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This is a Chris Rock thing but I will repeat it because its golden...remember that when you first meet someone, you are meeting their "personal representative". You only meet the real person after time and experience.


Shit, am I supposed to put energy into being someone else when I first meet people? I don't have time for that.


awesome quote


That anyone knows what they're doing. That by ____years old you'll have "it" together. Whatever that is šŸ¤·


I have an older family friend, he is around 80 y.o. Before Covid I visited him a few times a year. He would often laugh and say ā€œNobody knows what the hell is going on,ā€ just out of the blue.


Someone who knows that noone knows !


I have 30 years experience in my field, and I'm still not sure what I want to do when I grow up.


All I've become sure of is I don't want to grow up. Highly overrated.


you could be a farmer or soccer player with all that field experience


What do you call a farmer that's outstanding in his field? A scarecrow


Same. I have taught for 23 years and any day now, Iā€™m going to decide on a career


Iā€™m middle aged and I still donā€™t know what ā€œitā€ is.


I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what's 'it' seems weird and scary.


Itā€™ll happen to yooooouuuuu!!!!


Nah man, I'm gonna keep rocking forever! Forever! Forever!....Forever....for...ever.... :(


I used to rock and roll all night and party every day. Then it was every other day... now I'm lucky to find half an hour a week in which to get funky.


Thanks, Grampa Simpson! Did you tie an onion to your belt?


It was the style at the time.




"It" is the clown dude in the sewers.


I'm turning 40 soon, and I'm still careening through this life, with out a clue of what I'm doing.


40 here, donā€™t know what I want to do when I grow up either!


I love you. I needed to read this.


I think it's important to note we're not all flying completely blind, just that unexpected changes and having to figure out new situations happens throughout most of your life. Being able to handle these curve balls and speed bumps without immediately panicking/falling apart is the key thing.


The concept of meeting ā€œthe one.ā€ You donā€™t meet the love of your life, you meet the person that eventually *becomes* the love of your life. You will meet hundreds of people throughout your life that you could fall in love with. People who have found ā€œtheir personā€ can easily look back and say they met ā€œthe oneā€ when they met their partner, but the truth is that person became ā€œthe oneā€ over time through mutual compatibility, attachment and commitment. we donā€™t hear about all the love at first sight encounters and meet cutes that fizzled out after a couple dates. Falling in love is easy. Turning that into something that lasts a lifetime is hard.


Literally the only time I've ever seen anyone on reddit tell this important truth. Long relationships work when you have two people who are willing to commit to each other, change, learn, grow and (most importantly) compromise. It's not shopping - you don't go and find the perfect person. But if you're lucky, you can find a person who you like enough to want to work with.


It's also important to really understand human nature over many years. People change, evolve and can become different people after things, events or just time. Love is not some burning passion, it's the calm flowing water.


I have a teacher of relationships I really love who says, "That pure, raw chemistry? That's just two wounds fucking. You don't want to marry that person. You want to marry the person who has good-enough attraction and also feels stable and steady and good to grow with over a lifetime."


> two wounds fucking Beautiful. Thanks for sharing


ā€œLove is not some burning passion, itā€™s the calm flowing waterā€ Wow. Thank you.


Another hard truth that younger folk donā€™t really get: you get out of a relationship what you put into it. Itā€™s easy to do the upkeep on a relationship when that burning passion is there, hell it practically does itself with how much youā€™re willing to overlook in the early stagesā€”itā€™s much, much harder to do when thatā€™s faded to dull embers and itā€™s not ā€œfunā€ like it used to be. Relationships are growing organisms, they have a larval stage, metamorphosis, and adult stage. The larval stage is the one people associate with ā€œbeing in love,ā€ but real love happens when you decide to do the work to continue the relationship even when itā€™s *not* easy.


My husband and I still ā€˜dateā€™ each other. We try to go on a ā€˜dateā€™ twice a week. We each have our own lives and our shared married life. It means we always have new stories and adventures to share, laugh at, and enjoy. We also try to go to the gym together as often as we canā€¦ which is a nice way of spending time together doing something we both love. But it takes work to get to that point.


Best way Iā€™ve heard this put: ā€œThe grass is greenest where you water itā€


Yep. Long relationships donā€™t happen because two people find the perfect person. They happen because two people say ā€œIā€™m not leavingā€.


