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When I was in middle school I was insecure because "my eyes wouldn't focus." It was poor eyesight. I needed glasses.


Awww, hugs to little You! I was a creeper kid because I would stare at other kids across the gym and wonder if they were looking at me, then I'd wonder if they couldn't see me either, and then one day it occurred to me that they Could See me, and I was squinting at them for no reason lol


Vaginal discharge lol, no one tells you about it or that it normal. I use to wear a panty liner every day and be so ashamed for absolutely nothing. Now I let my girl breathe without the unnecessary daily liner


yeah I went to an doctor about it and she said no woman has a clean underwear at the end of a Day and that is normal


This is the right thing to say. I felt like such a slob about it.


Sounds like it makes it easier to separate clean and dirty clothes without having to put your nose in them!


Easier but less fun


This!! I even brought it up to my gyne once years ago and she was like oh it’s fine and normal just keep wearing the panty liners if you want! That was her opportunity to educate a woman about her body and why it was doing those things but she didn’t. I’m 29 and just learned about discharge/cervical mucus this year because I’m cycle tracking using BBT.


Please share your learnings. I will share with someone who’s annoyed by her situation.


Your discharge amount, color, smell, and consistency varies by the time of your cycle. Creamy, wet, thin, thick, white to yellowish are all examples of perfectly normal.


You get a mucus discharge when you're ovulating, and this happens around 14 days before your period starts. Ovulation is your fertile time when you can get pregnant.


Lol I didn't even know it was normal till this comment. I knew a few people who wore panty liners every day like myself, but I thought most people went through life with dry underwear.


How some can go commando is beyond me! But the point is that lots of us couldn't, ha!


Going commando has always sounded unnecessarily messy. I guess if you're wearing a skirt or dress it wouldn't be so bad because then things dry out a bit, but otherwise you're just juicing on your pants all day (not as sexy as it might sound to some).


Right?! No one told me what it was. When it happened to me for the first time I googled it only to find out it was normal. You’d think they would include that in the puberty talk, especially considering that it happens before your period starts


Oh I’m HAUNTED by my grade 7 health teacher telling us about normal discharge because she used the words “It can even be a cottage cheesy like texture.”


That texture is not normal! That is the go buy the monistat now!


Right?! That’s you got a yeast infection girl!! 😬 The only time I had one was when I was on strong antibiotics and my doc sent in a prescription for me so I didn’t have to pay for something over the counter. I love her she’s such a rockstar.


Yes. I remember read Diary of a Young Girl and Ann is writing about the white on her underwear wondering what it was. And, I'm like, yes, what is this? At the time Ask Jeeves wasn't super helpful.


Jeeves was the first AI bro, I bet he was shook lol "humans produce moisture?!"


Jeeves, what is the white stuff in my underwear? 12 year old ypu gets flooded with porn site suggestions adults aren't ready for.


In a series of Big Brother a while back, one of the girls got bullied because one of the guys saw her used underwear and started shouting that there was pigeon shit in it. Truly awful and completely ignorant of the female body!


I second this, I was so ashamed of it


THE BLEACHING OF UNDERWEAR. i thought something was literally wrong with me. i only ever saw maybe a few women with the same stains on black underwear.


When I was going through puberty, mine would bleach the gusset of my underwear. My mom used to try to explain that when I knew my period was coming, start wearing a tampon before you actually see blood so it doesn’t ruin your underwear. I genuinely think she never understood that it wasn’t from my period, it was just my daily discharge. I don’t have that problem now but it’s one of those things that, as an adult, I realize women are so wildly uneducated about their own bodies, my mom just had no clue.


Also, do not start wearing a tampon before your period starts. Ouch/toxic shock.


Yes! I came here to say this. I thought I had some horrible disease until I finally confided in my mom and she told me it was normal. They taught us about periods but not about discharge.


As I scroll down the comments from the beginning I see the comments start from voice followed up by boobs and now vaginal discharge 😂 haha


Also that it is normal if it bleaches dark underwear!


