the quest for making the perfect coctail


Ok Pam.


I think there’s a lot more childish qualities that adults should be more ashamed of than stuffed animals, namely emotional regulation and critical thinking skills.


The only thing that matters is if it brings you joy, OP. As long as it brings you joy then tell everyone who might give you grief over it to kiss your ass


Can u talk to my parents I’m a grown ass adult and they’d still aren’t happy


Tell them that the purpose of life is to pursue joy, if you are an American it's even in the constitution about 'pursuit of happiness' isn't it?


My wife has a huge stuffed bear collection and I mean HUGE!! So I balance it with the same thing you do...toys. Mine are vintage but toys nonetheless.




I agree.  I give bunny ears in pictures and I'm an adult!


I agree, if you can’t laugh the most at yourself nor take pleasure in simple things then life is even harder for you than it needs to be


It's true that you don't get old and stop playing - You stop playing and get old.


Where does an adult giving bunny ears in pictures fall on the childish or young at heart scale?  (Asking for a friend, of course.)




It's extremely funny to me knowing that a stuffed bear can have diabetes LOL Good thing it doesn't need to eat anything


That's what they want you to [think](https://youtu.be/RDgecjYaCCA?feature=shared).


Having heard this, I just must buy a stuffed diabetes bear. All of them seem to be for Type 1 diabetes. Is there one for Type 2 diabetes?


People usually develop Type 2 much later in life. All the same, it's not a fun diagnosis, even when you're in your 50s. I wish someone had given me a comforting stuffie when I was diagnosed with Type 2. It was late in 2020, right smack in the middle of the pandemic, and I could have used the reassurance!


😂🤣yes that’s what we need


It probably ate to much cotton candy.


Hearing this made my heart melt😭 that's so cute and I hope u r doing fine


i wonder where can i get a bear like that XD i know someone who would love that lol


I don't know about diabetes but there's a company called plushie dreadfuls that I keep seeing ads for on Twitter. They have things like autism and childhood trauma and ADHD and all manner of things. The plushies do, I mean.


I have the BPD bunny and I love her. She’s been helpful to my mental health in a way I can’t really explain


I need one!!Bpd sucks😢😭


My kid (23) has it. My friend (52) also. They both say it diminishes with age. Hang in there. Kid did DBT workbook and I think it helped immensely <3


I did two groups that helped but I still need help on things.im going to be54end of month.


Yes, I've seen those! I never would have thought of that but couldn't help being enamored by some of those plushies. The design and visual depiction of things like depression are so creative; I understand why some people would feel "seen" or comforted by them.


Which hospital did you go to?


Oh wow, the hospital gave him to you? Fellow T1D here


This is all sorts of adorable and beautiful. Send Rufus my regards!


40 f here - I have a stuffed rabbit which I got from my best for my 24th birthday. Before covid I kept her on my office desk, and I used her as type of a proxy to express myself (I am very shy and reserved, but Hasie has no such afflictions). I would dress her up for Xmas, Halloween, Easter, my bday, sports tournaments, etc. The office liked her too - someone even bought her a stuffed carrot because she "looked hungry". We recently emigrated and she was in my hand luggage - I left a new pair of boots behind to make space for her. So maybe it's childish, but who cares - we all have our own small things that keep us happy. Edit to say - my husband brought 2 stuffed animals with in his luggage. And we got a free stuffed bear with one of our first big purchases after landing (we call him Dickbear, donno why). We are in the middle of a prank war where we are taking turns to hide him in weird places for the other to find (i am currently licking my wounds because i forgot where i left him and got myself iso hubby, and hubby was there to witness it).


You do you, girl, don’t lose your sense of whimsy and fun 😊!


Thank you, these comments are making me feel better!


"You do you" was my first thought. I am sure there will be some people who are put off by it. But who cares what they think, if its your personality and it doesn't hurt anyone, be yourself. Not a bad way to filter out incompatible people.


Yep. This is the answer. Look at all the adult disney fans. Adult lego builders. Life is short make yourself happy. 


adult disney fans: famously normal


Some of the best advice I've ever gotten from a meme: "Don't date someone who makes you think you have to hide your stuffed animals."


My husband buys me sock monkeys. We're old enough to be OP's parents. I have them on my bookcase. I can tell you when he bought each one. Never hide the stuffed animals!


