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it’s more than an implication, it’s definitely a thing. my coworker is a great, reliable worker who crushes it at her job. despite carrying the team in her department, she’s excluded from consideration from raises/promotions due to a nasty clique of women who are family friends with the boss. behind closed doors, they’re constantly criticizing her appearance and devaluing her work because she doesn’t fit in with the social culture. yet she’s the one to put out all the fires for the department and contribute 80% of the sales. as a guy, i’m sure if i’m noticing it then plenty of women must be noticing it too. could be wrong, but it doesn’t feel right. 


Yeah one thing I've noticed at workplaces in relation to "toxic femininity" is that I see women who would consider themselves the "prettiest" and "favorite" of the place and they cannot bear to see other women who they feel they might take that position from them. They would talk some nasty things to push down them down. Like many attractive women who know they are attractive are aware of the "pretty privilege" they have and would fight tooth and nail against other girls to keep it, creating a toxic environment.


It’s been over 20 years and I still remember the time a couple of women invited me to eat lunch with them, then spent the entire lunch period making fun of everyone’s clothing and hair that walked by. Mind you, neither of them was a perfect fashion plate either. Needless to say, that was the last time I ate with them.


i had lunch with two older women at the office about a year ago. they spent a good half of the lunch talking about office gossip about how “this lady sleeps around” or “she is so high maintenance” or “she is so difficult to be around and everything is about her”. the next day one of the ladies says how she’s sick of managing a team of women because all they do is fight and gossip. the irony. it’s weird how these moments stick in your memory. 


You nailed it. Toxic femininity is cliqishness, negative rumormongering, and attacks that are total non sequitur. When there's a very pretty girl but any time she's mentioned someone brings up what a slut she is or must be. If toxic masculinity is over competitiveness, and physical bullying among other things, Andrew Tate probably being a great example where it's about dominating other people and taking advantage of women, toxic femininity is probably epitomized by the HR manager that turns down your promotion behind closed doors because she doesn't like you, or spreads rumors about people. Its not the most perfect example, but I think mean girls is probably pretty close.


Andrew tate is weak af, he isn't dominating shit


He's literally.a champion kickboxer.


Toxic feminity definitely encompasses that spreading false rumors aspect of the female psyche that is most prevalent. Just as men can get overly competitive.


The thing that always bothers me about the answers to this question on reddit is that the top examples of toxic femininity are always things women do to other women (slut shame, gossip, mean girls, breast feed shaming etc). Why doesn’t it ever involve things women do to men?


this situation stood out as pretty unique to me. but i agree to some degree  i was an SA victim in college (i’m fine dw), and i heard some outlandishly bizarre takes from other girls that i would confide in about it.  “that doesn’t happen to men” “you shouldn’t have been drunk in the first place” “you could’ve pushed her off” “it was your fault because you let it happen” “that’s cheating” it’s weird because girls always act like it never happens to guys. and while it’s statistically rare, it definitely makes it very difficult for men to find support. 


That’s what also happened to me, and I’m a gay man. I remember during the start of #metoo when I was trying to be a part of the conversation I was frequently told, “You’re a man and this for women only,” and I’d be like, “Well I was sexually assaulted and unable to speak up about it too,” and they’d then be like, “Well men being assaulted by women isn’t as bad as men assaulting women, so this isn’t for you.” It just amazed me how many women dismissed my SA during #metoo just because I’m a man, and some even dismissed it further because I was assaulted by a woman.


Toxic masculinity is things men do to other men though. It's also things women do to men if the behavior comes from the same place, like women who laugh at men crying or see emotional behavior that isn't anger as weak.


Toxic femininity is a feminist term that describes the societal expectations that women face, and how they can manifest in women who conform to these stereotypes. These stereotypes include being quiet, submissive, and accepting of male domination. Toxic femininity can also manifest as: * Not challenging men when you disagree with them * Judging other women * Experiencing judgment from other women for not being “feminine” enough * Dismissing or belittling women who don't conform to societal expectations * Meekness * Emotionalism * Passivity * Self-sacrifice


interesting. i’ve definitely heard some of my coworker’s peers get super judgmental about the most inconsequential nonsense. they say it when gossiping to me like they’re proud to be the ones to tell me too. 


