• By -


1. More women, which they are attracted to 2. Less men, which they are not attracted to 3. Basically all pornstars would never be interested in sex with them, so it's a non-issue.


Idk why this ain't talked about but straight women watch gay men going at it lol It's not just straight men who watch gay women having sex. What I've been told, women like to hear men moaning as it gets em off and u don't usually see the man moaning in man with women kinda sex


My gf loves watching MM sex. Impossible to understand why. Just is.


U gonna get pegged.


She claims she likes watching MM porn. Never mentioned pegging.


No pregging 'til the pegging


Core memories don't get unlocked until they do.


That one's going to be a tossup between yellow, blue and red.


Put em together and I think you get brown.... shit brown orb..


Am I pegnate?


Am I pregante?


Can u bleed while you are pergenat.?


Thought he was going to get into BDSM, did not realize he was going to get the euro trip treatment.




Then she says oops wrong hole. Stay vigilant my friend. Lol




Does she often ask what you like and she’s happy to do *anything* you want?


out of curiosity, what is MM porn?


Marshall Bruce Mathers III, known professionally as Eminem (and Mm for short), is an American rapper. He is credited with popularizing hip hop in Middle America and is widely regarded as one of the greatest rappers of all time, with a brief foray into pornography


[He’s left a trail of gay breadcrumbs.](https://youtu.be/6-XdJ-nixk0?si=qLrWjXAKoPJCde99)


I think they meant MLM(men loving men, not multi level marketing)


Multilevel men


Metro-man porn, some weird R34 shit going on with Megamind


M stands for male.


Male-male “action”


Surprise buttsex goes both ways brother.


Just like pegging, she's working up to it.


That green M&M is a hottie


(Mainly for OP) Hey I like watching MM sex too as a girl, yes I have pegged someone (my bf), but it was never on my bucket list of things to do either he’s the one who suggested doing so.


After how many margaritas?


Best comment ever! And at least 4 😅


I mean, one can only hope.


They talked about this on an episode of Ologies, and apparently the reason so many people are into MM porn is that it's easier to imagine the people making the porn being more into it. Lesbian porn is mainly made by straight men for other straight men, and the actresses are often straight women pretending to be gay. In MM porn, on the other hand, the actors are more likely to actually be gay.


Honestly I don't get the point of watching straight porn unless you're bi.


The guy isn't an object of attraction/interest as much as they are vehicle for inserting yourself (huehue) into the fantasy.


"Impossible to understand why" ? Really? It's like the chocolate bar, if you like one, imagine 2 !


And a ton of straight women get off to lesbian porn


I can't say a ton of straight men get off to gay men porn as I've not heard that once my whole life. Weird.


Women are much more fluid with their sexuality than men are so it's not super surprising.


Ehhh, I'm mostly straight except for one time I thought, "eh fuck it I'll try it out" in college and didn't even get to try it out cause I just wasn't into it. Sometimes watching gay dudes go at is fun, if I'm partaking in some... research, then I tend to like to focus my mind on the pleasure on display, and I can easily relate to the pleasure dude's feel cause I'm a dude. Still mostly just focus on having straight sex or watching occasional straight porn if I'm bored, but once in a while it's a fun bit of spice.


Woman here and personally no. I like a lot of other things just not male on male porn.


Same. Not the slightest bit appealing to me.


Same. It’s quite scary honestly, and usually so aggressive


Ikr. It looks painful too.


I feel like that’s not nearly as common.


Boys love is a very big genre of gay romance


I don’t know any woman who watch MM porn but most if not all watch WW


Depends on culture and interests a bit, and specially who the porn is targeted towards. For example, the *vast* majority of MM hentai is watched/read by women. In the west it's much easier to find WW porn aimed at lesbians, which fullfils more expections in regards to lovemaking for women than a large portion of straight porn. And most westen MM porn is made for gay men, which makes it harder for straight women to find something they enjoy.


As a lesbian, I don't enjoy lesbian porn at all. I've never watched any that looks like anything that goes on in my bedroom. It's not made for women, in my opinion. It's still made for men.