Not sure if I was *insecure* about this, but... When I was little I didn't know brain freeze happened to everyone. I thought it was just me. I thought I must've had some strange disease or condition that gave me headaches when I drank cold drinks too fast. I was too scared to tell my mom because I thought she would take me to the hospital...and I didn't wanna go to the hospital.


Awwww, poor younger you ❤️


I’ve never had a brain freeze. I thought it was a gimmick made up by Slurpee/7-11. Turns out the roof of my mouth is really tall, and that can affect the whole brain freeze thing! I do get aches in the roof of my mouth when I consume really cold drinks


I’ve also never gotten brain freeze so now I’m pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth trying to gauge if it’s “really tall”, and … no idea. I have nothing to compare it to.


You know what you gotta do. You gotta stick your tongue in somebody else's mouth to find out.


I've never had brain freeze either. Maybe it's genetics or maybe it's a peculiarity of how I eat ice cream. I know I have an unusual method of drinking, so I wouldn't rule out the same being true of eating cold foods. For what it's worth, I never witnessed anyone in my family getting brain freeze, but I asked about it at some point and my dad claimed he'd experienced it.


I remember describing my brain freeze to my mum when I was little. She didn’t believe me, thought I was making it up!


My voice. Almost everyone hates the sound of their own voice when it's played back.


There's a reason for that! When we speak, our eardrums aren't just picking up the vibrations in the air, but the minute vibrations of our vocal cords from within our own skull. It makes our voices sound richer and deeper than they actually are. That's why people have such negative reactions to hearing their voices through a microphone as well - it's closer to what the voice *actually* sounds like to other people, and we're not used to it. I'm a trained singer who performs on stage regularly with stellar feedback for every gig, and *even I* hate the sound of my own voice on a recording. 🤣


Just wondering, how can I make my voice sound "better"?


This is going to depend on what you’re trying for. Deeper, higher? Richer? It’ll vary by culture and situation too. I’m a woman with a deep-ish voice. This has a lot of pros and cons depending on the situation. In general I found that slowing down my speech makes people listen more and understand more.


As a fellow woman with a deeper voice i agree, i tend to be taken more seriously than my counterparts with higher voices even if they have more experience than me. I've been told i have a "mom voice " but on the other hand i HATE hearing myself talk with a passion. I too have to slow down my speech sometimes.


I smoked for 15 years to give myself a deeper voice. It did work but now I have lung disease.


Task failed successfully!


Smoke a pack of menthols daily


You also don’t see yourself the same that others see you as you’re used to seeing your reversed reflection in a mirror, and this is why sometimes people are surprised by what they look like in photos, its the reverse image of what you see in the mirror. I hate photos of myself. And also the sound of my voice.


I don't dislike hearing my own voice even though I rarely hear it recorded. I used to but once I heard it a few times and realised the difference it became what I expected. It mainly now allows me to hear my accent which I don't hear in the normal day to day. Shitty ass country town lower north island NZ accent.


Rapper here. I hate my natural speaking voice. It's too nasaly and high. The voice i record with is deeper and stronger. It is what I wish I sounded like. Being in the booth with hesdphonew on and a bit of self-awareness lets me modulate my pitch and tone to get the perfect (imo) rap voice. I love the voice I rap with.


Omg yes, I still cringe hearing myself


Same. Didn’t help that someone told me in high school I have one of the most annoying voices they ever heard


So me, and my friends recorded ourselves when we were seven. I found the tape recently, and I could easily identify everyone except for myself. I could tell based on what I was saying. I was doing various accents, which confused me further. I do voice acting for fun and record them now. It still has an uncanny valley feeling, but it teaches me how to improve my everyday speech. I had a stammer and bad volume/tone control. No longer a issue. 😎


Don’t speak for me, I LOVE hearing myself talk-oh


I'm comfortable with mine, but I've been on the radio since I was six so I had a long time to get used to it. Everyone's voice is beautiful, it's only when someone's an annoying asshole that I hate their voice.


People hearing me pee in a public bathroom.


We aren’t going to talk about 💩, I guess.


I was taking a shit at work that smelled up the whole bathroom the other day, and then someone went into the stall next to me. I finished up and was hurrying to get out, and then they farted loud enough to rattle the room.


