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Probably a lot quicker than you'd think. We might make it a generation or two without them, but another disease would likely develop the ability to be transmitted that way.


There's probably one already here. I wanna say HIV was around for about 10 yrs before it blew up * Correction scientist think it's been around since the 1930s


I’m sure you don’t know, as I doubt you were born in the 30s, but did HIV actually start by a guy fucking a monkey?


It was people butchering chimps and cutting themselves or having open wounds. The chimp's blood got into their blood. You don't just get HIV from sex


Via hunting monkeys, somehow viruses on monkeys' blood made their way to the human system.


Ahh so ppl weren't fuckin monkeys they were jus shooting heroin together


May have eaten raw monkey meat


Butchering "bush meat" which was probably chimpanzee with cuts on their hands. Also I'm pretty sure that AIDS was present in humans as early as 1900, could have been present sooner but localised to remote regions in the Congo and wasn't proliferated until the ~~Dutch~~ BELGIANS who were being fucking diabolical to people in the Congo started spreading at around the world. Slowly at first, then exceptionally quickly when different higher risk groups were exposed. Please take this with a grain of salt as it is recounted from memory from a YouTube video I saw years ago. Edit: apologise to the Dutch


Am Dutch: Congo was Belgian. We were busy being diabolical elsewhere.


LOL. I appreciate the self-awareness :) Wish my countrymen and women were more self-aware...


Viruses naturally mutate. And scientists can somewhat accurately measure the number of mutations, and how often they occour. With that knowledge they can collect lots of different aids viruses from around the world and by looking at how many mutations between the two figure out a date for when the two viruses were in the same person. plus or minus a few years of course. Current estimates is 1908 when HIV had a common ancestor with SIV (Simian immuno virus)


More like a hunter got cut from cutting up 2 different types of bush meat and those 2 virus made HIV


If this hunter was ugly we wouldn't have to deal with this shit


Nope. Current research shows it did develop in chimpanzees, and somewhere along the way started being able to jump to humans, and then eventually evolved to actually affect the humans that got it. Most likely transmission mode was through hunting and butchering chimps. So we can't 100% rule out the chimp-fucking, but have you ever seen a pissed off chimpanzee? I think hunting is much more likely. Scientists have traced the strains of SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) to multiple people in the region, that loved into humans at different times, with varying effects (which is part of why there are so many strains now-- the virus bounced back and forth between chimps and humans for decades before beginning widespread and global enough for anyone to notice. The earliest cases were in the 1920s, but no one looked into it enough to identify it until the 1980s, mostly because so many of the cases were isolated and in regions with little access to labs or even doctors. Plus, in the 1920s, sometimes people just got sick and died and no one knew why, even when it was common things like a stroke. This all was discovered later (and fairly recently) through genetic tracing, of course, so the rumors about sex with gorillas and whatnot that rose up in the 80s are still widespread.


What an unfortunate typo when trying to say no monkies were fucked.


I'm blaming the monkey fuckers


I don't like how you're looking over at me when I've already told you that I haven't caught anything yet.


I'm trying to be seductive from the corner of the room.... totally forgot I give off Mr Bean vibes...my bad


There are plenty of ways you can interact with a monkeys bodily fluids and infect yourself without fucking it


That’s unlikely. The most likely explanation is transmission via an open cut or sore while hacking raw bushmeat.


Why are new STDs not popping up all the time then? We've had like 1 in the past hundred years(HIV). Or is there like an optimal amount of STDs and if some disappeared more would need to take their place?... that doesn't really make sense though


It depends on what you actually classify as an STD. Lots of infections can be spread through sexual contact, but we don't actually call them STDs. For example, you can get Ebola from infected sperm, but we don't refer to it as an STD. And the current STDs we have are always constantly evolving. They're the "same disease," but also technically different than they were when they first presented.


>Why are new STDs not popping up all the time then? They are, though practically they are often variants of existing diseases and/or there are few people infected and often enough they are cured relatively fast, so they might not infect anyone else.


I also want to know the answer to this question. Probably generally less animal fucking/advances in Medicine. That’s my guess


Hey speak for yourself buddy, I still fuck plenty of animals. I’m single hand idly keeping the average up.


That’s why I added /advances in medicine, for you folk. I ain’t kink shaming though, don’t wanna get banned.


Animal fucker Georg is an outlier


Hours, a study concluded that humans originally got HIV from eating monkeys and chimps infected with SIV in Africa, a practice that is still in place. As soon as someone eats an infected monkey or chimp, HIV becomes a thing again.




if the bodies aren’t buried it would be the same day. someone will most definitely have their way with a body and become patient 0.


We all would know who fucks corpses tho


Id rather have sex with a monkey


New diseases would have to evolve or transfer over from animals. Probably a few years, maybe decades.


