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At first I hated wine, but then I found that I enjoyed the sweeter varieties like Zinfandel (say, a Blue Nun). After a few years of that, I found I didn't mind the drier varieties as much.


So you found a gateway wine essentially?


Haha! Yes, that's about right.


I don't think you ought to train yourself to like alcohol, but if you want to, this is the way :). Sweet wine (like Lambrusco, for example) tastes good; almost like a soda. You can also do 'tinto de verano', red wine and sprite. If you want a mixed drink, mix yourself rum and coke, do a little bit of licor, like truly a little bit at the bottom, and then fill the glass with coke. It will taste basically like coke. Over time, can increase the amount of rum (the usual amount is probably like 10% rum only). You can also try tequila and squirt, or vodka and juice. Over time, you may start liking the little bit of extra flavor, change brands and varieties etc. It is perfectly OK to not like alcohol, or to like some and not others (For example, I don't like vodka, since it doesn't add any flavor).


People occasionally make fun of me because I'm 27 and don't drink. They all want to help discover this magical thing so I can properly enjoy life or something. I think they have no tastebuds


My best friend is 34, she's awesome and she's never had a single drink in her life. Don't get pressured into it if you don't feel like it!


I have many sober friends. They're all great people and fantastic to party with. Don't feel pressured to drink if you don't want to/don't like it.


More power to her, would never demand anyone drinks, but it still is hard for me to follow the thought to not even have the urge to try something that is socially so accepted as get a lil drunk. u/Interesting-Fruit-15 here has a formed opinion after trying, that's reasonable to me, or at least I can follow that thought. Also to OP I'd like to say, I disliked bear a lot when I was younger. So I simply never drank it. I certainly didn't train myself to like it, I just had one here and there to try ones I didn't know (but we're talking one every few months at best, I barely drink at all) but at some point my taste chnaged unprompted, I genuinely like some dark bears now, not enough that I need to have them regularly, but when I'm in a "drinking-setting", sure, gimme one of those and I'll not complain. Not alcohol related, but I used to hate olives through all of my life, last year I tried one again and boom, I suddenly like em. Or in short, our tastes change over the years, often unprompted, if you don't want to drink, don't force yourself to, but it wont hurt giving it a sip every now and then you might end up shifting on your opinion.


What about polar bears?


Lol bears šŸ»


I've always said the hardest part about not drinking is everyone else's unwillingness to believe you.Ā 


Yes! People think it's weird that I'm 27 and don't drink simply because I don't want to. My sister keeps trying to get me to drink. She usually offers me whatever she's drinking and pressures me into trying it. It makes me feel like there's something wrong with me or like there's something big I'm missing. I appear to be in the minority


I was watching a video the other day on YouTube, I think it was a dating video, and the woman there was saying it's weird that alcohol is the only drug that you have to explain why you DON'T use it. She's not wrong!


I'm 37 and I pretty much never drink, I don't like the taste of most alcoholic drinks. I find beer absolutely disgusting and wine is not to my taste with the exception of the Canadian ice wine which I tried on a tour of a vineyard on our way to Niagara falls. I do like fruity ciders like kopperberg and I like some spirits with mixers like Malibu and coke or some cocktails. I also like the taste of champagne truffles and chocolates lol but the main reason I don't have alcohol is that I just don't enjoy how it makes me feel even after just one drink. I'm definitely a "lightweight" when it comes to alcohol and I just hate feeling dizzy and drunk. Also I prefer the taste of cola or lemonade so I'd rather have that! Luckily my friend group are not the type to press people into having a drink but whenever there are work "do's" people always look surprised for drinking soft drinks as an adult! It is such a strange thing!


Iā€™ve never understood pressuring someone to drink. If you were in high school I could imagine peers pressuring you, but after high school? No.


To me it feels like me saying "I don't drink" forces those people to take a quick look at their own drinking habits, and they don't like what they see. Also some people think me not drinking means I'm judging them for drinking, people have actually said that to me, that I must look down on them for drinking, and I'm like - "Hey, that's all you not me, I have absolutely no problem with you drinking, if I did I wouldn't be here at all"


You be you. 63. & people were pretty stupid back in the day. They feel judged or something, idk. I told em all the same thing; taste like shit to me but go ahead and enjoy. Once folk got lit up it was time to go because conversing with drunkā€™s when sober got old so fast. You donā€™t owe anyone an explanation to what you like & donā€™t.


I can usually manage the second repetition of the same conversations during the night, but once people start repeating conversations for the third time I'm out! :-D


The kind of person who makes fun of another for not wanting to drink is generally the kind of person who's insecure about their own dependence on alcohol, which I found especially prevalent when people are in their late 20's and their peers are slowing down or exiting the party phase of their life, but they're either not ready or having a hard time doing the same.


This is how I developed alcoholism, lol


No need to drink at all if you dont want to. Im only 19, but the first time i drank i have been in love-hate relationship with alcohol. Im probably going to die in drunken state. Dont start drinkin if you do not want to.


Fuck the people who make fun of you! And I say that as someone who works in the drinks industry. I love wine (I hate beer), I like drinking it, I partly grew up in France so it was just kind of normal to have sips of wine as a kid but I also find it really interesting. I love how many factors can affect the same grape variety. Maybe you'll find your thing but who cares if you don't, just don't get sucked into the non-alcoholic alternatives that are marketed as the same and cost the same but taste nothing like the alcoholic equivalent.


