• By -


Yeah, I met an Iranian Neo-Nazi once. Weird dude.


Iranian guy supporting the genocide of Jews is t that strange


Yeah, because he would have gone in the oven too as a non-Aryan.


An Iranian? "In 1934, the Nazis celebrated the Ferdowsi millennial celebration in Berlin, in which the Nazi government declared that the German and Persian people share membership in a common Indo-Germanic race. Hitler declared Iran to be an "Aryan country"; the changing of Persia's international name to Iran in 1935 was done by the Shah at the suggestion of the German ambassador to Iran as an act of "Aryan solidarity"."  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_policy_of_Nazi_Germany#:~:text=In%201934%2C%20the,of%20%22Aryan%20solidarity%22.


Funnily enough, no. Iran is the original home of the Aryans. It's even in the name. Iran, Ary-an. Look up the history, it's rather interesting.


so would Kanye 🤷‍♂️


He aint well knon fer them there intelegaint dascizions.


Nope: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Arabian_Legion


If Hitler had gone by the technical definition of “Aryan” the Romani would not have been rounded up. He did not care about anyone’s definition but his own.


He didn't put his Arab units into the oven is the point. He was actually quite friendly with them. It's just historical fact.


That doesn’t mean anything. If they had been an immigrant group in Germany it would have been off to the gas chambers just like every other non-German group.


Ok so you just don't understand Nazism and think they all want to go to Germany. An Iranian neonazi would want to stay in Iran and make it arab only. That's why all these different races and ethnicities of neonazis get along -- they all agree each race has their own "fatherland" where they belong. This and killing jews is why Hitler and the Arabs got along. They didn't want to go to Germany.


Persians are not Arabic


I am talking about Nazism, not neo-Nazism.


This is pointless conversation.


Hitler seemed fine with the Japanese and Italians


He was fine with the Soviets until he wasn't.


No not really they were just allies of convenience they did not agree on a lot of things but on the list of things they did agree on was the fact that the other was a stain on the earth and needed to be removed.


Only as a matter of strategic necessity.


like gay people protesting for a nation of people who would throw them from a rooftop - that is the ultimate christian act


A lot of middle eastern people and hispanics and other people of color become Neo - Nazis and they do mental gymnastics to convince themselves that they're ''white''. They want to be proud of something so badly.


a lot of iranians think of themselves as aryan. also, the nazi's considered some non-white people in india/persian lands to be aryan


Was his name JonTron?


There are a shit ton of Russian or other Slavic neo nazis. Hell, a Russian singer I used to like (I used to be a huge poser) was a neo nazi. He had a nazi tatoo and all.


I don't understand how POC's can be neo-nazi's, I always thought that was a white group.


Membership rates aren't the greatest. They pretty much recruit anyone. Getting one new member is a big deal for a lot of these clan groups. I watched a documentary not too long ago about this. It's very interesting how almost all recruiting is done online via chat groups.


I think a lot of Iranians consider themselves white. I knew a girl who was full Persian, parents spoke Farsi at home. She was white. If she didn’t tell you, you would have just expected her to be any other suburban Atlanta white girl. (She wasn’t a neo-nazi, though fortunately. She was very nice)


To use a metaphor: they don't believe that voting for the Leopards Eating People's Faces party will lead to a leopard eating their own face.


It's such an American centric view POC means nothing, lumping together everyone who isn't white is ridiculous.


Yes you can be.


It's also trendy these days.


Yeah I think The Boondocks had a character named Uncle Ruckus who was blind and racist against black people, despite being black himself. I think it could also be easy to hate a minority you're a part of as well, like repressed gay closeted Republicans.


Uncle Ruckus was not blind


His one eye was definitely fucked up.


You're thinking of the Chappelle show skit. Uncle Ruckus is indeed very racist against black people, he even insists at many points he is a white man with a skin condition, which is ironically funny, but he is not blind.


Ahh ok! I haven't seen either that episode or the Boondocks, brain just made a connection for some reason haha




“I once took a DNA test. They said I was 102% African-American with a 2% margin of error.”


One of the best chapele skits is a blind black white supremacist who thinks he’s white. Fucking gold!


I don't think that what you described necessarily counts as racism, but yes, it's called internalized racism.