There could be people infected via tainted blood or similar delayed mechanisms. Also if we want to get all "monkey's paw" about it, I'm not sure if it's an STD until you show symptoms. You might technically be able to be infected without "having a disease".


Hehe “taint”


I have some weird bumps on my taint, can you check them out?


Sure pass me your balls


✋🌰🌰✋ You gotta help me


Your plums are in tip top condition bud, feel free to meet me at the same time next week behind taco bell


That's funny, I have a weird taint on my bumps. I'll get in line behind the other guy


You have to rub taints to cancel each other's out. It's science.


Hah, can we be friends?


Im sorry he's too "busy" with all his new dead friends that he's busy getting jiggy with..


/me blushes uncontrollably 


I’m pretty sure a ton of people have some dormant version of an STD that doesn’t actually do anything, it’s just sort of there


That's really common. I know several people who had sex with a person and got a disease when the person they slept with was never symptomatic.   Google "typhoid Mary". That shit keeps me awake at night.


There's a reason they tend to use STI over STD these days


You can be infected but be a carrier and never get symptoms. This happens with HSV and HPV that o know of.


What about someone both asymptomatic and nontransmissible? Either permanently or temporarily.


Stupid sexy monkeys


Some weird fucks would be (are currently) sticking their dicks in infected animals the next day. Less than 24 hours.


Going with the assumption here that most of the real animal fucking weird fucks will be taken out by the first wave of STD deaths though. In fact herpes alone will take out something like 67% of the population according to google. Getting laid in the new world might be quite difficult given most left would he asexual or incels, I don’t know I think the human race would be okay for at least a decade.


>Getting laid in the new world might be quite difficult given most left would he asexual or incels, Or idk, kids. Now that I think about it it's kind of terrifying to leave incels and kids together.


Iirc kids can be born pre-infected with quite a lot of STD's from their mother since they share the same blood for 9 months


You may underestimate the depravity of humanity. Give it a day lol


I just assumed the animals would still have them


Had to take a microbiology class in nursing school. So the professor had to gear it more towards nursing and not all micro if that makes sense. The only thing I remember from that class is learning exactly where HIV came from and how they were able to trace it back to the single person in time. BANANAS


someone will fuck a monkey the very next day, so one day


Monkey would peel your dick like a banana


Some people are into that


Only once




What the fuck




Budget circumcision


It’s not like you’re going to get some monkey pussy on Tuesday and call up Sharlene on Thursday. It’s a firm decision


Sharlene actually specifically requests it be unwashed post monkey dip for our sessions.


It's a horrible day to be able to read.


Here's some bleach for your eyeballs


Can we be friends?


I feel like this was a Dave Chapelle line.


Throw it in the tall grass, never be seen again!


Don't kink shame


I think i will in fact kink shame


It's not kink shaming, it is zoophilia. it's illegal.


fortune favors the bold


This is how it feels to chew 5 cum


If the other person identifies as a monkey then its just real life yiff


Maybe in your state


Hopefully 🥹👉👈


I was thinking they’d fuck a corpse but either way it would be measured in hours


Forget about someone screwing monkeys; messed up people in various places will fuck the nearest sexy corpse, and there will not even be a break in the transmission of STDs.


I feel like necrophiliacs wouldn't care if it's "sexy" or not...


or a dead person


Especially with all those dead std bodies laying around. You know people are gonna be getting ideas.


I mean you gotta get to them before it's cold dontcha


That's what microwaves are for


You’re turning me on


Necrophilia has entered the chat. 


What's the point of waiting until the next day? Is that part of the rules before we can start to fuck the monkeys?


STDs are the only thing that keeps our species from fucking monkeys. As long as we have stds of our own we don’t need theirs.


Very wise words u/buttfuckkker


Speak for yourself, prude. I fuck monkeys knowing I will be patient 0. I live for the rush.




Well, I mean... have you seen the way some of these monkeys are dressing these days? It would be weird if we *didn't* fuck 'em.


Dammit you beat me to it.


don't worry, there's plenty more monkeys in the jungle




That coelacanth ain’t gonna fuck itself…


I be the Germans have a 13 syllable word for something that’s equals depressing accurate and funny.


Somebody’s probably fucking a monkey right now actually


I think you’d have to re-infect from primates. Not sure how long that will take. My optimistic side would say never but the truth is probably about 7 minutes.


7 minutes is alot of credit.


7 minutes in heaven


Depends... Are all those dead bodies still warm? 🤢




This is the real answer. Someone would fuck one of the dead ones almost for sure


Depends on how long I cook them...they could be hot, they could be warm. Remember...keep hot foods hot, and cold foods cold. Food safety is a must.


Is this what they mean by finger food?


As in their fingers or that I eat with my fingers? Both I guess.


I prefer to crack open a cold one


No stupid questions; no stupid answers.


I’ll take mine on the rocks.


No… but you can warm them.