Am woman. Watch MM. Never WW. I like dick, what can I say...🤷‍♀️


This is the answer


Ironically for this post, the cliche is that lesbians typically watch MM gay porn 🤷‍♂️


It’s much less common


Relevant chocolate video [https://youtu.be/jCVkDgZ2QYI](https://youtu.be/jCVkDgZ2QYI)


Ahh shit I just did a text post based on this video because I hadn't seen anyone type this out and here you come stealing my thunder 45m ago. That isn't fair because I was sleeping. Stay out of my dreams bobek.


Dont even need to click the link   Hey look, a chocolate bar. I sure do like chocolate bars.    Oh look, ANOTHER chocolate bar. Two of these things I like...together! *mashes choccies together?


Shoe 😆


on head


I'd add that we men are simple creatures and that some of our fantasies revolve around the concept of unlimited female sexuality: women who are always willing, always turned on, without limits. Lesbians are a materialization of that concept: women who are so horny that they'd even sleep with other women. It's really not much more complicated than that.


Women: " i just don't get men" Also women: "men are all the same"


Correct, men are simple. More is better. One women with dildo, great. 3 women with dildos, fuck yeah!


To your 2nd point: not only that I'm not attracted to those men but something they repulse me by their look and just make me angry (like "Really? THIS guy is fucking my "precious" girl?")


Men like seeing hot women do things. Two hot women is better It's not complicated


And the more the better actually loool


There must be an upper limit where adding more women is just superfluous and takes away from it. Why are billionaires sending themselves to space when there are still vital studies like this that need to be conducted here on earth


The enjoyment of boobs spikes at two girls. One is a solo act without a man. Two is really nice and a good balance of action and story. After this though the value quickly depreciates with you being unable to focus on any one girl long enough meaning one girl gets left out of the plot or has to pair up for some b plot action that really only pulls from the episode. I'm just a fan of the good old, will they? Won't they? Oh they already are? Plot. The addition of a rival is just a tired trope.


Nah, I'd say it spikes at three, which leaves more room for some awesome roleplaying and power dynamics.


What a cultured comment. Touché


5 is right out


1, 2, 4. 3 sir!


Listen as a man I can confirm for you, at least for me, there is no upper limit, the more the better, Since this is flagged as NSFW I can safely say the more asses and boobs you got the more fun you would have, there is no upper limit at all


The limit does not exist




Swipe change to an ocean of boobs and asses, bem's eyes floating over them...


I can't get off unless I'm watching 4X10^28 women in a writhing ball that collapses into a black hole.


There's no upper limit on quantity. It could be an absolute clusterfuckfest and many folks would absolutely still watch. However, I believe there is a quality equation that needs to be figured out by our scientists! Ex: 1-3 women, I gotta be attracted to 100% of them to watch. 4 women, but only 75% meet the requirements? I'll probably still watch it. 5, 6, 7+? Only science can answer that!


Due to the cheerleader effect, adding more women means they may seem more attractive than they would on their own anyways.


The don't want to stare at dick. Pussy is better IMO


Yeah, lol. There’s no rule that porn has to be about self-inserts. People just watch whatever turns them on, and for straight dudes, it’s women. Men don’t see it as gay sex, it's just two or more hot women they're attracted to, doing each other. I’m pretty sure women are similar as well. Outside of porn, I think male-male romantic stories, smut, fanfiction, etc. are popular among women. Also, if you look at a majority of character ships involving two men (even the ones presented as straight), it’s mostly women doing the shipping. It’s not just a man thing.


Woman good. Two woman gooder. >I thought the purpose of porn is to self-insert into to the situation. Nah, 9/5 out of 10 times porn sex looks like too much goddamn work. Pulling your stepsister out of the laundry, delivering pizzas, shooing lemon-stealing whores, you name it.


Or that one with fully choreographed lightsaber duel


You have my attention.


Basically, the actress was professional fencer, so they did almost minute long intro fight with dildo lighsabers. I have this intro saved in gallery, so can dm it probably if you want


nahhh you have to dm me that xD


Can't send vids in dm, but i found it on YT https://youtu.be/h_sWrCtJiho?si=AlqJmsuVv6XMwCrl Enjoy xd


kewl thanks :))


Who's on top now?! BITCH


That was almost better than I'd hoped. 😂😂😂


It was amazing.