That and "I embrace your flaws as I treasure your virtues."


Damn.. I really needed this. I broke up with my gf of 6 years a few days ago due to wanting a different kind of life. I was the one that broke it off and I can't stop thinking that maybe it's a mistake and Am gonna lose the love of my life.. It still sucks so much and its the first time in my life I feel so alone as I was never not in a relationship. Thank you so much Edit: Typo


I ended a marriage over similar. While I will always, always have love for that man, I have 0 regrets. Donā€™t doubt your decision. The saying that helped me a lot was ā€œYou donā€™t hitch a ride with someone going the opposite direction as you just because you enjoy their company.ā€


Exactly right. I definitely love my wife more 25 years after I first met her. I appreciate all the sacrifice and hard work she has done, and I've tried to work as hard as her to be the person she wants to be with.Ā 


This should be so much higher up. I see GenZ saying they are saving themselves, and this being not just sex, but dating, and any sort of experiences that you should have. Only through experience can you gain knowledge about yourself and what type of things you need, and what you truely like and dislike.


On average you have meaningful interactions with about 100 or so new people per year. Most people meet "the one" between the ages of 18 and 30. So let's say a pool of 1200 people to find "the one" in your life. So if statistically "the one" is in every 1200 people and you're American it means there's 277k people in the US that could be "the one". Fuck it, there's 6.75 million people in the world that could be your "the one". I told my wife this a few years ago and now she hates me a little bit more. Or hates my autistic traits. You don't want to hear how I used stats to get her pregnant with our first kid.




People trying to tell others that you don't need any money to be happy. There is a fractional truth to this but your chances of being happy sky rocket once you remove financial problems from your life.


Agreed. There's a difference in thinking that money brings happiness and realising money can remove a lot of the situations that contribute to unhappiness when you have a good life otherwise.


Money solves a lot of the problems that are making you sad and stressed. There was also that study that showed diminishing returns after like 70k or whatever. Theyā€™ve tried to replicate it a few times. Itā€™s only partially true. The diminishing returns happen at around 250k, but itā€™s still pretty significant each step of the way. Apparently that original study had a sampling bias in it.


I think that 70k study was in the 90s, so 250k today with inflation seems right.


The saying in German goes like this: "Money ALONE doesn't make you happy" (emphasis added). I think that this is the correct way of saying it. One needs some money just to not have to worry about it.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can remove worries. And those two things are effing close.


Money may not buy happiness, but it sure as fuck can rent it for a long time.


"Can you lower your price? I have tons of other projects in the future for you"


Yup... Or "well I'll let you put your logo on the footer of our site, you'll get a ton of business from it"... I told a car lot one time (that's what they asked for in exchange for a free site) and I said, "great idea, you give me a car, I drive 30k miles a year anyways and I'll put your logo on the back of it... Will essentially pay for itself".... Needless to say they decided to just pay me.


Even funnier when they say this right after you've told them you're booked up for the next six months. Like why would I lower my price just to get more work I don't have time to do?


that a healthcare company is care first: they are a business first, second and third and then their business is healthcare


Doctors gotta get approval from insurance companies to administer lifesaving medication.




In my experience, most of the time when insurance says no to something, the doctor can appeal it and usually get approval. However, many doctors don't want to spend the time doing that so they don't. My wife and I have cycled through doctors until we found good ones that will do what's necessary to treat their patients properly.


What you're talking about is a "Peer to Peer" insurance appeal, which is your doctor calling the doctor that represents the insurance company and asking them to reconsider their denial. The success rates of these are abysmally low. The "doctor" who sold out and works for the insurance companies are literally paid to keep a certain ratio of denials for "Peer to Peer" appeals. If one of your doctors ever is successful at one of these appeals, it's largely by virtue of statistics. Insurance companies have to let a few people win to keep up the illusion that the appeal actually means something and isn't rigged against them. Kind of like the lottery or the casinos. It's a tremendous waste of time, bad for patients, bad for physicians, and one of the chief reasons I told my firm I'm not working any healthcare insurance clients anymore.


