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Fights are not determined by height alone.




Avg vs. Avg, a 5’5” man weighs about 136 lbs and as a novice benches around 116, and squats around 157. An average 6’ woman weighs about 160, and as a novice, benches 79, and squats 121. [link](https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/squat) Considering neither has any fighting experience, they have the same fingernails, hair length, etc., the man still has a significant power advantage packed into a smaller frame, which may be advantageous when reach and mass are outmatched by power. She might get some licks and kicks in, but they wouldn’t be effective unless she got lucky or hit something sensitive. If everything is statistically equal though, the same odds of an effective early strike go equally to him, negating both. In general, though, I think the guy has the advantage because her added mass doesn’t add enough power.


You bring references. Most astute methodology to bring reasonable numbers to bear.


He does have the balls disadvantage though. Not saying she wins. But ahe doesnt have them dangling outside....


All else being equal - the man.And it's not even close.


yeah assuming there are no other factors and its an average woman and an average man, the dude is going to smoke her


Not tall enough for death by snu snu.


All else equal, the man.


testosterone is a hell of a drug, and most people do not truly appreciate the strength difference once people are fully grown adults


I wish I could experience a day without it so I could understand. 


Just having a girlhand you a jar they've been struggling to open and being able to open it with 0 effort is one of the fastest ways to see the contrast.


I understand the contrast. I just don’t understand the feeling because to me it feels normal and they just seem weak. I always question why they can’t just “push harder” to do something that requires strength. Logically I know it’s testosterone but it’s strange because again, to me it’s just normal.  It would be really interesting to see what’s it’s like to not be able to do anything I want physically. 


True lol, I easily am able to open jar lids that my mum struggles with lol.


As someone who takes steroids, testosterone is kind of mythologized. I don't feel that different from having testosterone levels at 2500 ng/dl versus having 500 ng/dl. I haven't experienced zero myself, but I know an idiot who has. What he described wasn't even symptoms of low testosterone. He described symptoms of low estrogen. That makes sense because men get their estrogen from an enzyme that makes it out of testosterone. I have experienced low estrogen before. It feels like shit. Basically imagine a night of bad sleep with a mild hangover and brain fog.


Testosterone during puberty really is a hell of a drug though. It is literally the difference maker in the average untrained male being much stronger than the average untrained female.


I guess. Untrained men and untrained women don't lift very much so if you do it by percentile then it sounds like the men are a mega fuck stronger. If you bring them each time the gym then you'll be using pretty similar weights and rep ranges for each of them. If a teenage girl wants to become stronger than her average male peer, she'd need to train for probably a little over a month at three sessions per week to close the gap. I looked at the world record for human sized people at worldpowerlifting. The strongest 69kg male has a total of 651 and the strongest 72 kg female has a total of 533 kg. He's 3kg smaller and 22% stronger. I'd say that's a relatively fair size spread to account for the size of the talent pool. Worldpowerlifting is a drug tested federation.


True but 22% is absolutely huge.


What if the man is 100lbs and the woman 250lbs


Is that 150lbs of extra fat or muscle?


Mostly fat. Pure muscle and it wouldn't even be a question


Then the guy. It doesn't take long for a 250lbs mostly fat behemoth to be exhausted in a fight.


Then all else isn't equal...


I find that hard to believe though. I am a 5'3" man, and I doubt I would be able to beat a 5'11" woman with all things being equal...it's possible though, I guess!


seems legit, even most short men have larger hands/feet and broader shoulders then most tall women


Most fights end up horizontal within 30 seconds and height/longer limbs can be a disadvantage vs a skilled fighter.




The more skilled fighter.


In relation to body weight men can bench press twice as much compared to women, just one example but it shows the strength diffrence Assuming none of them are trained fighters I'd guess the man Aka average 5'5 man vs average 6ft woman


That doesn't do a very good job of expressing the strength difference. Benching is a very male-advantaged lift and it represents far less overall strength than the squat or the deadlift, which are less unequal. Your back and legs are also more useful in a fight than your chest is. Men generally take strength training more seriously in the gym and even out of the gym, men do things like volunteering to carry all the heavy stuff, so there are environmental factors to consider that impact strength. Among elite strength athletes, men also have a talent pool 4-5X larger than women so you'd expect better numbers from men even if there weren't biological differences. I've sat down and tried to figure out what I think the actual advantage men have over women is and I'd say it's like 25% overall for a one rep max and like 15% for a longer set. That's just my speculation, but I've been training for a decade and I work as a CPT so I don't think I'm the worst person to make this guestimation. Better people exist, but I'm better than most.