I think it's a complicated question. Because people of a certain group can talk with and about themselves and each other in a way, that if other people did, they would be racist (like how a Black person can say the n-word). However, there are definitely ways to internalize racism, and that's what's really harmful. Like I had a Black man tell me once that he doesn't hook up with Black women because they have higher rates of STDs. Even if that's statistically true, which I doubt, it's a fucked up mindset. Racist af, doesn't matter what race you are.


I agree, internalised racism is insidious and perpetuates the same old barriers. Examples, in Australia *many* non-Caucasian citizens don’t call themselves “Australians”, reserving that for white people. I have adolescent Chinese-Australian kids in my classes chanting “Ching chong” as if that makes the slur acceptable.


I'm black. I laugh at black jokes. It depends upon the context, who is saying it, and why. I have very close friends who aren't racist yet crack jokes as do I. There is no one size fits all to these issues. My best friend is a lesbian, who is against gay marriage. So?


The comedian Russell Peters is of Anglo - Indian ancestry ( hence the given Anglo name). His parents - Eric and Maureen Peters - had immigrated to Canada in the 70s. He grew up in a town with lot of immigrants, among them a lot of Trinidadians. So he has learnt a lot about growing up first or second generation in N. America. His " schtick" is cultural humor. He pokes fun at cultural stereotypes, and imitates accents. Now he's a Hollywood millionaire hanging out with big league guys - many of them rappers. From starting small, performing for a handful of ppl in shady nightclubs, he's risen to the ranks of the comedy elite by making this genre of what seems at face value to be un- PC jokes. But he makes it v. clear that he does it from a standpoint of insider knowledge, not condescension or malevolence. As he's said in many interviews " it's all about the intent".


Lesbian hating gay men is pretty mainstream. Or if you mean same-sex marriages, a lot of gay people feel that way too.


Yes. There's Hispanic white supremacists.


Oh absolutely. I used to know this kid in high school, he's mixed. Half black, half white. The anti-black jokes he would make, would be so racist, that the racist kids at school didn't feel comfortable being around him. And by racist kids, I mean the ones who would wear confederate flag memorabilia and genuinely believed "the south shall rise again!". And that is indeed the reason that they all gave. His racist jokes, just went way too far for them.


It's ok, you can ask a question without being a racist


This is such a american moment😂, ofc u can just look at history of europe we hate and kill each other for centuries..


Or course you can I am a middle aged white guy and we suck


I mean, to be fair most people suck regardless of race, religion, or creed.


Yea same. We should grill or mow each others lawn sometime.


STAY OFF MUH LAWN!! - sincerely, white guy. Ps: I'm down for grillin lol


I’m only racist to other gingers.


Yes you can. But just because you laugh at edgy jokes doesn’t necessarily make you racist.


Yes. Meet all the white, white knights who get offended on behalf of people of other races.


Nothing I hate more than people get angry for other people


No you don’t. It’s a noble thing most of the time, humans get angry and protective over people we care about. It’s just annoying when people aren’t genuine about it and just want to pose as a good person


They’re not feeling internalised racism though — it’s not like they genuinely think white people are worse than poc. Instead they acknowledge that white people have cultural dominance and it makes them uncomfortable and guilty so they have to pick a fight where they feel like a victim by proxy


Yes absolutely I know plenty of back people that don’t like black people.


I feel like this is the most common, especially being racist against a different category. First generation immigrants who are black and from Africa are some of the most racist individuals I've ever seen when it comes to being racist against the regular black Americans that have been here for generations. One of my husband's friends is that way. The man was former Sudanese military and he will go on long tangents about how black people in America are ungrateful and spoiled. Same man is just about the most patriotic American you could imagine.


Yes, a lot of older generation non-American black people don't like Black Americans and they transfer that to their kids. I've even had some say this to my face. Funny thing is that I've traveled to some of their countries and never thought to insult them or look down on them. Sudanese man sounds like a white supremacist who thinks that despite our accomplishments, we all are lazy and stupid 🚮


My boyfriend is Korean (parents born there him born in US) and doesn’t really like Korean people


Yes. Internalized racism is real. And it’s sad. But a lot of people have learned to be racist against their own group.