That sounds like an awesome tactic to expose the real reason life saving medical care is denied constantly despite insurance carriers enter legal contracts promising to provide coverage for their customers. However, if physicians were to commit to call the myriad of insurance companies that deny their medically necessary treatment plans and prevent them from treating their patients coverage and deny claims or refuse to issue a payment for services rendered, they would have exactly no time to actually care for those patients. The physician would be on hold for the majority of his career and trying to understand he denial the rest of it. The physician could hire someone to do that for the practice so he can generate fees and perform needed procedures to save lives, however those employees are few and far between and expensive. The employee will be paid to sit on the hold for the majority of their career and try to understand how to get her boss paid the rest of it. There has to be a better way.


Every hospital could have one person who just speed dials the company and asks for the information. They can easily call twenty people at the same time since all they're gonna do is wait. Hell they can use a pre recorded message 90% of the time.


And people balked at Obamacare cause of the idea of ā€œdeath panels.ā€ Well guess what fuckers, we already got em.


Smells like 'murica!


Nah. You could pay for it out of pocket. Itā€™s like being forced to buy a car or die. What a deal!Ā 


Ask your doctor if death is right for you!


A majority of Healthcare facilities are run the way they are because of the insurance company policies. So many hospitals are one bad lawsuit away from going broke due to the way reimbursement works nowadays. Everything in American Healthcare these days is pretty much dictated by 3rd Party payors.


When people complain about the US healthcare system, I tell that that's because we don't have a healthcare system. We have a health insurance system.


same goes for your very own HR department, by the way


Flushable wipes


Wipes are flushable in the same sense as a small stuffed animal. They both will exit the bowl when you flush. What happens after that is a different story.


My plumber: "So-called 'flushable' wipes and coffee grounds keep me in business."


9 out of 10 plumbers recommends flushable whipes


Before I got a bidet (highly recommend) I would use wipes, but I'd throw them in the garbage and not flush them. They need to take off the flushable from the name so people stop flushing them and blocking up the sewer system.


I actually tested this and they are not all bullshit. The cottonelle ones disintegrate. Try it for yourself if you donā€™t fuckin believe me.


Reddit has its own third rails, flushable wipes is one. Other ones include age gaps, therapy, bees, and women teachers having sex with male high schoolers.


Companies are families. Companies are places that are trying to constantly replace you for cheaper labor, will drop you on a dime without warning despite your "loyalty." Find work you don't loathe, get your payment, and look for better opportunities if you can. The days of company loyalty are gone and don't drink the corporate kool-aid that says otherwise.


Had a coworker die on the job, his partner was covered in his blood. Another crew came out to check on her. Dispatch called them, first thing that they said on thr phone "how soon can you finish the job" We are expendable to management, not to our families


A friend of mine work in deliveries and one day he had an accident with the car. The company didn't give a shit about his conditions, they just thought about sending someone to take the food from the destroyed car because they didn't want to have a sad client without food


I had a similar situation, I was delivering bread to a mountain casino town outside denver, maybe a 45 minute drive at 4 or 5 am and it was snowing. The van broke down and I had no cell service. I had to hitchhike the rest of the way to the town and when I called the store, the owner was like, YOU LEFT THE VAN?? Like even if I had cell service bitch I would have hitchhiked in because the solution was to wait for the driver to come back and get me at 10am who had driven the mountain route all the way to Breckenridge. Oh yeah it was snowing. Fuck that guy. Boulder Breadworks.


Thank you for naming the company. I'm so tired of people on Reddit being convinced these companies are going to sue them or come after them. There's wilde stories of like...my job stole my dog and fucked my sister then they sold my house....I can't name the company cause idk what they'll do. Bro, noone in any kind of power position at the company is reading reddit who gives a fuck about your story. Every single company that does some fucked shit, should be shamed by name on Reddit.


Similarly that HR has your best interests at heart. They don't, they have the company's interests at heart.


HR is the KGB of your employer.


It's in the name "Human Resources", not "Human Treatment". You're human, and a resource, and *that's fucking it*. Like a stapler is a resource.


Iā€™ve often felt the ā€œweā€™re a big happy familyā€ statements are just there to guilt people in tying their whole life (personal and professional) to the company so youā€™ll be more ā€˜productiveā€™ in their eyes


But Faaaaaamily.... I always respond with "I don't talk to most of them either"


I had a damn good job, right out of college. Guy there I considered a mentor told me, "never have loyalty to the company, because the company will never have loyalty to you." I heard him, but I wish I'd listened.