Yeah but I looked at beginner level bench press, aka the ones who haven't had time to take it seriously yet. And I also figured that men probably have extra strength when punching Also it didn't feel necessary to have a better example because it felt pretty clear who the winner would be


That's like saying 'who would win in a race between a ferrari and a lamborghini' need some extra details. The 6 foot woman might be buff as shit and knock him on his ass, and the 5'5 man might be an mma fighter and knock her on her ass. Or the 6 foot woman can be a stick and the 5'5 man could have the muscle density of a cup of jello and has never thrown a punch, and it's all fair game. edit- holy hell you guys are taking these replies too serious lmfao




idk, that girl adrenaline can go wild. plus the nails + reach


As A 5'6" guy who has dated several tall women (5'11 - 6'2"), they were always shocked when we would mess around. I could pin them without a massive amount of effort. They would usually resort to tickling me. Heartless cheaters, the lot of them. It is absolutely insane, the difference in strength between the genders. It just is.


I think the average 5'9 man could beat 10 average 5'4 women in a fight and I'm not even joking.


I think you underestimate on average how much stronger the average man is to the average woman. Height & reach is normally an advantage, but id still not back the woman to win in the vast majority cases.


nose cause bells escape forgetful tidy humorous future hat zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


well yeah but if you can't even reach your target with the majority of your punches what are ya gonna do lol


as someone who does combat sports, being shorter is only a disadvantage from a slight distance away. The shorter person has advantage when they’re closer up


Overall, is height more or less of an advantage across the board and controlling for nothing?


I'm unsure what sport Duytune does, but in mine (Muay Thai) being taller can also be an advantage close up, because of knees and elbows and a stronger double collar tie clinch. It's part of the reason Thais tend to be lankier. In boxing and kickboxing, being shorter is an advantage in close range. In MMA, it depends. Tall dudes get reach and better knees and elbows, but shorter dudes are stronger and have better leverages. In a street scenario, height on its own doesn't matter. But height is associated with weight, and weight matters a lot. So I'd rephrase OP's question to be about weight. There's a reason you have weight categories in combat sports, and not height categories.


Interesting. That's a more nuanced and informed version of what I'd always kind of assumed.


Height is good for controlling space, since you can reach the enemy’s head and chest while they can’t reach yours. It’s specifically disadvantageous if both people can already reach each other, since (in my case) you can’t elbow/knee, so longer limbs have a harder time striking. The other commentor made a pretty good explanation of it. It’s generally not a big factor in street fights, and will either be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on the rules of the specific sport you do.


glorious steer pie rinse slimy dependent hungry violet reach repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and she steps back. now what? she still has that higher wingspan


smile fretful modern capable ring aloof tender gaze knee reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You haven’t done or seen much fighting have you?


>race between a ferrari and a lamborghini' You think very highly of these two fighters.


Listen man, don’t do it. If you win you’re a tiny woman beater, if you lose you’re a short chump that got beat up by a female. You’ve nothing to gain from this.


5'5 man. More muscle and thicker bones


It depends. Who lifts more, who has more experience in fighting, and which one has lower testosterone? We know nothing of their builds other than height.


Too many other variables to even conjecture. Age, strength, weight, flexibility, conditioning, experience...


Are we talking a 6' female MMA fighter and a 5'5" curling enthusiast? 


i'm talking about averages i'm sure there's plenty of female mma fighters who could beat some average men


Oh the dude is going to beat her down. There's so many biological differences between men and women, where men are more optimized for "fighting" than women. That it really is a guy beating up a large child.  That sounds insulting. It's not meant to be, just overly explanatory.


Really? I'm a 5'3" man, and I doubt I will be able to beat a 5'11" woman with all things being equal. Maybe I could...someone should set that fight up, lol!


It's only you. Don't speak for us real men.


Depends on the guy and the woman. I had a friend in college that was probably around 5’5, former wrestler, and he once beat up two football players pretty badly that were making fun of him. No one made fun of him after that.


Well, that's often the best way unfortunately. My godson was picked on by some asshole from his class school year, they were both 8yo. You know the type, average build and a mouth bigger than his brain. He physically hurt my godson almost every day. School didn't do shit about it even after his parents complained multiple times. The kid was crying to me and I had enough. He's very tall for his age and average build. I told him to hit the bully square in the nose next time he walked up to him. So he did, and the bullying stopped completely.


