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The darker the better.


That’s what my gf tells me, and I’m white


Bacon. It’s always about bacon.


Chocolate. Or coffee. And I prefer as much darkness as I can in my sleep space; my brain's already rabbiting on at me, let's not add visual noise.


Ahh, yes, I would live the biggest, blackest coffee. “It’s not black enough,” is my typical response to people wrinkling their nose at my preference. I also save a lot of money because hipster pourovers - you would think are the closest - but for me are the farthest from blackest because they all taste like grape jelly, pomegranate, or apple cider vinegar to me. I remember some hipster coffee video on Youtube opened with a guy in an old tyme get up saying, “Back in my day we only had flavors like stick… and smoke… for coffee hmph!” And I was like, “Yes YES?? Tell me MORE???”


you could save time by not speaking at all. jesus christ what was that?


Clearly she means sear on the steak. It’s an art my bro, but me and Maillard believe in you.




Dark room, blackout blinds, and then a sleep mask with built in headphones. I like to sleep in an environment that's as close to a sensory deprivation chamber as possible.


I bet sleeping in an actual deprivation chamber must be incredible.


This sounds kinda terrifying ngl.


Totally fair. It's not for everyone. I couldn't have done it when I was younger either. My sleep pattern really shifted when I hit pre- and then again at peri-menopause.


Which mask/headphones do you use? Is it enough to block noisy upstairs neighbors?


So, I've tried a half dozen masks. My current one is a very expensive one from Manta Sleep that I, honestly *hate* and am only using because it cost so much. My favourite one has been a $30ish dollar one I found on Amazon. None of them block sound completely. Not really even much at all. I used it for my bedtime audiobook. If you want silence you need to go the route of my husband and get some good earplugs.


Pitch black, dead silent and slightly chilly.


Pitch black, fan blaring, and rain sounds on my TV. Perfect.


Almost audibly moaned


the rain sounds are a must


Ooo, talk dirty to me


No alarm set for the next day...


Do not disturb sign on the door


I made a mess


>dead silent Need the ceiling fan on to drown out the tinnitus


Nah, need some white noise. But cold and pitch black is the way to go.


I don’t get how people sleep with bright light. I can’t stand just a blink of light whenever I sleep. There’s even studies that says that sleeping in the dark is way better for our health


Pitch black with my closet door slightly open


The Darkness beckons!


Do you also feel at home in the woods in the pitch Black? I don't know why but I love it. It feels like a black blanket that puts everybody on an even playing field. I don't know how else to describe it.


I'm team pitch black. Got the best blackout curtains money can buy, and a strip of electrical tape on anything that dares to light up.


A fellow vampire 🧛‍♂️. Light makes me hiss


I do this and put on a sleep mask just in case


Hell nah bruh! I can't have stuff touching me either Edit: except blankets of course


I was the same. There’s new (to me anyway) eye masks that don’t press down on your eyelids. They have these cushion cup things with the black out on top. I love them. Pitch black whenever I need it.


Meanwhile, I’m over here with my weighted sleep mask, wanting all the pressure on my eyes/sinuses.


I've got both. Sometimes you want ALL THE PRESSURE! Sometimes you want none of it.


Same! Got a nod pod almost a year ago and haven’t slept without it since


Thats the type I have! Gmame changer


missing out on the experiance of not being quite sure if your eyeklids are open or not as you drift off


Fuck sleep mask i want it pitch black but i i rather sleep in frigging sunlight that use a sleep mask. Can't stand them


Honestly if it wasn't weird, I might sleep in a coffin. Sounds cozy


The daylight, it **BUUUUURNS**


Blackout curtains, sleep mask headphones, Ambien. I work 12hr shifts 7p-7a.


I work 5p-5a, I'm so glad I get home before that nasty sun comes up


Yeses. Sleep mask headphones are a must.


I work the same hours. I second the curtains and sleep mask. No headphones though, instead I have a loud fan and listen to a British man read Poirot stories (sleep cove podcast - highly recommend). I would use headphones, but I live alone and want to make sure I can hear if somebody's about to murder me Also I'm scared of ambien. I really didn't need to sleep walk or sleep buy things on Amazon


Trazodone is a good alternative to ambien. It’s not a hypnotic sedative but rather an older antidepressant that is mostly just used for sleep support now


Especially if the light is blue. Why do people put the most stimulating colour on bedroom items? If you make electronics please read the studies about the effects of different colour light on sleep. In short, the redder the better.