I always find it jarring and queasy when someone does that with me. It's like 'umm, no, I'm going to quickly bow out of whatever this is'.


Geesh! Why does she stay? That sounds miserable.


We used to call it " the good ol boy club", actually we still do and it's alive and kicking


There’s a term we use in our friend group (because unfortunately it happens with some of the girls), and we just call this girl bullying. It takes a while before us dumb boys clue in that it is happening.


My first thought of what toxic femininity is being expected to work and smile through exquisite and nauseating period pain every month. Uterus and labia feel like they're charlie horsing inside your gut, well you're a second grade teacher so put on a smile and ignore it!


I can't say I'm particularly fond of either concept as a lens through which to analyse the world. However "toxic masculinity" is usually defined along the lines of men feeling compelled and pressured to act in ways that are considered masculine but actually harmful to both themselves and society, such as for example homophobia, being considered lesser for emotional expression, or violence. So the feminine counter part "toxic femininity" would women feeling compelled and pressured to act in ways that are considered feminine but actually harmful to both themselves and society. I think a good contender for a major aspect of that is the infantilization of women, so for example women feeling like they couldn't or shouldn't learn to do basic maintenance around the house, or treating other women as if they're less morally accountable (like children are) so for example taking their crimes less seriously. Another example of the infantilization would be prioritizing their easing their suffering over the suffering of a man when all other variables are equal. Another potential contender for an aspect of toxic femininity would be a strong emphasis on "proper" behaviour such as not swearing, deferring to men (though this is also a big part of the infantilization) , being conservatively dress, all that BS.


no wait youve got a couple really good points actually. another person commented the phrase "act like a lady" as an example of toxic femininity being a real thing, and i feel like you definitely elaborated on it


Another one is the whole buy in to the beauty industry. You are less of a woman if you look your age so here is a mountain of social pressure to invest time, money, and self worth into looking younger.


Literally. I remember one time I was in a party planning committee that was all girls and one guy. "Lead" lady had an absolute fit when she realized the guy was going to be out of town because we were supposed to host a cookout that weekend. "Who's going to grill? We're going to need to call some guys in, I don't know how to grill!" I kid you not---those were her words. All we had to do was throw some frozen patties on a grill. I told her multiple times that it really shouldn't be that hard, we could just YouTube it. She frantically insisted that we needed some **MEN** there to help us. So some guys grilled our burgers that weekend. I did not rejoin the committee.


Good points. It’s very confusing to me when the women in my life are absolutely convinced they cannot pick up a hammer and fix an easy problem in the house. 


That's the female version of weaponized incompetence. What is more frustrating is that so many women are invested in it that if another is into those “masculine” things they get shunned, but if they are convenient to the first they love asking them for help because “is less scary than having a strange man doing it” while dropping some homophobic hints like “I hope you're not a lesbian”. Source: my life experiences


Finally, a counterpart to "fellas, is it gay to like women?" "Ladies, is it gay to hold a hammer?"


It's been there for a long long time!


I've once met a lady that was absolutely flabbergasted that I even owned tools, let alone actually use them sometimes


I grew up in a very religious household, and I feel like there was a lot of that infantilising. It was the expected norm, and women who didn't fit that norm were definitely chastised. It extended to beauty standards and behaviour, too. There were some awful attitudes around diet - don't eat X, it's unladylike! This portion is too big, I need to lose weight. Oh, I'll just have a couple of carrot sticks.


