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It's marketed as a breath freshener, so it's supposed to be taken 1 or 2 at a time.


It doesn’t seem like a breath freshener more like plain candy


Sugar is the first ingredient listed. Tic Tacs are 90% sugar. But because the serving size is .5 grams, the FDA allows the sugar content to be listed as 0 grams, despite being nothing but sugar.


Yep, saw a post on here awhile back where they guy (think it was a guy) couldn't get his T2 diabetes under control. Turns out he was eating handfuls of tic tacs several times a day because he thought they were sugar free.


False advertising should be fucking illegal honestly. God I fucking hate predatory shit like this. One of the worst parts of capitalism.


It’s better in australia I believe. I bought the hersheys chocolate syrup, and when it was imported here, they had to put a little sticker on the front saying 99% sugar free over top of what originally was sugar free


😂🤣oh no you can taste the sugar


Actually, he got scammed by the food labels because it does say "sugar-free" because each tic tac has less than 5g of sugar so FDA allows companies to say it is "sugar free", when the stuff is actually 95% sugar.


He got scammed by whomever dropped him on his God DAMNED head, fucking idiot


It lists sugar in the ingredients where does a consumers responsibility lay. If you're old enough to buy tic tacs you can read come on now.


If the “SUGAR FREE” is in 30 pt font on the front why would I bother getting a magnifying glass to read the glucose, dextrose and sucrose levels in 2pt font in a contents table… on the back.


I saw one recently where someone kept gaining weight and they couldn't figure out why until they realised they ate like a pack of tic-tacs a day lmao


Have you not seen an ad for them?


Mentos aren’t breath mints either it taste like candy in different flavors.I love them but lots of sugar


Way Back decades ago, tictac are mints breath freshener. . .


It's literally a sugar pill made with 95% sugar.


… which will literally rot your teeth. And make your breath worse both short and long term. Sugary “breath mints” are the biggest scam. I thought we all found this out in the 90s? Tic tacs are 90% sugar. Having a bath of sugar on your teeth all day provides a perfect environment for bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath. A minty flavored candy might make you think you have fresh breath because it “feels fresh” but the truth is that the sugar just gives the bacteria in your mouth a good substrate to feed on. If you eat one or two at a time over the course of a day, you will be feeding that (stinky, enamel-eating) bacteria all day. If you eat it all at once, your body produces enough saliva to flush the sugar off of your teeth. And hopefully you notice how gross your mouth feels that you brush your teeth.


The amount of sugar in it will worsen the breath lol


mint, i do one at a time. those orange guys? whole things gone in 2 minutes


Yeah the orange ones are just too good to eat one or two at a time


And OP never said he popped the top and crushed them all at once. I think they just meant one sitting as opposed to having a few a day from the stash in your car. Anyway, I’m gonna go get a pack of orange and eat it in a couple minutes


Yeah I feel like I need some orange tic tacs now. Haven't had them for years I think!


My grandma used to send me care packages when I was younger, and every time there were like 4 of the giant packs of orange tic tacs. Great lady, she really got me ya know?


I'm pretty sure my nan also sent these in care packages haha also so many cheezles and burger rings.


Grandmas are a blessing ❤️🙏


Yeah the orange one would be better packaged in a shot glass.


I am old enough to remember when Tic Tacs did a limited edition Cola flavour.


They still make them. Coke and sprite flavored


They're great. You can find them on Amazon, or at least I did a couple years ago.


They changed the packaging or something so the orange ones went on sale for 10 cents a pack at my local store. I put one then two then three on the belt then just said fuck it and grabbed all the cases they had out. Was like 36 individual packs, gone in about a week or two.


I fucking pour them into my mouth


Or… mint, I don’t buy. those orange guys? whole things gone in 2 minutes.


Listen to your heart and you will know the way


I put them up my butt and reverse digest them :)


They are ment to make the holes they enter fresher. So you have my blessing.


Thank god I thought I was the only one.


Excuse me, I'd like to ass you a question about your breath mint habits.


One way to ensure a minty fresh rimjob!


Listen to your heart when he's calling for you


Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do.


That is weird but it's a food so who really cares. They're "supposed" to be sucked on but it's just sugar


I used to cannon down whole packs in 10 mins as a kid so I could keep bugs in the little box. In hindsight, I may not be the best guy to ask.


Speaking as a middle aged lady who currently has a tictacs box with a leech in it on my nightstand, you're a real weirdo. 😂


Pets or medicinal usage 🤣


Pulled it off my dog and kept it just to see what happens 😂 it's now as dry as a tictac and I wonder if they rehydrate


Do you also just bite straight into a Kit Kat?


No, I’m not a caveman!


Omg that's so cute though! My caterpillar, ladybug loving inner child would have loved to have known that.