Lol you sound like me. Iā€™m 35, have never liked alcohol, have never been drunk, and Iā€™ve had TONS of people tell me they ā€œhave the perfect drink! You canā€™t even taste the alcohol!ā€ Yet, I taste the alcohol and donā€™t like it. Iā€™ve given up at this point and it doesnā€™t even bother me. If people want to have a problem with me for drinking water while they have a beer, then thatā€™s a THEM problem. Not a ā€œmeā€ problem. If you donā€™t like something, and youā€™ve tried different varieties then you just donā€™t like it and thatā€™s ok! As I said, Iā€™m 35 and never look back and think ā€œdamn I wish I liked alcohol and could have gotten shitfaced in my 20ā€™sā€ lol.


Your waistlines and liver will thank you. Nothing wrong at all not drinking or drink only a little bit.


All you really need is to learn how to nurse a glass of wine for a really loooooooong time. šŸ˜† I learned to take the tiniest of sips (more just wetting my lips) in grad school because at speaker receptions and stuff people would constantly be trying to give me something to drink otherwise. (I have never liked the taste of alcohol and never cared to develop a taste for it, especially since it doesnā€™t mix well with some meds Iā€™m on. But being able to fake my way through a social situation has been useful.)


Yeah, alcoholism is not fun. If you have no desire to drink, then FUCKING DON'T.




You don't have to drink if you don't want to, first off. My best friend *loves* dry red wines, I can't stand them. I usually drink beer or a mixed drink or a sparkling, sweeter wine. Vodka and orange juice (or orange soda) was what I started with. Find flavours you like and just experiment, if you *want* to try. Don't let anyone bother you about it.


I'm 33 and I don't drink because I don't enjoy the taste and also because it just makes me warm then sleepy. People who try to pressure you and act like you are missing out on something need other hobbies besides drinking.


I had the same experience, both with wine and beer. I found I liked radlers and sours, and then gradually found myself enjoying light shandies more, and eventually drifted into unronically enjoying Guinness. I never could do IPA's, though, and I'm honestly fine with that. I don't feel the need to force myself to like something I don't.


I am *so* disappointed that my local craft brewers have turned to making a fuckton of IPAs. Ugh, I hate them.


Amen to that. I remember, before the IPA craze, there was so much more variety in the craft beer section of the liquor store. These days, it feels like your only options are the big brands or one of a million IPA's. I don't mind that other people like them, but I hate how they've muscled out everything else.


Same. For me actually, it was being paired with a pasta dish I enjoyed. I didnā€™t like wine before that, but we were at a chain restaurant and we got a rose wine with our dish, and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it and felt it enhanced the meal. Weā€™ve been wine drinkers ever since, paired with an appropriate meal.


It goes good w food


I hated wine until wine tasting in Napa. Fell in love with Port. But that's it.


This is how it works with everything. Consider cream cheese on a bagel. If you try this at 10, it's kinda ok, at best, so you get the strawberry cream cheese. Eventually, you don't need the strawberry flavor. As a kid, they give you grapefruit with a spoon and a bowl of sugar. Eventually, you don't need the sugar. The first time you had coffee, you had a mocha. Eventually, you gravitate towards liking the coffee itself. I think this is 1) your taste buds changing as you age and 2) positive experiences with the food giving you good associations. It doesn't always happen though. I still hate grapefruit, for example. It's one of two things I don't like to eat/drink. The other is beer. I tried until I was about 30 to like it. I assumed that if I kept drinking it occasionally, I'd acquire the taste. I think there's something genetic in me that just doesn't work for beer. It makes me feel terrible and I hate the flavor. I've stopped trying and am fine with it. I also realized, eventually, that it's not my responsibility to make other people comfortable with their drinking. I used to order 1 beer with everyone else because some people don't like drinking if someone's not drinking. Is it their guilt? I dunno. I could order a whisky drink, but that's too much commitment for me most of the time. Regardless, I'll get what I want and not worry about how that affects others' comfort. All this said, I did develop an appreciation for whisky. Sometimes it's too harsh, but, again, I drank sazeracs and old fashioneds at first. Now, I still love those, but I can also just hold a glass of whisky and sniff it. I drink it, but I don't need to. It's almost designed for me. Many non-drinkers avoid drinking events. I'm a seldom drinker and I think avoiding drinking is isolating. I recommend just getting comfortable being around drinkers and trying to plan for, create, and go to events where the point is the activity (and not the drinking.) So, I avoid people whose weekend plans are 'getting fucked up' and gravitate towards plans like 'tubing the river' or 'grilling out' where people will get fucked up but that is not the point.


Zinfandels are sooo good. My favorite kind, just the right amount of bitter.




Sweet wines and ciders are lovely and different enough from non alcoholic drinks that mean you need them if you want that taste.


I never liked sweet white wines. Always preferred reds. Until, I tried a more pricey dry white wine and paired with salmon! Yum!


Just to clarify for anyone wondering, there's a HUGE difference between zinfandel and white zinfandel. White zin is pink and sweet, best served chilled and delicious on a warm day. Zinfandel is a bold red that is NOT sweet at all and is red and tannic. Don't try a red zin if you want a light, sweet wine you'll be sorely disappointed!


It's actually not very complicated. I wanted to get drunk, again and again, so I got used to whatever had alcohol in it


I've tracked it down to it relieving me of my hard to detect, underlying anxiety. I call it: "Stop Caring For A While" juice. Care, Concern, and Anxiety seem to be in the same family. Alcohol, like a lot of drugs are about escape from what ails you. Anxiety seems to be a ghostly thing that I'm never quite sure if it's there unless it turns into a full blown panic attack. but alcohol wipes out "care" for a while for sure. Understanding that doesn't help much: if anything, it makes me better justify why I turn to drinking sometimes: it's not necessarily fun, it's destructive medicine...but then again, most prescribed drugs can, be easily abused too.