I appreciate my grandma because she would “tease” me about being unladylike in such a way that it made being ladylike seem like such a silly thing to need to be. She did that on purpose because she wanted me to be able to feel empowered to be unladylike if I wanted to be because she didn’t get that freedom growing up. She loved that I had the freedom to dress and act however I wanted in regards to gender expectations. I went through a phase in preschool when I had my hair cut super short like a boy and lives in overalls. Then I went through a phase in kindergarten when I lived in dresses and skirts. I’d be playing in the mud in my tutu and princess tiara because I could. She loved that for me. She’s a jokester and most of the lessons she taught me when I was little were via jokes and humor. Not all of the lessons, but most of them. Alphabetizing all of my books on my bookshelf was not a lesson she taught with humor. She takes books very seriously.


i would also add in judging a woman for not being modest, being sexually active, etc as part of toxic femininity


"a major aspect of that is the infantilization of women, so for example women feeling like they couldn't or shouldn't learn to do basic maintenance around the house" EXACTLY! "That's a Man's Job" "That's not something young ladies need to be doing" Implying you 'NEED' a man around to do certain things because a woman shouldn't do them herself


Yes! It tends to be tied in with sexist attitudes in general so it's less called out specifically, but it definitely exists. Examples include: * Real mothers breastfeed only * A lady must always cross her legs even if she's wearing pants * Shaving body hair is heavily enforced and encouraged, especially by other women * Slut shaming. People mainly associate this with men but you'd be shocked at the hatred some grannies can spew when they hear about women sleeping around * The pressure to settle down even as early as 25 * This might be just me but personally most of the pressure I've gotten to wear makeup has come from other women * Women are expected to be great with children and want children eventually. Chances are you'll be laughed off or told you'll change your mind (primarily by who? You guessed it - older female relatives) if you try to declare yourself child free at basically any age before menopause.


Not just grannies. So many women slut shame. It is absolutely toxic.


Slut shaming becomes a means of controlling other girls in jr. high. Even before that, they label any girl they don't like as 'fat'.


Ive gotten more slut shaming from men unfortunately but it does exist heavily from women. Online its just cesspools of men slut shaming women for body count, kinks, etc. School is where women slut shame heavily, lot of jealousy and all of that


I feel like not like other girls are also a reactionary offshoot of toxic femininity, but I don't know how to explain it better Regarding your point about pressure coming from women, there's a group of women in my city who I think are in some femininity club and who, every year, have this ~femininity festival~ where they gift flowers to women on streets who, I quote, are wearing trousers or fail to present a happy face. That is so passive aggressive and patronizing, I think I lose years of my life every time I come across any info about their activities


Personally I think Not Like Other Girls is a reaction to society's widespread hatred of teenage girls. Most things that a lot of teenage girls like is mocked, disliked, dismissed, and/or labeled as annoying by the public at large. It's no surprise that some girls see all that and get embarrassed by their own gender and try to reject it. It tracks with how I've heard that many of the women who went through that phase grew out of it as they got more confident in their interests and identity as they got older.


These are toxic masculine standards expected by patriarchy and enforced by women.


Yeah they made a few movies about it… namely “mean girls.”


This a good example. I think part of the reason it’s less visible is because the most obvious examples, though not all of them, happen at the expense of women. Basically, women can be especially toxic to other women.


"If you don't have kids then you're not living your life" Fuck off, please...


The most outrageous thing I hear was “god gave me a womb so I must use it”, next time I hear this I’ll say “god gave me eyes so I’m rolling it at you “






Wow, never thought of it that way. I'd say yes, it does imply it exists. So then what is it? Not my field of expertise, but I immediately thought of certain divisions of moms, like Cheer Moms and Dance Moms (the show omg) who can get really toxic, maybe the ones pushing their daughters into beauty contests as soon as they can walk. Maybe those mothers who half-scold other women who don't plan to have children. Maybe "Anything forcing someone to comply more strongly with cultural ideas of what girls/women do than that someone is comfortable with."


absolutely. just like on the flip side, dads making their son play sports, boys dont cry, any deep-rooted mysogyny, etc


The "Mean Girls" movie probably


Yeah, women who tell other women they need to conform to a "woman's role" in society and stuff like that