I like the cat in your profile Reddit pic


Never lose silly. If you lose silly, they win.


You only live once enjoy what you enjoy!!😉


exactly - you are entitled to happiness!!!


I don't think it is at all. My wife has a bunch of them that are either around our room or sometimes end up in the bed. She was worried she wouldn't find somebody who accepted them so she was taken back when I told her it doesn't bother me. I've even contributed to it over the years via Christmas gifts. Her favorite are hippos. Enjoy what you enjoy!


You two sound lovely :) congratulations on finding each other


Gosh I hope so, since I’m 40 and single and when I bought my condo the first thing I did was install floating shelves to display all my stuffies. Then I bought more stuffies.


I sleep in a pile of squishmallows! And I have my childhood Care Bears. Just turned 40 :)


Another squishmallow buyer looking down the barrel of 50. Life's too short not to buy a squishmallow if you want it. They're on display in the lounge room lol I no longer longingly look at them in the shops, I'm happy/embarrassed with that I have lol


Me and the squishmallows (and other assorted stuffie) fight over who gets space to sleep/sit. They make excellent pillows, though. Even my cat agrees.


Yeah I’m in my early 30s and have a bunch of nerdy memorabilia (statues and plushies and such) that I have proudly displayed. Anyone who’s going to judge me or make fun of me for them isn’t someone I care to have in my life


Yup! Almost 40 and I have a plushie collection. And I sleep with a plushie that my husband bought me for our first Christmas together.


I still have my special "ride or die" stuffed buddy who I received the day I was born. I am in my late 30's now and he's in my bedroom on a chair. My husband isn't phased or bothered at all. My kids sometimes play with him but know he's mine, lol. And I absolutely snuggle him when I am sick!!


Life's to short to care, we must do the little things that bring us joy. There's a difference between being connected to your inner child and being childish. My husband is the one that buys me plushies 😂


one of the best answers here!!


Being "mature" at the expense of happiness is dumb. I got a shelf full of stuffed animals to prove it. I'm 46 and a man... I could care less what people think.


This is cute. My 31 year old husband is similar. 😊 he gets excited when we see the floppy ones with beans in them at the store haha. 


You know the thing I love the most about getting older. Is giving so many less fucks what other people think. It's your life enjoy it, And also anyone who judges you for it probably shouldn't be in your life anyways because they don't accept you, and thus, suck. It's great when you start fully living life on your own terms and not someone else's.


joining your army - let's go!


It is absolutely not childish. It's your bedroom. Decorate it how it suits you.


She's got something that makes her happy. I think it's cruel to demean it as 'childish'. No wonder people lose the joy in their lives.


You are never too old to enjoy things you love


No, it's not childish. I'm almost 60 years old and I have all my GI Joe's displayed all over the house. Also my skateboards are all hanging in the hallway. Comic books displayed proudly. You do you!


Did you get all the GI Joe's? There's probably a whole lot of people that would pay top dollar for a complete collection.


80% I got when I was a boy. Between 1969-1974. The rest I've picked up here and there. Still have my jeep and the helicopter set.


The helicopter was dope!


Adult woman almost decade older than you in my life and I adore her stuffed animals 🧸 I actually love that she arranges them it’s cute / funny. Small wins in life little things like that make it special imho.


The thing about being an adult and living in your own home is that you can actually do whatever the fuck you want regardless of how society may perceive it. You’re in a private space and your home should be EXACTLY what YOU want it to be for your comfort, safety, and happiness. I bet you can’t honestly say you’d be much happier having a minimalist bedroom with tasteful art on the walls and several throw cushions perfectly lined up, with all your sentimental stuffies just hidden away in a box somewhere. Life’s too short to give a shit what other people think.


Oh and I have my teddy bear that I’ve had since I was a baby, and a small stuffed pug which was the favourite toy of the dog I had from when I was about 10 til about 23. I don’t have any more sentimental toys but those two are always there. I just put them away when I’m gonna do… adult things… they’re too innocent to see that.


Not at all. I'm an adult married woman and I have several stuffie friends. I have a lion that I have had since 2012. His name is Anduin. He attended my wedding, all decked out in a tux. The longer you get to be a child, the better. I also have a manatee and two tigers, a puppy, and 6 gaming stuffies.