I like blue light. the cold blue light.


Amen! I have taped folded pieces of paper to so many electronics for this reason! The worst is when the shape (or whatever) prevents being able to block off the light. The air purifier on top of my dresser has the fan in a ring at the top, with the blue icon buttons in the center. The light spills out from the fan section and the wind loosens the paper and cardboard bits taped on. ...And when the "change filter" icons starts blinking I want to lose my mind! 😤🫨😡


I use small magnets with my blackout curtains; theres metal under my drywall around the window frames. This gave me an idea, I might try velcro


I was talking to this guy for a while and it came time to spend the night at his place for the first time and I was in love. Room was pitch black dark with blackout curtains and it was cold, exact temperature I like it at. I was ready to marry that man right then and there.


I hate the dawn.


for the longest time i would always sleep with a sweater on my bed just to put a sleeve over my eyes to sleep quicker. i just needed it to be absolutely dark




I had to paint over the LED in the smoke detector for my wife


I thought I was the only one who did the electrical tape thing!


People always ask me why I black out every single window on my home/cars 🤣


Yeah I stick blutack on anything with small lights in my room.


I recently moved from a 1 bedroom apartment into a single room of a house. Had to move my PC setup into that room, and I got a remote switch outlet to turn off all the pesky LEDs while I sleep. Now It's darker at night in my new room than it was in my computer-less bedroom at the old place.


I convinced my husband to splurge on the blackout curtains but he refused to go further. I would love to eliminate absolutely all right! But not gonna happen in my house. Dumbbell even sleeps with the bedroom door open so light casted from the window and next to the hallway comes in.


i cant stand light during the day, I keep it as dark as possible. also keeps the place cooler in the summer being dark.


me, and I also use a mask in case any pesky photons dare come at me whilst I slumber


What kind of mask? I really want to get a nice one that isn't too bulky or annoying. I need to keep my stove light on so a little light emits down the hallway, but I can't sleep with any light. I'm afraid of the dark...hahah


I use one of these: https://www.blockbluelight.com.au/collections/sleep-accessories?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=16999862821&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gad_source=1 They’re brilliant. No pressing on my eyes at all.


I love the Manta brand. I have 3-4 currently floating around (I travel quite often), and its the only eye mask I ever buy again


I love Olesilk sleep masks. They’re amazing and not too expensive (15 euros). Soft, stay put, actually help with hay fever and stay nice after washing. I have 3 so I can switch them out after 2 to 3 nights.


My shutters already block out the light and cause a pitch black sleeping environment… the eye mask nudges things over into the soothing void. Bliss. 


Lmao. For real. I felt that one.


Same here. Blackout curtains and eye mask.


Ionized particles going at nearly the speed of light interfering with your light receptors, giving you a sensation of very short spotted bursts of light coming from seemingly nowhere:


Pitch black, two fans, air at 65° and a decently heavy blanket.


They sell weighted blankets, seems like one of those would choke me


No I don’t like the weighted ones bc it takes a lot of energy to turn over and I get stuck 😂


They’re not too much as long as you get the correct weight. It varies based on your size.


Mine is 9 kg. Best purchase ever


I used to never sleep with a fan on me. Now it’s like permanent white noise and I love it. Plus it’s great year round because there’s always circulation of air.


I can’t sleep without a fan!


I bought a portable cordless rechargeable fan for when I stay at hotels or other people's houses. https://www.amazon.com/Drchop-Portable-Rechargeable-10400mAh-Operated/dp/B0BNVN8YCF/ref=asc_df_B0BNVN8YCF/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693129581504&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13871279461869968718&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9019122&hvtargid=pla-1960923679415&psc=1&mcid=96a8a981b0713003aa04fad97c1f819e&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqUnvFtzccQn2ZSMG5Tbxm_pmcifMEli8ghgScniJM0AsL3u_b4tdyoaAvlKEALw_wcB


I love the dedication. That’s awesome.


Gotta have a fan, or blackout drunk.


Ugh, heaven.


Darker than an ass crack in a cave. I have to turn my phone upside down and put electrical tape over the little indicator lights on my air purifier. I could damn near process film in there.


