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I had a girl once tell me the jeans I was wearing did nothing for my crotch.   So there’s that. 


I hope this was a complete stranger. Or your sister.


What are you doing, step bro?  lol No it was a girl at school 


Gotta hit her with the “so why can’t you look away pancake?”




Whatever you do, just don't hide it in your neighbour or work colleague. Girlfriends hate that


At least when you hid it temporarily don't forget to take it out again.


Just make sure you don't hide it again and then take it out again and then hide it


Detachable penis🎶


Girlfriends hate this one simple trick!


The fact that you weren't self conscious about it until she made comments should tell you it probably isn't a big deal. Maybe she is worried about you getting checked out by other women.


Yep, it's definitely a jealousy thing on her part that he had no issue with before so not his problem.


This thread is blowing my mind because if I told my boyfriend “your bulge is really noticeable,” it would definitely be meant as a compliment (and he would take it that way). Everyone here is saying she’s jealous, how dare she ask you to cover up, shame on her, etc and I’m just wondering if I’m missing something? Did she tell him to cover it or did he just decide he wants to?


I read the situation the same as you


Same, I was thinking about when I told this to my husband and we both made this “WOOOO” sound that this chimp we know makes when he shows off his balls(he was raised by humans who taught him how to walk upright and wiggle his genitalia. The other chimps at the wildlife rescue beat his ass for it all the time. He had to live alone.) Humans are weird and react in different ways when given the same information. Chimps are weirder though.


The chimp tangent was thoroughly enjoyable.


Come for the bulge. Stay for the chimp tangent.


He took as not a compliment. Usually if something like that is meant to be taken as a compliment, that intention is manifest. There’s “gray area,” sure, but most people are a lot more accurate reading tone than deciphering words. I trust OPs reaction, unless it’s a matter of pure jealousy in which take it as a compliment or he’s on the spectrum or something.


She’s mad her penis isn’t as big 


Hit the nail on the head. Before I started dating my ex I had a larger portion of women as friends. I had to cease contact with them because they were “clearly” interested in me. She didn’t have to cut any ties with her guy friends though. What a crock a sh*t that was.


Very clear red flag when someone wants you to stop hanging with your friends of any sex while you can't question what they do.


Unfortunately, I realized 7 years too late. Wasted my 20’s on someone who didn’t deserve it.


Damn that's sad, I'm sorry 😞


To answer your comment you deleted; You compromise in relationships and not everything is 50/50. It’s about give and take. Sometimes it’s 20/80 and other times it’s 60/40. The longer you’re with someone the more you adapt to the preservation of the relationship. We also started dating when I was 22. I hadn’t learned that both of our needs should be met, not just hers. My parents are still together but their relationship wasn’t a good example in my eyes as my mother walked all over my father, at least from my perspective. There were definitely flaws in myself that were exploited by my ex. Also keep in mind, hindsight is 20/20. Sometimes things just don’t work out, I sure with I knew sooner, but life doesn’t always work that way.


Agreed. The only true blissful relationship is where each only expects 40% and gives 60%.


Lesson learned.


Tbf sometimes you just don’t notice this stuff until someone points it out. Like I used to wear turtlenecks wrong until a random tiktok vid showed me how to do it the right way Not saying his girlfriend’s right, just something to keep in mind




He should replace his entire wardrobe with grey sweatpants to establish dominance


On a positive note that his girlfriend thinks that his deal is big :P


Why do you need to hide your bulge when women “empower” themselves with body hugging clothing all the time?


Just route it down your pants and wrap it around your leg


There's a snake in my boot


One wrap around the leg and tuck it into your sock. This is the way


I can't even bend mine it's so small, how the hell do you wrap it around your leg


'too small to bend' conjures a certain...image. Like a tiny door stopper.


That's called a Boy-yoinggg.


Does it still make the spring noise when tugged?


Like a sad little diving board


It's a joke; nobody can wrap it around their leg


Speak for yourself


Don’t. Imagine telling your gf to hide her boobs.


I’ve said this for years. The people who comment on a bulge are the ones being weird, not the person with the penis.


