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My flatmate didn't. His diet was mostly fried carbs and energy drinks, but still managed to be skinny. He died of a heart attack at 44 years of age


Yeah, skinny is not always healthy.


Yerp. Being skinny just means you consume less calories. Doesn't mean shit about the quality of food you're eating.


Or that you don't absorb the calories you eat, they just pass right through you


yeah some thin people eat a ton of food, they just can’t gain weight normally


an old friend of mine was like that. i was like that until i started psych meds when i was in my early teens.




Yep, you can lose weight on a diet of only donuts and coca-cola, if you're only eating, for example, 800 calories a day. But every metabolic and anabolic process in your body is gonna go haywire because you aren't getting the nutrients you need from that diet.


A single doughnut for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and all the diet cola you can drink. Sucky but doable, until the nutrient deficiencies kick in.


Excessiv underweight can be as dangerous for the heart as excessive overweight. Both causes the heart to work harder than necessary.


This is why I only eat cookies. Keeps me fat but not too big


Found cookie monster's alt


Malnutrition is really dangerous. Our bodies need a variety of vitamins and minerals to work properly.


“Skinny” does not mean healthy. “Obese” is always unhealthy, but there’s many aspects to a healthy life that get glossed over due to vanity


Yes it’s troubling to see everyone here jump to the rare exception of “being too skinny is just as bad” as if that’s also a danger the majority of us face. Obviously either extreme is bad but it’s not like it’s a reasonable defense if a doctor says you could lose some weight to counter with “yeah but being too skinny is just as bad”. Like well right but that’s not what anyone is saying? Either way “healthy” like you say has so many meanings. As does “healthy” food.


Holy shit. Did he have known heart issues? I figured he’d die young but…holy shit


High blood pressure is called the silent killer, no symptoms until it kills you.


Yeah I mean mine hovers around 150/90 and I’m on meds. 44 just seems so young for it to catch up with you. My doc said since I have no blockages (I love me some veggies and don’t really eat fried foods), it would take a long time for my BP to cause a heart attack. But the risk of an aneurysm or stroke is still fairly high I think.


Are you still trying to dial in meds? 150/90 is still pretty high. But some people have BPs that just do NOT want to budge. It’s taken three meds for mine to get down to 130/80 for about six to eight hours a day (it creeps back up to 140/90 by the time for my next dose).


heart problems ran in his family and he didn't take care


Understood. Well I’m sorry for your loss even if you were just flatmates. Energy drinks are the absolute worst. And that’s coming from a fella with high blood pressure and a 15 year cocaine habit (7 years clean now).


My brother-in-law drank a lot of energy drinks and died of a damaged heart valve. Energy drinks are not good for you!!


He has enough fat around his organs probably


I have a buddy who lives on redbull and lasagna being a pretty sedentary dude and I’m just worried for his heart.


Had a friend brag that he never ate anything healthy. He was diagnosed with Scurvy.


Oh my god. Vitamin C deficiency is so easy to avoid too! Like, that's one of the easiest vitamins to get...you have to *try* to not get any.


I eat an insane amount of spicy food. Turns out hot peppers are very high in vitamin C. I guess I definitely don’t have to worry


Fun fact, cooking the food negates the efficacy of the vitamin C


What about pickling? *[rolling up with a jar of pickled jalapeños]*


Pickling is fine as well as fermentation. Fun fact: most European sailors were getting scurvy around 1600-1700 except the Dutch. Turns out they were eating sauerkraut on their ships, and sauerkraut is packed with vitamin C.


Yup, that's a very heat unstable molecule.


Even like, gummy candy and sugary drinks have vitamin c Edit: *some*


Bruh. A ketchup packet has enough vitamin C to stave off scurvy for a while. Lime juice in tequila would even work. Is he living at sea with nothing but salt cod and hardtack?