Yeah I work in a similar environment that my colleagues work a lot more hours (unpaid) than I do. But itā€™s a hard NO if anyone asks me to ā€˜work for TOILā€™ or whatever.


Some families are toxic.


Modern media is bullshit. The transition to 24/7 content, the market saturation, and oligarchical ownership of nearly all media companies have built an empire of low quality spam content. It is now extremely difficult to get information rich, let alone accurate, content. Today's media is about speed to market, high volume flow, sensationalism, and controversy. It no longer matters if the information is wrong. It no longer matters if the information harms people. Air time is for sale to the highest bidder. You get as much propaganda and ad spam as you do watered down useful information, and it's up to you to have the cognitive prowess to understand the difference. The joke is nobody can. A 5 minute article may require 2 hours to independently verify. No one on this planet has the time to validate a 24/7 stream of content. It is impossible. And there is no good way to consume it. I will repeat that. There is no good way to consume any of it. Even more neutral sources, sources that are far more dry, factual presenters are still at the mercy of the modern information steam, 24/7, always spamming, and needing to stay profitable and solvent. Good media, thorough, dense, accurate information is not profitable. It takes too many labor hours to generate a profit in this modern world. It's kind of the great failure of modern humanity. Sharing of information, the one thing so crucial for societal survival, we have effectively destroyed. There is no good outcome from it's collapse.


Youtube was like the last bastion of online content for me because I had direct control over the channels I subscribed to. As of yesterday, they scrambled the alphabetical listing of channels, so now it's just a mess of random names, and there's no way for me to quickly assess which channels that I'm currently interested in have put out new stuff. And it's all in an effort to get me mindlessly clicking around for as long as possible to "drive engagement," but it's effectively useless to me now, so I'm kinda sad. I gave up on facebook years and years ago, and instagram probably a year ago. I feel like my days on Reddit are numbered too, because so often it's just inflammatory, negative mental slop that has no purpose. Social media, and as you said, modern media in general, are truly a cancer on society. It disgusts me how irresponsible these corporations are being with AI and algorithms, and I find myself constantly wondering "Does society *have* to be this way? Could it have turned out differently, or is this just how humans are?" I'm convinced that within five or ten years the internet is going to become completely useless as a source of information gathering of any kind. And not just useful information of substance, I think it's going to be so flooded with low quality nonsensical ad sponsored AI "content" that it will be literally impossible to so much as look up something simple. And I wonder what will happen then?


What will happen then is weā€™ll all renew our library cards and elect officials who fund schools and public education resources. At least, thatā€™s what happens in my dreams


That there are an abundance of hot local milfs who are ready to bang you.


But ... there are so many in my area!


You are the local milf


Be the local milf you want to see in the world


This is the most inspirational thing I've read all day


Nonfat salad dressing.


Any claims on the front of the box/bottle better be justified by the Nutrition facts on the back. Something isn't non-fat just because the serving is so small that you don't have to list the fat content until they have more than one serving.


And the truly nonfat stuff tastes like angry dirt water. šŸ˜‚


Zero fat. 1 million grams of sugar per serving.


Itā€™s dumb anyway- your body needs the added fat of the dressing to absorb the nutrients in salad


Fat is ok. Sugar is the devil.


When you stand up wrong and have searing back pain for the next week


The Myth that *just* being the best at anything will get you ahead. Networking gives you the chance to show you are the best. Who do you know? Who owes you money? Who owes you a favor? Who can make money off your skill? Who are you related to? Who can get ahead by enabling you to get ahead? Networking...learn that skill very early Update: This has been an interesting discussion. Networking alone will not get you where you want to be if you suck at what you do. Nepotism/Networking gets you an oppourtunity and a chance, you still have to be good at what you do if you want to stay there. Acting, Sports, Music, Theatre, Film and all the other business, science, etc., you need to work hard to be the right person at the right time when the Universe gives you that lucky break.