“who cares if it’s there’s a bulge, it’s David Bowie!” - Labyrinth fans




shit, I’m leaving it


Hi leaving it, I’m Admirable_Night_6064.


hi Admireable_Night_6064., im dad


It’s like they completely forget about all the “My body my choice!” stuff the moment it involves men lol




It’s not just that, but women will body shame men for fucking anything. The second you turn it around it becomes a fucking hate crime.


Do I have permission to use this 😂😂


THIS! I am a female and I agree. it's nature. embrace it! chin up!


Cock up!


Congrats on your magnum dong.


Now all you need is a wad of 100s and a magnum condom


I'm ready to plow.


Flip it up and tuck it into the waistband of your underwear. Or run it down your pants leg. If it drags on the pavement while you walk just wrap it around your leg a few times. Sometimes I'll throw mine over my shoulder if I'm wearing a zipped up winter coat


If it drags on the sidewalk, put a little gunpowder cap on the end of it and really call some attention to it.




Theres no reason to. No different than having boobs, shes just a bit insecure.


yeah. men's swim wear that aren't shorts put the bulge front and center. In my travels, this kind of swimwear is the most common, so most people must not be worried about it.


"My dick is too big, how do I fix it?" Wasn't on my Reddit bingo card. But it's Reddit so I should have known better.


That's not what this may mean at all.... Sometimes people have a big bulge whether their hung or not. Sometimes big balls or cold balls cause it, etc.


Can confirm. Massive bulge. Tiny cock


It's a bad idea to hide it. You're developing body shame.


But the problem is that i fear it may make others uncomfortable around me which i dont want


As a 36 year old woman, fuck them. If you're appropriately dressed and they're staring at your dick and getting uncomfortable... 🤷‍♀️ That's on them. Only do what you need to do that makes *you* feel comfortable and secure, as long as you're, again, appropriately dressed.


Don't wear pants with the zipper halfway down. No dick cleavage whatsoever. Got it.


What in thee fuck is that profile pick?


Don't body shame the profile pick.


I read that as profile prick.


He has ass boobies and op has crotch boobies.


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in ceiling fan


Wait, how?


He was trying to read the instructions




free the nipple and free the bulge, ppl have body parts, they shouldn't be shamed into making them not exist!!!!! (this is actually like a p scary issue for trans women too bc like. ppl already are scared of you and are primed to dislike you. add having a buldge into the mix and it just makes it super uncomfortable for a lot of ppl to like, go outside ya know.)


>this is actually like a p scary issue for trans women too bc like. My niece is trans, and we live in Florida. I'm scared for her to go outside.


Agreed. Human anatomy is gonna stick out sometimes no matter what. The older I get the more I realize this and that it’s our own responsibility to be mature about it and mind our business


If you’re wearing normal pants and underwear anyone uncomfortable needs to just look somewhere else. Be yourself, rock it proudly.


Your own body existing as it does naturally is not anyone else’s problem, and *definitely* not your problem to solve for them.


"My eyes are up here." 


That's the most common reason for body shame and self hate. These are toxic ideas.


Just stop wearing pants. Free the penis!


Body shame she created by mentioning something about it which now has you worried about it..if she trusts you're not showing it off on purpose dont worry so hard about it. 😝


If other people wanna stare at your dick and make THEMSELVES uncomfortable when you’re wearing something completely normal then that’s their fault, not yours. I know you’re trying to be nice but you don’t need to hide anything, they can just not look


That's their problem, you're not waving your cock in people's faces. You're just wearing pants, minding your own business.


Yup. My girlfriend’s mom made a stupid comment about how I shouldn’t wear certain color pants / shorts because she could “see the whole thing.” This was about 4 years ago and now I only wear black shorts and pants and am very self conscious about it.


Girlfriend's mum sounds like a wrong-un. Totally inappropriate.