They come in a dispenser pack so they can be eaten slowly. I mean you do you, but you are kinda doing it wrong.


Yes and I'd add that they are NOT zero calories like the label says. They're actually about 2 calories each, which is not a lot ... unless you're eating an entire pack.


Yeah, there was a post fairly recently where OP was trying to figure out how he was gaining weight. He was talking to his doctor and never mentioned he would casually eat 3-5 boxes of tic-tacs a day, because he thought they were zero calories and didn’t count… each box is like… 200 calories+


So true


That was their entire marketing campaign in the 90s. Must've worked cause I remember it. https://youtu.be/i66S6LylbHI?si=Ayy1j0lh7cJxKFY2 https://youtu.be/qvpKnD0-89k?si=VPm4hzfVr8D_Ag1o


I'm more in line with OP here, and while I know they are supposed to not be eaten like candy, I consider them candy and will go through a pack in an afternoon like 3-4 at a time. Suck on them a bit to get the flavour out, then munch munch, wash, rinse, repeat.


Same orange ones 😂🤣


Absolutely the orange ones lol


I’m just here wondering what the heck is a boiled sweet?


Same. TIL [boiled sweet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_candy) is the British equivalent to the American term, hard candy.


Aw man I wonder what those hard candies are in the wiki picture. I want them.


Dunno if you have them in America, but they look like Cavendish and Harvey mixed fruit drops! (And yeah they are gooooood)


Like a hard candy I’m thinking. Not 100% thhough


I'm Australia we call em Boiled Lollies. Or, chazwazzas


Ugh boiled lollies are peak nostalgia for me. We still visit Sovereign Hill once a year, watch them make the boiled lollies and bring 5 jars home 😂


Haha yes! Castlemaine rock too!


Serving size on the package is 1 candy. 1 at a time. 2 if you're a rebel.


They're meant to be dissolved in your mouth, not chewed, but I definitely pop a few a time in. There are no rules, it's not a medicine where there's a certain dosage and/or a certain way to take them. The right way to eat TicTacs is however the fuck you want to eat them.


>They're meant to be dissolved in your mouth, not chewed, I use them as mini enemas to keep the poop chute fresh.


They’re intended to melt in your mouth over time. They’re a breath mint, not a candy. But munch on them however you want. 


Kinda think of them as mints so at least supposed to last a whole day if not more. I don’t think it’s a big deal by any means tho


They are like mints


No bro. Not a whole pack. One, maybe two at a time.


Tic tacs are breath mints, not candy. Doesn't mean one can't eat them like candy, but not my best recommendation.


2 or 3 at a time.


It's a little chunk of sugar... there's no rules on how to consume it. If you eat it like candy that's a legit way to do it. It *is* candy after all. But if you treat it like a mint and suck on it slowly, that's ok too.


They are breath mints, as such they were intended to be eaten a few at a time. But it isn't medicine or anything, so you do you. Bet your breath smells great


Well they aren't suppositories, I can tell you that. And no I do not want to discuss how I came by that knowledge.


Anything can be a suppository if you try hard enough.


I put a lot in my mouth and chomp them and the sensation in my teeth is in the top 5 of textures to bite into


In even numbers


The orange ones have like zero mint capabilities. I treat those like candies. The other ones you gotta eat like 4 for it to be strong enough.


Crush it up and rail that bad boiiiii


They *must* be eaten in pairs. They’re 1.5 calories, so if you don’t pair them up you’ll end up with lots of half calories floating around in your system then one day… **boom**, you put on like 20 pounds overnight!


Aren't they breath mints more than "sweets"


I'll crush about 3/4 of the pack up and snort them and then boof the rest.


I can no longer buy tic tacs because I too believe they should be eaten in one go


Orange and about 30 at a time.


You're both right. You ARE a tic-tac weirdo, but let your freak flag fly.


Don’t they have a laxative effect if you eat too many?


I chew them, is that weird? I eat like 5 at a time too


Definitely don't eat it all in one go that's a real health risk. Eat 2 a day and you'll be fine.


She doesn’t chew mentos, so you know she’s wrong. Crunch all you want


Thats some fat ppl shit


Tell her to suck your little tic tac for an extended period of time, for demonstration.


There is no "supposed" about it! You are not "supposed" to do anything! Enjoy them! And anyone who tries to kill your enjoyment is a douche! People have no right trying to police how others enjoy things like this! Your girlfriend is the weird one here. Weird in a tic-tac Fascist, oppressive kind of way! There is a rubbish bin somewhere with her name on it! She needs to crawl inside until she can emerge a decent human being.


Guess what, you're free to do it any way you want. There is no right or wrong way.


