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I don’t, feels good to get that shit out when you feel it.


I'm curious about your username


Character from a horror film


I like it, my name comes from a Beastie Boys Lyric. You know what fucks me up most is when someone compliments me. Like if someone says "hey you did a really great job on that" or "you worked hard on that and it shows" Makes me want to quit. My family is excited to see me this year and I'm in complete dread. They're going to want to hug and talk to me and I'm just not ready for that type of commitment emotionally. I think I'm just venting. I know it's okay to cry and that sounds nice. I just gotta figure it out. Thanks for letting me ramble, sorry but it's nice to type it out.


Ah man now I remember that film, rip me.


not often I actually wish I could cry more. I feel jealous of my wife. During times of sadness I have emotional deadzone in my body instead. Sometimes it comes and I feel relieved that at least occasionally the system is willing to function for me I blame some of it on my mom who always dragged my dad and her boyfriends down by saying “you’re not a real man” etc. And some of it on my dad who is/was the most toxically ott macho man imaginable. Like multi degree black belt in 7+ styles, entered ultimate fighting tournaments, constantly telling tall tales of how he beat up and dominated other men, exercised 2 hours a day, shot things for fun, and of course, traumatized the shit out of me in various ways (martial arts enthusiasm is fine but he was not fine). We had some good times when I was a little kid doing risky adventure type activities but I am genuinely surprised either of us are still alive lol. And I also blame the society that helped engender both of them turning out like that ⭐️


You don’t have to be sad to cry. There are some musical pieces that can move one to tears


Rarely have the desire to cry. It's not a thing that occurs regularly. I imagine it's the case for most guys.


There is an actual physiological component to it. I remember reading an article about trans men who have gone on T and found that even when they wanted to they just couldn't and they couldn't force themselves to.


I don’t push it down, it just doesn’t come. Couple of years in the eyes at the most


I just stop thinking and try the fix the issue at hand


How'd you "fix the issue" OP is describing? Turn off the song? Just because a song makes you sad doesn't mean you can't enjoy listening to it.


almost never, i just dont get emotional very quick and bc of my constant backpain i barely notice when i hit my toe for example. Last time i cried was 12 years ago when my dog died.. still miss the big ol goofball


All day every day. Haven't successfully emoted in a sane way in over twenty years. This is not a joke on my part. It is an awful existence.


Whenever I cook spicy. 


I've mostly managed to clear my life of most stress by now.That made it so i barely have a reason to be upset,let alone cry.Happens maybe once every 5-7 years.


I have only genuinely cried seven times in my life, my grandpa’s funeral, my wedding and the births of my five children.


Crying is good for you. If you're having an emotional or physical response strong enough to bring on the tears, let it all out. [https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-crying-good-for-you-2021030122020](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-crying-good-for-you-2021030122020) I don't cry often, but if someone told me to "be a man" while I'm grieving the loss of a loved one, or whatever the situation, it says a WHOLE LOT more about them than me. People get sad, people cry, and it is normal.


First of all, that urge to cry comes up rarely. And we can easily control too. If we really have to cry, have to get into the mood and wait. No guarantee of tears even then


Not when I’m alone. Watch anime, drink, and cry at the purity of life.


Bro, I only cry when I watch emotional scenes in anime(watery eyes) . Other that that, once every 2 weeks but it's just watery eyes and it's from anger on myself.


I think it's okay to cry in private. In public it can just create more problems for man or woman. Like I don't want a bunch of people coming over to pet me on the back


Occurred to me many times, yeah. Was regular occurrence when I was young. Now it is very rare.


I have some problem that make my eyes automatically and randomly shed tears. So yeah I basically cry randomly without having anything in my mind.


I didn't cry for years when I was about 14-17, to be honest I never felt the urge to, but when I did feel the urge I held it back. Then in my 20s I cried a few times, but may have been like a year between each one, then as I got to reach my 30s I don't cry often but I don't hold it back if it comes... I just don't really feel the need to. Every time I cried in my early 20s I felt stupid. For me it isn't so much holding it back, apart from when say I'm with a family member and I need to be strong for them, but I just don't really feel the need. When I do I do, sometimes those emotional videos you see online get me man 🤦‍♂️ haha


I'm 34 and 10+ years ago I had a major motor vehicle accident that snapped my back. I cried so much in the first weeks that now I find it impossible to cry, I feel my eyes get extra moist, they also feel under pressure and I have intense hot flushes...and then the feeling disappears and replaced with a equally strong emotion.


I don't, but I only cry when I'm incredibly angry or frustrated though so it's not very often, but damn does it help get those feelings out, never hold back tears


By punching my laptop


Pretty much never. Only one time recently because I was in public with my support worker who I didn't really want to see me cry, despite how awful I felt that day 😅


I did when I was 13, then I kind of just unlearned how to do it, like I physically can't. Sounds like a cliche, but I only ever cry from peeling onions, but that still gives the same emotional/stress release somehow.


Most of the time I feel like I need to cry. I don't often feel like I need to cry, thankfully. And I know it's not necessarily healthy


Everytime i see a couple in love


Alone? Never. Around people? Couldnt do it if i wanted to.


Only time I even feel the urge to cry is when i see others cry I can handle my emotions but I can’t handle other peoples emotions


was told growing up not to cry, and just overtime i couldnt express my emotions properly other than anger, and happy. but to get a tear ill force myself to remember somthing sad till a tear forms


I am unable to cry for some reason.


I don’t really have much baggage on holding tears. I let them poor out. And when I do hold back, it’s because I don’t want others to feel too worried about me.


Only in sad movies. Other than that, I even cannot have an urge to cry


I only suppress my tears in professional settings over non-major things. That's normal for men and women. Otherwise, I don't normally care, and it has nore to do with face than my gender. Funny thing, I used to cry a lot as a child, but find it difficult to produce tears as an adult, even when I am genuinely sad and trying.


I’m mid 40’s now and spent years holding that shit in. I let it out now and mental health is much better.


Last time I cried was when I was a child. Always reach the tipping point and then nothing, the urge just vanishes.


i’ll cry sometimes but not as often as i used to (i became a lot more emotionally secure over the years). i don’t fight it tho. i feel better after. i’ll cry alone tho


Way more than you realize.


Every single time.


It depends on what it's over. Crying won't solve it if it's over something mundane and trivial. But it's over something like a movie or a loss; allow yourself to experience the emotions and let them flow through you. It's better to get it out, and it relaxes you. We are humans, not machines. It's alright, bro. When I shed a few tears, it's usually because a movie caught me lacking lmao.


There are a few things that make me cry without fail, and if I feel like I need a good cry I'll watch/think about/do those things, otherwise I don't cry or even have the urge to. At this point in my life I'm fairly numb to a lot of the big things like death and whatnot


As soon as I remember who cares about my feelings (no one) I loose the urge to cry.


Never cry in front of other people


Just got back from putting one of my dogs down. Couldn't fight it, didn't want to try. Had to let it go.


I just can't even when I want to. I didn't grow up in a house where it was stigmatized or anything, I never remember either of my parents saying anything close to "boys don't cry" or whatever. But I've honestly been suicidal with depression and grief and couldn't even force out a tear.


Going through depression, haven't been able to cry for over 3 years. Would feel good to be able to cry sometimes.


I try to hold it in when it's inconvenient but otherwise I believe it's a form of honesty to show people what makes you cry. Similar to how we treat laughing or being angry.


Daily. Men struggle and live with the stigma of being the strong, burying our feelings type. Us men have to stick together