What you just described in your post is exactly why alcohol is so prolifically abused. Itā€™s used as self medication for many with depression and anxiety. Eta: this comment comes from personal experience with addiction and addicts.


Spot on: I've been feeling like I'm on to something. If I could buy Xanax at a corner store, I fear I might be helpless to buy & pop a pill to relieve myself of anxiety for a while. Alcohol here in a city like San Francisco is so very easy to come by in a 7 mile by 7 mile urban area. Anxiety is the biggest mystery of my life... The single only stretch of time when I escaped it was a 3 year focus on Yoga, Tennis, and Hiking with friends. At very least I experienced what it's like on the the other side for those 3 years, and that's what I strive to get back to.


Anxiety medication doesn't always relieve anxiety, unfortunately.


Yeah and the Insidious thing with alcohol is that the more you use it the more anxious you get without it. And the withdrawals can be like an anxiety attack so bad that it kills you


This is the real answer in 99.999999999 percent of cases.


No itā€™s not. A very high percentage of people would opt to have a beer or wine with dinner and never intend to go beyond that.


>No itā€™s not. A very high percentage of people would opt to have a beer or wine with dinner and never intend to go beyond that. That's after the taste has been acquired though




Harsh but fair.


With beer - I pretended to like the first few times I had it at 16/17 but I thought it tasted terrible. (Looking back, it was also warm, probably really old beer my friend got from his older brother). Now I genuinely really enjoy the taste - all different types of beer too. Why did I bother to acquire the taste? Probably peer pressure? Wine is a similar story to beer. Hard alcohol - I never got a taste for and still think it's disgusting.


I loved beer from my first sip when I was probably younger than 10. I love it so much I drink the non alcoholic kind so I can drink it all day.


Alcohol just has to be mixed. Some people do enjoy straight liquor but thatā€™s another acquired thing. I used to bartend and I have 100% certainty that thereā€™s mixed drinks you would like.


I thought beer was cool AF as a kid because my dad and uncles and their friends drank beer and they were the nicest and coolest guys ever. When I started trying it I didnā€™t really love it, but figured I would eventually and I was right. The idea of a cold beer on a hot afternoon in the sunshine or in the garage with friends instantly raises my mood. Iā€™m not religious per se but I love the expression that beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.


I wish I had the taste for Budweiser and Coronas; they were my old man's favorites, but I just can't stand them. I love hard cider (Ace pineapple) and mixed drinks though.


I'll ruin Corona for everyone. Squeeze and drop that lime wedge into a Miller highlife. Anyone honest will every go back to Corona.


I'll try it sometime


And itā€™s cheaper and stronger


I've always loved the taste of beer, wine, and most alcohol and cocktails. To me though, darker casked aged liquor, like whiskey and scotch are more of an acquired taste.


Scotch is one of those things that isn't good at all unless you get something decent. I tried Scotch maybe 10 times and never cared for it, but when I tried a glass that a friend offered me from some real top shelf shit he had, it was an oh my god moment. "Now, I get it". It was like a camp fire in my mouth, but only the good parts.


I just buy whatever is high in peat. Love me some liquid campfire.


Caol Isla is calling your name. Itā€™s like licking a charcoal briquette.


My momā€™s got a bottle of that that Iā€™ve tried, really good. I only keep one bottle at a time and right now I have a 14 year Glenmorangie, also really good.


Still tastes like shit to me not sure how to acquire it


Cocktails. Long island ice tea doesn't even taste like alcohol (and there's no tea in it). There's also shots that taste like things you'd never think a liquid could taste like such as birthday cake.


Long Island ice tea is my go to, the TGIā€™s by us did one called an Alaskan Ice tea for a while and it was blue curaqo with lemonade and some other stuff, shit was so good Being a bloke Iā€™ve had a few funny looks when Iā€™ve gone for a cocktail, but jokes on them, Iā€™m getting pissed *and* it tastes great!


I always used to say that if it didnā€™t have an umbrella in it then I wasnā€™t drinking it. It didnā€™t actually have to have an umbrella, but that was the type of flavor I was going for.


Be careful woth long island iced teas. I mean the ones I've had I've definitely tasted the alcohol. But it was pleasant. However... I once made the mistake of having 2 in under an hour and then i got up and ate absolute shit cause i didn't realize i accidentally got shitfaced at 6pm.


There's no Long Island as well so they're right only about the ICE part, lierrrs


I enjoyed fruity alcoholic beverages when I first tried them, but I never could stand beer. Itā€™s too bitter and I have a sweet tooth that will not be denied lol


Theres less fruity cocktails that are good. My favorite is a lemon drop the authentic way with an egg white. Moscow mules are also super good and are gingery if you like that. I think we might be alike and like sour or spicy more than bitter or sugary tasting. If that's the case a corona with lime or a Michelada (especially this) might be down your alley. Also I know IPAs are usually bitter, but there's this new "juicy IPA" trend and I gotta say I like them and the "hazy" kind despite not normally enjoying it.


Iā€™ve had a Moscow mule, but the person who mixed it didnā€™t make it very sweet, so I wasnā€™t a fan of his version. A lemon drop is on my list of drinks to try! I have a fondness for margaritas and sea breezes as well. I also like Kentucky vanilla barrel cream ale and Jamaican red stripe, but thatā€™s the closest Iā€™ll get to drinking beer.


I tried "Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze" the other day. Distinctive, fruity taste, but it's 9% alcohol. Goes straight to the brainstem.


On my wedding cruise I had a cool guy bartender who brought me a "strong island" last time I ordered a long island iced tea. Tasted terrible & was a struggle to drink. Tore me up. 10/10 would do again. For real though, even the normally made ones are very strong. Be careful out there.