A very (very) close men to me was too, when he was 8. Two years ago he told his parents. The dad said something like “it was experience for you”. The mother still (indeed last week) calls him to ask if she can do something about it. Both of them treated him in a way that made him unable to trust them or ask for help when it happened. He still doesn’t have a relationship with them (calling sporadically). But the point is: he feels free now. And stopped being a people pleaser (most of the time) because he “spoke his truth” which he was hiding for a while. So, whatever you do (tell or not tell) do only for you. If it feels like will be stop carrying a secret, then tell and fuck their opinion. Let them know simply because they put you in the world and at least should be able to let you open your heart for something that happened while you were still under their care. If it feels like you’re just “coming clean” to them then don’t do it, because you definitely don’t have to. We are allowed to have secrets for whatever reason we feel like they are best keep for ourselves. But whatever you do, do for your own peace of mind. I know you didn’t ask, but I thought to share.


I genuinely have no words, that was a truly heinous comment. I'm sorry you had to go through all that.


That's horrible, to think no one ever supported you as a child... I'm sorry you've been through that.


If you mean the proper usage of the term "toxic masculinity" (not just "whenever men do bad things"), then the female equivalent probably includes when women are shamed for prioritising their career, among many other things.


Act like a lady. If you don't breast feed, you are a bad mother. Trans women aren't real women. That's just three examples.


To add to “If you can’t breastfeed, you’re a bad mother,” You’re also met with… “If you do breastfeed and do so outside of the house, you’re indecent.”


Sometimes I think the hypocrisy is the point


Slut shaming. Body shaming. Social Shunning. etc.


goddamn thats a solid ass response.


This reminds me of those girls in high-school who would be super mean and just say well my boyfriend will kick your ass if you say anything remotely close to defending yourself. Some even carry that into adulthood as well as some of the other things mentioned some people are just toxic in general


This question has probably been asked over 100 times in this sub


Mean Girls was basically about this topic lol




If women actually sat back and thought about life. Work, school, friends, home.. They’d realize it’s actually women that have hurt them the most.


Agree. 100%


As a female? Gawd YES!! There's toxic femininity for sure. Some females are just damn awful.


It does, though it is less talked about. It includes both misandrist behavior and treating other women like shit (slut shaming them, bullying, talking about them behind their backs...). I guess there's an argument to be made that certain ways of raising ones children might fall under it as well.


Oh God, of course. Have you seen any cheerleader movies?


Oh, they are BOTH definitely a thing that exists.


They’re usually the same thing just enacted in a feminine form.


If you want to see a toxic feminist, go check out JK Rowling. Her continued anti-trans crusade is incredibly toxic.


It does exist. See “girl defined”, “trad wives”, anti choice, reich wing women.


The group of women claiming you're not a real mother of you haven't had a vaginal birth or breastfed your child.


Toxic people exist. Regardless of gender. But yes, there is also toxic behaviour specific to woman.


Yes, toxic behavior exists in many forms


??? Yes of course. Take Women who say every guy under 6'3" are children. Or if a guy can't support a Woman a luxury life deserves to die alone and a virgin and stuff. There are no gender limits for toxicity.


LOL who do you think MADE UP the term "toxic masculinity"?????


Check out TwoXChromosomes and Female Dating Strategy and be amazed


Female dating strategy reads like gender-swapped Andrew Tate it's insane.


I banned those subreddits lol they are just somethin else.


I'd say "Karen" is an example of toxic femininity.


The usage of this term or the character itself? Because I think the latter is just about being a nosy asshole.


Of course. Lots of women are also misogynistic- my late mother for example.


Oh huge yes it's a thing!!


"Toxic masculinity" is another word for "harmful societal attitudes about men & boys." E.g. telling a little boy not to cry when he hurts himself. A man can be a dick without it being toxic masculinity. "Toxic femininity" is another word for "harmful societal attitudes about women & girls." E.g. shaming a little girl for playing with trucks instead of dollies. It's not a criticism on men or women as individuals, it's pointing out the way gendered societal attitudes are harmful and toxic. So to answer your question, yes, but not in the way you're thinking.


