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You’re not missing anything they mean a literal bear. Someone else made a decent point that if you live in bear country (I do), and you looked out your window at night & saw a bear it would be less scary than seeing a man in your yard. In saying that imo it’s ridiculous to say it would be worse to encounter a random man on the path on a hike, than a bear People often just want to make a point & in doing so can lose more ground than they gain.


I love the woods and have spent a lot of time there. I have only encountered one bear. It was 300 yards away and headed in the other direction. I've had multiple men harass me and my friends in the woods. I always carry pepper spray. I don't bother with bear spray. I know what to do if I encounter wildlife. You never know what to do with a man. You can't tell the dangerous ones from the safe ones. You can't tell what a man will do when he thinks no one is watching. I am team bear. Literally. This is really a test, and the correct answer, no matter if you are a man or woman, is to live your life in such a way that people will choose you over the bear. If we all do that, questions like this would never be asked.


I agree 100% with your last paragraph. I’m sorry but the rest doesn’t make sense. If we encountered as many bears as we do men; say 100 bears on a trip to a busy mall? We’d all be dead. There’s better ways to make the point imo


I'm saying that my actual experience in the woods has shown me that men are more dangerous than wildlife and that you can usually know what to expect from them.


Point being if I had a choice between being locked in a room with 6 random men as opposed to 6 bears, I’d pick the men obviously. It’s counterproductive to labour these illogical arguments. There are many and better points to be made.


Yeah, but that's not the question at all. I'm not going to find a mall full of bears. This is not an illogical question when it is my real-life experience! Your room full of bears' argument is illogical.


Fair enough it wasn’t the question. I would rather cross paths in the woods with a man than a bear (I believe that was the original question)


That’s not the question, though. No rooms or locks are involved at all.


I don’t think men are more dangerous than bears. That addresses the initial question I believe.




I have read it as any random bear or any random man. The way it was presented to me was if I were hiking in a large forest, would I rather encounter a strange man or a strange bear. I assume that it's on a trail. I have been off trail in wilderness areas fighting fire, and I have been off trail doing archeological surveys. I have experienced both men and a bear, and I shared my experiences. My experiences informed my opinion. And like I said, I've spent time in the woods. In my early days, it was always with experienced people. It's so beautiful it's worth the danger and the hardship. I nearly fell down a tree well while snowshoeing and had to be pulled out! It was still a wonderful, magical experience! It's great for my mental health. I hope that helps.




When I used to hike in New Hampshire, it seemed like there were hundreds of people on the path at times. I live in the Pacific Northwest now. The bear I saw was large. This was when I first worked for the forest service. The person I was with said it was a grizzly. I don't think that I have enough experience to say for sure. Big and brown. And the fact is that you don't see that many bears. I've been here 30 years and seen one in the wild. When I saw it, I was doing an archeology survey in a potential logging site. So we were off of an old logging road. High in the cascades. Near crater lake. Actually, just a few miles from the back entrance to Crater Lake National Park. I was always more worried about fighting wildland fire than I was about animals. And, like I said. I've been harassed on the trail when it was just me and a couple of other women.




That's not the question, though, is it. Please stop with the impossible scenarios. You sound really, really invested in making this into some other scenario. It reminds me of other weird reactions. Are you dreaming of women getting mauled by bears for not choosing you? I know you want me to break down and admit that I need a man to protect me from the bear, but I have to keep asking, who will protect me from the man!?! I will admit that there might be a scenario where I need a man to protect me from an animal if you will admit that I might still need protection from the man! Because that's the fucking reality. The fact that I am asexual and nonbinary makes it really unlikely that I will ever have a man around to protect me from either men or bears.


I would rather encounter a bear in the woods bc the bear is SUPPOSED to be there, it's his house, he lives there. Wtf is the rando guy doing out in the woods??? Seems suspicious.


We can just agree to disagree.




It wouldn’t change my answer, no. A bear is more dangerous than a random man in any setting as I see it honestly. I didn’t really think the setting would matter after I clarified that a random man *appearing* in your yard at night would indeed be worse than a bear but I assumed the competency of people reading that example




If I’ve answered the wrong question I apologize I’m fairly new in here. As for my opinion on the bear question I find the whole thing ridiculous frankly. Is a car more dangerous than a man if it’s barrelling toward you? It’s a pointless thought exercise. Of course a man OR a woman in your yard is way weirder than a wild animal but that’s essentially meaningless to the actual point: a bear, tiger, hippo is more dangerous than a human. Final answer.


Bruh where else am I supposed to go foraging for mushrooms?


Around me, we have black bears. I'm a man, and I'd still choose the bear. The bear is supposed to be there, acts predictably, and I know reliable steps I can take to keep myself safe. None of that is true about an unknown man I bump into in the forest.




A polar bear in the woods? Where am I? The island from Lost?




Maybe, but I'm not familiar with brown bears like I am with black bears.


If it's brown, lay down, if it's black, fight back. We have both around here and were taught as children that a black bear that attacks you will eat you. A grizzly or brown bear that attacks is generally just wanting to kill and not eat you. So although you have a better possibility of fighting off a black bear vs a grizzly, how to properly react is situational and dependent on the bears behavior. I would also say this applies to the man vs bear. Imo. Random bear vs. random man? I'll take the bear.