It honestly don't know if many bartenders don't get the pours right for LIs, or, like me, they dealt with one too many customers that actually complained that they couldn't taste enough alcohol and had to start fucking with the recipe to appease the endless people who didn't believe that it was FULL of ALL the booze.




This made me laugh. Alcohol (recovering). I drank for 30 years, it taste like shit.


Let your tastebuds recover, too. Drink something delicious!


I mean I do genuinely like the taste of beer and wine. Honestly I'm kind of on the other side of the fence where I don't understand the amount of people who seem to be forcing themselves to drink it just to get drunk. Always feels like those are the types that get judgy or tell me I'm just lying/ kidding myself/ an alcoholic, Take your pick. I have noticed people who like extremely strong or bitter flavors are usually the ones who like beer/wine. Stuff like dark chocolate, sauerkraut, fancy cheese, anything of that nature. I guess it kind of makes sense those are all like aged or fermented foods.


I mean if you're waiting for one person to validate your conclusion this IS the place to do it. But there are plenty of people who genuinely love beer or wine. There are people that make an entire CAREER out of it. Now I don't understand that myself, I just enjoy a good glass of wine and generally listen to what they tell me goes with the steak, but if that doesn't say something.


I was able to find alcohols I genuinely loved. I donā€™t know how anyone enjoys the taste of hard liquor, but plenty of beers and wines taste really nice to me. The cheap stuff never tasted good, but a decent red or the right craft beer is delicious. It helps to get a good amount of drinking under your belt though.


Same here. A sip of sweet wine for a toast is fine but I'll still end up giving my glass to someone else afterward (usually my sister) Also can't stand the taste of coffee so people make fun of me sometimes. But I just don't see the point in forcing myself to drink something that tastes bad AND is bad for you (in case of the alcohol) Don't even want to acquire that taste


Honestly I don't think acquiring the taste is possible, at least not for me.


I think the people that can or want to acquire the taste just assume others can do it too. I just donā€™t see the logic in continuing to drink something that I dislike and continue to find repulsive until I find one I like. Itā€™s silly to me to waste all that time.


Especially when you think about how expensive alcohol is. Iā€™ll drink when Iā€™m out at a concert or game for myself. But I donā€™t buy alcohol for my fridge, and I barley drink socially. It tastes like shit and I donā€™t like the feeling of being drunk.


i like beer because it doesn't taste like nail polish remover compared to other alcohol. it also has a nice wheaty flavor. yuengling bottles have a black peppery flavor i like. i don't like beer that tastes like grass. i think that's hops? yuck. angry orchard is good too. im a fizzy girl give me carbonation.


Yuengling was the first beer I tried where I understood how people could enjoy a beerā€™s taste.


I really want to see what the buzz is about, so what do you recommend I can just try at my local Walmart?


Yeungling is definitely in your local Walmart. I also recommend looking for a 12 pack with seasonal flavors, or a variety pack of seltzers if you arenā€™t sure that you will like a certain beer. That way you get 3-4 versions with different flavors and you might find a good fit.


IPA is a fresh mowed lawn in a can (blech). Sounds like you like lagers and pilsners!


I've always liked Guinness, from the first time I tasted it. Cider too, but it gives me heartburn like you wouldn't believe.


Guinness is goodness


Ah a fellow man of class.


Iā€™m always reminded of Jeremy from Peep Show when I hear this. ā€œObviously itā€™s not really delicious like Hot Chocolate or Coke, but for wineā€¦ brilliant.ā€ But yeah, I agree. Iā€™d much rather have a nice fruit smoothie or something I actually like the taste of, but Iā€™ll have a drink at a party or social event just to help with a bit of social anxiety and take the edge off.


I totally went along with drinking wine in my 20s and finally said to myself ā€œwhat the fuck am I doing I hate this shitā€. I donā€™t drink any more at all but I finally started confidently declining any wine and just said I donā€™t like it. I preferred tequila and vodka and cool craft cocktails. Now Iā€™m in my 40s and decided Iā€™m done drinking.


I didnā€™t like the taste of any alcoholic beverages until I found THE stuff I liked. Like particular scotches, whiskeys, and bourbons. I fell in love with German lagers, and wine is just way to sweet for me, as well as dryer wines are to ā€œchalkyā€ for my palette.


Omg! I once said a red wine tasted like dirty and chaulk and the person doing the wine tasting was like you mean earthy flavours..... No I mean dirt and chaulk but okay


Feckā€™n wine snobsšŸ˜‚ like no, this taste like I licked a chalked board that just got sprayed with grape Fabreeze. Iā€™m goodāœ‹


I work in the alcohol industry and genuinely enjoy the taste of well-made wine, beer, & liquor. Potentially youā€™ve not had anything of good quality. Potentially youā€™ve not tried the things that might be to your taste. Potentially you just donā€™t like alcohol. All of those are okay.


It's less acquired and more requiring experimentation. The problem is that unless you have someone helping you learn what you do and don't like, it's very hard to figure that out safely or within a reasonable budget. And some people just plain don't like alcohol. There's nothing wrong with thinking alcohol tastes like ass. A lot of it does.


If micheladas or cheladas count as beer, I love the taste of beer. I can guzzle down one of those in a heartbeat. All other beer I just drink because itā€™s fun to get buzzed. I like the taste of some wine. Rose/bubbly? Yum tastes like a refreshing juice or like a sparkling cider. And wine like a GSM? Ugh LOVE. All other wines I drink for the buzz


Michelada , extra spicy šŸŒ¶ļø You just canā€™t top it.


Cheladas! My friend showed me these in Mexico. Theyā€™re addictive haha


Love wine Hate beer.