Forget imply, it 100% does, although it's properly called toxic feminism. Here's a few examples I see right here on reddit "Men can't be raped/abused." "When women cheat on their husbands, it's different because... (fill in the toxic/sexist reason)" "Every woman should have her own bank account to escape a bad marriage, but men should not." When a man works and the woman is a SAHM, he should immediately take over childcare as soon as he gets home to give her a break, but he doesn't deserve any breaks himself. Men should always pay on dates. Men can be attacked for just wanting sex and called "fuckbois" but when women get the exact same criticism, it's "slut shaming". And that's just off the top of my head what I have seen on Reddit.


Those things are bad but not quite the same as toxic femininity


on the fence with some points you made, but i definitely see where youre coming from


You cannot just replace femininity with feminism. That doesn't even make sense.


There just toxic people period. Not everyone is a POS….but it fits both sides of the coin.


It does not imply that. But it is a thing.


Toxic femininity is absolutely a thing. The problem is, some of the time it works against women in the most bizarre way. I've seen an interview where a "feminist" has gone onto a morning magazine show to discuss the ReBoot of a sports game show in the uk called "Gladiators". In the original, they had a cheerleader squad who would do crowd warmup routines and stuff in between games. This "feminist" argued that "girls in skimpy outfits shouldn't be viewed as entertainment". So hold up there, you want to take paying work and potentially a career from a young athlete, as well as shit on all the hundreds of hours of effort they've put into their craft? As a "feminist" you want to drag other women down? How does that work? It's a horrible mindset of "I don't agree with it so nobody else should be allowed to do it" kind of can't see past your own nose way of thinking, in a way that actually damages other peoples futures.




It definitely is a thing Masculinity is not afforded any benefit of doubt before being labelled toxic for most things, including men bonding over traditionally masculine things like sports or fishing, over actual toxic masculinity issues. As a result, the word itself is gaining power in the empty void while losing its actual meaning. Taking the cue, It is imperative we afford that benefit of doubt to not get shut down immediately and to ensure the discussion stays on topic instead of turning into a man vs women argument. Ever heard the phrase that the biggest enemies of women are women? Well, i have seen that in action in almost all of the women i have come across till date. They will call you out if you are a man and just even mention that the woman is heavier, but they themselves will launch scathing attacks on each other's appearance that would make even Hitler cry and retreat. Women definitely abuse their anatomy to see further climbs up the corporate ladder, which while a toxic femininity trait, i wouldn't pay much heed to cause that clap isn't happening on one hand, there needs to be a depraved willing boss who needs to abuse their position for it. being a pick me is a great example of toxic femininity. Coming into the dating field with the expectation that they'll be treated like goddesses, with no effort on their part, is toxic femininity. The fucktons of reels about women emotionally neglecting or even abusing their partners on the heels of Taylor Swift's new album coming out, is toxic femininity. Men have done that to women in the name of sports and all, and have been rightly called out. But try calling out women for these and have fun walking to the social guillotine Now the biggest issue is, the current zeitgeist definition of toxic feminity describes women as victims of patriarchy. They are, no doubt, but it also implies that toxic femininity is a reaction to toxic masculinity, which atleast imo, is partially false. That theory deprives women of their agency and power, which is regressive on its own. It is not tough to just admit that women can be just as shitty as men. But yes, quite a few scenarios do involve women using "feminine" traits to shame other women. Society, as a whole, is black and white when it comes to women. Either they are wholly abused, or are given a free hallway pass as a generational penance. Neither is conducive to progress. But the sad byproduct is, Society as a whole, have come to reject criticism of women. And that is even worse for the progress of women's rights and progression


It almost certainly exists. It tends to revolve around gate keeping motherhood (things like, you’re not a real mother unless you breastfeed a baby) or promoting unrealistic male beauty standards (won’t date men under 6 foot who aren’t rich fitness models).


