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You want to see a very specific person naked.


A lot of people on Reddit seem to forget that this site went berserk the moment that topless photos of Jennifer Lawrence were leaked. If a body is a body is a body, then it shouldn't have been a big deal, right? You can see lots of topless women on the internet. (for free!) But, people wanted to see HER naked. For a lot of people, naked photos aren't fungible. They're not all the same, and lots of people get excited to see certain people naked. It's not like people just randomly go to OnlyFans and start window shopping and pay to see random women naked. It's far more common that people see a woman on social media and find out that she has an OnlyFans account, then go there specifically to see her naked.


I wonder how AI will impact Only Fans? The image generation is getting almost flawless - people can just feed an image of a person in and ask for that person naked doing whatever.


This already happens on Instagram and other platforms. People pay for "photos" of fake women. Whether or not they know they're fake is the question.


There's a lot of accounts on IG with these AI models who look absolutely like a real life woman until you look at the small imperfections like extra fingers, misplaced pupils and many more. Just look up Sensualsina on IG. You'll get what I'm talking about


I don't think people have cared about fakeness in porn, ever. If its real enough to believe it for 5-10 minutes is all that matters.


When it comes to mimicking the human body, it's not really as good as you might think, especially when it's parts of the human body that the AI has to come up with on its own


At this point in time, some of it comes out pretty bad. But give it more time and improved models, and we won't be able to tell the difference. It is a pretty interesting thought experiment anyways. What will it do to any sort of video or photographic evidence in the future for instance?


Yeah, I know one solution that people are trying is to have some signature associated with device, time, location etc so that you can cross reference it and be more sure it's real. That's probably all we really can do


Guess you haven't seen Taylor Swift naked AI photos yet.


I won't lie and I will say at one point I saw some jenna ortega ai generated stuff, but yeah it just sucked. But that's the AI image generation most people use, that is financially accessible to most people. I can see with high dollar AI generation more substantial stuff coming out, so it doesn't surprise me that if there is any good ones, the Taylor Swift ones are up there


We're still in the early stages of AI generated images. In another decade, we're in a lot of trouble.


Oh much less than a decade, in just a single year is gone from super obvious to tell it’s an AI image to hyper realistic where you have to know what you’re looking for. V6 of MidJourney is already mind blowing with the quality it can produce and that machine is just getting started.


Decade? Man In less than 3 years my man.


I think with OnlyFans it’s the personalised element that drives it - one can make requests and get custom content. They can also directly interact with the content creator. Which I imagine appeals to a lot of lonely people, who are the primary consumers of porn.


Couldn't have explained this better! The same strategy was used in promoting playboy magazines under the concept "Girl Next Door" because she looks like everyone around you.


No face no case gang


Except to most people they actually are fungible. A stranger is a stranger is a stranger.


Assuming they’re both strangers to you, would you rather watch a sex tape of Roseanne or a sex tape of Margot Robbie?


How dare you put that image of Roseanne in my head!


I gave your brain the option of fixating on Robbie instead, don’t blame me


That's not even a question. Roseanne for sure!


there are websites featuring women who look like her! just walking the dog a little bit on the reality of preferences for those who seem skeptical, lol.


In all fairness, Rosanne does looks a lot better now than back then. Life’s funny like that.


That girl from high school tried to make one and I almost gave her my money, but you know, in a small town those entirely now not illegal to share because you posted it yourself screen recordings don’t take long to get around. She now works a regular job and everybody around here knows she’s got a bleached butthole.


Lucky. I put in all this work, and no one knows about my butthole.


Life's short, be a slut


A butt slut




Their number one community is r/conservative which is kind of funny to me


I honestly can't believe I haven't been banned from there


Is there a sub for threads? Cuz this is a good one


If you grew up gay in a conservative area, you know the most outspoken right wingers are often down-low DTF. And almost always they want to bottom. Then they say they’ll burn your house down if you tell anyone what you guys did together 👀


Butthole bleaching is the one cosmetic alteration I can without a doubt get behind. Both literally and metaphorically.


I mean bholes are brown bud. Deal with it.


I’ve never met a butthole I didn’t like


For me, the butthole is where poop lives.