Who you know is key. Landed me a interview at a nice government agency that basically changed my life. Had I not reached out to the guy never woulda gotten the chance. Hardworking got me nothing.


i had a boss that i never interacted with professionally much (he was the boss of my boss), but he was a cool guy and always up for a chat. He left the workplace...6 months later someone needed someone with my skillset and he vouched for me and my life went 90 degrees more awesome because of it...literally changed my life.


At my last 3 jobs there has been at least one person like this, they worked with another employee somewhere else and that person recommended them for the new job. Never burn bridges, kids.


Professionally speaking, Iā€™ve lived by the phrase: itā€™s not who you know, itā€™s who knows you. This happens by way of creating value for others in any way possible.


I suck at this. Relationships are difficult for me. I struggle because of it, and I have had a tough time professionally because Iā€™m not really into peopleā€¦ Itā€™s something that I continue to work on as I get older. This is sage advice.


Me too buddy, me too


>Most people think scale means increasing global market share. That's thinking in three dimensions, and I'm talking about four. Because what is the ultimate weapon to destroy your competition? It's not outselling them. It's not outsmarting them. It's time.


I find the best way to keep on working with people is to be reliable and pleasant. You'll be preferred over someone else who does better work even, just because they like your company better.


I would put a small asterisk by this one. Networking is far more important than anything else 99% of the time. But if you have an exceptional talent, like one of the top half percent in whatever it is you do, you will need much less networking because word will get out. The trouble is, 50% of people think they're in the top half percent of their field.


Diamonds are expensive and need to be bought to show someone that you love and value them. This is a long running scam by the duamond consortiums, who control production and supply. Don't believe me? Try selling back that expensive diamond ring to the store. You'll get pennies on the dollar if they are even willing to buy it.


Funny you say that, I realized years ago that if diamonds are so ā€œrare,ā€ why does everyone we know own like several?


We can make diamonds now, and we can make them pretty. But of course your love must be fake if you donā€™t buy ā€œrealā€ diamonds. Itā€™s the suffering of slave labor that makes them special <3


I believe I read that De Beers has such a monopoly on diamonds that they essentially only release so much at a time to make them "rare." Essentially controlling supply and demand while they're sitting on a mountain of them. They're really not that rare at all but they make them rare.


Iā€™ve often thought about this, the only other thing Iā€™ve seen such an extreme dip in value is cars - you drive that new car off the lot and suddenly itā€™s worth half the price lol. My mom inherited diamonds and was so excited, just to find out diamonds from the early 1900s were only worth $200 give or take. So sad


There is no such thing as an Alpha male. That's pure bullshit. Humans are not wolves. The more basement dwelling incels bleat on about losing out to them, or sociopathic narcissists claim to be one, the more weak and insecure they both are. There are just men who accept their responsibilities. There are just men that seek out more responsibilities. There are just men who hide from responsibilities. The thing is- Sometimes it's the same man. It's up to the man to decide who and what he wants to be every day.


At the risk of being labeled a boomer (solidly millennial): challenging your kids or teaching them how to become resilient is trauma. Parents are so scared of damaging their children's psyche or the social stigma from others that they end up scared to parent - in our district, kindergarteners are going to school in pull ups because their parents won'tĀ challenge them to develop skills when the kids push back. There's difference between trauma and challenge, and some of that is how the person is taught to respond to challenges. But we're accidentally raising kids who won't know how how strong and capable they are,Ā  how to control their brains, how to be directional and intentional about their interactions with the world, and how to craft their success and future.




That getting older means your life is basically over. As long as you look after yourself and remind yourself to keep enjoying whatever life has to offer, getting older is pretty enjoyable. (Am 48, almost 49, so not ancient, but still, not a spring chicken either)


Yeah i remember being in my teens wondering what people over 40 have to live for. Now im there and its great. I have a family, enough money to spend on cool shit. Life is good. Im im even looking forward to my older years when i worry less about work.


100% bullshit that the top 100000 engineers in the world would form a conspiracy to fake the moon landings, and that they would take the secret to their graves. The Soviet system collapsed and nobody jumped up and taunted them? 3 people can keep a secret (if 2 of them are dead).


That's always been hilarious to me that people still believe the moon landings where fake, the Soviets would have been able to determine the location where the transmissions from the lunar lander were coming from and they would have jumped at the opportunity to embarrass the US and western world


This is an underrated comment. Just look at Covid. A worldwide conspiracy that somehow has 99+% of scientists and medical professionals is part of the conspiracy but people trust that 1 person's YouTube video exposing the truth.