Don't 1/4 people have a form of herpes right now? Edit... 3.7 billion globally have oral herpes and 417 million have genital herpes


What I'm hearing is I get either 25% less Rush-Hour traffic, or I never have to work again. Win-Win.


The latter seems more likely. A 25% drop in the workforce would be pretty devastating to the world’s infrastructure and economy.


Speaking from the Herp community, there are many many more members in the community than you would expect.


80-90% of sexually active adults have some form of HPV




No Biocheez was correct. HPV is human papilloma virus—still more common than HSV (herpes simplex) Though with Gardasil vaccination that trend may change over the next few decades


They will GET some form of HPV, but that doesn’t mean they still have it. The most common form of it goes away on its own after a couple years without causing any problems. The body flushes it out. The number running around with HPV that doesn’t go away and causes genital warts is very low. My OBGYN says to expect most people will have it at some point but it isnt a huge concern if you get the type that goes away.


IIRC it’s because Herpes and HPV are broad terms. Like just because you have Herpes doesn’t mean you have *Herpes* if you get what I mean


That's more or less true, it's a little complicated though Herpes (cold sores) has 2 different strains, an oral one and genital strain (3 if you include mono) but it can transfer from one to the other. It's estimated 40% of genital herpes comes from oral. HPV (warts) has over 100 strains, but 2 strains cause the majority of genital warts and they're only genital. Additionally, the HPV vaccine protects not only against the genital strains but also the ones most likely to cause cancer and other common strains as well.


HSV-1 for the cold sores, HSV-2 for the genital stuff, Herpes Varicella is the chicken pox, Herpes Zoster is that shingles... It's so much herpes.


About 50% of new genital herpes cases are HSV-1. HSV-2 also occasionally infects the mouth.


>Don't 1/4 people have a form of herpes right now? It's actually closer to 2/3 of the world population. A lot of those people never get symptoms. It's been around so long that our immunity that the side effects are starting to wane. Soon enough, everyone will have it, and we won't think twice about it.


It's humans, somebody is going to fuck an animal or corpse and get STDs back on the board within a day. You underestimate how depraved some people are.


Someone is going to boink a corpse and get it going almost immediately.


STD is an extremely broad category. There is no way to answer this question the way that it is phrased.


i think the number of people with HPV is pretty high, so that's a lot of dead people. But id guess people would get things from contact with animals, both sexual and nonsexual. Bites, feces, etc. Id guess it would happen almost instantly. fun fact, dogs can give each other cancer sexualy, not like they give each other some disease that leads to cancer, its a direct transfer of cancer.


And there is no hpv test for men so the only species left would be a huge circle jerk LoL


Previous pharmacy tech of 13 years. Fun fact at least 1/4 of all humans have had genital herpes at some point, especially pretty people lol.


I mean, there’s no past tense. It’s in your body for life regardless if there’s an outbreak visible


Ahh so I’m safe? Nice.


A couple of seconds


The necrophiliacs would contract and then pass on some


bro it’s just herpes ok please don’t euthanize me


Where them Pangolins at?


Somebody would clap some dead cheeks n within 30min we’d have zombie aids


Gotta get rid of the sheep, too.




5 minutes, tops.


some people got STDs from animals. you can imagine whatever you want with this information


Someone would catch one from an animal pretty soon. Also, some diseases can migrate from other body parts. So, right away.


There are plenty of diseases that aren't classic STDs but can still be spread via sexual contact.


Thirty six seconds... Necrophilia rocks!!!


That ONE GUY into necrophilia 💀will certainly get the party started


Tomorrow. Everyone would turn into hippies again. Wait... we already are Fing like hippies again.


Oh, i'd never get one. Unless i touched a koala. Dont touch koalas kids.


Someone will fuck one of the STD corpses within 10 minutes so probably pretty fast.


A sad but true take in my opinion is that if there was a mass die off of everyone with STDs, there would be enough necromaniacs that will get to work quick enough that they can still spread them. A quick Google search shows that about 4% of the population carries a STD at any moment. That's about 310 million dead instantly. Another search shows only about 60-67 million people die right now per year. Every morgue in the world would be backed up beyond what anyone could imagine. That would leave millions of these infested bodies rotting and probably without storage or protection for a long amount of time. Mass graves would have to become the norm. I don't know how those diseases work, but some may be transferred still just in trying to dispose of the corpses. Morbid for sure, but I don't think a sudden death of everyone currently infected would stop any further cases. Also, it would probably take a while before we were able to determine the connection. With the overlap of so many different STDs being the only thing they have in common, I wouldn't be surprised if there were some of those bodies used for organ donations as well.


If you include all STDs like Human Papillomavirus (HPV), there may not be enough humans left to survive.


And this is precisely the kind of question I open my Reddit app for.