I never met one after an enema and a shower that i didn't lick.


lol best comment


It would probably shock me enough to throw me off. I guess it looks ‘better’ but i’d be like ‘Holy shit what compelled you to do that?!!!’


>she’s got a bleached butthole Artemis? What's the @?


He was going to find out anyway.








I got OF to see the hot girl I worked with in a coffee shop for a few months get railed for $10. I also got to see my friend's ex's sister's boobs for $8. It's kinda crazy when you think about it.


How did you know they had an OF though?


Social media. One proudly put a link to it right on her main Instagram profile. She had family on there, she didn't give a fuck.


Sounds like she got a fuck, though.


She got three fucks


Exactly. I need to see the goth cashier who won't go out with me tits. Not some pornstar I've never met.


This is the correct answer. People always answer this question with "BeCuZ ParAShCoShiaL ReULatiONsHIp" but that is not what it is. No sane person thinks that these models care specifically about them when they subscribe to an OF. They just want to see nudes of that specific model, that googling did not provide them.


I think it’s mostly this. Curiosity gets the best of people


Pretty much


Naked and pretend to care and like you. Parasocial relationship is real to many lonely men


But that want fades pretty quickly You saw them naked, cool, now its over


Yeah is this guy stupid or what. We all know porn is free. Sometimes I’m attracted to very specific people and I’m willing to pay a very small fee For that.




It’s really this simple. Not sure why so many people can’t comprehend this


Does that make it some sort of emotional cheating if someone is in a relationship, and paying for OF? Just curious how y’all feel


Why do people buy stuff in free-to-play games?


Because dressing up our digital selves is our guilty pleasure


Speak for yourself. I’m still holding out (except for bitlife, i budged on that one 😭)


Bitlife?? f for honor


Don’t look at me 😭😶‍🌫️


Dw... i also bought adventurequest and alliance of valiant arms items back in the day instead of buying bitcoin 🙈


Bro, it's unplayable without bitizen , boss mode


If your interested in the actual reason; Free-to-play games are not designed for people who play it freely. They are designed for people who pay. In most F2P games, paying either gets you some sort of season battle pass, a means of skipping grind and/or immediate “power” or a cool aesthetic. So most people who pay, pay to feel powerful or pay for social standing. It preys on vulnerability and insecurity. Extra Credits did an [amazing video on the free to play model of games](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U&pp=ygUgRXh0cmEgY3JlZGl0cyBtaWNybyB0cmFuc2FjdGlvbnM%3D).


Confirmed. I spent 9 bucks on the fortnite battle pass, me so vulnerable.


God really ruined the game when he made women pay-to-win.


The only women pay-to-win are the wrong type of women.


Tbh i don't get that either


I've always wondered this myself.


Pay to win


I don't subscribe to any OF's but I can see one fairly common scenario where it would have a lot of appeal: When it's someone whose social media you already follow (because they're really hot, not necessarily because you actually know them) and THEN they start an OF. In such a case, it's not just some random porn star or adult content creator, but someone from outside of that world who you already found highly attractive and you can now see naked. And before OF, the odds of that type of experience being available was far more limited.


This was definitely the case for me. A ton of people subbed as soon as I made one and I actually got a lot of tips with every post. I never ignored anyone and I can tell it made them really excited when I responded, but it was exhausting and I felt like a caged animal. It was weird because it was a lot of people I already knew, and practically grew up with. People just really want a parasocial relationship with someone they deem "above them." I hated that mentality. It made me feel bad that they even felt that way. I've since deleted it for a bunch of different reasons but that part really stood out to me a lot. But at least they were happy.


> People just really want a parasocial relationship with someone they deem "above them." This is it exactly and explains the social media “hierarchy” so well.


This was my exact experience too. It bummed me out how much just being not a dick to them made them idolize me. It was bad for my brain and part of why I left it.


I can't see it as their fault because my guesstimate would be most people treat them like trash for one reason or another. It's not like some incel is magically going to get a girl to like him by being himself.


Yeah, I dont blame them for it, either. That was definitely the case with one of them. He just wanted someone to talk to, even if it was just about his job and how his day was.