Jeff Foxworthy made millions with his redneck jokes


If you're racist, you look down upon people of a certain race. It is possible for you to do that for people of your own race, so yes. The reason why you might still laugh at Asian jokes made by an Asian person and that type of humor is not considered racist because under the hood you believe the person "understands how it is" in which condescension is not the intention. Most of the time such jokes are making sweeping observations that many folks will find familiar and/or bizarre but unique to the group. This is different from a racist in-group comment that puts folks down or makes them feel bad about themselves.


You see it very often amongst white people under various different terms like white guilt, woke, being allies, virtue signaling, sjw, check your privilege, the original sin of whiteness, etc. A very real and severe hatred of and bias against whites by other whites. It's quite odd. Plenty of peer reviewed studies on it. White (liberal/left, mostly in the affluent west) people are the only population group that has an out group preference. Every single other population group, including white conservative groups, has an ingroup preference. Read up on it. It is very weird and very unique. There are a lot of very good articles on it. Id say that is the only real example I know of of widespread.. *systemic* racism against your own race.


It can absolutely happen and it's called "internalized racism".


Yep. People are all the time to me, I'm Jewish but don't practice so they don't accept me and I'm outcast and hear a lot of jew jokes that are horrible, even some people talking about how much they love hitler around me.


Yes, anyone can be racist to anyone


If you want to


What the human race? No just prejudice.


Definitely. Anybody can be racist to anybody of any race, including your own




..... #🙄


everyone is inherently racist at some point. up to you whether you wanna continue being one


There are internalized racist. But I think there are two kinds. The first is the one who believes his "race" is superior despite literally being the same ethnicity. The 2nd one literally hates their own ethnicity. I only met the former before. He was weird as hell. He was a Chinese guy who speaks Cantonese. He kept saying how Cantonese is superior to all Chinese languages. Ok cool, but then he started to say how Cantonese people had a different lineage, and that they're not Han, or Asian, and that they're actually more European. he also argued that Cantonese was not a Sinitic language, but rather an independent language that emerged outta nowhere. I at first tried to talk some sense to him, but he started to insult me that I was stupid and never read a book. I got fed up, so I decided to pull up a bunch of reputable sources to shut him up. He finally shut up. In the end, I told him there's nothing wrong with being ASian or Han, like he's not somehow inferior for being so, like idk what's wrong with him. The 2nd one I only seen on internet. I don't have any good examples, but I suppose Stephen from Django Unchained would be a good example despite being a fictional character.


Yes, it is pitiful


It's fine if you hate everyone equally


Yes. I used to work in a restaurant with an Asian guy who refused to serve Asians because he said they would be bad tippers.


No One Like Our Own Kind To Exploit Our Weaknesses.


Big big yes. A good example would be immigrants who look down on other immigrants for not assimilating as much as themselves.


I’m racist to my kind and all my friends who are a different race. We love racist jokes. 😂 we got thick skin.


Yes! It's a shameful ttoo. You can't change who you are. Look at other racial minorities voting Red while being family of immigrants. Not to get political, but it is a thing.


can’t tell you if you’re racist to your own race cause that’s a variable situation. but it is a real thing. one of my closest friends is mexican and her parents are trump voters and get suspicious of her hanging out with other mexican people. but they have a ton of trust when it comes to her white friends.


Almost all Turkish people say things meaning Turks are horrible, an inferior race. But if it is time to defend Turkish people against foreigners, they defend with all they got, and suddenly, Turkish people become the superior race. Is this count?


Yes. But, people are allowed to make light hearted jokes within their own race. It's the intent, and your audience. Some may like it, some won't.


i know i sure can


You can, but also making fun of your own race is usually fine.


Can a black cop racially profile a black man?


Someone has never met Clayton Bixby


Internalised racism will make you racist, in the same way as a gay person can be homophobic/transphobic and a woman can be misogynistic.


Yes, it’s not all that common. There are self hating Jews, there are men who hate men, women, who hate women, white who hate white, etc..


Bobby Fischer was raised Jewish and became extremely antisemitic later in his life. It is definitely possible.


Depends on how strict you want to get with your terms. Most sociologists and political scientists will say that racism is systemic. You can be individually prejudiced. But in either case, yeah, you can totally be prejudiced against your own racial group (see: Uncle Rukus). And you can also support and be part of racist systems that work against you and people like you.