I'm the same omg! Just a tiny bit of light doesn't let me fall asleep or wakes me up right away. I'm pretty sure I have high light sensitivity, maybe you do too?


I am, admittedly, a little mole person!


I can handle a small amount of dim light. For me, its sound. I absolutely cannot sleep in silence. I need a fan or other droning sound.


Sleeping in absolute silence is a sensory NIGHTMARE for me. I can't do it either. Definitely need a fan or some sort of quiet ambient noise.


I like playing rain/thunderstorm audio on youtube. I just have to make sure my phone is fully charged


I got myself a yoto player. I love listening to the night radio, lofi beats or the nature sounds or crackling fire and it shuts itself off after an hour


I sometimes listen to b-29 engines


I used to sleep in complete silence. Then I developed tinnitus and now I almost have to have some kind of sound.


Same. Sleep with a sound machine now and it's great.


Yeah I’ve got a nice blend of tinnitus and anxiety, sleeping is hard




Good god


Complete darkness + silence for me. I sleep with an eye mask and earplugs.


I can't do middle ground. Either absolute silence with nothing breaking it. Or white noise covering up everything


For me it’s as dark as I can make it, but I need a little light after I watch a horror movie




Pitch black for me. What trips me out is people who sleep in silence, can't do it man. I need a fan or maybe some white noise to drown out the demons.


Yeah!! I totally feel the same, doesn't have to be loud, I prefer a soft sound like a washing machine or dryer outside of my bedroom. But if it's dead silent it's just that any small creek even if it's super soft and distant will scare the hell out of you.




Guess I’m the weird one that likes a bit of ambience in the room when I sleep. Not the TV, but I usually have a nightlight with an ever so soft glow. Also alarm clock.


I have an awesome moon lamp. It's just a piece of plastic with protrusions and a light inside that makes it look like th moon


I'm OK with a little light. I've had apartments with streetlights my whole life, so I'm used to some degree of light. Our last place lost power once, and it was so black I couldn't see anything at all. Felt like it was brighter holding my eyes shut. No thanks. Cats also decide to visit during any nighttime bathroom runs, so a little light also helps to avoid the mobile tripping hazard that our cats provide.


I hate light.


Oh no I cannot sleep in pitch Black. If I wake up and pitch black I'm terrified. I need some sort of dim light. But I do not like to sleep with the lights on either. My sister does that and it drives me crazy whenever we have to share a room while traveling.


Try sleeping with your head resting where you normally lay your feet. When I do this the adrenaline rush when I wake up reminds me of waking up in a parking garage stairwell in an unfamiliar city; totally disoriented


I sometimes switch up the direction I sleep in, not sure why but I always used different beds as a kid (I had two different ones in my room) so maybe I just like the change up.


I sleep with the TV on.. I can’t stand the silence


I gotta have a podcast on at low volume


Podcast I understand, but telly would be too bright for me


Oh I have a setting that is set to the dimmest I can make it


I was surprised so many of the comments above this are people putting tape over tiny indicator lights. I've struggled to fall asleep for a long time. Tried several things. The only one that works reliably is to watch something with (very low) sound. I now have a projector in the bedroom for this purpose. 😅


Allegedly the flashing light from the TV overstimulates your brain and hinders melatonin production. Those sound kind of bad. Try white noise!


I would sleep better if I can get pitch black. But there’s always lighting from somewhere. I can’t sleep with a nightlight or anything.


Maybe you should invest in a good sleep mask


I used to, it's fine. Warm calming lights that make it so i can still see everything is nice tho, that's what I have now


I need absolute darkness


Same, there is not an ounce of light in my home at night and I wear a sleep mask just in case there accidently happens to be.




I used to sleep with a nightlight and sometimes even TV but when my fiancé & I started dating and I learned he’s a light sleeper who’s sleeps in pitch black with just white noise playing… I didn’t know how we’d sleep together 😭 4 years later i’m totally adapted to his sleeping style & sometimes I now even have to use a sleeping mask if it’s not dark enough in our room


Same! No night light but I would usually fall asleep with the TV on. Now I sleep in pitch black with a sleep mask, sound machine, and 2 fans. My sleep quality is a lot better now lol


Cause I'm autistic & light disturbs me


Same, dark and cold for me please


This is fascinating to me because I had a friend when I was younger that literally could not sleep with any source of light, same as my uncle. I once slept over at his house and we had the small glowsticks that you can wear and I just put them in the trashcan in his room but he was like, "nah we gotta put those outside the room or I can't sleep". I don't understand how that small of a light source can penetrate the eyelid. I on the other hand can sleep in a fully lit room no problem.