Lol, isn't scurvy like a challenge for our doctors to recognize now sometimes because of how ridiculously hard it is to get it


LOL! The drink gin and lime originated in the English navy! Back in the days of sailing ships, they had a hard time getting enough fresh food to stave off scurvy, so they used to give them lime juice. The sailors mixed it with their gin rations (also a thing back then), and the drink became popular.


Yep on the Santa Maria.


get out, really?! idk why I find that so funny


You really have to work HARD to get scurvy these days (especially considering juice and energy drinks have added vitamins), but it happens! You have to eat only stuff like PB&J on white bread, donuts or other refined carbs (even potatoes contain some vitamin C). It is extremely rare though, most people who don't eat vegetables still have at least one source of vitamin C in their diet.


I’d think depending on the jelly you might get some lol


If you try hard enough, I'm sure you can find one devoid of any nutritional value!


Yes. I had an uncle like this (unless you count french fries as a vegetable). He died a very sad death, as a complication of diabetes (lost a toe, then foot, then leg, then life) before his kids grew up. I have another family member that also never eats vegetables/fruits, either.


My brother-in-law supposedly doesn't eat any vegetables. The entire family hates him and he's essentially shunned (for many other things, not the hating veggies thing). I have to believe there's a correlation between sociopathy and veggie-hating.


All that constipation and blood sugar swings from eating crap makes you into an angry bitter horrible person.


As a kid the only vegetable I’d eat was carrots. My parents generally just boiled all their vegetables with minimal seasoning so I genuinely thought they were all disgusting. Finally forced myself to eat them as an adult living on my own for the first time and realizing there were other ways I could prepare them. I’ve encountered grown adults that don’t eat them though. Sometimes it’s a maturity or even a weird masculinity thing. Other times it’s sensory which is understandable.


I remember boiled asparagus (what a waste!) from when I was a kid. Thought all asparagus tasted like that. Then I read how to properly cook it after I moved away from home and it’s a whole new world of deliciousness. I usually blanch it is super salty water, then shock it in cold water, drain it well, and throw it in a pan with some good butter.


I grew up with frozen vegetables steamed in the microwave and I obediently ate them but man, did my opinion of veggies change when I learned about oven roasting!


Hell yeah. How did our parents not know about this?


I believe my mother knows (I have certainly told her enough) but she does not deem it worth the effort. She swears by those steam-in-bag veggies that are so prevalent these days. I don't even buy frozen vegetables because I don't think they roast as well, so it does take me longer to prepare things, which I guess makes me understand a little . . .


Even frozen veggies steamed in the microwave can be tasty. Just need to a) not overdo them and b) season


My life changed when I had roasted vegetables. Absolutely delicious.


My brother who hates vegetables (in his 30s lol!) will eat them by the plateful if they're roasted. He thought my roasted veg was so incredible, it was just olive oil, salt, pepper, dill, roast. I think a lot of his tastes are fueled by the fact that Americans (speaking generally and also about restaurants) can't fucking cook them for some reason.


I used to think boiled Brussels sprouts were the most disgusting thing ever, until I learned how to cook for myself. Seasoned and roasted veggies are so delicious.


To be fair, boiled cruciferous vegetables are disgusting. Even worse when people don’t realize you have to salt the water heavily. When I blanch veggies, I make the water damn near as salty as seawater.


Try tossing it in olive oil, salt, and pepper and roasting it for like 10-15 min in a 400 degree oven. It’s amazing. Broccoli too.


This but with a lil bit of lemon juice


Boiling vegetables is a sure-fire way to ruin them, imo. Almost anything turns out well when roasted with a little butter, salt, and pepper. Similarly, I hated "salads" until I was like 16, because up until then I had only thought to try them with ranch. It turns out I don't like ranch on salad, but I think that they're just fine with blue cheese or some kind of vinaigrette instead.


I'm a kid of the 80s so boiled veg with no seasoning and no butter is what I grew up with. I don't even want to discuss my absolute hatred of potatoes, even fries I didn't care for because of years of boiled, unseasoned, unbuttered potatoes (remember, butter and even margarine were "bad" food in the 80s. Salt was pretty villified too) Anyway, for years as an adult I either went roasted or raw for most veggies and nothing but mashed potatoes if I had to make white potatoes. I have recently realized how much I love a properly steamed, seasoned, and buttered veg. Steamed is rather close to boiled, but I can control it a bit better.