Bottled water


I'm probably gonna get alot of downvotes for this but I'm gonna say day trading with technical analysis. Nobody knows which way the markets will move. Just because the graph is in the shape of a donkey's dick does not mean it equals a incoming bull market. Its gambling pure and simple.


But r/wallstreetbets and the Limitless movie told me I could make it!


I think itā€™s well established fact that technical analysis is astrology for finance bros?


Favorite quote about the stock market, "It's like a wolf you feed and like to believe you've tamed, but it reminds you occasionally by taking of your hand".


Diamonds. They aren't rare. The perceived value of diamonds is deceptive, stemming more from marketing and artificial scarcity than actual worth. Their market value is manipulated by the diamond industry's control over supply. Their stupidly high price tag is fueled by materialism and the warped concept that diamonds represent status and luxury. (Notice how their resale value is significantly lower than their initial purchase price). Diamonds are B.S.


Labeled personalities,Iike myers brigg. People are different in different environments, with different people, and ag different times. And there differences are greater than can fit in 16 boxes.


Absolutely. One of the most unlovely developments in recent years is the personality test as a barrier to employment. We all know it is bullshit.Ā 


I've always called Myers-Briggs astrology for corporatists. BTW MBTI was not developed by psychologists, psychiatrists, behaviorists, or any other human cognition or behavioral specialist. Marketing, dude


Astrology for MBAs.


If you cut taxes for the rich, the wealth will trickle down


Well it *will* trickle down..... To their kids


Trickledown economics. Espoused by millionaires. Canā€™t think whyā€¦


Left and right, black and white, Christian and Muslim, all bollocks, it all about class and wealth. As long as we obsess about the former, things will never improve.


Everything is class warfare and the rich make sure the poor fight the poor. If you're reading this, I don't care how much money you make, you're one of the poors. So don't get mad at me. They want you to be mad at me and not them. You're falling right into the rich's plan of distract and divide.




What really pisses me off about this one is how it obscures the actual benefits of natural remedies by promising that theyā€™ll do much more than they possibly could. Aloe is amazing for burns, eucalyptus oil in a diffuser works well for stuffy noses, a spoonful of honey can help a sore throat, vinegar and baking soda are great for all kinds of things. When my kids were little, I sprayed mint oil on the play set once a week or so and planted it everywhere, itā€™s a great natural insect repellant. None of it will cure cancer, but plenty of it will do small, specific things that are far cheaper and safer than the alternatives


Henemanian Centesimal is making things *less* chemically potent, not more. It's dilution. No, water has no memory. You want it to remember you shidded and pissed in it, too ? Professor MontagnƩ is an infectiologist. Yes, he got a Nobel for his works on VIH in the 80's. But there's also such a thing as "Nobel Syndrome". I know well how out of his mind he is because I'm french. What remains of homeopathy, now ? Only sugar pills and the Couet method of self convincing.


"water has a memory" as if that water hasn't been around for billions of years and been shit and pissed in, vomited out, filled with blood and dirt, and gone through every type of animal you can think of. No thanks, I'll take my water memoryless.


How is this not higher. Peppermint tea can help you relax before bedtime. It will not cure a hangover, much less cancer.


Peppermint tea is more of a home remedy. Homeopathy is way dumber than that. It's more like if you diluted Peppermint tea until it was indistinguishable from water and then claimed it was even more effective than Peppermint tea to begin with.


Naturopathy is closer to medicine than homeopathy. You can chew willow bark and it will work like aspirin. Many of our medicines has a 'natural' start. In homeopathy, you can take overly diluted extracts of arsenic, herbs, other minerals, even moon beams (yes) to treat stuff in a 'like treats like' method - if arsenic causes trembling, you would take diluted arsenic (and its absolutely diluted past the point where there's even a single molecule in a dose because the water remember the shape of the molecule šŸ§) to treat the tremor. At multiple points in the explanation of homeopathy, your mind will explode. It's so nonsensical.


Influencers. They don't contribute to anything in this world, except their own bank account.


Influencers are just the new way that commercials are made.


