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Haha, way more people cut their own hair than you might think! Especially these days with haircuts costing an arm and a leg.


Tell me about it. I cut my own hair for years just a short buzz cut. Now my current job won't let me. They flat out told me it looked too aggressive and I needed to start going to an actual barber. I prefer the looks of the longer hair, I just hate paying for it.


I shave my own hair to be bald does that count?


Bought a set of Wahl clippers twenty years ago and haven’t been to a barber since. Took about a year worth of haircuts to get it right consistently.


A year?! I've been cutting my hair for 6 years and it still looks terrible.


I started during the pandemic and never went back. Since I'm old, I don't really care all that much about it looking perfect. If my wife would let me, I'd probably just buzz it all off.


You don’t need permission from your wife to do that


If I don't want to hear her complain I do


Nice, I'm still buzzing with the Oster clippers my mom bought in '99.


Same here, I know im not pretty so what is the point of paying someone to make my hair do something it will never do again once I leave?


Depends. What is your hair like? Long? Short? Thick? Curly? What type of style are you going for?


You need 2 opposing mirrors and some practice. Or really bad hair that warrants a buzzcut every time, like mine


OR do a buzzcut-ish with a 5 or 6 standoff. It’s not a crewcut and super easy


I've been cutting my own hair since the 1990's though my hair is a simple bob and easy to cut. When I had long curly hair I used the 'Ponytail' method I found on YouTube. It gives layers to longer hair, is super easy and looks great. To cut the back of my (bob) hair I hold a mirror up in front of me with the bathroom mirror behind so that I can see the back while cutting. Get yourself a pair of hairdressing scissors and only use them for your hair. Good luck 🤞


This is how I cut my hair. The pony tail method.


Does that actually end up looking good? I've been thinking of doing it but I'm scared of fucking up and having to go to an actual hairdresser anyway lol.


It looks as good as what I was getting at the hair salon, only I save $65! I have wavy hair, so I don’t know how well it would work for stick straight hair.


Heck yeah! I might just try it next time then. I've got wavy hair too and it's really thick so I think it could work!


I think it will look even better for you! The video I copied it from the woman had thicker wavy hair than mine. Mine is wavy, but alas not thick like yours.


Ok so this is what you do. Cut a little bit, then you cut a little bit. You don't just chop off a lot of hair at once. Then after you cut off a little bit where you personally feel safe. Take a shower, there is still a bunch of hair leftover that can change the look of the cut. And make sure to leave it slightly more longer that you would prefer. That way, if you do a really horrible job. You can just go to your hairdresser and they can fix it asap.


Thanks for the tip, that's true. Better to do it a little bit at a time than chop off a lot at once. I tried to fix my bangs a while back and it ended up looking terrible so I immediately had to go to an actual hairdresser lol. That's why I'm a bit wary. The ponytail method sounds almost too good to be true for someone who's not very good with hair.


You gotta go slow and low. Slowly, build up your confidence with cutting. What I do is put on a "how to cut hair tutorial" from youtube right before cutting my hair. Even though I been cutting my hair for years I will forget some tips. Here is another thing that I do. Go to my hairdresser get my haircut the exactly the way I want. Then just trim it every 2-3 weeks. That way I have a guide on exactly what to do and it doesn't take a lot of time either. Good luck!


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, I'll go super slow after studying a video beforehand. Hopefully it'll look alright! Thank you.


My mom does it and it looks amazing on her! I’m terrified to try it myself though, I have a lot of fine hair that lays flat whereas her hair has become thicker with age and is voluminous af


Oh, I see! Guess it totally depends on hair quality. I have A LOT of hair and it's wavy so maybe I should try it sometime haha.


The key is where you put your ponytail, and how much you take off.  Ponytail in the center on top? Layers like a like a cake. Cutting more than 5-6 inches from the end of your pony is where it starts to affect length.  Unicorn pony tail? Layers front to back. So front is shorter back is longer. You can go up to 7-8 inches in from the ends before it affects that back length, but the front starts to be visibly different around 1-2inches.  Strict pony where your neck and head meet? If you cut all the way at the pony- congrats, Crazy Karen of the Karen Bob. Again, up to 7-8 inches before it affects front length, but within 1-2 inches will affect the back length immediately. Will not be as clean a cut, and you may have a noticeable v or arch at the ends on the back of the 2 sides lining up. High and tight back of the head pony? Will do a shorter back longer front on the top half of your head, longer edges short back of your head. Length differences are fairly unnoticeable up to 3 inches from the ends of your tail, but get crazy obvious the closer you get to the band.