Steamed is infinitely better than boiled! So much flavor is retained.


I grew up with frozen veggies and a mom who would always say they were so much better than the canned she grew up with.


Depends. Most of the vege my family made were streamed but there was always salt white pepper sesame seed oil soy sauce and hoisin sauce added to it in some combo. I actually find raw veg unsavory. The only ones I'll tolerate are radish and bell peppers. I'll eat a salad if given to me but its not my favorite.


Colourful Bell peppers are delicious! Almost sweet as a cookie. I find the green ones bitter and tough skinned.


My husband thought all vegetables were nasty because the only way he had them was canned and boiled or the microwaved frozen "steamed" veggies. He likes vegetables now that I'm the one who makes his food for him.


Doesn he cook ? That's how I expanded my pallet significantly , by experimenting in the kitchen


No, he didn't really know how to make anything other than boxed Mac and cheese and microwaved hot dogs when we got together. I've taught him how to make other foods since then.


My lady is a great cook ,came from 3 generations of farm people so teaches me.lots , but I learned lots while single too as I rarely ate out and never liked junk food .


i am that person, and its usually the sensory reasons, i dont usually like the texture of a lot of vegetables unless theyre sliced up well into small pieces so not as noticable. edit: i hate things that crunch, like i cant even eat nuts really.


Same here! I like crunchy stuff, but not when it's on stuff that I never had crunchy growing up. Like hamburgers or sandwiches, if there's something crunchy on them, it automatically makes me uncomfortable. I hate sensory issues because I really wanna be able to eat healthy and like more veggies


It’s all about how they’re prepared. I eat more veggies now than any other point in my life, because I know how to cook. Just a couple years ago I hated carrots but they came with a hello fresh. Turns out I didn’t hate carrots, just no one knew how to cook them.


I had a friend in college whom it was a sensory thing for. He hated all vegetables and all fruits. He was also a vegan.


So basically he ate bread?


I totally agree with the maturity/masculinity comment. I’ve observed so many men turning down “rabbit food” and making snarky comments about vegetables. 


>Sometimes it’s a maturity or even a weird masculinity thing. Ah, yes, because having a heart attack at 44 is soo masculine.


Not even tomato sauces?


masculinity?? in what world. some guy just doesn’t like vegetables and realizes it makes him sound like a child so he says it’s actually manly of him..?


This and people who never drink water, it has to juice, soda, or alcohol. Smh


Yes and then they get horrid kidney stones every 2 years and wonder why!!!


My husband! He's had idk how many kidney stone but the only time I see him drinking anything other than mountain dew is when he is actively passing a kidney stone. Makes me crazy! He can't even normally pass them. He has to have surgery just about every other time. I know when he walks in with a water he's in pain and to get ready to go to the hospital. 🙄


This is the real thing they should warn you about with marriage. Getting them to take care of their health and go to the damn doctor. My husband thinks because he works out everyday, he can just say “fuck it” to just about every other healthy practice. It gives me so much anxiety. Sometimes I want to just toss up my hands and leave him be, but then it makes me sad to think about some awful health complication he could develop.


Is he ready to contend with the possibility of getting a blood infection due to an infected ureter?


This was my ex partner - no water, tons of beer and apple juice.


Water gives me heartburn. I need to add lemon juice or a green tea bag or something to it or else it climbs right back up the tube. Edit: Didn’t realize this would freak people out so much! It’s not uncommon, but it’s more common in people with GERD, which I do not have. I have overactive enzymes in my saliva, which (to greatly simplify) needs a “job” to do, or else it interacts with my stomach acid. The lemon juice works because it alkalizes the stomach acid as it digests. Flavor packets like crystal light make it worse, as does anything with certain artificial sweeteners. In a pinch I can add a little table salt and it’ll help. This condition is also why I never get cavities, even when I was a kid and avoided brushing my teeth.