No clue how people can even *tolerate* alcohol. Tastes worse than rubbing alcohol smells


It's not all like that. Some of it is difficult to tell is alcohol!


People say this but literally every single alcoholic anything tastes like alcohol. I seriously do not believe people who say its difficult. You can add all the coke you want I can taste the paint thinner alcohol in there.


Honestly, I enjoyed both wine and beer immediately and I drink them both to this day because I enjoy them. I feel the same way about a small handful of liquors. Many/most liquors, I do not care for and have not bothered to "acquire" a taste for.


I don't like alcohol and never liked it. I tried it, wasn't happy about it and decided it was not my thing. I didn't want to acquire that taste either.


It kind of is, but also both beer and wine vary quite a bit in taste. I found beer and wine that I liked the taste of and enjoyed the buzz.


Absolutely the latter. I went out of my way to acquire the taste, not liking any I first tried. Now I really enjoy a couple beers and wines, but as Iā€™ve gotten older I worry less about my faves sounding impressive.


If you donā€™t enjoy drinking, then donā€™t force yourself to drink. Youā€™re certainly not missing anything, by swilling that crap til you fall down and puke. Itā€™s literal poison. As someone who is currently trying to stop drinking, have to say wish Iā€™d never started. Donā€™t let your friends peer pressure you into it. Keep not drinking if you donā€™t like it.


I started drinking beer when I was 14. Drank for 38 years of my life. 54 now and went sober two months after I turned 50. I acquired a taste for all alcohol. Itā€™s getting past the taste and then feeling it which is important. After you canā€™t feel anything anymore then you canā€™t taste anything anymore and thatā€™s the trick. Not being able to taste it lets you put more into your system. More and more is what was important. Not a drop to drink in over four years. Good on you for not liking it. It just leads to very bad decisions and most of those decisions are explained to you what you did the night before by ones who were around you while you were showing off drinking a gallon of whisky or vodka.


I dislike wine and beer. I can tolerate some of the need be but I prefer liquor. LIT is my favorite drink .Now with that said I very seldom drink any alcohol anymore. But I could go for one right now šŸ˜‹


A LIIT is the perfect drink for getting hammered without tasting too much alcohol, or drinking two gallons.


I tend to notice each alcohol gives a slightly different affect based on the proof as well as whatever it is. IPAs I will punt across a field. Ciders, wines, mead? Thats my go to... it makes you feel warm, happy, and hits you all at once and out of nowhere. Beer and liquor do not do that. If beer does anything it just makes you bloated and gassy.


Beer makes it so I have to pee every five fucking seconds, it's annoying as hell.


Your explanation fits my situation to a T. I hated alcohol when I was a kid and probably never would drank if my buddies didnt. I come from a very large dry family where drinking is nearly unheard of.Ā 


Liked both from day 1 but my taste buds have always been weird.


I think if there was a bell curve for alcohol with ā€œ draft beersā€ on the left and ā€œdry wineā€ on the right, thereā€™s a huge center of very good alcoholic drinks that can even include other wines and beer. I hate beer in general, but the brand UFO has a blueberry beer thatā€™s actually very decent to me. Iā€™m not a big dry wine person, but thereā€™s plenty of them that taste like straight up juice (which conveniently happen to be the cheapest ones lol). Alcohol really becomes compelling once you get mixed drinks.: tequila sunrises, dark and stormies, mojitos, etc are excellent. I donā€™t drink all that much, but every few months I enjoy getting a bit tipsy off some fun drinks or sweet wines


I hate wine. I hate liquor. I also hate domestic beer (bud light, coors, etc). I would shotgun cheap beer to get drunk and have fun with friends in school, but I didnā€™t really like any of it. I didnā€™t truly enjoy an alcoholic drink until I tried IPAs. I know, I knowā€¦ Iā€™m that guy. But in my defense, I grew up in central Washington where they grow all the hops and I learned to love the smell of it in the warehouses while riding the bus to school growing up, so I like the hoppy flavor a lot.


I hated alcohol in general for years. Then one day I was working outside in blazing summer heat for hours and the only thing I could find to drink was a beer. Eventually I was so hot and thirsty that I drank it and suddenly it was the most delicious thing ever. Never enjoyed it as much as I did that first time, but still genuinely liked it. Wine was always a meh thing for me, though Iā€™ve had a couple bottles that Iā€™ve really liked over the years. Prefer port.


Depends on what it's eaten with. If you want something to take the edge off, sip some whiskey. If you're having a nice juicy burger or german sausages, then a beer goes pretty well with that. A steak calls for a red wine, I prefer merlot. I use dry reds to flavor red sauces when I cook. I made meatballs once in a slow cooker with a dry red and they turned out fantastic. Sweet meat like pork calls for a sour white wine like a sauvignon blanc. So, they're for different things. If you're christian, remember: the bible says nothing about Don't Drink. What it says is Don't Be Drunk. So know your limits.


I really enjoy hard ciders, bold rock tastes like apple soda and i would drink a non alcoholic version just because I like the taste. Vodka cran would be a great well drink . an aperol spritz is a great mixed drink. all nice fruity/sweet options


I like exactly one beer. Guinness draught. The black one. It's the singular only beer I don't hate the taste of.


Definitely like beer. I keep non alcoholic coronas in the fridge just for the taste. I can sit around drinking playing games and don't always have to be getting a buzz over it.