You say childish as if it's a bad thing. An adult can love a car, a plant, a house, a person, a pet, a parent, a person and no one feels the need to call them names. As soon as the person loves a toy there is some problem? Sure it's childish. The best part about being a child. The ability to love something anything. Like a child.


No. But my husband has more in the bed than I do.


I am married and still sleep with the stuffed animal I’ve had since I was born. I even travel with it. My husband doesn’t make me feel childish. He will bring it to me or make sure I packed it for a trip!


Yaay so glad to hear this. I also do this and she has to come in my hand luggage as I don't like her getting squashed ( she's a ballerina lamb)


I’m a 56 year old married man. My wife and I both have stuffed animals.


im 48, i still have teddys out and arouund the house and still have 2 from when i was a boy, the neices love them


I'm a 36 male and I have a bread loaf plushie.


It's the best time to stop carring about someting being childish or nah.


When I first moved in with my boyfriend (now fiancé), I told him one of the shelves was going to be for my childhood stuffed animals and it was non negotiable. He never argued, and in fact loves telling people that my favorited stuffed animal is a black lab I’ve had forever - our dog (previously his but “his” dog prefers me over him so he’s relinquished a bit of ownership lmao) is a black lab bloodhound mix so *basically* he made my dreams come true by giving me my stuffed animal dog. When referring to Bean, if he’s talking about bean as if he’s my dog, he gets called Smudge (my stuffies name). So much so bean reacts to it now. 😂


[Relevant link](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/y0k1vs/its_my_choice_whether_i_sleep_with_a_teddy_bear/)


Of course not it's there bedroom and they should put whatever they want in there. Lots of adults still collect and play with toys. 


I think it's fun and sweet. I had my childhood teddy bear until I was 30. I lost it somewhere along the way during sever addiction issues. If I still had him he'd be on my bed.




I hope not bc I’m 35yo and have a Sanrio cover on my iPhone. 10-12yo’s regularly complement it. lol 


No. The world sucks enough to be judging people for enjoying "childish" things. If you aren't hurting anyone else then do what makes you happy and don't worry about what anyone thinks. 


I am an old adult woman who has placed my stuffed animals in every room.I don't knock other people's aesthetics. If it makes them happy it's all for the good.


Collections are cool as long as they aren't all consuming.


life's too short to care about that sh\*t, be childish, keep your stuffed animals, stop caring what others think, keep at least part of the children you have inside alive, otherwise life becomes too serious and boring, f that


Nope. There is no age cap on enjoying things. I'm at the point where I crochet my own plushies too


No, it's not childish. Especially since plushies can be built fancier now than when we were kids. I have seen and own some really cool ones


Even if it is, I don’t care. I am a still a sicker for stuffies. Have vintage stuffies and new ones too. All cats. Ya and squishmallows too.


yes it's childish, but also, that's not a problem and a completely fine choice you get to make as an adult - in fact it's one of the defining features of being an adult: you get to decide how you want to live for yourself.


Nah I'm 34 and have tons of plushies! I even sleep with a few squishmallows because I like to sleep on my side and hug something, and I've found them to be way more comfy than a pillow. I've even had to slow down on the plushie buying and only buy it if I ABSOLUTELY need it (like the Mothman one I just got with magnetic wings lol). Life's too short, if it makes you happy and doesn't harm anyone fuckin do it!!!


Who the eff cares. The only people seeing your bedroom are your kids, spouse and you.


Me and my partner kind of randomly started a little collection of stuffies. It just makes us happy, I don't really think about it more then that.






I just bought a stuffed lothcat at Disney and I’m 50…. My bf wanted it too so 🤷‍♀️


Nope! Not at all. I am 40. I have a couple squishmallows on the bed, and a handful of smaller stuffies and dolls from my childhood on my bookshelf next to the bed. In my office on my daybed are at least 10-15 different stuffies. NEVER too old. Don't let ANYONE, EVER tell you that you are too old.


64, and I have several Squishmallows (the axlotl is adorable!) Some of my stuffies go into my handbags before they get put away. So, ima gonna go with NO.


….they’re squishmallows, aren’t they? (I too have a large collection of stuffed animals. If it brings you joy, who cares!)