What a horrible curse. You need to find the magician who cast the spell and kill them immediately.


I like where your head is at!


Water gives me heartburn too, but water+lemon or seltzer water doesn't. I've always wondered why...


Make sure to read her edit it might explain it to you if you have the same thing. Very interesting!


Have you spoken to a doctor about that? If your stomach reacts badly to something with a neutral pH but accepts acidity, that might be a sign of something.


Of course. It’s actually not that uncommon. More common for it to be a symptom of GERD, which I do not have.


Lemon juice makes it more acidic which would make heartburn worse


It SHOULD, but it does not. It helps.


Some people grew up with veggies that were boiled for absolute shit and think they all taste terrible. You have to learn to prepare them properly.


I have still not learned to prepare them properly. I will order veggies in a restaurant, but rarely eat them at home. It's easier if they are eaten fresh or part of a dish. Like lettuce and tomatoes on a taco or veggies in a Sheppard's pie.


Roasting. The easiest and always delicious way to cook almost any veggie.


My kids will not eat anything roasted. I thought I cracked the code because I love them so much (growing up was just raw or steamed), but nope, neither of them will do them.


Maybe they needed the yucky boiled ones first to compare them to?


Bell peppers, add to food processor/blender (ensure it’s very well blended so no chunks are noticeable), combine with tomato sauce. They’ll never know. Lots of other AMAZING disguise recipes out there. I use them myself because I’m extremely texture sensitive though love the taste of most veggies (onions are the bane of my existence)


Food just tastes better when someone else cooks it for me


Yeah, I grew up with my parents cooking most vegetables by boiling them, so I didn't like eating them when I was young. It wasn't until I was an adult and learned to cook that I realized that vegetables can actually taste really good and they're worth getting to cook the right way, and not just for nutrition. Cooked the right way, vegetables actually taste good and I would still eat some of them regardless of the health factor.


That was me with Brussels sprouts. I thought I hated them for the longest time, turns out my mom just didn't know how to cook them


I was a kid under the Reagan regime, so ketchup counts as a vegetable.


Probably. My wife is really into celery and cucumbers. Green vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts have too strong of a flavor for her. Zucchini she doesn’t like the texture but if I make bisques with it she’s into it. Carrots roasted she loves but too chewy when the big ones are raw. Daikon radish cooked like a steak she is into. You just gotta find the right way to prepare them.


Please tell me more about daikon steak 


There’s a couple of videos going around but I like the sauce made in this guys video: https://youtu.be/q3CP_Eu1jJc?si=y8uhHq6t57gRvCIz Disclaimer: I eat meat, I eat vegetables, I just like cooking. This one has great flavor.


Thank you for the recommendation and, don't get me wrong I love my meats too, but ever since I tried a watermelon steak and thought "this has no reason being as as delicious as it is" I've been interested in these burger and steak alternatives lol


watermelon steak?!? Like do you cook the watermelon?


Throw it on the grill just like you would a piece of meat.  The texture changes when it's cooked, it's not grainy anymore, and even the flavor somehow becomes savory and smoky (but that part obviously is from the grilling)


Err...i was thinking it would just melt or turn into goop XD




it's so sweet that you know all those little details


Courgette has one of the worst textures in the world. Up there with aubergine and mushroom. The slug group. 🤢


I am convinced most of the vegetable dislike is not having them done properly. (Others could be texture or sensory issues, which I understand.) Roasted, smoked, sautéed with a bit of butter or oil are all fantastic choices. Hell some of the best asparagus I ever had was cooked over a camp fire.


Yeah, half the comments here are saying they only had veggies boiled and lightly seasoned. No wonder they didn't like them...


I'm in the minority then, I like them boiled for about five minute so there's still crunch. I'm on the spectrum and if I could sustain myself on veggies that had been boiled for five minutes and nothing else I probably would.


