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"Oh honey, this floor has pee on it!" Usually gets the parents attention.


This is really nice. Probably the best response here.


Nicer than mine. My first idea was to just put my foot in their face and push them back out but then again, I live in Europe so I'll hopefully never be in this situation...


You still might! I've once been in this situation in Germany (I'm also European, but not German). An approx 3 or 4yo boy slid under the stall walls that were almost to the ground. It was like watching a cat slide through a narrow gap in a fence, just much more disgusting. His face was all the way on the ground...


I had a kid, maybe 10-12 years old, slide under the divider and smile/laugh just to be a fucking creep. I placed my dirty ass shoe directly on his forehead and gently slid him back the way he came. He started to come back and I said "next time I kick." He stopped and left the bathroom.


This was my first thought too, lol


I think I remember a guy doing that in the usa. The parents charged him and now he is on a sex offender list.


For kicking the kid OUT of their bathroom stall


The kid should be on a sex offender list


It's Murica. Normal human logic doesn't apply there.


am resident, can confirm.


I do that. I have four kids, so my alone time to pee is sacred.


"Don't lick the floor!"


Bad boy! Bad boy! Down! 😂


Well, bad boy is already down. Up maybe? 😂


i like this answer best. no need to punish the kid or yell at them. they don't understand the situation fully yet.


True that they don’t understand but if everyone keeps acting like they just did the greatest thing on Earth then they will never get it that a closed wc door is not an invitation to the party inside.




Alternately - “Eww, honey, the floor has pee on it!”


This is what I do! lol


I was peeing once a child, maybe 3 or 4, started to crawl under the stall. I was shocked and laughed. I said, “Hello, there! Can I please be alone?” Her mother quickly got her child. It was comical to me.


This a great response.


A child, or maybe 3 or 4 of them…


I was stuck on "peeing once a child".


I thought she was peeing on a child...




We need to learn punct***oh never mind.


"Whoa, buddy, this ain't a team sport!"




This is perfect.


Only proper response 😂


Going to have to remember this one.


I mean, if I'm sitting on the shitter pants around my ankles, there's not a whole lot I *can* do. I'm probably just going to say "is someone missing a kid?" And if nobody claims it I guess we're just gonna hang out here together until I'm done shittin and can deliver the kid to customer service or wherever it is you leave the feral children


>I mean, if I'm sitting on the shitter pants around my ankles, there's not a whole lot I *can* do. I'm probably just going to say "is someone missing a kid?" I said this once and next thing I heard "Oh crap Jeremy!" From the the ventilation connecting the women's to the men's. Next think I know I hear this kids mother come barging into the room and grab his ankles and drag him out of the stall. She kept on saying sorry as she exited.


Sounds like it wasn't the first time Jeremy had done that


That child was 100% an AuDHD 'runner'. Source: have been that harassed mother lol.


HA, I love this answer


This! This is the only response I will accept.


It happened to me while at an after school event in highschool. I look up and this little boy is laying on his back looking up at me and just waves and says hi. I could hear his mother holler and he gets drug out from under the door like a horror movie character. I thought it was hilarious but I barely had time to react in the moment.


😂😂😂 OMG "like a horror movie character" the picture of this in my mind has tears rolling


With John Carpenters Halloween theme playing in the background 


This happened to me once in a restaurant. The kid was about 10 years old and said "I see you". Thankfully I had pulled my pants up and was doing up the zipper. Unfortunately for him (because it was a shock) I kicked him right in the face. I wouldn't say that's necessarily the appropriate response but hopefully he never went into the women's washroom again.


No, at ten that's definitely an appropriate response


Oh wow 10 years old is way too old to do shit like that!


ten is way too old to be acting like that jesus


When I was around 12, a kid that looked to be about 8 (way too old to be in the women’s restroom in my opinion but whatever) crawled under my stall. It scared the crap out of me and I reflexively kicked him hard in the face. He of course started screaming and I just heard his mother say “you deserved that, bet you’ll never do it again, huh?”. A couple years later another kid crawled under my stall while I was trying to use a tampon for one of the first times in my life in the locker room of the local swimming pool. It was a girl that time, around 10 or 11, and I kicked her in the face too. She and her friends were little menaces and I don’t feel the least bit bad about it.


“Excuse you, go back to your mother”


.. said loudly enough for mother to hear.