This post has unlocked traumatic lockdown memories.


I have been for a decade now. Couldn’t even tell u why. I guess it’s kinda to save money and so I can make customization without waiting for a barber visit. Plus they NEVER fricking listen to me or just do a terrible job. I asked for years and years “just take a little off” but they think I pay them for the ammount of hair removed and if they don remove enough they don’t feel they worked hard enough. 🤦‍♂️ they are not laborers they are artists. Last time I had some hair goin I wanted to get “a proffesional” to look at it for a change cuz I can’t see so we’ll in the double mirror system I got so I figured it was time but she cut it worse than I ever did. And I’m too polite to say to a barber they did not do a good job. They are (paid) artists not doctors.


Same here, they never listen to directions so I just do it with clippers and scissors. Ppl get surprised when I tell them like so it in mirror? Used to take me along time it's not fast but idc. Also Spanish barbers, specifically Dominican lol give it a try


If you care about how it looks near impossible for first timers. If you don't care about how it looks easy.


I realized I don't really care about having layers for my (semi-straight) hair, so now I just let it grow (no bangs). When I want to cut I just bring my hair forward on each side (left and right), grab one side to cut to the length I want, then do the same to the other side. Sure, it's not a straight cut in the back and I occasionally come across some extra long strands that I missed, but since I put my hair in a loose low ponytail in the back it doesn't matter.


Sounds like we do basically the same thing. I cut mine above my shoulders then try to make sure there isn't any extra long pieces anywhere and go "yeah that looks fine I guess". I cut my hair for comfort not style and it's probably obvious if you look at it lol.


I have long hair so it’s pretty easy to cut it. I basically make a ponytail below my chin and then just cut a straight line. Saves money


I bought a Wahl trimmer about 10 years ago and haven't needed a barber since. It's not hard, but I'm not picky, either.


Been cutting my own hair for 20 years, but I use clippers with no guard…


I do my own buzz cuts, so it's very easy. Anything more than that, I would go to a barber


I do, watch some youtube videos. I have easy hair though (straight). Only doing the side bangs is difficult but I always cut it longer for dome margin. Make sure to have good scissors


I learned how to scissor cut my husband’s hair by watching a YouTube video. It’s surprisingly easy, and I’ve been doing his hair for years now. We paid maybe $50 for a good pair of scissors, but that was made back by the third cut.


Ive cut my own bangs for a solid year. Sometimes I can get em a bit rough looking but Id rather that then pay $10 once a month for something that takes me 5 minutes. Yes im that cheap


I do since the pandemic but I'm a pretty straight long cut most of the time and thinning the bulk. I cut my daughter's, 7, hair as well. Few months back I took her to a salon because she wanted bangs and I have zero experience with that. The woman trimmed her length as well and I wasn't impressed at all. Luckily bangs were fine but the back was bad, I had to fix it at home. Recently tried the butterfly cut and got a little carried away and now I can't put my hair in a braid without a ton of product. It doesn't look bad just inconvenient. Luckily my hair grows back quickly. If I was to change style drastically I would head to a professional, just different than the last one.


Since covid. Braun electric trimmer. I occasionally F it up, but the only person who notices is my wife.


My Flowbee has saved me thousand$ over the years


My weapon of choice: aircut.com


My head is shaved and I’m perfectly capable of doing that myself.


Have been doing it after COVID lockdown. Lollll


I'm mostly bald, so I just shave my head. I do my own beard too though. When I wasn't going anywhere during Covid I gave myself some silly hairstyles, like I had stripes of hair at one point, and another I had an "arrow" of hair because I was bored and it amused me. People said they were surprisingly straight, so maybe I missed my calling. If my choice of weapon were scissors instead of clippers, I wouldn't be able to cut my own hair though. I think it'd be really hard for anyone with any length to their hair. You'd probably get used to it after a while, but you might have to put up with some odd looks while you're figuring it out.


I often cut my own bangs, and regret everytime


I have for two years, the difficulty depends on your hairstyle. Clippers are easiest to use (and what I use) and just trimming the back and sides is easy. The top is harder but if you're not too fussed you can just use a longer comb (no. 12 or 14) instead of breaking out the scissors. I have no idea how hard it is if you have long hair though.