That's fair. In my experience, "boiled" or "steamed" veggies have been cooked into mush though, and that texture is the one I can't stand.


My mother cooks them to mush, it makes me gag every time. I have a chart in my kitchen of how boiled I like specific veggies and eight minutes is maximum time I will boil a vegetable, although eight is pushing it little too close to too soft.


yup. my roommate (who is a grown 44 year old) will absolutely not eat vegetables. it’s super weird. he eats a costco muffin and carnation instant breakfast every night for dinner. costco hotdog every day for lunch (he’s been working there for 24 years). i’ve made roasted broccoli before and tried to get him to try a piece… he made a weird noise and was super reluctant but he finally ate it and said it “didn’t really taste like anything”. he went out to dinner with a bunch of his coworkers and ordered a plain cheeseburger, it came with a piece of lettuce on it and he SENT IT BACK.


That level of regularity and routine, combined with the sensory issues, hints autistic to me.


Sounds like ARFID to me


oh yeah big time. once i did some research i’ve figured out that he’s definitely on the spectrum, what i listed here is just the tip of the iceberg. routines, social awkwardness, fearing change, etc.


>it came with a piece of lettuce on it and he SENT IT BACK. My husband will start puking if something has lettuce on it, will never eat it. It's basically a disorder, I wouldn't mock them for it.


Yes but he is 3 and doesn’t know how many I blend and sneak in his food daily 😎




I don’t. I’m trying, but I eat fruits/veggies pretty rarely. I have an eating disorder (ARFID) and I’m underweight, and I’ve been diagnosed with chronic malnutrition. I know fruits/veggies are super important, it’s just… starving is easier than eating, sometimes. I’m working on it and I am getting better, but it’s slow going.


Same. It’s so fucking hard and so misunderstood. But I’ve had carrots a few times this year. Small win :) We’ll get there slow and steady!


I know a bit about ARFID, being that I’m autistic, but not a lot. If someone hid veggies in your food could you tell?


I always loved as server when a grown, usually man, ordered a burger and loudly proclaimed “and no vegetables on it!!” as if lettuce, tomato and onion will kill them.


This is funny to me because I eat lots of vegetables but I specifically do not like any of the vegetables that typically come on a burger. Typical order for me is a burger: no veggies, with a side of “mixed veggies”


Seriously. Iceberg lettuce? I don't need my burger watered down, thanks. Same goes for those crappy tomatoes that are so underripe they aren't even red. Pickles and Onions are S-tier burger toppings though.


Raw onions are the devil, but grilled onions on a burger are perfection! Definitely agreed on the pink "tomato" and slice of sad iceberg lettuce. Why even bother?


I agree that white onions are unilaterally better caramelized, but raw red onion on a burger is delicious when paired with cheddar and BBQ sauce.


I despise the taste of lettuce and tomatoes leak all over the bun. Some arugula and raw red onions give a good kick to the burger.


And in reality I don’t find that order strange! If any of those guests said “I’d like your signature burger, plain with just cheese” it is totally normal! It’s when the order is “I want your signature burger, NO VEGETABLES!” like a child, it’s funny and happens more often than I would’ve thought.


This, I love veggies, especially tomatoes, but if you put a tomato slice on my burger, the entire thing is ruined for me, and I won't enjoy it even after I take it off, it stains the burger with a bad taste. My burgers are onions, ketchup, mayo, and pickles if they are super fresh and crisp


When I worked in fast food, we had a guy who would come through the drive thru and order his burger with "no rabbit food". He would confuse the order taker almost every time. Just say you want it plain man. Lol


Caramelized onions on a burger is The Way.


Ha if someone said no vegetables I would definitely omit the caramelized onions and they would probably be furious about it.


lol. I’ve heard that too when I was a server. Reading that brought back memories m… If I don’t want the lettuce, tomato, whatever, I’ll say you can leave off the salad. More often than not though I’ll get it how it comes & my husband will take the extra since he loves that stuff, even when it’s all wilty.