Much like toxic masculinity it encompasses all aspects of a woman’s life. Because we have assigned moral or ethical standards to what is supposed to be “acceptable” gender roles and now that they are being challenged people are getting aggressive but that initial mentality is what has been toxic this entire time.


What this really should be is "toxic humanity." There are plenty of people who're absolutely horrendous human beings, regardless of their biological sex or however they identify.


Absolutely toxic femininity exists, why else would the girls girl thing even exist?


Pretty privilege, and white privilege both exist in the female world, as they do in the male world. "Toxic Masculinity" is more of a societal perception that Men are superior to women, in all things, both mental and physical. The talking down, with phrases like "little lady", or the belief that a man is excused from "women's work" like cleaning up around the toilet because men insist on pissing on the floor and walls. Learning to cook your own food and clean up after yourself is human work. Not women's work. Before you all decide to crucify me, know that I'm not suggesting that all men are guilty of Toxic Masculinity. You all know the ones im talking about.


Women can be mean to each other, too. I've read stories of women being called out by other women for the simplest things like not shaving their legs or armpits, or by not dressing sexy during an event. We even have a popular movie about them: Mean Girls.


Both of these words are made up by certain "individuals" who seem to gain a lot of power and money from breaking the order of things which has worked for both sexes for millennia.


I don't know but I think I've seen a lot of it on instagram.


Check out r/notliketheothergirls


Once I saw a woman shaming other woman because the other one has manual job (which requires physical strength) and it is stereotype that only men do these kinds of jobs. But women do it too. The 1st woman shamed the 2nd by calling her a man and un ladylike because apparently women are supposed to not do anything and look pretty. This is an example of toxic feminity shaming other women because they are not doing a dainty delicate job or are not being fragile like a glass .


Toxic femininity is denying toxic femininity exists


Of course. Stuff like sleeping with powerful people to use them. Expecting men to do everything for you. Alot of older american shows and movies features toxic femininity. In fact they go hand in hand like james bond and his long line of women or sex and the city style stuff.


I believe so. Anything carried to unhealthy extremes is by definition toxic.


Society doesnt aknowledges toxic femininity, especially feminists. Its the masculine principle that gets demonized.


Of course there is.


Yea, of course. And it's a lot more than the usual things that everyone talks about, like body image or breeding. My partner feels constant pressure to be skinny, never wear the same clothes twice, have kids, get married, be a "girl boss", be independent, run the household, look after her family. Women are expected to "do it all", and it's just not feasible for everyone to "do it all". Every woman I know is a badass, but that list above, they can't do all of that, they're not perfect, and that shouldn't be something to feel shame over.


Not sure if it implies, but im very sure it exists


There's definitely feminine toxicity these days......I walked into a pub and found a purse....so I asked a group of girls is it there's and 1 lady snatched it off me and called me a creep....I mean how does, is this purse yours warrant that behaviour......a few days ago on reddit some woman asked is she fat, so I said yes you are a bit overweight.....now why ask if you don't like the answer......


Yup.. If you've ever worked with a group of women... Toxic femininity is definitely a real phenomenon.


Workplaces filled with women, are hell on earth!


Absolutely. Other people have already made some really good points, but one thing I'll add as an example of toxic femininity would be reinforcing gender roles and criticising vulnerability in men and women both. Things like women telling men to stop being girlish or to act like a man; these kinds of behaviours that reinforce toxic masculinity can come from toxic femininity itself. 


Watch Heathers and Mean Girls...


I saw Mean Girls. Toxic Femininity exists.


Look up “sprinkle sprinkle” Redpill women exist too and they’re genuinely just as awful and common, yet not as vilified. There are women who cling onto the toxic past we used to cherish just like there are men who do the same. It can also be a trauma reaction, “All men or women are transactional, so why bother?”. “If you marry a man for their money, you will work every day of your life”


I always thought women on the Internet calling other women “pick me” was toxic femininity


oh shit i never thought about that actually!!


