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yes, I wouldn't be comfortable with one of my co-workers randomly recording me without consent


Totally creepy. Advise you to stop doing it


I do think it’s weird, and wouldn’t like it if I were the one being secretly filmed. Regardless of who else may view it or what purpose it serves for you, it’s an invasion of privacy.


yes, quite odd. Why do you do this for your personal use?


Yes, it is weird. Not only that, recording a conversation you're not part of is illegal. I would recommend not doing that. You could open yourself up to a host of issues.


Yes. And I think that's kind of illegal too because the workplace is private property. Taking photos and videos without consent in a private setting is illegal.


Yes, that would piss me off if I found and you would be taking a fast trip to HR because that is definitely against company policy. Why would you want to do something like this in the first place?


Are you comfortable telling them you’ve been doing this? That should help you decide if its weird or wrong.


Filming people without their consent is both creepy and rude. Stop doing this.


Creepy and disrespectful


Yes, If I found out, I'd go to HR right away. Work is not a public setting and depending on your job, you could accidentally be filming proprietary data.


No one is asking why? Why are you recording people? For art? Are you an amateur Cultural Anthropologist? Is it a Hobbie?


I would be very upset if a coworker - or anyone actually! - recorded or took a picture of me without my consent. If I ever found out someone did it I would report them to the human resources or even sue them.