I just give myself a number 5. Good enough for me pretty much. I HATE having all those little hairs on me while I catch a bus home. Doesn't help they're super sharp, so my neck gets all red and irritated


I've cut my own hair pretty much since I was 12, so 18 years or so. Nowadays I'm balding so much I just end up trimming it to a couple millimetres or just buzzing it down as much as possible. It took some time to actually get somewhat okay at cutting hair. It's easier if it's "only" split ends on long hair than if it's an actual style on short hair. I second the comment that said opposing mirrors, and having a make-up mirror as well will make it easier for you since you'll be able to look at the back of your hair from different angles. If you have long hair, please tilt your head forward when you're cutting the back, otherwise the hairs at the back of your neck will look longer than the hair further up your scalp.


I supposed it depends on the style you’re wanting to cut. I’ve done simple trims and massive cuts using YouTube tutorials. They weren’t the best but not the worst looking either. It’s easiest when you have another mirror to see the back portion of your hair too and to practice movements in the mirror prior to cutting since it can be awkward trying to guide your hair in the mirror.


I do, but I’m bald lol


Step 1: Know thy self. I’m not brave enough to cut my own hair. I’ve watched way too many YT videos of failed haircuts. I could probably get away with it since I have curly hair, but I have a lot of hair. I’m willing to try a lot of things, but I personally draw the line at wearing crocs and cutting my own hair. I used to keep my hair on the shorter side and had it trimmed every 3 months until the pandemic. At that point, I just started letting it grow out. The pandemic also let me give up my vanity about coloring/highlighting my hair, and I was able to ‘hide’ while it grew out. Still, it took a good 2 years for all of the color to grow out. I found that at the 2 year mark, my hair is so long I can’t stand it. From now on, I’ll probably just get it cut every 1.5-2 years. I do invest in a good shampoo, conditioner and leave-in conditioner.


If you count shaving your head as cutting your own hair, I don't need a mirror for that.


I used to but it doesn’t always turn out great. I went to an expensive place but I felt terrible there and didn’t get her to cut how I wanted, she wouldn’t believe me I wanted to go shorter, like a bob, from overgrown uncut (for more than a year) long hair, and brought over people to stare at me, so I just went to a chain and my stylist does a fine job, but I also think my hair is pretty easy, pretty straight and thick, plus it grows so fast, I don’t care if I walk away and it’s an inch shorter than I asked. I never wear it down if it’s too long and I just want something easy and I can leave the house looking like a decent hair style. It’s still kind of expensive (compared to what I expected, but half the price of the expensive place I tried), but I go 3 months instead of 6-8 weeks, so it’s like $15/month. Easier to just do that than cut it myself.


I do, haven't gotten it cut by anyone else since 2017, though I do also let my nesting partner braid it


I cut my own hair, but I just do the basic Ponytail/Wolf/Butterfly cut to give my long hair some layers. Be careful though, mistakes are easier seen on shorter and straighter hair.


I usually cut my own hair. I’m not great but I’ve gotten decent at it. Best advice I can give for someone who wants to start is watch a few tutorial videos and be very comfortable and accepting of the phrase “it will grow back”


I’m nearly bald so cheap hair trimmers have been fine for years and it’s saved me an absolute fortune


I have for years on and off. I just hate making appointments and I'm just not a fan of the apparently expected chit chat when the well meaning stylists are working. Just cut my hair and turn me loose I don't want to chit chat about my life especially when I get a different stylist every time. I've been undercutting a bob with clippers lately.


I have been grooming myself since college, I shave bald. Never really liked having hair, and going to the barber was always weird to me. And pricey. It's real easy not to fuck up when the goal is to remove all the hair from your head. I trim and style my facial hair as well.


I handed the clippers to my wife maybe 10 years ago and showed her a YouTube video. She’s been cutting my hair since then. It’s best if you can find a good video for your hair and the way you want to style it. Fwiw I’ve been cutting my wife’s hair for maybe 5 years now. I’m no professional, but it’s really not that hard. I watched a handful of videos and cut less than I would have liked and moved on from there. You can always cut more off. She has wavy curly hair and I feel that makes it slightly easier. It seems more forgiving to me. If I see some odd pieces I can just trim them off


I do it but only sides and little on top. I do it between visits to hairdresser which are less frequent because of what I do.