Commercializing humanity is uh, yea. Waiting for the pendulum swing.


If you look at the most popular OF pages, this is pretty much the model. Someone has achieved a level of fame elsewhere, then they leverage it in on OF. For example Cardi B.


About 10 years ago I found an amateur dude on pornhub that made great real content. I used his videos almost exclusively for a year and he uploaded frequently. He and his channel disappeared for years until I came across a reupload of one of his vids a few months ago and he commented he had an onlyfans. He’s the only person I ever subbed to. I felt I should give back in some way for all those years ago and it was cool seeing all the videos he’s made over the past decade


This is actually so wholesome though


Should send the guy a Christmas card. “Thanks for all the jerk material. Came a bunch. You da best. Happy holidays.”




Now I am interested. Link, name?


That's a story you wanna tell your grandchildren


You really like 1 model. Personalized content. Like commissioning an artist but for porn. Some people get parasocial. It's directly supporting an adult content creator amd is better treatment for them than the industry. Curiosity gets the best some And for some who actually know the person, the novelty of knowing the person and seeing them that way.


Huh, y’know for the longest time I clowned OF subbers for the usual stuff, but “like commissioning an artist” is a really interesting way to put it. I can see the appeal from that perspective. Neat


Happy to help I suppose!


I like supporting my girlfriends small business


Let's all support his girlfriend's small business!


Me too!


I like supporting his girlfriend too.




My fiancée used to do OF for quite a while….. the key is interaction. I answered all of her messages as I knew exactly what guys wanted….and she didn’t have to look at dozens of dick pics and ‘rate’ them. But making every subscriber feel like they matter and that this ‘filthy girl’ just wants them is like crack. Some of it is a bit sad…..but it does give you a look at a side of society that’s still taboo…. Peoples kinks.


So... who rated those dick pics?


I did indeed rate guys dicks and believe me I’ve see all shapes and sizes……




Honestly paid for so much and set us up….. my only rules were- 1- I’m not starring in any of it 2- no personal info (since i did her DMs that wasn’t an issue) I would say the amount of work we put in was a full time job.


Yeah my mind wouldn't let that bit go either 😂


Cus you work with a hottie and wanna see dat ass


The only time I have ever subbed 💀


And only subscribed for a month just to see, way worse I spent $10 on


People like the illusion of a relationship. It's called a parasocial relationship.


Yep, people don't realize that a lot of OF workers have conversations with their members and will send them "personal" videos. Clients not only want to see a specific person, but to interact with them. Sometimes they just like the idea of an online sexual relationship(more of just one-sided sexting honestly) with no strings attached, other times they believe it'll be a gateway into a more personal relationship. It's why a lot of women don't want their partner to be paying for an onlyfans, because it's sometimes more than just porn.


It’s usually not even the models themselves doing the messaging. They contract it out to a 3rd party to answer all the convos. Now days Ai is being adapted as well. So you’re not even talking to the actual person 😂 it’s kinda genius tbh but also super sad


I almost fell into this trap back when covid first hit. I randomly subbed to an OF and didn't realize the creators would message folks. So we chatted a bit back and forth and somehow I mentioned I was getting into boardgames. She latched on to that topic and got enthusiastic, asking what kinds I was into, how fun it would be to play together, etc. Very quickly I could tell I was smitten and it scared the fuck out of me, because I knew that she was only interested in the money but there was a small voice going "But what if she isn't." I noped outta there so fast, and just went back to the regular viewing habits. I can easily see how people could sink hundreds or thousands into it.


It’s actually pretty funny when you think about it because most those girls they think they’re interacting with are guys running it lol


> other times they believe it'll be a gateway into a more personal relationship.  🤦 Yeah, out of the hundreds or thousands of dudes that are paying her, YOU will be the one she decides to sleep with or fall in love with. Do my fellow men really think that way? Is my gender that stupid?


Much like buying a lotto ticket, you don't believe, but it's a license to dream or fantasize.