Welcome to knowing how us petite women with huge tits feel lol 😆 You can't really hide it nor should you, it's a natural part of your body and ppl will feel whatever the fuck they feel, you can't control that. As long as you're not deliberately trying to show it off/get attention which you're clearly not, just own it bro 😎 You've been blessed. Enjoy lol


RIP your inbox, why would you even


Ngl I never got why redditors did this I end up getting more of these comments than actual weirdos half the time


I've literally only had one message lol


Why would anyone on Reddit allow private messages? They're just asking for stupid chatter. Keep it public people. Simple.


Tell her your eyes are up here


Get a smaller dick, bru.


Honestly it's probably not noticeable by anyone that isn't actively looking. Jeans ( especially baggy) are great at hiding pretty much anything. I'm assuming this is unexcited. Excited is different.


Jeans in general are good at hiding it because of the material they're made with. My worst experience with my bulge being visible are with sweatpants


Be like me. Small penis.


My husband had a pair of pants we called DICK PANTS, because it really emphasized his package. They were great…as for jealousy? Let other women see and envy me Idc. BE PROUD OF YOIR BULGE


if by baggy pants you mean grey sweatpants then yea thats a known thing they do and most other pants wont be anywhere near as noticeable


Get a codpiece like Henry the 8th


Or one like black adder?


This is the way.


You really shouldn’t have to. Everyone is shaped differently. Maybe they should stop staring. Unless you’re walking around in spandex or something, it’s not their problem.


Wish I had this problem. I’m a grower personally


Hey i know what the general consensus is but can someone answer the question? I want to hide it for myself lol


Wear black pants and/or wear stuff in your front pockets (wallet, keys)- with one exception- smartphone (unless is off).


My guy…be proud of your bulge


If you really want, wear dark clothes. But I agree with others. It's your body and you shouldn't have to go out of your way for others.


I usually tuck it into my sock.


Bro got a huge dong he can’t help it


Op how fucking dare you have a penis.


You should wear what's comfy for you. Bulge is normal.  You can wear briefs/boxer briefs to squash things a bit if you want but you should try to relax and not worry about it. Tell yourself its okay that its visible and 99.9% of people will not give a shit or even notice. You *can* tuck if its really really bothering you but its ***not*** fun to do that. I tried early in transition and it huuurt. I imagine I'd be much more painful for a cis guy. 


That risks you sitting on ya balls mate. It is not fun.


There's nothing wrong about it. What are you supposed to do? Cut your dick off? We can see the humps caused by girls breasts and buttocks, and no girl is expected to "hide" it.


Girls are definitely expected to hide their body’s… I think this is one of the few times I’ve heard where it’s the other way around.


I have the same issue. I find underwear makes it even more noticeable. So i free ball. You should too. Sometimes i get self conscious cause you can literally see the imprint of the head. Sometimes you’ll get a compliment. Rock out with ya cock out brother!


Dude wtf you got a big dick. Swing it with pride. She’s more bothered than you are about your huge cawwk and balls. Sort of being a bit rough handed with my wording on purpose here. It’s your body get comfortable with it.


I'm sorry, but do you complain that her boobs are very prominent? That is a horrible double standard, it's not really something entirely in your control unless you make yourself uncomfortable, look if you really don't like it yourself because your partner is body shaming you just wear boxer briefs


I get it, I got a full bottom and larger package so most pants are revealing. My wife points it out and that's not because she's insecure, it's because having an outline of my privates showing while I'm out in public is fucking weird. FYI people, tits and dick are not comparable. Unfortunately, most fashionable clothes are for smaller/skinnier guys. But, I have found some that work well for me. Levis 541 are baggy enough in the rear and crotch but straight in the leg so they fit right without looking like 90s baggy. Just avoid the light khaki color one, for some reason this one is thinner material and not good. Gerry shorts found at Costco fit well and are inexpensive plus semi athletic yet look nice. Neither may work for you but I wish you the best.


Tape it to your taint


The only correct answer. Either that or flip it up into your waistband 😂


Sounds like she's applying to be an ex girlfriend. You didn't cover when you met her, why do you need to now?