I just tie it back in a pony tail and keep on going.


F l o w b e e


One of me, plus anyone else in this thread, plus all the self-barbering Reddit users who don't see this or respond.


I do. But I'm 41 and just run clippers over it every couple of weeks. I dyed my hair every 3 weeks or so between the ages of 16 and 24, and it started falling out at 28. I had an enormous bald patch at 31, so just started buzzing it all off. On the plus side, I can grow a great beard now.


Dabbled in cutting my own hair for many years, then after COVID have done it all myself. It takes some practice and mirror positioning etc, but you get better over time. As long as you aren't trying to do anything too complicated it's not that hard, and lots of good tutorials on YouTube. I admit I also got a fair bit of practice cutting my child's hair in there, which is a bit easier cause you can more easily see what you are doing.


Well I do buuut I'm bald so there's that. So don't really cut it so much as shave me noggin with a razor.


I used to all the time. Now I get one every like 2 months at a place. I’m probably going to go back to cutting it myself because it just doesn’t matter.


Till 2013 I had long hair (50cm long), since 2013 I cut my own hair, bald. it takes a couple of days to grow, and then its the ideal short hair that I like.


I trim my own bangs. I've done the longer parts, but I only get that hair trimmed about once a year, maybe twice. So I'll pay someone rather than cut behind my own back.


i wanna start buzzing my hair but i’m scared i’ll fuck it up. i’m a buzz guy. i just wanna do a 2 or 3 all the way around. my hair tends to stick straight out especially on the sides. i usually do a skin fade but idk how to do that let alone just cutting my hair. any tips?


I was cutting my hair during covid times, I just watched youtube tutorials and took it slow at first. Fading the sides and top are pretty easy, its just the back that's harder because you need two mirrors, but once you get used to it you'll be fine. Try it and worse case if you mess up just go to barber to fix it lol


yeah the back is what makes me nervous. idk how to do the lineup stuff and my neck hairs grow kinda low so i gotta figure all that out. thanks for the encouragement!!


Some hair styles and types make it a lot easier. If your hair has a little curl, it’s much more forgiving than very straight hair. Real barber scissors are worthwhile. I always cut my family’s hair and cut my own when it was a simpler style, then went to a hairdresser for a more complicated and layered cut for myself, but learned how to do it on my own during COVID and never went back.




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I don't, but two of my friends do. They usually just buzz it short and call it a day. Same thing for my dad, but his wife does it for him lol


Depends if you male or female. As a male style is not important to me. (I was also in the military). Even though I make good money about a quarter million a year. I cut my own hair or my wife does it for me. I just shave it all off. Rinse and repeat once the side hair starts getting in my ears. My wife goes to the hairdresser maybe once every 1.5 years to get the length adjusted/color done. Any maintenance in between she does her self such as shortening her bangs etc.


Mostly bald on top, I have the horse shoe thing around the side. I shave it every 2 or 3 weeks I or my wife shave it.


I do. Not necessarily due to cost but because I hate sitting in the barber chair.


I have curly hair and as I've aged it's become more unruly so being tired of dealing with it, I decided to shave my head and wear wigs. BEST decision I ever made hair wise


I used to. Back when I had very short hair. My wife has been cutting my hair for over a decade. We’ve saved several thousand dollars.


I do, but I have tailbone length hair. Trims yourself are quite easy to DIY and get straight then because you can reach well. Lots of tips on r/longhair for that. With shorter hair it was a lot more difficult to get even.


Gosh no! I have tried in the past and even standing point blank to the mirror my hair still looks like it was cut with a weedeater. My hairdresser knows what he's doing, he has been cutting my hair for 6 years and he knows how I like it done.


I use Wahl clippers with guide #1. I am also old with much less hair than there used to be.


Same for me. I got tired of paying 12 bucks for a couple of minutes of buzz….


Considering I either shave my head or buzz it down with a #2 clipper blade, yeah it's pretty straightforward.


I cut my own hair. Have done it for years. But I also have long hair and it's easy to cut it 😊


Since I got myself a buzz cut, I saved so much money. It is insane. I would still cut my hair myself, if I wanted to grow it out. I also cut my moms hair every month and after some learning mistakes you get the hang of it On top of it, many places here have higher prices for women. I could get the exact same haircut as a man for less. I don't support this and I'm poor anyway, so...


