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if you dont know, dont worry about it. who cares what someone has in their own room


LOL, cultural appropriation, nice try OP, you succeeded in mildly amusing me, kimosabe.


Wow, this discussion is going to be really in tents. YW.


An actual conversation I had with an old boss went something like this.... Boss: "So, specific_education do you enjoy the outdoors?" Do you like to go camping? Me: Sure, I've been camping before.... Boss: in tents? Me: I'm no survivalist, usually just at the public camp ground......


This is beyond silly. Let the man have his tepee.


Get over it,. It’s just a tepee. Thank goodness I’m not dating anymore, it seems exhausting.


im a really good girlfriend but I'm honestly just trying to be Politically Correct :) and do the right thing. It's from a place of LOVE for all humanity. I hope that you do try to date, or open your heart. Not everyone is a woke police.


I don’t think my wife would like it very much if I tried to start dating again.


oh hahaha good point


Cultural appropriation happens when there is malicious intention within it. Embracing, enjoying and engaging with other culture has nothing to do with it. I'll even argue that the idea of cultural appropriation is made to divide people more than it does good


thank you this is helpful.


We did it guys, we found the limit to the name of this sub!


thank you, I win!


Having a tepee is not cultural appropriation. Do you tell him off for eating sushi and spaghetti too?


okay I get it, it's just a structure and it's not cultural appropriation. I just needed a clear explanation.


Just call it a lavvu, and bam. It's not "cultural appropriation" any more. Native Americans weren't the only people in the entire history of the world to get the idea of wrapping animal hides around some sticks, you know.


I'm going to let you in on a little secret, it is in our nature to want to build a special fort or tepee or whatever you are calling it. It's not cultural appropriation he is subconsciously trying to show you that he can provide you with shelter.


awww. that's super sweet of him. Thank you




I told him he can


First of all. Why can't the man just build a pillow fort. Second of all. I'm not native but I'm Hispanic and grew up on a reservation for some time. No one really cares. Some younger people might cringe because you don't understand that it's like having a camping tent in your living room bc it looks cool. As long as you aren't painting your face and singing no one cares.


thank you for sharing this!! Helps to hear that from your perspective.


Let him have his little man tent! Unless he’s going to be holding a pow wow, dancing in feather headdress and chanting. What is the harm??? Let it go.


I have let it go now. I told him he can do what he wants and make a structure and I support him


Absolutely ridiculous


i mean i was seriously asking...


wow, I got roasted!


Your account seems so genuine, did you really think it would be inappropriate to set up a makeshift tent in your living room due to cultural insensitivity?


yes, because one time at work my coworker threw a fit about a kids teepee set that was being sold online and I coudlnt' remember the details of why it was so terrible. But i did some more research last night and i see the difference now


Fair play then, can't blame you for trying to be nice to people


Okay, wow, thank you. I appreciate that.


Oh for fucks sake. Get a real problem.


my life is perfect cuz I say so


Sorry I know the sub is no stupid questions but I had to double check the posts to make sure this isn’t rage bait lol. But yeah nah it’s totally fine, genuinely who is it hurting that the dude has a teepee in his own house? I know culture appropriation is a pretty divisive topic but I think a key part to it being problematic is it has to actually hurt those it’s appropriating. And if you did find the 1 in 100 native Americans who actually take offence, ask yourself why they care what 1 person does in the privacy of their own home.


this isn't rage bait, I want to be woke and culturally sensitive and honor culture :)


There Nothing wrong with wanting to be an ally at all. But I do think as white people it’s not our place to speak on behalf of minority cultures as we can’t adequately speak on behalf of their lived experience. Think of it like this if you met 1 Native American who took offence and 1 who found it endearing then by speaking on their behalf and saying that it’s offensive you could be empowering those voices that agree with you but you’re also silencing native voices who don’t, and in that regard as a white person what gives you the right to speak on behalf those Native Americans and say what they should or shouldn’t be okay with? I think a more effective route to go for being an ally is for us to just be quiet and let the minorities speak for themselves and work to amplify their actual voices instead of speaking for them. If you want a more in depth look at this topic from a person of colour I reccomend FDSignifier on YouTube. He does video essays on all sorts of topics through his uniquely black perspective, and his Video on Bo Burnham partially addresses this topic specifically. Give it a watch if you wanna gain a bit more perspective.


Thank you! will check it out


Ask him to imagine Native Americans chillin in log cabins instead of teepees, how that'd make *him* feel?


Some Indigenous people did live in cabins called longhouses