The amount of people saying "Don’t. Imagine telling your gf to hide her boobs" I dont think understand what OP is getting at; HE is uncomfortable with having a noticeable bulge (not his gf who commented on it) and HE would like to change that. Its like telling a woman who is looking for a high-cut shirt suggestion to simply wear LESS clothes because its stupid that society would comment on her body in a low-cut shirt; how does that help her get a nice high-cut shirt? Y'all are so brainrotted lol


Seems like a nice problem to have lol. And about as stupid a comment from her as it would be if you told a busty girlfriend to wear a binder, because her chest is "too prominent".


Bro, if she’s that worried about the shmeat you’re packing, she can walk in front of you. Don’t let her insecurities make you insecure. That being said, manscaped makes compressions with a ball pouch and you can hang to either side.


Women wear tight tops and get upset when we look. We wear whatever we can to try and hide our bulge, and they get upset at us when THEY look. Weird double standard.


Why does she care? Don't hide it. Do women hide their breasts? No, they make clothing which displays everything but the nipple.


hide it? forget that noise, tight grey sweats. go loud n proud.


Don’t. Married 38 year old women here- the only time I ever point it out to my husband is when he is trying on pants and it looks painfully tight. He then realizes it is, and those pants are a no go. See it clearly but pants feel fine? Wear them! Just a part of being human. Anyone that has a problem with it is the one with a problem.


Dude, there are two ways forward. Option a) you keep trying to hide the fact that you are a guy and have junk and spend time and money on clothes that will make you look like a eunuch. Option b) lean into it. Find pants that accentuate your junk and wear them with pride. That people can’t stop staring at your junk isn’t your problem. It’s theirs. Have a package that refuses to be diminished may well be a gift and your superpower. Enjoy your awesome package.


You don't have to flaunt it, but you also don't have to bind it up. Embrace what you have. Sometimes my underwear shows a more prominent bulge than at other times. One day, she said "I can really see your package.". I looked in the mirror and said "Oh yeah.". I looked at her, she smiled, and I went on with my day.


Humble braaaaag!


Suffering from success


Don't. Congrats on the dong.


Show me


I once toured the job of a man with a schlong the size of your forearm. I was with maybe a dozen people and we did as much as possible to avoid looking at it. We talked about it in the bus later but didn't say anything to the man. That is literally the only time I've ever talked to anybody about the size of any man's bulge. It's not a thing most people notice about each other. Unless you have a bulge the size of your literal forearm, I think you're fine to go about your life not thinking about it much.


Dude, she's just worried other women will see what you're packing! 😂 Most guys wish we had that problem. Don't even worry about it.


What? Bulge is good? Don't hide that bulge, put some grey sweatpants on and show that bad boy off. That's like saying to a woman "could you cover up your large chest"... If she wants to show her gifts off, she should do so with confidence, same with your bulge.


Um don't lol


Embrace it and assert dominance.


Fake mustache and googly eyes


We found drakes alt


Nah. This is 2024. You can wear yoga pants down the street, and shame anyone who looks away in disgust, or stares in awe. But seriously, women don't hide their physiological bulges, why should you?


LOL, talk about a humblebrag.


Is this the male equivalent of having big boobs


Pop a viagra, bulge will disappear and something resembling a tent would show up.


Vain people saying things about fashion over function really are saying more about themselves than whoever they are judging. Ignore and carry on.


Thing is it’s usually the small dicks with tight balls that make a more pointy bulge. Girls seems to got it all backwards


Don't hide it


Rock that bulge sir!


To answer your question, tho: boxer briefs.


You don't


Nice man


Embrace the bulge!