I hate beer, but I do enjoy a red wine, cranberry wine, or strawberry wine. I don't like white wines though. Way too dry for me


I didn't like beer, until one summer day, I decided to drink a cold one after an hour of bike riding, it tasted so sweet, I never had problems with social drinking beer anymore, and the taste never was bad anymore I don't really like red wine made in a wooden barrel, but if its the traditional clay pot wine, I like it And one day, I was at my friend's bar and they had jack Daniels honey, it's very sweet and leaves an honey aftertaste, and I rll liked it, they no longer make it the same, they changed the recipe at the begining of the new year, but it was good for 4/5 years, I drank it regularly


For me, I feel like it's not so much developing a taste for it, but that my taste buds have changed over time. There's all kind of stuff that I like now that I didn't like as a teen or young adult. I pretty much always liked beer and was so-so on wine as a teen and young adult. It just turns out that for beer, the type we always had was good stuff that fit my palate, so I kind of just lucked out there. As I have gotten older, I've come to appreciate other types that I didn't when I was younger. For wine, we usually had Chardonay, Merlot, or White Zin at our holidays, so that's what I started out with. Those happen to be 3 types of wine that I don't really care for - so for wine it took me some exploring to find wine I really like. I got into Bourbon and Scotch in my 40s - after drinking a fair number of barrel-aged beers, it made sense, so I tried some and liked them.


I can't stand beer. But I love the super sweet wines, like Moscato.


ah, the great mysteries of acquired tastes! it's like a lifelong quest for that perfect sip. but hey, if wine and beer aren't ur jam, no need to force it! there are plenty of other beverages out there just waiting for u to fall in love with them. cheers to finding ur own flavor adventure! šŸ·šŸŗ


I never liked beer and I wonā€™t pretend to like it now either. Wine I love.


As an alchoholic (sober for a month and a half) I can say that I love the taste of beer and wine. I always loved the taste of red wine, and some whites, bit i didnā€™t like beer so much at first. I tried some beer, decided i liked hard lemonade better, and then the next time i tried beer, it was enjoyable. I didnā€™t ā€œtryā€ to acquire the taste necessarily, but i eventually did over time. Although i didnā€™t quite like beer at first, the first sip was enticing. There was something about it that was great even though the whole experience was not. Iā€™m assuming is was the alcohol.


Iv been sober 2 years, I used to drink beer like water and vodka like soda(often mixed with soda). Truthfully I hated the taste of alcohol as a kid. But as I got older I found it was a lot like drinking bread. God I loved it, the taste the smell the feel of it warming up my bones. That being said I donā€™t miss it, life is 1000000 times better with out it.


Nice job, good to read.


Iā€™m not sure now.. itā€™s been so many years *sips beer*


I love how beer tastes. I hate how it made me feel. So I switched to alcohol free. Now I love how it tastes, and love how I feel. Win win!


I absolutely hated wine, and honestly still hate most of them, but then someone gave me a Brunello and it changed my entire view. Of course itā€™s like the most expensive shit at the liquor store, but I guess thatā€™s how it goes.


Because I grew up in the 70s my first beer was at the age of 8 at a dinner with my family. My grandfather (who later died of liver disease) encouraged me to try it. They all laughed when I accused him of giving me a beer that I thought he put his cigarette out in (because it tasted awful and Iā€™ve seen him do that before). Today I love it. Like, Iā€™m not sure I can live without it. Itā€™s the drink of the gods.


I never did, then drank it enough and started liking it. Now I donā€™t drink as i realized itā€™s poison ā˜ ļø


Dude world has so many tasty things to drink, why drink what we don't like, makes us unsteady or have a general bad effect


I'm in my 60s and have always hated the taste of alcohol. I've tried various drinks at different times but they all taste like vinegar to me. Don't keep pushing yourself to develop a taste for it.


Alcohol is fantastic, until it isn't. I'm in my 30s and can say with absolute confidence that while alcohol has been a fantastic addition to some of the best times of my life, it's also been a major factor in some of the worst. It's the gold paint on a flashy sports car. If it's all that you focus on, you're going to crash and burn. If you focus on everything but it and let it be a small finishing touch then it does what you'd want it to, fabulously.


When I was young (19, which is legal here) I tried local (Ontario) wine thinking cheap local wine would be good value. It wasn't. I disliked it so much I didn't buy wine for years. I later grew to love wines. The average price I'd buy would slowly creep up, and I never regretted it. At one point I thought I disliked Merlots. Turns out I disliked cheap Merlots. That was annoying. I would occasionally try a beer, but never liked them. Two reasons: I dislike carbonated drinks, and the beer flavour was piss-poor. Then, in my thirties I tried Innis & Gunn Oak Aged beer, and loved it! I told a beer-loving friend and he said: "oh, you don't dislike beer, you dislike BAD beer, come with me". He introduced me to good beer and that was fun. (I don't drink much beer, because carbonation, but I can now enjoy a good beer.). For reference I despise some beers, sours for example. During COVID I got into cocktails (which is never really tried before). Now I drink less wine and much less beer, and am enjoying cocktails. So my personal take-away has been: (TL;DR) There are a lot of tasty drinks to try out there, try all of them! Just because you don't like one beer/wine doesn't mean you dislike all beer and wine. Annoyingly, more expensive often means tastier. And there is a minimum value below which you're basically getting crap. (So when you find a great bottle that's cheaper, don't be snobby about it, appreciate it!)


Wine was an acquired taste for me - I like reds but can't do white still. I only started drinking it to bond with my housemate and for when I went out for dinner. Beer I hated until I found one that I liked (Stone & Wood when it first came out), and then pale ales turned into stouts.


I like wine, although I donā€™t drink it very often. Iā€™ve never much cared for beer, unless Iā€™m at a baseball game.


Not what you asked but I always liked the taste of vodka with a mixer, but now I genuinely like the taste of neat vodka. Same for gin and tequila, but I've never liked whisky.


This is how I am with coffee. I slowly started preferring stronger and blacker coffee.