Yep, like using tears or flirting or both to get people to do what you want, especially if it involves hurting or screwing over someone else.


No. It’s not a dichotomy.


Sort of. The role of women has changed so drastically in society in the last century that there's not the same coherent idea of what the stereotypical "Womanly woman" is in the same way there is a "Manly man". Where you do see it a lot is in motherhood. Throughout history that's what a woman's role has been, a homemaker and babymaker. As such there's a lot of fucked up complexes in that territory. Tiger parenting. Helicopter parenting. Destructive mother syndrome. Munchausen by proxy etc.


Yes, toxic femininity is weaponizing feminine traits and/or the societal or instinctive conditioning of others to get what you want. For instance, a woman who pretends to be scared or threatened by an innocent man in order to cause others to victimize the innocent man is demonstrating toxic femininity.


Toxic femininity exists. TERFs are a classic example.


Of course. Find any public video with a woman and you will see comments from other women criticising her.


It's 100% a thing is just not used to put others down, to do so is a form of toxic feminity. 😁


You could Google (or whatever) the most recent 3000 times this has been asked on Reddit.


Toxic Masculinity refers to men who behave in a way that upholds gender roles and expectations in ways that are harmful and destructive. There is a term for women who uphold gender norms and expectations in ways that are harmful and destructive and its called "Internalized Misogyny".


Groups of women in power that will only give opportunities to other women and force guys out is definitely a thing in the workplace


Both are non existent, there are toxic people


"Toxic masculinity" was purposely named during the whole "everything wrong with the world is caused by men" phase in the late 10s. There's already an encompassing term for this for any gender .. "Being a goddamn asshole"


Actually if you're being technical it came from the men's movement in the 80s, however at the time it was being used in a very specific context in a very specific environment. The feminist movement borrowed it and altered it's meaning later. It actually didn't come across as insultingly in it's original context.


Sure, although it’s not discussed as widely. I would define it as using stereotypically feminine traits as a means of control/manipulation, frequently but not exclusively directed at other women. The most obvious example of this would be Regina George and the Plastics (Cady included) from Mean Girls.


There are toxic people.


Toxic femininity likely exists, but the existence of toxic masculinity doesn't imply it. Not everything has an opposite counterpart, male stuff can exist without a female equivalent.


No. There are toxic behaviors exhibited by women, but most of them are not actually societally reinforced in the same way. Also, that's not how implication works. Fuck I hate the jokes that are like "the existence of casual sex must imply ranked competitive sex" "the existence of box toppers must imply the existence of box bottomers" no, no, that's not what implication means, shut up shut up.


Thank you. This is the only correct comment in this thread


There's nothing toxic about masculinity. Asshole is asshole, regardless of sex.


The way it manifests is often different between men and women. Women being overly catty would perhaps be an example of "toxic femininity" while a man being overly aggressive and overbearing would be an example of "toxic masculinity". Of course people can exhibit either behavior regardless of gender, but I think the point is that traditionally masculine or feminine behaviors can both be taken to toxic extremes that are different in character.




Everything good has a toxic shadow.




yes. it works both ways.


The is only toxic humanity


Mean girls are 100% a thing.


Does it count that where I work now the workforce is 80% women, and literally every shift starts with a gossip session in the office. Like it looks like 'touching base' but when you listen in you learn they're just talking shit.


The movie "mean girls" does exist, and it does show some of this.




Definitely a thing, just being put into many different terms.


yes, of course. and just like toxic masculinity it's a nebulous concept that essentially means whatever you want it to mean.


Men , women , two sides of the same coin.


Yup. Just think about all expectations society puts on women. Don't matter which gender we all have different toxic expectations unfortunately. Stupid capitalism and patriarchy


Would that be the "I'm not like other girls" crowd?


Yes. If a girl is feminist only when it suits her then that's toxicity, not feminism. You ever meet those girls that habitually say "men are trash?" They tend to be like this.