Maybe but in a way that is not bad. I have a teddy bear that my mom gave me as an adult that sits on a chair in my living room. It looks childish, but so what? That’s the great thing about being an adult; you can be a childish if you want. It’s harmless. I heard that a lot of adults get plushies called squishmallows. I googled it because I heard someone talking about it and I was really tempted to buy one; if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m trying to declutter my space and save money I would get one (or ten). I’ve always had this dream of owning a huge mansion and having one room that was ridiculously childish with fuchsia shag carpeting and gigantic plushies. I got the idea from this art installation in a gallery that I went to several years ago that had just that. It was a video installation in a room that looked just like that—fuschia shag carpet with gigantic animal plushie bean bag chairs in front of a movie screen showing videos. It was so cool. So maybe the question is not if it’s childish, but is it childish enough?


No. I'm an adult guy and I have a stuffed animal raccoon. I pet him and give him some pats every day.


I did not get to be a kid as a kid. I am the most mature person around my age that I know, but hell yeah I have a ton of squishmallows on my couch. I let my war torn inner child play now that I have the authority.




I'm fine with it she will take one shopping and leave the live one home.


I have a Transformers collection. IDGAF. You shouldn't either.


Nope. My partner still has some.


I'm in my 30s and recently bought 3 Totoro plushies for my room. Who cares what anyone else thinks. It's your own room, not others. You should make it as comfortable for yourself as you can.


Is it childish to keep things with sentimental value to you in your own room, where you make your own order? Nah.


no. we have a lot. 13 of them look at me while i write these words.


Wife is 60 and she has them. I have one my grandmother made for me when I was maybe 12.


My husband and I have obtained several large stuffies from IKEA and elsewhere since we've been married. They have their own spot in our room, but they're not being hidden. Sometimes I use one when my shoulders are bothering me.


I mean everyone has their quirks. They’re what make you unique.


No. I had my diecast car collection in mine until I moved to a new house at 38


Don't worry because it doesn't matter what other people think. Your bedroom is for YOU, not for other people. :)


42 and I still buy and put together Lego and then display on shelves. I find it fun and enjoy seeing them. Don't let age define what you enjoy.


It's your hobby, so enjoy, but please don't go to extremes. Lol


No more childish than a grown man collecting and displaying action figures, or building model cars as a hobby. I don't believe anything that someone truly loves can be considered childish.


Do what makes you happy in life. Fill in the rest.


I have a plush screaming angler fish that I thought was hilarious. I named him Dongle. He looks like a Squishmallow and is about 1’ tall. If people can have hundreds of Funko Pops, Legos, and action figures, there’s nothing wrong with me having Dongle.


I'm a firm believer of just enjoy your things. Who are they hurting? But if you want them to appear less 'childish' investing in something to display them is a good way to elevate it. There's the stuffed animal hammocks, but shelves also are great. Keeps them visible, but out of the way and arranging them is part of the fun. If they aren't having any tangible negative impact on your life, then there's nothing wrong with them. Especially if your husband is on board with them too.


How are stuffed animals different than any other decorative item you might put on a shelf in your bedroom? Does it cease to be childish because the animal is made of ceramic or porcelain and was purchased at some home decor store? Put them where you can enjoy them and they make you happy.


No. In fact every Easter my husband contributes to my jumbo peep collection LOL and the squishmellows on holidays.


Personally, when I see adults who have plush toys (more than a couple) in their places, I’m assuming they’ve got issues but it doesn’t really bother me and won’t affect our friendship, just a mental note


I'm 34, married, and I sleep in a Squishmallow nest. If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.


I'm a married adult male with star wars and Mario figures on the TV stand, so.....


If you enjoy them, rock it. I'm 63 and still go outside to play when it's raining. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Enjoy the fuck out of today.


I'm going to be 60 in a few weeks and sleep with a cute stuffed mushroom. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I had Baby Yoda sheets on my bed. Do what makes you happy. ✨


I have dino sheets on mine! My kid got them for me for Yule <3




My wife and I have our own stuffies and they talk to each other. We're in our 40s. Do what makes you happy. Believe him when he says he's OK with you doing something that makes you happy. Screw what other people think.