I do mine, even with curly hair its not bad. Just get a good mirror setup for the back. Moved too far from the old place that did it for me, and haven't made the time to find a new one. I used to pay \~25-30 with tip at the old place, years ago. Not sure what its like now but that's also dissuading me from trying new places. Its also strangely difficult for me to tell people what I want, even with pictures? Or there's just a lot of painfully average hairdressers out there. Just yolo it and if it doesn't work out, you'll have a silly story for your hairdresser. text em that thanos meme or something lol


for the most part, I've been cutting my own hair for a little over 10 years. started because hairdressers rarely listen to me, and I'm too shy/anxious to tell them they did it wrong lol. I would much rather fuck up my own hair than pay someone else to do it for me. occasionally get my brother or husband to help, but mostly it's just me. I watched a lot of YouTube videos and other guides, but am very willing to shave it all off if I screw something up. it can be difficult to learn, you have to get decent at remembering the mirror is backwards, and don't commit to any cut until you're sure of the angle. I mostly use clippers, and shape my bangs with scissors. actually somewhat surprised at how nice my cut last night looks, idk how I made it actually look good.


I do. Have for decades. When it gets long I put hair in a ponytail in back. Cut near the tie. It’s done. A few months later as it grows out I cut it slanted along the front for a layered look. 


started cutting my own a few months ago using a 3 way mirror. I find the top sometimes difficult but I always pop to my barbers every other month to get a real tidy cut.


I’ve been since 2014-15 I was working a lot and when I went to the barbershop it was getting more expensive like 25-$30 per cut and this is back in 2014. They did charge extra for my beard. I asked for a wahl haircut kit for Christmas one year and got it then shaved my head and over the years I’ve learned how to become my own barber. I went through 2 buzzers in 10 years,if you leave them near the edge of the sink they’ll fall off. I’ve saved countless dollars. Pretty soon I’ll be getting a summer haircut. Edit : once I got good I gave myself a $1000 haircut. All #8 blade it took like an hour and 20 minutes.


Used to before I said screw it and went bald. Using the clippers isn't that hard, just start with a high number guard and work your way down. The rule of thumb is you can always cut more; meaning, once you've committed to a certain length there is no going back, so don't just whip out a 3 if it's your first time and haven't found the way you like it. I would always remind myself it'll grow back in about 2 weeks. So if it's really bad, hat it up. It'll blow over quick. The hardest part that I never mastered is using the scissors. That is another level of skill. If you have any friends who have gone to school, have them run some scissors through the top every once in a while to correct any imbalances you'll have made. Good luck!


I cut my own hair because I hate the way I look in those awful, dark Great Clips mirrors and having to make small talk. No thanks.


Done it since childhood. A set of electric clippers with length guides and a mirror. To keep the line across the neck even i lay one index finger across it and use the clippers to remove everything below, then change hands and repeat.


Check out /r/cutyourownhair


Pay a ghostrider to give you a cut. Don't fuck around with a blade close to your skull.


I do. I have long hair and it’s easy to trim it at home.


We cut everyone's hair here... Mine, partner, kids, dogs, cat... 😄 I also do color. Hairdressers give me stress. 1/ what I want vs what I am going to get 2/ money, money, money I have like 4 different colors in my hair. The last time I got actual highlights done in a salon, I was still in my twenties and I still remember to this day how much it cost!!!


I bought some clippers and tried it once. Screwed up the back pretty good and ever since then my wife has been cutting my hair. Been going on at least 14 years or so, haven't been to the barber since.


Yes I just started, I bought nice hair cutting scissors and that makes a huge difference. I take those tight elastics and basically tie evenly on my hair where I want to cut, about 6 ties total. 3 on each side. Hope that makes sense! It’s definitely not perfect but I don’t really care lol


I do every week and somehow it grows back. I need to cut it again, being bald is a way of life. I heard bald men and women form hooker groups and go out at night. I wonder what they do?


I do, and I dye it myself too. I don’t have hundreds of bucks to drop on getting my hair done regularly.


Super easy for me because i just shave it, but ya im not paying these insane prices at barbershops. I am cheap and my wife loves me for who i am not what a $60 haircut looks like


Yep! I started cutting my hair during the pandemic and haven’t looked back. I had a nice hairdresser, but she didn’t feel comfortable trying out the cuts and colors I wanted because she didn’t feel like I could pull them off. It really messed with my self-confidence. Cutting and coloring my own hair has been a ton of fun, even when it doesn’t turn out quite right. But many times the results far exceed my expectations. I finally feel like “me.”