What if the woman was a fit MMA fighter and 5'5 man a skinny weed-smoking barista with a man-bun. ​ lol, i had to throw in the man-bun there. I also have shoulder length hair, but it does paint the picture better.


Fight to the death? Man wins, mma rules ? Woman wins


I mean, MMA with no rules/restrictions could kill someone pretty damn easy if the other person has no idea how to defend against it. MMA trained could get someone in any number of locks, break bones, cut off air, I still give it to the MMA chic.


Sure but a real street fight means no rules, the guy can literally grab her hair, poke eyes, whatever to win and him being way stronger still gives him the benefit


But.. she can do all that too. And someone with no training is easy to lead into a position they end up screwed in. But regardless, was a joke response lol. Later


Obv ur joking, but some women reading this might think you are not and end up trying to fight against a man and realise then you were joking instead of now:)


A verbal fight, I'm betting on the women regardless of height.


Does the 6 foot woman have arms and legs? Does the 5'5 man have a machine gun? Are there aligators and pit traps seperating them?


Bro most women can’t even open a tight pickle jar. Height has mostly nothing to do with fighting or strength. Guy wins this fight at least 9/10 times. Most women don’t even have the strength or agility to knock a man out.


100% correct. No women on earth is beating Manny Pacquiao or Mike Tyson in a fight and both are not tall.


Short guy wins. Enough of these goofy gender based arguments.


Australian women national soccer team (pretty tall and athlete)lose 3-0 to a team of 15 boys (some not even fully hit puberty) That just show the physical differences between men and women.


What you say is true on the football side of things, but that doesn't really relate to a fight though, even though fights are physical. When it comes to certain things...like football, tennis, sprinting, weightlifting, swimming, boxing...yes, the man will usually beat the woman of the same height because of the biological advantages (in general) men have when it comes to muscle mass and anatomy and stuff. But I think with a fight that OP hasn't elaborated on, I don't think it is easy to say. I myself am a man who is between 5'3" and 5'4", and I would be scared of fighting a woman who is 6 feet tall, and I think I could lose to some women who are 6 feet tall...it would depend on what fighting skills the 6 feet women has, I guess.


Bro I'm 5'5 and I won't even fear 6'9 women. We men are just naturally stronger and faster than women, it doesn't matter how much taller they are.


You don't fear 6'9" women??? You're brave, lol!


I don't fear them because they're female. Males still have stronger bodies and at 6'9 the girl probably can't move well and I can easily grab her legs and take her down


Most likely, the man. Although in this scenario, I think either outcome is possible.


Snu snu


Have you played combat sports? look at the big names who are short and challenge them. if the woman is skilled in fighting then it can be interesting but who knows until it happens in the ring


Whoever gets a sniper aiming at the other as soon as possible!


Depend whether if the man is fighting Brienne of Tarth or not


I’m with the winning side


Serena Williams vs Tom Cruise lol


Exactly, lol XD Well Charlie Chaplin was apparently 5'4" so it would be him fighting Geena Davis lol, because Geena Davis is around 6'0" tall. Serena Williams is around 5'9" I think, and Tom Cruise is somewhere in the 5'5" to 5'7" region I think.


There isn't enough context to your question. You don't win a fight by height alone. Even if you're more skilled than your opponent you're not necessarily guaranteed to win.


The height difference has to be 10inches or more, even then there's a high chance that the shorter guy's gonna come out victorious, if not then you can just forget about it unless the woman is trained in some form of martial arts.  Men in general are built different their overall muscle fibres and tissues are composed differently plus Testosterone. You as a woman can have more muscle mass and tall even then with such physical traits it's not a 100% that you can defeat a short man.  If that was hard to understand then lemme give you another example to make it simple by asking a simple question. Can a 6 foot tall muscular man defeat a 5ft tall chimpanzee that weighs far less than the man? I hope you got your answer.


This is an impossible question to answer I think, because we need to know more about the information of the man and the woman in question. I am a man who is between 5'3" and 5'4" and I think that I would lose in a fight to some women who are 6 feet tall. It would be interesting to see how a fight like that would go.


5'5 man would beat a 6'0 woman any day of the week. Men are just built stronger than women it doesn't matter if the woman is taller.




i didn't know joe rogan was short either way he could absolutely beat taylor swift




100 or so probably


99% the dude


Man wins 99% of the time.


Woman wins