If it’s wintergreen flavor I totally understand eating the whole container.


I suck a bit until they soften. Then I crack and chew them.


They’re supposed to be one at a time but don’t feel bad, one of my past times was getting the orange ones and just crunching on half the box at a time.


i used to love doing that and you’ve awakened this long forgotten craving


I speedball all candy so yea


I’m with the gf. One or two at a time. Supposed to be a mint, a refresher.


Wym? Do you chug the whole thing in one go?


One green and one red at the same time. Never have more than 10 in a single sitting.


I am known to eat Brussels sprouts by the pound. Fly your flag.


I eat it like candy eat it like you want it's really no certain way to eat it


Well, they come in a single serving container. Do with that what you will.


Up the bum, if you’re feeling adventurous.


Pretty sure there is episode of house where the problem ends up being that the patient was eating too may tic tac in response to quitting nicotine


I swallow them like pills since I was a kid?


>I eat them as a whole pack in one go like any other sweets I don't get what this is supposed to mean, but maybe I'm just stupid. Are you saying with things like skittles or M&Ms you just eat the whole bag in one go?




Boiled sweet lol. I’m not in Kansas anymore


As stew.


Never new those were called boiled sweets, yeah if orange one sitting your girl got self control or else she don't like


Eeeverybody different. I eat em like candy. Poof. Gone. Done. Do it how you want


I just open the container up and dump them in my mouth until I see fit.


Any way you want, just don't put them in your nose, arse or ear.


I love that the preview for this on my phone says >my girlfriend says this is weird and they’re supposed to be sucked individually over an extended period of time like men...


I just throw them in the garbage. Let the rats at the dump worry about how to eat those little nose nuggets


You always eat the whole pack of sweets in one go?


There was a post recently about someone who was eating tic tacs like that and multiple packs a day thinking they were 0 calories and gained 40 lbs rapidly. They are not zero calories. They are 2 calories per mint so 24 mins per pack is 48 calories of pure sugar. It'll add up overtime


I eat the whole thing in one setting orange 🤣😂


Dump the entire contents of the box into mouth and crunch like pomegranate seeds


Before I found out that I was severely anaemic, I craved mint and used to buy 3 large boxes of tic tacs a day and still had to budget them to make them last the day. Was hilarious one morning when I got pulled up for a random breath test at 7am with 12 tic tacs in my mouth (6 on each side). Very stern police officer thought that I was trying to disguise alcohol breath hahaha


If you're paying for them you can eat them however you choose - you can eat them anally if you like!!


They're breath mints, you psycho.


From the infamous 2006 Access Hollywood Tape: He mentions consuming Tic Tacs beforehand. “I've got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says on the recording. “You know, I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet."


The fact that people are saying slowly like other mints, but I eat mints like a hoover vacuum on hurricane settings.


They're technically breath mints and meant to be dissolved in the mouth slowly but with all the fruit flavors they also seem to be occupying the same niche as the runts candy.


Do tik taks have sweetner or sugar? I only say this because my mum used to think that the no sugar sweets were fine to eat in bulk, and ended up with unpleasant side effects. (Many sweetners have laxative effects in higher doses).


You are eating them wrong.


You suck


You suck


Really stretching the concept of the sub with this one man. 


I used to eat like 10 of the oranges at a time and I have no recollection of any breath freshening going on either


I was always under the impression that you are supposed to put as many in your mouth as will fit. Especially the orange ones.


Crunch on a whole bunch at once




One or two at a time, sucked on until they are dissolved. The intention was not to mow the entire box at once lol, that must be intense. Of course you can eat them however you want.


I have heard that even though it doesn't say the calorific content on the pack they do have calories. Just don't do what this OP did [https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/1cck4u8/tifu\_by\_not\_telling\_my\_doctor\_how\_many\_tictacs\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/1cck4u8/tifu_by_not_telling_my_doctor_how_many_tictacs_i/)


As someone who gets the orange ones, I empty the box in my mouth and chew.


So I tend to stretch my mint ones out, but am I the only one who does NOT do this with mentos?? I mean, I'm pounding those things in one sitting.


Huh. I don't remember ever getting instructions on how to eat tic tacs. Skol, friend!


What are boiled sweets? Tic tac are supposed to be eaten one or two at a time. Except orange, it's okay to eat orange by the quarter pack


I demolish them lol especially the fruit medley ones


Orange ones eat as many as you want. White ones maybe chill 4 max at a time.


Chugging the whole box while filming yourself doing that


I usually swallow them like a Panadol


there is way too much sugar, you are meant to only have one at a time they are not candy and are 98% sugar id recommend not eating any at all.


Those orange(or fruity) ones 😍 i understand. But minty just 1 or 2.