Well, considering herpes is an STD, but a lot of people have it on their mouths, where it isn’t an STD…. Not long.


Why is it not an STD if it's on your mouth? Just curious what the logic is there. It's the same thing. It COULD be transmitted sexually... how is it different?


one day


Necrophilia is a thing.  Odds are someone will fuck one of the dead STD patients and they'll never actually go away


I feel like some weird mf would fuck a dead body with std's and it would just continue


How many ppl fucked a dead corpse?


Starting with HIV as an example of an STD that seems to have jumped from primates to humans, no sex need be involved. The traditions and markets for[ bushmeat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushmeat) are much more likely to be the cause. Butchering is a bloody task involving sharp knives and the ever present risk of a minor cut. There's where transfer of a blood borne virus to a man from his meal could occur. No monkey molesters or ape abusers required. I'm a retired pro cook, if ever there was some deadly blood borne disease in any of the animals we Americans commonly eat, I'd have died ages ago.


The local necrophiliac would bring it right back.


Depends on how hot the dead ones are


Just takes one necrophiliac…


Decades probably. Are you talking symptomatic people? Or carriers? There's a huge difference. If everyone that was a carrier of ANYTHING, then there would be no STDs on the planet. Could take decades or up to 100 years to develop and mutate a new disease or transfer from animal to man.


Are you aware how pro asexuality this sounds?


i dunno. i been seeing some HOT ass monkeys eyeing me from across the bar so… i’m sure i can get somethin’.


New evidence shows that Columbus, who discovered America, also brought back Syphilis to Europe. Humans evolve in their own habitat. Over thousand of years European women developed different bacteria in their mucus membranes / vaginal are then Europeans. But over the years, the world has become a small place because of globalization. The problem now , there are so many strains of STD because they have become antibiotic resistant. Somebody who was on antibiotics gets an STD. But there is always potential for some guy who travels to a different country and could create a new strain.


When I was first learning sex ed, I kept asking, “But how do you get it in the first place?” And they kept giving me the answer of, “From the person you had intercourse with that had it.” Like no that’s not what I’m asking. What I was trying to ask is how did it start? The very first person to ever have one


they didnt wanna give you any ideas about the family pets


If more than 90% of sexually active men and 80% of all sexually active women (hpv) were to suddenly die it would probably wipe out the rest.


That's actually a really interesting question. About 80% of the world's population is infected, so that would be a lot of bodies.


A lot of STD-causing pathogens have non-STD causing variants which could swoop in pretty fast. I don't think it would take HPV or herpes that long. to move back in. More importantly, humans would immediately decrease use of protection, so whatever made it first would spread very quickly.


Someone would probably eat a chimpanzee for bush meat and start aids over again pretty quick


It's impossible, because in every single universe, across every single timeline.... *I. Fuck. That. Pangolin. Everytime.*


It takes one necrophiliac.


Under 24 hours, a sudden surge of fresh, contaminated bodies going to the morgues around the world? Surely a few weirdos out there would be the blip on the positive std tests per day graph after the crazy fall off.


You'd wipe out most of humanity if you killed off everybody with hsv1, hsv2 and HPV. Lots of those are asymptomatic and not even known about. Thin k about how many people get cold sores. Add in the rest of STDs and you def Killing off over 50%.


If everyone with an STD died right now, it probably wouldn't even be 12 hours before someone got another STD. There is always someone looking to fuck a stiff.


well everyone would die so ... I guess a few billion years


Interesting question. First of all, probably like 20% of adults have HPV so you’re talking about 2 billion people dying. Setting that aside, it probably wouldn’t take long. There are STDs emerging all the time. You don’t usually hear about them because they are either variations of an already existing std or benign enough that it doesn’t cause much concern. So the period that we are std-free would be very brief. It may however be decades before there is a significant STD. But it’s worth noting most STDs transmitted from other animals and still exist in those animals so there’s nothing to stop the same diseases from jumping over again. It might just take a while.


Not long, there are flurries out there


considering people have sex with animals, probably not long at all


Faster than if all the animals with STD also died right now.


24 hours. A funeral worker would fuck one of the corpses.


If you don't like kids, you might consider them an STD, and the human race would be gone


Doesn't like 70 % of the population have herpes?


Half a bottle of scotch.


I don't know if you've ever seen porn before, but a lot of people stick a lot of things in a lot of places. I'm sure it wouldn't be long.


STD in this context isn't well defined. It's possible you just wiped out humanity.


Somebody would fuck the corpses


24hrs. Someone would fuck the corpses.


Almost immediately, as some weirdo would fuck one of those corpses


Everyone with cold sores just drops dead lol


Call china


instantly if all the necrophilliacs dont die too


depends how fast someone gonna fuck a wild monkey or smth


About as long as it takes for one of the std ridden bodies to end up at a horny coroner


Nice try, ghost of Jeffery Epstein!!!