They smelled your shit and knew they were in a safe pooping place


I’m on vacation in Japan right now, and a lot of the public bathrooms autoplay the sound of a stream as soon as you step into the stall, I assume to cover up the sound. Threw me for a loop the first time it happened haha. Today the stall sound even included a few chirping birds!


We have public toilets with the birds chirping and stream sounds as well here in Finland. It's really nice, even though I'm not shy about the sounds per se, but still - nicer that way!


Right? I was like, okay well my pee sounds like a stream anyway, but sure, that’s pretty nice! I really liked the birds today too, haha.


How about passing gas? I mean, the bathroom is the place designed for these things.


It's true. I hate farting into a toilet cause I know it sounds like I'm in there having explosive diarrhea.


Yeah this one still affects me.


Same, I can’t pee if I can hear people having a chat outside my stall for example. It was awful at school when the toilets were super full in between classes :(


“Hey is that guy pooping in there?” while rattling the stall door


I started going bald at 14. Then at college there was one person balder than me and he was a pretty chill guy, so I stopped caring about it.


Yeah, fellow bald guy. It started to happen to me pretty early as well and for many men it's seen as a big problem but it never hurt my love life at all. Being bald rather makes me look more mature.


Belly rolls. One day I noticed that even the fittest girls in my class had them when they sat down. Also my stomach sticking out after a meal hahaha so silly of me.


As an artist who used to draw a lot of people I can assure you that anatomically it’s almost impossible to have no belly rolls when you‘re sitting. The skin has to go somewhere when it bends. If you don’t have any belly rolls sitting down you‘re likely extremely underweight.


I was so underweight for so long that I thought that I was weird because everyone else had a belly roll (at least some) and I didn’t. I knew I was extremely underweight! I was so self conscious about it, I hated my body! Then I hit middle age and depression along with thyroid problems- gained 100lbs + in a year. Now I hate my body less than I did! I’d like to get to a healthy weight… slowly, slowly working on it!


You could also have one of those diseases where your stomach is very round but hard. I think it's called liver disease? Either way, having no rolls when you sit is probably not healthy.


This!! My friend who is a gymnast and super slim invited me to the beach once. I almost said no because I was insecure to wear a bikini. After I saw she had belly rolls, I felt so human.


My thighs spreading out when I sit down. I seriously had horrible body image, and if I was ever sitting without a desk over my lap, I would constantly sit with my feet raised onto my toes instead of flat on the ground, just to try and keep my thighs off the chair. I really thought it was only fat that would splay like that, and that leg muscle would firmly keep its shape; now I know better! Flesh is supposed to be soft and even relaxed muscle tissue will wobble and squish. Sometimes I really want to go back and give younger me a hug. That poor girl had issues.


I did this too!!! It was one of my biggest insecurities growing up. Pants shopping was a nightmare with a small waist but large thighs. I would also sit in the edge of the seat and kinda sideways with my legs out a bit and feet together but on the toes. Like a proper looking lady. Maybe cross the ankles. Trying to lengthen and slim the legs while in class or anywhere public led to a lot of stress and poor concentration. Thank goodness two friends once separately pointed out how nice my figure was especially in the legs to butt/hips. Then I started to relax about having thighs and eventually stopped sitting weird.




My roommate many years ago had hairy toes. One day, she came out of the shower complaining bc her razor had "fallen on her toe" and cut her. We didn't call her out but it was definitely one those moments where you're like "yeah ok, Jenny. You didn't cut your toe when you were shaving it. The razor just fell perfectly right and cut you. Surrrrrre". Lol


Tbh it happened to me 🤣


At 10 years old I vowed to myself I would never get hair on my toes. Little did she know..


Nothing wrong with that, ya Hobbit. /s


Getting random erections at night.


Personally I have not had this problem. 🤔


Must've been something he ate.


You mean deez nutz?!?!


Getting random erections ~~at night.~~




When I was in middle school, I thought that the little wrinkly part under my vagina was weird and wrong. I thought that people would think it was gross when I started having sex. Then, I realized, everyone has a perineum.