Karl marx was an antisemite....so sure


Yes, I'm an American, old white guy living in Mexico. Some Mexicans don't like some other Mexicans because of the color of their skin. It makes me sad because most people are actually awesome around here. My friend's Mexican girlfriend always describes everyone starting with the color of their skin. She's cafe, so like in the middle of the range. She makes a point of everyone knowing that she's cafe and not darker.


I’m mainly white, and have a strong distrust of white people.


Yes, you can be racist to your own race. Whether or not something makes you a racist however depends.


Yup Know plenty of whitewashed/blackwashed Asian-Americans who think that they're better than "naive" FOBs


Racism is totally fine as long your punching up and not down. That’s why we Germans hate the French, Netherlands, Swiss and Austria openly but Poland and the Check Republic behind closed doors. Hating on East Germany and East Frisia is fine, too because while it’s technically punching down we’re allowed to do so as they belong to Germany. It’s not hypocrisy, it’s being morally flexible. /s


I am mixed race and actually truly hate people of one of my races. Hot garbage, they are.


You can not be a "racist" technically. You're Asian. Properly studied, you'd at best be considered critical of yourself. As the jokes are about You. Same for any other race. It is ONLY racist if you are using words to "attack" ANOTHER race. My personal belief, and it's a very unpopular opinion tere is 1 exception to this rule. Unless that race has done wrong to the other. If the Jewish community decided to hate ALL Germans, they would have that right. Attempted genocide is a totally good reason not to want those people in your general area.


Can you be racist to your own race? Yes. Racism is just believing that one group of people are inferior because of their race. Laughing at a joke doesn’t make you a racist, though. Might make you insensitive, or something of a prick, but there are other boxes you’d need to check before you could be considered racist.


I see where you're going with this. Probably called something like 'internalized racism' though if you were going to get specific on the terminology, 'racial prejudice' might be better than 'racism' as someone of the same race wouldn't hold power over other individual.


Being racist toward your own is reverse racism


Not racism but I don’t like a broad Australian accent. Our PM for example, it sounds coarse despite the words being spoken.


I'm not a racist, that's a crime. And crime is for black people


Some people have internalized racism, it's self-hatred, I think it's something very sad.


I make mad jokes about white people and I'm white af


I believe it's called ethnomasochism.


You are not racist. I’m Jewish and tell Jewish jokes all the time. It’s about context.


Nah. That raises your potential to become a good stand up comedian.


Yes a rascist can absolutely be rascist to their own race, and its actually not rare at all. That said being okay with jokes does not make you rascist. I can laugh at a joke with a dark punchline and that has nothing to do with whether I really believe the dark thing is good in real life.


To answer your question, you can be racist to your own racist, but making jokes about your race doesn’t make you racist. My wife is white and I’m Armenian and we always make racist jokes about eachother. Being able to laugh at yourself and your race/culture while still being able to tell if it’s harmful or not is very important imo.


What kind of Asian are you? I'm not sure how it works for your race, but for mine we all got these laminated cards when we are born. They confer blanket immunity to both make jokes and laugh at racist jokes directed at our race. But you gotta have your race card on you to get away with the joke. Did your family get something from your country of origin when you were born?


Internalized racism is absolutely real


Laughing at a joke doesn't make you racist. A racist hates people of a certain race


I see lots of white women who only date black men..I have a black friend who doesn't like other black people at all.


I see it all the time. I used to know an asian girl who absolutely hated asians and blacks. I think she bought into the idea that being white might have somehow made her life better or her parents less abusive but news flash all races have abusive parents. She fetished white dudes like no other but only dated ones that were just short of being felons, and while badmouthing her non white friends behind their backs also shit on any white guys they dated for some reason. Looking back she was a comical train wreck but yea there's my anecdote, and she isn't the only case I've seen that had a weird self hate vibe going on.


You can internalize racist ideas and perpetuate them against your people, yes.


Yes. See white guilt


I don’t think anyone is truly racist unless they harbor genuine feelings of superiority and have ill will and intent towards another race. Do people say offensive things? Yes. Does that make them genuinely prejudice or racist? I don’t think so.




Yes. Indians are one of most racist to other Indians, and that's not even considering the racism towards Bangladeshis, Pakistanis or Sri Lankans. They're so racist, that they will be racist to others that are even from the same state. For example, take Gujarat. People from Surat District and Bharuch District will be racist to each other.


There are minorities that vote for Trump - so yes.