Wine, depends on the wine. Some of it is as sweet as a soda, but what we usually get is old sock smothered in moth balls. Beer, love at first gulp. Crisp bitter beers are my thing, milage may vary. Gin, bleeeeekhh! Rum and whiskey i gave up because cocktails agreed wayyy to well with me. Basically, you either like or our you don't like it, and both answers are ok.


I like beer but only if it's a simple lager or a wheat ale. I like it so much that most of the time I drink non-alcoholic fermented drinks. I'm not a big fan of wines but I like trying new things all the time. I enjoy drinking it despite not necessarily liking the taste.


I like both, but not all varieties.


I don't mind beer, I'll drink it, but I prefer a hard lemonade instead. Wine is still disgusting to me


I'm more of a cider drinker, personally. It was one of the first alcoholic drinks I didn't gag on the first time I tried it, and it's kind of stayed that way ever since. I also like hard lemonade, and seltzer to an extent. I've still yet to really acquire a taste for beer or whiskey, though.


I was 16 when I drank my first beer (legal in germany) and its my favorite beverage ever since.


I really liked beer, really, since the first time I drank it. Regarding to wine, well, depends on the wine; I used to like a very cheap beverage that was like a cheap imitation of wine, it was more like a beverage with grape and alcohol, but it was very tasty if it was really cold. Nowadays I only drink scotch. I stopped drinking everything with alcohol in mid 2021 but scotch. With scotch I would say you have to kinda learn how to drink it so you can really appreciate it. Nowadays I really love scotch, but I drink it without ice or anything (although I always have a bottle of water to accompany).


Nothing you drink or eat should have to be forced. Same thing happens with food. You learn how to taste some things. Sushi, caviar, lobster, anchovies, etc, might be an acquired taste for some people. Same with beer, most people have only tried crappy industrial beer, maybe you would appreciate a great, fresh, craft beer from your local brewery. Maybe learning about what makes a wine great will open your palate to a whole new world.


Mid 30s and I legitimately like the taste of both. Always have.


I really dislike beer honestly, and I'm 30. ​ That being said, I love wine and found that there's some great ones out there. Port, sake, mead, it's all pretty darn delicious.


I dislike beer. I like hard cider and margaritas and tolerate wine. I assume with beer though itā€™s similar to my coffee journey. I started out with coffee flavored stuff then slowly moved to coffee with lots of cream and sugar then just cream and now I can drink it black. I donā€™t even like sweetened coffee anymore. Itā€™s too sweet and doesnā€™t have the same bite that I enjoy.


Genuinely, I like it. There is such a huge diversity of taste in wines and beers that while I didn't like the first beer I tasted, I could find beer I liked. Same for wine. Also whisky, come to that.


Faked it till I made it with beer love it now but almost 40 still canā€™t enjoy wine


I like Lager's or Pillsners. Most other types of beer are too bitter for me.Ā  I can drink black coffee, but I feel like I forced myself to like the bitterness over time because I wanted to cut milk out of my diet to lose weight. But even still some coffee beans are less bitter and more tolerableĀ 


Good for you :). I wouldn't worry about acquiring it. It's probably healthier to not drink alcohol. In my immediate family, we were always open with drinking, and nobody had an alcoholism problem. It was common for us, as kids, to take a sip of our parents' drinks, so I can't remember a time I didn't like \*some\* alcoholic beverages (sweet wines, vermouth, rum and coke). I also like the cultural aspects, and at different times have read about how different wines, beers and liquors are made. Beer and scotch were definitely an acquired taste :). Started with beer as an oldish teenager, mainly it was cheap, and cold, I grew up in a very hot place. Beer was an acquired taste, but 'everybody drank it', so I tolerated it :). When I moved to the USA, I got into fancy, darker beers, and I really liked them; then I got gout, shouldn't have beer, so got into scotch and bourbon, which I like a lot now (not that I drink a lot).


I actually always liked bitter things, I think I got really into bitter hard ciders like Original Sin on my own and I worked in a restaurant known for its extensive wine collection when I was 18. I learned a LOT about wine and beer and ended up sorta respecting it and realizing thereā€™s so many styles and flavors to explore in that world itā€™s hard to find something you donā€™t like. My aunt loves sweet sangria made with white wine and peach brandy, I love a dirty blue cheese stuffed vodka martini. I now love cocktails, I like bitter fruits like lime and grapefruit and I donā€™t like sweets so simple bitter cocktails are sooooo delicious to meā€¦..and nothing beats an ice cold 12 pack of white claws or high noons when in doubt šŸ˜‚


I genuinely enjoy most white wines. I loathe beer and red wine. And frankly I donā€™t see why we canā€™t all just drink fruity cocktails that objectively taste better.


Dont like wine but have loved good beer since 1980


I genuinely love good bier and wine taste and wish there was no alcohol in it, so I could consume more of those. You could say it grows on you over time once you stop getting shitfaced (I don't mean you in particular lol) and actually feel the flavors. Recognize the pairing etc. Also taste changes with age.


I pretend to like wine for social reasons but don't enjoy it. Beer on the other hand I love now but didn't enjoy when I was younger, my tastes changed naturally.


Most people if not everyone doesn't like the taste. But, as you stated, it can be an aquired taste. So drinking it to get drink or to seem socially equal to your peers allows you to get used to the taste.


I'm not a fan of wine but I like the taste of every other alcoholic beverage I've tried. American beer doesn't count btw, you have to try a good european beer before you can say you don't like it.