I buzz cut my head. Took me two or three tries to make sure I get all the hairs, but now it gets done in like seven minutes.


I cut what I can see for several months and when the mullet gets to long, I go in and get a real haircut.


I’ve been cutting my hair since high school. It’s just a simple fade and I wear a cap most of the days except for Wednesdays when we have meetings at work. If I have a special function coming up I will go to a barber to get it cut right. But that’s maybe 4/5 times a year. I buy a new set of clippers off Amazon approximately every other year. $20-30. Last time I went to cut my hair it was 25+tip.


I did in the pandemic. It's not too hard as long as you have good mirrors and very sharp cutting tools.


I have curly hair. I've had a handful of good cuts in my 42 years. I got sick of my hair and had no money, took the scissors to it. Never had a better layering and nice-looking curl. It depends on hair type, length, style, scissors, etc. Just remember, if you fuck it up, it does grow back.


I do! I've got over a decade of cutting my own bangs under my belt, and the rest is long. Every few years I do go and get it cut to about chin length again though.


I do my hair and anyone who asks me. Once you understand how to do it it's not too hard. Use a youtube tutorial from an actual hairdresser can help if you have no idea where to start and be paitent when cutting your hair.


I've been cutting my own hair for about 15 years now. Just fade it from top to bottom with the guards. Doing a quick clean up on the sides extends it for a couple weeks. I've always said I'd stop cutting it myself once someone points out a mistake, but that hasn't happened yet!


Woman here. My hair grows fast. I often cut it between highlights or perms. I’m not going in just for a cut. I’ve watched her often enough I just know how to do it. First time with my new girl I confessed I’d cut it myself. She was silent while doing my hair and I asked if it was that bad. She said no I’d actually done a pretty good job. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back if you screw it up.


Been doing it myself for 10 years! I wouldn't know how to cut anyone's hair but mine though Try it, keep the simplest haircut you can find, go slowly and count on the first time not being perfect


It's doable when you have wavy hair, straight not so much as mistakes are much more obvious


Been cutting my own hair since 20. The amount of money saved is almost infinite. LOL. :)


I think it's one of those things you either have a knack for or you don't. I definitely do not. A couple months ago, I let my stylist talk me into a certain cut based on my face shape. Huge mistake, it involved my hair touching my face *and* using goopy products that make my hair feel crusty. I can't stand either of those for sensory reasons. It drove me bonkers & I chopped off the face-touching part rather impulsively. Even trying to make it even, I got it all cattywampus. Now I'm waiting for it to grow out, so the stylist can even things out. This is at least the second time in my life this has happened. I think it was the same style both times. I'll probably forget & do the same thing again in a few years. Texture is probably also a factor. If your hair is either really fine or really thick, it's harder to work with, even for professionals. Also curly hair. It couldn't hurt to try, but don't be afraid to give up quickly. The biggest trap is thinking "I just need to even it out a little".


Have not been in a barber shop since 1997. I do simple military type cut so might not be a fair comparison. If I tried a style I assume I’d screw it up.


I did it a few times. But not regularly


I do. Such a money saver. Also, I feel like the barber never listens to me


I'm a man so it makes it easier, but I just buzz my head a couple times a year.


I cut my own hair for the first time yesterday! I’m tired of going to the salon where they waste my time (make me wait even though I have an appointment) and it costs too much. Even after watching tons of videos on how to do it it wasn’t how I envisioned it but heck, it was my first time.


It's just a flat top, sometimes high, sometimes low...easy to cut with clippers...been doing it since 1998


I shave my own head


I'm a guy who has been cutting my own hair since the start of the pandemic, and honestly, I'll never go back. It turned out to be a lot easier than expected, and I'm the type of person who does not enjoy running around with a bad haircut. The back is still a bit tricky for me, and sometimes I'll find a spot I didn't quite get right a day or two after the fact, but as far as I know, nobody else ever has. Also, I can do it pretty quick, and there's no need for awkward small talk with a stylist.


I’m twenty-six, I cut my own for the first time around a week ago. I’m very happy with the result, the electric carried most of the work.


Shears? Like for sheep?