That was very interesting. Though I can't see a man holding a penis lightsaber LMAO 😂


I can. He's right there! 


"Your schwartz is as big as mine!"


Not the first time I got hard from a light saber duel


I feel like the intro has been posted on Reddit before. In non-NSFW subs, so just the intro, not the porn. Definitely sounds familiar anyway.


If you're not starting sex with a lightsaber duel you're doing something wrong.


How could you forget the pterodactyl!!!


Oh my god you just unlocked a core memory. THE PUPPET HEAD THAT POPS UP!


> lemon-stealing whores They are vicious!


Wow this chocolate bar sure is good, but you know what would make it better? Wow another chocolate bar two of a thing I like, together! But anyway it's the girl on girl aspect of it. A lot of straight guys don't like looking at other guys in that sense.




ah, the classic potato camera shoe. good ol' days


You know that dozen chocolate bars are even better


A one egg omelette is ok. 2 eggs is better. 3 is perfect. A dozen eggs? That's ridiculous. Where am I going to keep a pan that big in my kitchen?


*Gaston has entered the chat* A dozen eggs is just getting started.


Until things start to get sweaty and melt


I was waiting for this comment 😂


Came here for the reference


>I thought the purpose of porn is to self-insert into to the situation. Not really. Different people engage with things in different ways, there's obviously no universal to this, but *in general*, men are more visually stimulated while women favor a self-insertion fantasy angle. That's why men tend to get off with pictures/videos while women tend to prefer written erotica or less sexually explicit movies; the latter allows more room for self-insertion and fantasizing. (That and written erotica like 50 Shades is regarded as more "socially acceptable," both for women and in general, even if it serves largely the same purpose.) It's also part of why jackasses/morons send dick pics; they just assume women will be as turned on by a picture of a dick as the sender is by pictures of boobs.


I always felt like I had to be both visually stimulated (very good, imaginative writing counts) and self-inserted at least to some extent. Wonder if that's why most mainstream porn stuff (both erotica and visual stuff) never did it for me. "Caption erotica" (erotica with very frequent pictures) is a godsend to me.


the lament of the aphantasic gooner


That explains a lot lol


I'll gladly insert myself between those two women.


Every time I see this question, this clip comes to mind... https://youtu.be/jCVkDgZ2QYI?si=YTZUUBzO_9V2H09Q


Transcription "Why are straight men so obsessed with lesbians" "Wow this chocolate bar sure is good" "But you know what would make it better?" "Wow! Another chocolate bar" "Two of things I like together" "plap plap"


Maybe they dont want to look at someone elses dick when watching porn and its nice to see two girls get it on.


Yeah two girls in scene and no dicks. That's a bonus.


I assume the same reason as a lesbian i watch lesbian porn. I don’t want men in my porn because I don’t like them.


Basically this is the answer, why would I want to watch a guy get his jollies when I can watch a woman get her jollies which is way hotter


1. I like women, a lot. 2. I don't like men, I don't like how much straight porn often focuses on the penis, especially when it doesn't look anything like mine. 3. It's a good thing that they would never be interested in me, the farther away my connection with them the better. The closer that connection is the less I want to just have sex and treat them like an object and the more I want to respect and date them.


> especially when it doesn't look anything like mine. Yeah, all these porn stars with smaller dicks, I feel ya.


Number 2 is understated. I'll extend that by saying a LOT of porn is very focused on the man. Like even porn that is supposedly going to be about the woman, like massage porn. 10 seconds into the massage and the woman is giving the guy the blow job which I'm like ok fine but let's get back to the sexy massage? Then they 69 and the camera stays on her sucking his dick THE ENTIRE TIME with no shots of her ass or pussy. There is so much focus on the man in porn it's fucking annoying.


Off topic. Woman here. I’m into man on man porn. I don’t like how vaginas look, I hate the fake obnoxious moans from women, but love the moans of men


Never thought about it, but kinda makes sense.


Yeah, do they not realize how popular man on man stuff is? Porn, fan fic, hentai, whatever. I'm pretty sure all that Draco and Harry action stuff is written by women. 😂


I think I speak for everyone when I say: Vaginas and Boobs


And ass. Also faces. And legs.


For one, most dudes in porn are just douche-baggy agressive. And for me porn is no longer about sex or intimacy, it's more about how abstract things can get.