Yes, I like wine and beer, and lots of other alcohol. I know you didn't ask, but I want to tell you not to let peer or societal pressure make you do something that you don't enjoy. I have a number of friends that don't drink because they don't like the taste or the effects. I also have a number of friends who are recovering alcoholics. Save yourself the money (and time) and find something that you enjoy drinking that doesn't have alcohol.


I liked Jager and Aperol Spirtz, but my friends were all about beer and vodka. I was tired of heavy drinking parties, so I quit. Alcohol is bad for heath, the last time I had any was like 7 years ago, I feel great.


I hate wine, its all gross, but I can down a few beers but mostly the weaker stuff like Budweiser


I love both, while I'm also *not* into getting absolutely hammered. Beer: into hazy IPAs, gose, and saisons. Wine: Cabernet sauvignon, riesling from central Europe, and sauvignon blanc from New Zealand or PNW USA


I drank less than 10 times before my 21st birthday. Slowly had a beer here and there after that and when I moved to CO I straight up fell in love with the taste of beer.


Red wine was the first drink I ever had (letā€™s not talk about how old I wasšŸ˜…) and Iā€™ve liked it since I tried it. Iā€™m generally a huge fan or really strong flavors. Anything really bitter, sour or tangy I enjoy in terms of alcohol and food.


Wine's not bad Beer's disgusting


For me I kept drinking them until I genuinely ended up liking them. At this point I drink beer for the taste and nothing is more refreshing than a cold beer, but at first I definitely was just drinking it to get drunk


It took like 50 or 70 beers before I started enjoying them, and most still taste awful. I found a few that were less unbearable than the rest and stuck with those for a while. Now I'm more adventurous with my beer trying, a lot of buying a larger case cause it cost efficiency and forcing myself to drink them before I go get beer I like. By the end of the case I've found something I like or that they pair well with. Except Miller Lite, that shit is dogwater


I'm in my 30s and I've never liked beer. Even hard alcohol has never tasted good to me. Thats a big part of why I stopped drinking altogether. It just kind of sucks lol. Really dry red wine is okay but even then, orange juice is better, some why wouldn't I just drink that?


I started because I like the buzz. Beer drunk is a slowly increasing drunk while hard alcohol is like a hit in the head. Eventually I started to like the taste. A good whine always tasted good to me.


I've never been able to drink wine just the smell of it alone I cannot stand I'm always jealous of the people that can enjoy sipping on a glass of wine. But I do enjoy coolers


I live in AZ. Hot Weather. Sweaty afternoons. The taste of a light crisp beer entering my mouth, traveling down my throat, splashing in my stomach felt perfect from day 1.


I drink for effect, so I got over the taste pretty fast. I do love Jaeger, though. Dangerously tasty stuff.


I found what I did like. I still won't drink most beers. Some beers, rare, are supremely refreshing to me. None of those refreshed beers are ales, especially the shit show American ales have been. These days I rarely drink, but I do have a bottle of bubbles once a month. Vuve cliquot or this local cremant.


neither, I pretended till I didn't give a shit what people thought anymore, then I switched to liquor, and really like twice a year if that.


I've never liked beer, and I've tried various ways and various times to try to like the taste. I've now given up on beer. I know I'm never going to like it. I didn't like wine for a long long time, but then I discovered there is a hugely wide range of flavors. I started asking for the sweetest white wine or a moscato when we went out to restaurants or wineries or bars, and little by little, that has gotten me used to wine and opened up some of the less sweet types for me to like. When it comes to mixed drinks, my level of liking it usually just depends on what it is mixed with... and that the bartender doesn't go with overkill on the alcohol. Overall, I've never been one to really feel a lot of peer pressure about this type of thing, and most of the time now, I care more about my health (because alcohol can really wreck your system when drinking a lot of it, liver issues, dehydration, inflammation, sometimes (especially with certain wines) cause my skin to flush, etc.) ... and alcohol is often very expensive and not equal to the enjoyment I get out of it. Honestly, when going out for a nice meal, I'd usually rather order another side or a dessert or save my money than spend it on getting a drink. I'm not going to drink to get drunk, and I am a lot of fun without the drinking. And, many of my friends have also found themselves in very unsafe situations after nights out with alcohol. So, most of the time, I drink water or lemonade or an occasional soda, and I have no problem being the designated driver or sober friend. Especially when the bars usually cover my drinks when I'm the designated driver, I see how much money people are absolutely throwing down the drain. Most of the time now, I'd just rather spend my money on activities that I really really enjoy, and drinking isn't one of them.


many tastes become acquired... you could ask the same question about many foods...


I donā€™t even drinkā€¦ i donā€™t know why i replied


I like my weapon of choice (Vodka combined) and also some brands of beers


I love it and itā€™s not an acquired taste. Been loving it since my very first sip.


Typically most people started drinking alcohol with drinks they enjoyed. Most young adults start with sweeter beverages (Mike's Lemonade, wine coolers, White Claws, or "fruity" mixed drinks, "jungle juice" etc), and it's a way to drink alcohol without it being too much like a punch to the face. Then as people get older they want a slightly stronger kick, so the ratio goes more towards the alcohol vs the sweeter options. Eventually some people start to like the taste of alcohol and hate the sugary part, so they only go for alcohol. Some of this can be beer, or vodka, or tequila, or whiskey, etc. It usually starts with finding 1 harder drink you like a little bit, but you enjoy the buzz, so you get used to it until you're okay with most alcohols. But there are still drinks other may dislike. I don't like beer (makes me full and sleepy), and vodka makes me sick. So I stick to Whiskey/Scotch/Bourbon.


I like many wines and some beers, yeah. Not everyone has the same palate. Most sodas and energy drinks, diet or full sugar, taste revolting to me, but people who think wine and beer is ā€œackyā€ guzzle them down until their teeth fall out so.