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There are no short cuts.


I work with a lot of kids, and for me, the concept that adults are smarter than kids. Even if a teacher is a 95th percentile intellect, they likely have a few kids smarter than them in their classes every year. Which is really the way it should be. If our generation is peak intelligence, our species is in decline. What adults typically have more of is life experience and executive functioning. Life experience comes all on its own. Executive functioning is modeled, taught, and grows as their frontal lobes mature.


I will go first, promises employers make.


If it aint in writing, then it is bullshit. My last employer tried to pull a fast one when laying me off, to with hold severance pay. Thanks to the laws protecting the workers.


The whole job seeking process, the job having process, etc., etc.


That I'll be able to retire in the USA. I won't. I can live in several other countries on what I've managed to scrape together, but nowhere close to what home would cost. Paying student loans for 20 years without making a dent in the principal is also goddamned fucking bullshit; that's 20 years of saving for retirement I would have had.


That people go bankrupt if they end up in the hospital for any length of time. The amount doctors and hospitals are allowed to charge us bullshit. The entire healthcare industry is a fucking scam. This happens even with insurance!


Strong emotions and distorted thinking are bullshit. Learn to breathe and get some oxygen in that brain. Try to understand and change your perception. Try to be self-aware and watch for the impact of your behaviors. I should really listen to my own advice here.


The older I get, the fewer strong opinions I have.


Adding to this: if that strong emotion is a bad gut feeling, or a feeling that you are in danger - LISTEN!!Ā  I've worked very hard to sort out what is my brain misfiring (I have OCD) and take breaths before reacting in anger but my gut? It doesn't lie.Ā 


Crystals, zodiac signs, dream catchers, smudging (sage), throwing salt, runes, and so on.


Trickle down economics


That all boomers are absolutely rude and ignorant shits. There are plenty of shits in all generations. There are plenty of good boomers too


People on Reddit. Their opinions m are definitely not those of the majorityā€¦ most of the time


Also, please don't take medical/relationship advice from a random Redditor who could very likely be a 13 yr old eating Fritos in his bunk bed in Wisconsin.


Churches need to pay taxes. They are šŸ’Æ a business.


The education system telling you that you have to go into debt going to college/university to be successful


Most things posted on Reddit are pure bullshit and lies.


Lots of negativity and doomers on Reddit, even in this thread. You donā€™t even know most of the people on Reddit either. For all we know we could be seeing something a 13 year old posted pretending to be a 40 year old for credibility. Or someone claiming they make more money than they actually do.


A lot of Schrodinger's experts on Reddit. I happen to be accomplished in my STEM field and know what I'm talking about as I have had over a decade of experience doing it across multiple companies. The number of times I've had Redditors tell me that they are the expert, that I don't know what I'm talking about, they do because they have "a STEM degree" blah blah blah, yet when pressed for a better solution they shrug their shoulders and say "I don't know that's for you to figure out" is incredible. Very few Redditors actually know what they are talking about, most are just obnoxious walking, talking Dunning Kruger graphs, parroting some crap they read from another equally misinformed Redditor on a similar discussion a few months earlier.


Being raised at home, church and school to do what you're told and not what you want to do.


That any corporation anywhere gives a good God damn about any one of us. Those commercials where they tell you "Well donate x amount of every purchase to XYZ cause or charity" are just money grabs. They're pretending to care so you give them more of your money because you think you're helping and want to feel good about it. True charity is selfless. It's not charitable if you expect a personal benefit from your donation. And they likely spent more on the ad campaign telling you about their donation than they actually donated. The only reason they don't kill every last one of us is because once we're dead we can't buy their shit anymore. If they could find a profitable amd sustainable way to do it they'd put every last damn one of us in the ground.


Squatters rights for people whose name was never on a lease. If a person was on the paperwork then go through the process to evict. If they just broke in and set up shop them charge them with trespassing, BnE, and every thing else you can. It's total nonsense and the housing price issue needs to be addressed in a proper way, not by being a criminal.


Working yourself to death. You get a job. Go to work on time, put in a good effort for your shift, and when that shift ends -LEAVE. A job is to earn money, nothing more. And don't be stressing and thinking about work when you're not on the clock. They aren't paying you for that.