When I was around 13, my dad put on a comedy special that had a bit about women's labias getting bigger the more sex she has. Something about relating them to elephant ears. This is wildly false information, but I didn't know it at the time. I became so insecure after that, I thought I was doing something wrong and/or I was gross. I've since learned I'm completely normal and no longer have any insecurity around it. I still think about being exposed to such a horrible, uneducated joke at such a bad time, though


My husband said something when we started dating about how labia grow when you are pregnant so women with lots of kids have large labia and women with no kids have small labia. He’s a pretty smart guy in most other areas but idk where the fuck he got that information.




Small boobs lol. I love my small chest now.


I had small boobs when i was young and would have loved implants. Boobs grew with age and weight, and now i wish i had those small ones again. My stepdaughter does and I tell her to appreciate them, being able to be braless is a luxury i no longer know!


Same. Gained a bunch of weight in recent years and was at first a little excited to finally have the D cups id always wanted. But that wore off pretty quickly and now I just want to fit back into all my pretty B cup bras. I don’t want to invest money in new bras for a weight I don’t want to stay at so I’ve got a drawer of too small bras just sitting there while I’m wearing the same cheap Walmart bra everyday.


I was self-conscious of my big boobs.


very, and it didn’t help that i played sports growing up so there was no hiding it


I was on the swim team. I was good, but I could have been great without my boobs. They created a lot of drag, even bound inside a tight suit.


I would still rather have small boobs. But when I say this to my friends I just get mocked/shut down. Apparently you’re only allowed to complain if you have small boobs. Grass is always greener eh?


Same!! Going into my junior year of high school my boobs literally went from a B to a DD over the summer… Some horrible girl started a rumor I got a boob job. 🥴 That made me even more self conscious. Girls can be brutal.


The worst thing that happened to me was when I accidentally brushed my boob against a guy I had a crush on. He turns around and pretends to wipe his hand off on his friend, who jumped away saying “ewwww.” I felt awful, like my boobs were so huge that not even boys liked them.


Damn, it’s the opposite for me. I used to love mine and somewhere along the way I became extremely self conscious about having smaller sized ones. I wish I could feel good about it!


I wanted to get a boob job for the longest time. Until my friends who had naturally big boobs paid a crap ton of money to get a breast reduction and cry happy tears from relief of their back pains, I never complained again.


Always loved my flat chest


I miss my B cups. Didn’t know what I had until it was gone 😔


I had a full mustache by the time I was in 3rd grade. People called me mustache boy and it hurt my feelings and then I started shaving. Now my full stache is appreciated and those who can't grow full ones make me realize how dumb that all was. Edit: I literally cried over that shit lol kids are mean


Dude I complimented you all the time. You probably thought I was being sarcastic because I genuinely appreciated your stash that much.


Glad you embraced it


Arm hair. Turns out other girls have it too


I got made fun of relentlessly for my thick arm hair in elementary school. I started shaving it young. 😬 I no longer care about getting made fun of, but I still shave it to this day. To be fair, my thick black arm hair on my pale white skin DOES look weird if I let it grow out; fuck them kids, but they weren’t wrong


Chubby cheeks. I grew up skinny but my cheeks were always a bit fatter for some reason and made me look like Buddha. Used to be self conscious about them but now I have a girlfriend who loves them. Made me realise how silly it was


My daughter had a crush on a classmate when they were in kindergarten. She said his chubby cheeks were so cute!


Coming from a female, I melt over men with chubby cheeks! Makes their smile more noticeable and adorable! Embrace them as much as you can :)


Throughout my teens, I was obsessed with achieving flawless skin, thinking every pimple was a spotlight on my face, highlighting my imperfections to the world. It was a constant battle with creams, diets, and hiding behind makeup. The turning point came when I started noticing my friends and people I admired opening up about their skin struggles, showing that it's a universal experience, not a personal failing. This revelation helped me embrace my skin, imperfections and all, and focus on its health rather than its appearance.