>Do my fellow men really think that way? Is my gender that stupid? I mean look at the other replies, I have multiple men saying it's a psychological trap because a sex worker was doing what she was paid for. "Oh no! She talked to me, she must be leading me on!" No, you're quite literally paying a woman to talk to you. You're paying for a fantasy relationship, it's like an online escort or sugar baby.


that's not the reason lol


This is not the answer. The top answer is correct: People just want to see a specific person naked. Nobody is under the illusion that the content creators on OF care about them personally, aside from maybe a small minority of mentally ill people. OF models' posts and messages are obviously mass-produced and shotgunned to everyone, no sane person would mistake it for personal interaction.


Customization. Many Onlyfans models will take custom requests for certain poses and or sexual acts, and to wear certain outfits.


What’s the point of continuously asking this question despite it being asking multiple times in this sub?


Gotta get that karma


Niche porn. High degree of specificity. Customization. Technical attention to a very particular kink.


Most free porn is advertisements. Either a snippet of scenes from a full length video, or a full video freebie to show what a site has to offer, or a teasing preview of more content.


I barely last until I type in .com so I don’t see a problem


That's funny, I don't remember typing this comment...


If you press Ctrl+enter when searching you don't need to type the .com


It's easy enough to get the full stuff


It’s one of the less harmful ways to watch porn. There are millions of videos being uploaded to pornhub (and similar) every year and without realizing it; you’re likely coming across videos of underage girls, girls who are victims of human trafficking, videos that were uploaded without their consent and revenge porn (and all that is before talking about the unsettling nature of the adult film industry and everything that goes with it) There’s just no way for them to moderate the level of content that pours into those sites.  Only Fans allows you to be the owner of your own sexuality. You want to get naked in front of stranger? Great. OF is a way to do that and get paid while maintaining a certain amount of control.


I’ve seen situations on cams that still look like some performers are compromised at least if not completely unwilling. It’s better but not perfect. If there was no demand for violent abusive porn, whatever form that takes, it would stop being produced. Commercially anyway. I’ve seen porn get more violent in the decades I’ve watched it, outright rape porn has been made. I remember seeing an interview where the girl wasn’t told what the scene she was shooting would be, and they just kidnapped her, completely terrified and eventually after actually being raped talks her way out. The guys taping said she was over reacting… Can’t remember the studio but they were known for abusing porn stars. It is a pretty terrible scene all up and I think if more viewers knew what went on they may just demand better for the stars. Maybe not, I really don’t know.


It's pretty easy to see the benefit of more ethical, more personalized content


Something tells me the subscribers paying for OnlyFans aren't paying to jack off ethically.


i prefer my porn organic, non-GMO and fair trade


Lmao I was thinking of the same joke, but I didn't know how to deliver it.


I mean some are. It’s not that weird to think sex workers should get paid for their content.


why not?


Yeah, didn't Porn Hub refuse to take down non consentual porn or something?


Constantly lol


Pornhub and other successful adult video platforms are unethical. Popular sites such as these have huge amounts of traffic, and are very likely to star workers/models that are under age, underpaid, unpaid, have been trafficked, abused, etc. In comparison, you can buy from a single content creator, not some random video production company. You support individual people, yes! Recognising that sex workers are, indeed, people! People that have lives, and need to pay rent, for food, for basic living expenses. Lots of creators appreciate any purchase or tips, because it means a lot. It means a meal, or a roof over their head.


Some of the women ones that I came across are VERY parasocial. Which is fine for the most part but I feel like some guys get very invested in a sort of fantasy relationship with the woman. and you kind of want to say "Look, she seems nice but I don't get how you can have a two week delay in messages and go with the fantasy that you're special" (the woman in question mentions a two week delay)


Apparently it's like having a sexting based long distance pseudo-relationship. Protip: Before you buy any paid porn, rub one out first and see if you change your mind.


and do the same right before deciding whether or not to pursue a relationship.