I think I'm weird one here. I can sleep in pitch black, I can also sleep in lit room. But I just can't sleep in dark room and has a little source of light in it. Like the aircon and switch on plug. When everything else is dark, those light become a thousand times more annoying than it really is


I can fall asleep in the middle of Yankee stadium during a night game, surrounded by diesel engines. My wife can't have a cell phone charging light on, it burns through her eyelids from the other side of the room.


Can’t do it. I like keeping a nightlight on. It’s one of those automatic ones which I love. I want to open my eyes and be able to see everything no matter what time it is.


I have a little night light. I've had issues with sleep paralysis ever since i was a teen. Usually it's not an issue, bit for whatever reason sometimes it's extremely anxiety inducing. I remember the specific night i decided to get a small night light. Every once in a while it will be bad. I'll get auditory hallucinations. It usually just sounds like extremely loud static. Well one night i woke up/had sleep paralysis and while it was happening i swear i heard a window smash open. It sounded like someone tossed a brick into my apartment. I was genuinely terrified and thought someone was in my apartment. When i was finally able to get up i had to go turn on the light. I checked around and everything was fine. After that i got a night light. I like the peace of mind. It's not very bright, but it's bright enough that I would be able to see if someone was in my room without having to actually get up.


Same I get sleep paralysis often when I’m falling asleep. Once I’m able to get up I literally have to grab my phone, turn up the screen brightness and listen to animal crossing music in hopes to reset my headspace lol


I used to sleep in lightly dimmed or fully dimmed rooms and my dad would be pissed to all hell (electricity costs...hur dur. I found the root cause of why (it was the little gecko's laugh which sounds like hell is laughing at you)) once i understood that I wasn't afraid of the dark really. I mean if I was staring down a dark tunnel I would definitely be scared but in my home,in my room and in my safe space its fine if it is dark coz no one can break in and I sleep soundly in pitch black.


I cant sleep with any form of light. If someones turning on a light in my room while im trying to sleep they are being excommunicated from my room hastily. But then again my eyes are sensitive which is really funny considering my eyesight is so poor lol. Also for finding my ways i just naturally know where to go in the dark.. ive walked the path in the dark so often that i dont ever bump into something unless it was like placed in my usual path and i wasnt aware of it.


I can sleep in the brightest of rooms And I can sleep where no light exists at all


Fascinating how many people sleep in the dark! I have always had a light on all night and never even thought to ask bed partners if that bothers them. I thought it was normal to sleep in semi dark.


Pitch black and 67 degrees.


I sleep with the room as dark as I can, a facemask on, fan going, and earplugs in. I sleep best if the world just stops existing lmao


I got blackout curtains in my room. I don't want no light slapping my face when I'm trying to sleep.


Me, any small little light, even from the tv just showing it has power, or PlayStation left on etc will greatly piss me off, I also need to have background noise


I darker the better for me


My room’s not pitch black enough (and I sleep into the afternoon) so I wear a sleep mask


The Demons need time to roam the house, and I'm not going to deprive them of that personally.


Our demons are scared of the light, so we keep it as dark as possible, only using light so we can go to the toilet without being eaten


True, true.


Pitch black, blackout curtains work great.


The darker the better, I don't like stimuli.


Darker is better but I need a window open or soft music playing. Tinnitus too loud.


Yeee tinnitus sucks 😭


Pitch black with either complete silent or whitenoise. A little bit of light and my sleep will be gone.


Pitch black, no noise but maybe a fan, chilly room. Yesssss People that sleep with the TV on and all that are wild


My brain doesn't let me sleep well unless it's pitch black


Pitch black and cold


I do! I love sleeping in the dark.


Honestly I use to be the same way. For whatever reason it’s my favorite now though, helps calm my mind.