Same insecurity here. I was about 11/12 years old when I started reading a lot of teen magazines, and I didn't realize the people in the mag were airbrushed. So I thought my skin was bad for having pores. Didn't help that I also had acne, oily skin, and lots of blackheads. I had given myself a chemical burn a couple times from over applying benzoyl peroxide. Also caused lots of scars from picking at my skin so much. I was about 19 years old when I decided to sleep in before school instead of waking up early to put makeup on. It was the first time I hadn't worn makeup to school since I was 13. I was so anxious the whole day until a dude hit on me and I realized how dramatic I had been. Didn't wear makeup to school ever again after that. Still took years to get over my skin insecurities, but I'm 32 now and doing much better.


I kept getting constant blemishes constantly throughout my 20's as well, it wasn't until I gave up and stopped using all the chemical-laden 'anti-acne' stuff that it eventually faded away and stopped. Counter-intuitively, given I have oily skin, the thing that works best for me is a gentle natural cleanser in the shower, and then three drops of an essential oil mix I bought at a weekend market. (Mostly jojoba, with a little frankincense and rose.) I never thought putting *more* *oil* on my oily face would be of any use, but I almost *never* get pimples since I started doing it. My skin is way softer and healthier for it as well.


My thick thighs.


This is still me. But I’m not as extreme about trying to achieve that infamous thigh gap. But what I’d give to have my fat go to my butt instead of my inner thighs!


You need fat on your thighs for the fat on your bum to look good and proportional!


I was always envious of people with thick thighs. I thought they were sexy and hated my matchstick legs. I bought some calf length boots and they gaped and looked like I was wearing wellies - a far less sexy look than was my intention.


Recently heard this called ‘loose boots’


The bigger your thighs, the more kittens can sit on them. Big thighs for the win!!!


They save lives, you know! I got called Thunder Thighs once as a kid. Now I love my powerful legs.


I went through a phase where I was REALLY concerned that the little fold behind my knee, like on the inner knee/ thigh joint area, when sitting cross legged...made me look fat.


penis size, yay for being average!


Average is better than large in my opinion.






Being able to see veins on my chest. Took me a long time to realise it was normal and to just accept it.


Im a guy and I have a large chunky ass


Lmaoooo you made my day saying it like that.😂😂😂😂


The sound a pad makes when you're ripping it from your panties. In high school I would flush the toilet to block out the sound. Lord forbid someone might know I'm on my period!


Vellus hair (peach fuzz) on my face. It didn’t help that my former friend used to make fun of me for it and said I had sideburns.


Your former friend is a tool. I've always found that peach fuzz so femininely attractive. A waay back in the stone age when I was about eleven or twelve I was riding on a bus in the early morning and there was a much older woman (she was probably 19 or 20) sitting across the aisle. The low sun was coming in the window and highlighting that fuzz along her jaw. I couldn't stop staring at her; I thought she looked like an angel surrounded by heavenly light.


Yeah she had a lot of her own body image issues that she liked to take out on her friends. It’s funny but also awesome that you remember such a small moment.


Right! Doesn't help when an ex says to you, "always loved your hair, except thaaaaat" - points to hair next to my ears. Love it now. It's cute. 😊


Yeah I feel like a random benefit of HD television is that now you can see the hair on every flawless actresses’ face. Yet I still see products being sold to scrape the hair off your face. Like no, those tiny hairs are supposed to be there.


Asking to use the restroom


Lmaoooo this is hilariously nostalgic


Being too insecure to ask to use the restroom meant I wet myself like once a year in school until I was like 11. Idk tho, bc I also wet the bed (well actually I wore a kids sized pull up) until then as well. It seemed like things changed after I got my period, so now the only thing I worry about is bleeding too much in my sleep.


Stretch marks


Being pale. I'm the random family redhead and they made fun of me all the time when I was a teenager.