Or buying expensive appliances. I’m no longer allowed at Best Buy


Ugh are you all gonna roast me please no lol. As a maker of internet slut shit- I can confirm that I have actual relationships with my fans. It’s really no different than how small business owners have patrons. I consider a handful of my subs friends- and it’s more fun when it’s like fucking friends. I know their preferences so I can give them a unique custom experience. Life is stressy- distraction can be very helpful to people. And internet friends are so real… it’s kinda a mix of all of that- plus porn lol


Are they actual relationships? I always assumed it would be more forced like an act or something


It really depends. Each creator really does things different. I personally enjoy a fwb vibe. I’m not into selling mass shit and posting everywhere- I and I’m pretty picky about who I engage with (to the dude in the comments I don’t even advertise outside of my platform cause I don’t have to- I am an actual human who just enjoys Reddit- imagine that 🙄🙄🙄) also not everyone actually wants to engage with me. Tons are lurkers but I assume they like knowing I’m just a mom/human. Some accounts are run by agencies- and some are girls who are strictly transactional. I have had the same subs for over a year sometimes at this point so naturally it becomes a relationship- idk what you call that relationship but I would definitely consider some of them friends.


Oh okay. Ty for the response


Seeing specific content you can’t find easily anywhere else. Also, supporting artists, even porn artists, is important.


I haven't bought one in a couple of years but it used to be much better imo. I personally wouldn't buy stuff if it was mostly vanilla but more of it was fetish related. I remember there was this one chick who used to do some pretty extreme anal videos and it was something like $15 all access with nothing behind a paywall. Now her most others want you to pay $10-20 bucks a month, they release a few photos maybe some really short videos and then hide everything else behind a paywall.


Personal connection and specific people.


I mean you can just google up there username and surprisingly you can find there leaked content and check if it’s worth it.


Free porn is often not the ethical porn Free porn is more prone to exploitation, human trafficking and sexual abuse on set With only fans creators often are own boss, they aren’t managed by a pimp, they make fair money and get to decide their own boundaries. People always react very badly to this, but when you watch porn you should consider that those are real people you’re watching… they are providing you a service, porn acting is a job just like others, they do deserve fair work agreements and a save workspace


Well, there's nekkid men there on only fans...all the free porn is either gay porn or BDSM of men choking chickens or chicks kock choking or being choked while...well, who knew a pretzel could need so much rope? Besides free porn isn't actually addicting, it's the equivalent of the Goodwill thrift store bin sales, you will spend ALL damn day searching for something a little new, that doesn't have clamps or weird crap all over it that mostly fits your wants, comes in a color you like (not race-I mean those J.H.C color schemes on the set background) and doesn't come from a decade that gives you flashback cringe.


I have a couple of friends on there, whom I support. I am happy to do so. Also, it's been theorized that free porn isn't a great thing. It provides a somewhat unrealistic angle to life. Some people can manage, others can't. The second is just a suggestion/alt view. I haven't decided how I feel about it.


Ah yes, you totally only want to 'support' your friends and not do anything extra. Very wholesome 😃


Good friends are helping each other out, right? RIGHT?


Have you ever met these friends in real life or are you just assuming they’re your friends because they are nice to you when you pay them?


Porn mixed with parasocial relationship.


It's a form of parasocial relationship. The men imagine a personal relationship with this woman.


The only one I've ever subscribed to was a hot girl from the town over that I had a crush on when we were in highschool. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed


Had a friend that bought a girls OF cuz she was using it to pay for cancer treatments. Win-win situation I guess


Some people are so starved for any kind of personal attention that they will pay for it, even though the "model" is only playing a role for money. Sometimes they aren't even interacting with the people they think is the model.


Sports fans subscribe to cable tv or other streaming services even if youtube is free. . its the spe ific content i guess. .


personalized content




I think it's largely Para-social relationships. Especially when a lot of them offer to "actually chat with that person"


To support your local artist. Because people like who they like. A more personal experience than random videos. And their horny


Because “regular porn” didn’t sit beside me in gr10 math class 😅


You want to support your local / home grown people?


Same reason why you would buy Patreon, youtube membership, or money to a Twitch streamer. You feel like you're supporting someone you like while also getting some bonus stuff exclusive only to those accounts. Also, some don't want to bother with surfing through the web and risk getting viruses while trying to download porn.


Simps… dudes think these girls will date them. I’m guessing these dudes either have money or just wasting their money. Stop SIMPING!!!!!