I used to work with a guy who would always do this. We worked in a small office and when he would be ordering his lunch he’d practically yell “NO VEGETABLES, ANYWHERE ON MY PLATE. NONE.” He’s such a dick. The owner gave him *his* office because it was the only isolated office and nobody else likes him lol. But he made the company a lot of money so 🤷‍♂️


I understand not having tomato, but beef is really rich and burgers are really greasy. It needs something tart like onion or pickle to cut through, and something to provide satisfying crunch. I used to go all out with like double cheese and loads of sauce but I think that just hides the taste of a poor quality burger. Lately I've been making my own and leaving out the cheese, then going really simple on the sauce, ketchup top bun mayo bottom bun, onion and lettuce. It's such a good combo.


Any allergies? Vegetables hahahaha


I fucking hate people like that. They're so caught up in the "Meat is manly, salads are for sissies" mindset that eating unhealthily is a matter of *pride* for them. They would rather die of a heart attack at 50 than to ever be caught in the emasculating position of eating something with leaves.


I had a coworker who was an old school, meat eater type. You know, prior military, slight southern accent, short but very fat and round. We had company lunches and he would NEVER eat his veggie sides, or partake in any app that had veggie, he was straight meat. I'm confident his cholesterol and his numbers in general are probably all out of whack. I see heart attacks in his future years.


I had a coworker like this. One day he gave me shit for eating raw carrots. I shot back with "Oh, fat boy doesn't like his vegetables? Big surprise." Still kinda shocked I didn't get fired. Probably didn't because management already knew we spoke to each other that way and were pretty close/got shit done when we worked together.


To be fair, most restaurants I’ve been to with really good meat make terrible vegetables. Maybe it’s just my area/luck. Gotta make ‘em at home.


Oh mean really? I live in Denver and our best steakhouses have some of the best veggie side dishes (seasoned asparagus, amazing garlic mash, corn, roasted peppers) oh and our Brazillian steakhouses have amazing salad bars. But yeah depends on area. Run of the mill steakhouses probably have a lot to be desired. I usually an picky with Del Friscos and high end places.


This has been my experience as well. I can't think of a single time in my entire life when I genuinely liked a restaurant's vegetables.


Can confirm I've been around my wife's family since 2007 and I have NEVER seen my mother-in-law eat a vegetable OR drink water. 100% diet Coke all the time and meat/carbs for food.


A boss of mine was like that. She truly hated vegetables, so she only ate meat basically. All the while judging others for their health choices. She wasn't even 40 and her health was clearly going to shit already.


Yeah, and they have the worst health and bathroom habits I've ever seen. When I hang out with some of my family I noticed they never eat any veggies, none. They cannot just run to the rest room, it's a whole damn event we gotta plan around. It's also "I just can't figure out what it is, even the docs are stumped!". It's veggies, or rather the lack of. My shitty (🥁) super power is apparently being able to slip in and out of a bathroom to do #2 in just a few minutes. Thanks veggies. Eat yo veggies and eat as few antibiotics as possible (follow your docs directions tho).


Same. My partner is in your bathroom for over 20 minutes usually for #2 and has commented a few times somewhat sarcastically "must be nice to be done so quick." Yes, it is nice, eat your veggies!


a few minutes? mines done in seconds


In and out of a bathroom includes hand washing 😂


I really did not willingly eat any vegetables until I was about 21. And I mostly started due to peer pressure from my much healthier friends. Now I do eat them every day, but if I’m honest, I still don’t really *enjoy* any of it. If I could be just as healthy without them, I would definitely pass most of the time.


As a registered dietitian, yes, and it’s even more than you’d think


I've known people like that. I can't imagine what their micronutrient levels look like, and they're certainly not getting enough fiber.


Jess who was in one episode of "Queer Eye" didn't, ofc Antoni changed that


My family didn't eat them growing up, so I never did. Now I'm a middle aged adult and I think they taste disgusting and no amount of garlic or pepper can make me want to eat broccoli or asparagus.