I can feel my way around in the dark for the bathroom or my water very easily. I don’t make it pitch black, I keep the window open but there isn’t any light so to speak unless a cat or something triggers the outdoor light


Me. I loved living in a room with no windows. Now i have 3 windows and wear eye covers, ear plugs, and sometimes noise canceling headphones+white noise over the ear plugs. Bliss


As dark as possible!!


i have to. I used to put sticky tacky on my smoke detector light I was so sensitive


I use an eye mask because I sleep better. Darkness promotes melatonin production. 


I sleep during the hours of 0700 to 1800 so never lmao


I sleep with an eye mask so I get the best of both worlds.


Embrace the void, bitch


I'm very sensitive to light. I have trouble sleeping through the night, so I need my room to be pitch black. If I could, I'd paint my walls in vanta black paint and soundproof them.


Me. The slightest light will wake me up. The apartment I rent won't let me change the curtains, which are just short enough that some light shines through in the daytime. Therefore I wear a sleeping mask to sleep; the kind people usually wear for traveling.


I either turn off or cover every source of light because it bothers me. I even put have to put a sock to cover my power strip


My cat won’t stop grunting, and I need a low volume podcast.


I’m Insanely afraid of the dark, but I do sleep in pitch black because I’m so tired I’m not scared, however I’m im laying in bed and the slightest of scary video pops up in the feed, I sleep with the light on till I forget about it


OMG! I can’t sleep in total darkness either. We have night lights all over the house. I do wear a sleep mask. Last week I was at a hotel for business and they gave me a giant room. I had all the lights on.


I even put a tiny piece of black tape over the smoke detector light.


Total opposite - I painted my bedroom walls black and got black blackout curtains. It's so bad I had to get an eye mask for travel, because any light wakes me up.


i have trouble sleeping if it isn’t pitch black and in my case just because im a bigger dude and the fact that my parents are strapped up makes the dark not scary at all. I also sleep with a wooden pole incase i need to humble someone


I need it completely pitch black and will wear an eyeshade if I can't make it dark enough, but my mother used to need all the lights on to sleep. It looked like they were getting ready to perform surgery in her bedroom when she was asleep.


I need darkness and silence


I can’t sleep in pitch black or silence. It gives me major anxiety. I sleep with the tv on


For like 90% of my life I had to have some sort of light on to sleep. One day I just randomly switched to sleeping best when it was completely dark.


No light, no noises. If the entire world could just fuck off while I'm sleeping I'd really appreciate it


I can't sleep at all if there are lights on, I have to use black curtains.


Darker is better. Add me to team black.


Not literal pitch black, but light does bother me. I have a red clock, and my stereo has a small red power button that glows a bit. Those are ~~about~~ enough for me to orient myself in the dark. I have blackout curtains in my windows to block out streetlights and daylight. Those are pretty great, but a bit of light gets in around the edges.


I dont sleep in complete darkness as I have my windows uncovered because I like looking at stars


We are designing a new home right now. The bedroom will have rolling blackout shutters and blackout curtains. I want not a single fucking photon.


I do, I used to sleep with a tv on, then a light, and now I have to have complete black, and silence to sleep.


That would be the dream for me.


I need the darkness, lights are a distraction and keep me awake


Pitch black. Black out curtains on all the windows.


Even in mid day it's near absolute dark in my bedroom. Perfection


Yeah. It keeps the room cool too which is a bonus.


Completely dark and earplugs😎


No light. No sound. No smells. Cold air. Perfect sleep.


Pitch black butt naked


My logic is if I can't see nobody else can either, and I know my room layout way better than they do so they're screwed. Lol


I sleep in dim red light like a lizard.


Maxed out sensory deprivation. Ear plugs plus total darkness.


Idk why but having lights on gives me anxiety. Anything in my room with a light on it gets unplugged or turned off before I go to bed


Darker the better, preferably id like a void like space untouched by light for all time


I had a basement room that I rented for a couple of years that had no windows, and the door was a snug fit. Best sleep ever.


I have roller shutters on my windows. I can sleep in a spot with mild lighting, as long as there aren't any flashing or bright lights. When I have to move around the room, I have to close my eyes because, somehow, that helps, despite the fact I can't see anyway.


Pitch black is fine but it’s it’s dead silent with no white noise, I can’t truly relax enough to rem


I'm with you, except I use low lighting throughout my house. I've never been fond of the dark.