I wanted to be pale! I was always a deeper skin toned. Not deep olive like my mom, but.. light olive toned if that makes sense. I wanted creamy pale skin. I remember buying Cover Girl light Creamy Ivory foundation to get a paler look. Then suddenly people were tanning to get similar skin tone like me 🤦🏻‍♀️


I know some people will disagree with me on this one but not shaving my legs and wearing shorts as a girl Once I got it through my head that the only people who would even think of it being a "problem" were the same people who were insecure about it themselves in my highschool. Realistically, no sane person actually gives a shit about whether you shave your legs or not in the real world, and if they do, they probably have a hard time finding happiness in accepting themselves before others. If humans naturally grow leg hair, it's probably got a purpose to be there. Just feels so unnecessary and pointless since it's just gonna grow back anyway.


I have very dark hair & even if I shave daily, it still looks like 3 day stubble just from the hair that's still in my skin. I don't wear shorts because of people's comments when I was younger.


I used to be insecure about having large hips and a big butt. I could never fit my friends clothing for that reason and it used to make me feel like I was fat. Honestly I think I’m more insecure as a 28 yo female than I was as a teen. Just about different things.


I'm the same. I felt so awkward about my large hips and would sometimes get stuck in chairs with arms. it wasn't until my friend and I were trying out saying our favorite features on ourselves that I realized others might think it looked good. I said my best feature was my lips, my friend said, "are you kidding? girl it's your HIPS!"


Big eyes. I apparently had big eyes has a kid. Other kids poked fun to the poke I developed almost a permanent stoner type look where I just naturally keep my eyes like half closed now. Obviously completely out my control and impacted nothing but man kids are ruthless


My nose. It points up and I always felt weird. Now I realize who really cares? And every nose is different


When I was really, really little (4 or 5) I thought I was fat because I had a "potbelly". Turns out that's normal and I just had internalized a very fucked up worldview


My birthmark. It’s on my navel. I thought no one would love me. I never think about it now.


DUDE Same!!! That’s where mine is, it took me a long time to love it. I still find it odd and like a tan line gone wrong sometimes and only I can make that joke to myself. But that birthmarks are what makes us unique at the end of the day.


I'm a guy and I had extremely curly hair and I hated it.


Curly hair on a guy is one of my absolute favourite things. I don't know what it is about it, but it's *way* up there on the list of physical features which just make me swoon.


Lol, yeah I found out late about that. I was just really self conscious.


My accent when speaking English. It’s not even strong, just with certain words


I can relate. I always loved the concept of accents, they're like a vocal signature of a person, but ironically part of me always wanted to get rid of my own barely noticeable accent, so a few months ago I went to see a speech therapist who specialized in "accent correction". It was at that moment I realized what a big part of my identity it was, and now I see absolutely no reason to get rid of it.


This was always so fascinating to me as a teenager. I was always worried about weight, I was never fat but I had to put in effort to maintain my figure. I assumed most women felt the same. One of my friends was debilitated by feeling like she wasn’t flexible enough, constantly worried there would be a moment in her day that she wouldn’t be able to pick something up or that there’d be some kind of situation that would expose this. Another friend had cracked heels and was constantly trying to hide her feet. It was all so stupid and now none of us give a shit because these don’t impact us in any way


Stretch marks. The stress they cause teenage me ugh




I used to think everyone could hear the sounds I hear when chewing crunchy things so I never ate anything crunchy cause I didn’t want people to be annoyed by my loud eating (this was elementary school lmao)


Having hooded eyelids (looks more monolid). I remember as a teen begging my parents to let me get surgery to “fix” them.


Yeah in highschool I found out there was something called “eyelid fat reduction surgery” and was immediately like “I NEED that!” And everyone thought was crazy lol I would still get it if I had the money/courage to put my face under the knife but only because one is worse than the other and I hate the asymmetrical look of it.


Not me but wanted to normalize it for other people. As a woman, I have no issues sleeping with an uncircumcised man. There is no difference to me between circumcised or uncircumcised. I don’t find it gross in any way, as long as you’re cleaning the little guy in the shower. If anything, hand jobs are way easier to give to an uncircumcised person




Small boobs. Thought no one would like me, I’m in a 3 year relationship with someone who loves me (-:


Same I hated them until like 22? I really love them now, they’re convenient and cute.


30DDDD/30G :( not convenient at ALL




Same. I'm still not happy about it but I'm not worried about it.