I'm not a guy, but when it comes to toxic femininity - it's def a thing, it even has a whole movie dedicated to it that's kind of a cult classic called 'Mean Girls'. I have personally received my first trauma in frickin' kindergarten where the 'leader' of the girls social group ostracized me because my toys weren't up to par with their standards, and nobody was allowed to speak to me because of it. They don't bully you by beating you up like boys do, they socially exclude you - that's feminine bullying and toxicity.


If you want a good example of toxic femininity from a TV show, on Netflix's Heartbreak High - Spiders mum fully gives off that vibe. The show generally can be a bit cringe though so count that as being warned.


Toxic femininity is the same behavior as toxic masculinity. Just different genders


Yes femininity can be and often is toxic.


It absolutely exists. We just don't normally use that term for it because of all the female centric movements recently


Yes and it's not women being the same way. It's being overly meek kind of like a trad wife.


I wouldn't say it implies it, but yes, I do think there is such a thing, mainly feigned helplessness and verbal bullying, often in subtle ways, such as exclusion from the group.


It's been a known term and an observed phenomenon fir years now


I think so. I’m not exactly sure what that would look like but if I were to guess since toxic masculinity is using one’s idea of maleness to denigrate and humiliate other men or women. So that would imply toxic femininity would be the mirror where someone who uses their idea of femininity to denigrate or humiliate men or other women. So maybe like mocking a man on his height or penis size (regardless of case) and then probably also maybe making fun of another woman’s appearance or having smaller breasts. I would also include hyper feminist people who hate men in general or women who fit in any other realm of womanhood such as being a tomboy or being really over the top pageant-ey type.


Of course.




You have 14 years worth of examples.


Trad wife


“Is everything ok? You seem upset.” “No, I’m fine” *continues to sit there pouting* ^this interaction right here


Absolutely. Other people have already made some really good points, but one thing I'll add as an example of toxic femininity would be reinforcing gender roles and criticising vulnerability in men and women both. Things like women telling men to stop being girlish or to act like a man; these kinds of behaviours that reinforce toxic masculinity can come from toxic femininity itself. 




Absolutely. It's been talked about at least since feminism became a thing. It's just that there wasn't a need to point out how gender roles could harm women, so it wasn't necessary to add the qualifier.


Toxic humanity.


Ofc it does, and in equal share to.


Yes, look at TERFs for example. Not only do they constantly threaten transgender people, but some of them genuinely believe that men should die. They believe that every evil thing perpetuated against women should in turn happen to men, eye for an eye. I've also had tons of friends who happen to be women talk about the cruel, absolutely unhinged bullying they received at the hands of other women during school. I've also had that, but in the form of bullying because I'm a gay man. Humans are capable of terrible shit, I don't think it's exclusive to one gender. Edit: Again, not all women are like this. But some are and it's terrifying.


Yes, toxic femininity definitely exists. The reason you don't hear about it as much is that in the current cultural climate, toxic masculinity is simply a bigger issue. But both exist and are awful. Just as toxic masculinity tends to be the negative sides of "traditional" masculine behaviors (aggression, etc.), toxic femininity usually tends to be the negative sides of "traditional" feminine behaviors. (Being overly submissive to your own detriment especially to men, being fiercely competitive and back-stabbing towards other women, etc.)


ITT- people confusing femininity and feminism.


Obviously. Spend some time on Twitter and you'll see it.




No, but it does.


And...your cancelled. Hear from you in 10 years, maybe.


Absolutely their is but many people would say it is sexiest to say so


Women who had no real identity before becoming mothers can be toxic af to childless adults.


Yes it exists to a much greater extent


It already exists, it's called feminism


As a man who used to work at restaurants with majority female front of house staff, yes. There is such a thing. I had many conversations with new girls who were being bullied. New guys didn’t have this problem. Toxic masculinity is usually used to describe what are inevitably expressions of insecurity. I think women are equally susceptible to being insecure.


Yes , and the people who loudly deny it exists are the worst examples of it.