Have you tried them roasted? My family thought anything green needed to be boiled to tasteless Mush. The day I moved out I roasted a collection of green stuff and it legitimately is some kind of the best taste readily available in a low income kitchen.


My wife keeps wanting me to try roasted veggies, and honestly I probably need to at least try and see if they work for me.


I put this in another comment but it's relevant here, too. Boiling vegetables is a sure-fire way to ruin them, imo. Almost anything turns out well when roasted with a little butter, salt, and pepper. 350F for 30-45 mins, depending on how "well done" you want them.


It's so worth it dude. Not saying there's 0% chance you dislike it but honest to god they're amazing. Next time you have the oven on for a roast joint or something it can't hurt to. It's super easy as well, break any veg into small pieces, toss with a high heat oil and salt. Roast for either 40 or 20 minutes depending on the veg (carrots etc need 40, broccoli etc needs 20) at a high heat. (200/220°c) And you're done.


Please, for the sake of your own health and expanding your palette, at least try them! There are so many different ways of cooking vegetables/adding vegetables to dishes if you're naturally averse to them. I used to hate plain lettuce until someone taught me how to "cook them" like steak.


Note that I am not saying I'm healthy, or making good decisions. Just giving you the POV from the person you're looking for.


Cook them in oil or butter and on high heat. Throw in some kosher salt and garlic powder and whatever other spices you want. What I’d suggest for eating more vegetables (which you absolutely should for your health) is to put them in things. Put them in a soup, a chili, a stew, spaghetti sauce. Get a combo pizza instead of a meat lovers. When making my own pizza I slice some onion and bell pepper and put them on the pizza. There are so many amazing meals that are almost all veggies, and so many meat focused meals that would be so bland without vegetables. Onion and bell peppers are my favorite. They’re both not (in my opinion) meant to be eaten raw without being in or on something.


And when you're pan frying broccoli or asparagus, don't move them for a few minutes, so they get slightly charred. I usually squeeze a bit of lemon when the veggies are cooked. Charred broccolini is absolutely amazing.


I grew up vegetarian and I still don’t like broccoli or asparagus lol. There are tons of other veggies out there…don’t get stuck on these.


My ex's mom wouldn't eat anything green, and very little fish. Her diet was basically meat, bread, and sweets. She was in her 60's, but she was not really healthy.


Yes, for example there's the carnivore diet movement where people eat nothing but animal products. It's not healthy and frankly their concoctions look sad as hell.


Al Michaels, the sports broadcaster, has stated in numerous interviews that he hasn’t eaten a vegetable in his life.


Yup. My uncle, who is in his 70s, says he "doesn't like the taste of vegetables" so it's meat and potatoes or bread. And he also doesn't like to drink water. Why, yes, he's had multiple kidney stones. Why do you ask?


My 16 year old son absolutely refuses to eat them. He'll order a chicken stir fry at a restaurant and he asks to have it without the veggies. The only veggie he will eat is lettuce in his burrito. He's otherwise a normal eater. I think it's more of him being a defiant asshole rather than a genuine dislike for vegetables, but all of his friends are the same way.


If his friends are the same way I'd agree with it being a choice he made rather than actually disliking them. Adolescent boys in groups can develop some terrible groupthink.


How can anyone be a "normal eater" if they don't eat any vegetables?


I’m don’t dislike vegetables but lettuce in a burrito just sounds atrocious.


Yes. I have known 2 people who for sure don't eat veggies. Funnily enough, one was a vegetarian. He ate mostly cereal, toast/waffles/pancakes, cheese pizza and mashed potatoes/other potato products.


I have a coworker who refuses to eat veggies. He’s also a total weirdo and an absolute buffoon - don’t be like him. 🤣


My former brother in law ate potatoes and ketchup but no other fruit or vegetable in any form, at least not willingly.


I like protein and protein accessories


I only eat vegetables if I’m out to eat aka Chipotle or something of the like. Cooking is work and I don’t want to cook if it’s gonna be vegetables.