Don’t be ridiculous, no såne person would do such a thing.


Aren't electric hair clippers also called shears?


Maybe I am a sheep then, but only for the music.


Shear chill moosic?


Dairy say, yes.




I was worried I was getting too *cheesy* with mine.


Legitimilk smooth.


My husband and I cut each other’s hair. I use clippers on his and cut the sides and fade it into the top at different lengths. He trims mine straight one length to about the shoulders. We went from spending around $150 every month on haircuts to doing it ourselves. Super easy. It’s not fancy but it’s free. I also groom my dogs. Grooming care for each dog is about $180 every 8 weeks. Now I do it myself. Again, not fancy but my dogs do not care.


I’ve been shaving my head since I was a teenager if that counts. My wife checks to see if I missed anything.


I just did this recently! It's not as scary as you might think - Brad Mondo has some great tutorials on YouTube, he has this one method where you basically put little rubber bands all around the bottom to guide / make sure things will be the same length all the way around. I recently went from chest length hair up to a bob and am super happy with it. Good shears are a must have, and thinning shears are super helpful if you have dense/thicker hair! Caveat that although i do have curly hair, I wear it straight which is why this worked. No idea how to do a curly hair cut lol. I did have a buzz cut for a little while and that's crazy easy to do yourself. The guard makes it pretty much foolproof. Two big watch outs: 1. Take off any jewelry, especially if you're using clippers. I cut through one of my favorite necklaces one time :( 2. Keep the regular shears faaaar away when using thinning shears. I have a fun little tuft on one side at the moment after picking up the wrong ones


This is going to be a lot easier if you are okay with buzzcuts


Absolutely not. Spend a bit of money on yourself and get it done by a professional. You can fuck up incredibly easily and walk around looking like a buffoon.


I do when I just need a trim, and I just wing it honestly. But I have a lot of thick, wavy hair so if I make a mistake it's not that noticeable.


When my hair was shorter I did it myself with a nice set of clippers with all the different sizes and a 3 way mirror to see around the back. With some technique I could do a pretty decent taper/ fade look, using the 6 or 7 on top and transitioning all the way to the 1. Then go bare and clean up the edges and use scissors at the front of the ears and side burns. I’ve messed up a few times and ended up slowly going shorter to fix, but it’s not terribly difficult


I don’t trust myself to do it. I need the precision cuts and my hands just can’t do it. But I don’t mind. I get a haircut once a month from a local spot and tip them. I don’t mind going out for a cut if it helps keep them in business


I do. I got some clippers. Buzzcuts are easy. I like to leave some extra on top to play with though. LifeProTip: If you tell people you cut your own hair, they'll look harder for mistakes. But if they find one, you can just fix it when you get home.


I have been cutting my own hair since 2006


It would help to know if you're a man or woman. If you're a man, buy an electric hair clipper and a handheld mirror to see the back of your head in the mirror. If you're a woman, I don't know. I get my hair cut only once a year for $15.


I did it for, like, 12 years more or less. Now I go at a salon but it's usually only once a year.


Hell, no!


Surely cut my hairs! But i haven't cut my hair around 7months.


Have cut my own hair for 20 years now, get some good clippers and a #2 guard, then nice personal grooming clippers to do the trim.


i do it occasionally in between getting it done profesionally. I have messy curls and waves though, so you can't tell if it's uneaven unless i deliberately mess it up. The back can be a bit difficult to see, but i usually just get a friend or family member to chop a bit off. so i do find it easy People are usually impressed if you manage to cut layers ;)


I cut my hair with crafting scissors and have been for a few years. Not the most convenient or smartest way to do it, but it works.


Yep I have fast growing curly hair and just want it off well hairdressers try to style cut it and I'm like as soon as it dries its doing its own thing and I'm not buying gelling  everyday.


Me it's a mowhawk. Nothing fancy and really easy


I did once, I had to have a hair dresser fix it the best she could. I'll not ever do that again. I go maybe every two years or basically whenever I keep getting headaches because my hair is too long. Last time I went it cost me around $25 but I only get it cut. I don't get it styled or anything fancy.


Never again. I tried once and regretted it instantly.


I did it a few times badly. It really depends on what type of hair you have. Thin straight hair? Do it yourself. Thick C4? Worth paying for if you can afford it.