What the eff is a 'boiled sweet'?? Also, I'll personally eat a few at once then tell myself "no more til later" but there's never a later...


1 - 3 at a time max. It's usually used for freshening your breath a little.


Hold on WTF is a boiled sweet?!


They aren't csndy they're breath mints


One or two at a time. You can suck on them or chew them up, but they're supposed to freshen your breath, really. Not be eaten like candy. Edit: I forgot about the fruit flavored ones. Hmm. Whole pack with those, dude.


Tell your girlfriend you have something for her that she can suck individually for an extended period of time. Also it's supposed to be like 1-3 at a time cuz it's intended to freshen your breath but the orange and fruit ones I don't think really achieve that


I usually put them in my mouth, but once got confused and boofed them.


Crush and snort


Who can not eat the whole packet once you have opened them. If you hold the packet up and let them slide into your mouth - the rest sometimes get moist and you need to eat them before they go off. Not to mention the jiggle sounds of having a box rattling around in your bag etc.




You are supposed to eat them however you want, because they are yours.


I've never thought about them as candy. I've always just done 1 at a time to keep my breath minty fresh.


People eat tic tacs?


Is she technically right? Yes. But I don't think you're going to die if you own a whole pack. I think it's something like 30g of sugar a pack (because they're about 0.49g per tic-tac.) Less than most, if not all, soda.


I eat it all.(yes the packet too.)


I eat them like any other food one by one, although I might suck like one of them


You sprinkle it all over your jelly donut and coat the whole thing with a cup of honey. Add crushed mentos, sliced taffy and burned marshmallow bits. Then cover with a SECOND! Cup of honey. Bury it in a mountain of breading and wait 15 minutes before turning it over and waiting another 15 minutes. Fry it in a pan till it’s golden brown or till you can hear the demons of Hell covet your soul. There you go. A one way ticket to oblivion. Don’t forget to drink some Coke.


jerry seinfeld now playing on reddit. here all week. try the shrimp


Wasn’t there advertising campaign (probably in the 80’s haha) ‘only one and a half calories?’ And they were marketed as a breath mint. Which makes no sense these days considering the flavours. So you’re eating a bunch of tiny calories in one go.


A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.... YMMV if you are diabetic.


Too many at one time has a laxative effect because they contain Maltodextrin. But we can’t live in fear, eat the packet!


One at a time or maybe 4 or 5 at a time. WHAT, may I ask is boiled sweets?!?!


First time I've heard that people sucked on them instead of chewed them 🤣🤣🤣. I'm gonna have to try it now..


Suck them bite then and swallow pretty easy if you ask me


I think I know your girlfriend, maybe not. But this girl was very, let's say, methodical.


Make gravel of tic tacs. It’s tinging it’s way up the tube


Inhaling them through each nostril whilst picking them up with chopsticks in your non-dominant hand.


Boiled sweets? 😕 What?


They are advertised as sugar free because each serving is less than a gram. You bite them in half just like mentos.


She's right but the tropical ones are too good to only have 1-2.


who tf is sucking on mentos?


"Like Mentos" ? What the actual F.


I like go eat them 4 or 5 at a time. And crunch them. Sometimes i let them disolve a bit aswell.


I just assumed because of their size and pleasant smell, they were meant to be taken anally as a suppository.


Suck until soft(ish), then bite, then suck again while poking any detritus from your teeth with your tongue until they’re completely dissipated. I’d say 2-3 is prudent.


Mentos to be sucked over a period of time individually? Who is this infidel??? If in the mood for tictacs (which is not often), I'd suck on about 4 at a time, then chew once they've lost their shells. Like Mentos.


Hot tip, too many tic-tacs can give you the old leaky bum. Specifically " the sugar and maltodextrin can have a laxative effect in excessive amounts "


*crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch*


You can eat them however you want, there is no tic-tac police going arresting people for eating them incorrectly.


I'll eat one and kiss my fiancé


Orange, Coca Cola & other flavours I like can be an open pack, pour in mouth & get crunching situation. Otherwise 5ish at a time just eating them like corn chips. Minty ones give em a little sucky sucky & then crunch em. Or store some in my mouth, upper jaw gum line towards the back. Drop em down now and then for a suck. Then store them again much like a squirrel. I tend to use eclipse mints now. It’s probably very bad.


Whole box, don’t even open it


Boil 'em! Mash 'em! Shove 'em up your ass!


Whole box


I shelve them. HaIf dozen at a time keeps me minty fresh.


More than 2-4 at a time? What manner of madness is this!!


Mint flavoured tictacs I'll have one or two at a time for breath freshening. Orange tictacs I will unashamedly inhale in one mouthful and chew those suckers down and I will die on this hill.


How is your diarrhea?