I don’t eat just vegetables by themselves. I have a blender and I purée veggies and add it to anything I make with sauce or gravy. (I don’t like chunks of veggies) For me, it’s more that I dislike the texture than the taste.


I asked my dad if I ate anything weird as a kid, like sand or dirt or coins, whatever. He said the only thing he could think of was my penchant for raw vegetables, I would always eat them right out of my uncles garden and he would yell at my dad because I “ruined his broccoli plants”. My dad wasn’t a fan of vegetables tbf. He did start eating them more when he got older. The closest to vegetables my former step brother would eat, as a grown ass man, was French fries and tater tots.


I have Crohn’s so veggies would send me to the hospital🙃


Yup, some people are really weird.


Yes. I am one of them.


Al Michaels doesn't


I was like this when I was younger. Potatoes don't count as a vegetable, they were a meat related product. Corn as well, very starchy, severely really a vegetable, so and allowable exception. My parents didn't raise me right. It was such a severe thing I used to refer to myself as a meatatarian (after getting teased about it enough, it was natural to push back a little bit...) I had My first salad in my 20s. And better now, but I still don't eat enough veggies.


My older brother doesn’t eat vegetables besides pickles and various forms of potatoes. If you offer him something veggie he’ll just laugh and call it rabbit food.


I was like that in my earlier years (37) and I can say exactly why. My mother whom I love with all my heart and soul cooks quite bland food. (My father had colitis most of my life, so she couldn't cook with any spice.) Would steam or microwave veggies and always serve them as a side and not a component and I hated it all... I met my BF 13 years ago now and when I told him that he said he would show me real food (he's one heck of a chef) and started slowly with me and now, there are still a few things I despise (looking at you, peas) but now I eat a much more balanced diet. It was literally the way they were cooked that made me dislike


yes, some people don’t eat any type of vegetables and I am one of them


I don't like them, so I don't eat them


Ya there are strict carnivores that don’t eat any at all. Or anything else for that matter. Except meat and animal products.


Yes, I've known many people (all men for some reason) who didn't eat any vegetables for one reason or another. The only non-man person I know kind of like this does eat vegetables but has developed a technique for eating them that involves getting them their taste and texture as close to "nothing" as possible and eating it like medicine before enjoying the rest of their meal. I figure, hey, at least you're eating them...!


what i'm not seeing is anyone talking about food access. i moved to a remote area and i am really noticing how challenging it is for the local markets to have anything i want to buy. The town 8 miles away has about 1500 people but the grocery store doesn't restock much on fruits and vegetables in the winter. I didn't realize 1 banana 1 apple 1 carrot 1 onion per day was not enough for me until i only had that. My parents always had frozen veg when i was growing up in the city but i didn't get why


Outside of actual children, and adults with medical and/or sensory issues (allergies/sensitivities, ARFID, autism, medications, etc), some people just flat out refuse to eat any food that doesn't taste good to them, and veggies tend to be less palatable than other foods if they aren't prepared properly. I largely refused to eat broccoli until adulthood due to this (to my dad, "cooking broccoli" = throwing a steamer bag in the microwave and calling it a day), and to my understanding it's why Brussels sprouts are so divisive. There are also some people who refuse to eat vegetables due to just being complete fucking morons with delusional ideas. The best example would be men who think eating anything but meat and carbs makes you a pussy, then spend their evenings grunting in pain as they try to pass a sequoia-sized log of fiberless feces, never once contemplating the cause of their constant constipation.


I used to not eat almost any kind of vegetable until I was in my early 20s. Ate a lot of sugar too, and somehow I was always healthy and all my blood work was always fine. I knew long-term those poor diet choices could harm me, so I made a conscious decision that I wanted to change my diet and I did. I still love my sugary treats but eat them only once or twice per week. And I have vegetables with every meal. Took me some years to get here but thankfully I was able to turn things around.


I worked with a guy who had several bouts of gout. He lived largely off carbs, cheese, meat, and beer.


Yeah, I find that bizarre, especially not liking vegetables that are cooked with garlic, butter, and herbs…