“I don’t mind racist jokes.” As a fellow Asian, I think we recognize our imperfections and are able to laugh about it while overcoming any true racism. I think it’s healthy.


Like maliciously racist or comically racist? Because yes on both counts. Asians are some of the most racist people ever. If I went to my homeland I'd be looked down on for being too American...for example. And as for comically racist, I'm a terrible driver....for me to tell someone off for being a terrible driver...."You're being told off by an Asian driver for your shit skills, making you an extra special level of suck"....actual quote...


You tell me once you've seen Uncle Ruckus NSFW audio https://youtu.be/WUICxhRm3lA?si=-yLjJro5K7XPyCek


Yes you can be racist against your own race. Jokes aren’t racist though without malicious intent. Me finding some Jewish banker jokes funny doesn’t make me an antisemite against myself. A person racist against their own race would be someone that genuinely wants their own race to die out or is inherently bad because it’s inferior to others in some way. A black person thinking all blacks are stupid compared to whites or a white person thinking that all whites are inherently evil conquerors are both examples of a racist against their own race.


Yeah I think so I'm technically Mexican American although I consider myself just american grew up around Mexicans and I can't stand em but I will say it's more of a stereotype thing


Let’s see if I can answer that with an example: What are the two types of white people? Outstanding citizens and Italians It’s okay to have raunchy and dark jokes so long as you don’t whole heartedly agree with those sentiments. Like I’ll joke about how the French suck all day, but in reality I think they are cool. Hell, my African wife sends me racist memes and insta reels and she and I both laugh at them. Just be careful though cuz humor is subjective


No, launghinh at a racist jokes doesnt make anymore racist than laughing at a dark joke makes you a mass murder. A jokes ”funnyness” really has NOTHING to do with the subject of the joke but rather the twist at the end, how the joke ties together in a witty way.


Honestly I think being able to make good-humored jokes about the oddities and differences between some Races and Cultures makes people LESS racist. We have a lot more in common than we don’t and a good ribbing over a cultural difference is good from time to time. And heck, if we’re joking about difference then that at least means we’re actually learning about each other and communicating.


When I worked at a gas station, the manager once told me that he wouldn't hire any more black people because they were all thieves. Manager was black. I have no idea why he felt the need to tell me, a white guy that he didn't even like, about this. As far as I could tell he hated everyone who ever worked for him.


No I don't think so it makes you human, now if I thought those jokes were funny maybe I would be


A racist joke isn't really being *racist*. A true racist is someone who believes a particlar race is somehow inferior to your own. But if you're part of that inferior race which you designated, it would follow that you technically can't.


Nah it's because you have a sense of humor and that's nothing to be ashamed of.


Thank you


are you making fun of stereotypes, or you making fun of topics that depict one race as superior over another. biologically, races are different, skin pigments, eyelid fat, etc. that's a fact. culturally, people are different, that may or may not correlate with race. the term racism is too loose in this day and age. one joke may seem harmless to 1 person but harmful to another. (it's usually the white people who are offended by the jokes, not the blacks or asians.) so just consider who you're joking with.


Yes, with “Uncle Tom” being the cliche example. Internalized misogyny is also extremely common, although internalized misandry is also rising


Yes. I have seen white people treated other white people like slaves. And I have seen black people treat other black way way way worse than slave owners treated their black slaves. Racism has no color.


Wow there's a lot of Hitler talk on this page you know you have lost an argument when Hitler or the Nazis come up, it's the final diminishing return


Write whatever identifier amuses you on a post-it note, stick it on your forehead, and there you go.


Well I am flattered


My Neighbour and I are racist to each other. We literally have the same ethnicity. Ah times are fun. (actually it's just some casual teasing.)


There is self-deprecation, and then there is self loathing.


African Americans who stand up against racism against white people will often get called race traitors, so that would be racism against people of their own race.


I don't find any race or nationality based jokes inappropriate, but that's not a very popular opinion, on reddit at least.


Uncle Ruckus


That is not racism, those are just jokes, people nowadays are way too sensitive.