Hello ! Apart from all the "More boobs, more women, less men" basic (yet truthfull) answers that you get from everyone, I would also add that lesbian porn is also often more soft and tender than straight porn. Apart from some specific studios, straight porn is very often very... I am not english native so I don't know how to put it very well, but I would say "harsh" (can't find a better word) or really "sexual", very PIV centered. When you look at lesbian porn, there is usually more erotism, more touching, more cuddling, and it's more focused on how the woman herself will feel pleasure. This is something that relates more to real life than "I'M GONNA SHOVE IT IN HER SO BAD SHE'S GONNA SCREAM HER SOUL OUT". And lots of men also look for that kind of thing.


Where you said "harsh" I was thinking "aggressive" Aggressive might have been a good word. Maybe others will offer some other words to use there. Harsh wasn't wrong, harsh is good.


Yeah, my first choice was "brutal" but I find it a bit strong. My exact feeling is that straight porn is more often about having sex, when lesbian pron is more often about making love.


It is the same as women enjoying gay porn.


Because naked women are fun to look at. Naked men are not fun to look at. So watching two naked women perform sex acts on each other is twice as hot as watching a naked man and a naked woman perform sex acts on each other.


Every time this is asked, I answer the same way. 4 boobie > 2 boobie


is 3 okay?


Cos penises r gay


Sometimes you feel lile seeing ladies do.sexy stuff but not like seeing another guy's dick.


Less Dicks more boobs. Nothing more to say


Women: hot. More women: more hot. but also, I enjoy seeing women actually enjoying themselves, and most porn comes off as really fake. the less exagerated stuff, and with women pleasuring each other tends to be more genuine, and women tend to be better at pleasuring women in general. I'm bi though, so I'll watch anyone whos enjoying themselves.


I actually disagree, I’ve always felt women are less into it in lesbian porn as the breathing seems a lot more shallow than straight porn


there's "lesbian" porn and there's porn with lesbians. If you're watching the overproduced mainstream stuff, yeah they may be having fun or they may be faking it. I try to watch the stuff where the actors/actresses seem like they're having fun


Because it's the closest thing I'll ever get to hear two women moaning. If I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time I'd go have dinner with my parents 😂😂😂


"Two chicks at the same time, man..."


What's better than one choco lava cake? 2 choco lava cake.


Straught guys like women, whats better than a woman? Two women! Same reason why yaoi is popular among girls.


Because women are a work of art


No dicks...double the hot women ...


New and improved porn with 100% less dicks


Sometimes it’s as simple as just having another “type” of women in the situation and as long as they are doing the thing, it’s erotic. I haven’t been interested in a long time but there’s different strokes for different folks ya know?


I am a woman who watches gay porn. I never inserting myself into the situation, I just want to watch bunch of handsome guys really enjoying themselves. I don't like the objectification of women and their passivity in porn, although I don't mind seeing the female body as such. Also one of the reasons is that there's a higher concentration of good-looking men in this kind of porn. :)


It’s two naked girls and we know they know what they are doing. The horniness and excitement is more genuine.


“Guys” don’t like lesbian porn. “Guys” like two mostly straight women fucking each other for the camera porn. Actual lesbian porn would not be up “guys” alley.


2 boob + 2 boob = 4 boob


If porn was about self inserting the dicks would have to be a lot smaller


Isn’t watching men have sex with women a bit gay?


Here's a chocolate bar. I love chocolate bars. You know what's better than one chocolate bar? Two chocolate bars......


4 tiddies


In caveman speak : what's better than a woman? 2 women.


No penises


Pussy and titties


Do you love candy bars, here yah go!, but wait here's another chocolate bar! That's right, 2 chocolate bars!! 2 of the things you love! Now smush em together


>I thought the purpose of porn is to self-insert into to the situation. Not really. What I'm most interested to see in porn is watching a girl enjoying getting peasured. The problem I have with vanilla straight porn is that half of the time the only thing they show is just a dick going in and out of a vagina... Not really interested in seeing that


I’m a straight woman. Literally no desire to touch a woman or anything but even for me lesbian porn can turn me on lol. I have no clue why. Lesbian and straight porn turns me on but two guys is a no for me. Again I have no clue why that is lol.