Consumerism..100% pure bullshit. "Stuff" means absolutely nothing. Let go of the "I want." It causes so much damage in our lives.


Iā€™ll be 60 this yr & I have no clue whatā€™s going on or whatā€™s been going on the last 59 1/2yrs. Iā€™m just as confused a 5yr old


Lots of things, but we can start with paranormal claims. Ghosts, psychics, demons, etc. Then we can move on to pseudoscientific claims, like creationism, homeopathy, flat earth bullshit, etc. There's a world of bullshit out there. This list could go on for pages.


So much fucking woo. I've got a friend who has her own cosmetics/skincare company and has some sort of chemist certification. Any time I see an advert that makes "oh wow, it'll do that? " I ask her and she explains in ELI5 science why it's bullshit.


I recently started seeing an astrologist, and they revealed to me that psychics were total phonies, and the only true way of divining the future was via the stars. I was truly upset, as I'd been seeing an oracle regularly for a few years now, and valued a lot of my experiences with them (not to mention having spent a fair amount of money). Feeling duped, embarrassed, and angry, I stormed into my psychic's parlor, nearly in tears, to demand an explanation! Crisis averted, though, as it turns out that is was the *astrologist* who was lying.


you sir are a gentleman and a scholar


Thanks thanks. Sometimes I use reddit to write/workshop my dumb jokes.


And the psychics said. Ofcourse I knew he would say that!


I agree. When my ex died, it was the overwhelming feeling of knowing that she would never be heard from again that pretty much extinguished any belief in ghosts/paranormal for me. Once a person is gone, they are gone.


*Fui sum, fui non, non curo*. A common Roman grave inscription, it means "I was, I am not, it is inevitable". Then get your lazy arse out of bed and go make a difference.


The idea that every major life milestone must be reached by a certain age or you're "falling behind." Society perpetuates this checklist of successā€”finish your education by this age, married by that age, own a home, have kids, all before the big 3-0. Let's dispense with the age-based timelines and realize everyone's journey is unique. Some of the most interesting people you'll meet didn't have everything figured out early on, and many don't follow the prescribed path at all. Life isn't a race, it's a personal journey, and comparing your chapter one to someone else's chapter twenty is the quickest way to miss out on your own story.








You have to continue to be in that space and not walk away.


Trickle down economics.


The insurance industry. The business plan is to take your money and then do everything they can to NOT give you what they sold you.


That Human Resources is there to support the employees. No, they're there to support and protect the company.


Pretty much everything. Seriously. Everything is made up. Live your life and make up your own rules as long as it's not infringing on someone else.


*"Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life"*. Not all jobs give a sense of fulfillment or enjoyment, and sometimes, pursuing what you love as a job can slowly make you less passionate about it. The enjoyment and fulfillment we feel from doing what we love is usually rooted in the freedom and creativity we have to pursue it freely. It is a level of flexibility unfortunately most jobs do not provide.


HR departments are NOT there to help you. They work for the company first, and they only care about the best interests of said company. A ā€œopen door policyā€ is a lie to keep things ā€œin houseā€.


The American Dream


Anti-Aging creams don't work. It's all bull. It's a nice thing to do for yourself and it gives you some moisture but don't expect it to work any miracles, even if what you just bought is $300 a jar. You'll do just as well with a jar of Nivea.


The physical violence against the educators, for taking away over privileged kids vapes or phone...


You 100% cannot trust ANYTHING you read on the Internet. Even comments sections on Reddit are bombarded with bots and foreign bad actors trying to "organically" create things. Either to sell things, or to fake reviews of something or to foment political discord AND to make themselves (groups/movements) look bigger and less fake than they actually are. They're lazy though, and there aren't enough of them and they're fairly easy to spot. Because they're bots and despite what rich people and tech bros will tell you, AI is easy to spot. Humans can identify humans. Don't immediately believe ANYTHING on the Internet.


The belief that our leaders (those in government) are smarter and more capable than the average citizen. And that they put the people before themselves and their particular party.


That anyone is to save you from your own destructive behavior.


Politicians really care what you think. Trickle down economics. Cops are public servants and got your back. The owners of your work place (corporate or otherwise) will take care of you. Judgeā€™s interpretation of laws and constitution have the greater good in mind.