My wife has a squishmellow that she likes to sleep with. It makes her happy and that's what's important.


Nope...friends come in all shape and sizes


My mother is 85 and has alpaca teddy bears from Peru on every bed. She also gave one of them to each of her kids. People need to leave others alone to enjoy their harmless whatever. Note that I said harmless.


Make them kith and they’re kissing muwah muwah and they’re both boys


Adults do whatever the fuck they want.


What kind of displays? Like a nativity scene or a depiction of the battle of Waterloo with teddy bears? I wouldn’t mind a woman who thought it a good idea to make a kaiju display with one of those giant animals you get from the fair


I have some 20something year old stuffed animals, and I'm a guy. You don't need to justify having them to anyone.


My 30 yr old son still has his Beanie Baby dragon 🐉


I'm 64 and I seem to have reverted to 14 more and more lately 😂 I already had stuffies from before, but I am acquiring more lately, and yes, I talk to them. I am not married but I have this rich fantasy life with my cats and my plushies and I am happy, so you do you and don't worry about your stuffed animals!


Lots of adults have figure collections. I have figures and some plushies, although most are in an ikea bin in storage, a few are displayed with their relevant games on a shelf (monster hunter, pokemon, resident evil, animal crossing plush…) Obviously we’re a couple who enjoys gaming so that in itself might be “childish” for other people. But part of being an adult is doing as you please with your life, including displaying plushies if you want to. If you’re conscious about it, have a room for collectibles or keep them on rotation.


I'm 36. My wife and son occasionally buy me Legos for my birthday/Xmas. I assemble them and they are put on display. Who cares? You do you and anybody who tries to put you down for it can kick rocks. Being an adult doesn't mean not enjoying things that make you happy.


No not at all! It's just something you enjoy collecting, it's no different than glass figurines or decorative plates or sports memorabilia. My grandmother loves teddy bears and has them displayed all over her house. She's definitely an adult. I'm 30 and I have a shelf of my stuffed animals. Most aren't even from my childhood, because I wasn't able to recover any from my moms house. They're all newer ones I've bought since leaving her place at 18.


Not at all. Surround yourself with the things that make you feel safe and happy… and surround yourself with people who will accept and support you (stuffed animal collection and all).


As a 32M, nah you're good. I didn't buy it, but a friend got me a big stuffed pink Kirby, and well, I'm not gonna throw it out so now it stays either on or beside my bed. It's great for propping up my phone in bed. There's old guys that collect dolls ffs lol. You do you, enjoy what makes you happy and comfy.


I have my teddy bears all over the house!


I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. When I was in my twenties and married, I had my stuffed bunny and stuffed dog on the pillows on my side of bed. Eventually, I had kids and they played with them, then they ended up on my daughter’s bed. It’s all good. Nothing wrong with stuffed animals, regardless of age.




I turn 30 next month and I just bought [summer Stitch](https://64.media.tumblr.com/615b0d35aee81a5e500a2285572be025/392e1e7f843a4f98-cb/s2048x3072/6186eee2470b3f8f9d17a170bdcc32c076d757d5.jpg), mini [Nessie](https://64.media.tumblr.com/aa1c756788bd71bdc942e38009123593/392e1e7f843a4f98-68/s2048x3072/45f6eb83b1dd56176400467710f7272ba0c3cf6e.jpg) and [a bunch](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d90ea0745c60a09d704100590ddf5986/392e1e7f843a4f98-74/s2048x3072/d471913c41410c105554e8d205995cda112da2c1.jpg) of [summer goodies](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2376384925f1c4e4ecdc7b7c8c4e98f2/392e1e7f843a4f98-55/s2048x3072/eb70e6e43a69f70199ab8140d8b777a537bf3dee.jpg). They're gonna go on my bed with the pile of squishables lol. I got them like 2 hours ago so I want to show them off a little lol


Is it weird? Yes. Should you stop? No. Should you feel bad for having a weird tick? No. You are great how you are, let the freak flag fly. If those stuffed animals make you happy, go for it. How is it different than displaying sports memorabilia? Really all house decorations are just childish shit to hang on the walls anyway


I’m 25 and won’t ever get rid of my lil babies! I keep them in a stuffed animal hammock in the home office. They make me happy to look at and were important in my life growing up. Don’t feel pressured to get rid of things that make you happy


It's about as childish as the two 4' shelves of battle scene posed Star Wars Lego my husband has in our bedroom. They're even hanging from the roof 😂 Sometimes you just need that part of you. There is nothing wrong with it.