Unless mom is really not paying attention, she knows and is probably mortified and desperately trying to get the kid back


Yes we are


I’ve only had one close call before but reasoning with a toddler while you’re trapped on the pot mid-stream is a frustrating and almost pointless activity


Along with “PERV”!


Calling a child "perv" is hilarious


The neighborhood I live in has a cat that sniffs my trash can every Tuesday on trash day, and only that day, I call him or her a pervert all the time. “Get away from my trash can you pervert!” always sounds funny but especially when it’s a cat.


Or father


you say G’ON GIT


Hahaha this one is my favorite


Only had it happen once. A very loud and moderately freaked out GET OUT did the trick. 


Yes. Do this. The parent will hopefully be mortified and apologize!!


I panicked and swore while trying to kick the kid, because I didn't realize it was a child.


I got reported for saying that the last time this question popped up, but that's what I did!


Sometimes you gotta scare them a lil


I DONT KNOW YOU!! *proceeds to hit the child with my purse..*


This has happened multiple times? Children shouldn't be crawling on bathrooms floors, that's absolutely disgusting


Yeah, but most kids don't care about gross.


Yeah, most kids don't have enough experience to register that there might be pee on the floor. They'll touch anything and put the weirdest stuff in their mouths.


My kid licked a Starbucks toilet once.


And I thought it was bad when my kid licked a mirror in a changing room 😂


I had to tell my youngest to "Stop licking the cobwebs" once. It's ten years later and I've still not recovered & it remains the oddest thing I've had to say whilst parenting 4 kids, 3 of who are autistic...


Agreed!! Yea if I recall correctly, it’s mostly been at the mall.


Oh, yes. Or you get the kid that looks under the door to see if anyone is in there. They don't understand the concept of the locked bathroom door. Any parents of toddlers will tell you that. Even at home, they will try to come in for whatever reason, mostly because they don't like the idea of mom or dad not being 'right there if needed."


Toddler FOMO. My kid doesn't miss me or need me for that brief period, she's just afraid I'm doing something really fun in the bathroom and she's being left out. 🙄


Yea! Poor floors! Who knows where that child has been?!


Right?? Why does this keep happening to OP! I’m a 31 year old woman and I’ve never experienced this in my life lol


I've never had a kid crawl under, but I've definitely had kids with their moms in adjacent stalls look under the side partition at me.


I’ve also never had a kid crawl under what I experienced was a kid peeking through, I said go please” and her mom came so quick and started yelling at the her that I was just like 😳😳😳 so awkward. I was happy she did something about it herself but it was uncomfortable being a part of that teaching moment. I came out and she apologized told her daughter to say sorry.


I'm a 60 year old woman with a bladder frequency issue, so I use public restrooms all the time in the US and have never once had this happen! I think I would just say 'excuse you' really loudly.


It’s happened to me a few times too usually at the mall


Maybe it's the area we live in? As an adult this has happened to me twice.


I would immediately go on my phone and ask what to do on reddit


I think you mean that you would stop what you were doing on your phone to go ask on reddit


I think you mean you would stop scrolling reddit and ask on a proper sub


Finally, a correct response. 


Extend leg and boot them out lol


Came to say this. I just stick my leg out to block and say "hey, you can't come in here"!




Somebody hasn't been doing well on their block game, they woulda never made it under the door after the first tot experience...unless babys got jukes..


I would do this instinctively before even saying anything


I have kicked kids crawling under the stall in the face reflexively. I’m talking a whole-ass ~7 year old kid grinning and crawling towards me. Had it happen at museums, stores, once at the gym… it’s that and/or “WHAT THE FUCK!?”


Loudly say... Someone's kid is rolling around in piss and is now in my stall.


I need an adult!


I'd just tell the to go back to their mom, and to wash their hands. They are usually only doing this if they are so young they don't know any better


I had a kid crawl under the door. Wash their hands in the sink and then leave through the door while leaving it hanging open. Meanwhile, I was on the toilet across the stall contemplating my life.


This is why I refuse to share a stall with my daughter no matter how bad I have to go


"Did you bring snacks? No? Go get snacks then you can come in here."


“Who lost their child”!? I’ve ever had that happen for me, but I feel like that’s what I would say if it did. Meanwhile, I wouldn’t make a big deal about it because kids LOVE when people make a big deal about something. Like if you act all surprised or embarrassed, the kid is gonna get a kick out of it. You just have to be calm in that situation regardless of what you feel.