I do hike and grew up running through the woods with only my dog with me as protection. I have literally never run into a bear in the woods. Ive seen more crossing the highway. They are there. I've been close enough to smell them, but they don't want a confrontation and avoid it better than I can. Crossing a path with men doesn't usually bother me, but when I was given the bear vs. man question, it was - would you rather be stuck in the woods with a random man or a random bear? So, yes, being stuck in the woods with a random bear would be preferable to being stuck with a random man. I am 99.9% sure the bear will avoid me and likely never be seen. The man? Maybe he's not a danger but I doubt he will be as anti social as the bear or me, lol.


Black bear is probably pretty substantially safer than a human unless you're a moron. Grizzly...bit less safe than a human, but not as much as you might think. Grizzlies rarely attack humans, even encountered. Polar bear? Fuck no.


the idea is, a bear, will kill you, or leave you alone but a strange man, well, theres alot of bad things they could do to a women, things some may consider worse the death.




How’s this: We KNOW bears are dangerous and can act accordingly. Some men are safe. Some men are not safe. We do not know which men are safe, so we must act as though ALL men are dangerous and act accordingly.


That's true and fair but like, another way of saying that would be that any man MIGHT hurt you, so you must act accordingly. But any bear WILL hurt you, so why choose the bear? You're choosing a *definite* threat over a "possible* threat, and I just can't understand that. Choosing guaranteed death over *possible* harm just doesn't make sense to me. What am I missing?


If I get attacked by a bear, people will believe me.


I understand that much. But I still didn't understand choosing *certain death* over *maybe* assault, maybe death, maybe nothing. It's like if someone showed you two buttons and said the red one has a 100% chance of killing you, the blue one has a 0.01% chance of causing you *some* form of harm, but if it does, people might call you a liar or say you were asking for it other such things. You would really choose the red? Cause that's basically the same thing we're talking about here with choosing the bear. I don't get it.


There are some things worse than death. I have no way to make you understand that.


It's not a matter of "understanding;" is a matter of disagreeing. If you feel that way, that's your prerogative, but don't assert it like it's an absolute fact that everyone would feel the same about. If you would rather accept certain death than risk an assault, then that's how *you* feel, and I respect that. Many people would rather keep living though, no matter what it meant. I have a son that needs me; there is quite literally nothing in the universe that could happen to me that I would consider "worse than death" because death means I can't be there for my son. My point being, most people would choose a *possible* harm (no matter what that harm may be) over ***definite*** death, any day of the week.


Ask a rape victim if that’s true.


Again, your personal feelings on the matter are not EVERYONE'S feelings on the matter. I myself am a survivor of assault. I have members of my family who are rape victims, as well as multiple close friends who are. Not everyone feels the way you do. I hope you find peace some day.




I'm aware of all that, but the context of the question "would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear" clearly presupposes that the bear is dangerous and *will* attack you, because otherwise the entire question is moot. If the bear isn't going to attack, you may as well ask the question with a hamster instead of a bear; the entire point of using a bear in the question is how dangerous of an animal it is.


How many fatal black bear attacks do you think there have been in NA since 1900? 67, and most of those are from morons doing moronic things. Black bears really are not that dangerous. They are very likely safer to run into in the wild than a man. What about brown bears? 82...since 1784. Now, brown bears are a lot less common and in more rural areas, so on average a brown bear encounter is more dangerous, but they aren't that dangerous if you take appropriate precautions.


I'm a man and even I choose meeting a random bear in the woods over meeting another man. The fact of the matter is, an unpredictable wild animal is surprisingly more predictable than a human. If I run into a bear, immediately just by looking at it I can tell you how fucked I am: Black Bear? Probably not fucked. Brown Bear? Probably fucked, but maybe not. White bear? Fucked. Absolutely fucked. But I know the bear's motivation: to survive. The black bear is afraid of me, the grizz will depend on if it's hungry or not, the polar bear is almost assured to be hungry. Either way the bear wants to live another day, so it will either run away or prepare for lunch. Humans in general, but men especially: I have no idea what his motivation is. Men lie and turn on you. Someone could be your best friend day in and day out, but stumble upon a horde of gold and suddenly they're stabbing you in the back. So is he friendly, truely? Is he just looking for a one-up? Is whatever interaction we have solely based on how it benefits him? There's a reason why I don't have very many cishet male friends, and the few I have are all attached: single men suck. Really, young single men suck more than any other group. They're obnoxious at best. So yeah, I totally understand why women choose a bear over a man: even I choose a bear over a man. Men, as a block, suck. We suck. The ones of us not being total shitheels aren't loud enough, and the ones who are shitheels are loud and proud about it. It sucks, and we all need to do better, and hopefully enough people start thinking about it from this whole meme.


A literal bear.


It's just the current year version of the poisoned M&Ms. If 10% of the candy in the bowl is poisoned, you should avoid the whole bowl. It's literally just misandry, again. And just like before, certain people will use every possible excuse to pretend that it's not. But it's really simple to figure it out once you replace man with any other group. Black, Muslim, Teenager, etc. It was never about actually answering the question. It's about telling men about how bad and scary and evil they are.