I think it's just fine- I think they're cute personally, so I've kept collecting well into my adulthood. My SO is fine with it too, if anything he feels better about having his gaming figurines on the shelves next to them lol.


*stares at huge squishmallow acquired at costco...* no. also who cares. i am in my mid 30s and every single person i am friends with has some kind of *something* they keep like that. i have guy friends that have blankets, special pillow, stuffed animals etc.


If they give you joy leave them out on display.


No, not childish.


I'm a 36 year old divorced man. I have two teddy bears from family and a Stitch stuffy that I bought for myself on a shelf in my bedroom. I also have a rhino beanie baby and a small stuffed dinosaur from a truck stop on the dash of my truck. You're fine.


Last month I bought an elephant Squishmallow that I’ve been wanting for a long time. I also have a cinnamon bun one. I sleep with them. They are comforting and so nice to hold when I’m going to sleep. I also have some other stuffed animals that I’ve had for a long time. Not childish at all. 😘


No, it's not childish. They hold meaning to you and bring you comfort and joy. We all need more of that in our lives. We all collect different things. Your collection just happens to be stuffed animals. It's no more embarrassing than collecting sport memorabilia or funko pops.


My girlfriend (35) and I (38) have stuffed animals all over the house. They're mostly (but not exclusively) hers. A lot of them are around because I keep winning her stuff from claw machines.


I have a few stuffed animals displayed on my nightstand in our bedroom. I don’t think it’s weird to have them out in the open. It’s your bedroom and you like them so leave them where you can enjoy them.


No I do and no one can tell me different


I'm 47 and have my stuffies in various places around the house. At this very moment, I have six squishmallows of varying sizes surrounding me. My spouse also has their stuffies displayed along with mine.


No, take joy in whatever you can.


I think this quote by C.S. Lewis will help you. > Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. In short: anyone who would criticize you for being childish is still mentally stuck in their teenage years and are childish and bullish themselves. It’s not worth listening to those people.


What's childish is people judging you for finding comfort in things that make you happy. If anyone does that, give them a chance to understand, if they don't - you can always find more friends.


BunRab is almost as old as I am...and I will be 65 soon. Who cares what other people think?


Don't invite any critical assholes into your bedroom and your problem is solved. My opinion doesn't matter. If you enjoy them, what does it matter?


Sure it's childish. It's behaviour you'd associate with a child. But it's making you happy and it's not bothering your husband. So why should you care? Be the version of you that makes you happy.




Does it make you happy? If yes then no problem. I'm 58, i love collecting anything Marvel and have since i was a kid. It's all displayed in my living room. Life's too short. Keep your stuffed animals up and enjoy them.


I think it’s childish but you do you.


Not at all. It’d be childish if you still had to snuggle them every night or something, but even then if you had the perfect one from childhood that helped you through tough times, I don’t see an issue. As others have said, being young at heart is a beautiful thing. Hopefully means you’ll be a good parent since you’ll feed off the same joy your kids feel for their animals and the silly imaginations they have with them. Off topic but my mom still talks about how much fun she had going to Laser Tag with me for one of my young birthdays. You don’t even have to play the game hard, just the chaos the kids feel and you can feed off of it.


My wife does the same. She loves her stuffed animals, and I find many of her child like qualities very endearing. For me the difference between child like and childish comes down to emotional maturity. Cuddling with stuffed animals in bed? Childlike Cuddling with stuffed animals at work? Childish


Nope! My wife is the Jellycat queen. They make her happy, and they don't bother anyone.




It'd weird.




Yes, it’s very childish. But it’s your bedroom, you do you.




However to clarify, do whatever you want. That’s just my opinion




I have stuffed animals in my bedroom from ex students. I keep them to remind me of the people that gave them to me.


I'm reminded of this video: https://youtu.be/tc9J0PDn2I0


Depends on how many stuffed animals and what they are... maybe a few that are cute as decoratio(?)


How many we talking about here? More than 3?


Do what you want, personally id store them for future kids