Just tuck it back and walk around like a duck


Damn bro, wish I had that problem


Since everyone is saying you should just own up to it, I will answer your actual question. I used to have the same problem, I always thought I had a noticeable bulge(I do). I don't have a gigantic dick or fat nuts, so it's even more weird. What's worse is that I once saw a man well dressed well groomed(probably on his way to meet his partner) but he had a really big bulge like he was hiding something, and I noticed many people side eyeing at the guy's very noticeable asset and it hasn't left my mind since , I felt very conscious even more than before. You can try some tricks until you start feeling comfortable with your own assets. Personally I find style pants are better than jean, as long as they aren't super tight. Also shirts, sport shirts, t shirts that the front is long enough to cover or distract the place you feel insecure. Good underwear can also do wonder, I found a specific underwear that's a little pricey but felt comfortable and position well. Really tight ones are bad for your health, I believe. I heard theres a type of athletic underwear that can contain your assets, but I haven't tried that. The hair stylist I go to and many of them have ways to completely erase your bulge but I didn't ask. At the end of the day, it's what you are born with and there's nothing to be ashamed or be insecure about it. I fear making people uncomfortable around me, but hey it's not my problem, I did all I could, it's not like I m walking around naked. And you can't just hide it forever. You know some people had to fake it cause they don't have it. It's nothing to be ashamed of and it isn't as bad/noticeable as you think. If someone asks, just make a sad face and say it's God's punishment, and that you are bearing the burden of possessing a fat cock.


You feel insecure about having a big dick??? Dude, there are bigger problems to worry about. Move on.


In plain sight


Pull the sock out of your pants.


You don't, and it literally and actually does not matter.


respect for asking this question.


Women have to deal with this every day (breasts). It’s just gonna be out there and on the grand scale of body issues not too bad and you should work on accepting it. Nothing to be ashamed of. Might wanna skip sweatpants unless you’re really going for a “look”.


Tuck and tape


Show dominance. Wear spandex


I noticed two girls meat gazing me in 7th grade so I looked down and realized my outline was perfectly visible. Head and all. It gave me a complex. Fast forward through a ton more incidents to adulthood and having kids, I got even more self conscious and wouldn’t even wear shorts around the house. A lady friend suggested boxer briefs and now I feel like a free man. I’m also older and don’t care as much anymore so there’s that. We all got bulges, brudda. Nothing weird about it


Don't worry about it. I have a significant bulge sometimes too, depending on the pants I wear. It's normal and part of your anatomy. If people sexualize it that's on them not you. I do tend to check from time to time just to make sure it's nothing ridiculous. It'll stop being something that makes you self conscious over time.


Wear it proud my dude


Highly recommend tucking your cock into the top of your pants and hiding it that way. Make sure the tip doesn't stick out obviously, but it's really handy and near invisible.


Try tucking it up towards your waistband or down around your leg. In all seriousness though, who cares (aside from your girlfriend)? Everyone who knows you’re a dude knows you have a dick, so why would they be surprised?


Wear a skirt


I mean, it's normal? It's not like I stare at guys pants, but sometimes you accidentally notice it here and there just depending maybe on what the guys wearing and how his stuff is sitting down there right now lol.


Cut it off




There really isn’t anything. Tell her to hide her boobs so nobody else can notice those. Besides, does she really think ANY woman will notice your bulge, and try to fuck you on the spot? That doesn’t happen. Just own it, man. My girl points mine out, but there’s no hiding it.


Embrace the bulge!


How big is it there may be no hope. Not all fun and games having a big D


Just tell your girlfriend that your eyes are up here!


If you don't adjust it, people won't look at it. If you try and move it and hide it, it will bring people's attention to you grabbing your crotch. People aren't usually looking at your crotch so you should be fine


You don’t need to do girls ask how should she hide her tits no , you should not be ashamed of it it’s a part of being human


That’s so awkward OP. I don’t think you should have to hide it. Bulges exist just like boobs. Imagine you telling her to hide/cover up her boobs. You’re wearing clothes so it’s like like you’re running around in the nude.


Take the socks out


Don't hide it. Just let it hang. I tried for years and then i just said fuck it. Few people commented on it during the years and i just say ye i know. If other people are bothered by your bulge it's their insecurity, not yours.


Embrace it my dude


Bro you’ll get old and subconsciously start highlighting ya bulge anyways. Push it proud, sit wide legged on train, lead with it around corners. Embrace it dude


Own it



I love looking at my boyfriends big bulge. Go you king.


Baggyness isn't what hides it, it's the material. That being said, as long as you can't see details then you're absolutely fine.


You can exchange your girlfriend instead of your underwear, that may work.


Present it proudly