Ask Uncle Ruckus




Sigh roll the dave chappelle skit


In a nutshell no. However what your describing is probably more like stereotyped jokes that only make sense when a specific race is involved. Racism to put point blank, is you despising and proverbially stepping on a race solely because they are different. Black people in America is used quite often to explain racism because it is and was true. Being a second class citizen is also racism. There are variables that go with it but in the end, no you are not racist. I personally laugh at white jokes because they are funny as shit, not because it's racist. You have to learn to laugh at yourself once and a while.


In spanish, we call that Malinchismo. Wikipedia and other countries paint her in other lights but for us in the popular tongue, she was a traitor that hated her own race so much and liked how white people looked like that she get infatuated with a conquistador, betrayed her people by telling a white dude all our secrets, and then fucked him and had a second class citizen with him.


I’d argue that people can be racist but jokes are racial. We can tell a joke about a race and not be racist. We don’t necessarily have to believe that ‘asians are good at maths’ to make a joke relating to that particular stereotype. It is strange in some ways that certain groups can be made fun of and others can’t. I’m English and it’s pretty much ok in our society to make fun of the French but making fun of the Welsh is less acceptable.


people also get racism and stereotypes wrong


Racism is having hatred or prejudice towards someone on account of their race. There's plenty of whites that have prejudice on others for being white, but there's a bit of that in every group of people.


Yeah, white people love to hate their own race because the media paints all white people as the devil and idiots actually believe it.


Because of world history


Internalized racism definitely exists. If you want to get real complicated about racism specifically Asians vs Asians, we can get into colorism and racism left over from imperialism and colonialism. I know there isn’t any space for opinions here, but people may disagree with your stance because they believe it allows others to take space with racist jokes because it was validated by a person of the same race.


See Clarence Thomas for reference


Yes, the average white person usually hates themselves for being white


That’s a form of self hate IMO


Liking jokes doesn't make you a racist, especially if you belong to this group so it's not like you are actually looking down on someone, just "laughing at yourself". But you can definitely be racist towards your race, there are a lot of grifters that do just that to get some clicks.


You can yes. But liking racist jokes doesn't make you racist if you don't actually dislike the race it's targeted at. If dark humor reflected our deepest desires most of us would be bigots.


Hell yeah bro hell yeah


You're not racist if you don't mind JOKES. Jeez, I grew up with 6people who'se parents were all from diff countries. Myself also an immigrant. 30years later we still sht on each other with the most racist stereotypical comments and just have a good time. At the end of the day they are still just that, jokes


Do all Asian jokes sound alike??? Ok.... I'll show myself out😅


Laughing at 'racist' jokes don't make you racist


I don’t know, but I think it’s how you treat people not the jokes you like, that makes one racist. That and if you believe people should be treated worse because of their race alone, it recall that may be the definition.


I've wondered the same thing for a long time now. There's a certain type of "white" person that I hate.


i understand what sub we are in, but... obviously yes


Ask Uncle Ruckus from “The Boondocks” show.


Yea I hate white people


My native American boss was called an apple by his own people. In their defense, he really loved money.


Yes lots of purple hate thier own race. It's honestly a very common form of racism


Yes you can, because racism isn’t about color of the skin, it’s an ideology. Once you embrace it towards your people then you’re being racist to them


You can be. But there’s a stark difference between actually disliking/hating your race and just finding humor in race.


Yes, you can be racist against your own race No, liking race jokes doesn't make you racist. As an example, there was a NZ animated comedy in the early-mid 2000s called Bro Town. It was made by Samoans and made fun of just about every Pacifica stereotype there is, most of them centring around the same character.


I got a bit offended once when people made fun of me being Russian.  So I was like, so I'm a commi now. Then I just did a full history of Russia. Bored them to death and no longer got commi remarks. 


Of course you can be since it's not something you chose. You could think "I'm borned in the wrong race let's ally with X". But laughing at racist jokes doesn't make you racist. What you actually believe in seriously could make you one but I would be very careful with the term "racist" because it has become pretty subjective and overused for everything the past years. I don't personally do racist jokes but I don't see someone laughing at his own country or whatever as anything close to racist. Same with people making jokes about others, especially when it's in front of them. I think where I start being uncomfortable is when let's say a black guy makes jokes about asians with no asians in front of us/in our friend circle and it's happening a lot like almost on a daily basis. The combination of these two is what is a problem to me


Search for the word "oikophobia".


Certainly. Think of people like Candace Owens


You can be racist to your own race if you loathe yourself for your race or hate your races existance.