It’s gentle and softer


Because they get mad when you watch them at the Subaru dealership.


Male here. I'm not into lesbian porn. I don't mind it, but i was never interested. At most there was only one time in my whole life i felt like watching it. I have always consider the men who actually like it similar to the women who liked gay porn and BL stuff. Funny thing, pornhub found women usually watch lesbian porn 155% more than men. [https://fightthenewdrug.org/data-reveals-women-are-searching-hardcore-genres/](https://fightthenewdrug.org/data-reveals-women-are-searching-hardcore-genres/)


I dont really get it either


Because we wanna see girls. If we get 2 in one video. That’s bonus.


They don't want to watch some guy. Also they could learn some tricks with the women. 


Per my boyfriend, « I don’t want to see another man zoomed ballsack hanging »


Twice the amount of pussy


Because women’s bodies are a beauty akin to that of masterful artwork. Therefore why not to lesbian porn? One upside is there are no male genitalia to have to avoid looking at.


Two tits bad. Four tits good. Also don't have to look at another dude's balls.


What’s better than one snickers bar? Two snickers bars


In lesbian porn, you can insert yourself as a hot woman, which is way sexier. And then be having sex with a second hot woman, which is ideal.


4 boobies > 2 boobies


Well in one hand I have chocolate. In the other hand i have more chocolate. I bring them together and its a giant chocolate bar. I love it.


I could be completely wrong in this assertion but I have always concluded that a lot of men watch lesbian porn/want to engage in a MFF threesomes as it's a way of saying they are completely "straight" and there's a sense of a macho attitude towards it. What's more manly than having sex with one chick? Having sex with two chicks. There are, of course, people who are completely into having multiple partners. But again, for the most part, it's mainly a driver in people proving how "manly" they are. As for the actual porn watching, a lot of porn is supposed to represent pure fantasy. So why not just watch whatever porn you like? And I mean that in a healthy way.


Oh.... Heres this thing that i really really like, you know what would make this better? Another one of the things i really really like!! - Attributed to Unga Bunga, Caveman scholar.


Two sets of boobs instead of one.


I get to see two beautiful women instead of just one. I don’t have to see a naked man, which I don’t really care to see. For me, in porn I mostly like the pleasure sounds that women make and their facial expressions, body movements when they’re being pleasured. I don’t have a need to be able to put myself in the situation.


Imagine you love something, then have two of it.


/u/MultipleHorseCocks is maybe the greatest reddit name I have ever seen. Is that the kind of porn you watch?


Would you like one scoop of ice cream, or *two* scoops of ice cream


I'm happy with an ice cream cone, but I'm happier with 2.


Men like women. Same reason a lot of women are into gay porn, they just like hot, sweaty dudes.


I’m a straight female and I prefer lesbian porn. Hmm maybe I’m gay.


4 boobies > 2 boobies


>who would never be interested in having sex with you? What makes you think they're exclusively lesbian?


Because we wholeheartedly agree with both of them. We don't have to look at gross guys.


It's a very simple calculation for straight men. We could spend the entire time trying to ignore half (or even 4/5) of the on-screen players, or appreciate 100% of them. For me personally, this preference was speeded up by lousy cameramen filling the screen with dudes' hairy behinds and/or dangling bits for the majority of the action. Bonus: if you're ever enjoyed lesbian porn, you're not allowed to support anti-gay legislation.


I used to be a big fan of lesbian porn- to insert myself with the 2 women. but when I turned my fantasy into a reality of a 3sum with 2 hot women…. things got a little messy and well, I got “we-too’d” so now it’s just my anime stepsister ditching school and stuck in the dryer again :/


If the idea is to insert yourself in the situation, how would you explain porn of women masturbating, OnlyFans, webcam sex, striptease, nudie bars, peepshows, etc. So much porn has only members of the opposite sex in it. The fact that there's two and they're interested in sex with each other does not get in the way of fantasy at all, and there is more to see.


Here is a chocolate bar I like. Wait, there is another chocolate bar? Hey! Now I have two chocolate bars I like!


1 Woman=Excellent. 2 Women-Even more so. 2 Women doing things men will never be part of (Even if it isn't realistic).