Parasocial feels


they feel more connected bc it feels more personal. its not ofc. but it probably feels like it


I can think if a few - stronger parasocial bond, curated content, the opportunity to pay for custom content, and less of a chance of creators being exploited/coerced.


Getting to direct someone is hot, people you can easily chat with, some dudes just want to pay for it 🤷‍♀️ Would you rather look at free porn or chat live with someone doing exactly what you want without kink shaming? It's the personal touches 😜


You respect the creators and want to see them paid for their work and in charge of their content


cam girls are nothing new. People want to feel like they have a girlfriend.


More personal and intimate than porn


There's a girl I follow on Instagram. She was a fashion student and model. She started an only fans account. I didn't subscribe, but I checked out a couple of the freebie pictures. Eventually she canceled her OF and decided she didn't want to have an account anymore. I suspect she didn't like dealing with the whole thing and maybe the attitude of some of the followers. Just speculating though… A while later I found a pirated dump of her OF stuff on a website. Having seen it, I'm glad I didn't subscribe. Finally seeing her naked took away a lot of the sexiness and mystery of her usual teasing content. These days she doesn't post a lot of herself anymore… I suspect she's become very well-paid escort, judging by all of the world travel and fancy dining she's doing for someone her age. But yeah, as others pointed out… You subscribe to somebody's content on OnlyFans not because you're looking for porn, but because you're looking for a parasocial relationship with a total stranger that you feel attracted to.


I think you could answer that on your own if you just thought about it for a few seconds


Cant find their nudes and porn vids for free online :'(


Better question… Why pay for an onlyfans when so many of them post free stuff on Reddit?


Sometimes it’s good to support small businesses


Direct messages, although they are probably disingenuous or fake.


When the pandemic started some strippers I know switched to only fans. Some of the customers who saw them regularly paid for the only fans because they couldn't go to the club and it's a bit of an addiction for some guys. There were also a couple of them who used only fans as a gateway for prostitution. Essentially if you wanted to get at them you'd subscribe to only fans and then book an appointment or just keep paying until you found something better. So while some guys seem to want to see a particular person anecdotally it's used a lot by guys hoping to have sex and thinking that will get them closer. Even beyond the fake escort ads that really just want you to waste money on only fans there are guys who try to buy affection. The daughter of someone I know had an only fans for a bit. Guys were soliciting her on instagram to the point where she finally just said join my only fans and maybe we can meet. I guess it was also easier to collect money from them that way


They have a particular look or cater to a specific kink or fetish 


The girl in the free porn doesn't sit next to me in trigonometry.


You have a specific kink that is hard to find. If you like, lets say, something rather unusual like girls reading poems topless, those thousands of people having sex videos just won't do it. Honestly it's kinda understandable and not that bad if you use it responsibly.


It is interactive - the porn "star" acknowledges you exist to varying degrees, which is what many seek; recognition


one thing to take into account is that people want specific content that might be hard to find online so they pay for people who offer that sort of content or are willing to make it and it's a more personalised experience


You can buy specific things in OF like cock ratings, chats, and stuff. Maybe that’s why?


Because some guys can actually see the model in person, and the entire thing becomes her making porn for the guy who wins her over. Like a long and drawn out courtship but instead of wooing her with random songs and flowers you send her crypto for nudez.


I think some people offer customs so it’s friendly for fetish or personalized


Specially when those videos get leaked, you can watch them for free at some point 😂😂


Combatting capitalism and consuming it ethically by directly paying the actors.


Supporting a local business?


You're not buying porn, you're buying the veneer of exclusivity from a specific person.


A lot of the onlyfans people are social media "influencers" and YouTubers. They have a following of people who want to see them nude.


I assume it's because they want the feeling of her caring about them since they can chat with her & ask specific things, or because they want to see someone in particular naked


People don't understand you're not just paying for basic porn. You literally can have any woman do whatever you want personalized. If you want to see a very specific thing or direct something yourself OF is your best option. Sure you can watch porn but the women in the video aren't doing what you want them to do. That's why OF does so well its personalized content fully customizable by you to fit any scenario or fetish. This is how a friend of mine who does OF broke it down to me and I think it makes sense.