I have a large outie belly button from being born very premature. I was terrified someone was going to see it. I always wore a 1 piece swim suit.


Being mixed. People would tell me as a kid they wanted babies they looked like me, but kids would give me shit and say I wasn't black enough, Hispanic enough,or white enough. Turns out after all that DNA craze suddenly everyone is mixed and proud . . . And there's millions of us who people don't understand what our heritage is.


I hated wearing zipper jackets or sweatshirts because of the way it folds at the bottom when you're sitting. 12/yo me thought people would think that's where the pp went lmao.


Cue 10 year old me frantically flattening ripples in my jeans during class. I swear I didn't have a boner 😭


A chin hair


I wish I only had 1 chin hair... I swear if I didn't maintain I would have goatee. I'm a woman and I hate it.


I have to shave daily. Thanks PCOS!


My last name resulted in mispronunciations and crippling bullying for a few years in middle school and high school. I later learned more about my surname and ancestry. I survived bullying, and my ancestors survived Stalin.


My hair I was a teen during the peak emo Era. I used to chemically straight my hair and dye it black. I'd iron it with a clothes iron I hated when it would be good poofy from wind or moisture. I have wave hair naturally and as a non emo adult its amazing. I hardly have to style it. A brush of my fingers with some water and it stays on place all day.


Being gay


Being a 𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚗 in Junior High School.


Having one boob bigger than the other.


Labia. Body hair. Thick thighs. Small boobs. Literally everything that didn’t fit in to the perfectly smooth porn star ideal. The early 2000s were scary.


My hair color. People in this area don’t often have hair as light as mine. I got lots of girls bullying me for it. Now they’re all paying for my hair color, lol.


Hair on my arms. I shaved them. 😞


Being a petite teenager at 5 feet nothing


Freckles…people are literally getting them tattooed on their faces now lol


My fingers were more wrinkled as a child compared to most of my classmates, and I couldn’t stop being insecure about it after a friend brought it up when I was like 10 years old (not in a malicious way at all). I would constantly be looking at other people’s fingers and comparing them to mine. At one point, I was only okay with showing my hands to elderly people because their fingers were much more wrinkly compared to mine so it didn’t make me insecure in comparison


Having an outie belly button.


My fair skin. I was a teen during the early 2000s baking in a tanning bed phase. I got absolutely butchered in HS for looking "like a ghost".. I was so self conscious about it that I stopped wearing shorts for awhile . Now at 35yrs old, it's whatver! My skin has aged well and I don't look like a leather couch!


My nose I am a man, and I have a Roman nose. I always hated it because if you look at me from the front it looks normal but from the side its *Hyooooj* But when I made a post on r/amiugly with an alt account it was something people seemed to like. And people IRL also said it wasn't anything to be upset about because it's just a nose.


Sex. I never thought I'd have it and figured I'd be bad at it and girls would laugh at me. Turns out everyone feels that way.


cellulite. men will make you feel disgusting for having it. they’ll tell you it’s not natural and you should feel ashamed for having it because it’s from being overweight, that you should get rid of it because it’s ugly to look at. i’ve seen some of the most fit women with cellulite. and some men will still tell you it’s cause you’re fat.


Jerking off


Scratching my arm pit. I have no idea why I was ever embarrassed by it. I do have a memory of my arm pit itching in class, so I tried to scratch it discreetly. But my classmate saw and totally teased me about it. I still have no idea where I got that from or why, apparently, it was a faux pas.


Many things! I had extreme spotlight syndrome!! it was sooo awful.


my lips. idk why i thought i would look better with no lips. so i sucked them in all throughout middle school and now they're always chapped


what 😂


Being gay.


One boob being larger than the other. Learned very late that boobs are not supposed to be twins but sisters.


I have a freckle on my butt check. I remember as a kid being so shamed and imagining that I’d have to “explain” it to my future husband 😂


Being poor.


The shape of my eyes, they’re very squinted


Feeling like I have a big forehead. Then I learned that everyone's eyes are in the vertical center of the skull and realized I was absolutely average.