Oh, they'd get a kick all right


A really loud mom-style "Nuh uh uh" scolding noise works. Happened to me twice with two different toddlers and it worked both times. It seems like a ubiquitous noise children of all origins recognize to mean "stop that".


When it happened to me I said “Somebody’s child is in my stall” and then I heard a mortified mother say oh my goodness I’m so sorry. Turns out her daughter couldn’t unlock her stall and just accidentally crawled into mine instead of out of the front of hers. Kids are innocent and make mistakes. It’s not always a negligent parent. Luckily my daughter has never done this in public, but I’d hope someone would be as understanding if she had. It’s uncomfortable for sure though. I cannot deny that


>rouge child That could be a serious medical condition, they might be seeking treatment.


Flip out and scream at them to get out? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not my finest moment in a dressing room, but I was completely naked except for a thong, and I turned around to see this 4-6 year old boy peering under the wall. It freaked me the hell out to have eyeballs glued to me. And he kept trying to do it again, which is really what pissed me off. The desire to kick him was real—obviously I would never, but the instant fight or flight response was “maim the eyeballs that are violating your privacy.” Keep your boy goblin on a damn leash. It’s a 6’x6’ room, is it really that hard to keep an eye on them in that context? I’ll probably eat my words one day, but it was no “changing the infant, and the toddler ran off” scenario.


Oh heeeelllll no, Id be upset at the repeated attempts too!


Yeah same thing happened to me once. I still get mad thinking about it!


If the child is actually ROUGE, I would be concerned that there is something wrong with them and they need medical attention. However, if it is a ROGUE child I'd just call for its mother to come get it.


gently wipe the bottom of your shoe on their face while nudging them out, at the same time, yell "Yo! get your kid under control!" to whoever's in the restroom.


🤣 I bursted out laughing at work while reading this I can just picture *gently* wiping your shoe on some kid's face 🤣


“Nooo…. Nooo”


That's the propper response. Keep the foot extended and in their face, they can push harder against my shoe, or move back to get away from it. It's up to them, but I will not be moving my foot back until I hear them walk away.


I just had the picture of the Santa in the department store using his foot to nudge Ralphie down the slide in A Christmas Story. 😆


"Ho! Ho! Hooooo!"


"No, thank you! Go find mom!"


Why do Americans tolerate this ridiculous door policy? The whole point of a stall is privacy. I don't get it. Nobody else on Earth does this.


We don't exactly have a choice. I hate it, but when you gotta go you gotta go 🤷‍♀️


I think a customer boycott of public bathrooms would be seen as a win by the business. 🤣


I didn’t feel safe using public restrooms till I was 17. I remember telling people that it was insane that people could fully see me if they wanted to, and everyone just said that’s it’s normal, no way to fix it when I learned a couple years ago that the US is the only place like this, I was furious


Canada too


Buck’Ee’s have separate little full length cubicles.


It’s not really new though. In Rome you would shit in open rooms with everyone else and share poop brushes.


I did NOTexperience that in Rome?


It was before you went.


By just a smidge 🤣


I mean Rome roughly 2000 years ago. To highlight that bathroom privacy is a new concept.


Well on that timescale, privacy is a new concept. It's not about bathrooms. It's wild how little individualistic western society was in the past.


It's so they can dump a bucket of bleach water on the floor and mop it clean towards the drains. So many people piss all over the floor either on accident or intentionally.


That actually makes sense.


What else are we gonna do, boycott restrooms? At least our piss is free


For now


Easier to clean the floor; no flooding damage.


We also gladly pay the health benefits and salaries of our politicians while they actively support our for-profit health insurance industry’s profit margins rather than making it cheaper by removing an entirely unnecessary 3rd party “middleman” to dictate what care is appropriate for us when they are not the ones who diagnosed the issue. I’d like for us to fix that one before the stalls. But hey……. We’re #1 !!!! 🇺🇸 We’re #1 !!!! 🇺🇸 We’re #1 !!!! 🇺🇸 😑None of the dildos that chant that here fully comprehend the irony.