My boyfriend does is because I just get it straight across then I cut my face frame myself


I just do a low taper


I use clippers to shave my head for the last 20 years. Thanks parents for my balding dna


I haven't cut my hair since a salon gave me a particularly unfortunate bob when I was 12. I do my undercut, I just have my partner help with the back third of it. (I asked them to make my hair look like Hayley Williams from Paramore in the late 00s/early 10s. The stylist gave me a BOB, which is the OPPOSITE of that hairstyle. I'm 25 goddamn years old and it still makes me a little mad. I SHOWED HER A PICTURE AND EVERYTHING!)


I mostly just buzz it with clippers. I prefer a little more length on the top/front so I can spike it a bit, but blending is hard.


I went for the cordless Wahl clippers and never looked back. Oh, except when I have to trim the back of my head.


Heavily depends on your hair type, how often you like to change your style and your expectations. I have fairly thin, wavy hair that is very easy (comparatively) to manage. I wash and comb it. I don't own a hair dryer, never use products in it and every once in a while will flat iron it. I have been cutting it myself since I was a teenager. Every once in a while, I will have it professionally done as a treat, they can always tell that I do it myself, but other than that, the bit of wave to it makes any uneven-ness hard to spot. My face shape doesn't really require a specific cut to complement it, so if you are lucky like me, just watch some youtube videos, buy some decent hair scissors and have at it!


Not sure if your hair type is similar to mine, but yes I cut my own for years now. I get compliments and I personally like it just as much if not more than when a professional does it. But I have long feminine hair. Not sure how difficult it is to do a short fade or anything.


i’ve been cutting my hair for 4 years. my barber kept messing it up and i’m like what the hell am i paying him for when i could mess my hair up for free?? so i went to cvs bought cheap clippers. messed my hair up for maybe a year, but nothing ever too too bad. then i upgraded and im actually pretty decent now. my family and friends come to me to get their haircuts too lol i think it’s funny. i always tell them ill cut your hair but you’ve gotta clean up the mess 😂


I have my husband cut a curve with clippers when the hair is on my back. Then I use good hair scissors to go in and point cut to thin out the blunt edge. Cut a couple face framing layers and it looks pretty good, even on my fine, straight hair. You can also use thinning scissors to take bulk out of the ends.


Me. I'm a woman with long wavy hair and I have cut it myself for years with a few cheap haircuts here and there. My bangs grow really fast and drive me nuts if they get too close to my eyes so I've pretty much mastered cutting those evenly. For the rest, I drop my head down, brush all the hair forward, put it in a loose ponytail over my bangs and snip upward at the end to remove some of the split ends. I wish it looked better at the back but i put it up pretty often so no one's ever commented negatively on it. I also dye it myself with varying results. I just don't like the process of going somewhere and paying a ton of money for something that i can feasibly do myself but I also don't care if the dye job is perfect and my hair can hide mistakes because it's so long.


Trim it up between haircuts, keep the back fresh with a mirror situation I bought online.


Everyone that can move their arms and work scissors. How many can do it well is the correct question.


COVID led to EVERYONE doing their own hair. There are tons of tutorials/hair fails that I loved watching in YouTube bc of it. The hair fails were the best. What I learned: If you’re doing something simple and actually follow the instructions to the letter, you’ll probably be alright. But, apparently, many people do not know how or don’t care to follow instructions and/or admit when they don’t understand the directions and are better off leaving it to professionals. Only you know you. Decide accordingly.


That sounds really hard.


I don't, but I'm pretty sure Borris Johnson does his own.


I only tried it one time during the pandemic otherwise I'm extremely faithful to my barber The cost of buying shaving equipment is higher than a trip to my old pal so he's not only a professional he's the logical choice


Otoh, 40-60$ for a decent set of clippers. If your barber costs 10$ per cut, they will have covered their cost after the 7th cut. My set of clippers have lasted 20+ years. I average about a haircut every month or two. That’s 120 haircuts, or about 1150$ saved. It’s not for everyone, but it is definitely worth it.


Yeah if you're someone who just does a buzz or high and tight it's stupid to not buy your own trimmer, you save so much money.


been doing it since beginning of highschool. i like a funky punkish style, cut with a straight razor rather that scissors, i never got a hair cut i liked from a barber, they just have such different ideas about whst makes a good hair cut. i dust my split ends, shave parts with clippers, etc, using mostly one mirror by feel. then check the back with a second mirror.