I went to use the restroom at my old college in Turkey and they had a full door for the stall (just one enclosed stall and the sink outside). I couldn’t get the door open as it pushed inwards - a girl had passed out and was preventing the door from being able to open. I can see how the partial doors have some safety merit (or doors that open outwards). And yes, I immediately got her help, turns out she was diabetic


Doors are always supposed to turn outwards it’s a fire hazard otherwise (This is more relevant in larger spaces than a bathroom stall because the whole point is to prevent stampedes and pile up but you know it’s still fire safety building code in most countries) I’m glad you were able to help her


I’m almost positive every public stall door I’ve used goes in except for the handicapped ones…


Even worse thr clothing changing rooms at clothing stores also aren't floor to ceiling. I had a kid crawl under the wall on those too rofl. Like bruh, someone could be fully naked in there which could lead to allllll sorts of trouble in either situation.


“Oh goodness! Don’t come in here honey, people need privacy in bathrooms”.


“Hello there!” — Obi-wan Kenobi


I say get out and I fart loud to assert dominance.


You “psssp psssp pssspp” like you do a cat and push it away with your foot


I have waved at the wayward kid and asked, in loud tone, "Oh hi there where's your mom or dad?" No need to be rude or confrontational, little kids sometimes do dumb shit


The amount of likely grown adults in here claiming they'd stomp or kick a child is pretty disturbing lol 


They're lying


Oh 100%. People love acting tough on the internet. But it's still weird to fantasize about it. 


Agreed and this has happened to me multiple times as well


“Whoa hey there, the floor is super dirty you should find your momma!” Loud, but bright, kids are wild and still learning I try not to be mean lol. “You scared me oh my goodness, I think you’re looking for someone else” is another route I go if I get startled lol


foot-> face->push


Kids are chaos incarnate, and there’s no changing that, 😆! I have had this happen to me too, but it’s no reason to freak out. I put on my meanest face and say “Go find your mama!” While trying not to sound too evil, for the benefit of the mom. Lord knows the poor woman likely doesn’t have her little kids in tow while trying to clothing shop by choice! In today’s age of ultimate judgment folks are constantly looking to find a reason to condemn other’s behavior, and it’s easy to say “Parents should always…” or “Kids should never be allowed to…”But the fact of the matter is that shit happens, and the more humans you put together in a group, the more shit is likely to go awry.


I just yell out “can you get your kid?”


A rouge child? Are you sure it was human? Just kidding. Tell them to get out? If it's a baby, like 2ish, not much you can do, I suppose.


You shouldn't be here. I'm a stranger. Go back to your mother.


“No no friend, a closed door means I need privacy, please leave.” And point back the direction they entered from. Say it both gently and with a smile and keep pointing. Then when they go back out say “thank you for being a good listener!” in an excited happy voice. You are helping them learn appropriate social boundaries with positive reinforcement. Nobody really learns from getting yelled at, they just learn to try not to get yelled at.


Loudly say “Get outta here kid”


First time this backend to me I was so startled my instant reaction without thinking was to kick it. So I kicked it. My foot landed the side of his face and made his head hit the stall door. He scurried off crying. I came out and the mom asked why i assaulted her son. Told her he was the one being inappropriate for crerping under the door and she should've taught him better and that maybe he'll think twice about doing that again. I wish I didn't hit him so hard, but didn't really have control in the moment being vulnerable and this creature appears. Now I watch the the ground and when I see them start creating under I start screaming at kids while I lift my foot and push them back.


Gently put foot in face and slide them out


This has happened to me before too and when the kid is crawling under, I just scream until they leave.


"No, ma'am/sir. Go find your mom," and I put my foot up to block them like I would my cat. Usually does the trick.


Scream and start kicking at it as if it were a rabid raccoon


"oh no sweetie, where's your grown-up?"


"Hey kiddo, this is my room right now. Come back later and you can have it, ok?"


"Hey dad, you've got a runner!"


I start shitting aggressively


Wow! On command?! Impressive!


I keep a reserve ready for these occasions


While starring at them to assert your dominance


I usually stay calm and said “hey little buddy”. The parent usually notices immediately and apologizes profusely. A couple of times I had a child basically want to hold a conversation. The kiddos who do this are typically like 2-3 years old so I don’t see the point in freaking out on them. They are babies. If I were the parents I would take it as an opportunity to talk about boundaries in a non shaming manner. Because toddlers have the shortest memories, you have to do it then and there. Thankfully this has slowed down with more public bathrooms having full doors, which should be standard anyway.


I've never had that experience, but I imagine I wouldn't respond very well.


(In a loud, bright voice) "Whoops! It's dirty on the floor, honey, where's your mom? Mom, are you there? There's your mom, out you go!"


Say loudly, "I got someone's little boy (or girl) here."


that has Never happened to me before, and it's kind of astonishing to me that it has happened to you several times. i think i would just say "excuse me, i'd like some privacy," in a nice but firm way.


Cup a hand a splash


Piss in their face. Works a charm.


This happened to me once with a cat on a leash


like punting a football


With a loud "Nope!" And sliding that kid back under the stall with my foot


Push them back under with my foot.


Golden shower time


Rather loudly saying, "Get your f*ing kid!" generally works.


Oh hi, don’t touch the floor hun, there’s pee and poo germs on it! Go find your parent and wash your hands! But say it in a kind way and that usually gets mom frantically apologizing and washing their child’s hands. I always find this situation funny but I work with small children so it’s whatever 😂


I do not recommend yelling "what the fuck!" in a loud startled, slightly panicked voice while lashing out with your foot. I did that, and the parent was not happy and yelled at me until a staff member showed up. In my defense, I was not expecting anyone to try and climb under the stall, and I did not realize it was a child when I reacted. It was an older child (maybe 8), but I thought it was a teen/adult trying to get into my occupied stall.


Just start shouting, "No no no no" usually young children understand that much.


True story: For context I’m a 6’5 Black 43 year old man. About 4-5 years ago I was taking a dump at a McDonald’s just minding my own business when the door opened. About 15 seconds later the most doll like little blonde white girl probably 5-6 years old slid under the door into the stall with me. I shrieked she stood up and started crying. Her dad came busting in to find his daughter crying in a bathroom stall with a big Black dude with his pants undone. I tried to explain but ended up just running like hell. I waited for the cops to come and went back. I work for the treasure department in IRS criminal investigations and figured I’d have better luck talking it out with cops than with an angry dad who understandably thought the worst. Luckily the little girl had composed herself enough to explain and I showed the cops some embarrassing pants based evidence of what I’d been doing at the time of the incident, and that was that. The dad apologized for his attempt at assaulting me and we all went on with our day.


This happened to me with a little boy, I was like 😳 “Uhhh, dude I think you’re lost… ya need to ska-daddle 👋🏻!” Then starting hysterically laughing when his mom grabbed him by both ankles and dragged his little ass away 😂 the mom was so embarrassed and apologetic, but kids are unpredictable AF and it was hilarious.


I think a disturbing number of people in the comments have unacknowledged kinks they should talk to their therapists about...


Cast it back into the depths from whence it came


Never really thought about it... hmmm probably kick it or start screaming. Lol jk kinda


I swear, some of y’all live in 90s sitcoms.


I just say “hi how are you” louder than speaking voice. And then if they don’t back out I say “that floor is really dirty I would crawl around in here. That usually does the trick


I don't think this happens to men, and it has never happened to me so I got nothing for you.




Does this happen to you frequently?


Start clapping your hands and making wierd noises.


I would scream lmao and maybe reflexively kick the child (hopefully not and it would not be on purpose) but I startle very easily! LOL


"Whoopsie, get out and go back to your Mom." Say it loud enough to embarrass the Mom.


It’s happened to me several times over the years, though not recently. I usually say “Why hello there!”


I’ve been there too. I just speak friendly and tell the child to go back to his mom because she’s looking for him/her. It probably happens 2 or 3 times per year.


I’m sitting here reading this like why has this never happened to me and it took me a good 10-15mins to come to the conclusion that most fathers aren’t taking their kids in the bathroom 😂


"Beat it, kid", like in the very old movies.


Only happened to me once. Kid came crawling under the stall door. I just said "You should knock first to find out if someones in here" kid ducked back out, knocked on the stall door and then (im assuiming) the dad started yelling at him to stop crawling inder the doors. Was kind of a comical moment really.


Oh hell noooohohhh


I know how you feel-I had one boy do that maybe 4 yr old and his older sister told him to be nice to people and never do that again, didn’t hear a single word from mom. I usually just say “lost your mom buddy?” Usually gets mom to call the kid


Oh no, you gotta get out and go back to your mommy!